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WWE Friday Night Smackdown - The era of MVP

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(Please note these will contain some Money in the Bank spoilers, so if you don't want to know the results for some matches, some I have changed, please don't look any further)




First match of the night is the RAW Money In The Bank Match, the match ends when The Miz knocks Randy Orton off the ladder before climbing the ladder himself, and grabbing the briefcase and winning guarenteed World Championship match over the next 12 months.


We go backstage were we see Kane knocked out cold backstage, a crew member notices and calls for help, we then go to the next match.


The next match is Alicia Fox vs Eve, Alicia picks up the win with an Axe kick.


We go backstage where we see Teddy Long talking to a crew member, looking nervous. He says they need to find a replacement for Kane quickly, before the Smackdown Money In The Bank match. Teddy then says he thinks he knows someone, and then quickly gets on the phone.


Sheamus then cuts a promo on John Cena, he says that tonight, he is going to walk out STILL WWE Champion.


The next match is Hart Dynasty vs The Uso's. David Hart Smith picks up the victory making Jimmy Uso tap out to the Sharpshooter.


We cut backstage were Teddy Long is talking on the phone. He begins arueing with the person and then puts the phone down looking worried. A crew member runs in and Teddy Long says that he can't make it. He says that the match is next, they have no time to find anyone to take Kane's place. The crew member says to not worry, he's found somebody.


The Smackdown Money In The Bank is next. The 7 competitors make there entrance, and we have a long wait until the final participant is revealed, and it is then revealed as Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP! MVP makes is way to the ring to a pretty big pop from the crowd. The match begins and all target the Big Show, he manages to push them all away and then begins to dominate. Show tries to climb the ladder but the step snaps under the pressure. He goes outside and grabs a big ladder, it takes a while, but Sow finally gets it in the ring. Big Show goes to climb, but Cody Rhodes hits a drop kick off the top rope, knocking Sow off the ladder. We continue to have many near wins, but then getting knocked off the ladder. Superstars start to get taken out, Kofi hits a boom drop off the top of the ladder, on Drew McIntyre, through the spanish announce table. Big Show is squashed by about 20 ladders. All but 2 are down, Christian and Matt Hardy. The two battle it out until Christian hits a Killswitch off the ladder. MVP then gets in the ring and hits a playmaker on Christian before climbing the ladder and retreiving the briefcase. MVP is Mr Money In The Bank! MVP celebrates on the top of the ladder.


The next match is Kelly Kelly vs Layla. With McCool and Tiffany at ringside respectively. After McCool tripped Kelly up, Tiffany and Michelle brawled on the outside of the ring, Layla got distracted and starting yelling at the ref to stop it, but when Layla turned around, she turned into a K2! Kelly hooks the leg and picks up a the win to become NEW Womens Champion! Tiffany gets in the ring as Michelle begins to scream in the center of the ring. Michelle drags Layla out the ring and the two begin to argue, McCool screams at Layla saying that she was pathetic. Layla then slaps Michelle around the face and walks off. Is there trouble in the Lay-Cool camp?


The next match is the World Heavyweight Championship match. Swagger targets the ankle throughout the match, and manges to lock in the ankle lock a few time, but Mysterio quickly manages to get to the rope each time. When Mysterio managed to it the 619, he leaped towards Swagger but Swagger caught him and locked in the ankle lock again. Mysterio agains quickly gets to the rope. Mysterio then holds his ankle and loosens his boot, Swagger goes to lock in the ankle lock, but Rey's boot comes off. Mysterio ten hits the 619 and West Coast Pop for the win.


After the match, Swagger attacks Mysterio and hits the Gutwrench powerbomb. Kane runs down to the ring and takes out Swagger, the two brawl through the crowd as Mysterio begins to get to his feet, then MVP's theme hits and he runs down to the ring with his briefcase and a ref. MVP smashes the breifcase off the skull of Mysterio. The ref waits for Mysterio to get to his and then rings the bell. MVP hits the playmaker and wins the World Championship!!


MVP holds his newly won World Title in the air as he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd, some are loving the fact MVP has finally been given a World Title run, others (mainly little kids) unhappy with how he won it.


The main event was a Steel Cage match for the WWE Championship. The crowd was very mixed, with a lot of Sheamus fans in the arena. The match came to an end when Cena went to climb the cage, but the Nexus stopped him from escaping. Sheamus took advantage and quickly escaped the cage before exiting through the crowd. Cena then attacks Darren Young and Michael Tarver as we conclude the very first WWE Money In The Bank PPV.








Alicia Fox [H]

Brie Bella [F]

Chris Jericho [F]

Darren Young [H]

David Hart Smith [F]

David Otunga [H]

Edge [H]

Evan Bourne [F]

Ezekiel Jackson [H]

Gail Kim [F]

Goldust [F]

Jerry Lawler [F]

Jillian [H]

John Cena [H]

John Morrison [F]

Justin Gabriel [H]

Justin Roberts [F]

Mark Henry [F]

Maryse [H]

Melina [F]

Michael Cole [F]

Michael Tarver [H]

Natalya [F]

Nikki Bella [F]

Primo [H]

R-Truth [F]

Randy Orton [F]

Santino Marella [F]

Skip Sheffield [H]

Sheamus [H]

Ted DiBiase [H]

The Miz [H]

Triple H [F]

Tyson Kidd [F]

Vladimir Kozlov [F]

Wade Barrett [H]

Yoshi Tatsu [F]

Zack Ryder [H]






Alex Riley [H] / The Miz [H]

Kaval [F] / Layla [H] and Michelle McCool [H]

Lucky Cannon [F] / Mark Henry [F]

Michael McGillicuty [H] / Kofi Kingston [F]







Beth Phoenix [H]

Big Show [F]

Caylen Croft [H]

Charlie Haas [H]

Chavo Guerrero [H]

Chris Masters [F]

Christian [H]

CM Punk [H]

Cody Rhodes [H]

Dolph Ziggler [H]

Drew McIntyre [H]

Eve [F]

Finlay [F]

Jack Swagger [H]

Joey Mercury [H]


Kane [F]

Kelly Kelly [F]

Kofi Kingston [F]

Layla [H]

Luke Gallows [H]

Matt Hardy [F]

Matt Striker [H]

Michelle McCool [H]


Rey Mysterio[F]

Rosa Mendes [H]

Serena [H]

Shad [F]

Shelton Benjamin [H]

Theodore Long [F]

Tiffany [F]

Todd Grisham [F]

Tony Chimel [F]

Trent Barreta [H]

Undertaker [F]

Vance Archer [H]

Vickie Guerrero [H]

William Regal [F]








defeated Sheamus © , John Cena and Chris Jericho at SummerSlam

























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At the Money In The Bank PPV, MVP was put in the Smackdown Money In The Bank match at the last minute. He went onto win the match and then the World Title. This is because Smackdown recently had a change of head booker, and Vince has given him full control of the brand and can make any changes he wants. We do not yet know who his identity is, but it should be revealed in the coming weeks. This person is said to be a big MVP fan, and wanted him to lead the brand in what is to be a new era. Kelly Kelly also is believed to have benifit from the change in head booker as Layla was set to retain her title until the new head booker took over. Several other changes are set to be made over the next few months, which is believed to include pushes for Cody Rhodes and Christian and the signing of a few stars. Whatever happens, you can be sure that Smackdown is going to be very interesting in the next few months.


Over the next few days, both TNA and WWE are set to make roster cuts over the next few days. The Great Khali, Chris Masters and Primo are highly likely to be released, while no names are mentioned for TNA, but you can expect a few shock releases, and some might then make their way to WWE with the new Smackdown head booker having a HUGE say in the way the company is run

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RAW kicks off with John Cena in the ring. He says that once again he was screwed by the Nexus, but tonight, he has a match against Chris Jericho, in a number one contenders match for the WWE Title, and he promises that if any member of the Nexus interferes, he will personally make their life a misery.


David Hart Smith defeated Jey Uso


David Hart Smith faces Jey Uso. With Natayla and Tyson in Smith's corner and Jimmy and Tamina in Jey's the two battled it out until Smith locked in the Sharpshooter, picking up the win.


After the match, Jimmy gets in the ring and attacks Smith, but Tyson Kidd gets in the ring and sends Jimmy running, with Jey and Tamina follow.


Wade Barrett is seen backstage, he tells Cena not to worry about the Nexus interfering in his match tonight, as none of them are here tonight, but he is!


The Miz defeated Yoshi Tatsu


The Miz gets in the ring before his match. He says that last night he proved to everyone that he is awesome, and when he decided to cash this in, he will not only be United States Champion, but also WWE Champion.



The Miz went onto beat Yoshi Tatsu with ease when he hit a Skull Crushing Finale. After the match, R-Truth makes runs to the ring to the shock of everybody and attacks The Miz. He then grabs the briefcase and holds in up high in the air.


Ted DiBiase defeated John Morrison


These two men have been at each other for weeks, and now they come face-to-face once again. Morrison looked to have the match won but Maryse pushed him off the top rope. DiBiase then got up and hit the Million Dollar Dream Street to get the win.


After the match, DiBiase hits another 2 Million Dollar Dream Streets before getting the mic and saying that Morrison will NEVER be on DiBiase level, because DiBiase has Maryse, and all the money in the World.


Alicia Fox defeated Eve


In a rematch from last night, and Eve's last shot at the title, Alicia managed to pick up the victory with an Axe kick.


After the match, to the shock of everyone, Melina made her return and attacked Fox, before holding the Divas Title aloft.


Randy Orton defeated Evan Bourne


Orton has had Bourne's number the past few weeks, he hit an RKO on him after tag team action a few weeks ago, and last week hit another HUGE RKO on Bourne. This week was no different, and Orton managed to hit the RKO for the win.


After the match, Edge gets out from under the ring, and hits a spear on Orton.


John Cena vs Chris Jericho ended in a no-contest


Jericho and Cena have a brutal history, including Cena making Jericho quit the WWE in 2005. The match was even throughout, and when Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment, Barrett come down to the ring and attacked both Cena and his former mentor, Chris Jericho. An email is then sent to Michael Cole, who announces that at the Biggest Party of the summer, Sheamus will defend his WWE Title against Chris Jericho, John Cena and Wade Barrett!



TNA Results:


Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne, Lacey Von Erich and Sarita to retain the TNA Knockouts Title

Magnus defeated D-Lo Brown and Tomko

Eric Young defeated Kazarian, D'Angelo Dinero and Sting

Orlando Jordan defeated Shannon Moore

Tommy Dreamer defeated Douglas Williams for the TNA X-Division title

Brother Devon defeated Samoa Joe

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WWE have released The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh, some more are expected over the next few days though, as WWE are looking to make space for a new set of new superstars to join WWE over the coming weeks and also for some of the new set of superstars from NXT.


TNA have also released superstars. They have made huge cuts releases. The most notable are Douglas Williams, who lost his X Division title to Tommy Dreamer on TNA this week, and Madison Rayne, who is a key part of The Beautiful People. Ashley Lane (Madison Rayne) is expected to be making her way to WWE very soon. Others released are Matt Conway, Christy Hemme, Hermie Sadler, Jason Hervey, Jamie Tucker, Andrew Thomas, Willie Urbina, Hector Guerrero, Ed Ferrara, Bill Banks, Dave Taylor, Sarita, Max Buck, Jeremy Buck, Magnus, The Amazing Red, Shark Boy, Kiyoshi, Okada and Rosie Lottalove.


Several sources are claiming that Tyson Tomko is expected to make another return to WWE, and he is expected to quit TNA if he is offered a contract. The Smackdown Head Booker belives he is the perfect bodyguard for a heel. Elijah Burke and Ken Anderson are both wanted by WWE but they are to stay with TNA until there current contract ends

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/54/WWE_NXT.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

NXT kicks off with the Nexus in the ring. Barrett says that they are not here to cause trouble, but to find new recruits for the Nexus. He calls out Kaval who then makes his way to the ring. Barrett offers Kaval to chance to join him, and leave this humililating show and save himself from the embarassment of the challenges. Barrett tells Kaval, he is either Nexus, or agaiinst us. After a few moments, Kaval says that he is grateful for the change to join Nexus, but he would rather be humilated every week then be in the Nexus. Barrett says fine, but he has just made a very powerful enemy. Matt Striker is on the ramp, and he says that he doesn't want any violence on this show, unless it is a match, and that is why right now, Kaval is going to go one on one with Justin Gabriel.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kaval defeated Justin Gabriel</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kaval may have made the biggest mistake of his life, and may now be the target of the Nexus, but Kaval had the chance to have is ability doing the talking, against another great high flyer, Justin Gabriel. After Gabriel missed the 450 Splash when Kaval moved, he went to the top ropeand hit the Warriors Way on Gabriel to pick up a huge win..</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, the Nexus flooded the ring, and they trap Kaval, before attacking him like a pack of wild animals. Naxus destroyed Kaval, and Gabriel finished it by hitting the 450 Splash, leaving him out cold in the center of the ring. Otunga gets a mic and says let this be a warning to anyone who rejects the Nexus.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eli Cottonwood defeated Husky Harris</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Two big men face off in a match, and with the next elimination only 1 week away, both were looking to impress the the NXT Pro's and the WWE Universe. Cottonwood manged to pick up the win after hittig the Chokeslam.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Michael McGillicutty defeated Lucky Cannon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Another 2 superstars who are looking to impress faced off in singles action. Lucky Cannon was immune for elimination last time, but may not be so lucky this time and luc was not on his side in this match when McGillicutty hit the Swinging Sidewalk Slam for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MVP and Percy Watson defeated Miz and Alex Riley</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Both MVP and The Miz had great nights at Money In the Bank, both winning there Money In the Bank match, and MVP then cashed in his briefcase to win the title. MVP's grear form continued in this match, when he hit the 305 on Riley for the win.</p>

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<p><span>http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss128/adamherd/titlebar.gif</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>FORMER ROH STAR & FORMER TNA KNOCKOUT SIGNS WITH WWE</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are able to confirm from a close source within WWE that they have managed to sign Ashley Lane and Jimmy Jacobs to written contract. It seems at the moment, Lane will be put straight into action as WWE are currently low on Divas. It is likely that she will appear on Smackdown as they are very low on divas, with only Tiffany, Layla, Michelle McCool and Women's Champion Kelly Kelly currently active, although Beth Phoenix is very close to returning. Jimmy Jacobs however is been sent to FCW for a month while they find a suitable storyline for him to join.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/5/5b/20091111043610!WWE_SmackDown_2009_logo.png</span><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">SMACKDOWN PREVIEW</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Just 5 days after n historic first Money in the Bank PPV, Smackdown is set to kick off with the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, MVP! At Money In The Bank, MVP managed to get into the Money In The Bank match when kane was found unconcious, and took advantage of the situation, will we find out who attacked Kane, and what does Mysterio have to think about this? After losing her Womens Championship, Layla has cashed in her rematch clause and she will face Kelly Kelly on friday. Can Layla take the title back to Lay-Cool? What does MVP have to say? Tune into Smackdown to find out.</p><p> </p><p>

