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TNA - A Flash In The Pan

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Since the company’s inception in 2002, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling has had several last ditch attempts at raising the bar. From the arrival of Sting, Kurt Angle and most recently; Hulk Hogan it has always strived to get better. However each attempt seems to fall short of expectations including the arrival of Hulk Hogan.


In the summer of 2010, Dixie Carter gave an innovator the opportunity at steering TNA in the right direction. That opportunity came as Tommy Dreamer brought back some old faces and gave the fans a fun night of entertainment. However the reunion was far from over. TNA decided to run with the ball that Tommy Dreamer had handed over. Thus bringing in a new era of TNA, the era of Professional Wrestling!


Because of the new direction TNA is going however, the company went through an enormous shake up. This caused a twitter gate fiasco in which a fake Hulk Hogan account was set up. Hinting at Hogan relinquishing his powerful position within TNA out of no choice of his own, this is indeed what happened just two weeks later. In search of a new talent to step up and take TNA in its new direction, Carter approached the only man apt enough...


Paul Heyman


What will the future hold for the new head booker of TNA? And what changes will be made within the company? So far the roster and it's changes look as followed:



Amazing Red

Angelina Love

Brian Kendrick

Brother Ray

Brother Devon

Christy Hemme

D’Angelo Dinero

<st1>Dixie</st1> Carter [Owner]

Don West [Manager]




Jay Lethal

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jeremy Borash [Ring Announcer]

Jeremy Buck

Jerry Lynn

Kurt Angle

Max Buck

Mick Foley

Mike Tenay [Commentator]

Mr. Anderson

Paul Heyman [booker/Manager/Personality]

Rob Terry

Rob Van Dam [Kayfabe Injury]


<o></o> <st1>Samoa</st1> Joe

Shannon Moore


Taylor Wilde


Taz [Colour Commentator]

The Sandman

Tommy Dreamer


AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

Chavo Guerrero


Davey Richards

Desmond Wolfe

Douglas Williams

Eric Young


James Storm

Jesse Neal


Lacey Von Erich

Madison Rayne


Matt Morgan




Ric Flair

Robert Roode


Stevie Richards



Velvet Sky



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TNA World Heavyweight

Mr. Anderson


Last Five Champions:

Rob Van Dam

AJ Styles

Kurt Angle [4]

Mick Foley

Sting [2]



TNA X Division

Brian Kendrick


Last Five Champions:

Douglas Williams[2]

Kazarian [4]

Douglas Williams

Amazing Red [2]

Samoa Joe



TNA World Tag Team

Motor City Machine Guns

(Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)


Last Five Champions

The Band

Matt Morgan & Hernandez

British Invasion

Booker T & Scott Steiner

Beer Money Inc. [3]


TNA Womens Knockout

Alissa Flash


Last Five Champions:

Angelina Love [4]

Madison Rayne

Angelina Love [3]

Tara [3]

ODB [2]



TNA Knockouts Tag Team

Taylor Wilde & Hamada

Last Five Champions:

Beautiful People

Awesome Kong & Hamada

Taylor Wilde & Sarita

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<o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" images="" smilies="" redface.gif="" border="0" alt="" title="Embarrassment" smilieid="2" class="inlineimg"></o:smarttagtype> <object height="385" width="640"></object>

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Live From

The Impact Zone, Orlando, FL


Samoa Joe walks out from the back into the lowly lit ambient arena with a microphone in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. He enters the ring in his street clothes to chants from the ruckus crowd. He raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.


Joe: For too long! For too long the Samoan Submission Machine has been held back. Held back by management and held back by “creative” they must have forgotten that this is a WRESTLING company. The number one WRESTLING company in the world, if they want us to be a soap opera they should check out Monday nights!


The fans begin to chant for TNA and We Are Wrestling, meanwhile Joe stands in the centre of the ring smiling nodding his head.


Joe: Four years ago this month TNA debuted the hottest free agent in the wrestling world. No not Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle. The aim? To bring the best in the world to you. The Fans! But in the midst of our battles we had to contend with backwards booking and terrible gimmick matches.


The fans quieten down and Joe raises the microphone again.


Joe: You know what; I came out here with a script from Vince Russo written two weeks ago. Well the new boss in charge told me to go out there and say what I feel. So here it goes. I’m sick of being brought in for three weeks and then getting lost in the mix. So this time, I’m not going anywhere, I’m back and I’m ready to take on the best in the world. No. Not Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy or that other A$$h0le. I’m here to make one challenge, Wolfe. The Samoan Submission Machine against the Pure Wrestling champion of yesteryear; Desmond Wolfe! One on one next week on the Impact Special!


