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~!Atop the St*r!~


Tag Team Turmoil: Edge & Christian vs. Chris Jericho & Jeff Hardy


Hardy may know alot about Tag Teams and being a Tag Partner.. but as of late it seems he's only out for himself. At the last Atop The Star, Hardy ran down to the ring to save Jericho from a 2 on 1 beating. Was it really Hardy's heart that led him down to the ring or was it the revenge he wanted to right from his match? Edge & Christian on the other hand say this is going to be a very simple match and they show why they should be the best tag team in ASW.


Rematch of the Year: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle


Kurt Angle needed to be hauled out on a stretcher and brought to a nearby medical facility last time these two met. But it seems to have awoken something inside Kurt. As he was being hauled off in the Ambulance he screamed that he wanted a rematch with Lesnar. To what lengths is Kurt willing to go through to prove he should be number one? And what lengths is Brock gonna go to to remain number one?


Quick Pick Predictions:

Tag Team Turmoil: Edge & Christian vs. Chris Jericho & Jeff Hardy

Rematch of the Year: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle

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~!The Terrific Ten!~


This is a brand new concept here on our site.. it's our ranking system called The Terrific Ten! Hope you guys enjoy and if you have any complaints or concerns send them to us!



Brock Lesnar is undefeated so far in All Star Wrestling.. He's even beaten the likes of John Cena, Chris Jericho, & Kurt Angle to name a few of the many who have been in his path of destruction. Is there no stopping this monster? There doesn't seem to be an answer in ASW at the moment but is it any wonder why he's Number 1?



Kurt Angle is the Number 2 ranked in All Star Wrestling.. is it really a wonder? His only matches he didn't win was a Draw to Chris Jericho on the first show and a loss to Brock Lesnar at the last show. Kurt is still dead set on reaching the Number 1 spot.. but how long will it take?



Sure they may be the best Tag Team in ASW but they haven't been able to get wins over Kurt or Lesnar to boost their spot. Both men have suffered some bad losses but with their win over Hardy & Jericho at the last show they deserve the Number 3 spot.



Jericho deserves to be in the Terrific Ten without a doubt.. but it was tough to decide where he should be. Him & Jeff Hardy lost to Edge & Christian at the last show, Jericho even lost two of his first three matches in All Star Wrestling. But the fact alone that he can stir things up when he wants to, and his in-ring prowess says he's the Number 4 spot.


Numbers 3-10 will be up probably tomorrow morning.. I'm gonna take a quick nap before work.. Let me know who you think should be ranked what positions.. it'll be interesting to see who you guys think should be what rank.

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Tag Team Turmoil: Edge & Christian vs. Chris Jericho & Jeff Hardy

Rematch of the Year: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle


The rematch has to be won by the loser and I can see E&C's experience winning it for them


Really like the terrific 10 idea.

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Saturday, Week 2, June 2010

Live show at the Star Grounds Training Facility in Wisconsin | Attendance: 135

LIVE on Great Lakes Television


ASW Theme Song: Run This Town by Jay-Z featuring Rihanna & Kanye West

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Thank you guys for coming out to yet another show! And I hope everyone is enjoying the show from home as we come to you live on Great Lakes Television. Now for the show to...


The GM makes some uneasy sounds and it sounds like someone is attacking him.



Sheamus def. Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, Ryan Cruz, Salvatore Thomaselli & Arik Cannon - B-




Shannon Moore vs. The Miz



-The Miz was finally granted his wish in facing Moore in a match. He also lived up to his personal hype and won the match in 3:43.



Chris Hero vs. Joey Matthews vs. Christian York



-It's Christian York's debut match here in All Star Wrestling and it seemed to even surprise his former partner Joey Matthews that he was here. They teamed up quite a bit in the match but then Joey injured his ankle half way through the match and Hero made easy work of York at 7:51 he got the win.