Confirmed matches:</p><p> </p><p>

Cody Rhodes vs Finlay</p><p>

Matt Hardy vs Drew McIntyre</p><p>

Layla vs Kelly Kelly © for the WWE Women's title</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/5/5b/20091111043610!WWE_SmackDown_2009_logo.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Smackdown begins with a video package from Money In The Bank. We first see Kane on the floor unconcious, and then MVP making his entrance into the Money In The Bank match. Highlights of the match is shown which ends with MVP on top of the ladder, and retrieving the briefcase. We then go onto seeing highlights of Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio. We see Rey unloosing his boot and then coming off when Swagger went for the ankle lock. Rey then beats Swagger. We see Swagger attack Mysterio until Kane runs down to make the save. We then see an image of MVP holding the MITB briefcase aloft, then go back to the ring where MVP runs down to the ring and cashes in the briefcase. MVP hits the playmaker and the ref counts the 3 and then we see MVP holding the World title in the air, as we hear Matt Striker voice echoing saying MVP is the new World Champion. We then see the Smackdowns theme before going to the arena.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Good Evening and Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! I'm Todd Grisham, here at ringside with Matt Striker, and Matt, what a night for Smackdown at Money In The Bank and especially MVP."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Todd, MVP turned up to Money In The Bank thinking he wasn't even in a match, and just by turning up to the show and being available for the Money In The Bank match, he was put into it and won the Money In The Bank."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And that what not all folks, because just over 30 minutes later, Rey Mysterio managed to defend his World Title against Jack Swagger, and after Swagger attacked Mysterio, MVP spotted an opportunity and seized it, cashing in the Money In The Bank briefcase and winning his very first World Title in the WWE."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "And with that Smackdown has a new World Champion, and now 7 times that briefcase has been cashed in, and 7 times we have seen a new World Champion."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "The Miz has the chance to make that 8 out of 8 when he won the RAW Money In The Bank and Miz has the chance to follow in the footsteps of Edge, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, Rob Van Dam and MVP, to win there very first World Title by cashing in the briefcase."</p><p> </p><p> <em>I'M COMING</em></p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "And here he is, the World Heavyweight Champion, MVP! I'm never going to get sick of saying that."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "You can't say he doesn't deserve it, he is a 2 time WWE United States Champion, and the longest reigning United States Champion ever!"</p><p> </p><p> MVP finally makes enters the arena, to a mixed response from the crowd, dressed in a suit, and the World Championship over his shoulder. </p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "A bit of a mixed reaction from this crowd for MVP."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "What do you expect Todd, MVP cashed in his title shot against a fatigued Rey Mysterio, one of the crowds favourite superstar and the crowd don't like it."</p><p> </p><p> MVP gets in the ring and grabs a mic.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "MVP's gonna..."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: Shut up Todd, our World Champion is about to speak!"</p><p> </p><p> MVP: "Last Sunday, I had the greatest night of my life. I turned up to Money In The Bank, annoyed with the fact I had been overlooked for the Money In The Bank match. I should have been the first name announced in the match, and if anybody knows my abilities, Teddy Long does. He signed me to Smackdown 4 years ago, and made me the highest paid athlete in Smackdown history, and I proved I was worth that beat Kane in several matches, and then became United States Champion! I went onto hold that title for over a year! I showed Teddy Long I'm one of the best on this show, and yet I wasn't put into the Money In The Bank match, and then when Kane was taken out, I wasn't even his first choice of replacement. I was the second choice behind CM Punk. I realized backstage that I'm not going to be getting all the opportunities at the World Title that I should be, and so when I went out to the ring at Money In The Bank, there was only one thing on my mind, and that was walking out that PPV with the World Title around my waist. When I won the Money In The Bank match, I knew I had completed my goal of becoming World Champion. Whether it had of been Jack Swagger or Rey Mysterio that had won, I would have cashed in the briefcase, whether or not Jack Swagger attack Rey after the match, I would have cashed in the breifcase. I knew I could beat Jack Swagger and Rey Mysterio if they were both 100%, and I was even more confident when they are less than 100%, so when Mysterio won, and I saw him injured, I knew that there was no chance he was walking out with MY World Championship, and I cashed it in, and now I am the World Heavyweigt Champion!"</p><p> </p><p> <em>BOOYAKA BOOYAKA 619...HEY BOOYAKA BOOYAKA...</em></p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And here is the former World Heavyweight Champion, Rey Mysterio!"</p><p> </p><p> Rey stops on the ramp with a mic in hand and says: "Montel, congratulations, you won the World Heavyweight Champion, but Montel, you aren't World Champion in my eyes, until you defend that title against somebody. All the people who cashed in the briefcase before you, went onto to defend it and prove that they deserve to be Champion, and you haven't done that yet. Yes, you are the longest reigning United States Champion in Smackdown history, but if I remember correctly, you spent most of that time injured!"</p><p> </p><p> MVP: "I had a serious heart condition Rey, I could have died if I had competed. And I don't know wat you're talking about, you spent the whole of you career inured, the only difference between mine and all of yours it that I was man enough to turn up to work every week."</p><p> </p><p> Rey Mysterio: "No need to get personal, but Montel, you need to remember, when you beat me, you gave me a rematch for the title whenever I want! But don't worry, I'm not going to cash it in tonight, nor am I going to cash it in when you are at you weakest, but in 3 weeks, at the biggest party of the Summer, SummerSlam!"</p><p> </p><p> MVP: "Rey, you want to face me at SummerSlam? You're on, and when I beat you, I will prove to you that I deserve to be World Champion!"</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cody_Rhodes16.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/F%20Images/Finlay5.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The match begun with a lock-up in the center of the ring. Finlay went to push Cody into the center of the ring but Rhodes punched Finlay in the back of the knee. Rhodes took full control of the match, targeting the leg of Finlay. Finlay couldn't get into the match and Rhodes finally decided to end it when he hit the Cross Rhodes to get a 3 count for a very impressive victory.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Backstage we see Kane standing in a dark room. He begins to talk. "Jack Swagger, first you attack my brother, and then you attack me! You cost both us us the World Title! It should have been me who cashed in the Money In The Bank briefcase last Sunday, but because of you, I didn't have the chance! Swagger, I will not stop till I get revenge, and whether that be tonight, next week, at SummerSlam, or WrestleMania, I will get revenge for what you did to me, and what you did to my brother, and Swagger, if you think what I have done so far is bad, then you haven't seen nothing yet, I will personally beat you to within an inch of your life, and when my brother rises, he will be sure that you REST...IN...PEACE!" Kane laughs as the camera focuses back in the ring.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Drew_Galloway17.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Matt_Hardy40.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> These two superstars have been at each others throats the past few months, and now they finally go one-on-one, just 5 days after both were in the Money In The Bank Match, and both came close to winning the match, but neither can be 100%, especially McIntyre after he was sent through the announce table with a Boom Drop off the ladder. Both men gave it all though and Matt Hardy managed to pick up the win after hitting the Twist of Fate.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "A big win for Matt Hardy tonight, and is that enough to put him in the Intercontinental Title picture?"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "A victory over the former champ, is sure is!"</p><p> </p><p> Todd Striker: "Wait a minute..."</p><p> </p><p> Christian is in the ring behind Hardy with a steel chair in hand. As Hardy turns he is smashed in the head with it. </p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Christian has just taken out Matt Hardy."</p><p> </p><p> Christian continues to smash the chair off Matt Hardy as the crowd sits in silence, shocked at the events unfolding. Christian then leaves the ring, but only to get a weapon from under the ring, and he pulls out a table. He sets it up in the center of the ring and then puts Hardy onto it. Christian jumps onto the table and puts Hardy through it with a Killswitch. Christian begins to leave as the crowd still sit in silence.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Christian has snapped here tonight, this is a side of him I've never seen before."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "You have to wonder what caused Christian to snap here tonight, and why he attacked Matt Hardy."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "We knew that these two haven't be each others best friends the past few weeks, but never would we have expected it to go this far."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Hopefully we can get some answers sooner rather than later."</p><p> </p><p> The camera goes backstage where Teddy Long is standing with Cody Rhodes. </p><p> </p><p> Cody Rhodes: "Teddy, earlier tonight I destroyed Finlay. I destroyed his leg and he may never be able to wrestle again."</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "What is your point Cody?"</p><p> </p><p> Cody Rhodes: "Well, since I've been on Smackdown, I've dominated everywhere I went. I came close to winning the Money In The Bank match, and I think I deserve a shot at the Intercontinental Championship."</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "Cody, I agree that you have been impressive since you were drafted to Smackdown, but so have several other superstars on the show, so you need to prove yourself deserving of a title shot."</p><p> </p><p> Cody Rhodes: "And destroying Finlay isn't enough."</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "Beating Finlay was impressive, what you did after the match was just assault, you need to do something else to prove yourself."</p><p> </p><p> Cody Rhodes: "Don't worry, I've got the perfect idea."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KellyKelly2.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Layla_El25.jpg</span><p><strong> FOR THE WWE WOMENS CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> A Money In The Bank rematch took place, and both Tiffany and Michelle McCool were at ringside again. Michelle tried to get involved again, but Tiffany once again stopped her and the two brawled outside. The ref then sent them both to the back. Kelly took control of the match as Layla was argueing with the ref and nearly finished when she hit the K2 but Layla managed to get a foot on the rope. Kelly picked up Layla but Layla then punched her in the face, knocking Kelly out. Layla went for the pin but Kelly managed to roll a shoulder up before the 3 count. Layla again started to argue with the ref, which cost her this time, as she was rolled up by Kelly Kelly for the 3 count. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After the match, Michelle comes back to the ring. She and Layla begin to argue, but then they both look at each other, and then at Kelly Kelly, who is getting back to her feet. They both then attack and beat down Kelly until Tiffany runs down to the ring, making the save. Lay-Cool begin to walk backstage as Tiffany helps Kelly to her feet.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jack_Swagger11.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KofiKingston-3.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston went one-on-one with Jack Swagger in a match that could put either man in the World Title picture. Kofi started the match well but Swagger managed to lock in the ankle lock in the center of the ring. As Swagger was cranking the pressure on the ankle, Kofi managed to get to the rope but the damage was done, and he could perform any high flying moves. When he did hit one though, it was the Trouble in Paradise but as Swagger fell back, he knocked the ref down. Cody Rhodes then ran down to the ring and hit the Cross Rhodes on Kofi. Cody pulled Swagger onto Kofi and got the ref up, and when he did, he counted the 3 to give Swagger the win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Swagger got back to his feet and began to celebrate in the ring, until Kane's music hits. Swagger runs through the crowd as Kane runs to the ring and Kane then follows him. Kane catches up with him and the 2 begin to brawl. It ends up going out the rena as they continue to trade blows as they go across the street. The two still continue until they get to a nearby harbour. Kane knocks Swagger out with a huge right hand and when Swagger gets back to his feet, Kane wraps his hand around his throat. Kane then lifts Swagger in the air and sends him into the harbour with a chokeslam.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "OH MY GOD! KANE JUST CHOKESLAMMED SWAGGER INTO A HARBOUR!"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Kane said he will get revenge, and now he's got it!"</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Kane could have just killed Jack Swagger."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Kane is a man of his word, he said he wouldnt stop until Swagger would Rest In Peace, and he may have just done that. WOW!"</p><p> </p><p> The camera cuts back to the ring where CM Punk, Luke Gallows, Serena and the Masked member of the Straight Edge Society is standing. </p><p> </p><p> CM Punk: "Calm down, Calm down. I know what that sick monster Kane did to Jack Swagger is the most exciting thing that has happened in your pathetic lives today but your saviour is now talking. Tonight, we are going to add another person to the list of superstars that I have saved, and that person, is our masked member in the ring. Over the pst few months, they have been interfering in matches on behalf on the Straight Edge Society, but he was not officially a member. We know the identity of this person, but nobody else does. Teddy Long doesn't know, Vince McMahon doesn't know, the only people that know is the people in this ring. But tonight, we are going to reveal to you who this person is, and that time is now. So, if you are ready, please reveal your identity to this pathetic excuses of human beings, and start you new life, a straight edge life."</p><p> </p><p> The man pulls his hood down as takes off a mask to reveal himself.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Its...it's Joey Mercury!"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "The former WWE Tag Team Champion, the former member of MNM, we havent seen him in years!"</p><p> </p><p> Mercury asks Punk if he can use his mic and Punk gives it him. "Suprise, it me and I'm back. Last time you saw me, I had a broken nose, and my face had been destroyed by the Hardys. And I deserved everything I got. At that time, I was drinking, smoking and destorying my body and when I was sitting at home, it was getting worse, then turned on Smackdown to see CM Punk spreading the Straight Edge message and saving people from alchol and cigerattes, and at that moment I knew that I needed to be saved, so I put on a mask and helped Punk in a match against Rey Mysterio. Punk didn't know I was going to be in the arena that night, but after that event, I met up with Punk and asked him if he could save me, and he said when the time was right, and that time is now! I am going to put a life of misery behind and I urge all you to follow me in becoming Straight Edge."</p><p> </p><p> CM Punk: "Joey the time has come. We are going to save you right now, are you ready?"</p><p> </p><p> Joey Mercury: "Yes, I'm ready."</p><p> </p><p> Punk grabs a razor and begins to shave Joey Mercury's head as he repeats the Straight Edge pledge. Punk finally finishes shaving his head and grabs a mic.</p><p> </p><p> CM Punk: "Another soul has been saved, and the Straight Edge Society continues to grow!"</p><p> </p><p> The 4 superstars raise each others hands in the center of the ring.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/MVP.jpg</span><strong> & </strong><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Nick_Nemeth14.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Rey_Mysterio36.jpg</span><strong> & </strong><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Big_Show29.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The main event of the night is Rey Mysterio and Big Show against Dolph Ziggler and the new World Champion, MVP. MVP started the match against his SummerSlam opponent Rey Myterio. MVP started the match the better before tagging in Dolph Ziggler. Dolph continued to dominate and he and MVP began to make quick tags to keep fresh. Mysterio really needed to make a tag but he was kept as far away from Big Show as possible. Mysterio managed to counter a suplex by Ziggler into a DDT and both men were down and needing to make a tag. Both men managed to and MVP went straight on the offence, but none of his attacks seemed to affect Show. MVP then tagged in Ziggler who had only just got up. Show grabs Ziggler and slams him to the floor. Ziggler starts screaming in pain, holding his ankle. The ref told Big Show to wait as he looked at Ziggler. With the ref not looking, MVP got into the ring and smashed Shows ankle with a steel chair, the same ankle Jac Swagger injured. MVP quickly got out the ring and Ziggler got up and hit the Zig-Zag to get a huge win to end Smackdown! </p></div></blockquote>
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First, Charlie Haas recently spoke to a journalist and when asked what is next for him in wrestling he responded that he had actually had an offer from WWE to rejoin them, and after they told him Shelton Benjamin had also be offered a contract, he jumped at the chance.


This weeks Smackdown was full of shocks. First we had a heel turn from Christian. Both Christian and Matt Hardy performed well in the angle, and you felt Christian actually wanted to hurt Hardy. Its going to be interesting seeing what WWE does with Christian following the turn, and with the rumours of Tyson Tomko being close to joining, he could teamed with Christian once again. The other shocking moment was Kane throwing Jack Swagger into a harbour, a throwback from Rock throwing Austin off the bridge and Cena throwing Edge into a river. What should be noted is that the new head booker on Smackdown is reported to have recently asked Vince McMahon is he could take a more adult approach to Smackdown, which Vince relucantly agreed to, and the rating has been moved from PG to TV-13.


On the note of the new head booker, Matt Hardy was recently asked on Twitter who the new head booker is. Hardy responded, "Can't really answer that, Vince wants to keep it a secret for the moment but he will be revealed when they feel the time is right, but I can say that I am a huge fan of his and he is a legend in this business."


