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WHAM! Sports: Pro Wrestling - Canadian Edition




Toronto Terror, Financial Confidants, Found Canadian Wrestling Extreme


That's right wrestling fans, rumors have sprung up that Independent Ontario Wrestler, The Toronto Terror (Pictured above), has pulled the trigger on an all new wrestling promotion in Canada that will focus specifically on the hardcore style of wrestling, something which has been unheard of in the home of NOTBPW, which is straight up in terms of the traditional style of wrestling that has been a standard in this country since the beginning of the sport.


When asked about his motivation for taking this unorthodox project public, Terror (whose real name is unknown) had this to say. "For too long has the wrestling fan in Canada been forced to conform with what Dan Stone, and his minions of classical wrestling have titled the norm. It's about time that a new face be brought to the market, and I think what we have is that face..."


Although many "IWC-ites" see this as a way for Terror to give himself work in a time where he's been forgotten, he insists that not to be the case. "I've read whats on the internet, and I've heard what people are saying, and if that's what they want to believe, then let them come to our first show, and we'll show them what CWE is really all about."


More information on the company can be found on their website, for which a link can be found at the bottom of this article. I'm not sure what to make of this impromptu wrestling promotion, but one thing is for sure, this journalist will certainly be watching....


Until Next Time

Keep It Wrestling

Todd Mackenforce


Not sure what people are going to make of this, as I've been the type to start up a dynasty, and kind of whither away into the obscurities of the unfinished projects. So I decided to take a different approach, and use characters that in most cases I'd never, ever, use, and see what comes of it. So far... So good. Plus the Re-Render of Terror was just some kind of awesome, I felt it needed a place where it would truly shine. Hope you enjoy what I've got to offer, and hopefully I can do something a little different from the rest.


I also wanted to take this time to give a group credit for the renders I've used for the game, as of course, I didn't create a single one. They're all just phenomenal, and the basis for which I've found a new interest into the game.

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The Land of Misfit Toys




Biff The Bruiser

Winnipeg, Manitoba

360lbs 6'6"

One of the very first people brought into the fold of CWE, Biff is a natural leader, and a guy who can actually groom some of the younger guys into future players in the industry. A man who's always ready for a knockdown, drag out brawl, Biff fits the bill to what a CWE wrestler should be.



Bill Lewis

Buffalo, New York

187lbs 5'4"

The youngest sibling of the Lewis clan, Bill's the one with the most heart, battling his way through his five brothers all the way into the sport of professional wrestling. Teams regularly with his "brother", Crash, to form The Family Lewis tag team.




Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

237lbs 5'8"

There's something to be said about a guy who is willing to night in, and night out, put his own body on the line for the sake of victory, and that is what personifies the 21 year old Brimstone. Big risk's are the name of his game, and to his credit, has capitalized on many a high risk move.



Coyote Dynamite (Current CWE Tag Team Champion)

Kansas City, Missouri

265lbs 6'4"

Another one of those veteran guys who bring a little substance to the CWE locker room, Coyote Dynamite has been around a long, long time, and with him brings a vast amount of experience in both singles wrestling, and alongside his tag team partner, Wiley Steinway, in tag team competition.



Crash Lewis

Buffalo, New York

230lbs 5'9"

The older of the Lewis clan that parades around CWE, Crash brings to the table a smash mouth style that is synonymous with the CWE. Together, both Crash, and younger "brother" Bill, make up The Family Lewis.



Dave Diamond

Austin, Texas

235lbs 6'5"

Debuting at CWE: Canadian Revolution, Dave Diamond is a fresh look apart from the CWE style. He doesn't focusing mainly on the hardcore wrestling that is synonymous with CWE, and instead is one of the actual athletes on the roster. The sky is definitely the limit for this man, and he'll be on his way to the title before long.



Dusty Bin

Toronto, Ontario

257lbs 6'4"

Although many have given up on Dusty, he's managed to find his way into the CWE. Not much of a talker, he is able to hold his own in a fight, and that should be enough to carry him in the CWE, but only time will tell.




Nappanee, Indiana

300lbs 6'11"

He's big, he's bad, and by god, he's a man of the lord. The big amish man beast, Jebediah, is perhaps the very last man you'd want to be in a fight with, considering just his incredible size, and strength. Add to it that he can take to the sky at a moments notice, and you've got yourself one serious competitor.