The fans begin to chant as Joe leaves the ring and walks slowly up the entrance ramp.


Amazing Red vs. Eric Young


In a number one contenders match for the X Division title, Eric Young defeated Amazing Red in 7:47 with a wheelbarrow neck breaker.



The third segment of the night comes as we see Jeff Hardy sitting in front of his mirror applying his face paint. In preparation for his main event match against Fortune, Hardy is deep in his pre match rituals. This doesn’t last for long however as we see a shot into the mirror and Hardy is smashed from behind by Stevie Richards and Hardy’s face goes straight into the mirror. Into the shot walks Raven with a menacing grin on his face before bringing a chair to Jeff as he tries to stand up.



Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me


With Brother Ray on commentary he watches The Machine Guns defeat Generation Me with a pin fall following the Cradle Shock. After the match Team 3D, the number one contenders walk down to the ring and offer their hands to the champions. However as the Machine Guns are too suspicious towards 3D and walk out and back up the ramp with their gazes locked on the two Brothers.



The following segment sees Sting standing alone in the ring with a microphone in hand with his red and black face paint masking his face.


Sting: I told you! I told the web of deceit was drowning TNA in a see of despair. First the Stinger is suspended, and then Kevin Nash is kicked out to the gutter. All this in just a month, not to mention the sharp exit of Hulk Hogan and all to bring in some garbage wrestlers with no actual in ring skills. The last good promo on this damn show was my own last week; I ripped Jeff Jarrett a new as…


Before the words left his mouth a familiar song blasts down the PA system and the crowd erupts into cheers.

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<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RbomZGSjd0?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object>

<st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city> begins to speak in a sarcastic tone.


<st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city>: Wah, Wah, Wa-Wah, WAH! Who gives a crap!? The web of deceit, ooo my friends have all been sacked. I’m too old and over the hill, past my prime A$$hole.


Sting: Do you know who you’re talking too kid? I’m a former two time TNA heavyweight champion. Who the hell are you?


<st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city>: Wah-Wah. I’m missssterrrr...<st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city>…wait for it… <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city>!! And you have just met the biggest A$$h0le in this company. Not only that but you’ve just met your opponent for the big 3 hour edition of impact next week!


<st1><st1:city w:st="on">Anderson</st1:city></st1> raises his hand up in the air and the microphone raises into the rafters.



<st1>Tara</st1> vs. Angelina Love ©


<st1>Tara</st1> managed to out wrestle the current TNA Knockouts champion in a hard fought contest. However she picked up the win when an unknown “biker” tried to attack the former aid of Madison Rayne (<st1>Tara</st1>) and attacked the current champion Love.


<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

The next segment shows a video recapping the vicious attack on RVD from a few weeks ago at the hands of Abyss.



Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle<o></o>


In an evenly fought match, Angle picked up the win over the former TNA champion. However the finish came as the lights went out for a second and a video began to play allowing the shadow of Kurt to nail the distracted RVD with the Angle Slam.





After the match, Van Dam gets up shocked at the loss and watches the video that continues to play. On the screen sits Abyss:


The camera cuts to an eerily black room, the only sound heard is the drip, drip, dripping of water. As the water continues a deep and demented laugh begins to slowly get louder and louder. The camera zooms into the corner of the room where we see Abyss sitting rocking back and forth scratching his nails up and down the cement wall. He slowly picks up the one source of light, the solemn lonely candle is held up to his face and he begins to speak.<o></o>


“For too long! For too long have I lived with the memory of the tragedies that befell me as a child! Do you see this!?”


He brings a candle up and shows his scarred body.


“For too long I have had to live in the shadows of society containing my inner demons from the world. But that! That is coming to an end, because when I return to TNA. When I arrive! I will bring forth the wrath of the Abyss.”


He begins to etch away at his arm with a pentagram, it begins to seep blood which slowly falls down his forearm and drips off of his elbow.<o>:p></o>:p>


“Some people think I’m crazy but insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy. Well you know what!? I’m fine; I’m the sanest person in this place.”


He stops speaking and the sound of the dripping water is heard as his voice echoes throughout the room.<o></o>


“Do you hear them? They don’t like you here, you should leave. I don’t want you to get hurt.”


