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I'm not sure how one can enjoy playing on a PC. Like I know some are really big but isn't it more fun to watch on a really big TV and play on console? I play on PS4 because I cant afford computers anywhere near good enough to run games like TWD.


Honestly I am the same way as well. I like playing with a controller over a mouse and keyboard and while I know you can use a controller for the PC as well it is just not the same to me.


I actually like playing games on consoles but I have already bought the previous four games in the series for the PC so I am not sure if my choices would carry over. Also, I have yet to buy a next generation console yet. I was thinking about the XBox One Slim but I am on the fence still. Mainly because I still play games for the 360 and there is no new games that really jump out at me yet besides Witcher III.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Honestly I am the same way as well. I like playing with a controller over a mouse and keyboard and while I know you can use a controller for the PC as well it is just not the same to me. <p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How is it different? All a console is, is a computer with a different o.s basically.........</p>
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... even though it's... really just the same, except some games refuse to work without outside interference (like Mass Effect 3).


Plus there's moddability. It's way better on pc.


I am not trying to be confrontational here but I have noticed in the past (and in the above post for that matter) that you tend to speak as if your opinion is fact when it is clear that it is just your opinion.


In my experience using a control, mouse, or keyboard is different. The controls just do not work as well for me. That has been my experience in the past and therefore the reason why I have that opinion.


Granted I am not talking about games like TEW and the like. I personally would hate trying to play a text based game with a control. What I am talking about are games like Witcher and GTA (Just using them as a reference as those are two games I have played on both PC and XBox). Now you are entitled to see it differently and that is your experience and I respect that. Just try not to say your opinion is a fact based solely on your experience when you have no idea as to how someone else has experienced something.


For instance I think the Godfather II is the best movie of all-time. Is that a fact?


No not at all, it is just an opinion. Some may say the best movie was Gone With the Wind or whatever movie they choose and nobody would be wrong for thinking one is better than the other. We all have different opinions.


Also, I just wanted to say that this is all I will say about this topic. You can respond or not that is entirely up to you but I have learned in the past that debating or arguing one's opinion the internet is never really worth it. Mainly because you have your way of thinking and I have mine and if we disagree on something it just ends up in one circular argument and honestly I do not care enough to argue the merits of playing video games on the computer versus playing video games on the PC. It is not really a topic of conversation that I feel that passionate about.


As for being able to mod games on the PC, well that has never really appealed to me (Well besides TEW, WMMA and a few other games). Once again it is just a matter of preference on my part. It does not make me wrong or right.

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I am not trying to be confrontational here but I have noticed in the past (and in the above post for that matter) that you tend to speak as if your opinion is fact when it is clear that it is just your opinion.


Just know that people here are old enough to make up their own mind. Pretty sure they know how to separate opinion from fact. If I make a statement, I'm not going to add the suffix ("at least that's what I think") to everything I write here. If you're referring to the FIFA BeAPro mode that I said was "unwanted", that statement does reflect the opinion of the majority of the players. They'll check if out for sure, but they will move on to regular gameplay soon enough. Obviously they will embrace any new mode that they can get, but people were rather waiting for other ameliorations. So it's unwanted compared to other possible additions. Yes, this is an opinion, but it happens to be the opinion of most footie players. If you know so well what an opinion is you should recognize that you declaring that I'm "presenting my opinion as fact" is really just an opinion and a perception of my writings, as you wouldn't know the first thing about my intentions.


With that being said my opinion is irrelevant in this case. If we take GTA as an example there's basically the same code underlying the game in both versions (console and pc). The controller sends the same signals to the game. There's no difference between the versions outside the moddability and the FACT that it runs quicker and looks better on PC. If we were to debate on whether to watch the Godfather II DVD on the dvd player connected to the TV or the console on a 20" TFT screen, we might discuss preferences but ultimately it's all the same story, except that you can configure your TV a lot more and can use filters etc. So the whole experience has more potential and is therefore better on a TV screen (though not strictly better). Denying this is just foolish as there's no ground for arguing the opposite. If you're going to base your opinion on the presence of a couch in your living room or your annoyance at switching the controller from PC to XBOX and vice versa, than that is your contextual or situational case and falls outside the intrinsic traits of the object/experience we're discussing. If we were to compare Godfather I with II, only then would we enter the realm of the non-factual, where opinions matter.


