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The Future of Canadian Wrestling

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Well folks, there’s just a few minutes left of tonight’s special New Year’s Eve 2007 episode of North of the Boarder wrestling. Dan Stone promises he will be down in just a moment with a major announcement and… yes… I think that’s him.


(the lights go dark, the spotlight hits the stage, and down the ramp comes a figure dressed in a business suit, smoking a cigar.)


Well this is odd, folks. We were supposed to be hearing from Dan Stone and instead this stranger is making his way down to the ring. I’ve never seen this man before in my life. He’s entering the ring and asking for a mic. Let’s see what he has to say.


“Good Evening Toronto and all of Canada watching at home, and Happy New Year. My name is Ken Vincent and I’ve done the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the greatest thing ever. I have bought North of the Boarder Wrestling. That’s right, I’m the new owner. This is now my company, and I’ll be making some major changes. You see, I’ve been a fan of wrestling in our great country for my entire life. I remember sitting on Grandpa Vinny’s lap and watching the greats of yesterday go at it in the ring. But all those greats were in the US. Its time that Canada gave the WORLD some legendary wrestling. (crowd cheers). SO I took over the North of the Boarder to make that happen. Only that wasn’t enough. At this time I’d like to call out the person who JUST TODAY made it possible for me to fully achieve my dreams. The man who sold me his company this afternoon so that I could bring professional wrestling from Canada to the global stage. The man who did what was best for his men, his company, and his country. So please, come out here now”


(The music hits as Dan Stone heads to the ring.) I don’t believe this. Dan Stone is walking down to the ring. He’s really sold the company? I don’t believe it.


(Dan starts to enter the ring)

Excuse me? Dan? What are you doing here?


“I thought you just asked me to come down to the ring and help announce to the world that I’ve sold my company to you. And to reassure the fans and the athletes in the back that nothing will change. Its simply a business deal that benefits both and you’ve agreed to keep the history and traditions of this company in tact forever.

Don’t worry; the HISTORY of your former company will stay in tact forever. No one will be changing that. Now the FUTURE, well, that may be a different story.


But I digress. I actually asked for the man who made it possible today for Canadian wrestling to dominate on a global scale to come down to the ring. But For the man who sold me his company just today.


I was that person Kenny


No Dan, you sold me your company yesterday. This man sold me his company today…


(the music hits, and out to the ramp steps….. George DeColt.)


“What! George DeColt is here! How is this possible? What is going on? What kind of stunt did you pull here Kenny?


(all three men are in the ring and Ken shakes the hand of George DeColt. Dan Stone is visibly confused as to the reason for George DeColt being in his NOTB ring)


Thanks for coming out George. *turns to Dan Stone* You see, I bought YOUR company yesterday, Dan. I bought HIS CGC today. And as of about 10 minutes ago, I sold all the assets of both companies to my NEW company, the future dominate force in professional wrestling, my new baby, the Extreme Canadian Wrestling Company, or ECW for short. And our first episode is tomorrow. I expect you and all my new employees to be there. *Kenny Vincent leaves the ring with George DeColt, leaving Dan Stone looking very confused*

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ECW Live, Monday Night, Prime Time from Montreal, CA


(Tommy London)

Welcome to Montreal folks and what appears to be the premier episode of the new Extreme Canadian Wrestling Association. I’m Tommy London here with a new partner, Adrian Garcia, to bring you tonight’s special event.


(Adrian Garcia)

Thanks Tommy. I know we’ve been on opposite sides of the isle in the past, but it appears we’re going to be working together now, and I look forward to the opportunity to join you in bringing the action of this new and exciting company to the people of Canada and all over the world.


(Tommy London)

Yes Adrian, and as you can see, the new owner, Kenneth Michael Vincent, has asked everyone on the roster to meet in the ring for his special announcement. And we’re just waiting for him to make his way out.



But I tell ya Tommy London, that is one special ring right now. Look inside, you have the DeColts, the Stones, Dark Angel, Eddie Chandler, the McWade brothers, the Can-Am Blondes, Dan DaLay, R.K.Hayes, just to name a few.



Yes Adrian, anyone who is anyone in Canadian wrestling is in that ring. But there is one noticeable absence, and that is Dan Stone Sr.


*Kenneth Michael Vincent’s (KMV) music hits and he steps on the entrance stage, wearing his signature designer suit and smoking his trademark Cuban cigar. The Crowd’s reaction is mixed as they’re not sure what to think of him as of yet*



HELLO CANADA! First off, let me welcome everyone in the ring, everyone in the stands, and everyone watching on the CBN to this special, wonderful, historic night in Canadian wrestling. It has been a dream of mine since I was a boy to be a wrestler, but unfortunately I was not blessed with athetic ability. But I was blessed with a keen business sense and that has allowed me to create this new and exciting wrestling promotion. It was a lot of hard work, but as you all look around and see the talent assembled in this ring, its going to be well worth it.


To be the best in the business, we’re going to need the best in the business. Having said that, its quite clear we have some of the best here tonight. But we’re not a company that is going to rest on the success of your past. Not at all. The titles and matches you won with your prior companies was nice, and congrats to you all on those, but as now, none of you are champions, non of you have any wins under your built, and all of you will be spending the next few weeks fighting for your jobs.


That’s right. My first major announcement is that in 4 weeks, the ECW will hold its first ever pay-per-view event, right back here in Montreal! ECW Genesis will be historic for two reasons, first, it will be the first time the new ECW Champion defends his title and second, it will be the final opportunity for wrestlers in this company to prove they are worthy, as any wrestler who has not amassed his first victory after Genesis will be let go. We have a slightly bloated roster now, and if you can’t get one win over the course of the next month, you obviously are not what the ECW is looking for.


And yes, I said first title DEFENSE at Genesis. Gentlemen, here is the ECW Championship Title. A beauty isn’t it…. This title will be awarded right now to the last man standing in that ring to not be thrown over the top rope. Who ever can win the Battle Royal is our new champion. So can I please have all the non wrestlers step out of the ring and make your way back stage. Referees, please stay down at ringside to call this, and Gentlemen, Good luck.


(Commercial Break as the non-wrestlers make their way out of the ring, including the injured Sean McFly)



Folks, we’re back in Montreal and you saw the announcement made by the new owner, the winner of this Battle Royal will be the new ECW Champion and the entire roster is in the ring right now. I think we’re about set…




And we’re off. The action in the ring is instant! There may be too many people in the ring but, oh no, Zeus Maxmillion is the first man to go over the top ropes! He’s obviously disappointed but here comes Gregg Boone and Christian Prince to join him making the walk of shame back to the locker room.


