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WWE Friday Night Smackdown - The era of MVP

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RAW kicks off with The Nexus in the ring. Wade Barrett begins to talk, with his new WWE Championship on his shoulder. He said SummerSlam was a historic night for the WWE and the Nexus. He says not only is he the new WWE Champion, but John Cena let him pick up the pinfall. He says he knew nothing about it, and at this moment in time, John Cena isn't in the Nexus, but he tells Cena to come out and explain his actions. Cena does, and to a very bad reaction from the crowd. Cena goes onto say that the last few months the Nexus made his life a misery. He tried to stop them, but they came back even stronger, and since Heath Slater got kicked out last week, they have one less member, Cena says the Nexus are the most dominant force in WWE at the moment, but with him they can be even more dominant. Barrett then welcomes Cena to the Nexus, and he says that RAW now belongs to the Nexus. Nexus raise each others arms in the air, but are then interupted by Chris Jericho. He stops on the ramp and says he isn't stupid enough to come to the ring. He then says that the past year, he has been calling the fans hypocrites, but they aren't, they were just brianwashed by John Cena, saying never give up and all that crap, and the only hypocrite in this arena is John Cena. He then turns his attention to Wade Barrett. He says to Barrett that RAW doesn't belong to the Nexus. He says that RAW always has been and aalways will be JERICHO! Jericho then goes onto challenge Barrett to a match at Night of Champions. Barrett says that Jericho will never get a title shot, and there is nothing anyone can do to give him one. Michael Cole then gets an e-mail from the RAW GM. He says the GM says, that he saiid last week he would reveal himself, and he will right now, so please welcome...JBL! JBL comes into the arena in his limo. He gets out with a mic and says its good to be back in WWE. He says that RAW isn't Nexus, it isn't Jericho, it is now JBL! He tells Barrett he can give Jericho a title match, but he won't unless he manages to beat Sheamus and JJohn Cena tonight in a triple threat match, with the winner facing Barrett for the WWE Title at Night of Champions. JBL then says that right now, Darren Young will face Yoshi Tatsu.


Darren Young defeated Yoshi Tatsu


Darren Young is the next Nexus member to try and prove he deserves to be in the group, and looked nervous after Slater got kicked out just last week. He proved to concur his nerves however, by managing to roll Yoshi up to get the 3 count.


Evan Bourne defeated Edge


Edge was the first to make his entrance before the match. He says that last night he defeated Randy Orton to make him leave RAW. He sys he should be in the triple threat match tonight, not 3 people who lost last night. He says that now Randy Orton is off RAW, nothing is stopping him from reaching the top.


Evan Bourne made his entrance as the match begun. Bourne started the match well, but Edge manged to slow the tempo of the match, giving him control of the match. Edge went to finish it with a Spear, but Bourne moved and Edge hit his head off the turnbuckle, knocking him out. Bourne took advantage and went to the top rope and hit the Air Bourne, giving him one of the biggest victories in his career.


The match is over and Bourne begins to celebrate in the ring. Edge however has other idea and as Bourne gets down from the turnbuckle, hits a huge spear, before standing above a lifeless Bourne.


John Morrison defeated Zack Ryder


Fresh off a victory against Ted DiBiase last night, John Morrison looked to continue the good form, as he faced off with Zack Ryder. Ryder put up a valiant effort in the match, but in the end, Morrison hit Starship Pain for the victory.


The match is over and Ted DiBiase gets into the ring and begins to attack John Morrison, while shouting 'How dare you touch her' and 'I'm going to make your life a misery'. Maryse then walked down to the ring and DiBiase picked Morrison up. MAryse then hit a low blow on Morrison, before slapping him across the face. Morrison then hit a Million Dollar Dream Street, leaving Morrison out cold in the center of the ring.


Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs Hart Dynasty ended in a no contest


The Worlds Greatest Tag Team had a shot at the WWE Unified Tag Team titles on RAW against The Hart Dynasty. The mach has only just begun when the Uso ran down to the ring and began to attack all 4 competitors, before a brawl broke out between to 3 teams. JBL then comes out and says at Night of Champions, all 3 teams will take part in a triple threat tag team match, for the WWE Unified Tag Titles.


Melina defeated Gail Kim


Melina and Gail Kim both want a shot at the WWE Divas Title, and with Alicia Fox at ringside, a win would surely give them a shot at the title. Both Divas gave 110%, but melina was the one who was victorious when she hit the LA Sunset.


Before the main event could take place, The Miz came down to the ring. He says that he doesn't know why this triple threat is taking place, because he could cash his title shot in at Night of Champions, but he says since he is US Champ, he must defend the title at Night of Champions, so he offers an open challenge to anyone on RAW, because he knows he can beat anyone, because hes the Miz, and Hes AWESOME!!


Chris Jericho defeated Sheamus and John Cena


The main event finally begins, and both Chris Jericho and Sheamus team up to take on the newest member of the Nexus, John Cena. Cena was wearing Nexus armmbands and wristbands to show his new alliance. With Barrett at ringside, it looked as if Cena was going to win, because Barrett would distract anyone apart from Cena who gained any momentum. Jericho however managed to throw Cena onto Barrett, and then hit the Codebreaker onto Sheamus to pick up the victory.