But you're right: debating on opinions is never worth the time (at least not on the net). Except these are really just facts. There's no possible debate. I realize some people like playing Tetris more on the original Gameboy instead of whatever handheld is out now. It's the same game, but if you wish to damage your hands, eyes and wallet (by replacing the batteries very often) for a ride into the nostalgic, I respect that. Your preference for the proven inferior option doesn't make it "better" though. You still have to recognize it's worse, even though for you the one positive might outweigh the negatives. However, I do have to correct my short statement that it's "just better", as it would assume the player has a PC that answers to the recommended specs. Otherwise the statement wouldn't be true, but somehow I assumed that people would realize that was the one underlying assumption. The whole discussion about it being too expensive is laughable too. But if you don't want to go to the hassle of finding parts and combining them, or don't want to shell out an extra 100$ for a better video card, I respect that. I sometimes actively pick the inferior option to save me some money. Nothing wrong with that. Except only then I don't go posting on a forum on how it's better for me as I honestly wouldn't know any better. People often lose themselves in relative terminology, but one has to pay attention. If you haven't been thoroughly exposed to the alternatives, don't bother comparing. Just say something like: "Playing GTA on console is just awesome". This is an opinion, but how can anyone disagree with it. "Good for you" would be my initial reaction. But declaring things are better while they are proven not to be is foolish and just upsets me.


edit: I'm sorry if this post seems aggressive, but it's really not. I have a tendency to be confrontational but some people seem to be offended by it for some reason, even though I rarely (if ever) get personal. I wish the best for everybody here, this is partly the reason why I'm advocating this thing.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="moon_lit_tears" data-cite="moon_lit_tears" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In the age we are in, with such Technology. I can't believe people can't figure out how to hook a controller to a computer. <p> </p><p> I know not all games work but 90% of them do...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I know you know there's a lot more to it than that <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> The fact is some people just aren't that tech savvy to make the jump. You generally need to have a good grasp on what to get and how low you can get it for(by proxy, where to look) in order to get the best bang for your buck. PC has the advantage on mostly all categories but if the console experience is sustainable enough for someone to keep with it, along with factors such as the person's casual approach to gaming, the amount of games they're invested into, etc, then it's certainly not just "better resolution" and "peripherals" which will make the user make the switch.</p><p> </p><p> By your point as well, in the age we're in, we can see consoles are enjoyable enough to still have their place in gaming, at least for the forseeable future.</p>
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<p>That's why I advise to describe your feelings in absolute terms. You can tell a console gamer that it's fine he wants to settle for inferiority and come off as a dick (the birth of the "master race" avatar), but it's just the way things are. The difference, however, is often quite marginal, so it's usually not worth mentioning as it tends to create butt-hurt individuals, which is something I usually try to avoid. In the end we're all just gamers who want to have a good time, and to be honest my definition of a good time doesn't include tinkering with options and settings in the neverending search for optimization, which is a trap many pc gamers fall into.</p><p> </p><p>

A good example of your point is Skyrim, which is honestly strictly better on PC, but... if you want to maximize your experience it takes about a week to sort things out and learn how to manage your load order and mod list. Sometimes I think I was better off just playing the game on console like I used to. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p><strong>@MLT:</strong> I would not have even been aware of your post had TBP not quoted you because I have you on block. </p><p> </p><p>

That being said I did enjoy your little shot at my intelligence. Granted I have graduated from college and from past conversations I have had with you it is painfully clear you have not...but yeah you can continue to make snide remarks about me like you tend to do. I will not see them unless someone quotes you.<img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Anyway because nobody seems to be able to drop anything on here, this is truly my last post on the subject.</p><p> </p><p>

I love how I make a throwaway comment and it gets folks all sorts of riled up. I guess I am an idiot or wrong just because I have an opinion and a preference. I mean never did I say in any posts that PC suck, consoles rule. However, that seems to be the narrative that some seem to have taken away from my posts.</p><p> </p><p>