Larry Wood

The Rocky Mountains

256lbs 6'3"

Larry Wood, a.k.a the reason CWE has gotten off the ground in the first place. Not only is he a mentor to everyone he comes in contact with, but he's just a plain old fashioned nice guy... That is until he steps in between those ropes. There, he becomes the sadistic mountain man that is set on one thing, and that's destroying whomever else is in the ring with him.



Murderous Mikey

Calgary, Alberta

289lbs 6'6"

Breaking necks, and cashing checks. Murderous Mikey is without a doubt one of the toughest guys in all of the CWE, and he feels the need to constantly prove that fact by beating on everyone in sight, whether it be one of the other competitors, a fan, or the "poor schmuck who brought the coffee." Mikey is a bad, bad dude.



Sgt. B.L. West

Washington, D.C

243lbs 6'4"

Sgt. B.L. West is a complete psycho, and nobody knows how, or why, he's broken into the sport of professional wrestling, if you can call what happens in CWE professional wrestling that is. Many blame his time in the armed forces, other think that he's just plain crazy.



The Big Problem

Jersey City, New Jersey

390lbs 6'9"

By far, the biggest man on the roster, he definitely lives up to his name as The Big Problem. Using his sheer strength, and power, The Problem continues to bulldoze his way through the roster, and will soon find himself standing across the ring from a champion looking to become one himself.



The Darkness Warrior

San Juan, Puerto Rico

215lbs 6'2"

Born of TCW fame, The Darkness Warrior is something of an anomaly when put in amongst the smash mouth CWE guys, because he can actually wrestle. Don't get me wrong, when it comes time to fight, Warrior will do his thing, but maybe it'll be a nice change of pace from the brawling to see some actual wrestling... Nah.



The Toronto Terror (Current CWE World Champion)

Toronto, Ontario

245lbs 6'7"

The owner, and founder of CWE, Terror has been a staple of the Ontario indy scene for years, and has opened CWE to close the gap between the traditional style that has dominated the industry in Canada for decades, and that of the smash mouth brawling that CWe will represent. The fact that he's the champion... Well lets face it, would it have happened anywhere else?



Thimbleby Langton

Arcadia, Iowa

310lbs 6'8"

Confederate flag and all, The Good Ol' Boys have come to CWE with one mission, and that's to "hold them some o' that gold". Truth is, Terror wanted the McWades, and these guys were as close as it was going to get.




Montreal, Quebec

265lbs 6'5"

Trauma is nuts. And there's nothing else really to say about that.



Weird Waldo Odlaw

Charlottetown, P.E.I

217lbs 6'1"

Sticking with the nut jobs of the misfits, Waldo Odlaw has to be one of the strangest. He'll do anything to get the pop from the crowd, even if that means beating his own body half to death in the process.



Wiley Steinway (Current CWE Tag Team Champion)

Rochester, New York

270lbs 6'6"

Wiley Steinway, alongside his partner Coyote Dynamite have torn up every tag team division they've come into contact with, and CWE looks to be no different, with them being named the tag champions before even stepping into the ring, which shows the amount of respect they demand from their peers.



Wooton Fitzpaine

Arcadia, Iowa

305lbs 6'9"

The Good Ol' Boys are a force to not be reckoned with as they put it. And the reason for that would be Wooton, as he is a far better fist fighter then that of his partner. Rough, tough, and ready to rumble, that's the Boys' motto.



Zachary Inc

Detroit, Michigan

205lbs 6'3"

Where? Detroit. Why? Nobody knows for sure. Who? One tough brawler who isn't to be taken lightly. What? A walking advertisement for himself.

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Behind The Curtains




Davis Ditterich

Boston, Massachusetts

170lbs 5'7"

The voice of CWE, Davis Ditterich is the emotion among the commotion. His work on the stick is unmatched when it comes to broadcasters on the indy scene, and with every event, he tells a story that will keep you captivated, while keeping to his mantra of being the "un-biased observer".



Tim Wieghtman

Las Vegas, Nevada

210lbs 5'8"

"Fantastic Haircut" Tim Wiehgtman is the exact opposite of his other half Davis Ditterich, cheering on his favorites while constantly annoying the Ditts. If it wasn't for his haircut, he probably wouldn't have a job, but it's just so graceful. It knows just what it wants to do, and it does it.



Xander Summer

Boston, Massachusetts

160lbs 5'4"

Although he may not be the biggest man in the world, he still upholds the law in the ropes of CWE. Probably because of the lack of laws, which makes his job a whole lot easier.



