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HGC: The TOTAL Makeover

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Breaking news from the offices of HGC


The Japanese grappler, Super Joshuya has recently parted ways with the company. After being approached by BHOTWG, Joshuya decided that the time was right to return to his homeland. It is reported that the parting of ways was cordial and there are no hard feelings between the two parties. HGC wish Super Joshuya the best in his grappling future.

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 1, March 1997

Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)

Attendance: 6,364




A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes.



Azaria: “Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of Hollyweird TV. We are live at the Connecticut Symphony Hall and we are ready to bring to you the best in professional wrestling today.”


Rhodes: “Sunday night seems like so long ago but the memories of the PPV are still fresh in the mind.”


Azaria: “No doubt we will witness some of the aftershocks tonight.................Up first we will see The Hype go one-on-one against........well I’m not too sure actually. They have yet to make their debut. Guess we will find out right now!”







The Hype makes his way to the ring and awaits his opponent. The lights dim and an ominous video begins to play. A message on the screen reads, “For those who anger the beast, Vengeance will be merciless!” A giant of a man emerges at the top of the entranceway. His skull shaped mask covering the majority of his face. He methodically makes his way to the ring before facing off against the severely outsized Hype.


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackAvatar.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Vengeance.jpg


The Hype vs Vengeance


The Hype never backs down from a fight and looked to use his speed and technique to do damage on his larger opponent. Vengeance basically no sold the majority of what The Hype dished out which led to the smaller man looking at a loss for what to do. Vengeance proceeded to grab The Hype around the throat and lift him clean off the ground and finished with the Vengeance Drop. The pinfall that followed ended proceedings.




Azaira: “Vengeance has made his way to HGC and a great performance sees him pick up the win.”


Rhodes: “Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be any more giants in HGC, Vengeance turns up. If I’m being totally honest, this man scares me!”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MrLuchaIII.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/HumanArsenal.jpg


Mr Lucha vs Human Arsenal


A clash of styles led to a very interesting contest between the luchador and the technician. Human Arsenal unloaded with most of the offence which included a variety of suplexes and slams. Mr Lucha only just managed to kick out after a brutal succession of german suplexes but even so, he still looked the worse for wear. Lucha was able to counter a belly to back slam by completely flipping over and landing on his feet. A quick hurricanrana later, coupled with a hook of the leg and Arsenal was unable to kick out before the referee’s hand hit the mat for a third time.




Azaria: “Mr Lucha has an uncanny ability of turning things around at the last minute and pulling out a win.”


Rhodes: “You have to wonder when his luck is going to run out though. He can’t keep this up forever. Eventually he will slip up.”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackBruce.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/CraigPrince.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt22.jpg


Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/ Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & Brent Hill


This match resembled an all out brawl as the referee found himself losing control of the contest early on. Jack Bruce did some nice work against Craig Prince and even managed to hit one of his signature moves on him, The Wake Up Call (Running dropkick to the face on an opponent who is propped up against a turnbuckle). Hill was able to break up the following cover to keep his team in the contest. This was the Cowboy’s invitation to enter the ring and cause chaos. After ducking a big right hand of Hill’s, Ricky Dale turned and knocked his opponent on his ass with a hard lariat. Hill looked stunned and rolled out of the ring for respite. Meanwhile the two legal men, Bruce and Prince continued their exchanges. Prince narrowly avoided being caught with a New York Minute and instead cracked Bruce in the jaw with a superkick. No pinfall could be made as the Cowboy connected with Southern Justice on Prince that effectively knocked him out. Brent Hill was now standing behind Ricky and bent a steel chair around the big Texan’s skull that dropped the big man like a ton of bricks. The referee was left with no alternative but to call for the DQ.


Not quite finished with the carnage, Hill looked to take out some frustration on Bruce who was slumped in the corner of the ring. Emma Chase earned her paycheck by jumping onto the apron and causing Hill to get distracted. After a few harsh words Hill returned his attention to Bruce who he ran at with the chair poised to swing. Bruce ducked at the last minute and found himself being hit with the Wake Up Call with the chair being sandwiched in between. Hill was helped out of the ring by Prince as they limped backstage; Cowboy Ricky Dale was attended to by Bruce and Chase.







Rip Chord and Karen Killer are talking to BLZ Bubb who is standing facing a wall.


Killer: “This is important BLZ. Remember...............we gave our word. We promised to do all we can to help Rip keep the World Heavyweight title!”


Chord: “I don’t think this is going to work Karen...............You can’t explain things to him........He’s insane!”


Bubb grunts harshly which makes Killer and Rip jump ever so slightly.


Killer: “If you can beat Liberty tonight, not only will you be doing me a big favour you will be giving Rip an easy title defence........................OK?”


Rip: “I still don’t think that....”


Bubb turns around swiftly and stalks out of the room causing Rip to jump out of his path. He and Killer exchange a concerned look.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BryanVessey.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/LarryVessey.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RobertOxford_alt5.jpg


The Vessey Brothers vs The Tag Team Specialists


As expected the contest was a solid tag team affair with both teams displaying their usual array of slick tag team manoeuvres. Larry Vessey even attempted once again to forgo his accustomed brawling approach instead choosing to try a more technical approach that only slightly hampered the overall match. The end came when Bryan Vessey, with the crowd’s support, hit the Vessey Driver on Robert Oxford. Larry managed to intercept Joel Bryant as he came to make the save which allowed the Vessey Brothers to pick up the victory.


Following their victory, Bryan and Larry request a couple of microphones and turn to face the entranceway.


Larry: “Last Sunday at The War To Settle The Score, Bryan and I fell short in our effort to win the HGC World Tag Team titles.......”


Bryan: “Had the Demons of Rage not been included in that match who knows what the outcome would have been....Now don’t get us wrong, we aren’t here to cry about what happened. On that night and in that situation, Joey and Teddy were the better team and we can respect that.”


Larry: “In fact if truth be told, we admire the Blazing Flames and the work they have done for tag team wrestling over the years.”


Bryan: “It’s true......And that’s why tonight my brother Larry and I would like to respectfully request a rematch with you for those title belts. We feel as though we are the best challengers and that it is us who will present the champions with the most problems.”


Larry: “What do you say guys. Will you grant us a rematch?”



The crowd cheer in support of this challenge and those same cheers only increase in volume upon the arrival of The Blazing Flames. Teddy acknowledges the fans before he addresses the Vessey Brothers.




Teddy: “We appreciate the kind words guys. For years Joey and I have been working our asses off to make tag team wrestling matter wherever we go. Sometimes we feel as though tag team wrestling is a dying art and that we are a dying breed..........But when we came to HGC we saw potential, I mean the list of tag teams in this company is impressive and to make ourselves top of the pile really says a lot.”


Joey: “We like you guys and we believe that you two are indeed the best opponents for us. We aren’t going to hide from challenges from credible opposition so we accept you request. At Bound By Blood it will be The Blazing Flames vs The Vessey Brothers for the HGC World Tag Team titles........Get ready boys, because you will be in for one hell of a fight!”


