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HGC: The TOTAL Makeover

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Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan


Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker


Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes


The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth


The Hype vs Mr Lucha


Cowboy Ricky Dale & ??? & ??? w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer


Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong

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Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan


Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker


Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes


The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth


The Hype vs Mr Lucha


Cowboy Ricky Dale & ??? & ??? w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer


Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong


Great to have one of my all time favourite diary writers predicting :).

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Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan


Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker


Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes - Draw


The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth


The Hype vs Mr Lucha


Cowboy Ricky Dale & ??? & ??? w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer


Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong via interferance from Killer

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Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan


Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker


Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes


The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth


The Hype vs Mr Lucha


Cowboy Ricky Dale & ??? & ??? w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer


Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong

Heels win on TV, faces overcome the odds on PPV

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Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan


JD Morgan is one of my favorites so that is the reason for this pick.


Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker


Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes


The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth


The Hype vs Mr Lucha


Cowboy Ricky Dale & ??? & ??? w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer


Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong

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Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan

Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker

Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes

The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth

The Hype vs Mr Lucha

Cowboy Ricky Dale & ??? & ??? w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer

Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong

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Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan


Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker


Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes


The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth


The Hype vs Mr Lucha


Cowboy Ricky Dale & ??? & ??? w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer


Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 2, April 1997

Missouri State Armoury (Mid West)

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT!)





Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes who introduce us to the show.






Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly vs Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan


A solid opening contest that consisted of the high flying Mexican duo keeping the match at a high tempo for the majority of the bout’s duration. Morgan and Steadyfast showed little to no cohesion but when momentum did swing their way they weren’t shy of putting on a beat down. Morgan in particular manipulating his opponents joints with powerful locks and holds. Morgan had Superfly in a rather unique heel hook and just as it looked as through Superfly was going to tap out, the submission was broken thanks to a springboard leg drop from Rodriguez. All four men were now in the ring and exchanging moves and counters. The end of the match came when Rodriguez and Superfly hit a double team hip toss into a nice neckbreaker on Paul Steadyfast. Rodriguez made what proved to be, the winning cover.

Pablo Rodriguez & Spanish Superfly defeated Paul Steadyfast & JD Morgan via pinfall






Backstage Emma Chase is standing in the Chase’s Saints locker room with her three clients, Cowboy Ricky Dale, Liberty and Jack Bruce. She looks a little concerned as Liberty paces across the room.


Dale: “Calm down partner. I told you, we have an understanding.”


Liberty stopping before he speaks.


Liberty: “Can they be trusted?”


Bruce quickly interjects.


Bruce: “Trust me man, I have seen these guys do what they do best in Canada. They are the real deal for sure.”


Liberty still looks unconvinced.


Dale: “Liberty, Jack has vouched for them and that is good enough for me. Now I’m teaming with them tonight so if you have any remaining doubts they should have been dispelled when all is said and done.”


Liberty: “OK. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt......Innocent until proven guilty. You know I’m only looking out for you man.”


Dale smiles broadly.


Dale: “I know and I appreciate that........well anyway boys, I...”


Dale is interrupted by the locker room door opening. The camera pans until we see two imposing figures that closely resemble one another looming in the doorway. Just before they come into full focus the camera switches to Bruce and Dale who are looking very happy indeed. HGC goes to a commercial.






Dark EAGLE vs Monty Walker


A match that soon became a bit of a glorified spotfest; EAGLE used a multitude of handspring variations into kicks, hurricanranas and even a devastating flying knee that damn near took Walker’s head off. After kicking out, Walker slowly made his way back into the contest and eventually took control following a snap powerslam that he transitioned into a tight crossface. EAGLE just managed to get to the ropes to break the hold and slowly got back to his feet only to be met with the Walk On The Wildside. Walker secured the winning pinfall shortly thereafter.

Monty Walker defeated Dark EAGLE via pinfall






The newly crowned World Tag Team Champions, The Vessey Brothers, Bryan and Larry make their way down to the ring with a bit of a swagger in their step; title belts draped over their shoulders. Larry requests a microphone before handing it to his brother.


Bryan: “At Bound By Blood, my brother Larry and I won these tag team titles right here.”


Both men lift their titles into the air.