"The Financial Backer(s)"


??? ???

The money behind the promotion. No one is sure whether it's one person, or a group of individuals. And we'll probably never know.



Will Draiman

Toronto, Ontario

278lbs 6'7"

A former wrestler whose career was cut short, as with most indy wrestler's, by an intense car accident. but luckily for him, he's got a mind, and understanding of the game that has given him the opportunity to work behind the scene's, and sometimes out in front.

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Canadian Wrestling Extreme holds their inaugural event, featuring the animals of the CWE roster. Tickets are on sale now for what looks to be an excellent night of fights. The card for the event can be found below.

CWE World Championship





Biff the Bruiser vs Murderous Mikey

Trauma vs Zachary Inc.

Jebediah vs Wierd Waldo Odlaw

Wiley Coyote vs The Family Lewis (CWE Tag Team Championship)

Brimstone vs The Big Problem

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Broadcasting Live via CWE.ca



CWE Broadcast Team

Davis Ditterich & Tim Weightmen


DD: Hello fans, and welcome to CWE... Canadian Revolution! I'm Davis Ditterich alongside my broadcast colleague Tim...


TW: Whoa, whoa, whoa... Slow down cowboy. There's no intro necessary when it comes to this guy, but for those who don't know, you better ask somebody. Cause if you don't know the one with the fantastic fro, then your on your own baby...


DD: ...As I was saying, my broadcast partner, Tim Weightmen, and what a night we have for you here from Twin Elm Park in Windsor, Ontario. In our Main Event of the evening, the psychotic Mountain Man Larry Wood takes on our CWE World Heavyweight Champion, The Toronto Terror.


TW: Without question, our World champ walks out of this place tonight still holding the title high. Larry Wood's gonna be too busy trying to find himself some food out in the wilderness...


DD: That doesn't even make any sense Tim...


TW: Sure it does, you know why? Because I'm Tim Weightmen, that's why!!!


DD: Sure thing Tim, but fans, lets head down to the ring for our first contest!




Biff The Bruiser vs Murderous Mikey

Starting off the night with these two powerhouse bulls was no easy task, and it was kind of ugly... As these two really don't have any chemistry to speak off. And following a match that really lack flow, Mikey would use his patented Debt Collection move to put an end to this mess.

Winner: Murderous Mikey Grade: F+





Zachary Inc. w/Streetz


Standing in front of a very cheap cutout of the CWE logo, Streetz is on the stick working hype duty for Z Inc's upcoming match.


STZ: Trauma, tonight you have to step into the ring with the only natural athlete that will ever walk through these $hit covered hallways. Zachary Inc is everything that you want to be, but you'll never get the chance. And tonight, your gonna find out what happens to people who fight the Z Inc Empire!


Grade: F+




Trauma vs Zachary Inc w/Streetz

Hardcore garbage wrestling at it's finest with one of it's true practitioners on display. Trauma is crazy, and during this match got a little creative, using a combination of bike chain, frying pan, and a lawn dart to incompatible Z Inc for the win. Streetz did some good work at ringside, which will only help his popularity, and while Zachary Inc came out on the losing end, he'd earned a lot of respect from the crowd for the beating he took.

Winner: Trauma Grade: F




Jebediah vs Weird Waldo Odlaw

Yet another match involving someone known for their hardcore outlook on the sport, unfortunately he didn't get a single offensive maneuver. Odlaw got himself destroyed as the Giant Amish Farmer Jebediah walks through Odlaw with relative ease.

Winner: Jebediah Grade: F





CWE Tag Team Champions Wiley Coyote w/ Julie Forletta

Julie Forletta is on the stick standing in between her team of Wiley Coyote looking to lay a verbal beating on The Family Lewis.


JF: Crash, and Bill Lewis... What a pair of walking jokes. And they really think that they are going to take away our Tag Team titles tonight. They have to be out of their minds. Wiley Coyote are by far the most experienced, and the very best team in this stinking company, and tonight, we'll prove it once again.


Grade: E




CWE Tag Team Championship

The Family Lewis vs Wiley Coyote©

For what it was, it was good. The best match of the night to this point, and one that most of the fans tended to get behind, while others weren't happy with the lack of possible danger involved. But you can't help get behind Little Bill Lewis, and at one point, he was on his way to victory, and if his partner wasn't stuck in la la land with Forletta at ringside, Crash might have been able to save his partner from the Acme Death Device.