Tyler Jackson vs. John Cena vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe



-In this mash up of revenges, AJ & Joe do their own thing while Tyler & Cena go off and do theirs. It doesn't take long before AJ & Joe escalate things and start brawling in the crowd, while Cena & Tyler are in the ring. Cena takes advantage of the time alone and nails the F-U and pins for the win at 8:10.



Tag Team Turmoil: Edge & Christian vs. Chris Jericho & Jeff Hardy



-Jericho & Hardy seemed weird tagging together.. they have some chemistry but they just insist on outshining the other. Probably has something to do with their egos, who knows. Anyway, Edge & Christian exploit there inexperience in tagging and pick them apart and get a win at 7:29.



We quick go backstage where Kurt Angle is standing over Lesnar holding a steel chair.. their match is next!


Rematch of the Year: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle



-Despite the fact that Kurt attacked Brock backstage directly before their match, Brock makes it down to the ring looking more pissed than ever.. it also seems he's walking with a slight limp. The match is still impressive but Lesnar isn't able to hit a lot of his power moves, every time he gets Kurt up his knee gives out. The finish sees Lesnar go for a spear but Kurt did a Drop Toe Hold and went straight into the Ankle lock. Kurt lays the scissors into it as well and Lesnar with his bad knee is forced to tap.



After the match Kurt is mocking Brock about his leg as he's walking up the ramp.. then the lights go out, when they come back on Kurt is in the middle of the ring with Lesnar behind him looking like he's about to kill Kurt. Kurt turns around and tries to run but isn't able to escape and Lesnar delivers a HUGE Chokeslam with one leg!



Silas Young def. Darin Corbin - E





Quick Results:

DM-Sheamus def. Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, Ryan Cruz, Salvatore Thomaselli & Arik Cannon - B-

The Miz def. Shannon Moore - C+

Chris Hero def. Christian York & Joey Matthews - C+

John Cena def. Tyler Jackson, AJ Styles & Samoa Joe - B

Edge & Christian def. Hardy & Jericho - B

Kurt Angle def. Brock Lesnar - B+

PM-Silas Young def. Darin Corbin - E


Star Dollar Standings:

1. 20LEgend - 28/36 - $78

2. BigM - 27/36 - $68

3. Huntman - 21/36 - $55

4. Bigpapa42 - 11/36 - $35

5. ZMAN - 3/36 - $8

6. 1234 - 2/36 - $5

7. BoomKing - 1/36 - $6


Sorry about not posting at all yesterday.. I was really tired for some reason, and I know I haven't been able to finish the rankings.. I'll try to get to that today though.. and try to get the next rankings up and the next prediction sheet.

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~!Atop the St*r!~


Second Chances: John Cena vs. Tyler Jackson


So after there 4 way match last show, Tyler really thinks he can take on Cena one on one now that he has Cena's "gameplan" down. Cena thinks nothing of this challenge since he defeated him in one on one competition before. Let's see if Tyler can pull off the big upset by himself or if Cena will prevent the self proclaimed "Idol" from being Idolized?


Match 3 of 10: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle


After Kurt cheated and attacked Lesnar at the last show the GM found it only fitting that these two men compete in 10 matches. Not a best of series but a full 10 matches to let them get everything out. There's even a surprise for the man who is able to win the 10th match. Stay tuned and find out what it could be!


Sorry it took so late to put this up.. my photobucket wasn't working correctly and I had to run to the bank to get some stuff taken care of.. long day so far.. Results should be up tomorrow..


Quick Pick Predictions:

Second Chances: John Cena vs. Tyler Jackson

Match 3 of 10: Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle

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Not dead just busy.. hopefully get it going again pretty soon.. also trying to play further in the game so I don't write up to where I'm at playing and then get lazy to play and do write ups at the same time.. Hopefully you guys keep reading and the next show will be up by the end of the week for sure..


Also, big plans I'm working on in the game.. it's quite a ways down the road for you guys but it's gonna be neat..

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