Bryan: “It was a great match for sure and we absolutely relished every moment of it. Now Joey and Teddy Flame did an honourable deed when they agreed to give us a rematch for the belts which brings us to our point...........You see, Larry and I pride ourselves on being honourable men also and we believe it only fair to return the favour. So at Where Angels Fear To Tread, The Vessey Brothers against The Blazing Flames for the HGC World Tag Team titles. One.....more......time.


The crowd cheer in response, but those cheers soon turn to boos as The Tag Team Specialists hit the ring.




Joel Bryant quickly takes Bryan Vessey out with a One Shot Drop. Meanwhile Robert Oxford hits a spike DDT on Larry before ascending the turnbuckle and hitting a top rope knee drop on Larry’s prone body.


Oxford scoops the microphone off of the canvas.


Oxford: “Don’t you ever disrespect the TTS like that again!”






Eric Tyler vs Bryan Holmes


A technical battle that would have gone down as a classic had either man been well known by the HGC audience. Tyler looked to use his veteran instinct to counter any mistakes made by Holmes, but these were few and far between. Holmes went hold for hold with the elder statesmen and began to sneak an advantage thanks to his ability to recover quicker. Tyler found himself in a bit of bother when Holmes looked to apply a tight armbar, but somehow Tyler rolled with the momentum and locked in the Tradition Lift. With nowhere to go, Holmes was forced to surrender.

Eric Tyler defeated Bryan Holmes via submission






Bubb is sitting in a darkened room with his back against the cold stone wall.


Bubb: “You thought it was going to be so easy Rip. You thought you were destined to rule with an iron fist. To lord above all you saw...........You were wrong!”


Bubb runs his tongue across his upper lip before continuing.


Bubb: “I sat......I watched......I waited..........I knew that soon your time would come. You may have Killer wrapped around your finger, but you never had me under control.......I lie down for no mortal. I only answer to the divine power and I have no option but to take you down by whatever means. They call me the Angel of Death and like the warriors of the past I will ensure that your time is at an end. There will be no glory in your defeat......... You will suffer in a structure befitting the callous nature of your demise. You will be begging for mercy by the time I am done with you. Even God himself will not be able to recognise the bloody mess that you will become. So it was prophesised and so it shall come to pass.........


Bubb pauses and turns to a TV monitor where we see the image of a steel cage interspersed with pictures of bloodied combatants who have felt its wrath in the past. Slowly the camera pans back to Bubb.


Bubb: “This satanic structure will become your tomb Rip........Nowhere to run.....nowhere to hide........The Angel of Death will fulfil his prophecy.”


Bubb begins to laugh in his eerily familiar tone as the camera once again returns to the monitor displaying the war ground on which the battle for the world title will be waged.






The Blazing Flames vs The Nation Of Filth


Joey and Teddy fought this match with a renewed vigour. Having been granted an opportunity to get a rematch for the tag team titles that they once wore so proudly; the Flames were two men on a mission. That isn’t to say that The Nation didn’t get in their fair share of offence and disturbing antics. But on this night, it was not meant to be. The Blaze Of Glory crashed into the jaw of Stink which damn near took his head clean off. Teddy Flame dropkicked Grunt off of the apron which allowed Joey to complete the following threecount.

The Blazing Flames defeated The Nation Of Filth via pinfall






Teddy Flame picks up a ringside microphone and re-enters the ring with his brother.


Teddy: “Now first of all we would just like to say thank you to Bryan and Larry for giving us an opportunity to regain our world tag team titles...........We do however, have one additional request...........Now, we have won a match in this little series as have The Vesseys, so why don’t we change the match stipulation to ensure that the winner of this third and final match between our two teams, is without a doubt the better of the two.”


The Flame brothers give each other a little look before Teddy continues.


Teddy: “We have spoken to the HGC board and we can officially announce that the World Tag Team title match at Where Angels Fear To Tread will be a two out of three falls match!”


The crowd cheer in anticipation. Joey and Teddy smile at the response. Joey takes the microphone from his brother.


Joey: “You had better bring your ‘A’ game Vesseys, because we will be taking those tag team titles home with us!”






