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USPW A Long Road To The Top Of The Mountain

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"Excuse me Sir, we have a visitor for you"


I walked in the room seeing two of the most prominent figures in professional wrestling toda standing in front of me Sam Strong and Shane Sneer.


Sneer gave me a look then hissed "This is my replacement."

Mr. Strong spoke with a soft voice "Shane it's nothing personal but as owner of USPW i have decided we need more of a youth movement as you can see from the list of our roster we've got the stars of yesteryear."


I could see Sneer scanning me head to toe probably thinking what will this guy do that i didn't do.

My heart was beating so fast i couldn't hear Mr. Strong introducing me to Sneer.


Strong said with a firm voice to Shane "This is Daniel Andrews brother of Aaron in TCW he has just graduated from TCW School Of Pro Wrestling but TCW decided not to sign him up."

Sneer snarled at me then spoke to my face "So you weren't good enough for TCW what makes you fit for here your how old... 16"


I barged in totally out of term "18" i then went silent.

Mr Strong spoke softly to me "Son why don't you sit down, Shane your excused."

Shane stormed out the room giving Mr Strong the finger on the way out.


Mr Strong then apologized for Shane's actions he could see i was shaking and quivering in my boots.

Strong said "I have chosen you to be Sneer's sucessor because i have heard about your work in TCW backstage you have been picking up tips from Mr Bryant over there"

I quietly spoke "Yes Mr Strong"


Mr Strong tried to relax me and then set me out to get some rest and to plan some storylines for the upcoming TV recording in two days time.

Just before going to bed i recieved a text which read "It's a long road to the top of the mountain"

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Breaking News</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Shane Sneer has apparently quit working for USPW just one day after losing the book to 18 year old Daniel Andrews from California who has the backing from owner Sam Strong who told us he (Sneer) wasn't happy with the youth movement that will be happening in USPW I wish all the best in his future endevours</p><p> </p><p>

In other news USPW has opened up a development area called NWA Wrestling Foundation where we presume young up and coming stars will go before joining the main roster</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Breaking News</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

New Booker Daniel Andrews has apparently let go of 5 employees:</p><p> </p><p>

Demon Anger 50, best known for teaming with the now retired Demon Spite this firing was not so much of a shock as Anger stated he was planning on retiring within the coming months.</p><p> </p><p>

Peter Valentine 46, best known for being the most hated wrestler on the planet fans may be happy to see Valentine leave the company.</p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA 51, best known for being the easy to cheer for Patriot who never backed down from a fight again not a shock contract termination as much like Anger, Captain USA stated he was going to retire to spend time with his family.</p><p> </p><p>

The Hillbillys, Al 40 and Pete 42 best known for being rather clumsy and sluggish workers in the ring.</p>

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<p>Mr Strong found me walking through the back and pulled me aside <strong>"Listen son before you go out there i don't know why i didn't give you this earlier."</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mr Strong walked off</p><p> </p><p>

It was an envelope that wrote Daniel Andrews on the front I opened it to see two letters the first read:</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sorry to pile this on you but on the back of this letter i have attatched a list of goals i expect to be fulfilled but certain time period, Son i'm not giving you any harder goals than what i gave Sneer good luck Son </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Sam Strong</em></p><p> </p><p>

I flicked over to the backsheet</p><p> </p><p>

The top of the page read <strong>DO NOT THROW AWAY</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Now these are some of the goals i expect you to pass with the next year one major rule is that we must not fall into debt at any point within the next two years.</em></p><p><em>

We must stay in the top 5 of the promotion rankings within the next two years as well.</em></p><p><em>

I want you to push Nicky Champion as i feel he has potential to carry the company in the future so keep his momentum high.</em></p><p><em>

With our youth movement in concern i propose that you make sure anyone you sign has good Selling and Charisma skills and must be able to keep other performers safe in the ring</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Sam Strong</em></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Live from the McGaw Arena in the Tri-State Area</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Prediction Key</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Towers of Power vs The People's Team</p><p>

Nicky Champion vs T-Rex</p><p>

Cherry Bomb and Belle Bryden vs Alicia Strong vs Raven Robinson</p><p>

The Force vs James Justice</p><p>

Enygma vs Tyson Baine</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Live from the McGaw Arena it's USPW American Wrestling</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Dark Matches:</p><p>