(The action continues until just 12 men remain, they are Dan Stone Jr, Jeremy Stone, Steve, Alex, Jack, and Ricky DeColt, Dan DaLay, Eric Tyler, Dark Angel, Eddie Chandler, and the McWade Brothers.)



Well folks, that was exciting but we’re now down to the final 12 men in the ring.



Yeah Tommy London, this has been one exciting match up to this point. But you have to think that the last 12 in that ring represent the top of the mountain of this new ECW promotion.



Indeed Adrian. And I must say, despite all the chaos, the respective families in the ring seem to be working together. The Stone brothers are currently teaming up battling the McWades while the four DeColt boys have separated Tyler, Dark Angel, and Eddie Chandler and are working them over.



Speaking of working over, Junior is getting ready to toss one of the McWades over the rope and…



NO! Dean comes over at the last minute to insure his brother stays in! But that leaves Dean open and YES! Jeremy stone has just taken out Dean McWade! We’re down to 11. Make it 9 as on the other side of the ring, Dark Angel has eliminated both Ricky and Jack DeColt with a double clothesline over the top rope!


And Jeremy and Junior work on Dallas Mc Wade and… Yes! HE goes over! On the other side of the ring, Alex DeColt is getting worked on by Eric Tyler, and Tyler has him up, he’s pushing on him, but no! Alex manages to slip back in under the ropes to stay alive.



So we have Alex and Steve DeColt, Jeremy and Dan Stone, Dan DaLay, Dark Angel, Eddie Chandler, Eric Tyler, and John Maverick left in the ring. Who is going to be our new champion?!?



I don’t know who it will be but it won’t be John Maverick as he was just ousted by Jeremy Stone. The action continues and OH NO, Dan Stone Jr, was just laid out by Eddie Chandler. He’s down in the middle of the ring not moving. And Jeremy takes exception and whips Chandler over the top ropes!



That’s being your brother’s keeper there Tommy London.



Indeed it is! In the other Corner, Dan DaLay and Eric Tyler are working on removing Alex DeColt from the ring, here comes Steve to save his brother with a massive clothesline but WHOA, DID YOU SEE THAT?



Yes Tommy London, with one move Steve DeColt went to save his brother but knocked all three over the top ropes elminating Eric Tyler, Dan DaLay and Alex DeColt from action.



Yes and Alex is obviously not happy with his brother. In fact he’s got a few words to say to him from the floor.



But he better watch out as here comes the Dark Angel who throws the distracted Steve DeColt from the ring! We are down to the last three! Dark Angel, Jeremy Stone, and the knocked out Dan Stone Jr., who still lies motionless in the center of the ring.



If this is any indication of what to expect from this new ECW, then it’s the best thing to happen to wrestling ever!



You can say that again Tommy London.



I said it once, that’s enough for now. Dan Stone Junior is coming to his senses, only to see his brother being pushed over the ropes. He tries to save him, but no, Dark Angel manages to finish off Jeremy pushing him over and we’re down to two!



One of these men will be our first ever champion Tommy London. And I for one couldn’t be more impressed with the effort either men has given here tonight.



Agreed. The two clash in the middle of the ring, they exchange blows. They grapple and an Irish Whip from Junior sends Dark Angel rebounding off the ropes. Angel dodges the clothes line attempt from Junior and bounces off the ropes again. Heading back towards Junior, and WHOA! Both men clothes line each other in the middle of the ring and both men are down!



This match has gone on over 30 minutes, both men have to be exhausted out there.



Indeed. First to his feet is Junior. And he looks like he wants to finish off Dark Angel here with a high risk maneuver. Junior is heading to the top ropes folks. He appears to want to land his big splash and finish off Dark Angel.



He had better hurry Tommy London. I don’t think Dark Angel is going to stay down long.



NO he’s not Adrian. And before Dan Stone Junior can get to the top of the ropes, Dark Angel catches him on the top and sends him flying out of the ring! We have our first ever champion and it’s DARK ANGEL!



Incredible. Although I can’t figure out what the overconfidant Dan Stone Jr was doing putting himself in a position to be eliminated with a simple push after fighting through the entire roster to get to this point. Overconfidence? ****iness? Either way, we have a new champion in the ECW and his name is Dark Angel. Congrats man!



Dark Angel won in 30:51, the final four also included Dan Stone, Jeremy Stone, and Steve DeColt. With Dan Stone being the final elimination. Dark Angel wins the ECW Championship Title. Overall rating: B


*Cut to commercial*


(We come back to find KMV sitting at his desk on the phone with George DeColt in the seat across from him, KMV is yelling into the phone)


(KMV – into phone)

I said for everyone to be in that ring for my announcement! Where the hell was Dan Stone, Sr.? He’s under contract just like everyone else!....... Well I don’t care. You find him and get him before me NOW! *slams the phone*


George, have you seen Stone Sr.?


(George DeColt)

Not since last night when you broke the news, boss.



Dammit. I want him found and I want him brought before me. When I give an order in this company I expect it to be followed. We just had the most historic event in wrestling take place and I expected him to be there. I expected his support! Somebody find him!


*cut to the ring*


(Ring Announcer)

Ladies and gentlemen, entering the ring now in the first ever qualification match where the winner is guaranteed a contract with the WCW, is Jeremy Stone *crowd cheers* and his opponent is Ryan Powell *boos*


(Tommy London)

Well folks, we have a champion who has a contract, now for the first match to decide the second contract in the WCW will pit two great competitors in a one fall matchup.


(Adrian Garcia)

Yeah Tommy London, this has all the make-ups of a great match. Lets watch as things get underway.





Jeremy Stone def. Ryan Powell in 8:23 by pinfall. Ryan Powell was really off his game tonight. Overall rating: B-


(Tommy London)

Well we have our first two contracts given out. And looks like we have another match up on the way.


(Ring Announcer)

Entering the ring now, the Can-Am Blondes, consisting of Owen Love and the Natural. Their opponents, Trent Shaffer and Whippy the Clown


(Tommy London)

This matchup will be a tough one for all four competitors, it should be interesting who wins this one



Owen Love / The Natural defeated Lee Rivera and Whippy The Clown in 6:03 when Owen Love defeated Lee Rivera by pinfall. Overall Rating: D


* Cut back to KMV’s office where he’s on the phone again



I told you to be here tonight. Why are you not here?..... Don’t give me excuses Dan. You sold me the company and I choose how to run it after that….. I told you I would not destroy the history of your company, and I didn’t. It is still in tact. The future is now with the ECW…. If you’re not here next week YOU”RE FIRED! No better yet, if you’re not here next week, I’ll sue you for everything you have and make the lives of your family a living hell! *SLAMS THE PHONE*


*Cuts to commercial


(Ring Announcer)

This next match is scheduled for one fall and the winners receive a guaranteed contract. Entering the ring first, the team of Eric Tyler, John Maverick, and R.K. Hayes. Their opponents, Shane Nelson, Tim Westbrook, and Trent Shaffer.