What I was saying is that I prefer playing on consoles because I am not a fan of PC controls or using a keyboard or a mouse for certain games. That is a personal preference of mine due to past experiences of playing games on the PC. I am not sure why people feel the need to make this into the Lincoln/Douglas debate when I have clearly stated that I am not even all that passionate about said topic.</p><p> </p><p>

TBP nailed it right on the head. I am not a hardcore gamer. I just play video games because I enjoy them. Heck I still play my Sega Genesis from time to time just because I have games that I enjoy playing on there. As stated previously, I do not care if I can mod a game for the most part. I really do not even care if I am playing a game with the best graphics.</p><p> </p><p>

I am not butt-hurt over anything and as I said I really do not even care enough about this topic of conversation to keep on talking about it. Therefore, people can keep on trying to talk down to me and question my intelligence all they want. I will just laugh over the fact that some folks do not have better things to do with their time.</p>

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<p>I like (yeah I know he can't see me but I don't care) how some people think the world revolves around them..</p><p> </p><p>

TBP It's not that hard..I mean we live in a world of Google, and websites that can build you a computer and tell you how to do it, and what to buy.</p><p>

But</p><p> </p><p>

Those aren't the people I'm talking about.</p><p> </p><p>

To those who have the computer know how but are just to lazy? to even try something new. I was reading about the whole No mods for PS4 the other day.</p><p> </p><p>

It's those people that irritate me. it's not that hard to buy the game on a PC, ya know they give requirements, and if you are in the age group of 18-50 and you play games, you should have SOME computer knowledge to know if you can run a game or not, and 360 controllers are plug and play, as I also believe Xbox one controllers and PS4 ones as well. </p><p> </p><p>

Blackmans comments are true, PC games are far better in most all aspects that console games, and this is coming from someoen who plays console games over PC games...What little I do play. Then he's attacked by an idiot who claims that his opinions are the only ones that matter..It's pretty crappy.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="packerman120" data-cite="packerman120" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Video games are fun on all platforms and ways to play them. We're all gamers here. So let's just stop bickering, aye?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Now that was never questioned by anybody. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "I am not trying to be confrontational here but [insert confrontational post]"</p><p> </p><p> I'm not insulting his intelligence at all, but sentences like this make me think twice. I just get frustrated when people make comments that don't make any sense. I respect whatever opinion he has, but instead of trying to school me on the subject, he should look into the definition himself.</p><p> </p><p> Let's just say a casual gamer (me included) appreciates the plug&play principle consoles adhere to. We all agree with that. But semantics are a more sensitive topic, apparently.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Now that was never questioned by anybody. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> "I am not trying to be confrontational here but [insert confrontational post]"</p><p> </p><p> I'm not insulting his intelligence at all, but sentences like this make me think twice. I just get frustrated when people make comments that don't make any sense. I respect whatever opinion he has, but instead of trying to school me on the subject, he should look into the definition himself.</p><p> </p><p> Let's just say a casual gamer (me included) appreciates the plug&play principle consoles adhere to. We all agree with that. But semantics are a more sensitive topic, apparently.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He wasn't talking about you. He's a petty person hence his actions of saying stuff to me and pointing out I'm blocked so he can't see what I say. It's the equivalent to a child telling someone they can't do anything to them because they are a child.</p><p> </p><p> But yes games are fun on all platforms. I play most, just not the Xbox because they games I like I have on os4 or PC. Plus I HATE the Xbox UI.</p>
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He wasn't talking about you. He's a petty person hence his actions of saying stuff to me and pointing out I'm blocked so he can't see what I say. It's the equivalent to a child telling someone they can't do anything to them because they are a child.


Telling someone that they can't see what you're saying because they blocked you is not the same thing as a child saying you can't say anything to them because they are a child.


If he blocked you thats his way of saying "I no longer wish to interact with you on any level". Thats actually a pretty grown up way of handling things. In my personal life if things get heated or if I feel myself having a moment with someone I don't want to have...I simply walk away.


I'm still confused why everyone is still going on about this.