Giant Redwood defeated Darryl Devine at 3:35 following a Standing Splash</p><p>

Jumbo Jackson defeated Andre Jones and Java at 10:52 when Jackson pinned Jones following the Jumbo Avalanche</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Main Show</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Towers of Power's music played and they came out looking smug and arrogant.</p><p> </p><p>

Rushmore grabs a mic and before he can even say a word the crowd is booing</p><p>

<em>"Shut Up, now me and Mick here are happy to announce that following the publicized firing of the great Shane Sneer we have found a replacement a man who's name is recognized throught the states he is The Shiek Mustafa."</em></p><p><em>

"But before he comes out we want to say a few words about The Corporation."</em></p><p><em>


Mick takes the mic and then speaks <em>We Are The Corporation the greatest wrestling faction in the world today.</em></p><p><em>

The Sneer Corporation is over but The Corporation has only just begun</em></p><p> </p><p>

Shiek Mustafa comes out in a black suit with a deep bushy beard and his trade mark headwear</p><p>

<em>"Now you people in the audience have seen how the old Corporation dominated this pitiful company to the dismay of you people, we are recruting for world domination we are The Corporation, all of us have a common purpose to dominate"</em></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Caulfield is standing in the back by himself he stares at the camera <em>"Tonight i am throwing out the challenge to Bruce The Giant to face me in the ring, no infact anywhere i don't care if it is in the McGaw Arena in front of these Hardcore American fans or in Boiler Room i wan't you one on one tonight.</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Match 1</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Towers of Pain vs The People's Team</p><p>

For The USPW World Tag Team Titles</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This match was fairly good action with an average amount of heat.</p><p>

At around 8 minutes into the match Freddie Datsun was looking for the Hot Tag from Des Davids as Datsun had taken all the damage from the match.</p><p>

Davids jumped off the apron and then walked over to Shiek Mustafa.</p><p>

Datsun's eyes had bulged open from this he then fired up but was met with a punch from Rushmore to the face, Datsun was irish whipped into the corner where Davids grabbed Datsun's head and held in place while Rushmore ran up and hit the Atomic Boot to the face of Datsun.</p><p>

Your New Tag Champions The Towers Of Pain.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>"Good Work Des you are worthy of joining the Corporation i knew you was worthy since i became the Corporate Manager of this Super Faction now you helped us get the Tag Titles we thank you"</em></p><p>

Des Davids hand is raised by Mustafa which gains a large amount of boos.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Nicky Champion vs T-Rex</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

A fairly one sided match until Champion managed to dodge a spear which lead to Rex's Shoulder colliding with the ring post, from the Champion rolled him up for the 1...2....3. at 11:37</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

A very open match which consisted of good action and good heat as Alicia Strong was tagged in by Robinson while Bryden and Bomb were arguing in the corner about who should win the match (they still thought a tired Robinson was still legal) Strong went up behind Bomb and turned her round hitting her with the Angel Driver, Bryden didn't even bother trying to break up the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

Des Davids is backstage standing in front of The Corporation logo he stares at the camera then rants <em>Freddie Datsun hah don't it feel so sweet the taste of defeat, something that I had taken you away from for so long I carried you and what did you get, Oh Yeah the recoginition being the stronger member of the group, some may call it jelousey i call it a long time in the making.</em></p><p><em>

Mustafa realised that i could be better than what i was while i had these blinded parasites support so Datsun lets see how fast your fall from the top of the top is now i'm gone</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>The Force vs James Justice</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This match suffered as it was not long enough even at 13 and a half minutes it was a fairly good match with suplexes being thrown and lots of counters on show.</p><p>

There was a comotion in the crowd and it was Danny Rushmore he jumped over the barricade and stared at The Force and gave him the keep going it don't want any trouble that was until The Force was thrown out side and behind the referee's back Rushmore came in and delivered a low blow to Justice which the ref saw out of the corner of his eye and disqualified The Force immediatley.</p><p> </p><p>

With Justice down and out in the ring Davids and Muscles came out and joined Rushmore in the beatdown of Justice, Force just stood there and watched Rushmore threw Justice in the corner and Davids grabbed Justice's head while Rushmore ran in with the Atomic Boot.</p><p>

The crowd booed as The Force just walked away confused.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Enygma vs Tyson Baine</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