Eric Tyler, John Maverick and R.K. Hayes defeated Shane Nelson, Tim Westybrook and Trent Shaffer in 6:55 when John Maverick defeated Shane Nelson by pinfall. The announcing and color gave the match a boost. Overall Rating: D+



* Cut to a locker room with all four DeColt brothers sitting and talking *


(Alex DeColt)

Seriously, Steve, what the hell was that? You too me out of the match. You cost me the title.


(Steve DeColt)

I cost you the match? I was trying to save you brother. And if it wasn’t for you, I’d be champion.


(the two get in each other’s face. Only to have Jack step between them)


(Jack DeColt)

Hey guys, relax. We’ll get another shot, but only after we secure our spot on the roster. We gotta work together to ensure we all have jobs.


(The McWades with Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler walk into the locker room)


(Eddie Chandler)

You four think you’re going to stay in this new company? Doubtful. Ken Vincent has made it clear he wants only the best, because they’re the best, not because their daddy pulls the strings.


(Ricky DeColt jumps up into Eddie’s face)


(Ricky DeColt)

We are the best, and we will make the cut. As for you four, its doubtful.


(Dean McWade)

Well, there is four of us, there are four of you, I’ll speak for me and Dallas when I’d say we’d love to ensure you don’t make the cut this week.


(Steve DeColt)

You want it like that? Fine bring it.


(Dallas, Dean, Eddie and Dan walk away laughing. Steve gets dirty looks from his three brothers)


*Commercial Break*


(Ring Announcer)

This match is scheduled for one fall and is a four-on-four qualifying match. Entering the ring first, is the team of the McWade Brothers, Dan Dalay, and Eddie Chandler *boos around the stadium* And their opponents, the four DeColt Brothers! *crowd cheers*)


(Tommy London)

Well, Adrian, this one has all the makings for a classic.



yes Tommy London. I see no way for the DeColts to win this one.



Well we’ll see as the action is about to start.





And we’re underway.



Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler and Dallas McWade / Dean McWade defeated Alex DeColt, Steve DeColt, Ricky DeColt and Jack DeColt in 6:09 when Eddie Chandler defeated Ricky DeColt by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Ricky DeColt was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The performance of Eddie Chandler stood out as being good. Overall Rating: C

(Tommy London)

Well thanks folks for enjoying this historic night. We look forward to having you join us next week, and until then, may all your matches be winners. Good Night.



SHOW RECAP: 1:30 min Overall rating: C-

1. First promo : C

2. Dark Angel wins battle royal – B

3. Backstage with the boss – C

4. Jeremy Stone def. Ryan Powell – B-

5. Owen Love/The Natural def Lee Riviera/Whippy the clown – D

6. Backstage threat w/ boss – C

7. Eric Tyler, John Maverick, RK Hayes def. Shane Nelson, Tim Westybrook, Trent Shaffer – D+

8. 4v4 Match Setup – C

9. 4v4 match – C

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Fake Wrestling Insider

The inaugural ECW event was held last Monday and 4.639 people were in attendance. The event drew a .50 rating on the CBC. In the event, Dark Angel was crowned the first ever ECW champion, and 11 other wrestlers secured spots with the ECW with wins over their opponents. Kenneth Michael Vincent could not be reached for comment, but sources say he was a bit disappointed with the overall finish to the show, as he was hoping the DeColt main event would put up some better numbers, however he seems to be confidant that the company will succeed.

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(Tommy London)

Welcome tonight wrestling fans to the Hershey Centre in beautiful Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Our first match of the night is a contract match featuring Dan Stone, Jr. and Ryan Powell. We should also be hearing from the new owner, Ken Vincent, and it has been reported that Dan Stone SR is in the building, so we’ll get his response and reason for missing last week’s show.


(Adrian Garcia)

Yeah Tommy London, I’m curious as to why someone as respected as Dan Stone would completely dismiss the orders of his new boss. Complete lack of respect on someone as legendary as Dan Stone.


(Tommy London)

Well, I’m sure he had a good reason. Let’s go to the ring announcer for the first match.


(Ring Announcer)

The next contest is scheduled for one fall and the winner is guaranteed a spot on the ECW roster. First, making his way to the ring, Ryan Powell. His opponent, Dan Stone Jr!


Dan Stone Jr defeated Ryan Powell in 7:46 by pinfall. The performance of Dan Stone Jr stood out as being good. Rating C+(Tommy London)

Excellent win there for Dan Stone, Jr. who now secures his spot on the ECW Roster. Lets go back stage with Farrah Hasketh who is with the ECW Champion.


*cuts to a back stage where Farrah Hasketh is standing with Dark Angel*


(Farrah Hasketh)

Thanks Tommy, I’m here with our ECW Champion Dark Angel. And let me ask you Dark Angel, you have to be impressed with the match you just saw.


(Dark Angel)

Farrah. Farrah. Farrah. Dan Stone the second is no match for me. I took him down last week. I’ll take him down this week. I’ll take him down next week. I’ll take him down any time, any where.


(Farrah Hasketh)

Well Dan Jr. has made it very clear that he feels you win last week for the ECW Championship was a fluke and he wants a shot at your title at Genesis.


(Dark Angel)

Farrah, Farrah, Farrah. Dan Stone the second is no match for me. I took him down last week. I’ll take him down this week. I’ll take him down next week. I’ll take him down any time, any where.


(Farrah Hasketh)

So does that mean if he challenges you at Genesis you’d accept his challenge?


(Dark Angel)

Farrah, Farrah, Farrah. Dan Stone the second is no match for me. I took him down last week. I’ll take him down this week. I’ll take him down next week. I’ll take him down any time, any where.


(Farrah Hasketh)

Ok well thank you for that gripping insight. Tommy, back to you.


*Camera goes back to ringside view*


(Tommy London)

Thanks Farrah. Well, Adrian, you heard it strait from the demon’s mouth. He feels he can take down Dan Stone Jr, any time, anywhere.



Yes, Tommy London, and quite frankly, I think he can. Dark Angel is perhaps the creepiest competitor in the ECW and there’s a reason he’s the first ever champion, because he’s the best.



Only time will tell. But let’s get to our next matchup.


(Ring Announcer)

Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is for a ECW Contract. Out first, the tag team of Ricky DeColt and Jack DeColt. Their opponents, Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson.