The Hype vs Mr Lucha


What more can be said about this one other than it was a showcase of lucha libre excellence. Mr Lucha used amazingly slick aerial displays such as tilt-a-world headscissor takedowns, multiple revolution hurricanranas and tornado DDTs. Near fall after near fall, the margin of time to kick out getting shorter and shorter with every attempt. Momentum suddenly swung in the opposite direction when The Hype countered a tornado DDT into a northern lights suplex. The Hype began to let loose with a multitude of kicks that echoed throughout the arena. The Hype looked to follow up with his handspring enzugiri, which he has named Living It Up, but Mr Lucha managed to duck just in time. Lucha shot The Hype off of the ropes and as The Hype rebounded back, Lucha connected with The Master Drop for the pinfall victory.

Mr Lucha defeated The Hype via pinfall






Shane Sneer leads his Corporation down to ringside; all four men looking extremely confident. They eagerly await their opponents. And wait they do.




After several moments, Emma Chase appears at the entranceway, shortly followed by the HGC International champion, Cowboy Ricky Dale. They march halfway down the ramp before halting in their tracks. Both Chase and Dale turn their heads to look back towards the entrance. Here comes the cavalry.




Dean and Dallas McWade; team Brute Force have arrived in HGC. They stand either side of Ricky Dale and nod deliberately before turning their attention to the men standing in the ring. The shock on Craig Prince’s face was evident. He knows about the mountain men from NOTBPW and their multiple run-ins. Emma Chase signals her men into battle and the match begins.




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DallasMcWade.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/DeanMcWade.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/EmmaChase.jpg


http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/CraigPrince.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/BrentHill_alt12.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/JohnAnderson_alt1.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/ShaneSneer.jpg


Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brute Force w/Emma Chase vs Craig Prince & The Machines w/Shane Sneer


The match kicks off with a bang as Ricky Dale makes a beeline for Craig Prince and they begin to brawl with Prince getting the worst of the exchange. Dean and Dallas start clubbing away at The Machines and clear them out of the ring. The match is reset and the bout officially gets underway. The McWades providing the muscle for their side which contrasted nicely with The Machines technical weaponry and the match consequently gelled really quite well. On multiple occasions Ricky Dale was interfered with by all three members of Sneer Corporation as he was working away at one of them. The anger inside him began to boil to the surface and eventually overflowed. Dale jumped out of the ring and grabbed a chair from a front row audience member. The Cowboy let loose, swinging the chair wildly, connecting with anyone associated with Sneer Corporation. Prince had the chair wrapped around his head and it instantly split him open. The referee in disgust called for the disqualification as The Machines dragged Prince backstage. Chase swiftly entered the ring to calm the Cowboy down; The McWades, breathing heavily beside him. Having collected himself, Ricky Dale turns and shakes the hand of both Dean and Dallas as a sign of gratitude.

Craig Prince & The Machines defeated Cowboy Ricky Dale & Brute Force via DQ




http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/RipChord.jpghttp://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/Dread_alt1.jpg w/http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx252/LoNdOn_BeAsT/TEW%20Dynasty/KarenKiller_alt.jpg




Rip Chord & Dread w/Karen Killer vs BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong


A very entertaining match that saw Chord and Bubb kept away from each other for the majority of the bout. Chord and Strong looked to carry the bulk of the work and as one would expect, it was a damn fine showing. Chord using as many underhanded tactics as possible to try and get an advantage of some sort, but to little effect. Strong persisting in keeping Chord under control; Bubb positively rocking on the apron wanting to get at the world champion. After about 14 minutes of action Strong makes a tag to bring BLZ Bubb into the ring to get his hands of Chord. Rip, seeing what was waiting for him turned tail and bolted. All the while Bubb is screaming furiously at him to get him to come back. Chord was having none of it and was subsequently counted out. Dread uses the distraction to jump Strong and they begin to brawl through the crowd and out of sight. Bubb sees this out of the corner of his eye and turns to see the chaos ensue. Chord re-enters the ring looking to catch Bubb off guard. He spins the big man around and looks to connect with the Rip DDT. Bubb sidesteps the attempt and swings Chord around in the air before dropping him with the Hades Bomb. Karen Killer looks on in horror, clasping at her neck brace all the while. Referee Eugene Williams checks on Chord before putting the World Heavyweight title in his hand. Bubb stalks Williams and causes him to flee the ring. The sinister one sees the championship belt lying on the floor. He bends over and picks it up, looking at it as if it were the Holy Grail. A sly smile slowly emerges on the big man’s face and he raises the title high above his head.

