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TNA is proud to present Slammiversary live Sunday, week 3 of June. Tune in live on PPV to see your favorite TNA wrestlers as they cross the line.


Here is what Director of Authority James Cornette had to say on Tnawrestling.com earlier today about Slammiversary.


Cornette: Seven years strong is what we are. And Sunday, August 22nd, we will be celebrating with all of you. I promise that this is one night no one will soon forget. There will be more surprises in this one night than all of the first seven years in TNA combined. All the titles will be on the line, including TNA's newest title, the TNA Television title. I am also happy to announce the main event for Slammiversary. TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting will defend his title against Brother Ray. Log back on TNAwrestling.com for more matches as they are signed. And don't forget to tune in August 22nd at 8pm live on PPV.



TNA's Slammiversary

quick picks


TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting vs Brother Ray

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Cornette: It has just been signed and the ink is still wet on this folks. TNA Tag Team Champions of the world Beer Money Inc. will defend their titles against number one contenders the Motor City Machineguns. I promised you all the best matches for the biggest night of the year and that's exactly what this is. On top of that, TNA Television Champion AJ Styles has issued an open challenge to anyone in the world of sports. Who will answer the challenge? Well i can tell you this. Someone already has, and they have signed a one night only contract and the contract for the match. This person has wrestled in some of the biggest promotions and has held gold. Will they do it here in TNA? Also, Main Event Mafia's Kurt Angle will face off against Samoa Joe in what promises to be a monster of a match between these two submission specialists.



Special announcement by Beer Money Inc.

Roode: Effective today, Jackie has been released as our manager. At Slammiversary we will introduce our new manager.






quick picks update


TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting vs Brother Ray


TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money Inc. vs Motor City Machineguns


TNA Television Champion AJ Styles vs ???


Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle


Much like other people's dynasties, the winner of the picks will get to decide the name for a new tag team. Isn't prizes a great thing? :) Tie Breaker question 1: Who is AJ Styles opponent?


question 2: Who is the new manager to Beer Money Inc.?

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Oh now you change it!


TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting vs Brother Ray


TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money Inc. vs Motor City Machineguns


TNA Television Champion AJ Styles vs ???


Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle


You can't let champions lose on the first show, unless they are absolutely rubbish.

Tie Breaker Question 1: Jerry Lynn

Tie Break Question 2: Gail Kim, I got this idea as she managed AMW with James Storm and Chris Harris.

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This just in from the office of Jame E. Cornette. TNA X Division champion Suicide will defend his title at Slammiversary against 5 of the top high flyers in the world. We here at TNAwrestling.com caught up with Cornette to get more information on this match and Slammiversary as a whole.


Cornette:That is correct, Suicide will enter a career suicide of a match when he defends the title against six of the best in our business. I can't tell you everyone who is in the match as their contracts don't begin until tomorrow at midnight but i can tell you that Shark Boy and Sheik Abdul Bashir are both in the match. Also, just signed for this Sundays Slammiversary, Jimmy Rave will compete against Jay Lethal. Also signed Main Event Mafia's Booker T and Scott Steiner will square off against L.A.X. Now if you don't mind i have some unfinished business to attend to with something for SLammiversary.




Updated quick picks


TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting vs Brother Ray


TNA World Tag Team Champions Beer Money Inc with ??? vs Motor City Machineguns


TNA Knockout's Champion Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde


TNA Television Champion AJ Styles vs ???


TNA X Division Champion Suicide vs Shark Boy vs Sheik Adbul Bashir vs ??? vs ??? vs ???


Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe


Jay Lethal vs Jimmy Rave


Main Event Mafia's Booker T and Scott Steiner vs L.A.X.


Tie breaker qustion one, who is the mystery opponent for AJ Styles?


question two: Who is Beer Money Inc's new manager?


Winner gets to name a new tag team.


Editors note: i'm finishing up the writing for Slammiversary so hopefully it'll be up by tomorrow the latest.