The match is over and Jericho begins to celebrate as Sheamus rolls out the ring. His celebrations ae cut short though as the remaining members of the Nexus run down to the ring. The Nexus surrond the ring, before Barrett and Cena give the call to attack, which they do. Jericho tries to fight back, but the Nexus beat him down when all 7 get in on the attack. Otunga, Young and Tarver all beatdown Jericho, before lifting him for Sheffield to hit a Spear. Cena then picks Jericho up and hits the Attitude Adjustment, before Barrett picks him up and hits The Wasteland. Gabriel goes to the top rope and hits the 405 Splash. The Nexus stand tall, before Cena locks in the STF on Jericho and a shocking RAW is concluded.


TNA results:


The Enigamatic *******s defeated The Band

Daffney defeated Angelina Love to become the TNA Knockouts title

James Storm defeated Mick Foley

Team 3D defeated The Beautiful People

AJ Styles defeated Jeff Jarrett

Kurt Angle defeated RVD

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NXT begins with Matt Striker in the ring. He says next week, somebody will be eliminated from NXT, and tonight they have the chance to win immunity in an American Gladiators style challenge where superstars have to knock there opponents off the podium, using the weapon provided. Kaval and Eli Cottonwood are the first to battle. Kaval gets some early shots in, but Cottonwood manages to knock Kaval off the pdoium with a huge hit, knocking him flying and meaning Cottonwood progressed to the final. Lucky Cannon and Michael McGillcutty are next, and after a long battle, Lucky Cannon manages to knock McGillcutty of the podium. The next two to battle are Percy Watson and Alex Riley. Riley quickly won, when Watson lost his balance. The final is a triple threat between Eli Cottonwood, Lucky Cannon and Alex Riley. Riley and Cannon team up to knock the much larger Eli Cottonwood off his podium, before the 2 battled it out for the immunity. When it looked as if Cannon was about to win, Riley looked to have used his foot to knock Cannon of balance, and off his podium. Matt Striker says however Riley didn't do anything and means the challenge annd the immunity is won by Alex Riley. Lucky Cannon challenges Riley to a match later on however to prove he deserve the immunity, and Riley accepts


Percy Watson defeated Eli Cottonwood


Percy Watson and Eli Cottonwood now have to try and impress the WWE Universse and the WWE Pro's, after failing to win immunity moments before. Both superstars looked impressive, but the match came to an end when MVP hit the Plamaker on Cottonwood as Percy distracted the ref, before he picked up the 3 count.


The match is over and and MVP gets in the ring and congratulates his rookie, but Morrison also gets in and starts argueing with MVP, but Ted DiBiase attacks him from behind, and hits the Million Dollar Dream Street, standing tall above Morrison for the second night in a row.


Alex Riley defeated Lucky Cannon


Lucky Cannon looked to prove he deserved to have won the immunity earlier tonight against Alex Riley. However, Riley had other idea and dominated the match, before hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on Cannon picking up the win as Miz looked on, very impressed.


Michael McGillcutty defeated Kaval


Number 1 and Number 2 in the polls faced off in the main event, both trying to win the number 1 spot for next week. Both men came close to getting the victory, but when McGillcutty hit the Swinging Sidewalk Slam, he picked up the victory to conclude NXT.

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Vince McMahon steps up to the podium as he begins to talk.


"Thank you all for coming here. But straight onto the issue in hand. I've called this conference here tonight to talk about the current state of the promotion, and also the future of the promotion. As you all know, we recently turned all of our shows PG, this followed with many new 'gimmick' PPVs. Early reports showed initially that this was a success. Merchandise sales increased, a lot of children started to watch our product, but we began to lose the older audience. We weren't concerened about this to start with, that was until the recent PPV buy rates, and in particular, Fatal-4 way. That PPV was our second worst selling PPV in our history, only behind Decemeber to Dismember. I sat down that night and I realised, we need to change the product now. I realised that the reason people aren't buying the PPV's is because we are focusing on children, but the adults are the ones who have to pay for the PPV and if they aren't interested, they ain't paying for it. So today starts a new era in WWE. This isn't the PG era and it sure ain't hell as repeat of the attitude era. We are going to create a brand new era, attracting young teenagers and adults alike. I have had negotations with networks, and RAW and NXT will now be TV-14. Some of you may have realised Smackdown already made the switch, and I will come to that later. This new era is going to create new stars, while still keeping the top stars like Triple H and The Undertaker. We have already created 2 new stars recently with Wade Barrett and MVP winning World Titles, and these will be the first of many in the next few years. During this new era, the gimmick PPV's will slowly be scrapped and replaced by brand new PPV's, some will be old and some will be new, and TLC will signify the end of gimmick PPV's, the only exceptions to this being the annual Night of Champions PPV, which has been a success in the past and Extreme Rules, which is to show the extreme side to this new era. Next on the agenda is the competition. I have recently been critized by many in the wrestling business about ignoring TNA, and so I had a look at a TNA show the other day, and I am going back to ignoring it. I do not see it as competition at the moment, the booking at times is terrible and just hard to watch. I admit they have some top stars, and if Eric Bishoff can get the booking right, they may be a serious threat by the end of the year, but I'm not worried at the moment, we defeated WCW by created new stars and creating new era, and we are doing that now so there is absolutely no reason why we can't do it to TNA, so I won't be answering another question about TNA again, and I don't care if they take cheap shots at me, my promotion, or my superstars, because you will not be hearing of TNA on any of my shows. Onto the final order of business, and as I mentioned earlier, Smackdown has recently gone through a few changes. A week before Money In the Bank, I watched Smackdown to find it was lacking something, it wasn't inovating and so it needed a change, so a few days later I contacted somebody who I will introduce in a minute. I asked this man if he would be interested in the role of Smckdown head booker. He said yes and the next day we sat down and discussed his contract and the deal was finalized. The night before Money In The Bank we once again sat down and he gave me a list of all the ideas he had come up with. I was impressed and so when he asked for Smackdown to take a new TV rating I immediately accepted. This man came up with ideas in 24 hours, better than some people can in a year. This man is the man to take Friday Night Smackdown to the top, and this man is going to take WWE to new heights. I have worked with this mn plently of times in the past, and I was aware of his talent long before I first worked with him, but I never knew how much talent he had until few weeks ago. So Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome...PAUL HEYMAN!"