BLZ Bubb & Sam Strong defeated Rip Chord & Dread via countout



We are left with the image of Bubb standing over the current World Heavyweight champion. The arena lights have turned a crimson shade of red. The camera fades to black.



Show Rating: B-

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Prediction Results


Bigpapa42: 4/7 - Hello and welcome to the diary friend. Great to see you onboard. Nice solid score sir, long may it continue.


MJStark: 3/7 - Not the best result, but this was your first prediction round so don't feel too bad (welcome to the diary by the way). I don't doubt you will get better with time.


20LEgend: 5/7 - Great going man. Top of the pile up to this point! :)


BHK1978: 3/7 - Is it possible the overall prediction leader is slipping? Tune in next round to find out. :p


Jingo: 4/7 - Another solid score but this round 20LEgend did one better.


pauls07: 4/7 - Welcome to the diary. One of my most accurated predictors in my old GAMMA diary. I wonder how well you will translate to my HGC. If early signs are any indication, you'll do great. :)



Round Result

Congratulations 20LEgend, you have won this round!





1st: BHK1978 = 11


2nd: Stennick = 7


3rd: Jingo = 5


4th: Boltinho = 3


4th: Jaded = 3


5th: 20LEgend = 2


6th: Teh_Showtime = 1


7th: Truth = 0


7th: toeachtheirown = 0


7th: Chikbot = 0


7th: Bigpapa42 = 0


7th: pauls07 = 0


7th: MJStark = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show.

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The Future Is Workrate



HGC was founded and built on the same grounds that made SWF popular way back when (and still to this day). The big focus is on the entertainment aspect of the show, whether that be the characters or the storylines, entertaining the fans in a more verbal manner than that of the aesthetic wrestling itself. When Strong met with Stallings Jr, it should come as no surprise to you that Sam looked at this model and wanted to follow suit.


All the credit in the world to Sam Strong for being one of the best known wrestlers of all time, but his in ring grappling technique is not his selling point. Strong has an intimate knowledge of how to engage a crowd which allows him to take them along for the journey in all of his matches. He has stuck to a basic match principle which sees him utilise few moves, but for every move he uses the believability of the impact is still there. This is thanks to Strong’s opponents as much as it is the man himself, 20 plus years of selling and oftentimes over selling his moves have kept him relevant and dominant for the duration of his career.



Great entertainer to the end


Times are changing as I have stated in the past, now more than ever and I think I know what needs to be done. Our television show and PPVs are being well received by the audience but unfortunately our growth as a company is not increasing at a rate I would like and I believe I know the reason behind it.


A section of our audience will look at what we’re doing and think, “These guys are just replicating the SWF!” The problem with this train of thought is that the SWF is a well established name and we are nowhere near them in that department. In fact, besides Burning Hammer no wrestling organisation is. We need to distinguish ourselves from them. Why watch HGC when SWF have been using the same formula for over two decades. Brand loyalty extends beyond supermarket products; the wrestling industry thrives on support in a similar way.


Now what I have in mind may alienate a few of our fans but I know that it will greatly benefit us in the long run. Over the past couple of months I have noted that the old guard in HGC are near their sell by date as far as in ring work goes and the next generation are what we need to be focussing on. Not a few years down the road, but right now. As you will have noticed, there has been a gradual increase of new faces in the company. Workers which will one day be looked upon as the best in the world at their craft.


This change that I speak of will require time to implement. HGC will soon be known as the company that focuses on workrate in equal measure to entertainment. Give the purists of the wrestling audience something they can enjoy as well. Instead of watching Japanese wrestling alone, HGC will provide solid in-ring wrestling action that will appeal to all demographics of wrestling fandom. We are the company of the future and this is our promise. It won’t be easy, but if anybody can do it, I have faith that the HGC family will be the ones to do so.




- The Perfect One

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 3, April 1997)


HGC will kick off the show with two of the newer roster members when JD Morgan takes on Eric Tyler. Look for a technical display in this one as neither man is particulary known for their brawling tendancies.


Following that will be a tag team match between The Tag Team Specialists and the recently christened Mexican Holy Warriors (Spanish Superfly and Pablo Rodriguez) Are the TTS on a mission of respect, or are they simply annoyed at being overlooked for a world tag team title shot?