SummerSlam is only 3 weeks away, and 2 matches have been announced at the moment, both being World Title matches. These are:


Sheamus © vs Chris Jericho vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett for the WWE Championship


MVP © vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5e/WWE-RAW-LOGO.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

RAW starts with one of the number 1 contenders for the WWE Title at SummerSlam, and the leader of the Nexus in the ring. He says that last week the General manager announced at SummerSlam that there will be a fatal four way match for the WWE Championship. He says all the attacks were to make a statement, and they worked, because he now has a WWE Championship match without even taking part in a match. He tells Cena, Jericho and Sheamus that at SummerSlam, he will walk out WWE Champion and Nexus will rule over Monday Night RAW!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wade Barrett defeated Mark Henry</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The leader of the Nexus faced Mark Henry in his first match on RAW. Barrett dominated throughtout the match and didn't let Henry get to his feet. Barrett continued to punish Henry until he decided to end it, when he hit The Wasteland for his first win on RAW.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Wade Barrett is celebrating in the ring when an e-mail is set to Michael Cole. Cole reads it and says that the GM wants to congratulate Barrett on his first victory on RAW, and wants him to know that he isn't the only person in the Fatal-4 way at SummerSlam that is in a match tonight, because in our main event, it will be Sheamus vs Chris Jericho.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jey and Jimmy Uso defeated the Hart Dynasty</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a non title match, The Uso faced The Hart Dynasty in a match, and a victory for The Uso's would put them straight into The Unified Tag Team Championship picture. Both Natayla and Tamina were at ringside again. The match came to a end when Jey Uso pinned Tyson Kidd with a roll-up to get the win for his team.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>R-Truth defeated William Regal</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Before his match with William Regal, R-Truth came to the ring with a mic. He said it was The Miz's fault he never got a chance to take part in the Money In The Bank ladder match. He says that he wants that shot at the Money In The Bank briefcase, and he wants it at SummerSlam</p><p> </p><p>

The match then began, and a very even match-up. Regal took control of the match when he punched Truth in the gut, knocking him to the ground. Regal continued punch Truth while he was on the ground, the ref then pulling Regal away. Regal went back to attack Truth but Truth pulled Regal and he went face first into the turnbuckle. Truth managed to get back into the match and hit the Lie Detector on Regal picking up the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, The Miz comes to the ring. He sys that Truth had no chance of winning the Money In The Bank, but if Truth wannts a shot at the briefcase, he's got it. He says he will walk out SummerSlam still Mr Money In the Bank because he's The Miz and he's AWESOME!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Melina and Eve defeated Alicia Fox and Jillian Hall</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Melina made her in ring return to RAW in tag team action when she teamed with Eve to take on Jillian Hall and the Divas Champion Alicia Fox. Melina got the win wheen he pinned Jillian Hall after she hit the LA Sunset.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Justin Gabriel defeated Evan Bourne</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Before this match was made, John Cena was in the ring. He said that at SummerSlam, he will regain his WWE Championship in a Fatal-4 way. He said he knows he will win because he has made a deal with the GM, and if any of the Nexus interfere, they will be fired, Wade Barrett will be taken out the match and it will restart as a Triple Threat. The Nexus (with no Wade Barrett) then come out, lead by Justin Gabriel. They spread out around the ring then they all get in the ring and attack John Cena. They all hit their finishers, leaving Cena out cold in the center of the ring. The GM then sends Michael Cole an email, it says that Gabriel in is a match now, against Evan Bourne, and just like at SummerSlam, if anyone interferes, they are fired and Wade Barrett will be taken out of the Fatal-4 way.</p><p> </p><p>

Bourne and Gabriel begin their match. With both superstars looking to deliver high flying moves, neither could keep the other one down long enough to execute a high flying move. That was until Gabriel drop kicked Bourne, who fell back and knocked his head off the turnbuckle, knocking him out. Gabriel dragged Bourne into the center of the ring and then went to the top rope and hit the 450 Splash to get the 3 count and the second victory of the night for the Nexus.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ted DiBiase defeated Santino</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Maryse was once again at ringside when Ted DiBiase took on Santino. Ted took full control of the match, with Santino not getting any offence. Santino managed to counter a Million Dollar Dream Street and knocked Ted to the floor. Santino went to bounce off the ropes but Maryse grabbed his leg and tripped him up. DiBiase picked Santino up and hit the Million Dollar Dream Street, picking up the win.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, John Morrison runs down to the ring and hits Ted DiBiase in the back with a steel chair. He moves DiBiase towards the turnbuckle and then hits Starship Pain. He looks towards Maryse, who then runs backstage before Morrison can get her.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton on The Cutting Edge</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Edge came to the ring and welcomed everyone to the Cutting Edge. He says that his guest is a former multiple World Champion, and his former tag team partner, Randy Orton. Randy comes to the ring and the two begin to argue. Edge says that he carried the team, and the only reason Orton ever held a World Title, was because of tag team partner. He says Evolution is the reason he won his first World Title and he says that he carried Orton is Rated-RKO, and elevated him to World Championship status, and since he won multiple World Title. Orton says he is the youngest World Champion, Edge took about 10 years to win a World Title, and he couldn't even win the title properly, and since that, Edge's title reigns have all been a month long. Edge takes offence to this a delivered a huge Spear to Orton, before posing on the top turnbuckle.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho defeated Sheamus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In our main event, Chris Jericho took on the WWE Champion Sheamus. The crowd were firmly behind Chris Jericho as he looked to gain momentum heading into SummerSlam. Sheamus started the match the better of the two, but he couldn't put Jericho away. Sheamus thought he had the match won when he hit the Crucifix Powerbomb, but Jericho managed to roll a shoulder up. Sheamus then hit the Brogue Kick on Jericho and it looked over, but Jericho managed to get a foot on the bottom rope. Sheamus didn't know what he had to do to put Jericho away, so he went for a steel chair, but as he got in the ring, the ref tried to get the chair, but Sheamus hit him with the chair. Sheamus turned to Jericho who hit a codebreaker out of nowhere, he went for the cover but the ref was still knocked out, so he locked in the Walls of Jericho. Sheamus tapped but the ref was still knocked out, so Jericho cranked up the pressure, Sheamus still tapping furiously, and the ref started to get to his feet, and noticed Sheamus tapping and called for the bell.</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho starts celebrating when Wade Barrett maked his way to the ring and attacks Jericho, hitting The Wasteland, before doing the same to Sheamus, standing tall to conclude RAW.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

TNA Results:</p><p> </p><p>

The Beautiful People defeated Taylor Wilde and Daffney to retain the TNA Knockouts Title</p><p>

Alex Shelley defeated Eric Young and Chris Sabin</p><p>

Kazarian defeated Rob Terry and Jesse Neal</p><p>

Jay Lethal defeated Sting</p><p>

The Enigmatic As*holes (Jeff Hardy and Mr Kennedy) defeated Abyss and Hulk Hogan</p><p>

RVD defeated Matt Morgan to retain the TNA World Championship.</p>

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NXT kicks off with an Obstacle Course challenge. The winner of the match would not only win immunity from elimination this week, they would win a match against their pro in tonights main event. Husky Hrris went first and finished in a time of 53.8 seconds. Kaval was next and did it in a very quick 29.9 seconds. Michel McGillicutty did it in 40.3 seconds, but was disqualified. Eli Cottonwood refused to finish the course and was disqualified. Alex riley was next and took the leaad with a time of 28.7 seconds. Lucky Cannon finished in 30.8 seconds and finally Percy Watson finished in 29.4 seconds which means Alex Riley won immunity from elimination, and a mtch against The Miz tonight.


Kingston and McGillicutty defeated Rhodes and Harris


With Cody Rhodes looking for an opportunity at the Intercontinental Championship, a victory for his team would put Harris towards the top of the NXT ranking, and give him a title shot. They were not successful though, and Kofi picked up the win.


After the match Wade Barrett got into the ring. He says that McGillicutty has impressed him the past few weeks, and would like to offer him a spot in the Nexus. McGillcutty has a quick word with his pro before telling Barrett that his answer is no. Barrett says that he just made a huge enemy, the Nexus then get into the ring and attack both him and Kofi.


Kaval defeated Percy Watson


After picking up a victory last week against Justin Gabriel, Kaval looked to continue his good form against the rookie of the World Heavyweight Champion, Percy Watson. Both men got some decent offence during the match, but the Warriors way was enough to put Watson away and give Kaval the win.


The Miz defeated Alex Riley


A match that was made earlier on, a Pro vs Rookie match main evented this weeks NXT. Riley looked to impress the WWE Universe in a match against The Miz. He couldn't do it however, as The Miz dominated throughout but Riley refused to stay down for the 3 count, and at least impressed The Miz with his versatility, but he couldn't kick out the Skull Crushing Finale, and The Miz picked up a win.


And finally it is time for the second elimination. Matt Striker reveals that 1st is Kaval, 2nd is Michael McGillicutty, 3rd is Alex Riley, 4th is Percy Watson. In 5th place was Lucky Cannon, leaving Eli Cottonwood and husky Harris in the bottom 2, and the person eliminated is...Husky Harris. Harris leaves the WWE ring for the fiinal time as NXT comes to a conclusion.

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WWE are reportedly wanting to sing Booker T to a contract. They are believed to want to have more superstars on Smackdown who can consistently put on good matches which Smackdown currently lacks at the moment.


The new Smackdown head booker is apparently upset with the amount of top stars on Smackdown, and has apparently asked Vince McMahon if he could move one or two people from RAW to Smackdown. Vince McMahon is dsaid to have agreed with the Head Booker, but only one top star, and another upper midcarder. It is believed at this point Edge or Randy Orton will be moving to Smackdown and Evan Bourne or William Regal will heading to Smackdown aswell.


Husky Harris was eliminated from NXT earlier. The final is drawing every so closer and currently the winner is expected to be either Kaval, Michael McGillcutty or Alex Riley. WWE are reportedly pleased with the performances of all three of them, and believe they have a bright future in WWE.


Speaking of NXT, WWE are currently planning season 3. The recently signed Jimmy Jacobs is going to be in the series and both Richie Steamboat and Brett DiBiase are highly likely to be in. WWE are also currently trying to sign Austin Aries, which would create a split in the internet fans whereas in series 1 and 2, they had clear favourites. Other names that have been thrown about at meetings is Teddy Hart, Taylor Rotunda, Wes Brisco, Barri Griffiths (known to UK viewers as Goliath from Gladiators) and Tevita Fifita.

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Smackdown begins with its theme before heading to the arena, pyro exploding before the camera focuses on the announce table where Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are sitting.


Todd Grisham: "Good eveening and welcome to Friday Night Smackdown where we are just over 2 weeks away from SummerSlam, I'm Todd Grisham, here at ringside with Matt Striker, and Matt, what a show we have got tonight."


Matt Striker: "Yes Todd, tonight our main event two of the greatest cruiserweight ever to step foot in a WWE ring, and two of the greatest Mexican wrestlers in WWE, Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero face off."


Todd Grisham: "And also, after last week, how will Jack Swagger respond to being thrown off a habour by Kane."


Matt Striker: "An unprovaked attack by Kane!"


Todd Grisham: "He attacked his brother and left him in a vegative state."


Matt Striker: "Jack proved to Kane he was nowhere near Undertaker when it happened, Kane left Punk alone, why not leave Swagger alone?"


Todd Grisham: "Well Swagger did cost Kane a chance of winning Money In The Bank!"




A chorus of booes echoe around the arena as Christian makes his way to the ring, walking straight to the ring and not looking at the crowd.


Todd Grisham: "And speaking of unprovaked attacks..."


Matt Striker: "Todd, I have to agree with you, Christian completely snapped last week, but you have to think there is a reason for what Christian did to Matt Hardy last week."


Todd Grisham: "I hope you right Matt, because if Christian had no reason, then he is really sick."


Christian finally gets into the center of the ring with a mic in hand and begins to talk. "Everyone shut up!" The booes get even louder. "Last week, I attacked Matt Hardy, I viciously attacked him with a steel chair and since then people have been asking me in the street, sending me e-mails and just annoying me constantly by asking 'Why?'. Why? I'll tell you why, Matt Hardy has spent his whole career saying he was living in his brothers shadow, and the reason he hasn't held a World Title is because he is seen as the weaker of the two brothers. He got on the fans good side by making them feel pity for him. He gained even more pity by being cheated on by Lita with my brother Edge. Matt, you're the only one who lives in their brothers shadow but the reason I do is not because I'm a pathetic excuse of a wrestler like you, but because my brother is a 10 time World Champion. And Matt, it made me sick that you would try to use somebody else's success to try and make excuses for your crappy career, I could easily have done it but I chose not to because I knew my ability would take me to the top, not my brothers success. And last Sunday, I was about to reach the top, but you cost me the match. I was close to winning the Money In The Bank match and becoming World Champion but your ego, got in the way of my reaching goal. So that is why!"


Christian drops his mic and begins to walk backstage.


Matt Striker: "Now Christian has explained why, I completely agree with him!"


Todd Grisham: "What are you on about Matt, he is blaming Matt Hardy for him not being able to win the Money In the Bank match."


Matt Striker: "But Todd, Hardy has been using pity to try and get to the top of WWE, and Christian and I both believe its sick."


Todd Grisham: "I think he's just a sore loser."


Matt Striker: "Nobody cares what you think Todd."


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/JTG-2.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Nick_Nemeth14.jpg


After a good victory last week during tag team action, Dolph Ziggler looked to continue his good form against JTG. JTG started the match well and nearly got the win when he rolled up Ziggler, but Ziggler managed to get a shoulder up. Ziggler got up from the pinfall attempt quickly and stomped on JTG several times before he got up. Ziggler took full control of the match. He punished JTG and finally decided to finish it when he hit the Zig Zag for the win.


Todd Grisham: "An impressive victory for Dolph Ziggler tonight."


Matt Striker: "And it doesn't look like he's finished."


Ziggler grabs JTG and hits another Zig-Zag. He picks him up again and looks as if he is about to hit a 3rd Zig-Zag but Shad runs down to the ring. Ziggler lets go off JTG annd Shad knocks him down with a huge closeline. Ziggler rolls out the ring as Shad picks up JTG. JTG starts to get back up to his feet and begins to realise what just happened. He and Shad stand opposite each other in the ring and then hug in the center of the ring before rasing each other hands in the air to a huge roar from the crowd.


Todd Grisham: "Cryme Tyme is back!"


Matt Striker: "Hide you wallet Todd, Smackdown has its two biggest thiefs back together."


The camera cuts backstage where Teddy Long and Cody Rhodes are standing.


Cody Rhodes: "Teddy, last week you told me I had to earn a shot at the Intercontinental Championship, and I did it. I cost Kofi Kingston a match against Jack Swagger, now can I have an Intercontinental Title at SummerSlam."


Theodore Long: "You're right Cody, what you did last week was impressive, but hasn't earned you a title shot yet."


Cody Rhodes: "What?"


Theodore: "Just hear me out playa, all you need to do to is win a match tonight."


Cody Rhodes: "Easy, I can beat anybody on the roster. Who is it against."


Theodore Long: "I wouldn't be so confident playa, your match is against The Big Red Machine, KANE!"


Cody Rhodes' face suddenly drops, before storming off, clearly annoyed by the choice of opponent.


The camera goes back to the ring where the Straight Edge Society are standing in the ring, CM Punk with a mic in his hand. "Last week, I saved another soul in Joey Mercury. The Straight Edge Society grows and tonight, I face the Big Show, and when I beat him, I will make him take the Straight Edge pledge, and one more person will join the Straight Edge Society whether he wants to or not! you may wonder why I am so confident I will beat Big Show, well he may be the largest athlete in Sports Entertainment, but I am the Straight Edge Saviour, and I have the Straight Edge Society behind me! My body is in peak condition, I have never taken drugs and destroyed my brain, never drank alchol and destroyed my liver and never spoke cigerrettes and detroyed my lungs. And it's not too late for all of you, I am here to tell all of you not to take these harmful substances, since you are to stupid to realise it yourself. And Big Show, you are the next person I'm going to save!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Big_Show29.jpg VS http://i31.tinypic.com/o5x62x.jpg


The Big Show and CM Punk lock-up in the center of the ring. Punk tries to push Show towards the corner but Show over powers him and pushes him away. Show takes full control of the match, hitting several chops and slams on Punk. While Punk was on the ground, Show stood on Punk, causing him to scream in pain. Sensing that the match was slipping away from Punk, Serena got onto the apron distracting Show. Show grabbed Serena and picked her up, putting her in the ring. Show then got her in position for a chokeslam, but Punk grabbed his ankle, which has been the target of recent attack. Show drops Serena and falls to the mat. Punk attacks Show's ankle and then goes for the GTS. Punk can't pick up Show and then Big Show gets out of his reach and hits a Knockout punch to Punk. Before Big Show can go for the cover, the Straight Edge Society get into ring and attack Big Show, causing a disqualification.


The Straight Edge Society continue to attack Big Show. Punk gets back to his feet and picks up Show and puts him on his shoulder and drops him with a GTS.


Matt Striker: "CM Punk hits a HUGE GTS!"


Todd Grisham: "Punk may have not won this match like he said, but he certainly made a statement to the Smackdown roster, and that is the Straight Edge Society can be stopped by nobody."


Matt Striker: "CM Punk has made it clear he wants Big Show in the Straight Edge Society and you can be sure they won't stop until he joins."


Todd Grisham: "If Big Show joins, the Straight Edge Society will be unstoppable!"


The camera cuts backstage where Jack Swagger is standing. "Kane, last week you assaulted me and threw me into harbour, and why, because you think I attacked your brother? I proved to you I was nowhere near The Undertaker when he was attacked, yet you don't believe me. You left Punk alone, yet you still chokeslam me into a harbour. I could have fell seriously ill or even died, and why? So you can get revenge on me for attacking Undertaker without any prove. Yes I did attack you and cost you your spot in the Money In The Bank, but you chokeslammed my father in the center of the ring. Plus, you couldn't have won Money In The Bank, you have taken part in many Money In The Bank matches and couldn't win them, so what makes you think you could win this one? You seem to be so sure that I attacked well guess what? I DID! I took out The Undertaker, I left him in a vegative state, and why might you ask? Because I am sick of him disappearing every year, coming back and being given a title shot, he took title shots from people who work all year and people who deserve it more, and when he got into the Fatal-4 way, it was the last straw, so I made him disapear again, and this time, he WON'T be coming back!"