The camera begin to flash rapidly as a small chant of 'ECW' from some fans at the back breaks out. Heyman gets onto the podium and he begins to talk.


"Thank you for such a warm welcome, and thank you Vince for giving me this opportunity. I would like to take this time to say why I rejoined WWE when TNA, sorry for mentioning Vince, contacted me and created an ECW themed PPV. Why join WWE when most my friends are working for the competition. The simple answer is I don't want to create a new ECW. I want to leave that legacy alone and leave it to be remembered for what it was. People have tried to resurrect ECW, including WWE and me, but it will never be repeated again. It will never be anywhere near the standard of the orginal ECW. That is why I'm here. I'm here to create a new legacy. Create new superstars and to make Smackdown great. I'm here for a new challenge and I don't want any project to just be seen as the lastest attempt to revive ECW. Smackdown will not be like ECW, it will not be like RAW, it will not be like WCW. I want to make Smackdown break new boundaries and create shocking moments. I want to book classic matches and create moment that will b be remembered forever. I want Smackdown to have viewering figues like RAW, and I promise I will create a new chapter in WWE. Thank you for your time."


Both Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon leave the room talking to each other.

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Smackdown kicks off with MVP in the ring. He says that he did what to set out to do at SummerSlam and not only defeated Rey Mysterio, but destroyed him, and now he is injured once again. He says that the next PPV is Night of Champions, and he will have to defend his title again, but he doesn't care, because there is nobody on the Smackdown roster who can compete with him, he is a top athlete and hes on the top of his game, and at Night of Champions he will still be World Heavyweight Champion!


The first match was Dolph Ziggler vs William Regal. A pretty good match with back and forth action. Ziggler won the match with the Zig Zag.


A video is played hyping the debut of Jimmy Jacobs. He does some basic hype work lists some of his achievements, and reveals the mystery woman to be Nichole Simmons and they will be coming to Smackdown soon.


The camera goes to Teddy Longs office where he is standing, when Christian enters. Christian brags about what he did at SummerSlam and says he deserves a World Title shot, Teddy Long says that Christian needs to prove himself more deserving than anyone else, and he has the chance in tonights main event against Kane. Christian leaves and Eve comes in view of the camera. Teddy and Eve talk, which ends with Teddy saying its great to have her back on Smackdown.


Rey Mysterio comes out on crutches He said that on Sunday, he was badly injured, but it isn't as bad as first thought and shouldn't be out that long. Drew McIntyre comes out. He says Smackdown just wouldn't be Smackdown without Rey beign injured, hes says Rey might not be badly injured now, but he will be. Drew goes onto attack Rey with his own crutches before hitting the Future Shock, leaving Rey out cold in the center of the ring.


The next match is Kofi Kingston vs Chavo Guerrero in a non-title. Pretty solid match, Kofi picked up the win with a Trouble in Paradise


After the match, Dolph Ziggler and cody Rhodes run down to the ring and begin to attack Kofi. Matt Hardy eventually makes the save. Hardy was wrapped in bandages, but looked like he wasn't that injured.


Jack Swagger cuts a promo next. He says that he proved everyone wrong at SummerSlam. He said that people thought Kane was going to destroy him or he wasn't going to turn up, but he fought Kane but Kane couldn't control himself and got them both counted out. He says Kane should be locked up and they should throw away the key. Kane then interupts, and Swagger just stands there, and doesn't look at all scared. Kane says that if he thinks SummerSlam, then what Kane does to Swagger next is going to be even more hellacious. Kane says his brother has risen, and is coming to get revenge on Jack Swagger, and when he does, Swagger will NEVER be the same again. Swagger says he isn't afraid of The Undertaker, and he isn't scared of Kane. Swagger then smashes his mic of the skull of Kane before hitting the Gutwrench Powerbomb on Kane, leaving him knocked out in the center of the ring, as Swagger is walking backstage though, Kane sits up in the center of the ring and begins to laugh as Swagger looks shocked on the entrance ramp.


Todd Grisham and Matt Striker announce that just made for Night of Champions is World Greatest Tag Team vs Hart Dynasty vs The Uso's for the WWE Unified Tag Team Titles.


Next is Shelton Benjamin vs David Hart Smith vs Jey Uso. Shelton got the win when he pinned David Hart Smith. Pretty poor match, Shelton carried it throughout.


Next up is Divas action when Kelly Kelly, Tiffany and Eve defeated Simply Flawless and Beth Phoenix after Kelly Kelly pinned Layla. Typical divas match.