The Canadian mountain men, the McWades (Brute Force) will be squaring off against HGC's resident demons in Anger and Spite. Having answered the call of Cowboy Ricky Dale last week, the duo have made it clear that they are in HGC for their own purpose and have seemingly distanced themselves from Chase's Saints. Expect an out and out brawl here.


The following bout will be a first for HGC, an eight man tag team match between the duos of The Nation Of Filth and The Machines against The Blazing Flames and The Vessey Brothers. With both tag team champions and challengers on the same side, will the unity survive or will we see the cohesion short lived?


Two big sluggers will be pitted against each other in the next contest when Dread goes up against the Angel Of Death, BLZ Bubb. Will we see Chord make his presence felt in this one? Can the ring even contain these two monsters?


The main event of the evening will see World Heavyweight champion, Rip Chord go one-on-one with long time rival Sam Strong. We don't doubt that this will be a classic. Be sure to tune in!



Prediction Key


JD Morgan vs Eric Tyler


The Tag Team Specialists vs The Mexican Holy Warriors (Spanish Superfly & Pablo Rodriguez)


Brute Force vs The Demons Of Rage


The Nation Of Filth & The Machines vs The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers


Dread vs BLZ Bubb


Rip Chord vs Sam Strong (non-title)

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JD Morgan vs Eric Tyler


The Tag Team Specialists vs The Mexican Holy Warriors (Spanish Superfly & Pablo Rodriguez)


Brute Force vs The Demons Of Rage


The Nation Of Filth & The Machines vs The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers


Dread vs BLZ Bubb


Rip Chord vs Sam Strong (non-title)

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JD Morgan vs Eric Tyler


The Tag Team Specialists vs The Mexican Holy Warriors (Spanish Superfly & Pablo Rodriguez)


Brute Force vs The Demons Of Rage


The Nation Of Filth & The Machines vs The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers


Dread vs BLZ Bubb


Rip Chord vs Sam Strong (non-title)

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JD Morgan vs Eric Tyler


The Tag Team Specialists vs The Mexican Holy Warriors (Spanish Superfly & Pablo Rodriguez)


Brute Force vs The Demons Of Rage


The Nation Of Filth & The Machines vs The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers


Dread vs BLZ Bubb


Rip Chord vs Sam Strong (non-title)

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JD Morgan vs Eric Tyler

The Tag Team Specialists vs The Mexican Holy Warriors (Spanish Superfly & Pablo Rodriguez)

Brute Force vs The Demons Of Rage

The Nation Of Filth & The Machines vs The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers

Dread vs BLZ Bubb

Rip Chord vs Sam Strong (non-title)

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JD Morgan vs Eric Tyler


The Tag Team Specialists vs The Mexican Holy Warriors (Spanish Superfly & Pablo Rodriguez)


Brute Force vs The Demons Of Rage


The Nation Of Filth & The Machines vs The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers


Dread vs BLZ Bubb


Rip Chord vs Sam Strong (non-title

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday of Week 3, April 1997

The Friedman Building (Mid South)

Attendance: 7,563







Jason Azaria/Kyle Rhodes



A flashy pyrotechnic display opens the show with a bang and the camera proceeds to scan the audience who are cheering as though their lives depended on it. A couple of signs made by audience members are focussed on before we are directed towards the broadcast booth where we see Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes who introduce us to the show.





Karen Killer is sitting on a wooden bench with a brace still secured around her neck, she looks like she is still in a great deal of pain from the Hades Bomb two weeks prior. Rip Chord is angrily pacing back and forth across the room.


Chord: “He thinks he can scare me? ME? I’m the World Heavyweight champion! He can babble on about prophecies and all the voodoo he wants. At the end of the day, I’m the one with championship gold, not HIM!”


Killer: “Calm down Rip, that’s what he wants you to do. He is playing mind games.”


Karen clutches at her neck having adjusted her position too quickly. She grimaces before biting her lip and continuing.


Killer: “I want to get back at BLZ just as much as you do Rip. Look at what he did to me!”


Chord: “I know........I wish I could have done something to help.”


Rip shoots a guilty glance towards Karen who doesn’t react to the previous comment.