Here comes another great matchup for the ECW as Ricky and Jack were defeated last week in a four on four match teaming with the other DeColt brothers against a team consisting of the McWade Brothers, Eddie Chandler, and Dan DeLay. It was only after some ‘underhanded tactics’ was Eddie Chandler able to score the pinfall on Ricky DeColt.



“Underhanded tactics,” Tommy London? I call it intelligence, creativeness, and the willingness to get the job done.


*the match is underway, with the DeColts having the early advantage, a DeColt Slam by Ricky DeColt on Nate Johnson when…


(Tommy London)

That should be about it for this match. Ricky goes for the cover, and One-Two-What is this? Dean and Dallas McWade are at ringside. They have hit Ricky with their patented McWade Wobbler! Jack jumps off Bobby Thomas to save his brother but the referee doesn’t see the McWades who slip under the ring. Jack is irate and arguing with the referee. Behind the action, Nate Johnson tags his partner who slips down for a quick roll up… One – Two – Three! Bobby Thomas pulls the upset pin over Jack DeColt!


Bobby Thomas / Nate Johnson defeated Ricky DeColt and Jack DeColt in 7:46 when Bobby Thomas defeated Jack DeColt by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match we also had Dallas McWade run in and attack Ricky DeColt. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Ricky DeColt is improving in Rumble skills. Ricky DeColt is improving in Technical skills. Rating: D+

(Tommy London)

Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson are celebrating in the ring, but all the focus is on Jack DeColt who is coming to the aid of his brother, Ricky. Jack grabs a chair from under the ring and races towards the McWades. Dean and Dallas want no part of this and jump the barrier over and escape into the crowd. Jack tends to his downed brother but not before the damage is done.


(Adrian Garcia)

Tommy London, that was low down even for me. But the end result doesn’t change, Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson have won and have their ECW contracts while Alex and Jack are still on the outside looking in after two weeks of ECW action.


(Tommy London)

I just can’t believe the referee didn’t see the McWades come and take out Jack like that.



Its all part of the business Tommy London. They have to move on and hope they can secure their place in their next match… Speaking of the next match, lets go to the ring announcer to see what’s next on the card.


(Ring Announcer)

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a four on four qualifying match. Entering the ring now is the four man team consisting of Shane Nelson, Tim Westybrook, Trent Shaffer, and Whippy the Clown. Their opponents are Fate, Harrison Hash, Mighty Cavenagh and Shooter Sean Deeley.



Shane Nelson, Tim Westybrook, Trent Shaffer and Whippy The Clown defeated Fate, Harrison Hash, Mighty Cavanagh and Shooter Sean Deeley in 7:53 when Tim Westybrook defeated Shooter Sean Deeley by pinfall. Mighty Cavanagh seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Shane Nelson is improving in Technical skills. Tim Westybrook is improving in Rumble skills. Tim Westybrook is improving in Technical skills. Trent Shaffer is improving in Rumble skills. Rating: D

*Camera cuts to Kenneth Michael Vincent’s office where he is sitting watching a monitor, when he hears a knock on the door. Opening the door is Dan Stone Sr. The crowd erupts in cheers.



Dan Stone. I’ve been waiting for you. The stunt you pulled last week, you had better have a good excuse.


(Dan Stone Sr.)

I do, Ken. I was debating the future of you with my company.



You’re company? I assure you, this is now MY company. Your company was sold to me legally and outright.



It was sold to you, yes. But with the condition that the history of NOTBPW stay intact and the company live on. You can be assured that I have spoken with my lawyer and he assures me ----



Your lawyers? I’ll tell you what you can do with your lawyers! You sold me your company. Its now mine. And with your company I turned into the future powerhouse in the wrestling business. You should be thanking me and - - -



I sold it to you with the understanding that it would remain and live on.



Do NOT ever interrupt me again, old man. It is only by my good graces that I’m giving you a chance to be here tonight. Now you have two choices. Either get on board or get the hell out. I expect your decision, but know, if you violate our contract with any more of your actions, I will not hesitate to sue you and take back the money I gave you in the first place. Now get the hell out of my office before I change my mind.


*Dan Stone Sr. slams the office door on his way out.


(Ring Announcer)

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a ECW Contract match! Making his way to the ring now is Ed Monton, and his opponent Alysian Scottsfield.



Ed Monton defeated Alysian Scottsfield in 5:45 by pinfall. Ed Monton seemed off his game tonight. Alysian Scottsfield seemed off his game tonight. Ed Monton and Alysian Scottsfield just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Ed Monton is improving in Performance skills. Rating: E+


(Tommy London)

Well Ed Monton has now secured his spot on the ECW Roster. Now three competitors will take on three who have already secured spots in our next match…


(Ring Announcer)

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a three on three match. The first team consists of Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, and R.K. Hayes. Their opponents, Lee Riviera, Gregg Boone, and Christian Pierce.



Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler and R.K. Hayes defeated Lee Rivera, Gregg Boone and Christian Price in 6:50 when Eddie Chandler defeated Gregg Boone by pinfall. R.K. Hayes seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The great performance of Eddie Chandler really stood out.. Hayes is improving in Technical skills. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills. Gregg Boone is improving in Performance skills. Overall: D


*backstage Jeremy Stone is talking to his father who walks off, behind him approaches John Maverick*


(John Maverick)

So I hope you were talking some sense into him


(Jeremy Stone)

What does that mean?


(John Maverick)

I’m sure you know. We all saw the meeting between your dad and the new boss. He needs to check his head and get with the program. This is the best thing to happen to wrestling in years. Why is your father screwing it up?


(Jeremy Stone)

Screwing it up? My dad knows more about this business than anyone else in this building. While growing up I watched him put his blood, sweat, and tears into his company. I sat by as he missed holidays, birthdays, little league games to put his company atop the wrestling scene. And now this new guy comes in and destroys everything he worked for?


*Stone gets into Mavericks face*


(Jeremy Stone)

IF I EVER hear you say anything negative about that legend again, YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME.


*Cuts back to the announcer’s table*


(Johnny London)

Wow. Some strong words between those two back stage. Seems there’s becoming a bit of a riff in the locker room concerning this new promotion. Hopefully things can get resolved quickly.


(Adrian Garcia)

Absolutely, Johnny London. I for one have never been more excited about wrestling in Canada as I am right now.


(Johnny London)

Well, it certainly has taken an interesting twist. But now its time for tonight’s main event.


(Ring Announcer)

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and is the Main Event of the evening. Entering first is the tag team of Steve DeColt and Alex Decolt. Their opponents are Dan DaLay and Eric Tyler.


