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Any one else played the Star Wars Battlefront beta yet?


Not a huge fan of PvP in general to be honest but gave it a go and found it to play exactly like Battlefield (despite developers saying it wouldn't and would feel like it's own game). I understand there will be more to the full game, but it'll just be like polishing a turd. The game was fun for the first 5 or 6 matches, then along come spawn kills and shooting through objects to kill you from impossible angles (guess they'll get fixed, then again maybe they wont the way developers are going these days with bugged game releases). Not saying it's the worst game in the world, but it's certainly not worth handing over close to £50 for. It's a bit of a let down to be honest.


Positive side to the game was I finished top 3 overall in my first 6 matches, and then 2nd on my team for the remaining few matches I played so for once I dislike a game for reasons other than me sucking at it! Plus, I get to cancel my pre-order so going to see the beta coming along as a good thing due to it saving me money buying the full game.


Those who love PvP will probably love this, anyone else, stay well clear and don't let the fact it says "Star Wars" on the box fool you.


Yeah I just played it today. I'm not really into the whole madness of online multiplayer so a lack of single player campaign mode has already put me off buying it. I'll be going with Fallout 4 instead.

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Any one else played the Star Wars Battlefront beta yet?


Not a huge fan of PvP in general to be honest but gave it a go and found it to play exactly like Battlefield (despite developers saying it wouldn't and would feel like it's own game). I understand there will be more to the full game, but it'll just be like polishing a turd. The game was fun for the first 5 or 6 matches, then along come spawn kills and shooting through objects to kill you from impossible angles (guess they'll get fixed, then again maybe they wont the way developers are going these days with bugged game releases). Not saying it's the worst game in the world, but it's certainly not worth handing over close to £50 for. It's a bit of a let down to be honest.


Positive side to the game was I finished top 3 overall in my first 6 matches, and then 2nd on my team for the remaining few matches I played so for once I dislike a game for reasons other than me sucking at it! Plus, I get to cancel my pre-order so going to see the beta coming along as a good thing due to it saving me money buying the full game.


Those who love PvP will probably love this, anyone else, stay well clear and don't let the fact it says "Star Wars" on the box fool you.


It feels exactly like Battlefield, just Star Wars themed. Definitely some issues in that beta like baddies spawning right behind you and aiming seemingly random on whether you actually hit them.


I also don't like how you get your vehicles. Waiting for a powerup to appear and then you have to hope you get there before someone else. I feel it should have been a respawn option for playing objectives

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Apparently the new WWE game is not too far away. Surprised the roster is the "biggest ever", yet doesn't even contain all the current champions. What a joke... At least there's some NXT people in there. But no Charlotte or Bayley, not even Sasha...


I might buy it down the line, especially because the reversal system has been reworked. That has always been a problem for WWE games, playing AI or human players.


edit: WWE seems to have denied them to use the 4 "horsewomen" in the game. What the hell could be the reasoning behind that move? I get that they don't want Cody Rhodes in, seeing as they don't want him to revert back to that persona as Stardust is much more entertaining and want the public to 'forget' Cody. Are they planning some sort of major angle for them? I can't think of any other reason. Those women are begging for exposure and seem to get it. Why would they sabotage it now?

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I'm a big fan of the Rock Band games but whats happened lately with new gen games having really crap character creation?EA sports UFC had an awful create a character & the last WWE game had gone backwards its going to end up like the sims where you have to pay for a characters haircut :-D


You never saw the Rory Mcalroy game then.. Characters looks butt ugly and you could barely change a thing

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You never saw the Rory Mcalroy game then.. Characters looks butt ugly and you could barely change a thing


You get an even bigger problem with game engines lately. New star wars is built around the battlefield engine,last of us was built around the Uncharted engine etc etc. I'd like to see something completely new with the wow factor not last gen recycled.

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You get an even bigger problem with game engines lately. New star wars is built around the battlefield engine,last of us was built around the Uncharted engine etc etc. I'd like to see something completely new with the wow factor not last gen recycled.


