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Losing end of a Regional Battle

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Hmmm...ever since I rose to a small sized promotion, I keep losing regional battles. Not that unlikely, since I'm competing against 3 Regional sized feds.


How do you "win" a battle? Is this on show rating? Any tips as my popularity now seems stuck: I gain with the show result but lose it with the regional battle.

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Hmmm...ever since I rose to a small sized promotion, I keep losing regional battles. Not that unlikely, since I'm competing against 3 Regional sized feds.


How do you "win" a battle? Is this on show rating? Any tips as my popularity now seems stuck: I gain with the show result but lose it with the regional battle.


From the help files, which also go on to explain in more detail about stuff too.... :)


"When a battle happens, the promotions who are involved are ranked by the quality of the best show they have produced during the previous month"

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I hit the exact same problem with my last diary and though I never managed to solve that issue I did gather some information about how you could (I assume that it´s your diary game and so that you are in Europe). Basicly the three answers that I found after searching the forums where:


1) Hire better wrestlers

2) Collect some money and hold two shows in one month.

3) Change distribution to internet.


The first one is pretty easy one though if you cannot stay on small (I didn´t) you likely cannot affort to hire guys that are good enough to compite with the three European promotions.


Second basicly means that since you are likely to be last and thus lose 0,8% of popularity (I think that´s how much you loose if you are 4th in regional battle) each month, it´s unlikely that you gain any popularity by just holding one show so hold two and hope that the net gain on popularity is more than what you loose (How this would work likely depents about wrestling Industry´s current rating and how good your shows are).


On third one I´m not sure how it works but basicly what it should do is gain you a little bit extra popularity but it has the downside that you will be getting little bit less money since you are letting people see your show free on internet instead of making them by the DVD or whatever they are buying.


Hope that helps a little bit:).

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