(Match Recap)

Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt defeated Dan DaLay and Eric Tyler in 13:25 when Alex DeColt defeated Dan DaLay by pinfall. The performance of Steve DeColt stood out as being good. Steve DeColt is improving in Performance skills. Alex DeColt is improving in Technical skills. Overall: C+


*Camera goes off air with the DeColts celebrating their win and subsequent contract with the ECW.


Show Recap:


Overall Rating: Final Rating C-


Dark Match 1: Can Am Blondes def Joe Gilbert/Jesse Gilbert D-

Dark Match 2: Derek Frost/Omar Brown def Grimm Quibble and Harlem Haynes E+

Segment 1 Dan Stone Jr def Ryan Powell C+

Segment 2 HY Interview C+

Segment 3 Bobby Thomas/Nate Johnson def Ricky Decolt/Jack Decolt C+

Segment 4 Angle; Escape through crowd D+

Segment 5 Shane Nelson, Tim Westybrook, Trent Shaffer, Whippy the Clown def Fate, Harrison Hash, Mighty Cavanaugh and Shooter Sean Deeley D

Segment 6 Authority Conflict angle C

Segment 7 Ed Monton def. Alysian Scottsfield E+

Segment 8 Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, and RK Hayes def Lee Rivera, Gregg Boone and Christian Price D

Segment 9 Angle – Workers argue backstage C

Segment 10 Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt def. Dan DaLay and Eric Tyler C+

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Fake Wrestling Insider

The 'new' ECW held its ECW Live to a crowd of 4,411 in the Hershey Centre. The show received a rating of .52 on the CBC. Rumors also are swirling that Alysian Scottsfield has become a bit of a distraction and had gotten a lot of heat from the rest of the lockerroom due to his recent attitude. Our inside sources tell us that the new owner took a fatherly approach with Alysian, who dismissed the entire conversation as a complete waste of time.

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Episode Monday January Week 3, 2008


*The show begins with Dan Stone Jr. in the ring.


(Dan Stone Jr)

There are very few things I am sure of in life. First and foremost, I love my family and would do anything for any of them. Second, is my country. God Bless Canada. Third, I know when someone is ducking me. And Dark Angel, you’re ducking me. You stated that you could beat me anytime, anywhere. Well, its time you prove it. Right here. Right now. Get your painted face down here and prove what you say.


*looks towards the entrance…. Nothing*


Exactly what I thought. You can’t beat me in a one on one match. Its that simple. Now I’m not saying you’re not good, I’m simply saying that I am better. And if you’re too scared to come face me now, I challenge you at Genesis for your title. So come out and accept.


*looks towards the entrance… nothing*


Exactly what I thought. I guess I’ll have to get your attention some other way.


*Dan Stone Jr drops the mic and heads back to the locker room.


(Tommy London)

Well, it seems that Dan Stone Jr has put his challenge out there, Adrian, and Dark Angel failed to answer.


(Adrian Garcia)

Tommy London, you don’t understand the finer points to the Dark Angel. Its not that he didn’t answer Dan Jr, its that he doesn’t feel he’s worthy of being answered. That in itself is an answer.


(Tommy London)

I doubt that, but time will see. Let’s go to the ring announcer…


(Ring Announcer)

Ladies and Gentlemen, our opening match is scheduled for one fall. Heading to the ring now, Ryan Powell, and his opponent, Shane Nelson.


(Tommy London)

This looks like it should be a good matchup. Ryan Powell is fighting still to secure his ECW contract and Shane Nelson is trying to make a push for himself to become a contender. Looking forward to this one.



Ryan Powell defeated Shane Nelson in 4:54 by pinfall. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Rating D+


(Adrian Garcia)

Well, Tommy London, its official. Ryan Powell has secured his contract with the ECW. As was to be expected in that one.


(Tommy London)

Yes, he did secure his future, although that one could have gone either way. Now to the announcer for our next match.


(Ring Announcer)

The next contest is scheduled for one fall and is a three on three match. Entering the ring first is the team of the Can-Am Blondes along with the Mighty Cavanagh. Their opponents, Whippy the Clown, Lee Riviera, and Alysian Scottsfield.


(Tommy London)

This is an interesting matchup. The Can-Am Blondes have secured their spot on the roster, as did Whippy the Clown, but the other three combatants are still fighting for a spot.


(Adrian Garcia)

Yeah, and Alysian Scottsfield is in an odd pairing with Lee Riviera and Whippy in hopes to secure his spot in the roster.



Owen Love, The Natural and Mighty Cavanagh defeated Whippy The Clown, Lee Rivera and Alysian Scottsfield in 5:43 when Mighty Cavanagh defeated Alysian Scottsfield by pinfall. Mighty Cavanagh was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Natural is improving in Technical skills. The Natural is improving in Performance skills. Mighty Cavanagh is improving in Performance skills. Whippy The Clown is improving in Rumble skills. Lee Rivera is improving in Rumble skills. Lee Rivera is improving in Technical skills. Alysian Scottsfield is improving in Flying skills. Overall: D-


(Tommy London)

Well, there’s one more person who can sleep a bit easier now that he’s got a contract.


*Camera cuts to the back office where KMV is exiting his office only to be stopped by Dan Stone Jr.


(Dan Stone Jr.)

Hey boss, got a sec?



Sure, what can I do for you?



I need to talk to you about the situation with Dark Angel. He needs an opponent at Genesis and I want a shot at the title and you’ve yet to name a number one contender for the day.



I am well aware of that. I’m still reviewing the talent we have and making considerations for the big event…. However… There is this issue with your father. He’s ducked my phone calls all week and I don’t know where he stands. Now I have always looked up to your father Dan, and he’d be a great asset to my company, however, his pride is making him ignorant and he’s missing the big picture here. Perhaps if you could persuade him to see things my way, I could make that match happen.



Let me make one thing clear. My father’s decisions are his own. And I fully support his decision, what ever that may be.



Don’t make things harder on yourself Dan. But if you want Dark Angel that bad, perhaps that can be arranged. Tonight, you and your brother, Jeremy, will have a match against Dark Angel and … hmm… Eric Tyler. IF you win, I’ll consider your request and let you know my decision next week.



Oh, we’ll win.


*Cuts back to the ring


(Ring Announcer)

The following singles contest is scheduled for one fall. Making the way to the ring is John Maverick, and his opponent in this contest, Ed Monton.



John Maverick defeated Ed Monton in 6:52 by pinfall. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Ed Monton is improving in Performance skills. Rating: C-


(Ring Announcer)

The next contest is scheduled for one fall and is a tag-team matchup, between the team of RK Hayes and Bobby Thomas and their opponents Tim Westybrook and Trent Shaffer.