New engine cost ALOT of money now. Plus, new gen aren't totally exploited (we've waited 4-5 years for the last gen to have game at the max capacity).

You can be sure that the next TES will use the F4 engine

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For all cardgame fans here (and Adam as he introduced me to the game): Sentinels of the Multiverse (digital Steam version) is having a unique sale where the game is only 10$ and the season pass is 15$. They've never done a discount on the season pass before. Every penny is worth it. Great game. It saves me from buying every damn card irl, as that costs quite a lot. And I allready have tons of cardboard at home (it's insane).
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For all cardgame fans here (and Adam as he introduced me to the game): Sentinels of the Multiverse (digital Steam version) is having a unique sale where the game is only 10$ and the season pass is 15$. They've never done a discount on the season pass before. Every penny is worth it. Great game. It saves me from buying every damn card irl, as that costs quite a lot. And I allready have tons of cardboard at home (it's insane).


I've played the actual card game, didn't even know there was a digital version, might have to check this out!

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It's great fun, and with the new update .


It's one of the few (if not only) games this year I paid full price for (the season pass at least). It's more fun on cardboard but it's actually doable to play solo (with good oversight), as 'changing hands' is more tedious irl. And with this week's update, it's less tedious to select targets. Plays very smooth now, arguably more smooth then irl.


I'm personally looking forward to the digital version of Pathfinder cardgame, which should be released this year, hopefully.

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Just got GTAV after only toying with it a little on 360 and trading my copy away. It's just 32€ on GMG and with Rockstar you know it ain't getting any cheaper than that for a... long while. The annoying thing, though, is that you need to use a client program to download it entirely, and it's 60+ gigs. It completely messed up my PC in the sense that it somehow eats memory, even though I have enough HD space. Had to hit the switch to put it off for the first time ever, and now I manually pauze and restart after chunks of 10 to get it working. The game better still be good after this long. :p


Divinity:OS EE is bound for release within the week. I held off until now to finally play the game (properly). Hope it's worth the wait, but presentation seems awesome with gfx and dialogue 'enhanced'.

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Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is live at 3 am est. I bought it and i have to work on Friday, but then 3 days off so i'll be on it all those days. I liked what i played of GW2 and while i don't get all of it as i only started about 3 weeks ago. i'm looking forward to the expansion.



They are currently on Twitch, just look up guild wars 2 on Games and you'l find the official dev's stream.

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Halo 5... oh my god. Worst PvP mode in a game ever released bar none! I actually prefer Destiny than this pile of s***. At least in most PvP first person shooters, emptying a clip into an enemy is enough to kill them, but not in this!


So I went online with this "game" at 8:30 this morning and was immediately met with instant death after instant death after... yep you guessed it, instant death! I emptied an entire clip into another player, just for them to once again turn around with 2 shots and killed me. I know my bullets were hitting them as they were in a constant state of "yellow glow" but alas, my 10 kills (all with melee and grenade) was surpassed by the ridiculous 26 deaths, of which I was never shot more than 3 times per death. Now you can say "you are rubbish at Halo blah blah" but no, I really am not. I was a well above average player on previous Halo games, above average on Destiny and damn near godlike on Battlefield PvP modes - all FPS.


My shots weren't missing their targets, hell I was probably 90% on target most of the time. I'm not the only person who "rubber bullet syndrome" was happening to either. At least another 5 players I've played with this morning were having the same issue. I can put it down to the servers being s*** or my opponents having over powered weaponry, which doesn't leave a very level or fair playground especially in a game that lacks a tactical element and is an all out mess of bullets and grenades whizzing by at every opportunity.


There is a small glimmer of promise to the game, and that is it's campaign. The ability for 4 player Co-Op is very alluring, however I have only sampled the campaign in solo mode and haven't done enough to really give a true reflection, other than, it has potential to be the only good thing in a below average game.


The REQ system is a pointless little cash cow. I despise micro-transactions in a game I've spent nearly £50 on, especially when such items could be unlocked via campaign. Again though, you have the opportunity to make up the points you need to buy "packs" simply by going through Campaign and playing the dire PvP. Most REQ items are also only available in Warzone mode, which is PvP with AI... but this is just as bad, if not worse than normal Slayer and such like.