He stops speaking abruptly and listens before moving his head nervously and covers his ears with his hands.


“Pssshh! Get out!”<o></o>


He shouts as he begins to savagely slap himself in the head and again scratching at his forearm.<o></o>


“Death…Destruction…Violence has followed me throughout my life, from getting terrorized and oppressed by Stevie and his skank Daffney to being beaten as a child. If you think I’m scared of anyone in TNA, you’re sadly mistaken. I was beaten, I was tortured and I was destroyed by my father. He failed at everything; he beat a defenceless child with a glass bottle. He was a joke! Ha-ha. You see, Chris Parks died that day but Abyss…Abyss lives on in each and every one of you.


He slowly stops scratching and picks the candle up once again and raises it to his neck, where we see a black chain tied around it. Drip…Drip…<o></o>


“You see, they keep me here. I’m just a prisoner in my own mind. But when I get to TNA, when I leave my inner sanctum, I will not, hold back.


He begins to snarl and jump at the camera but is unable to go anywhere as the chain keeps him back. Getting more and more enraged he suddenly stops. Silence engulfs the room with the water dripping again. Drip…Drip…<o></o>

“They’re coming!”


The camera fades to black.<o></o>



Sabu & Tommy Dreamer vs. Fortune (AJ Styles, Robert Roode & James Storm)



This match was chaotic from the start, with Sabu and Styles kicking it off the match went from inside to the outside and back again. But the ending of the match came as The Sandman entered and evened the scores which caused the match to break down with Flair attacking Dreamer at ringside and everyone using weapons on one another. With the referee finally losing all out control he rang the bell and stopped the match in a none decision. But the carnage spilled over into the next segment.



The final segment of the night came as the two teams continued to brawl and with Flair and Foley on the opposite sides of the ring, the two enter the ring. Both men walk through the chaos around them and Foley picks up a <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>Singapore</st1></st1:country-region> cane and as he does, Flair picks up a steel chair. Both men stair at each other before attempting a swing but they are both pulled apart by the teams and are prevented from coming to blows. The crowd erupt even louder as both men are held back. The camera fades to black and closes the show.



Eric Young def. - Amazing Red - D+

MCMG def. Gen Me - C-

Tara def Angelina Love - C-

Kurt Angle def. Rob Van Dam - C+

EV2.0 vs Fortune - C-

This is the first Impact of September 2010

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TNA Wrestling have today released a special preview of their three hour special edition of Impact. Named Total Impact, TNA have announced that a new face will debut on the show and there will be a huge battle royal for the currently vacant World Heavyweight title.


The card currently stands at:

Angle Invitational:

Kurt Angle vs. ???


Desmond Wolfe vs. Samoa Joe


Raven vs. Jeff Hardy


Fortune vs. EV 2.0


Sting vs. Mr. Anderson


World Heavyweight Title Battle Royal



Predictions Welcomed.

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Live From The Impact Zone,

Orlando, Florida




As the show opens we see Taz standing in the centre of the ring alongside the president of TNA; Dixie Carter. The fans are going wild as they know what is about to happen. Taz raises his hand and begins to speak.


Taz: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to TNA Total Impact! Tonight we are going to rock the wrestling world, we are going to take this industry back to the heights of the 1990’s. You could say we’re going to get a change in attitude.


Dixie Carter: That’s right Taz and tonight is that night, we have the one man that can turn this company around and put on the best show possible. That man, that man is Paul Heyman!

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I’m coming home blasts down the PA system and every single person in the packed out Impact zone stand to attention. The crowd begins to chant “Paul E” and “ECW” after half a minute the most controversial booker in wrestling walks out of the entrance ramp. The crowd explodes and Taz leaves the ring to resume his position on the broadcast table and Heyman slowly struts down the ramp and stops at the start of the rinside area. He turns and looks at the titantron which is lit up with three simple letters. TNA.


Heyman claps as he enters the ring with a widening smile on his face, he takes the microphone from Dixie and begins to speak.


Paul Heyman: When I was asked to come into TNA, I promised myself and I promised Dixie that I was going to take it to the top. Those three letters, three simple letters mean so much to you guys. It means heart, soul and passion! Each and every one of you! And the fans at home have stuck by this company through thick and thin. But I also told Dixie that I would join TNA on three conditions, the first: that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are kicked out of the company and all control is handed over to me!