(Match Recap)

R.K. Hayes and Bobby Thomas defeated Tim Westybrook and Trent Shaffer in 6:55 when Bobby Thomas defeated Trent Shaffer by pinfall. R.K. Hayes was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills. Rating: D


(Tommy London)

Another great matchup. Now lets go back stage with Farrah Hasketh who’s standing with the McWade brothers.


(Farrah Hasketh)

Thanks Tommy. I’m here with Dean and Dallas McWade, and let me just start out by asking, what caused you to interfere with the match involving Jack and Ricky DeColt last week?


(Dallas McWade)

Farrah, its simple, we hate them.


(Dean McWade)

Yeah, we do, Brother! And we’re the best tag team on the planet.


(Dallas McWade)

Yeah we are, Brother!. And we know they are still searching for their first win.


(Dean McWade)

Yeah we do, Brother! And unless they get that win, they won’t be on the ECW roster.


(Dallsas McWade)

NO they won’t, Brother! And we’re going to make sure, every time they turn around, we’re there.


(Dean McWade)

Yes we will be, Brother! They will NOT be making the ECW roster. HOOOO-RAH!


*Camera back to the ring*


(Ring Announcer)

The following contest is a tag team match and scheduled for one fall, and is for an ECW Contract! Entering the ring first, the team of Harrison Hash and Shooter Sean Deeley. Their opponents, Jack and Ricky DeColt!


(Tommy London)

Well this looks like a great matchup, and you heard the comments from the McWade brothers, so not sure what to expect.


*Prior to the start of the match, the music hits, and down walks Dean McWade. He stares right at the DeColts and makes his way to the announcer’s table.


(Tommy London)

Well this is a surprise. Looks like we’re joined with one half of the McWade brothers for this match. Dean, a pleasure.


(Dean McWade)

A pleasure to be here, HOO RAH! Just coming out to check out the competition. You know, I was talking to our new owner this past week and following Genesis he will be instating the new tag team titles, and I figured I may check out this young team of Shooter Sean and Harrison Hash to see what they can do.


(Tommy London)

Don’t you mean checking out the DeColts?


(Dean McWade)

Why would I check them out? They won’t be on the roster by then. HOO RAH


(Adrian Garcia)

That’s what I love about you Dean, you tell it like it is.


*the match continues for a while, a few instances of Dean standing up to distract the DeColts, with no event.


(Tommy London)

Ohh! There it is folks, Ricky lands his patented DeColt Slam on Shooter Sean, this could be it. But Dean jumps on to the apron! That draws the attention of Randy and the referee… But Jack isn’t going to let Dean be a distraction and chases him through the crowd. OH NO. While distracted, Dallas runs down the entrance with a chair and lands a shot with the chair on the back of the head of Ricky! He then slips out the ring and hides the chair. Always the opportunist, Harrison Hash makes the cover on the downed Ricky DeColt. One-Two-Three! Harrison Hash and Shooter Sean pick up a win, but not without the assist from the McWades.


(Adrian Garcia)

Those McWades were not kidding when they said they’d make sure the DeColts didn’t earn a contract!



Harrison Hash and Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Jack DeColt and Ricky DeColt in 6:34 when Harrison Hash defeated Ricky DeColt by pinfall following interference from Dallas McWade. Ricky DeColt seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Tag Titles storyline has continued with this match. Rating: D


(Ring Announcer)

The following is a tag-team contest scheduled for one fall. Entering the ring first, the team of Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler. And their opponents, Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt.


(Match Recap)

Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler defeated Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt in 7:28 when Eddie Chandler defeated Alex DeColt by pinfall. The announcing quality lifted the match. Eddie Chandler looked good out there. Steve DeColt is improving in Performance skills. Rating: C

*camera goes back stage where KMV is on the phone in his office*



Thanks sweetie, send him in.


*in walks Dan Stone, Sr.*



Dan, I assume you’re here to tell me some good news.


(Dan Stone Sr.)

Well, I’ve thought long and hard over what you said last week. And I do want what is best for wrestling. I take a look at this roster, and it is impressive. I take a look at my family, my friends, my legacy, and know that no matter what, they’ll stay in tact.



Excellent. See, I knew you still had some function left in that old noggin of yours. Now as far as your role, I see you playing a real important role with the company. I see you being a liaison between myself and the fans, using your historic position within the business as a bridge between myself and the fans. Being my personal assistant.


(Dan Stone Sr.)

A Bridge? A personal assistant? Obviously you misunderstood me. Here, let me explain it to you in a way you may understand a bit better.


*Dan Stone Sr. picks up a stapler and in one swift move cracks KMV over the head, instantly dropping the owner, leaving him in the corner, with a bloodied forehead, and walks right out of the office. The Crowd goes crazy!


*Back to the ring


(Tommy London)

OH MY. Did you see that?


(Adrian Garcia)

How could you miss it Tommy London. One has to question the decision process of Dan Stone Sr. and if he’ll be able to withstand the wrath of the new owner following that direct act of defiance.


(Tommy London)

Hopefully we’ll hear more from the two involved, but for now, its time for our main event of the evening.


(Ring Announcer)

The following tag-team match is our main event for the evening and is scheduled for one fall. Entering the ring first, the team of Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone… Their opponents, Eric Tyler and the ECW Champion, Dark Angel.


(Match Recap)

Dan Stone Jr and Jeremy Stone defeated Dark Angel and Eric Tyler in 12:50 when Dan Stone Jr defeated Eric Tyler by pinfall. Dan Stone Jr looked good out there. The Main Event storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Rating: B


Show Recap: Overall C+


Dark: Nate Johnson def. Nathan Black, Omar Brown, and Phillipe LaGrenier - D

1. Angle – D

2. Ryan Powell def Shane Nelson C+

3. Owen Love, Natural, and Mighty Cavanaugh def. Whippy, Lee Rivera, and Alysian Scottsfield D-

4. Angle B-

5. John Maverick def. Ed Monton C-

6. RK Hayes and Bobby Thomas def. Tim Westybrook and Trent Shaffer D

7. Interview D

8. Harrison Hash and Shooter Sean def Decolt Bros D

9. Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler def. Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt C

10. Angle C-

11. Dan Stone Jr and Jeremy Stone def Dark Angel and Eric Tyler B


No specific comments

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Fake Wrestling Insider

By Dickey Dunn (If Dickey Dunn wrote it, it must be true)


Major news coming out of the ECW as they have come to terms with Johnny Bloodstone to join the roster. He is scheduled to start immediately.


In other roster moves, in an effort to “Cut the Fat” the following ECW wrestlers have been given their walking papers


Joe Gilbert

Jesse Gilbert

Phillipe LaGrenier

Harlem Haynes

Nathan Black


Derek Frost

Alysian Scottsfield

Grimm Quibble

Gregg Boone

Emma Bitch

Grace Harper

Melody Cuthill

Roger Rogers

Clarence Garcia

Coach Norman

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(Tommy London)

We welcome you tonight from Queen’s Park Arena in New Westminster, British Columbia. Up first, we have some great tag team action for you.


