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Ahh, Switzerland. The times, they were a-changin' for me and Kimberly. We'd packed up and moved all the way to the land of neutrality and that cheese with all the holes in it. And the really cool knives that are also canopeners, nail files, and portable nuclear devices. Okay, so the last part's a blatant lie. BUT IT WOULD STILL BE AWESOME.


But I digress.


See, Mr Thorp called me up a few weeks ago. Said he wanted to offer me a deal. Or was it deal me an offer? In hindsight, I don't remember the specifics, since I was too busy trying to decipher what he was saying through that accent of his. But I bet you all want to know if I took the offer.


Oh yeah. I took the offer. Hence why I'm currently a bajillion miles away from everything I knew and loved. Why? Because I'm the type of guy that thinks just up and leaving everything he knows to go on an adventure like this is a pretty neat idea. My girlfriend on the other hand...well, she wasn't pleased about it, but she couldn't pass up living in Europe, "where the culture is."


I love that girl. She makes me so happy that I'm not the only smarmy prick in the company.


I digress again. It happens.


Anyway. Upon arrival to VWA Headquarters, I had a chance to look over the roster and make any changes before our first show. Which I didn't. Figured it'd be a good idea to see how everyone performs over the first couple shows before I start sacking them.


Found out I've got a few fantastic prospects in the lower card, which means I probably shouldn't job them out too much. Not sure how I'm gonna keep from jobbing at least two of them out, like the Moonsault Master and Jason Dempsey, since they're just openers. Or Xavi.


Landon Mallory looks like he's going to be a future star, though. And with Griffin's skills declining because of his age, Landon's time may be soon approaching us. Or maybe Jasper January, who looks like he'll wind up pretty good too. Even Acheron might wind up decent if he can stop nearly killing his opponents.


See, a roster full of good young prospects is a double edged sword I think. On the one hand, they're great young guys who might easily take a push and ride it to the moon. On the other hand, it's figuring out the best time to pull the trigger on them that is going to bother me. But with Griffin about five years past his prime, I might have to pull the trigger sooner rather than later.


Oh yeah. Mr. Thorp said not to hire anyone over the age of 42. Not a problem.


Okay. I really should cut this journal entry short now. I have a show to book. So far, my only match is Sebastian Koller and his arch-nemesis Randy Haute for the VWA World Title. With Randy's momentum being pretty much through the roof right now, I don't think Koller's gonna keep his title much longer. And knowing Randy, he might not want to win it legitimately.


Forgot to mention that I changed the name of the big title and added a shiny new title to the midcard which is now the European Title. Gotta give those lower card guys a reason to push themselves.


Okay. Enough writing. I'm going to give myself carpal tunnel if this keeps up. Besides, I have a show to book. Salut.

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<p>VWA The Revolution Begins</p><p>

Bremen Hall</p><p>

Saturday Week 3 January 2010</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage problems: None.</p><p> </p><p>

Preshow: Night Spyder vs. Wild Child</p><p> </p><p>

Terrible match here with Wild Child picking up the win in six minutes. The crowd hates these two guys. At least Jasmine Perlot did pretty well as manager. Might want to keep her around even if I get rid of the Wild One.</p><p> </p><p>

And here we go! 84 people are here to watch the VWA Revolution begin here, tonight in Bremen Hall! Our first match of the evening is Gunther Kinski and Jason Dempsey. Rated F for 'friggin awful'.</p><p> </p><p>

In about 8 minutes, Kinski goes over Dempsey in a pretty bad match, but to be expected given the two participants. Dempsey looked pretty off his game tonight, but I think we can get that worked out for our next show. Rated F+ by my standards as well as those of most of the mags that picked our show to cover.</p><p> </p><p>

Our second match of the evening saw Landon Mallory taking on Xavi for the newly minted VWA European title in a Ladder Match. Landon takes the win in a match that was rated E by the mags. Much better than the opener, but Xavi isn't the crowd's favored son. Far from it, really.</p><p> </p><p>