Chord: “If he wants to fight in a cage match.....well that’s fine by me. He thinks that the cage will be to his benefit. It won’t. I’m the best professional wrestler of all time so the cage only allows me to further decimate my opponent. Bubb thinks he knows about pain and suffering? He sure as hell will after I get through with him. The Angel of Death will be little more than a humbled wreck!”


Killer looks pleased with how fired up Rip now appears.






JD Morgan vs Eric Tyler


A solid technical display from both men brought back memories of professional wrestling’s earliest days. Counter wrestling at its best; both men looking for mistakes by their opponent. Tyler being the more experienced and wily competitor found an opening and took full advantage. Morgan was working for the same heel hook he used the previous week, but Tyler countered into a jack-knife pin cover and held on tight enough for the full three count.

Eric Tyler defeated JD Morgan via pinfall






The Tag Team Specialists vs The Mexican Holy Warriors


A match that saw the TTS really show their stuff. Bryant and Oxford successfully kept Rodriguez away from Superfly for long spells and used this time to wear the Mexican down. Double team manoeuvres such as suplexes, DDTs and assisted powerslams led to near fall after near fall but the persistent Rodriguez continued to kick out. He eventually managed to tag in Superfly, but he in turn, was soon cut off by Oxford and a running clothesline. Bryant soon followed with a One Shot Drop and that was all she wrote. Was this a message for the tag team champions?

The Tag Team Specialists defeated The Mexican Holy Warriors via pinfall






Brute Force vs The Demons Of Rage


Not pretty. But did anybody expect anything else? Four big hosses going blow for blow and as you can imagine, it got out of hand pretty quickly. Anger and Spite are used to having a pretty big size advantage, but not on this occasion and this clearly did not sit well. After a little over ten minutes, Anger and Spite lured the McWades outside the ring where they proceeded to strike the mountain men with steel chairs in full sight of the referee. Sam Sparrow called for the DQ. Anger and Spite slowly make their way back up the ramp. They look extremely happy with their work. This feeling is short lived however, when Dean and Dallas give chase. The four men brawl backstage and out of sight.

Brute Force defeated The Demons Of Rage by DQ








The Nation Of Filth & The Machines vs The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers


What may have come as a surprise to many, this bout stayed relatively under control for its duration. The Machines using slick technical ground based assaults, The Blazing Flames provided high flying athleticism, The Vesseys providing their unique combination of brawling and mat work and The Nation....well the Nation were also involved, what they added to the match is highly debatable. Maybe their freak value? As the match began to wind down, we were left with Bryan Vessey and Stink. Having just kicked Larry clean out of the ring, Stink began to gesture in a rather unpleasant fashion. Vessey hit a nice belly to back suplex, rolled through and connected with the Vessey Driver. With nobody left to interject. Bryan secured the winning pinfall.

The Blazing Flames & The Vessey Brothers defeated The Nation Of Filth and The Machines via pinfall






We are shown a sheet of mesh fencing, similar to that used as the walls of a steel cage. The sound of metal colliding with metal can be heard. The camera pans to the right where we see BLZ Bubb holding a long chain of steel; swinging it again and again against the meshing.


Bubb snorts before he begins.


Bubb: “You think you’re ready for what awaits you Rip? You think because you’re the champion you are different from all the others? You are made from flesh and bone – bones that can and will be broken and flesh that will be torn from your very being.”


A sinister laugh, the licking of his lips, Bubb continues now facing the camera.


Bubb: “You question if I am ready? Am I ready? You ask the Angel of Death if he is ready for a bloody battle? Rip, I THRIVE ON WAR! I need to smell my own blood; I need to see it poor from others Rip. You say you are the best wrestler of all time, but I can assure you Rip, that you have never encountered someone like me!”


Bubb wraps the steel chain around his fist as he closes in on the camera. He clenches the steel tight before punching himself in the face. Not once, not twice, but over and over again. Swelling is now evident on his right cheek and blood is trickling from his mouth.


Bubb: “Are these the actions of a sane man Rip?”


Blood splatters the camera as he speaks. Bubb is at this point shouting.


Bubb: “You think that you can harm me? Look at what I do to myself Rip! Look at what I am willing to do to ensure that I can get you in the environment that suits me best.......The steel cage is my home! A satanic structure fit for the devil himself! .........Rip, at Where Angels Fear To Tread, this fallen angel will take you to hell!”