That's my thoughts, Microsoft probably should have just let Halo die. Game Rating: 4/10

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Imo "instant death gun DLC" needs to be at least 100 dollar! :p


Didn't even realise it was supposed to release. Is it really Halo 5? Or just a crap in-between Halo like ODST, which was quite bad imo.


I'm currently quite addicted to Master League in PES. Sure, it's cheesy as you once again just sign every youth player and sell them for millions of dollars (*does the Crime-Tyme dance*). But it's just crazy fun watching your team grow in manager mode. The only bad thing is that - in matches of 10 minutes - you sometimes don't have an opportunity to substitute as the AI tends to play foulless (and I put it on possession game). That said, it's nowhere as fun for manager freaks as they basically program you to win with a youth team full of talent, and spoil the mid-term progression guys will make (saying: "he won't improve anymore at 23", for instance).


It's also fun to cruise around in GTAV with your own radio station active. Must've missed that on the xbox360 version. The story mode also seems more fun than GTAIV (which I did finish weirdly enough).

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You know, I watch my son play all these games and he does pretty good, if not great. Has always been good with these games. I don't really get into PvP games much, mainly because of similar reasons Fleish stated (or perhaps it's just a glitch, but I'm talking about unbalance/overpowered weapons or armor, etc.), but more because I don't ever think it is done "right". I mean, yeah, I understand a game that is just based on PvP, and the appeal is just to go head to head with another player sort of like playing old Mortal Kombat arcade games, just at a much higher level. I love some old school Mortal Kombat... so I could probably play something like that, but I can't get immersed in it.


What I've been holding out for is something that actually takes player skill into account more then gear/weapons/armor. I loved Everquest (the first one). I'm not looking at Everquest NXT like I once was, because it almost looks to me that it's going to only matter how many hours you can put into the game.... gear and power. I didn't like it when it started going the way of objects in the game making you more powerful... for example a level 80 with so/so gear wouldn't stand a chance against a level 70 with the best gear.... unless the level 70 has no skill at all.


What appealed to me was the exploration, having to look for maps on the web to find out where to go, etc. The looking around the corner and being bashed by a screaming skeleton and thinking "OMG"! Obviously more colorful words come to mind. When it first come out, skill was something that mattered because things were much more balanced.


It's very fun for a hardcore player when they have everything they could possibly get, because they have the time to put into it (like my son). With the best of the best (in that game now), you don't have to have alot of skill or effort for doing things that a more casual player would have the exact opposite (needing a huge amount of skill and effort), if not downright impossible to do, at the same level. When your at low levels, the risk vs reward can be something like 50% or even more, because your only talking a small amount of difference. But when your level 100 (loose example), and the best stuff is twice as good as the stuff you can get without being hardcore, it makes a huge difference.... 200HP vs 400HP/20AC vs 40AC overall to me isn't going overboard. 200kHP vs 100kHP/40kAC vs 20kAC is overboard. It makes group or solo content simple for hardcore, very difficult for casual.... all because of gear and nothing to do with skill.


So I'm looking for a game that balances it out better, where you can immerse yourself, and the best hardcore stuff although obviously better then the best casual stuff, doesn't feel completely overpowering to the more casual player, and content can be done by both if they have the skill to get through it.


This is why I love GDS games. Totally reliant on skill.

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What I've been holding out for is something that actually takes player skill into account more then gear/weapons/armor.


If you haven't already, take a look at Rainbow Six Siege.



Only downside is your experience will suffer if you don't have a team that communicates well. Best played if you have a few buddies that have the game too. Other downside is its not out yet :(

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I'm currently in a run of the Total War Game.


Man, Shogun 1 and Medieval 1 are so.. blank :p the map is full of nothing (Shogun 1 map is white, no forest, nothing) and the battle are so strange (the animation are weird..) There is a gigantic evolution with Rome, with a good map and perfect animation !

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