The crowd erupt with cheers to the news. Bryan and Larry nod to the Blazing Flames as a sign of respect. The gesture is returned.





Azaria: “We already have our first match for the Bound By Blood PPV confirmed. The tag team title will be on the line when The Blazing Flames square off against The Vesseys. Wooo, I can’t wait.”


Rhodes: “It should be a great match and one that I will be particularly looking forward to.”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DarkEagle.jpg


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs Dark EAGLE


This contest, although entertaining, was fairly one sided throughout. EAGLE tried to land multiple high octane moves but found himself time and time again being cut down by the superior champion; Killer all the while yelling words of encouragement to her charge. Chord attempted to connect with the DDT, but a quick arm wringer flip into a front flip senton led to a near fall. Even under the mask it was evident that he thought he had pulled off an upset. Killer rose to the apron to give her man time to recover and in doing so caught the attention of EAGLE. Before he knew it, Chord spun him around kicked him in the gut and finally connected with his patented DDT for the pinfall victory.








Sam Strong is in the ring with a microphone in hand. He looks rather annoyed to say the least.


Strong: “As you may or may not know, I requested some microphone time tonight to address someone in particular..........Now I don’t know who this individual is so forgive me for being a little vague at points........As I’m sure you’re all well aware, last month I was beaten and bloodied on more than one occasion by a mystery assailant..........Now up until my match ended at the PPV I believed I knew who that individual was.........I assumed that BLZ Bubb was the man behind those attacks based on his agreement with Rip and so I gave him the opportunity to admit his crimes. For those of you who saw The War To Settle The Score, you know that when questioned, he shook his head..........Now call me a crazy old man, call me a fool if you will, but I believe him......... Bubb may be many things, but a coward he is not! This led me right back to square one, to the very beginning. I am still none the wiser and my patience are rapidly wearing thin. So tonight I take my stand. Tonight I am here to call out my attacker. Tonight I announce that at Bound By Blood it will be me against this man in a singles match.......So now I pose a question to you personally, whomever you are, wherever you may be........Was it worth it?”


The lights go out for a few seconds but upon their return, Strong is still standing alone in the ring.


Strong: “You don’t scare me and soon my friend......your little games will come to an end!”




Azaria: “Sam Strong means business.”


Rhodes: “You can’t blame the guy for being angry, I know I would if I was in his situation.”




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Liberty.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpg


Liberty vs BLZ Bubb


Karen Killer’s absence for yet another BLZ Bubb match does not seem to psychologically affect Bubb, at least not in a negative way. His fury seems untamed and yet focussed at the same time. It was all Liberty could do from not turning tail and fleeing. When Bubb is in this kind of mood, its best not to be in his path. Liberty was still the worse for wear from his last outing against Rip Chord and it showed in this match. Barely able to get out of the starting blocks it seemed the writing was written on the wall from the get go. Liberty mustered up what little strength he had in an attempt to hit the Liberation Slam but alas he could not. Bubb capitalised and connected with a Hades Bomb that saw the contest come to its conclusion.


Rip Chord appears at the entrance and is smiling broadly.




Azaria: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new number one contender for the HGC World Heavyweight Championship and his name is BLZ Bubb......The question now is what does this mean for the match itself? Will Bubb lie down for Rip?”


Rhodes: “Who can tell? I’m guessing that is what Chord wants but with Bubb anything can happen!”


Azaria: “That’s all we have time for tonight folks; we will see you next week for another edition of HGC Hollyweird TV!”


Rhodes: “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!”



We are left with the image of BLZ Bubb sitting in the ring laughing and rocking gently back and forth.

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Prediction Results


Jingo: 5/6 - Great predicting sir. You nearly achieved a clean sweep!


BHK1978: 4/6 - Solid predicting as usual. Unfortunately that dastardly Brent Hill cost you a share of the lead! :p



Round Result

Congratulations Jingo, you have won this round!





1st: BHK1978 = 6


2nd: Stennick = 5


3rd: Boltinho = 3


3rd: Jaded = 3


3rd: Jingo = 3


4th: Teh_Showtime = 1


5th: Truth = 0


5th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 2, March 1997)


We kick off the show this week with a singles encounter between Peter Valentine and the lightning quick Hype. Both men will be looking to get some momentum behind them at the expense of their opponent.


Another promising rookie in the shape of Jack Giedroyc, will also be in singles action on the night as he takes on Brent Hill. No doubt Hill will have one eye on his back as it would not be the least bit surprising should Cowboy Ricky Dale make his presence known in this encounter after Hill's actions last week.


A tag team encounter between two of the most vicious teams in professional wrestling will also.....grace the card when Savage Fury do battle with the Demons of Rage. This match may not be pretty, but it sure as hell will be entertaining.


The big fan favourite, Dusty Streets will be in singles action against solid technician Craig Prince in a rematch from last month. Can the imposing heavyweight repeat his success or will "The Shooter" cut him down to pieces?


After back to back losses, Liberty will be hoping to get back to winning ways when he goes up against Human Arsenal. Now whilst Arsenal had been impressive thus far in his HGC career, he has yet to translate this into results. It is clear that both men have something to prove if only to themselves.


Also scheduled, Karen Killer will march her Kill Nation into battle when HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord teams with the No1 contender BLZ Bubb to take on the HGC International champion, Cowboy Ricky Dale and part of Chase's Saints, Jack Bruce.


The main event of the night will see "Every Woman's Fantasy", Romeo Heartthrob go against the legendary Sam Strong. Will lightning strike one more time? Will we see the mystery attacker strike again? Or for that matter, will we see the attcker reveal their identity?



Prediction Key


Peter Valentine vs The Hype


Jack Giedroyc vs Brent Hill


The Demons Of Rage vs Savage Fury


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince


Liberty w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb w/ Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


Sam Strong vs Romeo Heartthrob

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Peter Valentine vs The Hype

Jack Giedroyc vs Brent Hill

The Demons Of Rage vs Savage Fury

Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince

Liberty w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal

Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb w/ Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase

Sam Strong vs Romeo Heartthrob

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Peter Valentine vs The Hype


The Hype seems to be nothing more than a jobber at this point.


Jack Giedroyc vs Brent Hill


The Demons Of Rage vs Savage Fury


Do I really need to state my dislike of the Savage Jobbers? Oh wait I guess I just did.


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince


Liberty w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb w/ Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


Sam Strong vs Romeo Heartthrob

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Breaking news from the offices of HGC. After recently having announced the departure of Super Joshuya to Burning Hammer, HGC now find themselves losing out on Joshuya's fellow countryman, Fumihiro Ota to SWF. The parting left no hard feelings between the two parties involved and HGC wish Ota the best of luck in his grappling future.