Bubb is standing so close to the camera that his breath is fogging the lens. The blood is now flowing from the big man’s mouth. The screen fades to black as HGC goes to commercial.






Killer is resting backstage in the Kill Nation locker room. She is visibly nursing her neck when the door opens. Peter Valentine makes his way over to stand beside Karen; his presence seemingly doing nothing to lift her mood.


Valentine: “Hey Karen........Feeling any better?”


Killer snaps in response.


Killer: “What do you think?”


Valentine: “I guess not......”


Killer: “Don’t mean to be rude Pete, but what do you want?”


Valentine: “Well I was just wondering whether you had managed to get me a PPV match yet?”


Killer: “I’m sorry Pete, but I’ve kind of been preoccupied as of late.”


Valentine: “Well last month I took out Liberty for you, I was thinking that maybe I would be able to get a world title shot soon.....I...”




Valentine is struck from behind which sends him crashing past Karen Killer and into the metal lockers. Liberty follows up his initial assault by jumping all over Valentine with rights and lefts. It takes a couple of minutes for the HGC officials and referees to separate the two. As Liberty is dragged away the camera microphone picks up on him saying, “This isn’t over!”






Dread vs BLZ Bubb


Although not the most technical of competitors, this match went down as the best of the night up until this point. Bubb still wearing the wounds from his earlier self inflicted assault, the blood stained chain dragging behind him to the ring when he emerged. After an intense staredown the match got under way. Dread and BLZ Bubb, two hulking men went punch for punch, kick for kick and everything in between. There were times where a lack of selling hurt the proceedings but not to the point where it dragged the match down as a whole. Dread hit the Dread Bomb on Bubb, but the sinister one managed to kick out just before the three. Likewise, Bubb nailed the Hades bomb on Dread but this was also kicked out of just fractions before Eugene Williams hand reached the mat for a third time. The match slowly turned into a chaotic brawl and both men continued their duel out of the ring. So oblivious were they to what was going on that they were both ultimately counted out.

Dread drew with BLZ Bubb following a double count out






Rip Chord vs Sam Strong


After the incident earlier between Valentine and Liberty, Karen Killer was notable for her absence. This meant that Chord would have to go it alone against long time rival Sam Strong. The match, as expected, wonderful from start to finish. Both Strong and Chord got in their usual routines and manoeuvres including Strong’s infamous hulking up fight back. Strong blocked a punch, connected with his own. He blocked another and again struck with one of his own. Strong had momentum on his side and looked to wind up for the Strong Arm Tactic. Chord ducked at the last second which caused Strong to collide with the turnbuckle, twisting his arm in the process. Rip went to work on the arm for the next few minutes as well as working on his opponent’s neck, no doubt preparing for the Rip Chord DDT. This eventually came to pass but Strong somehow managed to kick out. Chord, annoyed by this looked to set him up for it again only to find Strong counter by wringing the arm before connecting with a short armed Strong Arm Tactic.




Before Strong could capitalise Dread had collided with the ref causing him to hit the canvas hard. Dread proceeded to stomp a hole into Strong for a few moments before heading out through the crowd; arms raised. Chord crawled for the cover but the referee was still down.




The lights dim red, Bubb is in the ring and hits the Hades Bomb on Chord, leaving as quickly as he appeared. As the referee regained his senses, both Strong and Chord are just returning to their feet. Chord slumps against the ropes as Strong closes in. He planned for this and quickly gets a schoolboy rollup. With his feet entangled with the bottom ring rope, Chord secures the winning pinfall.

Rip Chord defeated Sam Strong via pinfall




We are left with the image of Chord clutching his World Heavyweight title to his chest. Exhausted, he struggles to his feet. Strong is sitting in the corner looking dejected, staring at the championship belt he wants so bad. The screen fades to black.



Show Rating: B

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Prediction Results


20LEgend: 3/6 - Not the best score but you are still in with a shout. I think some of the results will have thrown a few people this round.


MJStark: 1/6 - Ouch. I feel for you bud. Like I said, difficult round. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Better luck next round.


BHK1978: 4/6 - Great going man. Especially for this round man! Looks like a winner.


Jingo: 3/6 - Good score Jingo. Solid through and through. Unfortunately BHK1978 got one more this round.


pauls07: 3/6 - Your predictions were similar to a couple of other predictors (which is understandable) but unfortunately the majority were a bit off this time around.