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Sunday, week 3, June


Live from the Memorial Center in Johnson City, TN


*Dark match*

Eric Young vs Cute Kip


Cute Kip defeated Eric Young in 4:54 by pinfall with a Mississippi Boat Ride.

Rating C


Rhino vs Matt Morgan

Rhino defeated Matt Morgan in 9:55 by pinfall with a Gore.

Rating C+


Jeremy Borash enters the ring and tells fans that just moments TNA will go live on PPV for Slammiversary. So get those signs up and get loud. The cameras will pan everywhere so be ready to be on live tv!



Fireworks go off and the cameras pan around the live and crazy crowd. We then cut to Mike Tenay and Don West who welcome us to the show.


Tenay: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to SLAMMIVERSARY!


West: That's right Tenay. Tonight, James E. Cornette has promised everyone a night to remember. And i for one, must say after seeing the faces out back, i must agree. Tonight will absoluteley be a night to remember.


Tenay: What do you mean Don? What faces out back?


West: I don't want to ruin surprises Tenay. You'll just have to take my word for now.


Speaking of Cornette, his music hits and he makes his way to the ring to a mixed reaction. I guess people just don't like authority in any sport. Cornette climbs in the ring and takes in the crowd for a moment before speaking.


Cornette: Well, what can one say? People didn't think this company would make it one month, never mind one year. Now, Seven years later. Here we are stronger than ever. This fans, is for you. Welcome to Slammiversary. Welcome to your show.


The crowd cheers and starts a TNA chant.


Cornette: I promised you all many surprises tonight and well frankly, i'm here to deliver on that. Tonight is the start of a new era in TNA. Starting tonight, i step down from booking TNA's shows. I cannot be fair to the TNA roster when it comes to booking and being the head of authority. That being said, TNA ownership and myself have been hard at hand in hiring a new booker for TNA. I know i can talk for hours, but there is much action to be had tonight. So let me just get to it, fans of TNA, the new head booker for TNA, Eric Bischoff.


New music to the TNA world starts up and Eric Bischoff arrives in the entrance way with a big smile. He slowly makes his way to the ring shaking hands with fans. He enters the ring and gives Cornette a hug and handshake. Cornette hands Bischoff the mic.


Bischoff: Good evening TNA. Boy am i glad to be here and kick so Vince ass.


Big cheer from the crowd in the house.


Bischoff: But right now, let's start the celebration TNA style, with some great tag team wrestling from the best tag team division today.


Rating C


Main Event Mafia's Booker T and Scott Steiner with Kevin Nash vs L.A.X.


The match ended at 8:38 when Booker T connected with a scissors kick on Homicide. Nash did some great work from the outside keeping L.A.X. busy and not being able to consentrate on the match at hand.


Rating C+


Jimmy Rave vs Jay Lethal


The match ends in a no contest at 6:01 when a figure from the crowd jumps the barricade and levels Rave with a forarm shot from behind. This is followed up by a devastating powerbomb on Lethal. The man then tosses out the ref and grabs a mic.

Rating C+


Mystery man: For those of you who don't me, my name is Sonny Siaki. The only reason you wouldn't know me is because you have just jumped on the TNA ban wagon. The wagon i built with my sweat and tears. My broken body. So that you worthless people could come here and cheer for these people who haven't been here since day one. Well i am sick of it. I'm here to declare war on those who have taken what is mine. Jay Lethal, Jimmy Rave, you two and all your friends will bow down to me and say thank you for what i've built. You will repay what you have taken from me. And for those of you who think i'm nuts, i am not alone. I promise you...


Tenay: Finally here comes security. Ladies and gentlemen. I am sorry for you've just seen and had to listen. I am being told that the production people have cut off his mic.


In the ring Sonny starts nailing security members but the numbers game gets to high and they cuff him and take him away with the help of Johnson City police.


West: I don't get what's happened to him Mike. He was one of the greats that help jump start this promotion.


Tenay: Something must have snapped in him. That's all i can think.