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KellyKelly2.jpg VS http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll4/apeevolution/KyKy/Michelle_McCool1.jpg


After Layla failed to regain the Womens Title for Lay-Cool last week, Michelle looked to get a victory over the champion Kelly Kelly in a non-title bout. Both Layla and Tiffany were at ringside to help their respective friends. Michelle took control of the match, attacking Kelly, pulling her hair, causing her to scream in pain. Kelly tried to get back into the match but failed to. Out of nowhere though, Kelly hit the K2 and managed to pick up the win.


The match is over and Layla gets into the ring and begins to attack Kelly. Tiffany tries to help but Michelle is now back to her feet and she begins to attack Tiffany until The Glamazon, Beth Phoenix runs down to the ring, causing Lay-Cool to evacuate the ring quickly. Kelly gets back to her feet and pats Beth on the back, but Beth just grabs her a drops her with a Glam Slam before doing to same to Tiffany. Beth grabs the Women's Title and holds it in the air before dropping in onto Kelly Kelly and making her way backstage.


Todd Grisham: "The Glamazon has returned to Smackdown and taken out the champ!"


Matt Striker: "We all though Beth Phoenix was going to be out injured for a lot longer, but she has returned and attacked poor Kelly Kelly, maybe I should go and check on her."


Todd Grisham: "That's what you get from being champion Matt, a huge target is put on you, and even your friends can stab you in the back to get a shot at that title.


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cody_Rhodes16.jpg VS http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Kane-2.jpg


Kane was clearly not fully concentrated on this match, after the news Jack Swagger DID attack his brother and Rhodes took advantage of this to start with, kicking Kane is the knee, knocking him to his knees. Rhodes then hits a DDT and goes for a cover, but Kane manages to kick out. Rhodes picks Kane up and then hit a drop kick. Kane staggers back and when Rhodes gets back up, he is hit with a huge Upper-cut that knocks him to the ground. Rhodes gets straight back up but is dropped with a big boot to the face. Kane went for a Chokeslam but Rhodes rolls out the ring. Kane goes to get him but as he gets out the ring, Rhodes get back into the ring, and as Kane does, he begins stomping on Kane. Rhodes took full control of the match and nearly finished it when he hit the Cross Rhodes, but Kane managed to get a foot on the rope. Rhodes began to get frustrated and argued with the ref, which gave Kane a chance to get back into the match which he took. Kane took control of the match and went to end it when he went for the Chokeslam, but as he was about to hit it, Jack Swagger began to walk towards the ring, which disttracted Kane and he dropped Cody. Cody took advantage of the distraction and rolled Kane up to get a huge win, giving him a title match at SummerSlam!


Todd Grisham: "Cody Rhodes gets the win!"


Matt Striker: "And Todd, that means he finally gets what he deserves, a title shot against Kofi Kingston."


Todd Grisham: "You have to give an assist to Jack Swagger though, who provivded a distraction."


Matt Striker: "He only came to get a better view of this great match, Kane just lost focus."


Jack Swagger begins to get into the ring and starts to attack Kane. Kane just stands still until he grabs Swagger's throat. Swagger realises he is in trouble and kicks Kane in the nuts and runs through the crowd. Kane quickly gets up and chases after them, disappearing in a sea of fans. In the ring, Cody Rhodes in celebrating in the ring when Kofi Kingston runs into the ring and hits the Trouble In Paradise! Kofi holds the Intercontinental Title in the air as he stands above his challenger at SummerSlam, Cody Rhodes.


Matt Striker: "A sneak attack from our champion!"


Todd Grisham: "It may be, but our champion stands tall, and sends a message to his SummerSlam opponent.


http://i35.tinypic.com/um1zt.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Rey_Mysterio36.jpg


In our main event of the evening, Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero went one-on-one, and with the World Heavyweight Champion MVP on commentary, Rey was not 100% focused on Chavo. Chavo starts the match well, but Rey counters most of his offence, and when Rey tries to mount some offence, he is either distracted for a split second, allowing chavo a way back into the match, or it is countered by Chavo. Both men knew each other too well, but when Chavo threw Rey over the top rope onto the announce table, he distracted the ref for a few moments and MVP smashes the World Title off his skull. Chavo drags Rey back into the ring and then hits the three amigos in the center of the ring. Chavo climbs up to the top rope and then hits the frog splash. Chavo goes for the cover and the ref is about to make the 3 count, but Rey manages to get a foot on the rope before the 3 count can be made. Chavo begins to take full control of the match, but when he went for a powerbomb, Rey countered it into a hurricanarrana and went foor a pin but chavo quickly kicked out. Rey manages to slowly get back to his feet, but beats Chavo and starts kicking him in the back of the leg. Rey then again hits the hurricanarrana but this time Chavo lands on the middle rope and Rey hits the 619, followed by a Seated Senton to get the win.


Todd Grisham: "A big win for Rey Mysterio tonight!"


MVP: "He's going to have to do better than that if he is to beat me at SummerSlam. Excuse me aa moment."


Matt Striker: "Wait Montel...where you going."


MVP gets into the ring and as Rey is celebrating in the ring, he hits him with the World Title, knocking Rey out cold. MVP picks Rey up and then hits the Playmaker. MVP stands above Rey Mysterio to conclude Smackdown.

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The next NXT elimination is likely to take place the week after SummerSlam. After that, there will be an elimination every week until the final. Season 3 is expected to start straight after, which is expected to be an extended season and could be the final season, which is why WWE are signing several stars to make the final season the best possible.


WWE have reported signed Austin Aries and Austin Creed. These both could be in NXT, but it is likely to have one (or both) have a name change due to two Austin's would be confusing. It is likely that Austin Aries won't have a name change due to him having a pretty big following and the stick they got with Daniel Bryan. Jimmy Jacobs is another likely to not have a name change. It should be noted that a lot of the possible NXT season 3 rookies may not have a name change with Richie Steamboat and Brett DiBiase likely to keep their names.


The RAW GM is expected to be revealed in the next few weeks. Some names that were thrown around during meeting were Matt Striker and Teddy Long, which would allow Matt Striker to be Smackdown GM. Both ideas were considered but were later dismissed by McMahon and he has one person in mind, but no clues have been given.


With SummerSlam two weeks away, the current card is as follows:


Sheamus © vs John Cena vs Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett for the WWE Title

MVP © vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Title

The Miz vs R-Truth with the Money In The Bank briefcase up for grabs

Kofi Kingston © vs Cody Rhodes for the WWE Intercontinental Title


More matches are expected to be announced this week, and maybe a few more the week after

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RAW kicks off with the Nexus in the ring, Wade Barrett said he is sick of people saying that the Nexus are only strong because there is 7 of them, and they have done nothing to prove they deserve to be on RAW, so every week now, for the next 5 weeks, a Nexus member will take part in a match, and if they lose, they are out of the Nexus. He says that he and Justin Gabriel have already won a match so they don't need to prove themselves. He says that the first person to try and prove themselves is David Otunga, and his match is right now! Otunga looks really pissed and starts argueing with Barrett, saying he needs time to prepare, Barrett says the match is happening now, whether Otunga likes it or not.


David Otunga defeated Goldust


Otunga was clearly annoyed by not getting given time to prepare for his match, but it seeemed to just motivate them him more, and he dominated throughout the match against a veteran in Goldust and won when he hit The Verdict, picking up the win.


Edge and Orton defeated Hart Dynasty when Uso's interfere


Before the match, Randy Orton come to the ring and challenged Edge to a match at SummerSlam, Edge accepted the match, but he said that he wants this rivalry between the two of them to end, that is why he wants the match at SummerSlam to be a loser leaves RAW match. Randy Orton accepts the challenge and the match is made for SummerSlam.


The match begins and The Hart Dynasty take control of the match, with Edge and Orton clearly not on tthe same page. Edge took control of the match eventually, but refused to tag in Orton, and when Hart Dynasty went to double team him, he went to tag in Orton, who jumped off the apron and began to walk backstage. With the ref focused on Orton, The Uso's run into the ring and hit the Hrt dynasty with the Tag Titles, and Edge then Spears Smith, getting the in for his team.


The Miz defeated Santino


Before his match against Santino, The Miz took some time to taunt R-Truth. He called Truth pathetic, saying he never stood a chance of winning the Money In The Bank match, and if he thinks he will walk out of SummerSlam with the briefcase, he is seriously deluded.


The Miz then goes onto beat Santino with ease. He dominated the match throughout and eventually chose to end it with a Skull Crushing Finale.


After the match, The Miz begins to celebrate in the ring, but R-Truth runs down to the ring and attacks Miz, hitting him in the back of the head with the briefcase.


Melina defeated Jillian Hall


Melina made her singles in-ring return to RAW in a match against Jillian Hall. Jillian started the match well, but Melina hit the LA Sunset out of nowhere for the win, and has her eyes set on the Divas Championship.


John Morrison defeated Primo


John Morrison is in the ring, ready for his match next. First thought he gets a mic and challenges Ted DiBiase to a match between the two at SummerSlam.


Morrison then goes onto face Primo Colon in a match. Both superstars gained a decent amount of offence in the match, but Morrison managed to pick up the victory when hit a kick to the back of the skull of Primo, knocking him out, leaving Morrison to go to the top rope and hit the Starship Pain for the win.


The match is over and Ted DiBiase makes his way to the ring with Maryse. Ted says Morrison wants a match against him, he's got it. DiBiase goes to leave but turns around and hits Morrison with Million Dollar Dream Street.


Wade Barrett defeats Sheamus


The main event of the night is Wade Barrett vs the WWE Champion, Sheamus. Sheamus started the match well but Barrett took control of the match when he reversed a Powerbomb. Barrett began to viciously assault Sheamus in the match, but Sheamus fought a way back, but Justin Gabriel ran down the ring and got on the apron, distracting Sheamus who then turned into The Wasteland, giving Barrett a huge win over the WWE Champion.


The match is over and Gabriel gets into the ring. He and Barrett stare at Sheamus who starts to get to his feet. They look as if they are about to attac but Chris Jericho and Sheamus both run down to the ring and send Barrett and Gabriel running through the crowd. Cena stares at them as they exit the arena, but when he turns he turns into a Codebreaker by Jericho, who does the same to Sheamus, standing tall to end RAW!



TNA Results:


Eric Young defeated Shannon Moore

Angelina Love defeated Taylor Wilde to retain the TNA Knockout title

Rhino defeated Brian Kendrick

Raven defeated Alex Shelley

Tommy Dreamer defeated James Storm and Matt Morgan to retain the TNA X-Division title

RVD defeated AJ Styles to retain the TNA World Title

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NXT kicks off with the rookies outside the ring, looking the entrance ramp, while Matt Striker in on the ramp. He says that last week, Husky Harris wwas eliminated from the competition, and that everyone should step up their game from now on. He says that in 3 weeks time, the next elimination will take place, so all the rookies should show both the WWE Pro's and the WWE universe they deserve to stay in the competition.


Matt Striker is interupted by the Nexus. Wade Barrett snatches the mic from the hands of Matt Striker and says that the last 2 weeks, they hve tried to recruit new superstars from NXT to join them and save themselves the embarrassment of competing in the show, and he is giving them one final chance to join and anybody who wants to join must step forward now. None of the rookies step forward. Riley grabs a mic and says that he isn't going to join the Nexus, because he is going to win the show and win a WWE Contract with his in-ring ability, and not by attacking ring announcers, commentators and other superstars. Barrett looks pissed and asks if they all feel the same. Tthey all nod. Barrett then says that they can embarrass themselves then. He says they will never be taken seriously, and he says this is the last time that the Nexus will appear on this show.


Before Barrett can go, Michael McGillcutty grabs the mic from Riley. He says that if the Nexus really do have any wrestling ability, Barrett will face him in a match, tonight! Barrett accepts the match and it is made for the main event.


Alex Riley defeted Kaval


In the opening match of the night, Kaval and Alex Riley went one-on-one. Both men battled hard and put on a great performance but Riley was the one who was victorious when he hit Varsity Blues.


John Morrison and Eli Cottonwood defeated Mark Henry and Lucky Cannon


2 rookies teamed up with their pro's in this match, as Morrison and Cottonwood took on Henry and Cannon. Lucky Cannon looked as if he got injured early in the match and so Henry couldn't tag out, which gave Morrison the opportunity to win the match, and after hitting Starship Pain, he got the 3 count.


The match is over and Morrison is celebrating with Eli Cottonwood in the ring until Ted DiBiase gets in the ring and attacks Morrison, leaving him out cold in the center of the ring.


Wade Barrett defeated Michael McGillcutty


Season 1 winner Wade Barrett returned to NXT in a match against one of the seson 2 favourite Michael McGillcutty. McGillcutty put up a good fight in the match, and almost won it, but Barrett proved too much and managed to hit The WasteLand for the win to conclude this weeks NXT.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/5/5b/20091111043610!WWE_SmackDown_2009_logo.png</span><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>SMACKDOWN PREVIEW</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

We are just over a week away from SummerSlam and Smackdown is set to kick off with The Big Red Machine, Kane. Kane is going to respond to Jack Swagger who admitted last week to attacking his brother Undertaker.</p><p> </p><p>

Kane is also set to take part in tag team action when he teams with his former tag team partner, The Big Show to face Jack Swagger and CM Punk.</p><p> </p><p>

The main event of Smackdown is a champion vs champion match, when Kofi Kingston and MVP face off, one on one.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Confirmed matches:</p><p> </p><p>

Kelly Kelly & Tiffany vs Simply Flawless</p><p>

Kane and Big Show vs Jack Swagger and CM Punk</p><p>

MVP vs Kofi Kingston</p><p>

Cryme Tyme vs Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer</p>

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Smackdown begins with its theme before heading to the arena, pyro exploding before the camera focuses on the announce table where Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are sitting.


Todd Grisham: "Hello and welcome to Friday Night Smackdown where SummerSlam is fast approaching, I'm Todd Grisham, here at ringside with Matt Striker, and Matt, SummerSlam is hotting up."


Matt Striker: "It is Todd and so far on the Smackdown side of SummerSlam, 2 matches have been announced, Cody Rhodes challenges Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Title, and Rey Mysterio cashing in his rematch clause against MVP for the World Heavyweight Championship."


Todd Grisham: "And after SummerSlam, Smackdown will be welcoming a new superstar from RAW, when Edge and Randy Orton face off in a loser leaves RAW match."


Matt Striker: "I would love both of them on Smackdown, but I'm going to have to cheer for Edge in that match, because I would LOVE The Viper on Friday Nights."


Todd Grisham: "SummerSlam will be history making, but thats in a few weeks, and back to last week, and we finally found out who attacked The Undertaker."


Matt Striker: "Jack Swagger announced he was the one who attacked The Undertaker, and you can be sure Kane will be out to get revenge."


Todd Grisham: "And he could get that tonight when he teams with his former partner The Big Show, to take on CM Punk and Jack Swagger."


Matt Striker: "And Todd, that's not all, because tonight, we have a huge main event, its a champion vs champion match, Kofi Kingston vs Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP!"


Todd Grisham: "Its going to be a great show tonight folks..."


Todd is interupted by an explosion before Kane's music hits and he makes his way to the ring.


Todd Grisham: "And here he is, The Big Red Monster, Kane."


Matt Striker: "There is a look in the eyes of Kane I have never seen before, he had a feeling it was Swagger who attacked his brother, but last week, Jack bragged about it."


Todd Grisham: "Not a wise move by Jack Swagger in my opinion, not only now has he pissed off Kane, and have the Big Red Monster after him, he has The Undertaker to deal with if he returns!"


Kane has a mic in hand and begins, "Last week Jack Swagger admitted to taking out my brother. He admitted to nearly killing him, and almost ending his career. Jack, I can promise you, I will destroy you. I will make you feel pain worse than you make my brother feel, worse than you made my family feel, and worse than I made your father feel. Jack, I promised that there would be vengeance for what happen to my brother and I can guarentee that there will be. Whether thats tonight, whether its at SummerSlam, or at WrestleMania. I WILL take you out. And Jack, its not just me who you have to worry about. That's because Jack, last night, I was sitting besides my brother. I was sitting with my mother and my father, wondering whether he would ever speak again, and then he opened his eyes!" The crowd give a huge pop and Kane pauses for a moment and begins to smile. "He sat up...and he spoke! He said that he will return. It won't be for a few months, but he WILL return, and Jack, when he does, he will destroy anything that I leave!"


Kane drops his mic and begins to walk backstage.


Todd Grisham: "WOW! What a way to kick off Smackdown!"


Matt Striker: "The Undertaker has awoken, and we return shortly!"


Todd Grisham: "I bet Swagger is already scared."


Matt Striker: "Who wouldn't be when you have both Kane and The Undertaker after you."