Kelly Kelly is celebrating in the ring with Eve and Tiffany when Beth Phoenix gets back into the ring and attacks all 3. Beth hits the Glam Slam on Kelly Kelly and then holds the Womens Title in the air.


The Straight Edge Society are in the ring. Punk begins to talk and says that even though he didn't beat Big Show at SummerSlam, he sent a statement, and that is that the SES is unstoppable. He says he will not stop until Big Show is saved. He says that Big Show isn't here tonight because of them, and offers a place to Show in the SES and wants his answer next week.


The main event of the evening is Kane vs Christian with MVP on commentary. Pretty good match-up, crowd were really into it. The match came to an end when Jack Swagger ran down to the ring, which distracted Kane, giving Christian enough time to hit the Killswitch for the win.


After the match, Swagger begins to laugh, until Kane once again sits up and chases Swagger. MVP gets in the ring and they stare at each other. Teddy Long comes out and says he never said Christian would get a title shot if he won, and he won't, but this man will. Randy Orton then gets out from under the ring and hits a RKO on both MVP and Christian, before holding the World Title in the air.


OOC: I've been feeling ill recently, so I couldn't manage to write the show. I should be OK to write the show next week.

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This past week, Smackdown's viewing figures on MyNetworkTV was reportedly four times the figure of the previous weeks. It seems that after the announcement that Paul Heyman was the new Smackdown head booker, alot of the old fans who had 'given up' on WWE, tuned into Smackdown to see this new era. Those who did were not let down, with a solid show. The figures may even go up more with Heyman saying he still has a lot more improvements to come.


It seems Tyler Black is heading to WWE, this being the 3rd current/former ROH star heading to WWE since Paul Heyman joined the creative team. The new era in WWE is to use plently of top quality wrestlers, so a few more may go to WWE, but at the moment, WWE seem happy with the current roster.


The current Night of Champions card is:


Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett for the WWE Title

Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs The Uso's vs The Hart Dynasty for the WWE Unified Tag Team Titles

Randy Orton vs MVP for the Worlds Greatest Tag Team


With just 2 more weeks before the PPV, 4 more matches need to be announced.

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RAW kicks off with Chris Jericho. He says that last week he won a match to win a title shot against Wade Barrett at Night of Champions. He says he isn't worried about Nexus involving in the match, because if they do, and they cost him the match, it will be the biggest mistake of theirs lives, and just to be sure, he has made an agreement with somebody and he will help him take down the Nexus. He says Nexus think they rule RAW, but RAW is still Jericho and when he wins back his WWE Title, RAW will never be the same again. JBL then makes his way to the ring, he says its nice to see Jericho needs help to fight his battles, JBL calls him pathetic, before saying Jericho will face Wade Barrett and John Cena in tag team action, and his partner will be Sheamus.


Skip Sheffield defeated Mark Henry


Skip Sheffield had the chance to prove to the WWE Universe he deserves to be in the Nexus when he faced Mark Henry. Sheffield dominted Henry in a way never seen before in the WWE, and ended it when he hit a huge closeline to pick up a huge victory and keep his spot on the Nexus.


Edge defeated Vladimir Kozlov


Before his match against Vladimir Kozlov, Edge came out to the ring and said last week was a fluke. He said Evan Bourne isn't in his league and Edge should have won the maatch, but he says he sent a message to Bourne after the match, and he won't be facing him again.


Edge then went onto face Vladimir Kozlov and beat him with ease. Even though Kozlov had a strength advantage, Edge got the victory after hitting the Spear.


The match is over and Edgee begins to celebrate in the ring, but out of nowhere Evan Bourne got into the ring and attacked Edge, ending with Air Bourne, as Bourne showed Edge he is ready for the big time.


Justin Gabriel, The Miz and Ted DiBiase defeated John Morrison and R-Truth


The Miz is in the ring and repeats what he says last week. He says nobody has answered his challenge, so it looks like everyone is scared of him. JBL then comes to the ring, he says the reason nobody has answered Miz's challenge, is because everyone came to him. He says he had a number of people who wanted to shut Miz up, but he chose the best candidates, and that is why at Night of Champions, The Mix will defend his title against Ted DiBiase, Justin Gabriel, R-Truth and John Morrison. JBL says that Miz in also in a match now, in a 3 on 2 handicap match


The Miz was clearly not happy with the match just made by the RAW GM, and was not ready for the match. The Miz tried to stay out the match, but when DiBiase tagged him, he was clearly not happy, but went straight to work on Morrison. Miz started to dominate the match, but when Truth tgged himself in, the pace quickened, until Gabriel was tagged in, and the match got even quicker. Gabriel started to domiante, but Morrison maanged to tag himself in, and took control. Morrison was about to win the match when he went to the top rope, looking for Starship Pain, but DiBiase distracted the ref long enough for Maryse to knock Morrison off the top rope. Gabriel miraciously got to his feet quickly and went to the top rope, before hitting the 405 Splash, picking up a huge win for the Nexus member.


The match is over and the 3 winners celebrate in the center of the ring when suddenly, The Miz attacks Justin Gabriel and Ted DiBiase, before hitting the Skull Crushing Finale on them both, screaming to them that the title is his.