Round Result

Congratulations BHK1978, you have won this round!





1st: BHK1978 = 12


2nd: Stennick = 7


3rd: Jingo = 5


4th: Boltinho = 3


4th: Jaded = 3


5th: 20LEgend = 2


6th: Teh_Showtime = 1


7th: Truth = 0


7th: toeachtheirown = 0


7th: Chikbot = 0


7th: Bigpapa42 = 0


7th: pauls07 = 0


7th: MJStark = 0



Hope everybody enjoyed the show.

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HGC Hollyweird TV (Tuesday of Week 4, April 1997)


The opening match of the night will see the always old school Eric Tyler, take on the young English all rounder, Jack Giedroyc. Will Tyler continue his little winning streak or can the dynamic youngster upset the veteran?


Next up we will see Japanese masked junior heavyweight Dark EAGLE go up against the self proclaimed crown jewel of Sneer Corporation, Craig Prince. Look for an entertaining contest in this one.


The mysterious masked man known as Vengeance will be in singles action following against Paul Steadyfast. Having forced Steadyfast’s old part time bodyguard Giant Redwood from HGC, is Paul looking for a measure of revenge? Will we finally see Vengeance tested?


Sneer Corporation’s resident tag team, The Machines will be in tag action as they team up against the HGC International Champion, Cowboy Ricky Dale and his fellow Saint, Jack Bruce. Shane Sneer has been told that his client Craig Prince will be competing at Where Angels Fear To Tread for the International championship. Can The Machines work over the Cowboy before Sunday?


An interesting pairing will be featured in the next match as one half of the World Tag Team champions, Bryan Vessey will be teaming with one half of the No1 contenders in Joey Flame. They will be taking on Savage Fury. Two big beasts against guys who are used to teaming with their brothers should make for an interesting dynamic.


Dread will take on Liberty in singles action and one has to wonder if Valentine will be keeping an eye on this match.


The main event of the evening will be a non title triple threat match between World Heavyweight champion, Rip Chord, Larry Vessey and Teddy Flame. Three senior roster members all vying to prove they are the best. Karen Killer will once again not be accompanying Chord to ringside because of last weeks incident involving Peter Valentine and Liberty. A big test for the champ tonight.



Predictions Key


Eric Tyler vs Jack Giedroyc


Dark EAGLE vs Craig Prince w/Shane Sneer


Vengeance vs Paul Steadyfast


The Machines w/Shane Sneer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


Bryan Vessey & Joey Flame vs Savage Fury


Dread vs Liberty w/Emma Chase


Rip Chord vs Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame (non title)

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I'm totally sucking at this so far. I tend to third guess these things when second guessing will do :o Ah well, I'll have another go


Eric Tyler vs Jack Giedroyc


Dark EAGLE vs Craig Prince w/Shane Sneer


Vengeance vs Paul Steadyfast


The Machines w/Shane Sneer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase via DQ when Ricky Dale gets a massive beat-down


Bryan Vessey & Joey Flame vs Savage Fury


Dread vs Liberty w/Emma Chase


Rip Chord vs Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame (non title)

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Eric Tyler vs Jack Giedroyc

Dark EAGLE vs Craig Prince w/Shane Sneer

Vengeance vs Paul Steadyfast

The Machines w/Shane Sneer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase

Bryan Vessey & Joey Flame vs Savage Fury

Somehow .. Someway!

Dread vs Liberty w/Emma Chase

Rip Chord vs Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame (non title)

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I'm totally sucking at this so far. I tend to third guess these things when second guessing will do :o Ah well, I'll have another go


Just for you MJ....


<object width="27" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I-SbwCHJ80?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I-SbwCHJ80?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="25" height="27"></embed></object>

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Eric Tyler vs Jack Giedroyc


Dark EAGLE vs Craig Prince w/Shane Sneer


Vengeance vs Paul Steadyfast


The Machines w/Shane Sneer vs Cowboy Ricky Dale & Jack Bruce w/Emma Chase


Bryan Vessey & Joey Flame vs Savage Fury


I really hate to pick the Savage Jobbers to win.


Dread vs Liberty w/Emma Chase


Rip Chord vs Larry Vessey vs Teddy Flame (non title)

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