(Ring Announcer)

Entering the ring first, the challengers, The Franchise, consisting of Ryan Powell and John Maverick, and their opponents, The DeColt Brothers, consisting of brothers Jack and Ricky DeColt.


(Adrian Garcia)

Well Tommy London, this may be the DeColt’s last chance to qualify for the ECW roster. They’ve still not secured their first win and with tonight and Sunday’s Genesis to go, they may find themselves on the outside looking in.


*match continues*


(Tommy London)

Well the drought may be over as Ricky has this one seemingly in hand. They go for the cover and… of course, Dallas and Dean start to make their way down to the ring. That causes Ricky to stop and stare at the McWades. The McWade Brothers lean casually against the apron, cheering for Powell and Maverick. The match continues but the McWades are obviously distracting to the DeColts. They’re just waiting for them to attack. And it looks like this is going to be it. Dean and Dallas both enter the ring with chairs, they swing, and BOTH HIT Ryan Powell! The referee is a bit confused but immediately goes for the bell… he’s disqualified Jack and Ricky DeColt.


(Adrian Garcia)

Wow, what a genius move on the part of the McWades. They knew a DQ would prevent the DeColts from picking up their much needed win.



The Franchise defeated DeColt Brothers in 8:28 when Ricky DeColt was disqualified when Dallas McWade ran in and attacked John Maverick. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Tag Titles storyline has continued with this match. Rating: C-


(Tommy London)

But it doesn’t look like this one is over. The McWades are now focusing their chair assault on the DeColts. They have both the brothers in the ring, taking shot after shot. Someone has got to get out there and help these guys!


(Adrian Garcia)

This is one viscous assault being poured on by Dallas and Dean.


(Tommy London)

OH THE HUMANITY! And they will have some help as Ryan Powell and John Maverick leap back into the ring to land some chair shots of their own – but on Dallas and Dean. Once the McWades realize they’ve been turned on, they scamper out of the ring like too little dogs.


*The lights flicker and Kenneth Michael Vincent appears at the top of the entrance*



Hold on there fellas. Dallas, Dean, its obvious you don’t want the DeColts to receive contracts, and I can respect that. Jack, Ricky, you only have one more night to prove yourselves. Therefore, Sunday night at Genesis, it will be Dallas and Dean McWade taking on Jack and Ricky DeColt in a no-disqualification match, and the match is not only for the contracts of the DeColts, but the winner is guaranteed a spot in the Tag Team Title match to be held at February’s Pay-Per-View spectacular, The Second Coming!


(Tommy London)

Wow, not only a big match for Genesis, but it has major implications on the new PPV announced, The Second Coming.


(Adrian Garcia)

Yeah Tommy London. And speaking of the Tag Team Titles, here’s two teams coming up that have a chance of securing a spot in that title match as well.


(Ring Announcer)

This match is scheduled for one fall and is a tag-team match. Entering the ring first, the team of Shooter Sean Deeley and Harrision Hash, SHOOTING HASH. Their opponents, Lee Riviera and Shane Nelson, YOUTH ENERGY!



Shootin Hash defeated Youth Energy in 6:36 when Harrison Hash defeated Shane Nelson by pinfall. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Rating: D+


(Ring Announcer)

This match is scheduled for one fall and making his way to the ring first, RK Hayes, and his opponent, Tim Westybrook.



R.K. Hayes defeated Tim Westybrook in 6:50 by pinfall. R.K. Hayes and Tim Westybrook just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills. Rating: D-


*Camera goes back to KMV’s office where he is sitting at his desk when Dan Stone Jr. walks in.


(Dan Stone Jr.)

Ken, I just want to say…



I don’t care what you want to say to me. I have nothing to say to you. After what your father did to me last week, you’re luck you still have a job. Its funny you come in here now, as I’m just drafting up the final paperwork to terminate your father. As soon as I sign this paper, he’s no longer an employee of the ECW.



Ken, I really wish you’d reconsider. I know he can be stubborn, but he’s done more for this business than anyone else in the locker room.



Junior, I’m sorry to hear you say that. I have granted you the title match at Genesis, because I know what’s best for the company. But I can’t have our top star being a rogue agent. So I tell you what. You win the title, I’ll give you a chance to save your father’s job. If you lose, he’s gone.



So after I win he’s reinstated?



No, IF you win, I’ll give you a CHANCE to save his job. But you gotta win first. Now get out of my office before I change my mind.


*Cameras back on the ring


(Tommy London)

Well that’s a development, it is now confirmed that at Genesis it WILL be Dan Stone Jr vs Dark Angel for the ECW Championship Title in a one-on-one match.


(Adrian Garcia)

That’ll be a huge matchup. Cant wait to see how Dark Angel dismantles Dan Stone’s title shot and his chance to save his father.


(Tommy London)

Speaking of Can’t-wait-to-see action, this week the ECW was pleased to announce the signing of one of Canada’s top superstars and we’ll get our first look at Johnny Bloodstone up next.


(Ring Announcer)

This match is scheduled for one fall, making his way to the ring first, the ECW’s reining giant, Mighty Cavanaugh. And his opponent, making his ECW debut, Johnny Bloodstone! (Crowd goes wild)



Johnny Bloodstone defeated Mighty Cavanagh in 6:10 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Johnny Bloodstone stood out as being good. Rating: C-


(Tommy London)

What an impressive debut for Johnny Bloodstone over the ECW’s giant, Mighty Cavanaugh.


(Ring Announcer)

The following match is a triple-threat tag team elimination match. First, the team TOO COOL consisting of Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson, second is the Can-Am Blondes, (The Natural and Owen Love) and finally Ed Monton and Trent Shaffer.



Too Cool defeated Ed Monton / Trent Shaffer and Can-Am Blondes in 8:59; the order of elimination was Can-Am Blondes first, and finally Ed Monton / Trent Shaffer. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Ed Monton is improving in Performance skills. The Natural is improving in Technical skills. The Natural is improving in Performance skills. Rating: D

(Ring Announcer)

The following is scheduled for one fall. Entering first, Alex DeColt and his opponent, Eric Tyler



Alex DeColt defeated Eric Tyler in 7:31 by pinfall. Alex DeColt and Eric Tyler don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Rating: C-


Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay are back stage waiting outside KMV’s office. KMV walks up and the two approach.


(Eddie Chandler)

Boss. What’s up with the snub? You’re just giving title shots away? No Love for the EC?