A solid match with good action turned hardcore when Baine took out Sanchez by throwing Enygma at him, Baine wasted no time getting a steel tube and smashed it round Enygma's head and followed up with the Hades Bomb, Sanchez saw the pin and slowly counted the 3 count.</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Caulfield is walking backstage when Bruce the Giant takes him out from behind with a clothesline he then grabs a chair from the floor and busts Caulfield open with it, he clears a table covered with beverages and picks up Caulfield and grabs him round the throat he looks around to see fans with children looking scared of this Giant, he snifs and slams Caulfield threw the table he then screams in Caulfield's ear <em>"Bruce 1 Caulfield 0"</em> </p><p> </p><p>

The screen slowly fades to black</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Breaking News</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Last nights American Wrestling drew a rating of 0.77</p><p> </p><p>

In other news Andrews has completed the signing of 35 year old Grace Harper she has signed a Pay Per Appearence deal with the company and will be performing under the name Paris Harper</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Breaking News</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Today USPW has released 44 year old Jethro J Jonas better known as Giant Redwood reporters from inside the company are suggesting that he is past his prime and the constant knee injuries are taking there toll on him.</p><p> </p><p>

Daniel Andrews has said how he will appear at American Wrestling tommorow he will adress the fans alongside Sam Strong</p>

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<p>Tommorow's American Wrestling will Feature</p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs Andre Jones © for the USPW Television Title</p><p>

Alicia Strong vs Paris Harper</p><p>

Danny Rushmore vs Freddie Datsun</p><p>

Cherry Bomb vs Belle Bryden</p><p>

The Titans vs James Justice and The Force</p><p>

Enygma vs Nicky Champion</p>

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<p>Darryl Devine vs <strong>Andre Jones © for the USPW Television Title</strong></p><p>

Alicia Strong vs <strong>Paris Harper</strong></p><p>

Danny Rushmore vs<strong> Freddie Datsun</strong></p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb</strong> vs Belle Bryden</p><p>

<strong>The Titans</strong> vs James Justice and The Force</p><p>

<strong>Enygma</strong> vs Nicky Champion</p>

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Live from the Gorski Ballroom it's American Wrestling

Attendance 3,307


Dark Matches:

Des Davids and Jumbo Jackson defeated Savage Fury with a flash pinfall following a distraction from Shiek Mustafa


Match 1


Darryl Devine vs Andre Jones

USPW Television Title Match


Andre Jones really took it to devine with quick arm drags and precision dropkicks until Devine got in a low blow.

This let Devine take control with snap suplexes and some daredevil maneouvers from the top rope, all in all a good match which came to an end when Jones ducked from a clothesline and hit Devine with The Blast From The Past.

USPW Television Title Defence 1.


The Force came down to the ring recieving some boos and some cheers he looked annoyed and fired up and he grabbed a mic


"James Justice! you are messing with my head i had the match won but those Croporationers had to get involved it is your fought you let yourself get beaten down so you could get the win so i stood outside and i thought, i really did,(takes a deep breath) what's the point of explaining why i didn't help you it's because i didn't have anything to gain and that loss is moving me down the list of contenders for the USPW World Heavyweight Championship!)


James Justice's music plays and the crowd erupts he sotrms down to the ring with a mic in hand.


"Force, Force, Force you really think i would lay down for The Corporation to beat me down the way they did, we have to work together tonight against The Titans all this bickering can wait until next week but we need to be on the same page, for now!"


Justice turns his back on Force and walks away, Force looks fired up for there match against The Titans toinght.


There is a graphic showing that "New GM of USPW Daniel Andrews will adress the crowd for the very first time tonight!"


Alicia Strong vs Paris Harper


Alicia Strong lost this match from the second the bell rung, Paris jumped Strong from behind during Alicia's entrance, Harper threw Strong in the ring and the bell was rung.

Harper beatdown Strong in the corner shoving her foot into Strong's throat and letting go just before the 5 count.

Harper signalled for the end stalking Strong then hitting her with The Fisherman Suplex, she lays on Strong 1....2.....3


Harper grabs a mic and says "USPW i am putting you on notice because we will have a new face of the women's division and her name is "Precious" Paris Harper".


The camera goes to the back and there is a blood covered Chris Caulfield laying in the corridor next to a 4x4 covered in barbed wire, he dosen't look like he is even breathing and the camera is quickly shufted away by the paramedics on scene.


Danny Rushmore vs Freddie Datsun


Freddie Datsun comes down to the ring scanning the audiance looking for any Corporation members, not seeing any he walks into the ring.

Rushmore then comes down to the ring with Shiek Mustafa with Mustafa carrying his signiture cane with him.