Writer's Note: I hope this isn't starting a new trend of HGC roster members jumping ship. The only saving grace to be seen from this, the two that have recently left did not feature into my future plans. I may have to start using some of this money I have to lock down my key competitors otherwise this could get nasty.


I am currently writing up the show so there is still time for those who want to get in on the predicting fun. :)

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 2, March 1997

Shakeshaft Auditorium (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT!)



A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes.



http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PeterValentine.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackAvatar.jpg


Peter Valentine vs The Hype


A solid opening contest, albeit no thanks to Peter Valentine who looks angry at having to do anything remotely useful. The Hype employs a technical approach to keep Valentine guessing and the youngster’s groundwork really puts the veteran to shame. After all these years in the business, Valentine has still yet to develop a solid wrestling pedigree, instead relying on his “look” to stay at the top for as long as he has. The Hype looked good but the difference in size came in to play before all was said and done. One missed superkick and Valentine struck with the Heartbreaker to pick up the pinfall victory.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackGiedroyc.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt22.jpg


Jack Giedroyc vs Brent Hill


The ever improving Brent Hill imposed his will upon his English opponent with a technical display to be marvelled. Hill kept Giedroyc grounded at every possible opportunity so he could continue his methodical assault with the elbow being a particular target. Giedroyc’s limited offense consisted mostly of countering Hill’s attacks. A particularly impressive counter saw Giedroyc roll out of the way of a King of the Hill Splash and jump into an Oklahoma roll that Brent Hill only narrowly kicked out before the three. Hill having worked on the elbow earlier in the match reversed a follow up clothesline attempt into a fujiwara armbar variation that left Giedroyc no option but to submit.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DemonSpite.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Java.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TribalWarrior.jpg


The Demons Of Rage vs Savage Fury


Spite, Anger, Java and Tribal Warrior; four names you wouldn’t associate with traditionally entertaining professional wrestling. Fortunately this wasn’t what these two teams had in mind. Punches, kicks, slams, rinse, wash, and repeat. Now while the fans of HGC would not necessarily be entertained by this, however, the force and destruction that was thrown behind every move had the crowd ahhhhhing and oooooing along. Tribal Warrior was the man to fall when Anger and Spite collaborated to hit the Double Demon Down on him. Java tried to interject but was met with a crunching big boot from Spite whilst Anger picked up the pinfall.







The camera takes us backstage where we see The Nation Of Filth standing in a dull and dreary room.


Grunt: “The Nation Of Filth are often overlooked as professional wrestlers.......People look at us and see two dirty, disgusting, stomach turning, poor excuses for human beings...........They’re right!......We are twisted psychopaths and they don’t come any more warped than us. No two men in HGC strike fear in the hearts of competitors like us.......Need proof?”


An HGC worker is walking by, heading for the door. Stink lets out some disturbing gargling type noise and runs at the man. Caught by surprise, the staff member drops the letters he is holding and flees the scene. Grunt laughs and turns back to face the camera. At this moment The Demons Of Rage who are returning from their match are seen in the corridor adjacent to the dingy room and having heard the ruckus have stopped to see what is going on. The Nation Of Filth remain oblivious.




Grunt: “That is the effect we have on HGC.......We are to be feared.......We are the elite monsters of this company and soon there will be no opponents willing to step in the ring with us!”


Anger and Spite are now looming over Stink and Grunt.


Anger: “Is that so?!”


Grunt and Stink spin around looking more than a little startled.


Spite: “Boo!”


The Nation Of Filth jump and in a blind panic run head first into each other in an attempt to escape. Anger and Spite chuckle to each other as they leave the room.







We return to the ring to see the HGC International champion, Cowboy Ricky Dale standing with microphone in hand. Dale raises his hand to signal the crowd to quieten down before he begins.


Dale: “When I won this International title I was hoping that I could put all this business between me and Brent Hill in the past you know?.......Move on with my career and set down a long title reign. However, after Brent Hill’s actions in our tag team match last week I cannot let this thing lie.......I see you acting up and lashing out like a rogue dog.........You know what we do with rouge dogs where I’m from? We take them out back and give them a whooping........At The War To Settle The Score I felt as though that was what I had administered. Clearly you hadn’t learned your lesson in humility, so now........now you’re in store for some old fashioned Southern Justice!”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DustyStreets.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/CraigPrince.jpg


Dusty Streets vs Craig Prince


Not the best of matches all in all but it was passable. Dusty Streets used the crowd’s energy to fight his way into early control of the match but as time wore on, The Shooter began to take charge. Prince found his opening when Streets missed with a corner body splash. Prince draped his arm over the top rope and began to dissect it further for the rest of the bout. Even with only one good arm, Streets battered his way back and even attempted to connect with the Dust Off. Unfortunately his arm gave out which enabled Prince to apply the Katahijime. Streets refused to tap out but unfortunately could do nothing about losing consciousness. Referee Eugene Williams had no choice but to end the match.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Liberty.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/HumanArsenal.jpg


Liberty w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


The theme of the night continued as Human Arsenal worked over the arm of his opponent. Crushing knees to the point of the elbow along with vicious stomps had Liberty in visible agony. The fact that Liberty was coming off two brutal matches didn’t help his cause and he appeared to be a step behind. Human Arsenal came close to winning when he connected with an Ammo Dump that Liberty barely kicked out of. Arsenal picked Liberty up by his long golden locks and went to hit a second Ammo Dump. Upon lifting his opponent back into the air, Liberty used what little he had left to roll down Arsenal’s back and hook a schoolboy rollup. The surprise factor alone may have cost him the match because Arsenal could not kick out in time.







The camera takes us backstage to the locker room of Kill Nation. Karen Killer is talking to Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb who are both getting in their wrestling gear.


Killer: “You guys need to get on the same page tonight if you are to have any hope of winning.”


Chord: “Well you know my feelings.......I’m not the one who can’t be trusted.”


Bubb, who is now facing the wall doesn’t respond to the relief of Karen Killer.


Killer: “Bubb, you know that you’re the muscle here. You can take both of these chumps on so you take the bulk of the work tonight OK?”


Bubb grunts.


Chord: “This isn’t going to work Karen I....”




Bubb starts laughing manically before stalking out of the room. Chord and Killer remain frozen in a state of shock from the unexpected outburst.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackBruce.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg


Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb w/Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


As ordered, BLZ Bubb does the majority of the work load for his team and he positively destroys Jack Bruce who has never really had to encounter anything like this before. Bruce ducked a wild clothesline and after a forward roll to his corner tagged in the Cowboy; somebody who could match Bubb for size. There was a brief stare down before all hell broke loose. Chord ran into the ring and chop blocked Ricky Dale down to the mat. Jack Bruce evened up the odds when he threw a continual string of punches that sent Chord reeling into a corner. Bruce followed up with his Wake Up Call but instead of catching Chord, the referee found himself sandwiched in between thanks to a tug of the shirt from Chord. All three men went down. Bubb went to hit a Hades Bomb on the Cowboy, but found it countered into Southern Justice that popped the crowd in a big way. CRACK!.......Brent Hill is standing over Ricky Dale with steel chair in hand. For two weeks in a row, Hill assaults the International champion. The referee comes back around and sees Chord with his arm over the chest of Ricky Dale and he slowly but surely counts the three.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SamStrong.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RomeoHeartthrob-1.jpg


Sam Strong vs Romeo Heartthrob


The always egotistical Romeo Heartthrob was more concerned with posing to his ‘adoring’ fans than the match at hand. Not one to let an opportunity pass him by, Sam Strong connected with a wicked Strong Arm Tactic less than ten minutes into this contest and that was all she wrote. Following the bout, Strong began to celebrate with his fans.......