Jimmy Uso defeated Charlie Haas and Tyson Kidd


After their tag team partners faced each other in a triple threat match on Smackdown, all three stars wanted to gain a win for their team heading into Night of Champions. Charlie Haas almost got the victory when he locked in the Haas of Pain on Tyson Kidd, but Jimmy Uso broke the hold and then hit the Samaon Drop, before hitting the Diving Splash for the win on Tyson Kidd.


Melina and Gail Kim defeated Alicia Fox and Jillian Hall


Melina has had her eyes set on the Divas Champion Alicia Fox in recent weeks, and she teamed up with Gail Kim to take on the Divas Champ Alicia Fox and Jillian Hall. The team of Gail Kim and Melina dominated Jillian Hall, with Alicia Fox refusing to tag in. Melina picked up the victory with a LA Sunset.


John Cena and Wade Barrett defeated Sheamus and Chris Jericho


The main event saw the two leaders of the Nexus face the former WWE Champion and the number one contender, Chris Jericho. Jericho and Sheamus managed to team up well in the match, both feeling that they were screwed at SummerSlam by Cena and Barrett. It looked as if Jericho and Sheamus were going to win when Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho on Barrett, but Cena managed to break the hold. A brawl then broke out in the ring until the ref managed to calm everyone down and the match continued. Sheamus almost won the match when he hit a Celtic Cross, but Barrett broke up the 3 count. Barrett then attacked Jericho on the apron before staring at Sheamus, but Cena then grabbed Sheamus by the leg and tripped him up, before locking in the STF in the center of the ring, leaving Sheamus with no alternative but to tap out to conclude RAW.


TNA Results


Jay Lethal defeated Orlando Jordan

Hulk Hogan defeated Brian Kendrick

The Beautiful People defeated Taylor Wilde and Daffney to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Title

Angelina Love defeated Hamada

Tommy Dreamer defeated James Storm to retain the TNA X-Division title

Kevin Nash defeated Brother Devon

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NXT kicks off with Matt Striker in the ring. He says tonight as you all know will be eliminated, but that person will not be alone, because tonight, 2 people will be eliminated from the competition. He says Alex Riley won immunity last week and so he will be save for another week, as we draw closer to the finale of NXT.


Kaval defeated Lucky Cannon


After the shocking announcement that there will be double elimination, the rookies need to step up their games tonight, the number 1 rookie Kaval faced Lucky Cannon, who wasn't so lucky in the match, as Kaval managed to win the match after he hit the Warriors Way.


Alex Riley defeated Percy Watson


Alex Riley must be glad he won immunity last week, and while the other rookies are worried about being one off the 2 eliminated rookies tonight, Alex Riley was calm and had nothing to worry about. Riley's calm attitude proved to be the diffeence as he hit Varsity Blues for the win.


After the match, The Miz got into the ring. He says that the NXT finale is just a few weeks away, and hes rookie is going to win easily, because he's pro is The Miz, and hes AWESOME!


Michael McGillicutty defeated Eli Cottonwood


The main event of the night was Michael McGillcutty vs Eli Cottonwood, and with the eliminations during ever so closer, this is the final chance to make an impression on the pros and also the WWE Universe. McGillcutty managed to get the win when he rolled Cottonwood up for the win.