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Curt_Hawkins6.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Lance_Hoyt21.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Shad_Gaspard15.jpghttp://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/JTG-2.jpg

Cryme Tyme made their return to take on one of the newest teams on Smackdown, Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer. Even though they haven't tagged together in months, you couldnt tell it in their performance and were as good as they were before they made their split. They dominated the match throughout, and didn't allow Hawkins to make a tag, and constantly performing illegal maneovers when ther ref had his back turned. JTG finally ended it when he hit Shout Out on Curt Hawkins, getting the win for the returning Cryme Tyme.


Todd Grisham: "An impressive victory for Cryme Tyme in their return."


Matt Striker: "They don't look like they have spent apart."


Todd Grisham: "And..."


Todd is cut off by two workers who jump in the ring and begin to attack Cryme Tyme. They look to the fans to reveal themselves as Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin! Shelton hits the Paydirt on JTG before both stand above the fallen Cryme Tyme, before signaling the fact they want the Unified Tag Team Championship!


Todd Grisham: "Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin make their returns to WWE! We haven't seen them in months!"


Matt Striker: "I love it! The World's Greatest Tag Team are back!"


Todd Grisham: "And they have already set their eyes on the Tag Titles!"


The camera cuts backstage where Matt Hardy is standing. "Christian, you think I have been using my brother to cover the fact I haven't won a World Title and I use pity from the fans. Are you being serious? Me and my brother came to WWE together, we rose towards the top of WWE together, and when he won the World Title nothing felt better than to see him as World Champion. Do you really think I am that shallow I will take that away from my brother just to make an excuse for not being WWE Champion? I may not have won a World Title, but I can guarentee you Christian, I will be before I retire! And Christian, you blame me for you not winning the Money In The Bank match. You are doing what you said you hate about me and making excuses for not being World Champion, its pathetic, and you can also say you cost me the match aswell, but Christian, if you enjoy attacking me with chairs, your going to love this, because at SummerSlam, it will be me, vs you, in a no disqualification match, and Christian, I WILL beat you at SummerSlam and I'll beat you so bad, you won't be able to win a World Title, because you won't be able to walk again!"


Todd Grisham: "Strong words by Matt Hardy, you have to believe that Christian has brought out a different side to Hardy."


Matt Striker: "But what a match at SummerSlam Todd, a no-disqualification match between Matt Hardy and Christian!"


Todd Grisham: "Both men want to win their first World titles soon, and a victory could get them a shot at the title in the future."


Matt Striker: "Todd, this is about more than a World Title shot, this is personal between the 2."


The camera then cuts to Theodore Long's office where he is sitting at his desk. A knock on the door is heard and Long says, "Come in." William Regal comes in view on the camera. Long stands up and says "Regal, how are ya playa?"


William Regal: "Better now I'm back on Smackdown were my talent is appreciated instead of on RAW where I'm stuck in matches with that bloody idoit Santino Marella."


Theodore Long: "Well playa, its great to have you back, and I can guarentee you that you will be in matches against suitable superstars."


William Regal: "And that is why your Smackdown GM, you know how to keep your superstars happy instead of random celebrities on RAW and a laptop."


Theodore Long: "And that is why Smackdown is the number one show."


William Regal: "So, who am I going to face tonight."


Theodore Long: "Well William, I have match booked for you tonight, and that man is Christian!"


William Regal: "That's more like it!"


Theodore Long: "You better go and get ready playa."


William Regal: "You don't need to tell me twice Teddy, tonight, I show RAW what they missed out on by putting me in matches against superstars nowhere near my level!"


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KellyKelly2.jpghttp://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Tiffany-2.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Layla_El25.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Michelle_McCool39.jpg

The Women's Champion Kelly Kelly teamed up with Tiffany in Divas Tag Team action to take on Lay-Cool. Kelly started the match against Layla, and took control of the match. When she tagged in Tiffany, it gave Layla a moment to tag in Michelle who then took full control for her team Her and Layla made quick tags and iscolated Tiffany. Tiffany managed to hit a DDT out of nowhere on McCool. Both Divas managed to make a tag, but Tiffany was just quicker which gave Kelly an advantage as her and Layla battle it out. Kelly hits the K2 on Layla but Layla rolls out the ring. McCool asks the ref to check on Layla, which he does, and as he does, Beth Phoenix hit the Glam Slam in the ring before quickly escaping. McCool pushed Layla back in the ring and tagged herself in, before going for the pin and getting the 3 count.


The camera cuts backstage where Theodore Long is sitting at his desk when CM Punk walks in.


Teddy Long: "What can I do for ya playa?"


CM Punk: "Cut the bullcrap Teddy. I came here because I want to get because I want Big Show in the Straight Edge Society."


Teddy Long: "Playa..."


CM Punk: "Teddy, I don't believe this playa crap for one minute, just drop it."


Teddy Long: "Ok...Punk. I can't make Big Show join your society, but what I can do is make a match, you vs Big Show at SummerSlam, and if the Big Show agree, then if he loses, he will have to join the Straight Edge Society."


CM Punk: "Teddy your pathetic. You are supposed to be the General Manager of this show and yet you have to have permission from superstars before making stipulations for the matches you make? Pathetic! But if thats the best you can do, I'll have to deal with it."


The camera then cuts to Cody Rhodes backstage, who is flirting with several of the Divas backstage, and they don't seem to be complaining. Suddenly out of nowhere, Cody Rhodes is attacked by Kofi Kingston. Kofi beats down on Cody Rhodes as some of the divas start to scream while the rest have left. Kofi picks Rhodes up and says to him, "I'm not letting you interfere in my match tonight," before throwing him into a room and locking the door.


The camera goes back to the ring.




The crowd begin to boo heavily as Christian begins to walk towards the ring, as a slight cheer begins to pierce through the booes.


Todd Grisham: "Some peeps are in attendance tonight."


Matt Striker: "And I'm one of them Todd. I have always been a fan of Christian, but this new attitude of his has turned me into a peep!"


Todd Grisham: "Really? I used to be a peep, now he has this new attitude, I'm not."


Matt Striker: "Todd, you don't know what it is like to have someone make excuses for not achieving their goals in their career. When I was wrestling, I knew somebody who made excuses for not winning the World Title, and Todd, if you know what it felt like, you would reacted the exact same."


A small 'Christian' breaks out as Christian gets into the ring and the camera zooms towards a sign saying 'I'm still a Peep.' "Nice to see not all the peeps have abanded me. All I did was expose the truth and teach Matt Hardy a lesson. But it seems Matt hasn't learnt his lesson. Or maybe he has but is too stupid to realise that he doesn't want to be in the ring with me. I destroyed him 2 weeks ago, but that wasn't enough. At SummerSlam, I will face Matt Hardy in a match, and in this match I can do whatever the hell I want. Matt do you really want this match? A match where they are no rules, and encourages we to use chairs, steel steps and any other weapons. Are you sure Matt? If you really want this match, I'll have it, but Matt, I promise that at SummerSlam, I will walk out not only the victor, but I'll be the only one of us 2 walking out. You won't be walking out of this arena, you will be taken out in the back of an ambulance, and I will end you pathetic excuse of a career. But first, William Regal. You've come over from RAW, and I'm make that the biggest mistake you ever make!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/W%20Images/William_Regal23.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Christian_Cage34.jpg

William Regal make his Smackdown debut against 'Captain Charisma' Christian. The crowd were firmly behind Regal in this match as he started the match well, taking the threat from Christian to heart and attacking him, focusing on the knee of Christian. Christian pokes Regal in the eye and begins to take control of the match. Christian begins to bend the rules, attemping to take the turnbuckle cover off, and when the ref was putting it back on, hitting Regal with a low blow. Christian begins assault Regal in the ring and decides that it is time to end it when he hit the Killswitch. It wasn't enough though and he hit a further 2 Killswitches to pick up the win.


Todd Grisham: "Christian dominates the Englishman."


Matt Striker: "And I don't think he's finished yet Todd."


Christian rolls out the ring and grabs a steel chair. He gets back into the ring and begins to smash the chair off the arm of William Regal. Suddenly the crowd begin the cheer as Matt Hardy enters the ring with a Steel Chair which he smashes off the skull of Christian. Christian rolls out the ring and exits through the crowd as Matt Hardy checks on William Regal.


Todd Grisham: "Matt Hardy has sent a message to Christian."


Matt Striker: "How can these fans cheer for something like that, it is disguisting, a cheap shot on Christian just weeks before their match."


Todd Grisham: "It called revenge Matt."


Matt Striker: "I know that Todd but here in WWE, we tend to take revenge during matches, not with cheap shots."


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jack_Swagger11.jpghttp://i31.tinypic.com/o5x62x.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Big_Show29.jpghttp://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Kane-2.jpg

Kane and Big Show teamed up once again to face there enemies, CM Punk and Jack Swagger. Swagger started the match against Big Show. Swagger tried to lock in the ankle lock early on, but Show managed to power out. Swagger and Punk managed to dominate the match, making quick tags and staying fresh, while keeping Big Show in the match. When Punk went for the GTS, but he could pick Show up, and Show countered it into a chop. Both men hit the mat hard and crawled to make a tag. Punk was first to make a tag, and Swagger ran towards Show, who then tagged in Kane. The crowd roar at the prospect of Kane getting his hands on Swagger but Swagger tags Punk back in and begins to walk backstage. Punk gets into the ring and is met by a Chokeslam by Kane to get the win for his team.


Swagger begins to go backstage but Kane chases after him, they both disappear backstage and out of the crowd, Joey Mercury and Luke Gallows get into the ring and begin to attack Big Show. Punk managed to get back to his feet and he joins the attack. They finally stop and stand tall.


Todd Grisham: "Kane and Big Show are victorious, but the Straight Edge Society stand tall."


Matt Striker: "And if the Straight Edge Society continue like this, we could be seeing Big Show join them at SummerSlam."


Todd Striker: "As I said last week, if Big Show does join the Straight Edge Society, they will be unstoppble. But folks, that SummerSlam, and back to tonight, because it time for the main event of the evening, a champion vs champion match, Kofi Kingston vs Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP."


Matt Striker: "Both these men will be defending their respective titles at SummerSlam, and they are looking to gain momemtum heading into SummerSlam."


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/MVP.jpg VS http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KofiKingston-3.jpg

The main event for the evening was MVP vs Kofi Kingston. With Cody Rhodes locked in a room, Kofi Kingston had nothing to worry about, while Rey Mysterio was at ringside which meant that MVP was not fully focused on the match. MVP started the better of the two but was distracted by Mysterio and Kofi got back into the match. Kofi took full control of the match and managed to hit the Trouble In Paradise. Kofi went for the pin and when it looked as if he was about to pick up huge win, MVP managed to get a shoulder up before the ref could make the 3 count. Kofi went to pick MVP up, who then hit the Playmaker out of nowhere. Instead of going for a pinfall however, MVP rolled out the ring and attacked Mysterio. MVP dragged him up the ramp and sent him flying off the ramp onto the concrete floor. With the ref upto a count of 7, MVP runs down the ramp and back into the ring. As he does, Kofi attempts another Trouble In Paradise but MVP ducks and hits the Playmaker for a win to conclude Smackdown.

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The current SummerSlam card stands as:


Sheamus © vs John Cena vs Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett for the WWE Title

MVP © vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Title

The Miz vs R-Truth with the Money In The Bank briefcase up for grabs

Kofi Kingston © vs Cody Rhodes for the WWE Intercontinental Title

Ted DiBiase vs John Morrison

Edge vs Randy Orton is a loser leaves RAW Match

CM Punk vs Big Show

Matt Hardy vs Christian in a no-dq match.


With 1 week left, it looks af if this is going to be the final card, with maybe 1 or 2 more matches announced this week.


WWE are also currently worried about the upcoming Night of Champions PPV. This is because many of the top superstars will not be in matches as WWE do not want a lot of 6 man matches or fatal-4 ways and will focus on single matches and triple threats, which will leave a lot of superstars off the card.


WWE have changed the current PPV Shedule. It was originally planned that bragging rights would follow Hell In A Cell, but WWE have changed this to Breaking Point. It is unknown whether they will be having gimick matches in this PPV or not yet, but we will keep you updated

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RAW kicks off with the Nexus in the ring. Barrett says that last week David Otunga won his match, and tonight it is Heath Slater's turn. He says his match is right now.


Santino Marella defeated Heath Slater


Slater looked worried about this match, but when he found out Santino was his opponent, Slater began laughing, thinking the match would be easy, but no matches are easy in WWE, and Santino proved that when the former Interconinental Champion pinned Slater after hitting the Cobra.


The match is over and the Nexus get into the ring. Slater asks for another chance. Barrett says that he lost the match, and so he is out the Nexus. The Nexus then attack Slater. Michael Cole then gets an email and says that tonight, Barrett will be in a match, a 2-on-1 handicap match against John Cena and Chris Jericho. Barrett asks who the GM thinks his is. Michael Cole gets another email and says the GM knows who he is, and you will find out who he is, next week!


Hart Dynasty defeated Cryme Tyme


The Unified Tag Team Champions faced Cryme Tyme in a non-title match. Cryme Tyme almost stole the victory, but Natayla distracted the referee before he could make the 3 count, also distracting JTG, allowing Tyson Kidd to get back to his feet and get the roll-up for the ring


Natayla gets in the ring and begins celebrating with David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd, when The World's Greatest Tag Team run into the ring and attack them. They leave the Hart Dynasty out cold in the center of the ring, before signalling the fact they want the Unified Tag Team Titles.


The Miz and Ted DiBiase defeated John Morrison and R-Truth


These 4 superstars are all in matches at SummerSlam, but tonight they are in tag team action. both teams had their chances to win it but Miz took his chance when he hit the Skull Crushing Finale on John Morrison, while Maryse distracted R-Truth long enough for The Miz to pick up the win for his team.


The match is over and R-Truth gets into the ring and starts attacking The Miz. Ted DiBiase helps Miz but Morrison gets back up and joins in the brawl. They continue to brawl, which ends up going backstage.


Sheamus defeated Mark Henry


After losing to Wade Barrett last week, Sheamus had the chance to regain lost momentum heading into SummerSlam. Sheamus dominated the match throughout and picked up the victory with a Brogue Kick.


Maryse and Alicia Fox defeated Melina and Eve


The Divas Champion teamed with Maryse to take on the former champ Eve and Melina. Melina looked to make a statement and pin the champ when she hit the LA Sunset, but Maryse managed to ttag herself in before Melina hit it, meaning she could not pin Alicia. When she realised, it was too late as Maryse hit the French TKO to pick up the win.


Evan Bourne defeated Primo


Evan Bourne and Primo Colon faced off in a match, which proved to be a great bttle between 2 high-flying superstars. Both superstars came close to getting the win, but Bourne got the victory when he hit the Shooting Star Press.


Chris Jericho and Cena defeated Barrett


Chris Jericho and John Cena teamed up in the main event to take on the leader of the Nexus, Wade Barrett. At times, Cena and Jericho managed to team well, but it was clear neither liked each other and they refused to make tags, which allowed Barrett to take control of the match. When Cena took control, he went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Jericho tagged himself in. Cena dropped Barrett and he stared at Jericho. Barrett got to his feet and began to punch Jericho in the back of the head. Jericho went to make a tag, but Cena refused to make the tag. Barrett then went to closeline Jericho as he got to his feet, but Jericho ducked and when Barrett turned around, he turned into a Codebreaker to pick up the victory.


The match is over and Jericho begins to argue with Cena. They stare down in the center of the ring until Wade Barrett gets to his feet and joins in the arguement. They 3 of the stare at each other until Sheamus runs in the ring and attacks Jericho, Cena and Barrett, standing tall to end RAW heading into SummerSlam




TNA Results:


Alex Shelley defeated Homicide and Eric Youg

Angelina Love defeated Taylor Wilde to retain the TNA Knockouts Title

The Enigmatic *******s defeated Abyss and Hogan

Jay Lethal, Chris Sabin and Mick Foley defeated Rhino, Desmond Wolfe and Kazarian

AJ Styles defeated Rob Van Dam

The Beautiful People defeated Hamada and Daffney

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WWE have released Heath Slater. It is reported WWE wanted Heath Slater to go back to FCW for a while, but he didn't want to, and WWE had no plans for him, and they were reportedly not impressed by his performces, so they released him.