The lights go out......... When they return we see a man standing behind Strong. He is a monster of a man; big hulking and full of hate........




That man was Dread. Strong turned around but it was already too late. One quick kick to the gut followed by the Dread Bomb had Sam Strong laid out on the canvas like a rag doll. Dread standing over his target admiring his handy work. Rhodes and Azaria are going nuts on commentary and are really selling it to those who are listening.



We are left with the image of Dread, one arm raised, standing over his victim.

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Prediction Results


Jingo: 5/7 - Great predicting once again sir. Could be back to back wins for you.


BHK1978: 7/7 - Top notch, world class predicting! You're pulling clear from the rest of the field in the overall rankings. Well done.



Round Result

Congratulations BHK1978, you have won this round!





1st: BHK1978 = 7


2nd: Stennick = 5


3rd: Boltinho = 3


3rd: Jaded = 3


3rd: Jingo = 3


4th: Teh_Showtime = 1


5th: Truth = 0


5th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show.

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 3, March 1997)


HGC will kick off proceedings with a singles outing between newcomer Pablo Rodriguez and the monsterous Giant Redwood. Having been off television for a while, Redwood has said that he wanted to re-evaluate a few things but now he is ready to come back with a bang. Can the Mexican sensation prevent the big man from dominating?


Brent Hill will once again be teaming with Craig Prince to take on the high flying hispanic duo of Mucha Lucha. Will Cowboy Ricky Dale make his presence felt?


The first of two singles matches between natural tag team competitors sees Joey Flame and Larry Vessey lock up. As the two teams from which they be long will be competing for the tag titles at Bound By Blood, this will be a good opportunity to see how they fair when put in singles environment.


Speaking of their tag team partners, the following match will see Teddy Flame take on Bryan Vessey in what is likely to be the more technical of the two fights. Momentum will be key leading up to the PPV.


Last week revealed that Sam Strong's attacker was Dread. This week we will see them stand accross the ring from each other in tag team action. Dread will be partnering Paul Steadyfast and as of yet, Strong's partner has yet to be revealed. Bad feelings will certainly boil over in this one sooner rather than later.


The main event of the night will be a massive 6-man tag between Kill Nation members, Rip Chord, BLZ Bubb and newest recruit, Peter Valentine. They will be taking on Chase's Sainted Stable of Liberty, Jack Bruce and the newest member, Cowboy Ricky Dale. Fireworks are to be expected.



Prediction Key


Giant Redwood vs Pablo Rodriguez


Mucha Lucha vs Craig Prince & Brent Hill


Larry Vessey vs Joey Flame


Bryan Vessey vs Teddy Flame


Dread & Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong & ???


Chase's Saints (Liberty, Jack Bruce & Cowboy Ricky Dale) vs Kill Nation (Rip Chord, BLZ Bubb and Peter Valentine)



Bonus point for guessing who Sam Strong's partner will be.

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Giant Redwood vs Pablo Rodriguez


Mucha Lucha vs Craig Prince & Brent Hill


Larry Vessey vs Joey Flame


Bryan Vessey vs Teddy Flame


Dread & Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong & ???


Chase's Saints (Liberty, Jack Bruce & Cowboy Ricky Dale) vs Kill Nation (Rip Chord, BLZ Bubb and Peter Valentine)


Sam's partner will be: I have no idea...

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Giant Redwood vs Pablo Rodriguez

Mucha Lucha vs Craig Prince & Brent Hill

Larry Vessey vs Joey Flame

Bryan Vessey vs Teddy Flame

Dread & Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong & ???

Chase's Saints (Liberty, Jack Bruce & Cowboy Ricky Dale) vs Kill Nation (Rip Chord, BLZ Bubb and Peter Valentine)


Bonus point for guessing who Sam Strong's partner will be: Monty Walker

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Where The Power Lies


Being the booker of an upstart company is never easy. Having to get the right balance between the egotistical veterans and the young up and comers can sometimes seem quite daunting even for the more well seasoned bookers.

Sam Strong and Rip Chord are without a doubt the cornerstones of the company so it was only fitting that these two christened the HGC World Heavyweight Championship. As expected, their match was epic and set the tone for how HGC wanted their title lineage to continue. Two months into Hollyweird’s existence and things began to change. Chord and Strong who had shared booking duties up to this point found themselves disagreeing more and more frequently on storyline directions and the tension began to grow whereby the locker room was an uneasy place to be.


It’s no secret that Strong and Chord are long time friends that have been on the road together for countless years. However, when shared power was put in their hands, cracks were evident and only getting deeper as the shows went by. Something needed to change and something needed to change quickly. That’s where I come in.


Now some of you may know me and others may not, hell it’s been a long time since I laced up those boots......ten years in fact. Wrestling changes and evolves at such a rate that today’s stars are tomorrow’s washed up old men. Now while I can’t keep up with today’s breed of wrestlers in the squared circle at my age, I can assure you that I could still put a good old southern whooping on any man in the HGC locker room if they get out of line. I suppose that the respect I’m shown is partially down to that fact alone, haha.

Now I have known Sam (Strong) for just over 20 years and I know him well enough to know when he is getting in over his head. Sure, when J.K. Stallings Jr set this thing all up, although I use that term loosely (After contacting Strong and coming to an agreement, he has pretty much taken a backseat and just watched this company grow), Sam felt as though he could take on the responsibilities of booking and competing. Now often times this creates a conflict of interest, so imagine what things were like with two men booking and trying to compete.......Exactly!


I was brought into HGC initially as a road agent to help the boys lay out their matches which is a job that I have to admit I enjoy doing ever since my days down in TWL. Now while I was never officially given the job, being one of the elder statesmen on the roster, I found that a lot of the younger guys were coming to me and asking whether or not they should try this particular move, or how they thought the end of their bouts should unfold. I never got paid for this aspect of the job, but in all honesty I enjoyed being looked up to (and I still do) so I never really had any complaints to make.


Anyway, back to my point. After the first couple of months in 1997 had passed I was offered an opportunity that I had not expected, nor had I ever really considered. You see Rip and Sam realised what the strain of joint-booking was doing to not only themselves, but the rest of the roster also. They presented me with the job of head booker, that is if I wanted to take it. They explained to me that they would still be around should I need any help with specifics but that they couldn’t continue the way things were.