The NXT rookies surrond the ring as Matt Striker is about to announce the results of the next eliminations. Matt Striker nnounces to the delight of Michelle McCool and Layla that Kaval is once again in first position, followed by Alex Riley and then Michael McGillcutty. Matt Striker finally announces that the final person returning next week is Lucky Cannon, meaning Percy Watson and Eli Cottonwood are eliminated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/5/5b/20091111043610!WWE_SmackDown_2009_logo.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> We see a video recapping what happened last week. We see Christian asking for a title shot and Teddy Long saying he needs to earn it. We then go onto to Christian face Kane in a one-on-one match, which leads to Christian winning via the Killswitch. We then see MVP staring at Christian in the center of the ring when Teddy Long says Christian will not be facing MVP, instead this man will! We then see Orton get out from under the ring and hits a RKO on both Christian and MVP and the crowd go wild.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The camera then goes to the arena where pyro explodes as Smackdowns theme begins to fade, before the camera goes to the the announce table.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Good Evening and Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown, where we are little over a week away from Night of Champions where every title is up for grabs.. I'm Todd Grisham here at ringside with Matt Striker, and Matt, what a show we witnessed last week."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Yes Todd, last week, Randy Orton made his Smackdown debut, and was announced to be the number 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And Matt, tonight Randy Orton makes his in ring debut against Jack Swagger!"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "I can't wait!"</p><p> </p><p> <em>I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD, THEY COUNCIL ME THEY UNDERSTAND, THEY TALK TO ME</em></p><p> </p><p> The crowd give a huge roar as Orton begins to make his way to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Striker: "And here he is, The Viper!"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "I have never been more happy to hear that song than now Todd."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Striker: "It is a huge moment for Smackdown Matt. A former multiple time World Champion, and arguebly the biggest star in WWE today returns to Smackdown."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "And Todd, this is where he belongs."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Your damn right Matt, Smackdown was the show that gave him his first WrestleMania main event back at WrestleMania 22 against Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship, which he unfortuneatly lost."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "And since that Todd, he went onto main event WrestleMania 24, and then won the 2009 Royal Rumble, before main eventing WrestleMania 25."</p><p> </p><p> Orton is now in the ring and grabs a mic. "Last week I made my return to Friday Night Smackdown. I went under that ring before the show began and I waited for the moment to strike. I heard Teddy Long announce that I would be facing MVP at Night of Champions and so I took the chance and got in the ring and RKO'ed Christian before doing the same to MVP. Whats stopping me from doing that at Night of Champions? MVP said he can beat anyone on the roster, but he can beat me down all the way through the match, but all its needs is one mistake from MVP, one loss in concentration, or even just one counter from me and BAM! I hit the R...K...O! And at Night of Champions, when I hit that RKO, there is nothing stopping me from punting you in the skull and putting you on the shelf like I have to many of the top stars both on RAW, and some of the best stars ever to step foot in the ring. And at Night of Champions when the dust is settled and the match is over, MVP, your World Title will be around my waist. I will complete what I started all those years ago while I was on Smackdown, something that has alluded me all these years, and become to top superstar on Smackdown and become Smackdown's World Champion!"</p><p> </p><p> Orton drops his mic as his theme begins to play once more and makes his way backstage.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Strong words from Randy Orton to his opponent at Night of Champions."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "But Orton is right Todd, one mistake from MVP and Orton can hit that RKO and win the match."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "But Matt, will MVP make a mistake in their match. I mean just look at his match against Rey Mysterio at SummerSlam, he didn't make any mistakes and put in a very impressive performance."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Every athlete makes a mistake at least once in their career, and MVP could make that one career mistake at Night of Champions."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "The key word being could Matt. I personally dont think MVP will make a mistake, he is a top athlete at the top of his game."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "You can think that Todd, but at Night of Champions, Randy Orton will prove you wrong."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Nick_Nemeth14.jpg</span><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cody_Rhodes16.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/KofiKingston-3.jpg</span><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Matt_Hardy40.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Matt Hardy teamed up with the Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston. This match came from what happened last week when Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes attacked Kofi Kingston until Matt Hardy saved Kofi from a brutal beatdown. Kofi Kingston started the match against Dolph Ziggler, and Dolph took the advantage after he kicked Kofi in the gut, before making a tag to Rhodes who continue the beatdown on Kofi. Ziggler and Rhodes began to control the match, but Kofi somehow managed to hit the Trouble in Paradise out of nowhere on Rhodes, but instead of going for a cover, he crawled towards the corner to make the tag. Both Rhodes and Kofi slowly made their way to their partners, and Rhodes made the tag first, quickly followed by Kofi making the tag. The pace quicken as both Ziggler and Hardy got into the ring and hardy knocked Ziggler down with several closelines. Hardy then hit the Side effect and went for the cover, but Rhodes broke it up. Kofi got back into the ring and sent Rhodes flying out the ring. Hardy and Ziggler both got to their feet and Ziggler went for the Zig Zag but Hardy countered it into a Twist of Fate and went for the cover and the ref made the 3 count.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And Matt Hardy picks up the victory for his team."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler must be kicking themselves, they dominated the match but they couldn't end it and it came back to haunt them."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And as Randy Orton said earlier, it only takes one mistake to lose a match, and thats what happened in this match, Rhodes made a mistake, Kofi capitalized and hit the Trouble in Paradise and he and Matt Hardy never looked back."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Hardy and Kofi kingston raise each others arms in victory in the center of the ring. Kofi goes to leave the ring until Matt Hardy grabs him and then hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy stands above the fallen Kofi Kingston before holding the Intercontinental Title aloft.</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Matt Hardy has made it clear he is after the Intercontinental Championship."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And with no opponent yet for Kofi for Night of Champions, he could get it soon."