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TNA: Restart

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TNA made a big push to go head to head against WWE by signing many new faces to TNA and moving Impact to Monday to go against Raw. TNA had huge potential with all the new faces and all the momentum they had. Nearly six months later we can all say that the move was a fail. They have moved back to Thursday, Ric Flair is wrestling, and there is no more talk at all about TNA vs. WWE.


Dixie Carter just pushed the restart button. She watched TNA fail terribly and maybe this time, things will finally go her way.

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TNA World Heavyweight: AJ Styles


TNA World Tag Team: Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams


TNA X-Division: Amazing Red


(I tend to forget all about the diva's and women division, so I kind of just scratched that out)



Next up The first show..

Confirmed Matches

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money

Daniels vs. Desmond Wolfe

AJ Styles vs. Bobby Lashley

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Live Monday Night on Spike


The show opens backstage with Kevin Nash talking to Hulk Hogan. Kevin Nash tells Hulk that tonight he is going to be in a match and that Hulk is making it happen. Hulk tells Nash that TNA is in a movement and that maybe Nash should hang up the boots. Nash tells Hogan that he still has it and wants a match tonight. Hulk decides to book Kevin Nash in a match later tonight against Shannon Moore.

First Match Of The Night

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money

Match is quick paced thanks to the Motor City Machine Guns but still stays very open. 5:53 into the match Alex Shelley makes James Storm Tap to the CrossFace.



Rob Van Dam makes his way down to the ring and grabs a mic. He tells the crowd how much he loves being in TNA and how great it is. He tells everyone that his goal is to win the TNA World Championship. Rob Van Dam goes to continue before Jeff Jarret's music goes on and he makes his way down to the ring. Jarret gives Rob Van Dam a history lesson telling him how he pretty much built TNA and is still part of it today. Jeff tells him that he doesn't need Rob in TNA and tells him that he needs to leave. Rob Van Dam is a little confused and tells Jarret that he isn't going anywhere. Jarret promises Rob that he will change his mind.


Second Match of The Night

Daniels vs. Desmond Wolfe

A nice Technqual match ending at 6:49 after Desmond Wolfe low blows Daniels behind the refs back.



A Short video is played hyping of Jeff Hardy


Third Match of the Night

Kevin Nash vs. Shannon Moore

Kevin Nash wins this one easy at 7:33 after a Jackknife Powerbomb



Hulk Hogan is backstage, with Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson and Samoa Joe all trying to talk him into giving them a title shot. He finally decides that he's heard enough, and that as they can't all have a title shot, they'll face each other in a four way match to win the right to a title shot.


Fourth Match of the Night

AJ Styles vs. Bobby Lashley

This is a slow paced match. Everytime AJ starts to gain momentem and speed it up, Lashley slows it down. In a hard fought match AJ Styles wins at 11:38 after a Springboard 450° Splash. C


Ric Flair is shown sitting in the crowd.


Fith Match of the Night

Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss

A good showing from Rob Van Dam but after a distraction by Jeff Jarrett, Abyss pins Van Dam in 9:20 after a Black Hole Slam. C


Ken Anderson has an interview hyping his upcoming match with Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy.

Main Event of the night

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe vs. Ken Anderson

A long match with everyone getting there time in the spot light. But after 15:04 Jeff Hardy pins Kurt Angle after a Swanton Bomb to win the match and become number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. B+


Jeff Hardy celebrates after the match.


Overall Show B

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Good first show, keep it up!

Nice and concise format, but I would watch spellings although it's not major, maybe do it in Word or on Google Chrome for a spell checker, other than that good work.


Thanks for the advice and the encouragement. This is my first time doing one of these and it really helps.



Confirmed matches for next show.

Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Daniels and Jay Lethal vs. Desmond Wolfe and D'Angelo Dinero

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe


Confirmed matches for Genesis so far.

AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy

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Kurt Angle comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interupted by Ken Anderson. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match.


First match of the night.

British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D

This was a slow match and turned out to be boring amoung the crowd. Bristish Invasion ending up with the win at 7:51



Hulk Hogan is showed backstage talking to Scott Hall. Just as Kevin Nash last week, Scott Hall is demanding a match. Hulk tells Scott the same thing he told Nash but ends up booking him in a match against Sean Morley.


Second Match of the Night

Scott Hall vs. Sean Morley

Scott Hall wins this one very easy after an Outsiders Edge at 7:21



Third Match of the Night

X Division Tag Team match, Daniels and Jay Lethal vs. Desmond Wolfe and D'Angelo Dinero

A fast paced match that ended after a Jay Lethal Elbow Drop at 12:01



AJ Styles is shown backstage and he talks about his upcoming match against Samoa Joe, and facing Jeff Hardy at the next PPV.


Fourth match of the Night

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

This was the best match of the night so far, as Styles and Joe put on a show. AJ Styles ends up with the victory after a Springboard 450° Splash at 12:31.



Ric Flair is shown sitting in the crowd two weeks in a row. He looks impressed from the recent match.

Fith match of the Night.

Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

Another well match, both had a great match but after another Jeff Jarret distraction on Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy was able to land the Swanton Bomb and pick up the victory at 10:39.



Kurt Angle cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Ken Anderson.

Sixth Match of the night.

Kurt Angle vs. Ken Anderson

This was a match that was going all Kurt's way. But during the match, the lights go out, and when they come back on Anderson gets a quick Green Bay Plunge and gets the win at 8:30. The camera finds Sting standing in the rafters looking down at the ring.



Ken Anderson is celebrating in the ring when Samoa Joe sneaks into the ring after the match, and surprises Anderson with a Muscle Buster. The Show ends with Joe standing over Anderson.


Overall show C+

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