Triple H is set to return in the next few months. He is now ready to return, but WWE are currently deciding on how to have him return. Several storylines have been thrown around at meetings, including to have him return at SummerSlam and help Barrett win the WWE Title, but the idea was eventually shot down. Another idea was to have him return to lead team WWE in a fight against the Nexus. It is reported that Triple H has wanted to turn heel for a while, but they are currently waiting for the right time to turn him heel, which could be as early as SummerSlam, if WWE decide to go with the Wade Barrett winning the title storyline.


Vince McMahon has called a press conference next wednesday. We do not yet know why Vince hs called the meeting, but we believe it could be about the future of the WWE. It may be he is leaving his position, or just changes to the product, but we believe that he will announce the Smackdown Head Booker, who's identity is still a mystery

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NXT kicks off with MVP in the ring, ready for the VIP Lounge. He wastes little time in introducing his rookie, Percy Watson. Percy comes out and plays to the crowd a bit. MVP says Percy is the best rookie in this show, and has the best pro. He says Percy hasn't had a chance to prove himself yet, but he has that change now when he faces Michael McGillcutty.


Percy Watson defeated Michael McGillcutty


Both these rookies have champions at ringside, and both looked to impress their respective pro's. McGillcutty had the match won, when MVP got on the apron, he distracted and allowed Percy Watson to roll him up and get the win.


Miz and Alex Riley defeated Mark Henry and Lucky Cannon


The Miz grabs a mic before the match. He says that in just 5 days, he faces R-Truth in a match with his briefcase up for grabs, he says that there is no-chance that he is going to lose his briefcase at SummerSlam, especially not to R-Truth.


The match begins with Miz and Mark Henry in the ring. Miz gains control of the match, before tagging in Riley. Riley dominated Henry, but when Henry hit the World's Strongest Slam. Both men managed to make a tag, but Miz quickly hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Cannon for the win.


The match is over and The Miz grabs a mic. He says that is exactly what is going to happen at SummerSlam, but R-Truth ran into the ring and attacked The Miz, and held the briefcase in the air


Kaval defeated John Morrison


Kaval had a chance to make a huge impact in WWE with a victory over the former Intercontinental and ECW Champion, John Morrison. Both men came close to getting the victory but the match ended when Morrison looked for Starship Pain, but Layla distracted the ref and DiBiase got out from under the ring and pushed Morrison off the top rope. Kaval got back up and then hit Warrior's Way to pick up a huge victory. Layla and Michelle McCool get in the ring and celebrate with their rookie to conclude NXT!

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Smackdown begins with its theme before heading to the arena, pyro exploding before the camera focuses on the announce table where Todd Grisham and Matt Striker are sitting.


Todd Grisham: "Good Evening and welcome to Friday Night Smackdown, I'm Todd Grisham, here at ringside with Matt Striker, and Matt, SummerSlam is only 48 hours away!"


Matt Striker: "Todd, SummerSlam is going to be off the hook, Rey Mysterio challenges MVP for the World Heavyweight Championship, CM Punk tries to get Big Show to join the Straight Edge Society, Cody Rhodes challenges Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Title, and Christian and Matt Hardy face off in a no-disqualification match."


Todd Grisham: "SummerSlam is going to be huge, and this time next week, we will be welcoming a new superstar to Smackdown, when Randy Orton and Edge face off in a loser leaves RAW match!"


Matt Striker: "I said it last week and I'll say it again, I'll be cheering for Edge in that match, the thought of Randy Orton back on Smackdown is sending shivers through my body."


Todd Grisham: "That's SummerSlam, but onto tonight, and in our main event, Cody Rhodes and Christian team up to take on Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston."


Matt Striker: "These 4 will all be in action at SummerSlam, and they will be looking too gain momemtum heading into the Biggest party of the Summer."


Todd Grisham: "And also tonight, MVP will host the VIP Lounge with his guest being the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title at SummerSlam, Rey Mysterio, but right now, The World's Greatest Tag Team face off against Cryme Tyme."


http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/309/sheltonbenjamin.jpghttp://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/CharlieHaas.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Shad_Gaspard15.jpghttp://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/JTG-2.jpg


The World's Greatest Tag Team returned to WWE last week, attacking Cryme Tyme, but this week, they returned to the WWE ring in tag team action against Cryme Tyme. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas made quick tags in the match, keeping fresh and stopping Shad from making a tag to JTG. Shelton thought he finished the match when he hit the Paydirt, but JTG managed to break up the 3 count. Shelton managed to gain control of the match once again, but after another series of quick tags, Shad managed to get back into the match when he hit The Recoil on Charlie Haas, both men crawled towards their corner and Shad managed to get the tag first, quickly followed by a tag to Shelton Benjamin. JTG ran towards Shelton but was caught with a T-Bone Suplex by Shelton, who then managed to get the 3 count to pick up the victory for his team.


Todd Grisham: "An impressive victory by The World's Greatest Tag Team."


Matt Striker: "Not just impressive Todd, but dominant. I think that the Unified Tag Titles could be heading back to Friday Nights with Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas."


Todd Grisham: "They need to get a title opportunity first."


Matt Striker: "If they continue to win matches like tonight, and attack the champs like they did on RAW, then they should have a title shot soon."


The Hart Dynasty suddenly run down to the ring and begin to attack Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas.


Todd Grisham: "Speaking of the champs, here they are!"


The Hart Dynasty then hit the Hart Attack on them both, standing tall with Natayla holding the Unified Tag Titles in the air.


Todd Grisham: "The Hart Dynasty has sent a message to Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas tonight, they are not going down without a fight."


Matt Striker: "Natayla can hold those titles in the air tonight, because they will soon becoming back to Smackdown where they belong!"


Todd Grisham: "I hope so Matt, but folks, lets take you back to last week, and another chapter in Kane's search for his brother's attacker was written. 2 weeks ago, Jack Swagger admitted to attacking The Undertaker and leaving him in a vegative state, but last week, Kane revealed that The Undertaker, HAS awoken and will return"


Matt Striker: "Swagger tried to end Undertakers career. He said he was sick of him disapearing, only to return a few months after to have a World Title shot, and he wanted to make him disapear and never return, but now he knows Undertaker will return, he must be scared."


Jack Swagger's theme hits and the crowd begin to jeer heavily as he makes his way to the ring


Todd Grisham: "And here he is, Jack Swagger making his way to the ring for his match against William Regal."


Matt Striker: "You have to wonder if Jack Swagger is going to be 100% focused on Regal, because he knows Undertaker can return at any time."


Todd Grisham: "Plus Kane is after him. He has a machine and a deadman after him, and that can never be good."


Jack Swagger finally gets in the ring and begins talking. "Last week Kane revealed that the Undertaker has awoken. People have been asking me whether I'm scared of The Undertaker, and I say I'm not. I'm not scared of The Undertaker. I am Jack Swagger, I am a former World Champion, and former 2 time, 2 time All American American. I am not scared of anybody in WWE, I know that I have better wrestling skills then them. I know I am the best in the business and I know that I should still be World Heavyweight Champion. You see Kane, you are saying that I cost you a shot at the Money In The Bank but a few months ago, you got involved in MY World Title match at Fatal-4 way. I would have won if you didn't get involved and so you deserved to be taken out before your Money In The Bank match, you got what you deserved for costing me MY World Heavyweight Championship. I've been asked if I regret taking out The Undertaker now I know he has awoken, and to answer that I do. I regret not putting him

on the shelf permanetly!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/W%20Images/William_Regal23.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jack_Swagger11.jpg


The crowd were once again firmly behind William Regal in this match, against Jack Swagger. Regal started the match well and took Swagger by suprise, and you could tell he was worrieed about Kane and Undertaker, despite what he said moments before. Swagger managed to get back into the match when he ducked underneath a huge punch by Regal and went to lock in the ankle lock. Swagger locked it but as he did, the lights went off and when they came back on, nothing happened, but Swagger had released the ankle lock. Swagger began to look at the ramp, which gave Regal time to take advantage and roll Swagger up for the victory


The match is over, and Jack Swagger is going mad at the ref and you hear him shouting, "That's not fair, the lights went out, restart the match." Suddenly, Kane's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Swagger walks towards each other and begin to trade blows on the ramp. Loads of ref come down and seperated them as Theodore Long appeared on the screen. "I am sick of all this fighting between you two, that's why at SummerSlam, its going to be Kane vs Jack Swagger."


Todd Grisham: "WOW! Kane vs Jack Swagger! What a match!"


Matt Striker: "Great match by our General Manager."


Todd Grisham: "SummerSlam has just hotted up!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Big_Show29.jpg VS http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll4/apeevolution/KyKy/Luke_Gallows.jpg


The Big Show is desperate to get his hands on CM Punk, but will have to settle for Luke Gallows. Big Show dominated the match, with Gallows only getting moments of offence. Punk distracted Big Show which allowed Gallows to recover before gaining some offence. It wasn't enough though, as Big show refused to stay down, which ended up frustrating Gallows and he began to lose focus on Big Show when argueing with the ref. Big Show then grabbed Gallows around the throat and hit the Chokeslam piking up the win.


CM Punk and Joey Mercury jump into the ring and begin to attack The Big Show. They stomp at the ankle that Show injured a few weeks ago and when Gallows gets back to his feet, Punk orders Mercury and Gallows to pick Show up, which they do. Punk then grabs Show, and uses all his strength to hit the GTS. Show crashes to the mat and Punk then locks in the Avaconda Vise. He cranks up the pressure as Show begins screaming in pain before tapping furiously. Punk finally lets go and stands above Big Show heading into their match at SummerSlam.


The camera cuts backstage where Kofi Kingston is standing, which his Intercontinental Title on his shoulder.


"Cody Rhodes, this Sunday, you face me for my title. You believe that you deserve the title to given to you. You think you've proved you deserve to be champion. You have proved nothing yet. You cost me a match and you act like you have won the title. You do not deserve to be champion unless you ccan pin me in a one-on-one match. Cody, you have not won a singles title yet in WWE, and if you think you'll win your first this Sunday, your in for a huge shock, because I will walk out of SummerSlam they way I walked in. STILL Intercontinental Champion!"


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Tiffany-2.jpg VS http://i38.tinypic.com/29kotag.png


Beth Phoenix returned 2 weeks ago and attacked Kelly Kelly and Tiffany. Last week she struck again, attacking Kelly Kelly. This week she made her in ring return to WWE in a match against Tiffany. Tiffany almost got the victory when she rolled Beth Phoenix up, but Beth managed to kick out. Beth took control of the match and dominated the match. She pulled Tiffany across the ring by her hair, pulling some out because of the force she was grabbing Tiffany. Tiffany was screaming in pain throughout the match and Beth just punished Tiffany and refused to end it. Tiffany again went to roll Beth up, but she kicked out just before the 3 count. Beth realised she had to end it, incase Tiffany manages to roll her up again and get the 3 count, so she hit the Glam Slam for the win.


A video is played. We see a unknown wrestler wrestling in a unknown promotion, performing many moves before the video fades to black and then an image of the wrestler and an unknown woman is standing. The man begins, "I am Jimmy Jacobs. I am one of the greatest wrestlers outside WWE, I have held multiple championship and I have beaten some of the greatest wrestlers today, and I'm finally coming to WWE. I'm coming to Friday Night Smackdown! The video then fades to black once more.


The camera cuts back to the ring where Dolph Ziggler is standing with a mic in hand. "My name is Dolph Ziggler...but...you all know that by now. I have been in WWE for a while now and I have yet to win a title. I have tried having a manager, both Maria and Vickie Guerrero, and neither brought me the success I deserve. I deserve to be a champion by now, and I am making a promise to everyone backstage and everyone watching here tonight and at home, I WILL be Intercontinental Champion by WrestleMania and my quest starts tonight against Rey Mysterio. The man I should have beat last year to become Intercontinetal Champion, and tonight I will make up for those loses and beat Rey Mysterio and start my quest to become Intercontinental Champion!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Nick_Nemeth14.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Rey_Mysterio36.jpg


A rematch from last years SummerSlam, Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler. Dolph started the match well, and took control of the much smaller Rey Mysterio. Dolph looked to get the win when he hit the Zig Zag, but Mysterio managed to get his foot on the rope. Dolph continued to take control of the match, but when he went for a powerbomb, Mysterio countered it into a hurricanaranna. Mysterio picked the pace up and took control of the match, executing kicks to the thighs of Ziggler. Mysterio then went to the top rope, and jumped towards Ziggler, who caught Mysterio in midair, and hit a Powerbomb. Ziggler went for the cover but Mysterio somehow managed to roll a shoulder up. Ziggler once again went for the powerbomb but Mysterio once again countered it into a hurricanaranna. Ziggler landed on the middle rope and Mysterio quickly hit the 619 and then followed by a Seated Senton to pick up the victory in a great match.


Todd Grisham: "And Dolph Ziggler's quest for the Intercontinental Championship starts with a loss!"


Matt Striker: "There is still plenty of time before WrestleMania, Ziggler has a long time to complete his goal."


Todd Grisham: "But a big victory for Rey Mysterio heading into SummerSlam."


Matt Striker: "And his night isn't over yet, because tonight, he is the guest in MVP's VIP lounge."


Todd Grisham: "But next folks, we have Cody Rhodes and Christian teaming up to face Kofi Kingston and Matt Hardy, and that is our main event of the night!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Christian_Cage34.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cody_Rhodes16.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Matt_Hardy40.jpghttp://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KofiKingston-3.jpg


The match started with Christian and Kofi Kingston in the ring. Christian demands that Hardy is tagged in, and Kofi does. Christian and Hardy lock up in the center of the ring and Christian kicks Hardy in the gut, and begins to dominate Hardy, before tagging in Cody Rhodes. Rhodes continues to dominate Hardy, and nearly picked up the win when he went to hit the Cross Rhodes, but Hardy counters it into a Side effect. Both men crawled towards the tag and both did. Kofi exploded into action and the pace quickened dramitcally. Kofi began to take control and almost had the match won when he hit the Boom Drop onto Christian, but Christian managed to get a shoulder up before the 3 count. Kofi waited until Christian got to his feet, and went for the Trouble In Paradise, but Christian ducked and tagged Rhodes in, who got straight into the ring and hit the Cross Rhodes on Kofi. Christian runs and knocks Hardy off the top rope as Rhodes went for the cover and picked up the 3 count.


The match is over and Cody Rhodes and Christian hold their arms in the air in celebration, when Hardy gets back in the ring and begins to attack Christian. Christian tries to fight back but can't until Cody helps. Kofi then begins to attack Rhodes as they start a brawl in the ring. Rhodes eventually gets the upper hand and so does Christian, which ends with Christian hitting the Killswitch on Hardy and Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes on Kofi. They both stand above their fallen opponents as crew members start to make their way to the ring to set up the VIP Lounge. The camera focuses on Todd Grisham and Matt Striker to cover it.


Todd Grisham: "A big victory for Cody Rhodes and Christian tonight."


Matt Striker: "Both these men have sent a statement to their respective opponents at SummerSlam here tonight."


Todd Grisham: "And Cody Rhodes pinned Kofi Kingston in the center of the ring, and if he can do that again at SummerSlam he will walk out Intercontinental Champion!"


Matt Striker: "And next Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the VIP lounge, it looks as if everything is set up and we are ready."




Todd Grisham: "And here is the host of the VIP Lounge, the World Heavyweight Champion, MVP!"


Matt Striker: "MVP is on the form of his life. He hasn't lost a single match since he won the World Title!"


Todd Grisham: "And if he can add one more victory to that at SummerSlam, he will remain World Champion."


MVP gets into the ring with a mic in hand and begins to talk. "Ladies and Gentlemen, MVP is in the ring and that can only mean one thing. Big things popping, little thing stopping! So sit back and enjoy the view, because the VIP Lounge is for people better than you! Ladies and Gentlemen, the VIP lounge has returned to Friday Nights, and for the first time I am standing here in the VIP lounge as your World Heavyweight Champion, and I will like to take this time to say, that I'm going to hold this World Title, longer than I held my United States title, and I'm going to be World Champion for a long time. But without further a do, I would like to welcome my guest. He is the former World Heavyweight Champion, and my opponent at SummerSlam, REY MYSTERIO!"




Todd Grisham: "And here is the former World Champion, Rey Mysterio!"


Matt Striker: "Rey Mysterio picked up a big win earlier, and has the momentum going into SummerSlam at this moment in time."


Todd Grisham: "But anything can change Matt."


Matt Striker: "I know, that why I said at this moment in time."


Mysterio is now in the ring and MVP gives him a mic.


MVP: "Rey, earlier tonight, you struggled to beat Dolph Ziggler, and with only a few days till our big match, surely you have something up your sleeve if your going to beat me."