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A video package is shown. We see Jimmy Jacobs and Nichole Simmons, two of Smackdowns newest superstars standing. Jacobs begins, "We are drawing a week closer to the debut of the greatest wrestler that has never stepped foot in a major promotion. In a few weeks, that injustice will end, in a few weeks I will show the entire world how good I am. In just a few weeks, me and Nichole will step foot in the ring, and when we do, there is no stopping us from reaching the top together! After we make our deuts, nobody will forget our names, and everyone will remember who we are. Nobody will stop me from taking over Smackdown, and I am a future WWE World Champion!"</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The camera cuts back to the ring where Drew McIntyre is standing in the ring. "Last week, Rey Mysterio came to this ring on crutches, facing months out of action. If Rey wass injured why the hell did he turn up to the show last week. Then I realized, every time Rey gets injured, which is a lot of times, he comes down to this ring and kisses the asses of all of you. He does it because he needs sympathy, and he may get it from you but he sure aint going to get any from me. That is why I came down to the ring and attacked him, injuring him even more, and you can guarentee, you won't see Rey in a Smackdown ring for a long, long time.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Drew_Galloway17.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/W%20Images/William_Regal23.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The Englishman and Scottishman went one-on-one, with both looking to inflict serious pain on the other. Regal started the match well, and took control with punches to the gut of Drew McIntyre, but the Scot refused to stay down and got back into the match when both were on the outside of the ring. Drew was down and against the steel steps, so Regal charged knee first but Drew moved, causing Regal to go knee first into the steel steps. Drew took full control of the match, targetng the knee of Regal. Drew tried to make Regal tap out, but the Englishman refused, so McIntyre hit the Future Shock for the 3 count.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The camera cuts to Theodore Longs office where he is sitting at his desk when Christian storms in.</p><p> </p><p> Christian: "Teddy, what the hell was that last week."</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "What are you on about Christian."</p><p> </p><p> Christian: "You know full well what I am on about Teddy, you told me if I beat Kane I get a World Title shot and I beat him, yet Randy Orton is the one with the title shot at Night of Champions."</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "As I said last week, I said nothing about a guarenteed title shot, I said you would have one IF you impressed me."</p><p> </p><p> Christian: "And defeating Kane isn't enough?"</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "It is, but when Jack Swagger came out, I was no longer interested, if you had of defeated Kane with no interference, then maybe you would be in a title match at Night of Champion."</p><p> </p><p> Christian: "So I'm not getting a title shot because of Jack Swagger?"</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "That is correct."</p><p> </p><p> Christian: "Give me a match against Kane tonight then, and I'll prove I deserve that title shot."</p><p> </p><p> Teddy Long: "Unfortunately playa, I can't do that, besides, the match has been made for Night of Champions and it will not be changed, but if want a match tonight you've got it, against The Masterpiece, Chris Masters."</p><p> </p><p> Christian: "Fine then, if you won't change the match, I'll have to take matters into my own hands."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/JeyUso-1.jpg</span><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/JimmyUso-1.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/CharlieHaas.jpg</span><span>http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/309/sheltonbenjamin.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The two number one contenders for the WWE Unified Tag Team title faced off in tag team action, with Tamina at ringside for the Uso's. The Uso's took control of the match, with them iscolating Charlie Haas. Jimmy and Jey made quick tags, keeping Haas away from Shelton Benjamin. Haas came close to making a tag, but everytime he came close, the Uso's would stop him. It looked as if it was all over, with the sheer amount of punishment looking ike it was enough to end the match, but Haas managed to kick out. Jimmy went to the top rope and went for the splash, but Charlie Haas ducked and quickly made the tag to Shelton. The crowd got on their feet as Shelton got into the ring as the pace off the match quickened dramatically as Shelton takes control of the match for his team. Shelton thought hit the Paydirt on Jimmy Uso but before he could go for the cover, Jey Uso ggot into the ring and charged at him but was caught with a T-Bone Suplex. Haas got into the ring and threw Jey Uso outside, landing hard on the mat as Shelton gets he 3 count.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And The Worlds Greatest Tag Team get an impressive victory."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "And the Unified Tag Teams Titles could be making their way back to Friday Nights come Night of Champions."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And if they can replicate their performance tonight at Night of Champions, then I would expect a win for them at Night of Champions."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "And how great would it be to see the Worlds Greatest Tag Team winning the Unified Tag Team Titles."</p><p> </p><p> Suddenly The Hart Dynasty get into the ring and begin to attack Haas and Benjamin.</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "A cheap attack here from our so-called champions!"</p><p> </p><p> Smith and Kidd continue their attack on the Worlds Greatest Tag Team, which ends with them hitting the Hart Attack on first Charlie Haas, and then Shelton Benjamin, The Uso's tried to get into the ring and help Haas and Benjamin, but they suffer the same fate and are both hit with The Hart Attack. Natayla then gets into the ring and holds the Tag Titles high in the air.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "The Tag Champs standing tall once again."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "I can't wait until Night of Champions when The Hart Dynasty lose those titles, I'm getting sick of these cheap attacks."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And there is a 66% chance that will happen come Night of Champions."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "I really hope so, they are a pathetic excuse for champions."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Jess-x-/Eve.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i38.tinypic.com/29kotag.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Eve made her Smackdown debut just last week in 6 Diva Tag Team action, and with the Womens Champion Kelly Kelly at ringside, a victory for either diva would surely give them a Womens Title shot at Night of Champions. Eve started the match well, but Beth's strength proved too much, and once Beth got hold of Eve, she never let go. Beth dominated the match, slamming Eve to the mat several times, and dragging her by her hair across the ring, before finally hitting the Glam Slam for the win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "An impressive victory by Beth Phoenix here tonight."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Kelly are you worried that you may well lose your title to Beth Phoenix?"</p><p> </p><p> Kelly Kelly: "I'm not even in a match with her yet Matt so I'm not, but if I do defend my title against her at Night of Champions, I won't go down without a fight."