Winner: Wiley Coyote Grade: E-






Seemingly not through with their beating of Little Bill, Steinway, and Dynamite continue to just decimate Bill, while Crash is still mesmerized by Forletta on the floor, oblivious to his partners demise. This continues until...




Them Good Ol' Boys come thundering down the ramp, and into the ring, sending Wiley Coyote on the run. The fans in a frenzy, and Little Bill saved from near death, The Good Ol' Boys fire up the audience, taunting the champs to come back to the ring.


Grade: F




Brimstone vs The Big Problem

You can try to throw yourself at The Big Problem, and all that'll happen is a whole lot of misery. That's the lesson learned by Brimstone on this one, as with his first attempt to slam himself into The Problem ended up in 6 minute beating leading to Problem's eventual victory.

Winner: The Big Problem Grade: E-






Sporting his arm candy Peresphone, The Big Problem stands tall over the fallen Brimstone much to the fans approval when from out of nowhere...




Dave Diamond flies out from the crowd, steel chair in hand, and nails The Problem from behind. The fans going nuts at the sight of Diamond in CWE, Diamond turns his attention to Peresphone cowering in the corner, tears starting to well up in her eyes. Diamond lifts the chair above his head, but before he's able to go through with his assault on the poor girl, a host of CWE officials hit thr ring, and stop him.


Grade: F





CWE World Champion The Toronto Terror w/ Will Draiman


Yet another manager working the stick, only this time it's Will Draiman standing in for the CWE World Champion, Toronto Terror, hyping up our main event of the evening.


WD: Take a good look at the man standing here, take a good long look at what your going to have to stand across the ring from tonight. Larry Wood, your going to be across the ring from the single greatest athlete to ever come out of this Provence. There's a reason that he holds the World Championship, and tonight, your going to find out just why that is...


Grade: D-




CWE World Championship

Larry Wood vs The Toronto Terror©

For a main event, it couldn't have gone any better. The best match of the night by far, and the one that the fans had been waiting for. The commentary was on par, the mood was right, Will Draiman did excellent work selling at ringside, and even when he got involved in the match, trying to distract Wood. He did so long enough so that Terror could grab the title, and nail Wood in the back of the head, pinning him for the victory.

Winner: The Toronto Terror Grade: D-






As if the win wasn't enough, Terror took advantage of his fallen foe to make a name for himself further. After setting up a table, Terror would turn to Draiman for what would ultimately be some fire starter, and everyone in the crowd knew what was coming next. After setting the table on fire, Terror would powerbomb a limp Larry Wood through the flaming table, and stand over him, as the show would come to a close.


Grade: D



Overall Rating: E+

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WHAM! Sports: Pro Wrestling - Canadian Edition





Canadian Wrestling Extreme Set The Bar With Canadian Revolution...

One month in to this decade, and the wrestling world is white hot, especially in the great white north. Not only has The Stone clan held to their strangle hold of the business, but those of The DeColt family have been making moves, 4C continues to offer a fast paced exciting product, and even the little guys of ACPW are really starting to turn some heads. But this story, this story revolves around Canadian Wrestling Extreme, the first Hardcore Wrestling based promotion in Canada, and the show they'd just put out, which coincidentally would be their very first.


Now I won't lie to you, I was incredibly skeptical going into this, thinking that there's no way this kind of wrestling would fly in Canada, and as it turns out, I was half right. While the show did go over, and the company has gained a wide set of fans (if only because they offered their show for free over the internet.) However, there was a devoted group of fans at the show who really added to the atmosphere of the show.


The real surprise of the show was that even with it being the inaugural showing, they still managed to shock us with a debut. Dazzling Dave Diamond has been signed up by the new promotion, and he made himself known by attacking The Big Problem after his match with Brimstone.


The real question here is in what sort of way will Diamond add to this kind of a product, being that he's nowhere near anything like any of the other guys on the roster. What he does bring is an interesting dynamic that can't be denied, and he'll definitely capture the attention of fans who aren't open to the hardcore content that CWE looks to promote.


Case in point, the main event of the show found Larry Wood challenging for the CWE World Championship against the "self-named" champion, CWE Owner The Toronto Terror. And while the match wasn't anything special, with the finish going the way of Terror thanks to a hand from his manager, the impressive, and unknown commodity Will Draiman... It was the finish that would capture the attention of wrestling fans, having Toronto Terror following the match powerbomb a prone Wood through a flaming table. Entertaining... Yes... Unexpected... Yes... Do we want more... Definitely!!!