Datsun is simply over powered by Rushmore at the opening lock-up he is snet into the ropes and on the rebound he is met by Rushmore's elbow to the face.

Rushmore continues to dominate with hefty shots busting Datsun open with blood dripping down the chest of Datsun, Mustafa shouts "Finish Him!"

with that order Des Davids rolls out from underneath the ring with Datsun thrown into the corner Davids got up on the apron and grabbed the head of Datsun, Sanchez immeadietly calls for the bell but that dosen't stop Rushmore hitting the Atomic Boot.


Cherry Bomb vs Belle Bryden


Bomb came out recieving some cheers probably because she stood up to the bully that is Belle Bryden, Bryden dosen't come out to her entrance music but slides into the back of the ring hammering Bomb with a clothesline to the back.

Bryden immeadietly takes control and lets Bomb know abot it taunting whenever she could.

Around 4 minutes into the match the tables turned when Bomb dodged the big boot of Bryden sending Belle over the ropes in the process, Cherry waited for Bryden to get to her feet then she launched herself over the top rope with a Bodypress landing on Bryden.

The two women then started taking the fight into the crowd not noticing that Sanchez is counting Bryden is thrown into the audience by Bomb who follows her.

Sanchez is up to 8...........9...... Bomb notcies and tries to get into the ring in time with no luck the match went to a draw or a double count-out.


We return from a commercial break with Daniel Andrews in the ring he says

"I had planned for tonight to be my big announcement night but i see that will have to wait following the attack by Bruce The Giant on Chris Caulfield".


Bruce storms down to the ring with a shocked face


"Bruce under the law enforcment act named ...... it dosen't matter i hear by suspend you from working in USPW until further notice".

The crowd cheers and 6 policemen with batons enter the ring and take the big man down locking on the handcuffs


"Bruce you are going to spend a lengthly sentance in jail, you alost killed Caulfield he may not be able to wrestle anymore".

Bruce dosen't argue or show any hatered towards Andrews he looks more confused than anything.


The Titans vs The Force and James Justice


The Titan's come out recieving boos from the 3000+ in attendance they looked like they were about to hurt someone intensity was in the eyes of Baine and Rex showed no emotion on his face what so ever he stood there like a statue.

The Force comes down getting a mixed reaction from the audiance much different to what Justice got all cheers.

Rex and Force started off the match, Titan's gained momentum through quick tags and keeping Force in the corner.

This frustrated Justice who looked eager to get in the match, Force managed to make the tag but Justice ran straight into the fist of Baine the Titans cornered Justice for a good 5 minutes not letting him even see The Force on the opposite side of the ring, Rex taunted Force on the other side of the ring to see Justice out of the corner and inches from Forces hand, and in comes The Force taking down Rex with a missile dropkick and then an inhuman scoop slam, Force went down injrured it looked like his legs gave way so he looked to tag in Justice, who looked eager to help, Force stood up and Justice grabbed his hand not to tag him but to slam it into the corner ring post, Baine looked confused as Justice walked up the ramp, the camera shows Justice walking up with the match in the background and you can se Baine delivering the Hades Bomb to Force.


The announcers say that up next there will be a face off between Enygma and Nicky Champion in the main event of tonights American Wrestling.


Enygma vs Nicky Champion


Enygma came out to all cheers as did Champion this was the Irresistable Force facing The People's Champion, two of the biggest names in USPW clashing horns.

Counter for Counter, Armdrag for Armdrag this match had it all it seemed as they were both reading each others minds.

There was respect shown by Enygma to Champion with the quick pinfall attempts and vice-versa, neither man stopped for a breather or left the ring this was all ot action.

Boos suddenly rung throught the arena when Tyson Baine came up to the stage and joined at commentry, disracting Enygma, champion tried to take advantage but Enygma turned it round into the Enygma Variation, Champion held on for half a minute but screaming in pain he had to give up, winner by submission Enygma.


A video tribute is shown of the best moments of Chris Caulfield's USPW career the video is around 5 minutes long and it says at the end "Chris Caulfield Get Well Soon."


Pediction Results

20LEgend 5/6

Thanks for predicting

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Breaking News


Last nights American Wrestling drew a score of 0.95 on Sports America

USPW have complete the signing of Gentleman Jim King the 30yr old from Delaware best known for working in NOTBPW will be competing under the name Lord Henry King


In other news Roger Cage and Jay Chord have rejected approaches from USPW

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