Dixie smiles and claps as Heyman continues to talk.


Paul Heyman: Second demand, that bitch Vince Russo is gone! No more backwards booking. Number three, a live microphone whenever I see fit!


Dixie Carter: You’ve got it all, no more Hulk, Vince and your microphone is live as we speak.


Paul Heyman: Five years ago, Vince McMahon came up to me and asked me to be apart of a One Night Stand. One night to pay homage to the extreme and the extreme performers of yesteryear and you know what. F’ you Vince, for four years I’ve had to watch you destroy everything I built up over a decade ago. Well tonight, tonight marks a new beginning! TNA is not going to be the new ECW, nothing will be the new ECW. But TNA will become the number one professional wrasslin’ company in the world. No more of Steiner bouncing up and down on a pogo stick during a wrestling match, no more crap on a pole matches and you know what. No more Steel Asylum match!!


The fans begin to cheer for Heyman as he asks for a chair from ringside and takes a seat inside the ring.


Heyman: TNA has assembled the greatest roster within any era of professional wrestling. From RVD, Flair and Foley to the greatest worker of the 21st century: Kurt Angle. From this point on TNA Wrestling WILL:



Heyman walks out of the ring with Dixie and the leave up the ramp.



The next segment of the night shows the Pope taking a seat in the front row of ringside as he prepares to watch the next match. He looks to be deep in concentration as he holds a clip board in hand which is encrusted with crystals in the shape of a cross.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/KurtAngle.jpg vshttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/DaveyRichards.jpg

Kurt Angle vs. Davey Richards

The second match of Kurt Angles invitational sees Angle take on the debuting Davey Richards. It took 14:44 minutes for Angle to seal a victory and he did so in true style by planting him with his Angle slam after an outstanding five German suplexes in quick succession.



The next segment sees a contract signing taking place between the current TNA World Tag Team champions; the Motor City Machine Guns and Team 3D. With a table set up in the middle of the ring with a black cloth draped over it, the Guns sign the contracts but leave the ring almost instantly, not wanting to be attacked by 3D. But as Team 3D sign the contracts the Guns strike and leap from the outside of the ring using the ropes. The springboard into the ring and leg drop Team 3D, sending them crashing simultaneously through the table. However the Guns instantly clear the ring as Jesse Neal runs down to ringside, but he was too late.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/Raven.jpg vs. http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/JeffHardy.jpg

Raven vs. Jeff Hardy

This match saw Raven defeat Hardy in 13:01 minutes via a double interference, with Daffney distract the referee with her “zombie hotness” Stevie Richards struck Jeff with a steel chair. Hardy began to bleed profusely and the referee had to declare Raven the winner after he planted Hardy with his Raven Effect.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg vs.http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/DesmondWolfe2.jpg

Desmond Wolfe drew Samoa Joe

This match saw great back and forth action between the two most promising stars in TNA. However the match was declared as a draw as the 15 minute time limit had been enforced. After the match however Desmond Wolfe challenged Joe to another match with submission only rules. However Joe walked off without answering.



As we come back from the commercial break we see Christy Hemme standing beside Sting.


Christy Hemme: Sting, can I grab a few words before your match with Mr Anderson next?


Sting: Christy, Christy, Christy. That punk Anderson last week said I was over the hill and past my prime. Well I agree, I am over the hill and past my prime, but I’m not the one copying Stinger from 20 years ago. The blonde hair, the attitude, if you’re the trying to be the next somebody you’re going to be another nobody. Anderson, I was cool before cool even knew it was a hot commodity and tonight, well tonight. The Stinger is going to destroy the hopes and aspirations of an *******!


Sting walks out of shot and Christy Hemme hands it over to ringside.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/Sting.jpg vshttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/KenAnderson.jpg

Sting vs. Mr Anderson

This match was a hard fought one, with both men trying their best to put each other over. The finish came as an overconfident Sting tried to taunt to much and Anderson stood up behind him and nail him with his own Scorpion Death Drop. After the match Anderson leaves the ring and an irate Stinger trashes the area outside of it in a fit of rage. Meanwhile Anderson declares himself the winner with a huge grin on his face.


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Fortune drew EV2.0

This match was a full metal mayhem match per request of Sabu and Dreamer, however the match broke down within a couple of minutes. This was a mess of a match and once the referee lost control Kazarian interfered making matters worse. However after the match which was declared a draw, Mick Foley announced that there would be a fourth member of EV2.0 debuting next week and the scores will be settled eventually. Also after the match, Ric Flair confronted Mick Foley but as like last week the two were prevented from coming to blows.