Rey Mysterio: "Well Montel, it was a tough match, but I came out victorious, and thats all that matters. And Montel, I don't need anything up my sleeves, I will just my ability to kick your ass."


MVP: "Kick my ass, with your ability? From what I saw in your match earlier, I won't break a sweat beating you. Do I need to remind you Rey I am the longest reigning United States Champion in Smackdown history and the highest paid athlete in Smackdown history..."


Rey Mysterio: "No you don't Montel. You don't need to remind anyone. We are sick of you saying it each and every week!"


MVP: "Forgive me for being proud of my achievements Rey."


Rey Mysterio: "Their is a huge difference between being proud and smug Montel."


MVP: "So what? I want everyone to know what I have done in this business and so my ability."


Rey Mysterio: "You don't need to tell everyone your achievement to show you have ability, you are the World Champion. I am a former 2 time World Champion and I lasted the longest ever in a Royal Rumble match but I don't say it every week to show my ability."


MVP: "Your ability ?You have none. All you do is jump around the ring like a Mexican jumping bean. Its pathetic, anybody can do it!"


Rey Mysterio: "Anybody can do it? Then why are you not doing it Montel?"


MVP: "Because Rey, I don't need to jump around the ring. I have actual wrestling ability and you know why Rey? Because I am better than you,"


Rey Mysterio: "Your better than me?"


MVP: "Yeh, I am better than you Rey and..."


MVP is interupted by Mysterio who attacks MVP. He hits a hurricanaranna and MVP lands on the middle rope. Mysterio goes for the 619 but MVP moves and rolls out the ring as he makes his way back up the ramp.


Todd Grisham: "And Mysterio has sent a message to MVP, and that's all we've got time for folks. Make sure you tune into SummerSlam this Sunday but until then folks, have a great evening!"

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The final SummerSlam card stands as:


Sheamus © vs John Cena vs Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett for the WWE Title

MVP © vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Title

The Miz vs R-Truth with the Money In The Bank briefcase up for grabs

Kofi Kingston © vs Cody Rhodes for the WWE Intercontinental Title

Ted DiBiase vs John Morrison

Edge vs Randy Orton is a loser leaves RAW Match

CM Punk vs Big Show

Matt Hardy vs Christian in a No-DQ match.

Kane vs Jack Swagger


On Smackdown, video promos began to play hyping the debut of Jimmy Jacobs. WWE did plan on having Age of The Fall debut a few months after, but now WWE are planning on waiting around a year before debuting it. It should be noted that the Smackdown head booker is said to be a huge fan of Jacobs, and he could end up being World Champion by SummerSlam 2011 if he impresses during the next few months.


In those video promos, an 'unknown woman' was standing next to Jimmy Jacobs. This woman was actually recently signed Ashley Lane. She is to debut the same time as Jacobs as the on screen girlfriend of Jacobs. Sources within WWE suggested Lane would be renamed Ashley Jacobs and being her kayfabe sister, but they went with girlfriend.


We are only a few days away from the big press conference. We are sure that this press conference will be used to address the future of WWE and also the Smackdown Head Booker WILL be revealed

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After a run down of the card in the opening video, the camera goes to the arena and where pyro explodes on the ramp. The camera then pans through the crowd before focusing on the announce table.


Michael Cole: "Good Evening and welcome to WWE SummerSlam. I'm Michael Cole, here at ringside with Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Matt Striker, and guys, what a show we have tonight."


Jerry Lawler: "Tonight is truely the biggest party of the Summer. We have Ted DiBiase vs John Morrison, The Miz vs R-Truth, Edge vs Randy Orton in a loser leaves RAW match and a Fatal-4-way for the WWE Championship."


Michael Cole: "And if any of the Nexus interfere in the match, the match gets restarted, Wade Barrett gets taken out the match and it becomes a Triple Threat Match."


Matt Striker: "And thats just on the RAW side of tonight. On the Smackdown side of the event, we have CM Punk vs Big Show, Christian vs Matt Hardy in a no-disqualification match, Kane vs Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston vs Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Title, and Rey Mysterio vs MVP for the World Heavyweight Championship."


Michael Cole: "Tonight is going to be one hell of a night!"


CM Punk's theme hits as he begins to make his way to the ring with the Straight Edge Society.


Matt Striker: "And here is the Straight Edge Saviour!"


Michael Cole: "We are going to start tonight with CM Punk vs Big Show."


Matt Striker: "And guys, if CM Punk wins this match, The Big Show will have to join the Straight Edge Society."


Jerry Lawler: "I respect that CM Punk has his beliefs, but he can't force his beliefs onto other people."


Matt Striker: "CM Punk isn't forcing his beliefs onto anybody, he is saving them from drugs, alchol and other harmful substances."


Jerry Lawler: "But maybe Big Show doesn't want to be saved?"


Matt Striker: "CM Punk is just looking out for the big man, I see him a perfect role model for children."


CM Punk is now in the ring with a mic in his hand. "Tonight, we witness history. Tonight, I'm going to beat The Big Show in this ring and make him take The Straight Edge Pledge. You see, The Big Show needs to be saved. He may not know it yet, but he needs saving. You see, Big Show is just like Luke Gallows and Joey Mercury before they met me. Big Show is destroying his body, and thats why I'm here. I'm here to save people I think deserve to be saved, and that why I'm not saving any of you pathetic excuses of human beings tonight, but Big Show is deserving, he deserve a second chance in life, and he'll get that in a few moments when I beat him. And if he doesn't thank me tonight, he will in a few months, when his new Straight Edge lifestyle, takes him back to the top of the WWE!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Big_Show29.jpg VS http://i31.tinypic.com/o5x62x.jpg


The Big Show and CM Punk lock-up in the center of the ring to kick off SummerSlam. Punk tries to push Big Show into the corner, but Show doesn't move at all. Show then hits a huge chop to the chest of CM Punk. Punk dropped to the mat, but quickly got back to his feet. Show started to dominate the match and Punk couldn't gain any offence on the big man. However, the momentum switched when Serena got on the apron, distacting Big Show long enough to get back to his feet, and when Show turns around, Punk somehow kicks Big Show in the back of the head, knocking him down to his knee. Punk continues to kick Show in the back on the head, until Show eventually is knocked out. Punk went for the cover but Big Show managed to kick out with authority at the count of 1. Punk goes back to kicking Show, who go back to his knees. Show managed to grab Punk by the throat and get back to his feet, but Punk kicked Show in the back on the knee, knocking him down again. Punk then went to the top rope and leapt towards Show, who caught him in mid-air with a huge knockout punch. Show goes for the cover and gets the 3 count for the victory.


Michael Cole: "And Big Show saves himself for now."


Jerry Lawler: "Thank god for that!"


Matt Striker: "Don't worry King, Punk will get his way eventually."


Jerry Lawler: "As long as The Big Show keeps dominating, he won't."


The Straight Edge Society get in the ring and begin to attack Big Show. Gallows holds Show while Mercury begins punching him in the skull. They then tie the ropes around the arms of the Big Show, keeping him stuck. Mercury and Gallows then punch Show in the skull before Serena gets into the ring. She pulls her arm back and swings it, slapping Big Show in the face. Punk has now got back to his feet and he goes upto Show, shouting at him, saying he will join the Straight Edge Society. Big Show begins to shout at Punk before he spat in Punk's face. Punk got pissed and started to punch Show in the face, before leaving the ring and grabbing a steel chair. He gets back into the ring and begins to smash the chair several times off the face of the Big Show, cutting him open and knocking him out in the process. The Straight Edge Society hold their arms in the air, with Punk holding the chair in the air, with a huge dent in it from where it smashed off the skull of The Big Show.


The camera cuts backstage where Jack Swagger is standing. "2 nights ago, I was cost a match against William Regal. I was distracted by the lights and people have been saying it shows I am scared of The Undertaker, and I would like to repeat what I said earlier that night, I am not scared of The Undertaker or Kane, and I proved that when Kane came to the ring to attack me, and I went straight for him. If I was scared, I would have run away but I stayed and fought like a man. I'm not scared of what The

Undertaker wants to do to me, because I know I'll do exactly what I did to him last time and take him out. I am so confident I can take out The Undertaker I am challenging him to come to the ring this Friday Night and prove me wrong, because I know I go take out The Undertaker again, and tonight, I do the same to his brother Kane, when I not only beat him, but destroy him!"


A video is played. We see a unknown wrestler wrestling in a unknown promotion, performing many moves before the video fades to black and then an image of the wrestler and an unknown woman is standing. The man begins, "I am Jimmy Jacobs. I am one of the greatest wrestlers outside WWE, I have held multiple championship and I have beaten some of the greatest wrestlers today, and I'm finally coming to WWE. I'm coming to Friday Night Smackdown!" The video then fades to black once more.


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Christian_Cage34.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Matt_Hardy40.jpg


A no-disqualication match between two superstars that have had a long history with each other, with it really hotting up the last few weeks. Both superstars brought a steel chair to the ring before the match and when the bell rang, they both swung the chairs, but they just hit each other chairs, causing them both to drop the chairs. The two then locked up in the center of the ring, and Christian took advantage, hitting a low blow on Hardy, before picking up the steel chair and smashing it off the back of Matt Hardy. Christian repeatedly smashes the chair off Hardy, before rolling out the ring and grabbing another chair and throwing it into the ring, before grabbing a sledgehammer and getting back into the ring. However, Hardy had grabbed the chair Christian threw into the ring, and he smashes it off the face off Christian. Hardy then grabs the sledgehammer and waits for Christian to get back to his feet, and then hits it in the gut of Christian. Hardy drops the sledgehammer and grabs Christian, hitting the Twist of Fate. Hardy crawls to the cover and when he does, it looks over, but Christian somehow managed to get a shoulder up before the 3 count. Hardy takes control of the match as the pace begins to slow down. Hardy hits several side effects but cannot get the 3 count. Hardy goes to the top rope and hits a leg drop before once again going for a Twist of Fate, this time however, Christian counters it and then hits a Killswitch. Christian hooks the leg and he thinks its over, but Hardy manages to kick out milliseconds before the ref could make the 3 count. Both men slowly make their way to their feet, and Christian manages get to his feet first and uses that to his advantage and takes full control of the match and eventually went out to get some more weapons, this time however, he grabbed a table and push it into the ring, before getting back into the ring and picking it up. He goes to hit it off Hardy, but Hardy moves, and picks up a steel chair, before smashing it off the skull of Christian. Christian drops to the ground and Hardy picks up the table and sets it up, and then puts Christian on it. Hardy rolls out the ring and grabs a ladder! He pushes it into the ring before setting it up and climbing it. Hardy reaches the top and plays to the crowd, who are on their feet. Hardy leaps off the ladder and camera flashes from all over the arena, but when Hardy reached the ground, Christian had moved and Hardy went through the table with a leg-drop. Christian picks Hardy up and then hits a Killswitch onto the steel chair. Christian goes for the cover and picks up the victory.


Matt Striker: "Captain Charisma picks up the win."


Jerry Lawler: "A voilent battle between the two of them, and Christian manages to leave the victor."


Michael Cole: "A very impressive victory for Christian, and you have to say, neither of these two will ever be the same again."


Matt Striker: "Hopefully they are the same, they are 2 of our top stars on Smackdown!"


The camera cuts backstage where Todd Grisham is standing. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the current World Heavyweight Champion, MVP!" MVP comes in view of the camera and takes the mic from Todd Grisham. "Don't worry Todd, I can take it from here." Todd Grisham leaves as MVP continues, "Tonight, I make my first title defence against Rey Mysterio. Rey attacked me 2 days ago on my very own talk show, and I'm not taking that. Tonight, I'm gonna beat Rey to retain my World Title, but not only that I'm gonna beat Rey with an inch of his life. I'm gonna take his ankle that Jack Swagger injured, and I'm going to snap it in half. I'm gonna make sure you can't walk out of this arena tonight and show not only you, but the entire Smackdown locker room, that if you mess with me, I'm going to leave in the center of the ring in a puddle of blood, being taken out of the arena in a back of ambulance, screaming to the medics to stop the pain, and Rey, your going just going to be an example of what I can do!"


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/TedBiBiase2.jpg VS http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/JohnMorrison-2.jpg


The Million Dollar Man was accompanied by his 'girlfriend' Maryse faced off with John Morrison. Morrison started the match well and took control early on, hitting kicks to DiBiase, knocking him to the down, but DiBiase kept on getting getting back up and he refused to stay down. Morrison hit a kick to the back of DiBiase's head which finally knocked him down, but not long enough for him to get the three count. Morrison took full control of the match and it looked as if DiBiase wasn't ever going to gain any offence, but when Maryse got onto the apron, she distracted both the ref and John Morrison long enough for Ted DiBiase to get back to his feet and hit a low blow on Morrison while the ref was still distracted. DiBiase then took control of the match, and targeted the legs of Morrison, to stop Morrison from performing high-flying moves. DiBiase thought it was over when he locked in the figure four leg lock. Morrison screamed in pain and it looked over, but Morrison managed to reach the bottom rope to break the hold. DiBiase waited for Morrison to get to his feet and then hit the Million Dollar Dream Street. DiBiase went towards to cover, and got it, but Morrison managed to kick out before the ref could make the 3 count. DiBiase began to get frustrated and ordered Maryse to get him his belt, which she does. DiBiase swings it at Morrison ut Morrison ducks and kicks DiBiase in the back of the head, knocking him out. Morrison dragged DiBiase towards the corner, before hitting Starship Pain for the victory!


Michael Cole: "An big victory for John Morrison against Ted DiBiase tonight."


Jerry Lawler: "DiBiase has learnt tonight, money can buy you fancy clothes, a title belt and a woman, but not sucess."


Matt Striker: "Are you calling Maryse a gold digger? She has said many times she isn't."


Jerry Lawler: "Well I believe she is."


Maryse gets into the ring as Morrison is celebrating. She grabs Morrison then slaps him in the face. Morrison grabs Maryse and bends her over his knee. Her then proceeds to spank her several times before throwing her to DiBiase."


Matt Striker: "That is just disrepectful from John Morrison."


Jerry Lawler: "Well after Maryse slapped him, she deserved it."


Matt Striker: "No matter what, you should never hit a woman, and never touch her without her permission. Morrison should be put in jail!"


Michael Cole: "I have to agree with Matt here King. While I don't think he should be in jail, I do think it was out of order and he shouldn't have done it."


Jerry Lawler: "Well, I diagree, Maryse slapped Morrison, and Morrison retailated, he hardly hurt her, he didn't punch heer, just a good old spanking."


Matt Striker: "You're just a pervert King."




The Miz begins to make his way to the ring with The US Title on his shoulder and the Money In The Bank briefcase in hand.


Michael Cole: "Forget about what just happened with Morrison, its done and it can't be changed, but here is the future of Monday Night RAW!"


Jerry Lawler: "The Miz could cash that briefcase in tonight, and I wouldn't put it past him."


Matt Striker: "The Miz is smart, he will wait for the right moment, and that could be tonight. It could be tomorrow night and it could be at WrestleMania, but you have to believe that the briefcase almost guarentees he will walk out World Champion!"


Michael Cole: "He could walk out here tonight with both United States and WWE Championship, providing he manages to win here against R-Truth."


Jerry Lawler: "And it will be a really tough test for Miz, R-Truth is a former United States Champion and has set his eyes on the Money In The Bank briefcase that he believes he was wrongly taken out the match by The Miz."


Matt Striker: "The Miz was doing Truth a favour. Truth could have been seriously hurt during that match and Miz was thinking of Truth's health when he attacked him."


The Miz is now in the ring and has a mic in his hand. "Listen up because I am speaking. You see, last month at Money In The Bank, I climbed the ladder and retrieved the briefcase, and now I'm top of the ladder. I have got a guarenteed World Title shot at any time I want. I was going to cash it in at Money In The Bank but MVP bet me to it. It would have been obvious for the champ at the time that I could cash the briefcase in, so I waited, and now R-Truth believes he deserves a the briefcase. Please! There was 7 other people in that match, and I beat them all, what difference would it make if R-Truth was in the match instead of Mark Henry. Nothing. I would have still waled out with the briefcase, and I will walk out tonight with the briefcase because I'm The Miz, and I'm...AWESOME!"


http://i31.tinypic.com/bia3ww.jpg VS http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/R-Truth.jpg


R-Truth was clearly pissed off with The Miz and showed a new side to him. After the two locked-up, R-Truth pushed Miz towards the rope, and refused to break at the cout of 4, and almost got disqualified, but the ref pulled him away. Truth hit a drop-kick and knocked Miz down. Truth got onto Miz and started punching Miz straight to the skull several times, and the ref has to pull Truth off the Miz again, and while Truth was argueing with the ref, Miz got back up and hit a closeline on Truth. The momentum switched completely and Miz was in the driver seat. Miz starts to work at the shoulder that he injured before the Money in the Bank PPV. Miz starts locking in several armbars in the center of the ring, causing Truth to scream in pain. Miz eventually lets go, realising Truth isn't going to tap out, annd began to work away at the shoulder again. He ties Truth's arm around the middle rope and starts punching at the shoulder, before letting go and picking him back up, to just shove him into the turnbuckle, before rolling him up. Truth managed to kick out, but it seemed to hurt him even more. Miz picks Truth up and again punches Truth in the shoulder, before locking in the armbar once more. Truth refuses to tap out, and so The Miz once again lets go of the hold. He realises that he has to end this with a pinfall and so he picks Truth up, and then hits the Skull Crushing Finale for a dominating win.