Rating E

(ouch. Why is it games are so against building a new storyline at a PPV)


TNA World Tag Team Championship cage match


Beer Money Inc. vs Motor City MachineGuns


Out first are the champions Beer Money Inc. Roode and Storm stop midway down the entrance way and turn back to the entrance. Out comes their new manager Ted Tibiase. The three shake hands and are all smiles as they head down to the ring.


Beer Money win at 14:43 when Storm nailed Shelley with the 8-second ride. Ted caught Sabin early on in the match and tripped him through the cage. He then tossed in handcuffs to Storm who cuffed Sabin to the cage allowing for almost 10 minutes of two on one good ol fashion Shelley beat down.

Rating B-


TNA Kockout's Championship match


© Awesome Kong vs Taylor Wilde


This was a back and fourth match with Wilde getting a near fall after a crushing swinging DDT. But she couldn't keep Kong down for the three count. Kong finally caught her in mid air and gave her a reverse powerbomb for the victory at 9:48.

Rating C-


For the second time tonight, some new music to TNA fans starts and the camera's pan over to the entrance ramp where a familiar face comes out.


West: That's.....that's Bob Holly from the WWE. What is he doing here in TNA?


Tenay: I don't know but i'm sure we will find out soon enough.


Bob slowly makes his way to the ring taking in the crowds cheers for him. He grabs a mic from the announcer and climbs the stairs into the ring.


Bob: For those of you who don't me, well then TNA has done a good job of keeping you idiots at bay. See, i have wrestled in the greatest promotion for the better part of the last two decades. I have paid my dues wrestling as a nascar driver, (big pop for this from the Tennessee fans), as a no name teaming with the 1-2-3 kid, having to carry that no name drunk Crash and no talent Molly to finally getting my chance as Hardcore Holly. However being put on the most extreme of shows, ECW wasn't enough to control my hardcore wrestling. See, the higher ups consider it hardcore the way i wrestle. I call it wrestling to my fullest. I can't help it if i hit harder, kick harder, finish the match harder than anyone else. So what happens? They fire me. Now i find myself being forced to sign a deal with a second rate promotion like TNA where all i see is former friends who couldn't hack it up north wrestling people like me and no name people trying to get reconized by Vince up North. Well guess what, no one up there in the WWE watches this crap. So good luck getting noticed. But tonight, that changes. I'm here to show Vince he made the mistake of a life time. So anyone back there who wants to make a name for themselves, or hell, stick up for this no name promotion. Come out here and get the ass kicking you won't soon forget.


Abyss' music hits and the monster from the asylum comes down the ramp. He tilts his head as he looks at Bob and climbs the ropes into the ring.


Bob: Look at this, a half wannabe Kane, half chainsaw Charlie. Who the hell are you suppose to be?


Abyss just lets out a scream and begins to crack his knuckles.


Bob: Oh, you can't talk? Just like how Kane started. You guys down here are so 10 years behind the times. Let me guess everyone around here fears you as well right?


Again Abyss just lets out a scream and starts tilting his head yet never letting his eyes off of Bob.


Bob: Well as much as i love this little talk i have better things to do.


Bob goes to leave the ring but Abyss grabs him by the throat. Bob kicks him away and tells him he wants a match, then tonight Abyss gets famous.

Rating E-


Abyss vs Bob Hardcore


The match ended in a double countout at 1:02 as both men went for it right to the outside and took to the locker rooms.

Rating C


tna Television Title match


© AJ Styles vs ???


AJ is in the ring waiting for his opponent when Bischoff's music hits and he makes his way to the entrance ramp.


Bischoff: How is everyone enjoying the show so far? I'm out here simply to introduce to you AJ and all the fans, your opponent for tonight...........Doug Basham.


Doug rushes the ring and gets on AJ quickly. Doug nails AJ with powerful move after powerful move. He finishes off AJ with a coekscrew powerdriver and gets the pinfall for....... just a 2.9 count. AJ somehow kicks out. Doug starts arguing with the ref. This gave AJ enough time to catch Doug with the Styles Clash and the win at 8:33.