World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal



Alex Shelley, Amazing Red, Bob Holly, Brian Kendrick, Brother Devon, Brother Ray, Chris Sabin, D’Angelo Dinero, Davey Richards, Desmond Wolfe, Douglas Williams, Eric Young, Hernandez, Homicide, Jay Lethal, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, Raven, Rhino, Rob Van Dam, Samoa Joe, Shannon Moore, Stevie Richards, Sting.


In a 30 minute battle royal the fans saw the debut of Bob Holly who eliminated Amazing Red, Shannon Moore and Homicide, in quick succession. Also they got to see the Mr Anderson become World Heavyweight champion as he eliminated the former champion: Rob Van Dam through an interference from Abyss.


After the match Anderson went into the crowd where his wife was standing an slapped the belt over her shoulder before being swamped by fans. The show ends with Anderson amongst the fans.

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TNA Impact Preview:

TNA Wrestling recently announced its next show, and on it features a World Heavyweight title match and a new signing will be debuting. Also announced was the return of a Knockout (the mysterious biker). The card currently looks as followed:


World Heavyweight Title:

Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam


Kurt Angle Invitational:

Kurt Angle vs. ???


The Immaculate Return:

??? vs. Tara


The Return Of A Latin American XChange:

L.A.X vs. Beer Money

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<o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" images="" smilies="" redface.gif="" border="0" alt="" title="Embarrassment" smilieid="2" class="inlineimg"></o:smarttagtype>


TNA Impact! Live From:

Impact Zone, Orlando, Fl

The show opens and in the first shot we see the brand new World Heavyweight champion standing in the ring with the strap over his shoulder. But before he gets the chance to speak, Paul Heyman appears on the screen and begins to speak.


Paul Heyman: Well, well, well. The first TNA World Heavyweight champion of the Heyman era and I’ve got to hand it to you Ken. You are one of the best workers in the whole industry right now. However! Tonight you’ll be making your first title defence against the former champ. His name is Rob Van Dam! I assure you Mr. Anderson that you will be a fighting champion and we’ll see if you really deserve that strap around your waist.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/Homicide.jpg http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/Hernandez.jpgvshttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/RobertRoode.jpghttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/JamesStorm.jpg


L.A.X vs. Beer Money Inc

In their return match, the Latin American XChange defeated the team of James Storm and Robert Roode. But not without the help of EV2.0, the finish came as the referee was blasted with a beer bottle from Storm. This gave the stable an opportunity to interject and beat down on Beer Money. This along with a border toss to the outside to Roode who lands on EV2.0 gave L.A.X the win.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/Sting.jpg http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/ChristyHemme2.jpg


In the next segment we see Sting standing backstage beside Christy Hemme as she is trying to get an interview with him.


Christy Hemme: Welcome to TNA Impact and tonight I have an exclusive interview with the Icon Sting. Sting last week…


Sting: Enough. Sting giving you an interview last week was the one thing that detracted from my pre match rituals. You cost me that match Christy but not this time. This time the Stinger has one thing to say to<st1:city w:st="on"><st1></st1></st1:city> Ken. Last week you may have beat Sting one on one but I want one more shot. One more chance to take on the World Heavyweight champion, one final chance to make a mark on TNA and that is why Sting is challenging Mr. Anderson to a title match at No Surrender. You put your title on the line and I’ll put my career on the line. One final match. One final opportunity!


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/AlissaFlash.jpg http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/Tara2.jpg


Alissa Flash vs. <st1>Tara</st1>

In her impactful return to TNA, the mysterious biker revealed herself as Alissa Flash by attacking <st1>Tara</st1> before the match begins. However the new referee of the Knockouts division; Carly Rae soon took control of the match and it got under way. The finish came as Flash planted <st1>Tara</st1> with her patented Kudo Driver and continued her beat down until she was pulled off by Angelina Love and Velvet Sky who seemed to be united.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/RicFlair.jpg http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/MickFoley.jpg


The next segment sees two of the biggest names in TNA arguing over each others faction. However Foley lucks out and Flair is trapped into accepting a match between Kazarian and Sabu next week on Impact.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg vshttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/KurtAngle.jpg