Which brings us to their next offering, CWE: Bedlam! And after having a sneak peak at what we're going to see, it looks like it could be another night of unexpected happenings.


As Always Fans

Keep It Wrestling

Todd Mackenforce








Main Event




Biff The Bruiser vs The Darkness Warrior

The Big Problem vs Sgt. B.L. West

Wiley Steinway vs Wooton Pitzpaine

Dusty Bin vs Zachary Inc.

Jebediah vs Brimstone

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Broadcasting Live via CWE.ca


CWE Broadcast Team

Davis Ditterich & Tim Weightmen


DD: Hello fans, and welcome to CWE Bedlam! I'm Davis Ditterich alongside as usual Tim...


TW: What did I say last time Ditts? I don't need any introduction!


DD: Nevertheless, last month at Canadian Revolution, Larry Wood came up a little short when challenging for the CWE World Championship thanks to some interference from Will Draiman...


TW: And you might say Mr. Mountain Man got burned...


DD: You think that's funny?


TW: Actually, yes Ditts, yes I do.


DD: And even after that ruthless attack last month, Larry Wood is here tonight to take on Murderous Mikey in our main event.


TW: Wood has to be nuts, he just has to be. First, you get yourself tossed through a table that's on fire... And this is after having a grueling match with possibly the craziest man this side of the Atlantic in Toronto Terror... And tonight, he decides he's going to step in the ring with the ultra violent Murderous Mikey... Madness I tell you, madness!


DD: You can never count out the grittiness of Larry Wood, he'll never back down from a fight, and tonight will be no different.




The Big Problem vs Sgt. B.L. West

Our first match of the night see's the ever popular Problem taking on the nut job known at The Sarge, and Problem picked up right where he left off last month. Using his strength, and power, Problem was able to toss West around the ring like a rag doll, making a victory for Problem a certainty.

Winner: The Big Problem Grade: E-





Zachary Inc. w/ Streetz


Must like before, Streetz is rocking the mic on hype duty while Z Inc just kinda stands around looking like his has no interest in speaking.


STZ: Ladies, and gentlemen, tonight, we present to you the finest athlete in amongst these low level death machines, Zachary Inc. Next on the docket... Dusty Bin. Who in the hell is Dusty Bin? I'll tell you who he isn't. He isn't the one walking out of here tonight with his hand raised in victory, cause that position has already been accounted for by this man, the man with the million dollar plan, Zachary Inc.!


Grade: F+




Dusty Bin vs Zachary Inc.

Yep, it's Dusty Bin ladies, and gents. We all know him, and for some reason, we all still like having him around. Maybe it's that he tries so damn hard, which he certainly did here. Given Zachary Inc's inexperience, Dusty was the carrier of this match, which is insane given he's not number one in the psychology department, but it still ended up being a grade better then I thought it was going to be with Dusty picking up the win following a botched interference from Streetz.

Winner: Dusty Bin Grade: F




Wiley Steinway vs Wooton Fitzpaine

Usually members of a tag team, both guys managed to hold their own in this one, working off of each others strength's to turn out a pretty good match up. And as expected, you wouldn't be able to keep Coyote Dynamite away from the ring to help out his partner, and the interference would give Steinway the opening he'd need to pick up the win.

Winner: Wiley Steinway Grade: E-






Following the match, using the opportunity to take advantage of the numbers game, the champs attack Fitzpaine, laying a beating on him eventually leading to the Acme Death Device before...




Fitzpaine's tag partner, Thimbleby Langton hammers his way towards the ring, sending the tag champs to the outside before a brawl could break out. Langton stands over his partner as the champs make their way up the entrance, and to the back, taking this fued a little farther along.


Grade: F




Jebediah vs Brimstone

Definitely the low point of the evening, if only because of the popularity factor of both men being considerably low. Brimstone did his thing, playing up the size difference between the two men, and Jebediah did what he could to get the fans behind him. they went through the paces, and a Running Big Boot later, Jebediah picks up the victory.

Winner: Jebediah Grade: F-






We cut backstage to where a wild brawl has broken out between The Big Problem, and Dave Diamond. Although its more Diamond making a run for it, and Problem using what he can to inflict damage on the obviously faster Diamond. Continuing to make a run for it, Diamond eventually makes a clean getaway in his rental car, with Problem left standing, fuming, in the parking lot.