The idea was run by the rest of the locker room and their seemed to be no complaints; in fact, it appeared as though some were outright relieved to see a non wrestler with the book although they didn’t voice this opinion aloud.

So here we are, 19th of March, 1997 and the book is now in my hands. Now while I’m looking forward to future challenges, I know that the road ahead will be bumpy. But that shouldn’t be a problem for a former 5-time TWL Champion right???...........



- The Perfect One

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tueday of Week 3, March 1997

The Friedman Building (Mid South)

Attendance: 6,443




A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/GiantRedwood_alt2.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PabloRodriguez.jpg


Giant Redwood vs Pablo Rodriguez


Speed and skill against power and sheer size. Pablo Rodriguez is one of the top stars down in Mexico, but has yet to make his impact felt in the states. To try and make a name against Redwood is risky business indeed. The match itself was one sided to say the least. Azaria and Rhodes on commentary played up the fact that Redwood has been off of TV for a while re-evaluating his position. Redwood initially started off slow which allowed Pablo to get a quick flurry of offence that only slightly had the big man in trouble. A swinging neckbreaker was blocked and Redwood countered with a suplex that shook the ring. Some thudding strikes later and one massive big boot to the skull saw Giant Redwood pick up the pinfall win.







Giant Redwood snatches a microphone from ringside and storms back into the ring where Rodriguez still looks to be out cold.


Redwood: “You may be asking yourselves where I have been these past few weeks. Now contrary to popular belief, I was not re-evaluating anything.” He pauses to look around the audience before continuing. “I was suspended by the HGC board of directors who deemed some of my backstage actions to be destructive. You see, after an altercation with Paul Steadyfast, I went on a rampage. I put my fist through walls. I smashed monitors and I even attacked members of the roster.” The rage inside Redwood appears to grow. “I was told to think about what I had done and that my actions would have severe consequences should I do anything like that again.” Redwood turns his attention to the barely moving Rodriguez. “You think that you can threaten me? You think that I fear repercussions? Consider this my message to the board. I do what I damn please!”


Redwood picks Pablo up around the neck and proceeds to raise him high above his head before launching him out of the ring and into the ringside barricade. The thud of the impact sucked the wind out of the crowd.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MrLuchaIII.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Elctrico.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/CraigPrince.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt22.jpg


Mucha Lucha vs Craig Prince and Brent Hill


A high octane match that saw a good blend of high flying and technical showcasing. As the match began, Electrico and Mr Lucha showed some fairly slick tag team cohesion; a double missile dropkick on Craig Prince being a particular highlight. However, when Brent Hill entered the contest the dynamic of the match changed entirely. Not willing to try and keep pace with the high flyers, Hill grounded Electrico and slowly and methodically dissected the right knee of his opponent. The end of the match came when Hill hit the King of the Hill splash on Electrico and with Prince intercepting Mr Lucha, the three count followed uninterrupted.







Brent Hill and Craig Prince kick Mucha Lucha out of the ring before Hill addresses the crowd.


Hill: “I have to say that tonight I’ve found a man who is worthy of my time. That man is standing next to me in the ring right now. Craig Prince is the kind of wrestler that you want in your corner. He is one of the top technical wrestlers in the world and his skills in this department remind me a lot of myself. Sir, allow me to shake your hand.”


Brent Hill presents his hand and the gesture is returned almost immediately by Prince.


Prince: “Thank you Brent......When I was given the opportunity to tag with you, quite frankly I jumped at the chance. We are indeed very similar in many ways and that’s what makes us great.” The crowd boo loudly. “In fact our greatness has attracted some attention from a powerful individual.” Hill looks intrigued. “A couple of weeks ago now I was approached by a man who said that he saw potential in me. He said that I could go all the way to the top and that he would be willing to help by leading me to those lofty heights........Now I have seen this man’s work in various companies and his corporation has been nothing but impressive. So after a little thinking time I agreed to his request and now he will be heading to HGC to manage me............Brent, this is where you come in. After arranging a meeting with my manager he gave me a couple of names that he wanted to include in his corporation......Brent......you were one of those names.”


Hill: “I think I know who you are talking about Craig and if I am correct in my assumption then I will gladly listen to what he has to say. But who’s the other name that he mentioned?”


Prince: “Soon enough, you’ll find out. He is keeping his cards very close to his chest. In fact I’m supposed to be meeting him later tonight to discuss business. You are more than welcome to come along.”


Hill: “I think I might just do that..........”





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/LarryVessey.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JoeyFlame.jpg


Larry Vessey vs Joey Flame


A solid encounter if nothing special between two of the top tag team competitors around today. Larry looked to go back to his roots with a more rugged brawling mentality which appeared more natural than when he had previously attempted a technical approach. Joey meanwhile sought to keep Larry guessing by mixing up his attacks. Dropkicks, flying forearms and even the occasional snap suplex kept momentum with the Blazing one. Larry being the grizzled veteran that he is battled back and repeatedly connected with forearm shivers that sent Joey into the turnbuckle. An attempted running elbow was ducked by Joey which led to a near pinfall following a schoolboy rollup. Larry used the momentum of the roll to not only kick out, but to return to his feet with Joey on his shoulders. The Sick Cycle connected and that was enough to ensure Larry Vessey the victory.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BryanVessey.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TeddyFlame.jpg


Bryan Vessey vs Teddy Flame


Encouraged by his brother’s success just moments earlier, Bryan took the initiative and began to throw Teddy Flame around for fun from the beginning. He hooked him up in a bearhug before releasing him into a belly-to-belly overhead throw that sent his opponent back first into the turnbuckle, causing him to crash down on his head. Goodness knows how he managed to kick out at the count of two. Bryan looked to connect with a german suplex but found himself countered as Flame flipped over and landed on his feet. A dropkick later and Bryan was sitting in a corner where he was hit by a running boot. Teddy dragged Bryan into the centre of the ring and locked in the Feel The Burn. Without anywhere to go, Bryan was forced to tap.







Larry Vessey and Joey Flame made their way ringside to help their brothers back to a vertical base. Both teams shared a brief moment where they locked eyes and the tension began to grow. Would those in attendance see a prelude to Bound By Blood? No. The two teams shook hands as a sign of respect before heading backstage.







Dread and Paul Steadyfast make their way to the ring. Dread looking his usual surly self whilst Paul looks more than a little intimidated at having to be in the same ring with a monster like Dread. Sam Strong makes his opponents wait for a while before finally emerging from behind the curtain.