Rating C+


The camera's pan around to show all the stars who have come out for the PPV. Freddie Prince Jr, Frank Trigg, and Johnathon Toews were just a few that i saw.

Rating E-


TNA X Division Championship ladder match


©Sudicide vs Shark Boy vs ??? vs ??? vs Sheik Adbul Bashir vs ???



The three already in the ring don't wait for the final competitors but go right at in the ring. And this readers is where i lost control of the match. I couldn't keep up with the action. I can tell you that Tajiri came out to the ring as well as Paul London and Super Crazy. One crazy moment i did catch on my tivo was Super Crazy hitting a mad 720 splash on Shark Boy from the top of the ladder onto three tables on the outsde. The winner was Suicide when he grabbed the title with everyone else laid out cold.

Rating C+


Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle


These two hate each other with passion. A great back and fourth match. Angle began getting the upper hand. He took off his straps and was getting ready to apply the Ankle lock when Frank Trigg jumped the railing and climbed the apron. Angle sees this and turns his attention from Joe to Trigg. The two exchange words and Angle slaps Trigg. Trigg punches Angle back and this causes Angle to studder back and Samoa Joe catches him with a Muscle Buster and the win at 22:46.

Rating B



TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match


©Sting vs Brother Ray


Halfway through the match Sting knocked out the ref while coming off the ropes. It looked to me like he did it on purpose. This gave Booker T the chance to come out. Brother DeVon met him halfway and the two go back and fourth. Steiner makes his way down next and again a friend of Ray's stops the attack. Rhino nails Steiner from behind. Mean while in the ring Sting and Ray are both laid out after a crushing double clothesline. Someone jumps the barrier and climbs to the top rope. This is where i unmuted the action and listened to Tenay call the finish.


Tenay:The man is on the top rope. He is looking around. Wait he is standing on up and pointing to himself.








West: You here that Tenay? The crowd knows who it is. It's MR. PPV right here at our PPV. Rob Van Dam


Tenay: And he flies and lands on Sting with a Frog Splash. Ray crawls over and covers Sting. I can't believe it.


West: RVD gets the ref. But the ref is to dazed. RVD counts one two three.


Tenay: The ref is calling for the bell. Ray did it! Ray did it!


West: We have a new TNA champion folks. I can't believe it. Ray over came the numbers game.


Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the ref has just told me your winner of tonight's main event Brother Ray.


Ray is going crazy in the ring with RVD, Devon and Rhino. He has just defeated Sting.


Borash: Still your champion due to disqualification for hitting the ref, Sting.


Sting grabs the belt and quickly takes off to the back with Booker T and Scott Steiner.

Rating C+


Final Rating C+

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What a night Slammiversary was folks. A night full of surprises. A night full of people debuting in TNA. We even had a an old friend return to TNA last night. Every champion was on their game as well as not one lost their title. Even Sting, despite losing the match was on top of his game as he was smart enough to cheat to retain his title. So with Slammiversary in the past, that can only mean Victory Road is upon us. Tune in later today where Eric Bischoff will announce the main event for Victory Road as well as any other matches he has booked so far. We are also expecting James E. Cornette to fill us in on any news reguarding a new TV deal for TNA. Tune in later today for more on Victory Road from both Eric Bischoff and James E. Cornette.

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Editors notes: First, TheEffect won the challenge. So by all means you get to name a new tag team. I will be sending a message to you with who is in this new tag team. Remember, this is all hush hush. We can't let the fans know these ppl are here. Second, anyone who has requests, complaints, or praise. Don't be afraid to post it. We here at TNA love all of it, good or bad. With that, on to the updates.




From the desk of Eric Bischoff.