(Dan DaLay)

And I’ve been the most impressive player in the game. There’s no reason why I don’t have a shot at the title.



Tell you what boys, you have the big main event coming up next, the six man tag putting you with Dark Angel and taking on Dan Stone, Jeremy Stone and Steve DeColt. I’ll put you both in singles matches between Jeremy Stone and Steve DeColt at Genesis, you impress me there, you might just find yourselves with a title shot.


*Camera goes back to the ring


(Ring Announcer)

The following six man tag is tonight’s main event. Entering the ring first, the team of Dan Stone Jr, Jeremy Stone, and Steve DeColt. And their opponents, Dan DaLay, Eddie Chandler, and the ECW Champion, Dark Angel!



Dan Stone Jr, Jeremy Stone and Steve DeColt defeated Dark Angel, Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler in 10:28 when Dan Stone Jr defeated Dark Angel by pinfall. Dan Stone Jr looked good out there. The Main Event storyline has continued with this match. Steve DeColt is improving in Rumble skills. Steve DeColt is improving in Performance skills. Rating B-



Rating: C


Pre – Whippy the Clown def. Christian Price, Omar Brown and Zeus Maxmillion – D

1 The Franchise def. DeColt Bros. C-

2 Angle – Rescue E+

3 Shooting Hash def Youth Energy D+

4 RK Hayes def. Tim Westybrook D-

5 Angle – Choice C-

6 Johnny Bloodstone def Mighty Cavanagh C-

7 Too Cool def Ed Monton/Trent Shaffer and Can-Am Blondes D

8 Alex DeColt def Eric Tyler C-

9 Hype Angle C+

10 Main Event B-

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Fake Wrestling Insider

By Dickey Dunn (If Dickey Dunn wrote it, it must be true)


ECW Live was held Monday night to a sold out crowd of 2,000 and received a .51 rating on the CBC.


in other ECW news, it seems that Eric Tyler and RK Hayes have been having some problems backstage. No specific details are available, but the two just seem to not get along.

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Date: January 2008, Sunday, Week 4,

Location: Quebec Stade Uniprix




Steve DeColt v Eddie Chandler




Johnny Bloodstone v. Eric Tyler



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/RyanPowell.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/JohnMaverick.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/BobbyThomas.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/NateJohnson.jpg

The Franchise (Ryan Powell and John Maverick) v Too Cool (Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson)



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/HarrisonHash.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/LeeRivera.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/ShaneNelson.jpg

Shooting Hash (Shooter Sean Deeley and Harrison Hash) v Youth Energy (Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson)



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/AlexDeColt.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/RKHayes.jpg

Alex DeColt v R.K.Hayes



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/JackDeColt.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/RickyDeColt.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DeanMcWade.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DallasMcWade.jpg

DeColt Brothers (Jack and Ricky DeColt) v McWade Brothers (Dean and Dallas McWade)



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/JeremyStone.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DanDaLay.jpg

Jeremy Stone v. Dan DaLay



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DanStoneJr.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DarkAngel.jpg

Dan Stone Jr. vs Dark Angel for the ECW Championship Title

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Date: January 2008, Sunday, Week 4,

Location: Quebec Stade Uniprix




Steve DeColt v Eddie Chandler


Eddie Chandler defeated Steve DeColt in 14:49 by pinfall. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. This match lifted the crowd. Steve DeColt is improving in Performance skills. Rating : B




Johnny Bloodstone v. Eric Tyler


Johnny Bloodstone defeated Eric Tyler in 13:27 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation. Johnny Bloodstone and Eric Tyler have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Performance skills. Rating: B-




http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/RyanPowell.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/JohnMaverick.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/BobbyThomas.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/NateJohnson.jpg

The Franchise (Ryan Powell and John Maverick) v Too Cool (Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson)


The Franchise defeated Too Cool in 12:47 when John Maverick defeated Bobby Thomas by pinfall. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Rating: C-




http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/HarrisonHash.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/LeeRivera.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/ShaneNelson.jpg

Shooting Hash (Shooter Sean Deeley and Harrison Hash) v Youth Energy (Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson)


Shootin Hash defeated Youth Energy in 12:52 when Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Lee Rivera by pinfall. Lee Rivera was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Rating: C-




http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/AlexDeColt.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/RKHayes.jpg

Alex DeColt v R.K.Hayes


R.K. Hayes defeated Alex DeColt in 12:41 by pinfall. Alex DeColt and R.K. Hayes have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. R.K. Hayes is improving in Flying skills. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills. Rating: C+



*Backstage Farrah Hesketh and the McWades


I’m here with the McWade Brothers who are getting ready to go out for their match against the DeColts. Dallas, Dean? Any last minute thoughts?


(Dallas McWade)

Farrah, this is gonna be just like our days back home.


(Dean McWade)

Yeah, Brother. Just like the days back home. We’re gonna take the DeColts and beat them down like a couple wild boars and we’ve got the big spears.


(Dean McWade)

Yeah Brother, the BIG spears! Then we’re gonna have ourselves a big Hog Roast and insure they don’t get their ECW Contracts!


(Dallas McWade)

Yeah Brother, no contracts for them. And then at Second Coming, we’re gonna be the new Tag Team Champions!


(Dean McWade)

Yeah Brother! Champions!


(Dallas McWade)

Yeah Brother! Champions!


(Farrah Hasketh)

Ok. Well Good luck out there, that match is next. Back to you Tommy.



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/JackDeColt.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/RickyDeColt.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DeanMcWade.jpghttp://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DallasMcWade.jpg

DeColt Brothers (Jack and Ricky DeColt) v McWade Brothers (Dean and Dallas McWade)


DeColt Brothers defeated McWade Brothers in 12:35 when Jack DeColt defeated Dallas McWade by pinfall. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Dallas McWade stood out as being good. The Tag Titles storyline has continued with this match. Rating: D



*Jeremy Stone is seen in the locker room hyping himself up for the match



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/JeremyStone.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DanDaLay.jpg

Jeremy Stone v. Dan DaLay


Jeremy Stone defeated Dan DaLay in 15:12 by pinfall. This match lifted the crowd. Rating: B



*A video recap of the events concerning Dark Angel and Dan Stone Jr and Dan Stone Sr. and KMV is shown.



http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DanStoneJr.jpg v http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx128/cwh008/DarkAngel.jpg

Dan Stone Jr. vs Dark Angel for the ECW Championship Title


Dan Stone Jr defeated Dark Angel in 18:03 by pinfall. Dan Stone Jr wins the ECW Championship Title title. The Main Event storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Rating: B+



*Dan Stone Jr. Celebrates in the ring




Overall Rating: B-

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