Strong: “Dread...............hmmmmmm. I have to say that I was a little surprised to discover that you were the man behind those vicious attacks...........I’ve known you for a long time. I’ve feuded with you over world titles in other organisations more times than I can count and never once did I have you down as a coward......It just goes to show that you can’t judge a book by its monstrous cover!” Dread looks furious. “...But now isn’t the time for talking. Tonight is about getting a measure of revenge and I think I have found the perfect tag team partner to lend a hand. You have tried to make this man’s life a living hell just like you have tried with me and yet he keeps coming back for more. So tonight I will be taking a page out of his book. Tonight Sam Strong and Monty Walker will take you down!”




Monty Walker aka the thorn in Dread’s side is now standing side by side with Strong. They exchange a quick nod before running into the ring so the match can begin.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Dread_alt1.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PaulSteadyfast.jpg VS http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/SamStrong.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/MontyWalker.jpg


Dread and Paul Steadyfast vs Sam Strong and Monty Walker


The match begins with a surprising quick temp considering that two of the men involved are Sam Strong and Dread and that is because Steadyfast and Walker carried the bulk of the work. Walker took to the sky and connected with a wicked tornado DDT that sent Steadyfast tumbling into his own corner where Dread made the blind tag. Making an instant impact, Dread caught Walker in mid air when the tornado DDT was attempted for a second time and slammed him into the canvas with a spinebuster that Azaria thought had “broken the kid in half!” It wasn’t long before th match began to break down as all four me found themselves in the ring at the same time. Steadyfast was soon taken out of the equation however, when an errant big boot from Dread sent him sailing to the outside. Dread singled out Monty and went to connect with the Dread Bomb but Monty was able to slip out. This left Dread wide open for the Strong Arm Tactic. Walker, who was crouching behind the big man, used the momentum from the move to pull a schoolboy rollup and after nearly 3 months of trying, Monty managed to pin Dread.







Strong raised the hand of Monty Walker following the match as they head back up the entrance ramp. Dread is seething in the ring and takes his frustrations out on his tag team partner. Another wicked boot lays Steadyfast out for the count but Dread isn’t done. He climbs the top rope and hits the infamous Dreadsault; rarely used, but 100% devastating. The HGC officials have to scrape Steadyfast of the canvas and carry him backstage. Sam Strong remains on the entrance ramp and he and Dread share an intense stare down and war of words as HGC goes to a commercial.





http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Liberty.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackBruce.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/TysonBaine.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PeterValentine.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Chase’s Saints w/Emma Chase vs Kill Nation w/Karen Killer


A hotly contested affair between the two teams saw all six men get their signature moves in. Although at times the match seemed to fall apart due to the sheer number of competitors, the crowd ate it up. Tension between BLZ Bubb and the HGC World Heavyweight Champion, Rip Chord was palpable and it genuinely felt as though the whole thing could fall apart at any moment. The teamwork of Chase’s Saints gave an advantage to the faces and with the encouragement of Emma Chase at ringside; Liberty looked as though he was nearing a win when he hit the Liberation Slam on Peter Valentine. Unfortunately this is not the match was to end. Brent Hill had made his way ringside and swept the legs of Cowboy Ricky Dale; hitting his head on the apron in the process. This was the signal for chaos to erupt in the ring. Bodies were flying everywhere until only three men were standing. Bubb had Liberty clasped around the throat and was preparing for a brutal chokeslam. Just as he lifted him of the mat he was hit from behind by Chord. Bubb, who barely flinched, dropped Liberty and turned his attention to the world champion. Bubb began to shake with rage as Chord began to profusely apologise. Seeing that his words of regret were falling on deaf ears, Chord hastily left the ring whilst Karen Killer jumped into the ring to try and calm Bubb down.




We are left with the image of Bubb standing amongst the mass of bodies screaming at Chord with blood curdling fury.


Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


BHK1978: 5/7 - Great predicting. I thought the mystery tag team partner for Strong might have been a bit of an obvious choice and as you can see, the main event turned into an all out brawl. Had the main event gone the other way, you would have been looking at an outright win. Well done all the same.


Jingo: 5/7 - The same score as BHK1978 and yet your predictions differed significantly. You did well to guess the tag team partner of Strong and as you can tell, this earned you a joint victory. Well done.



Round Result

Congratulations BHK1978 and Jingo, you have won this round!





1st: BHK1978 = 8


2nd: Stennick = 5


3rd: Jingo = 4


4th: Boltinho = 3


4th: Jaded = 3


5th: Teh_Showtime = 1


6th: Truth = 0


6th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope you all enjoyed the show.

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The Giant Pain in the Ass




Very few people in the wrestling business give me as many headaches as Giant Redwood. Not only is he extremely demanding, but he also has limited at best wrestling skill. The whole suspension angle that we ran on the last show was a work. The honest truth is that Sam and Rip just didn't have anything for him to do.


BLZ Bubb is the top monster in the company and he is a damn fine big man wrestler to boot. Redwood can't fill that position. Dread is a former World Heavyweight champion in SWF and can brawl with the best of them. Redwood can't fill that position. The only role Sam could come up with for him to portray was a hired mercenary who would follow orders from the highest bidder. The angle worked OK for a while but when we realised that we were heading into a feud between Redwood and Steadyfast we knew it was time to pull the plug. Neither of these men have the ability to draw a good match out of the other. Now Steadyfast is young enough to improve but he needs to be in there with someone who has plenty to teach. Again, Redwood isn’t the right guy to do this.



Steadyfast's young and although not great, still has potential


So you can see the situation that I have been left with. How to solve a problem like Redwood? Well my initial idea was the one that I ended up running with; an uncontrollable beast that does exactly what he wants. Loose cannon if you will. Now while some may say that Dread is playing a similar role I would strongly disagree and let me explain why.


Redwood isn’t a great wrestler and short of a miracle he never will be. He’s clumsy and powerful which is a bad combination if used incorrectly. If we can give him this deliberately clumsy and chaotic nature as a character, then we can harness his detriments and turn them into something positive.


His contract actually runs out at the end of the month and I’m still not sure whether or not I want to renew his contract. I guess we’ll have to see how he performs between now and then before I make a final decision.



-The Perfect One

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 4, March 1997)


After his impressive debut at the beginning of the month, the mysterious Vengeance will be in action once again against the resilient Englishman, Jack Giedroyc. One thing we know for certain in this match, if Giedroyc doesn’t bring his ‘A’ game, this could get ugly quickly.


Speaking of monsters, Giant Redwood will be in singles action as he takes on the masked luchador, Electrico. Fighting for the honour of his fellow countryman, Pablo Rodriguez who was punished by the Giant last Tuesday, will the strong willed Electrico fare any better or will we see a repeat of last week’s demolition?


The Nation of Filth have requested a match against the Demons of Rage as they felt they were embarrassed by the Mohawk clad duo two weeks ago. Four men who only know how to fight hard should lead to an entertaining bout. This won’t be a technical master class that Sam Keith would be jealous of, just an out and out war.