I always fail at this but I'll attempt to get things on the right track. I bought a PS4 last year before realizing that most of the guys I play WWE games, EA Sports Games, are very much the type of games where you beat them and then its like "ok now what". One of the reasons I enjoy TEW so much is that I never feel like I've done everything or I've "beat the game". I returned it but now I find myself wanting to play GTA V but outside of that I don't know of too many games I can lose a 100 hours in and feel like the sixty dollars per game is justified.

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Okay I still did not think this would be a topic of conversation days after the fact and yet it still is. Therefore, I just want to make it clear what was going on with me. If I get a warning from a mod, if this post gets deleted or even if I get banned I am cool with it because I really do not want to keep on going on about this.


I made what I thought was an innocuous comment in regards to Dave’s post. The comment meant absolutely nothing to me I was just talking about my preference. Blackman made his comment and upon reading it I took it to be another post from Blackman where it comes across as if he is talking down to someone (Sort of like Blackman knows best and anyone else does not). I have noticed that he has done that to me and other posters in the past and I thought he was trying to do it to me again.


From his response it would seem that was exactly what he was doing. That is why I posted what I posted.


Maybe his intention was not what I thought it was. Intent does not always translate well on the internet. Therefore, I went with a default response to him which is what I posted, because his past posts had driven me to think that way.


Like I said I do not even care about the argument. I am not some sort of anti-PC (Personal Computer not Political Correctness) zealot, I was just posting my personal opinion.


When it comes to MLT, I am sure all of her posts have been about me and that is just par for the course with her. She thrives on attention (be it good or bad) and loves to insert herself into any situation she can. She also loves to play the victim card. Which is fine with me, she can do whatever she wants.


There was a reason why I blocked her and that is because I did not want to deal with her vitriol anymore (There were other reasons as well but I will not post them on here). To me she is not even there because I would not deal with her in real life and I have no reason to deal with her on here.


I have said my peace, whatever happens to me, happens. Blackman if you want to take this to private messages you are more than welcome to and if not that is fine with me as well. I just truly will not respond in this thread anymore and I really mean it this time. MLT, I will not give you the satisfaction of responding to any PM you fire my way or post you post about me so do not be bothered wasting your time writing anything.


Now for the love of all that is holy can we please go back to posting about video games and not derail this thread any further with pointless drama.

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Telling someone that they can't see what you're saying because they blocked you is not the same thing as a child saying you can't say anything to them because they are a child.


If he blocked you thats his way of saying "I no longer wish to interact with you on any level". Thats actually a pretty grown up way of handling things. In my personal life if things get heated or if I feel myself having a moment with someone I don't want to have...I simply walk away.


I'm still confused why everyone is still going on about this.


I always fail at this but I'll attempt to get things on the right track. I bought a PS4 last year before realizing that most of the guys I play WWE games, EA Sports Games, are very much the type of games where you beat them and then its like "ok now what". One of the reasons I enjoy TEW so much is that I never feel like I've done everything or I've "beat the game". I returned it but now I find myself wanting to play GTA V but outside of that I don't know of too many games I can lose a 100 hours in and feel like the sixty dollars per game is justified.



The problem is, I've known this for 6 months??? I was told Via PM after what was said, so the need to ... post it out here is his way of being childish.


As for the games..I've sank many hours into a few..I think I've got well over 500 in Diablo 3. Between computer and console..I'd play it on the PC more if I had controller support (like I said not all games support controllers) but like the ease of movement,


Also, why I like No mans Sky. I've put 60? hours into it? Even with it's drawbacks it's pretty cool for ME. I know many think it's crappy and that's fine, for me FPS's are pretty much that ...and all the hype for Overwatch, I don't play, but will watch YouTubers. That's just me..


A question for you on the cost of games... What do you consider "value for your buck"? For me it's always been.."If I get an hour of enjoyment for every dollar I spent then it's worth it" And anything above that is bonus..For a $10 game on Steam, I've got 657 hours of game play, to me that's wroth the value. But on the other hand, I got a game on PS4 that I had YEARS ago, spent $15 and have put maybe an hour into it, but it's worth it for nostalgia.


Outside of sports games, what do you look at to weigh the option of buying it or not?

