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WWE: Rising Up, 2011

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SummerSlam 2010 Results

Randy Orton defeated Sheamus to gain the WWE Title

In a long but good match, which went back and forth, Randy Orton was able to hit the RKO for the third time in the match. That time, Sheamus was no where near the ropes and the referee was ready to count.


Kane defeated Rey Mysterio to retain the World Heavyweight Title

At the beginning of the match, Kane and Rey shook hands to show respect to each other. Jack Swagger came to try and interfere but all he did was bring back what it appeared to be the old Red Machine. Jack accidently knocked the referee out, then Kane went psychotic. Kane threw Jack into the announce table and hit him with a chair repeatedly. Then with the referee still out, Kane began to use the concrete, steel steps, among other things on Rey.


Team Nexus defeated Team WWE

Wade Barrett spoke earlier in the night saying there were going to be a few changes for their match. Prior to their match, backstage, Barrett told Otunga he wasn't Nexus. He was their weak link, so they jumped him. Wade said the replacement will be announced later. The match went on for quite a while with no replacement in sight. R-Truth got injured early in the match, Edge and Chris Jericho began fighting each other, Ted Dibiase was taunting John Morrison, the Great Khali was taken out by Slater/Barrett/Sheffield, which left John Cena and Bret Hart by themselves. Cena and Hart were in the ring as the Nexus were on the apron of the ring. Cena ran after Barrett and knocked him down. Hart ran after Gabriel and knocked him out. Then Cena turned his armband around to reveal the N. Cena then hits the AA on Bret Hart to a huge amount of boos. Barrett got the mic and announced their seventh team member, and it's not John Cena. Cena smiles and joins the rest of Nexus on the outside of the ring and shakes their hand. Triple H's music hits as he comes to a lot of heat. Triple H and Cena meet and shake hands smiling and laughing. Triple H gets in the ring and just paces around, and pins Bret Hart. The Nexus along with the two new members, John Cena and Triple H, raise their hands as fans throw trash in the ring.


The Hart Dynasty defeated The Usos to retain the Unified Tag TitlesThe match had decent wrestling, but the crowd didn't seem much into it.


(more to come tomorrow)

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