The rising star that is Jack Bruce will have to brush up on his technical prowess as he will be facing one of the top technicians in wrestling today, Human Arsenal. Although Arsenal hasn’t had the best of luck with wins and losses in HGC, he has ensured that his opponents leave the match in a much worsened condition than how they entered. Don’t believe me? Ask Liberty.


The man himself will be in tag team action as he partners Emma Chase’s most recent client, Cowboy Ricky Dale as they take on Peter Valentine and the man who has attacked the HGC International champion on more than one occasion, Brent Hill. Having recently shown allegiance to Craig Prince and talk of a powerful businessman requesting both of their services, one has to wonder whether either will feature into this contest.


The HGC World Heavyweight champion, Rip Chord will be in a non title affair as he takes on the enigmatic Hype. Many predict this match to be a glorified squash, but The Hype is by no stretch of the imagination a slouch and his style could present a lot of problems for the champ. Don’t sleep on this one.


Sam Strong has been granted some time to address Dread and knowing the big man, he will not allow Strong to talk trash without interrupting in one way or another.


The main event of the night will see the number one contender for the world heavyweight championship, BLZ Bubb go one-on-one against the technical half of the Vessey Brothers in Bryan. After last week’s chaos, has Bubb had enough time to calm down? Only one way to find out; be sure to tune in...



Prediction Key


Vengeance vs Jack Giedroyc


Giant Redwood vs Electrico


The Nation of Filth vs The Demons of Rage


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


Brent Hill & Peter Valentine w/Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Liberty w/Emma Chase


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs The Hype (non title)


Bryan Vessey vs BLZ Bubb

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Vengeance vs Jack Giedroyc


Giant Redwood vs Electrico


He may be a pain in the ass, but he should win here.


The Nation of Filth vs The Demons of Rage


Love the NOF but I don't think that they are good enough to win here.


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


Brent Hill & Peter Valentine w/Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Liberty w/Emma Chase


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs The Hype (non title)


Bryan Vessey vs BLZ Bubb


Bryan is a tag wrestler so I am not sure it behooves you to allow him to get the win here.

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Vengeance vs Jack Giedroyc

Giant Redwood vs Electrico

The Nation of Filth vs The Demons of Rage

Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal

Brent Hill & Peter Valentine w/Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Liberty w/Emma Chase

Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs The Hype (non title)

Bryan Vessey vs BLZ Bubb

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Vengeance vs Jack Giedroyc


Giant Redwood vs Electrico


The Nation of Filth vs The Demons of Rage


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


Brent Hill & Peter Valentine w/Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Liberty w/Emma Chase


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs The Hype (non title)


Bryan Vessey vs BLZ Bubb


Glad to see this is back up and running. Keep up the good work and no more long hiatus or I'll come find you, tie you down and force you to write this show 23 and a half hours a day.....cool? :D

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Vengeance vs Jack Giedroyc


Giant Redwood vs Electrico


The Nation of Filth vs The Demons of Rage


Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


Brent Hill & Peter Valentine w/Karen Killer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Liberty w/Emma Chase


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs The Hype (non title)


Bryan Vessey vs BLZ Bubb


Glad to see this is back up and running. Keep up the good work and no more long hiatus or I'll come find you, tie you down and force you to write this show 23 and a half hours a day.....cool? :D


Haha, I'll be sure not to go M.I.A again. Just got started on the Comverse mod doing renders and the like. I plan on posting the show tomorrow. :)

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 4, March 1997

Missouri State Armoury (Mid West)

Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT!)





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes


A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes who introduce us to the show.






Vengeance vs Jack Giedroyc


Speed against size in the opening contest and on the night, size prevailed. Giedroyc looked to put in some early work by hitting and moving; in and out with dropkicks, spinning wheel kicks and flying forearms did little to worry the man in the skull mask. A missile dropkick from Giedroyc was swatted aside by Vengeance and from then on out, the big man took over. A military press slam into a gutbuster looked to have driven all the wind out of his opponent. A swift boot to the side of the head followed to the kneeling Giedroyc’s head and things looked all but done. Vengeance picked Jack up by the scruff of the neck and connected with a devastating Vengeance Drop. The pinfall was academic.

Vengeance defeated Jack Giedroyc via pinfall.







Before Vengeance has time to leave the ring, Giant Redwood appeared at the entranceway and slowly and methodically made his way to ringside. The clearly wounded Giedroyc is just making his way back to a vertical base when he finds himself standing in front of Redwood who his a grim smile on his face. The Englishman looks to get past the Giant but finds his path blocked. BANG! A big right hand floors Giedroyc and he looks out cold. Redwood picks the lifeless corpse off the ground and hurls him over the top rope and Giedroyc hits the floor with a sickening thud.


Redwood takes a microphone before continuing.


Redwood: “Before you head backstage Vengeance I have a little proposal for you.......”


Vengeance stares at Redwood.


Redwood: “I have seen your work. You are a destroyer of the weak. You crush the pathetic. In many respects you are just like me....So I had a thought; if you and I were to work together we could take over this entire company. There wouldn’t be a soul on this roster that wouldn’t fear us. We would rule with an iron fist. We would become.........immortals.............What do you say?”


Vengeance stares at Giant Redwood’s outstretched hand, but ultimately just brushes past him and heads backstage without looking back. Redwood is left in the ring looking extremely frustrated.








Giant Redwood vs Electrico


You do not want to be standing across the ring from an angry Giant and that is exactly where Electrico found himself. Slighted at Vengeance snubbing his offer, Redwood took all of his anger out on the luchador. Unable to restore honour for his fallen countryman, Rodriguez, Electrico received an unmerciful beating. The ending came when Redwood hit a running big boot that cracked into the jaw that turned Electrico inside out.

Giant Redwood defeated Electrico via pinfall








The Nation Of Filth vs The Demons Of Rage


Not the best match that Hollyweird TV will ever see but it entertained the fans none the less. Stink and Grunt initially tried to out weird the Demons, but soon found this pan to be highly ineffective. The majority of the Nations disgusting antics were laughed at by their bigger opponents who wasted no time in turning the match into an out and out brawl. A little after 10 minutes into the contest saw the entire thing fall apart. Stink and Grunt left the ring to tool up and entered with chairs at the ready. Grunt swung wildly at Anger who only just ducked in time, turning round to boot the chair right into Grunt’s face. Using this opportunity, Stink cracked his chair over Anger’s back but found himself struck by Spite in the back of the head with yet another chair. The referee was left with no option but to throw the contest out as officials and staff pulled the four men apart.

The Nation of Filth drew with The Demons Of Rage via double DQ






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Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase vs Human Arsenal


With the support of Emma Chase at ringside, Jack Bruce took the early advantage with some high paced offence including his newly christened Wake Up Call, running corner dropkick. Momentum soon swung the way of Arsenal however, when pandering to the crowd came back to bite Bruce. A swift chopblock preceded a host of stomps that really took their toll and towards the end of the match, Bruce was significantly limping. Arsenal set up for another chopblock but somehow, Bruce managed to leapfrog and avoid the charge. Arsenal could do nothing about running headfirst into the middle turnbuckle. A quick New York Minute looked to end things but Arsenal wisely rolled out of the ring and out of harm’s way. Bruce clutched at his knee and lifted his kneepad to see if everything was OK. Looking to bring his opponent back into the ring saw Bruce go to retrieve Arsenal. As he put one leg out of the ring a loud crack echoed around the arena. Arsenal had struck him in the knee with a ringside chair in full view of the referee who called for the disqualification.