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<p>I rather wouldn't try to quantify enjoyment. What will you compare it too? A night at the movies is 10$, so a game with 2 hours of enjoyment would be worth it? An hour a dollar would mean 60 hours for a new console game. That's harsh in these times.</p><p> </p><p>

Time might be more precious than money nowadays, so I would really take the intensity of the enjoyment as a factor. If I get a wow-moment out of it, it instantly becomes worth the money. Then again, if the total length is just half an hour, very few people want to spend over 10$ for that, so quantifying it somehow is needed.</p>

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<p>For me that works because I'm picky about what games I get. I know most people are. I don't play sports games or FPSs'. 8 sticks to (j)RPGs and for me I want length in my games. I hate the trend that's gone on of 3-4 hours of story. I liked games like FF12 where you have enough story and side quests to put 50+ hours into. </p><p> </p><p>

My first RPG was Lufia on the NES and I think that was about 30 hours of play. I know people hate long games it seems but I want a game that keeps me hooked for a long long time. I guess that's why I like NMS dispite it's flaws it's a long game.</p>

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For me it depends what I'm looking for out of the game. If it's a game like Deus Ex I don't really want it to go on forever, I want to get to the end eventually and I don't have the time for 100+ hours of gameplay. I'm fine with paying $60 for 30-40 hours of good gameplay.


Generally speaking, the more story-focused a game is, the shorter I'm ok with it being. Which sounds weird, but... y'know. Games like Deus Ex and Dishonored, where the game is basically just the story - you play through the story and you're done with the game (you might go back a while later and play it through again while choosing different options). I'm ok with paying $60 for 40 hours of gameplay for those, because those 40 hours will usually be filled with carefully crafted goodness.


On the other hand, games like Skyrim you can play forever, but 'getting to the end' isn't really the point of them. You can pick up and put down whenever you want without really having to worry about forgetting what happened in the story, because the story isn't all that important. The game is more about random cool stuff happening, and exploring the world.


Witcher is an exception because I'd happily play that forever. :p It's sort of a compromise, where it's all carefully crafted but also long and with many side quests.


Then there's games like Prison Architect and stuff, where one single 'playthrough' might last 5-10 hours, but you end up playing it lots of times.


Can't really put a formula on it, really. IMO.

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<p>Holy hell. O_O</p><p> </p><p>

Just popped in to see what's going on, and got way more than I expected. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

I'll be on my way now.</p>

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<p>I played the first two episodes of The Walking Dead: Michonne. Then the cloud save function decided to f--- me over and whiped both my save and my choices completely, prompting me to start over.</p><p> </p><p>

I was NOT pleased. In fact, I was more furious than I can remember having been for a long, long time.</p>

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...and now I completed it. First two episodes were fairly good, the last one was a huge pile of dissapointment. And the overaching storyline involving her daughters was pure crap. :(


While I agree with the last episode underachieving, I liked TWD Michonne as a game all in all. First 2 eps were quite strong, but nothing real memorable happened with the exception of Berto dying. My pros:


-A Telltale TWD game, favorite game ever is TWD

-Has a character I know (Michonne)


-Same feel as TWD, great action sequences.


My cons:


-The story with the daughters (yes I know it was explaining why she was slowly going insane but I think it could've been done better. Everytime the kids popped up, my reaction was "OMG those f****** devil kids again?!" when it should have been "OMG it's her kids! Is she going crazy?")


-Sam - Honestly, screw Sam, she is the real bad person in all of this. She steals from Norma, Norma lets her go with a warning. It's implied she steals from her 3 times. The 2nd time Sam gets let go as well. But she went back for a third time!!!! All of Norma's reasoning was justified. Me and Pete were caught with Sam and Greg at the crime scene, it's totally understandable she thinks we stole from her. The only real bad guy was Randall. I almost wanted Norma to live. She was reasonable at the gate and her people went against her, killing Berto and Oak (determinant), Norma wanted a peaceful trade.

-How short the eps were. I get this was a mini series but you were already 2 episodes shorter than normal, these eps felt like half of what TWD is.


-Lack of a dramatic ending.



So yeah that's my 2 cents. :)

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