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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: Reinventing Entertainment

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Hello my name in Jack, I’m part of the famous family of the Avatars. We have been bookers for decades my dad who is known as The Grand Avatar and known for being very mysterious and nobody knows anything about him, my sister Kate is best known for her short stint with AAA, and my brother Charles who my dad adopted when he was 2. They all have had there brake in the booking world, and now it’s my turn. I’m in Rip Chords office about to have an interview. If I get this job MAW will never be the same again.


Rip Comes into the office.


“Howdy, you must be TG’s son.”


“Yes sir, I’m Jack nice to meet you.”


“Nice to meet you too. So you want to become the head booker of my baby? You do understand that not just anybody gets my approval to even have an interview for this job.”


“I understand Mr. Chord, I believe that I can take this company to the next level. With that said I would like for you to let me do you hiring without any restrictions.”


“Kid are you serious? I haven’t even given you the job yet, and you’re a nobody why would I let you hire without restrictions?”


“Because if you want to even make this company the future of wrestling you will let me. I come from the longest line my bookers in wrestling today. My granddad is the one who signed Micky Star to SWF and is credited for the start of Sports Entertainment. My dad was the man who owned DaVe before he signed ove to Phil Vibert. I know what will work and I know who will work in this promotion.”


“Kid you’ve got passion and I like it, I’ll give you three months with your own ideas and complete controll, but rember this is like the son I never had.”


“Umm, Rip are you forgetting about Jay?”


“No, but he’s a prick. I mean I love the boy but you could sit him next to a tree and he’d try to start a fight with it. MAW has never caused me as much trouble as Jay has.”


“Haha, so I got the job?”


“Yes, but if in those three months I see a decline in attendance or quality I will be stepping in and putting restrictions on your authority.”

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Well I’ve made my first action as booker of MAW I have made a weekly small show that is an hour and thirty minutes and its called MAW Weekly and it will start this Monday as we kick off the race to the Rip Chord Invitational. Here is the card.



Cameron Vessey V. American Patriot


The Canadian Blondes V. Findlay O’Farrady and Antonio


Max Mahyme V. Ricky Douglas


Citizan X V. Erik Strong ( c ) V. Mean Jean Cattley

For the MAW Heavyweight Championship

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MAW Weekly


MATCH 1: Cameron Vessey V. American Patriot

In a match with good action and Alright crowd reaction, Cameron Vessey defeated The Masked Patriot in 10:57 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.

Rating: D-


ANGLE: Cameras cut backstage as The MAW Heavyweight Champion is seen making his way to the ring. Out of no were Citizen X comes out with a steel chair and attacks Strong. After the attack X yells


“Your not the real Champion, I’m the truth, I’m the one person who can save all of these people from you Strong. IM THE ONE!”

Rating: E-


MATCH 2: The Canadian Blondes V. Findlay O’Farraday

The Canadian Blondes defeated Findlay O'Farraday and Antonio in 9:21 when Oscar Golden defeated Findlay O'Farraday by pinfall with a Golden Shower. The Canadian Blondes make defence number 1 of their Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.


MATCH 3: Max Mayhem V. Ricky Douglas

In a match that had ok in ring action and showed both men’s skills Max Mayhem defeated Ricky Douglas in 13:48 by pinfall.

Rating: E


ANGLE: Citizen X comes out and grabs a mic and begins to address the crowd.


“As all of you people just saw I laid out that chump of a champ Erik Strong. See the thing that all of you people don’t see is that Erik is nothing but a two faced prick. I have in reality saved all of you from the destruction of MAW. The reason I say this is because Erik Strong represents that is wrong with wrestling today he cant wrestle, he can’t talk, he’s just a no good piece of crap that the people in charge are force feeding you people. So if anyone has aproblem with what I did please PLEASE! Tell me I would love to hear what you have to say.”


Unknown music hits as Jack Avatar comes out


“ Who the hell are you?’


“Haha, who am I? That’s a good question some may say that I’m a future member of the HoI some may say that I come from the greatest line of backstage workers in wrestling history. Most call me Jack Avatar but to you, you can call me Boss.”


“Wooo, hold on there big guy do you expect me to belive that Old man Rip has given a young punk like you a job in power of MAW? I don’t think so you might as well turn your new guy ass and walk right back to the locker-room buddy.”


“X you must want to be fired you cant talk to your boss like that, Rip and I have had plenty of talks and I’m in charge that means you listen to me. And as for what you did to Strong, that will be settled tonight in a MAW Heavyweight title match but it will not just be you and Strong. Their will also be a man who has payed his dues in MAW Mean Jean. Oh yea and umm that’s next.”Rating: D-


MAIN EVENT: Citizen X V. Erik Strong V. Mean Jean

In a match that had good action and good crowd reaction, and showed a banged up Strong retain his title in a pretty long match. X came off looking great and so did Strong.

Rating: D+

Final Rating: D-

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“Good first show kid”


Rip says as I walk backstage after the show.


“You look like your going to get involved on the on screen stuff huh? That’s cool.”


“Yes sir, and I think we could remake wrestling with the product I’m going to inderduce over the next few weeks. I like to call Action Avatar Entertainment.”


“And what exactly is Action Avatar Entertainment?”


“It’s a good mix of Modern, Risqué, Mainstream, Lucha, Daredevil, and Traditional. To make it more clear imagine the SWF of the mid 80s mixed with DaVe stroylines mixed with modern day TCW.”


“Umm, that’s interesting, go with it but remember you lose fans I take over.”


“I know, I have already contacted two talents that will fit this new style. Hells Bouncer and Acid. They may or may not be on board I’ll let you know.”


“Ok, don’t screw this up kid. I’m warning you. Damn your gonna drive me drinking again.”

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Well as I told Mr. Chord I have my eyes on some new talent that I think would fit this style good.




Hells Bouncer- Great look and has potential to develop into one of MAW’s greatest successes.



Acid- Fits into the new Lucha Dare Devil style that I’m trying to not only bring into MAW but into mainstream US wrestling.



Davis Wayne Newton- All round blue chipper that has a great future in this industry. Should have no trouble getting him in MAW as he was trained by Rip.



Gragantuan- Not the best worker in ring but has the look that will take him far in MAW



Harry Wilson- The brother of Dark Angle has the potential to be a solid mid card guy.



Hell Monkey- This guy has all the key to being a solid player in MAW. Will most likely use a different gimmick.



K-Squared- Young guy who could go far with proper training and gimmick.

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Well as I told Mr. Chord I have my eyes on some new talent that I think would fit this style good.




Hells Bouncer- Great look and has potential to develop into one of MAW’s greatest successes.



Acid- Fits into the new Lucha Dare Devil style that I’m trying to not only bring into MAW but into mainstream US wrestling.



Davis Wayne Newton- All round blue chipper that has a great future in this industry. Should have no trouble getting him in MAW as he was trained by Rip.



Gragantuan- Not the best worker in ring but has the look that will take him far in MAW



Harry Wilson- The brother of Dark Angle has the potential to be a solid mid card guy.



Hell Monkey- This guy has all the key to being a solid player in MAW. Will most likely use a different gimmick.



K-Squared- Young guy who could go far with proper training and gimmick.


How are you able to pull off Gargantuan, he's on a written contract? :confused:

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