Jack Bruce defeated Human Arsenal via DQ





Human Arsenal looks extremely pleased with himself as he walks back up the ramp. A concerned looking Emma Chase is trying to help a writhing Jack Bruce.




As Arsenal reaches the top of the stage he is greeted by Brent Hill who gives him a hearty pat on the back and audibly thanks him for “doing his job”. “Well done John”, Brent says as he raises his arm. They both laugh before heading backstage. Bruce has to be helped out of the arena by two referees who support his weight as he treads gingerly all the while.






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt22.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/PeterValentine.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


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Brent Hill & Peter Valentine w/Karen Killer vs Liberty & Cowboy Ricky Dale w/Emma Chase


This match didn’t quite live up to what it promised on paper as Peter Valentine seemed to be off his game somewhat and this hampered the flow of the contest. Hill, more than made up for his partner’s slack with some top notch technical counters that befuddled Liberty and the Cowboy, who are known more for their brawling mentality. When the Ricky Dale eventually managed to get his hands on Brent Hill he unloaded with clubbing forearms that cowered Hill into a corner. Valentine made the save though with a neckbreaker that allowed Brent time to gather his senses. Liberty joined the fray and all four men went at it. Hill speared The Cowboy which caused both men to tumble outside. Valentine went to finish the match with a Heartbreaker on Liberty, but found the move countered into a Liberation Slam thanks to a timely distraction from Emma Chase who had jumped onto the apron; a small measure of revenge on Brent Hill’s team after what happened in the match prior. Liberty picked up the pinfall shortly thereafter.

Liberty & Cowboy Ricky Dale defeated Brent Hill & Peter Valentine via pinfall






http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/VSlogo.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JackAvatar.jpg


Rip Chord w/Karen Killer vs The Hype


A very entertaining contest and easily the best on the night so far sees The Hype really tested Chord’s abilities with his high flying repertoire. A particular highlight of the match saw Hype hit a running Yakuza kick into a springboard enzugiri that came perilously close to a winning pinfall for the underdog. Chord managed to slow the pace of the match down and began to work on various limbs of the youngster. A vicious armbar was eventually countered by a forward roll but the following shining wizard was ducked by the champion. Chord connected with the DDT that he has made famous and the referee’s three count was academic.

Rip Chord defeated The Hype via pinfall









Strong stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand. He looks like he is contemplating as he speaks.


Strong: “Last week I proved a point to Dread............You’re not untouchable...........You lost Dread. After weeks and weeks of your tormenting, Monty Walker and I proved to the world that you are not infallible. You can be beaten. You make mistakes like the rest. I have beaten you before and I will beat you again this Sunday............. When I beat you in the HGC World Heavyweight title tournament I had no idea how much that would psychologically affect you............you began to feel insecure, unsure of yourself. You doubted your abilities and that’s why you had to hide in the darkness to attack..........That’s no way for a former World Champion to behave. So on Sunday I will make you remember who you are and more importantly, I will remind you that I am better!”




The lights go out and when they return Dread is standing behind Strong. Strong instinctively ducks a clothesline and the two men begin to brawl. After the exchange Strong connects with a wicked clothesline of his own that sent Dread to the outside. The men share an intense stare down as HGC goes to its final commercial break.








Bryan Vessey vs BLZ Bubb


A contest of contrasting styles meant for a solid bout. Vessey had to use his technical abilities in a different way to be effective against the much larger BLZ Bubb. Joint locks were the chosen strategy and for a while it proved fairly successful. An arm wringer was countered by Bubb that was all brute strength as Bubb lifted Bryan high into the air before throwing him into the corner turnbuckle. A corner avalanche followed by a swinging side slam had Vessey down for a two count. Before Bryan could really work back into the match, he was cut off by a nice chokeslam. The Hades Bomb that followed ended the match.

BLZ Bubb defeated Bryan Vessey via pinfall





Bubb notices that HGC World Heavyweight champion; Rip Chord is standing at the entranceway with Karen Killer. Rip’s presence does not please Bubb who is glaring daggers at him. Killer looks more than a little concerned with the whole situation.



Show Rating: C+

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Prediction Results


BHK1978: 6/7 - Great score man. You could have won yet another round.


Jingo: 6/7 - Same picks as BHK1978. Same result. Good job.


Stennick: 6/7 - Maybe this show was easy to predict, but everybody went the same way and so everybody has won this round. Great scores by one and all.



Round Result

Congratulations BHK1978, Jingo and Stennick, you have won this round!





1st: BHK1978 = 9


2nd: Stennick = 6


3rd: Jingo = 5


4th: Boltinho = 3


4th: Jaded = 3


5th: Teh_Showtime = 1


6th: Truth = 0


6th: toeachtheirown = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show!

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Change is Coming


Change is coming. Everybody can feel it. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; professional wrestling is forever evolving. Now I’m not just talking about wrestling philosophy, wrestling’s older statesmen are rapidly approaching their sell by dates and a fair few of these individuals find themselves under HGC contract.



Old, yes. Unquestionably great, absolutely.


Sam Strong, 50 years old and one of, if not THE best known performers this business has ever seen. He can’t go on forever. Yes he can still draw a crowd and he can certainly still provide a damn entertaining match. However, he simply cannot keep up with a lot of the younger workers; the next generation if you will. His body isn’t the same as when he was in his 30’s and his gas tank empties quicker than it used to but he is still at the top of the card and no doubt will remain there until he finally decides to hang up the boots once and for all.



Reigning World champion but is his time running out?


Rip Chord, 47 years old and our current HGC World Heavyweight champion; the man whose rivalry with Strong kicked this company into life. Now whilst he is in better physical condition than Strong is in a very similar position. Retirement beckons for both which leaves me in a bit of bother.



The future?


As you will have noticed, I’m slowly but surely introducing fresh talent into the company. Talent that will one day be the best in the world and mark my words they will be. I don’t want to be left in a situation where my main event scene disappears with nobody believable left to take over. People like Craig Prince, Cowboy Ricky Dale, Monty Walker, Brent Hill, John Anderson, Jack Bruce and Vengeance; men in which the future of this company will come to rely upon. Now that isn’t to say that there won’t be comings and goings between then and now (you never know what the future will bring), but as it stands; I want to ensure that the young talent slowly rise up the card. I think this will be evident in the next few months. Whether the old guard will be willing to let their positions go without a fight remains to be seen.



-The Perfect One

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