Michael Cole: "And Miz is still Mr Money in the Bank."


Jerry Lawler: "A dominating victory for Miz tonight, against a strong opponent in R-Truth."


Matt Striker: "And Miz has now sent a message to the entire RAW locker room, he isn't letting go off that briefcase until he wants to cash it in."


Michael Cole: "And that can be anything in the next 11 months."


The Miz grabs his briefcase and US title from ringside and gets back into the ring. He drops the US Title on the floor, but waits till R-Truth gets back to his feet before hitting him in the shoulder with the briefcase. He then drops the briefcase, before grabbing R-Truth and hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on Truth, straight onto the briefcase.


Matt Striker: "And another message is sent by Miz, I love it!"


Michael Cole: "The Miz is the future of RAW, and the future is looking bright for Monday Night RAW!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cody_Rhodes16.jpg VS http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KofiKingston-3.jpg


The Intercontinental title is up for grabs in a one-on-one match between Kofi Kingston and 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes. Cody is looking for his very first singles title in WWE, and started the match very well, taking out Kofi Kingston by the legs, hoping to keep him grounded. Kofi tried to gain some momentum in the earlier goings but Cody went straight back to the legs of Kofi Kingston. Cody went to lock in the figure 4 leg lock, but Kofi managed to get out of it, and begin to quicken the pace of the match, hitting kicks to the back of the skull of Rhodes, who fell to the ground. Kofi looked to take advantage and went for the Boom Drop, but Cody Rhodes moved at the vital moment. hodes went back to the legs of Kofi, and continued to kick at them, while locking in many submissions holds, but Kofi refused to tap out. Cody then began to wrap Kofi's legs around the bottom rope, before jumping on them, causing Kofi to scream in pain. Rhodes locked in a leg lock, but Kofi managed to make it to the ropes. Rhodes broke the hold before the count of 4, and then picked up Kofi, before setting him up for the Cross Rhodes. Kofi managed to struggle out of it, before hitting the Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere, before going for the cover and getting the 3 count!


Michael Cole: "Kofi Kingston retains!"


Jerry Lawler: "You have to wonder at what cost though, Cody Rhodes took his legs out, and I'm suprised Kofi can walk."


Matt Striker: "A valient effort by Cody Rhodes nonetheless, and I'm sure he will have a new opportunity in the not to distant future."


Michael Cole: "But at the end of the day, he couldn't finished Kofi off, and it cost him the Intercontinental Championship!"


The camera cuts backstage where John Cena is standing. "Tonight, I'm going to win back the WWE Championship. I lost it a few months in a Fatal 4 way match, thanks to the Nexus, but tonight I win it back in a Fatal 4 way and the Nexus cannot get involved or the leader of Nexus gets taken out the match. Tonight, I'm going to get my hands on Wade Barrett, and I'll take him out in the center of the ring, and then my focus will be on Sheamus and Chris Jericho. The first Irish born WWE Champion, and the first ever Undisputed World Champion, but I am a 9 time World Champion, I have held more World Titles in WWE than both Chris Jericho and Sheamus put tonight, and tonight I become a 10 time World Champion!"


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Kane-2.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jack_Swagger11.jpg


Kane finally got his hands on Jack Swagger in singles action. Both men locked up in the center of the ring, but Swagger took control early on, and began to work away at the ankle of Kane, stomping on it while he was on the ground. Swagger went to lock in the ankle lock early on, but Kane managed to overpower him. Kane tried to gain some offence, but Swagger went straight back to the ankle. Swagger took full control of the match, and carried on focusing on the ankle of Kane. Swagger decided that it was enough, and hit a Gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger went for the cover and it looked all over, but Kane managed to get a shoulder up. Swagger looked shocked tthat Kane kicked out, and then dragged Kane to the center of the ring and turned Kane onto his stomach, before locking in the ankle lock. Kane started to scream in pain as Swagger cranked the pressure up. Kane reached towards the ropes, and nearly reached it, but Swagger dragged him back to the center of the ring. Kane is about to tap out, but then he manages to turn onto his back and push Swagger away. Swagger runs towards Kane, but Kane kicks him away again, before getting to his feet. Swagger runs towards Kane but Kane hits an uppercut on Swagger, knocking him out. Kane begins to take control of the match, and manages to hit a flying closeline on Swagger, before going for a Chokeslam which he hits. Swagger rolls out the ring however and when Kane went on the outside to get Swagger, Swagger throws Kane into the steel steps. Both men start to get to their feet and then they begin to trade blows on the outside as the ref count reaches 10, causing a double count out


Michael Cole: "Both men have been counted out."


Jerry Lawler: "And they are still fighting."


Matt Striker: "The bad blood between the 2 cannot be contained contained inside the ring."


Kane and Jack Swagger continue to trade blows as they make the way up the ramp and to the backstage area. They get backstage and Kane starts to gain the upperhand in the fight, before he sends Swagger flying into a wall, and he bounces off and back into Kane's grasp, where he then grabs him by the throat and hits chokeslam onto the concrete floor, before standing above a lifeless Jack Swagger as we cut back to the ring.




Edge's music hits as the crowd begin to boo as Edge makes his way to the ring.


Matt Striker: "And here could be the newest addition to Friday Night Smackdown!"


Jerry Lawler: "I really hope so Matt."


Michael Cole: "I don't mind who wins this match, both are top superstars, and I don't want ever to lose either of them."


Matt Striker: "While I would love Edge back on Smackdown, but Randy hasn't been on Friday Nights since 2006, and it would be amazing to have him on the number 1 show."


Michael Cole: "You mean the number 2 show Matt."


Matt Striker: "We won the Bragging Rights match, and so we are officially the top show so no Cole, I mean the number 1 show."


Edge is now in the ring with a mic in his hand. "Ladies and Gentlemen, watch this next match extremely closely, because tonight is going to be Randy Orton's last match as a RAW superstar. I never asked for this match, Orton did. He seemed to think that both of cannot workon the same show together, our ego's clash, and the hatred between us two, is to big for us to try and end it. I think it's a bunch of crap, but if this means that I can get Orton as far away from me as possible, then I'm up for it. So tonight, I'm going to pin Randy Orton in the center of the ring and send him packing to Friday Nights!"


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Edge-5.jpg VS http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/6180/randyortont.jpg


Randy Orton got into the ring and the Loser leaves RAW match begins. The 2 begin to trade blows in the center of the ring to start the match, and Edge takes control when he knee's Orton in the gut. Edge begins to hit fists to the head of Orton, knocking him down. Edge picks Orton up and sends him into the corner, before running towards him and hitting a closeline. Edge begins to target the arm of Orton, locking in many submission holds, and constantly punching the left arm and shoulder of Orton, and stomping on it when he was on the ground. Edge looked to finish the match when he went for the Spear, and he hit it. Edge went for the cover and it looked all over but Orton managed to somehow get his shoulder up before the 3 count. This only seemed to hurt Orton's shoulder even more. Edge again went for a Spear, but Orton moved and when turned around, he was hit with a RKO. Orton went for the cover, and as the ref was about to make the 3 count, Edge somehow managed to kick out. Orton gets back to his feet and started to hit his shoulder, trying to get some life back into it. Orton begins to take control of the match, hitting big moves such as the rope hung DDT and the Backbreaker, but Edge wouldn't stay down for the 3 count. When Orton managed to hit another backbreaker, he went for another RKO, but Edge managed to reverse it into an Impaler DDT. Edge went for the cover, but Orton managed to kick out once again. Edge again looked for the Spear, and when he went for it but Oorton moved and when Edge turned and Orton went for a RKO, but Edge pushed Orton away and when Orton turned, he turned into a huge Spear Edge goes for the cover and gets the 3 count meaning Randy Orton must leave RAW!


Michael Cole :"And Edge wins in a great match."


Matt Striker: "And Randy Orton is coming home to Friday Night Smackdown! I love it!"


Jerry Lawler: "We're never gonna hear the end of this from Edge."


Matt Striker: "Well he won the match and deserve to brag about his achievement."


Orton is now back on his feet and has a mic in his hand. "So I lost the loser leaves RAW match, but now I'm away from Edge anyway, the only difference is that I'm am the one on Friday Nights, and now I'm back on Smackdown, I'll finish what I started 5 years ago, and become World Heavyweight Champion on Friday Nights, I cn guarentee everyone here tonight, the whole of the locker room, and whoever wins between Rey Mysterio and MVP, I will not stop until I am World Heavyweight Champion again!"


Matt Striker: "Randy Orton has wasted little time setting his eyes on the World Heavyweight Championship!"


Michael Cole: "But who will the World Champ be after tonight? We are about to find out, because that match is next!"


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/MVP.jpg VS http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Rey_Mysterio36.jpg


The first of 2 World Title matches begins, with Mysterio getting straight in control with kicks to the back of the leg of MVP. Mysterio continues to hit kicks, and when MVP manages to catch one, he pulls Mysterio towards him and hit a huge closeline. MVP begins to target the leg of Mysterio, trying to keep him from performing kicks and high-flying moves. MVP throws Rey out the ring, and then goes out with him, and throws him into the barracade, before throwing him into the steel steps. Mysterio's hits the steps knee first, and looks badly hurt. He gets Rey back into the ring and goes for the pin, but Mysterio manages to kick out. MVP goes back to the leg of Mysterio and more specifically, the knee he just injured. MVP started to lock many submission holds, but as many people know, Rey Mysterio does not usually submit, and this time was no different. MVP looked to end the match when he went for the Playmaker, and he managed to hit it. The match looked over as MVP went for the pinfall but Mysterio somehow managed to get his foot on the rope before the ref could make the 3 count. MVP began to argue with the ref, but quickly tturned his focus back onto Rey Mysterio. MVP picks Rey up, but Rey begins to fight back with kicks to the leg of MVP. Rey then bounces off the rope and hits a bulldog on MVP. He goes for the pin but MVP manages to get a shoulder up. Both men slowly get to their feet, and MVP is first. He charges towards Mysterio, but Mysterio side steps MVP and trips him, causing MVP to land on the middle rope. Mysterio goes for the 619 and hits it. He then goes for the Seated Senton, but MVP moves and Mysterio begins to hold his leg, screaming in pain when he landed on the mat. MVP picks Mysterio and hits a Playmaker and gets the three count to make his defence of his World Heavyweight Championship!


Matt Striker: "MVP is still World Heavyweight Champion! He said he would walk out with the title, he said he will destroy Rey Mysterio and he may have done that."


Jerry Lawler: "We all know Rey has had trouble with his knee in the past, and I am worried for him, and I hope he hasn't seriously hurt it."


Michael Cole: "Rey seemed to have injured it more when he missed the Seated Senton."


Matt Striker: "Rey's pride could have cost him his career, he should have just tapped out when he had the chance, or just let MVP pin him."


Michael Cole: "It's not about pride Matt, Mysterio wanted to walk out tonight with the World Title around his waist, and up next, 4 more people look to walk out with the WWE Championship, when Sheamus defends his World Title against Wade Barrett, Chris Jericho and John Cena, who are we backing in this match?"


Matt Striker: "I'm going with Wade Barrett. I worked with him in NXT and he impressed me a lot and impressed the WWE Universe and the locker room, going onto win NXT, and now he is impressing everyone on RAW and I think tonight, he walks out with the WWE Championship!"


Jerry Lawler: "I have to admit, Barrett has been impressive, he defeated Sheamus a few weeks ago on RAW, but John Cena is my favourite in this match. He is a 9 time WWE Champion, and he is focused on making it 10."


Michael Cole: "I'm going to disagree with you both. I think Sheamus has a great chance to win this match, I mean he won the WWE Championship at Fatal 4 Way a few months ago, but I'm going with Chris Jericho. He is the best at what he does, and tonight he has another WWE Championship to prove it to the entire of the WWE Universe."


http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Sheamus2-1.jpg VS http://i39.tinypic.com/35nd53k.jpg VS http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/JohnCena-1.jpg VS http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll4/apeevolution/KyKy/Chris_Jericho2.jpg


The fatal 4 way match begins, and it became clear that it wasn't going to be every man for himself, when Sheamus, Chris Jericho and John Cena all went for Wade Barrett. Barrett, but Barrett ran out the ring, and the 3 began to brawl in the ring, until Barrett got back into the ring and attacked all three of them, taking control of the match. Barrett began to take each compititor out, one by one with impact moves. Barrett wanted to end the match early, and managed to hit The Wasteland on Sheamus. Barret was unsure whether to go for the cover or not, but decided not to and went to hit The Wasteland on Chris Jericho, but Jericho manged to slip out of his grasp, and then John Cena got back up and knocked Barrett off his feet with a closeline. Barrett quickly got back to his feet and Cena hit a back suplex. Jericho got back into the ring and Cena side stepped him and threw him over the top rope. Cena then took him attention to Barrett, who was on the mat in the center of the ring. Cena quickly hit the 5-Knuckle Shuffle, before grabbing Barrett in position for an Attitude Adjustement, but Jericho got back into the ring and hit a codebreaker on Cena while Barrett was still on his shoulders. Barrett rolled out the ring as Jericho went for the cover. The match looked like it was over but just before the ref could make the 3 count, Sheamus broke up the pinfall attempt, saving the match for himself. Sheamus started to beat down on Jericho, until Barrett go back in the ring, but was knocked straight back down by Sheamus with a huge kick to the face. Barrett again rolled out the ring. Sheamus waited for someone to get to their feet and first was Jericho, and Sheamus went for the Brogue kick, but Jericho ducked and hit the Codebreaker. Cena then grabbed Jericho and hit an Attitude Adjustment. Cena stood in the center of the ring, with both Sheamus and Jericho old cold by him. Jerry Lawler is screaming at Cena to make a cover, but Barrett got back into the ring and the 2 stared off. Barrett turned around and picked Sheamus up, and hit The Wasteland. Barrett went for the pin as Cena watched the ref make the 3 count, handing Wade Barrett the WWE Championship!


Wade Barrett begins celebrating in the ring as he is handed the WWE Championship


Michael Cole: "What just happened?"


Jerry Lawler: "What did John Cena just do?"


Matt Striker: "Who cares, Wade Barrett is the WWE Champion!"


Michael Cole: "Cena had this match won, he had the WWE Title in his grasp, and he just let Wade Barrett get the pin!"


Barrett and Cena stare in the center of the ring before they both shake hands and then raise each other arms high in the air, before the camera focused on Jericho who looked shocked before going back to the ring.


Jerry Lawler: "Oh no..."


Matt Striker: "Is John Cena part of the Nexus?"


Michael Cole: "I really hope not, but that's all we've got time for in this years SummerSlam, make sure you tune into RAW tomorrow night for the fallout from SummerSlam, and maybe an explanation from John Cena, and also the general manager is revealed, its going to be huge so don't miss it, but for tonight, from me, Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Matt Striker, good night."


The image of Cena and Barrett raising each others arm in the air fades out as we conclude a historic SummerSlam.


TNA Hard Justice:


Desmond Wolfe defeated Brian Kendrick and Jesse Neal

Tomko defeated Shannon Moore

Devon defeated Sting and Stevie Richards

AJ Styles defeated Alex Shelley to retain the TNA Global Title

Matt Morgan defeated D'Angelo Dinero

Tommy Dreamer defeated James Storm, Samoa Joe and Chris Sabin to reain the TNA X-Division Title

Angelina Love defeated Hamada

Abyss defeated Hernandez

Brother Ray defeated Robert Roode

The Beautiful People defeated Taylor Wilde and Daffney to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Titles

The Enigmatic *******s defeated The Band

RVD defeated Kurt Angle to retain the TNA World Title

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