Our third match of the evening saw me making my in-ring debut against one of our top prospects in Jasper January. In a match that had great wrestling but zero reception from the crowd, Double J ends up with the win in ten minutes. Most of the reviewers seemed impressed, but we still came away with an E+ rating, likely because of the lack of crowd reception.</p><p> </p><p>

Okay, our fourth match of the evening saw Acheron and Matthew Macks in the ring. Acheron may be a prospect, but he's certainly not ready for a push. I like his size though, he'll be an effective midcard destroyer. Acheron picks up the win, but the crowd absolutely hates him. F+, also for 'friggin awful'.</p><p> </p><p>

Breaking up the action tonight was an angle featuring Thorp in his new role as commish. Van Cleer and Cub Balowicz spent a few minutes arguing about a title shot before Thorp had heard enough. We'll see those two later tonight in our semi-main event. E+ for being slightly okay.</p><p> </p><p>

Another angle saw the Modern Day Warlord lay Griffin out backstage. F+ Terrible, just terrible. I expected Warlord to give me more.</p><p> </p><p>

Our semi-main event saw Cub Balowicz and van Cleer battle it out for number one contendership. In a match with good heat but terrible wrestling, van Cleer wins the match in about 13 minutes. Walker's our new number one contender. An E+ match for being halfway decent, it matched my match with January in terms of reception.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally. The main event of the evening. Randy Haute and Sebastian Koller lit it up tonight, getting the best match of the night. Randy Haute got the win by knocking Koller out with brass knuckles while the ref was bumped. D- reception, and the crowd was somewhat into the match. The wrestling from those two was great, though.</p><p> </p><p>

The show itself got an E+ rating, which will certainly give us a decent boost in popularity and get people talking. The only knock was the beatdown angle, which probably dragged it down.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the results. Off to celebrate now, so it's time to shut this journal entry down!</p>

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VWA Annihilation 2010

Saturday Week 3 February 2010.


Backstage: No incidents occurred, no new hires or anything. Walker's happy because we renegotiated his deal. He'll be around another year or so. Wild Child got a new deal as well. He may be crap in the ring right now, but at least he's a good influence in the locker room.


The preshow match was myself and Jason Dempsey. I picked up the win in about 8 minutes with the Mourning Palace, a Dragon Sleeper into a reverse DDT. Pretty effective, since I can use it either as a submission or smash people down to the mat. This time, Jason was DDTed. Watchable match, no crowd heat. E+


Opening our main card tonight were the Moonsault Master and Xavi. Xavi picked up the win in seven and a half minutes, with the Master looking a little tired near the end. Awful match. F. (Backstage note: Soon as I saw that rating after the show, I realized me and Jason should have opened the show instead.)


Our second match tonight involved Night Spyder and Gunther Kinski, neither of whom are really prospects. Kinski got the win in 8 minutes, in a bad match with no heat. F+. But on the bright side, they have fantastic chemistry together.


Third on the card tonight were Jasper January and Matthew Macks. Double J picks up the win in about ten minutes. Nothing special here. E-


Fourth match saw Landon Mallory taking on Griffin for Landon's European title. Unfortunately, the match was a DQ victory for Griffin due to the interference of the Modern Day Warlord, who came in and beat on the old man for a while till the ref rang the bell. E+


Fifth was our semi-main event of the evening, Cub Balowicz and the former World Champion Sebastian Koller. Koller gets the win, but it wasn't a terribly good match. I don't think Cub's ready for anything resembling a push yet. However, he looks like his performance skills are improving a little. E.


Finally, our main event! Randy Haute makes his first title defense against Walker van Cleer. Haute gets the win in fifteen or so minutes by using the ropes as leverage. Good crowd, decent action, but they just don't click at all. E+.


After the match, while Walker is recovering on the mat, Randy smashes him with the title belt and continues beating him down for a few minutes. That is, until the cavalry shows up.


Sebastian Koller hits the ring, coming to the aid of Randy's victim. Haute leaves the ring in a hurry after getting knocked around for a couple minutes. The show ends with Koller's arms raised, and van Cleer slowly getting to his feet. E- ratings for both angles. Not great, but not terrible given who I have to work with.


The show drew 82 people, and was rated slightly lower than our debut. Nevertheless, it increased our popularity.



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