Grade: F




Biff The Bruiser vs The Darkness Warrior

A better match that started to lift the mood of the crowd a little bit. Warrior had a bit of an advantage early on, using his "Power's of The Darkness" to have a hold on Biff. and much like any good guy would do, Biff fought his way back, and when it was just too much, Warrior would submit to a camel clutch that was either incredibly stiff, or sold amazingly well. Either or, it made the fans happy...

Winner: Biff The Bruiser Grade: E





CWE World Champion The Toronto Terror w/ Will Draiman


Even though he may not be on the card tonight, Terror felt it was needed that he make an appearance, and it also gives Draiman a chance to work his magic on the stick.


WD: It's like you'll never learn... Didn't you get the message last month when Terror took you limp, and lifeless body... Set a table ablaze... And put you through it with little regard for your life, and safety. He doesn't want you here Wood... and yet, for some reason, here you are, about to step into the ring tonight, furthermore proving you idiocy. Well if it's more you want Wood, then it's more your going to get... Tonight, no metter the cost, we finish what we started...


Grade: D




Larry Wood vs Murderous Mikey

The main event, the highlight of the night... Or at least that's what it's supposed to be. In reality, it was a touch better then it's predecessor, with both men battling back, and forth, causing Mikey to look absolutely gassed before even hitting the fifteen minute mark. Luckly for Mikey, Terror made true on his promise to "finish what he started" as he hit the ring, and looked to take out Wood. Unfortunately, he missed, hit Mikey, then was sent sailing by The Mountain Man. Using the interference, Wood would take the chance to pin Mikey, and get the win.

Winner: Larry Wood Grade: E






As soon as the bell would ring, Terror's back in the ring, and on Wood like a madman, hammering away with fists that actually cut the forehead of Wood. As Terror comtemplates his next move, Murderous Mikey would come too, and have a stare down with the champ. After a tense moment where you wouldn't know what happens next, Mikey would turn his attention to Wood as well, and both men would beat him down. Will Draiman would appear with a pair of steel chairs, and an evil look in his eye. Handing each man a chair, they'd look to put Wood out of commission when...




Biff The Bruiser sporting a chair of his own would hit the ring, taking out Mikey while the champion, and his manager would scatter, leaving Bruiser in the ring, and the crowd in a frenzy as the show would come to a close.


Grade: D-



Overall Rating: E

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  • 2 weeks later...













The Second Offering Of CWE Doesn't Disapoint



From open to close, CWE: Bedlam was by far one of the most entertaining shows to come out of the Canadian market in a long time. And when I write this, I'm not taking away from the entertainment genius that is the now Alex DeColt run CGC, I'm just voicing my opinion that CWE took the cake in terms of keeping my interest from top to bottom. but some problems do arise when the question of just how far this promotion can go come up...


Like for instance, there are a few fans who are expecting something just a touch more violent, and while I wasn't sure what to expect at first, when I'd heard the names that were apart of this roster, I'm kind of expecting the same. Now whether it's a question of morals on the part of the guys on the roster, or just a point that CWE never intended on going that far into the hardcore forest remains to be seen. but given the hype of the
"Extremist's of the North"... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that maybe it's got a lot to do with the limitations of the roster.


Nevertheless, Bedlam did as it was supposed to do, and CWE are already promoting their next outing,
"Violence Fetish", on March 20th. Following this article, you'll find the announced card, and it looks like we'll be seeing a little bit more of the extreme stuff for those fans who can stomach it.


On to the rumor mill... It's been said that CWE is on the verge of signing someone who in my mind doesn't fit the hardcore mantra that it's been preaching at all. But he does however raise a lot of questions as to where they're going with the
"Wrestling Purist's" Storyline they've got going on right now. I'm not going to throw any names out there, because honestly, I'm just not that kind of journalist. I'm still a fan at heart, but if this is true, then I'm on board for whatever comes next...


Until Next Time

Keep It Wrestling

Todd Mackenforce






Saturday, March 20th, 2010


Main Event




The Darkness Warrior vs Dusty Bin

Wiley Coyote © vs The Good Ol' Boys -
CWE Tag Team Championship

Trauma vs Brimstone

Dave Diamond vs The Big Problem



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Just An Update - I wanted to apologize for the lack of updates on this, as for the past couple weeks I've been in the process of trying to land gainful employment. so I haven't really given this as much attention as I'd promised when I'd started this, but fear not people who do read this, I'll do everything I can to make sure this not-as-good-Canadian-DaVE does not die!


Thanks for reading,


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