Bischoff: After what went down at Slammiversary, i have decided the following for our main event. Sting will in fact defend his title once more. As per rules of TNA, every champion MUST defend their title with in 30 days. Now this isn't to say they won't more than once. However at least once. So until TNA gets a new TV deal, that means at every PPV every champion will be defending their titles. So back to what i was saying, Sting will defend the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Brother Ray. This time, the match will be a no DQ match. And on top of that, if anyone from the Main Event Mafia or any former ECW wrestlers get involved they will face actions from James E. Cornette. Also, since the Main Event Mafia and Ray's friends want to see some action so bad, i have booked the following match as well. Main Event Mafia's Booker T, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash will square off against Brother Devon, Rhino, and Stevie Richards. Also, newly signed Bob Holly will face Abyss once more. However i am still undecided in what sort of match. But it will be hardcore and extreme. More matches to come, i am still feeling the roster out. Thank you all for patience, and remember. Cross the Line!


quick picks


©Sting vs Brother Ray-no dq


Steiner, Booker T, and Nash vs Stevie Richards, Rhino, and Brother Devon


Abyss vs Bob Holly

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©Sting vs Brother Ray


Steiner, Booker T, and Nash vs Stevie Richards, Rhino, and Brother Devon


Abyss vs Bob Holly



It is truly amazing that you think that ungreatful Bob will get whats coming to him. I always thought Abyss lost something when he turned face. I like that Eric is giving Ray a second chance. He did win after all. And i like the fact he is going single for the chance. We shall see.

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It is truly amazing that you think that ungreatful Bob will get whats coming to him. I always thought Abyss lost something when he turned face. I like that Eric is giving Ray a second chance. He did win after all. And i like the fact he is going single for the chance. We shall see.


I just really like Abyss tbh.

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">TNAwrestling.com</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>From the desk of Eric Bischoff</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Bischoff:</span> Just signed and sealed for Victory Road is this new match. It should be an interesting match to say the least. Lethal Consequence will face Regal Dominance. For those of you who don't know who Regal Dominance is, tune into Victory Road and i promise you won't be dissapointed. Also signed for Victory Road, Beer Money Inc. will defend the titles against L.A.X. I am quite glad with how L.A.X. performed despite the numbers game of Main Event Mafia getting the better of them at Slammiverary. TV Champion AJ Styles will defend the title once again on PPV against Sean Waltman. And finally Awesome Kong will defend her title against Roxxi. I am still working on the X Division title match which as soon as i get the paper work done, i will announce it here. </p><p> </p><p>

quick picks update.</p><p> </p><p>

©Sting vs Brother Ray</p><p> </p><p>

Steiner, Booker T, Nash vs Brother Devon, Stevie Richards, Rhino</p><p> </p><p>

©Beer Money Inc. vs L.A.X.</p><p> </p><p>

Abyss vs Bob Holly</p><p> </p><p>

Regal Dominance vs Lethal Consequence</p><p> </p><p>

©Awesome Kong vs Roxxi</p><p> </p><p>

©AJ Styles vs Sean Waltman</p>

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TNA Wrestling


(Editors notes)Well before i go on, there could be spoilers involved here. So beware. As for me, well i have been discussing with Dixie, Jeff, Mr. Cornette, and Mr. Bischoff about our storylines. Dixie, Jeff and I are working very hard about securing a new TV deal. Without one, it is very hard to build any sort of serious storyline. One idea we are considering is returning to the weekly PPVs but that would honestly kill us in my opinion. It is a step back and we have built 12 great PPVs. Internet shows is another option. Sadly it seems we will most likely have to ride this one out. Victory Road will hopefully be a big sucessful event. So that it will slowly build my direction for TNA. What we havew now is Sting and Brother Ray, the debuts of RVD and Bob Holly and lastly Sonny Siaki. But it's been a month and no further movement on them. Hopefully i don't lose fans with this growing issue we are having. WWE is putting on good shows and that is hurting as well.

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©Sting vs Brother Ray


Steiner, Booker T, Nash vs Brother Devon, Stevie Richards, Rhino


©Beer Money Inc. vs L.A.X.


Abyss vs Bob Holly


Regal Dominance vs Lethal Consequence OOC:They will win due to their awesome name ;P


©Awesome Kong vs Roxxi Squishidy Squash Match


©AJ Styles vs Sean Waltman

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