</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Strong words by the champ to any contender for her title..."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Wait a minute, where is Kelly going?"</p><p> </p><p> Kelly gets into the ring and smashes the Womens Title off the back of the head of Beth Phoenix, knocking her to her knees, Kelly quickly hits the K2 and leaves Beth motionless in the center of the ring as she begins to make her way backstage.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Kelly Kelly has just taken Beth Pheonix out!"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "WOW! Who would have thought Kelly had it in her?"</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Kelly has backed-up what she said moments ago</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i781.photobucket.com/albums/yy100/edas000/Christian23.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/ChrisMasters-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Christian and Chris Masters faced off, and Christian was determined to prove he deserved to be in the World Title match at Night of Champions. Christian took control of the match in the early goings, after Masters got the better start, but went for the Masterlock and Christian countered it. Christian began to attack the arm of Masters, preventing him from using his strength and also locking in the Masterlock. Christian decided to eventually end it when he hit the Kilswitch to get the win.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "A very impressive victory for Christian here tonight."</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "But is that enough to prove to Teddy Long he deserves to be in the World Title picture at Night of Champions?"</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "As Teddy Long said earlier, its too late for him to change the match, but at the next PPV, Hell in a Cell, could we see Christian challenging for the title?"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "If he continues to perform like this then he must!"</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "And folks, next up, we have CM Punk wanting a response to the offer he made last week, and we will be back to see what Big Show says after a short commercial break."</p><p> </p><p> After the commercial we return to see CM Punk in the ring with the Straight Edge Society. Punk has a mic in his hand and begins to talk, "Last week, I stood in this ring and gave The Big Show the chance to join the Straight Edge Society. And now its time for us to know Big Shows answer so ladies and gentlemen please welcome, The Big Show!"</p><p> </p><p> <em>WELL ITS THE BIG SHOW...</em></p><p> </p><p> The crowd pop as Big Show begins to walk to the ring. However, he starts limping from the attack on him a few weeks ago at SummerSlam. Show slowly gets into the ring and Serena hands him a mic.</p><p> </p><p> CM Punk: "Show, you have been given a week to think about my proposal, when really, the answer should have been clear, we are the most dominant force in the WWE today, so now is the time, for the largest athlete in Sports Entertainment, to become Straight Edge, and become the most dominant athlete in WWE!"</p><p> </p><p> Big Show: "Punk, I'm going to use your own advice here by just saying no! I mean Punk, yes your body may be in better condition than mine, and I respect you for not drinking alcohol and not smoking, and you will probably live longer than me because I have before. I repect you Punk for being the Sraight Edge and I respect the rest of your little group for turning their life around, but my life is fine. Alcohol isn't destroying me, and even if it was, I still couldn't join your group, because i just love the booze. As I said, I respect your lifestyle, but what I don't respect is the fact your attack me for not living that lifestyle, and I was thinking maybe I should become Straight Edge, but your arrogance is one of the reasons that persuaded me to say no."</p><p> </p><p> CM Punk: "My arrogance? My arrogance? Really Show? Really? This is nothing to do with my arrogance this is because of your pride, this is to do with your relantionship with these fans. You love these people and you don't want to join just incase they turn on you. Show, I was just like you, heck these fans loved the fact I was Straight Edge, then I hit the GTS on Jeff Hardy and won the World Title he had won moments before, and then they turned on me, and Show it was the greatest moment of my career, so Show, please, just join, and together, you WILL be saved."</p><p> </p><p> Big Show: "Punk, do you not understand, I will NEVER join your group, I don't want to be saved and nothing you say or do will ever change it."</p><p> </p><p> CM Punk: "Show, you just made the worst mistake of yourr career!"</p><p> </p><p> Suddenly Luke Gallows and Joey Mercury begin to attack Big Show, before Punk goes out the ring and grabs a steel chair and gets back into the ring. Gallows and Mercury hold Show by the arms and Punk screams at Show, 'Is this what your want?'. Punk then steps back before smashing the chair off the skull of Big Show, knocking him out and busting him open in the process. Punk holds up the chair and the Straight Edge Society raise each others hands high in the air!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jack_Swagger11.jpg</span><strong> VS </strong><span>http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/6180/randyortont.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The main event of Smackdown was huge, Jack Swagger faced off with Smackdown's newest superstar, The Viper, Randy Orton. Swagger starts the match well, and takes control, not allowing Orton to gain any momentum. Swagger goes for a suplex, but Orton counters it into a backbreaker. Orton then takes control and starts attacking Swagger, with kicks to the head, and stomping on the arm of Swagger. Swagger is down, and Orton begins to measure Swagger for a RKO, and when swagger gets to his feet, Orton attempts a RKO, but Swagger pushes him away, and when Orton goes back to Swagger, Swagger hits a big boot, knocking Orton to the ground. Swagger begins to wear away at the ankle of Orton. After what seemed the eternity, Swagger finally locked in the ankle lock, but then flames exploded out of eah corner of the ring and Kane's music hit and he began to walk to the ring. Swagger let go off Orton's ankle and stared at Kane as he walked to the ring. Kane got on the apron, but Swagger then turned into a RKO and Orton got the victory on his debut, but quickly got out the ring as Kane got in.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Randy Orton picks up the victory!"</p><p> </p><p> Matt Striker: "Wait, Kane distracted Jack Swagger, Swagger did that last week and Christian doesn't get a title shot, this is not fair by our GM!"</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "But Kane is now in the ring!"</p><p> </p><p> Kane picks Swagger up and grabs him by the throat, but Swagger hits a low blow and runs through the crowd, before Kane quickly follows him, similiar to what happened a few weeks ago.</p><p> </p><p> Todd Grisham: "Swagger once again escapes Kane!"</p><p> </p><p> Orton gets back into the ring, but MVP then gets out of the crowd and into the ring, and then hits a Playmaker on Orton in the center of the ring, before holding his World Title in the air to conclude Smackdown.</p><p> </p><p> <em>OOC: This is likely to be the last show in this format for a while. This is due to becoming very busy when college re-starts, meaning my time to write shows will be very limited. I orginally planned to write upto Night of Champions and use that as the final show, but I have some good ideas that I don't want to waste. RAW and NXT will be up later or tomorrow, Smackdown will then be written in a similair style to RAW and NXT. Night of Champions will be a bit late though, due to not even starting it because this show took so long due to feeling ill once again.</em></p>
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