Chavo Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle<o></o>

With D’Angelo Dinero at ringside for another week, we see Guerrero make his in ring debut against Kurt Angle as a part of his invitational. Despite losing to the Olympic gold medallist Chavo put in an outstanding performance and shook the hand of Angle. However after the match Chavo declared that he didn’t come into TNA to face the likes of Kurt Angle but to take on some of the best Cruiserweight wrestlers in the world. Then he announced a challenge to Doug Williams. However out walked, the number one contender Eric Young and number two contender Brian Kendrick. Both men stand shaking their heads on the entrance ramp.


http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/RobVanDam.jpg vshttp://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/KenAnderson.jpg


Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson

In the main event we saw Mr. Anderson take on Rob Van Dam and the finish of the match came as we saw Rob distracted yet again by an Abyss video package. In it we see Abyss laughing and saying they are coming. This gave <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city> the distraction he needed and planted Van Dam with the Mic Check to pick up the victory and his first title defence. The final shot of the night is <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city> standing in the centre of the ring with the one solemn spotlight on him with his old school microphone in hand

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Thursday night Impact opens with Mr. Anderson standing in the ring for the second week in a row. He has announces that he has accepted the challenge of Sting for No Surrender this Sunday, however he also stated that he doesn’t want the stigma of being the man that retired one of wrestling’s biggest icons. He continues by announcing who his opponent is tonight, the man who he has unfinished business with. The man who made a threat to <st1:city w:st="on">Anderson</st1:city> a year prior; Bob Holly, <st1><st1:city w:st="on">Anderson</st1:city></st1> continues to shoot on the former WWE employee running him into the ground.



Chavo Guerrero vs. Brian Kendrick

Picking up his first win since debuting in TNA, Chavo defeated Kendrick in 8:28 following his Frog Splash after a leg trip from Doug Williams leading into a Gory Special. Chavo left the ring as Williams began to beat down on Brian.



As we come back from commercial we are rushed to the back lot of the Impact zone and we see Jeff Hardy being carted out of the arena. He has what looks to be a spike in his abdomen; however no one was in the vicinity of the attack to witness it.



Alissa Flash & Madison Rayne vs. Tara & Angelina Love

With Carly Rae officiating her second match as a part of TNA’s Knockouts division, we see Alissa Flash & Madison defeat<st1> Tara</st1> and Love in 8:25 following a Rayne Drop into a vicious curb stomp. After the match however Paul Heyman came out from the back and announced that there will be a fatal four way match for the Knockouts title this Sunday.



The next segment was Rob Van Dam, the former World Heavyweight champion challenging Abyss to a match on Sunday. Abyss was quick to walk out onto the ramp for the first time in weeks. However he didn’t come alone, the shadows of three men ignited the big screen behind him. Abyss commanded: “They’re Here!” and the lights went out before cutting to commercial.



<st1:city w:st="on">London</st1:city> Brawling vs. <st1>Samoa</st1> Joe & Jay Lethal

In a match that lasted only 12:46 the team of Magnus & Wolfe defeated Joe & Lethal when Wolfe locked Lethal in his incredible Thames Barrier. After the match however it took the combined efforts of Joe & Magnus to drag Wolfe off of Lethal to break the hold.



James Storm drew Tommy Dreamer<o></o>

With both Flair and Foley sent to the back at the beginning of the match, yet another contest was tainted by the loss of control by the referee. Storm and Dreamer were both disqualified as Fortune and EV2.0 interfered trying to decimate everything in their paths.



As we come back from another commercial the run ins of both Fortune and EV2.0 have both died down into a three on one beat down of Tommy Dreamer. However out from the back runs a familiar face within TNA. The returning Jerry Lynn sprints down to ringside and saves Dreamer from a total annihilation at the hands of Styles, Storm and Roode.



World Heavyweight Championship Match


Bob Holly vs. Mr. Anderson<o></o>

This match had been a year in the making and from the get go it was apparent that Holly was working very stiff. But <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city> gave as good as he got which made for an interesting match that had a great amount of heat. Mr Anderson picked up the victory and his second title defence within 18:05 following his Mic Check.



The final segment of the night came as Mick Foley is seen wandering through the corridors with EV 2.0 behind him. However walking down a joining corridor is Fortune who is led by Flair. The two opposing factions stop and begin a slagging match between one another, but before it could come to blows security intervene. The heated confrontation is the final shot of the night.

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News coming from the wrestling today states that not only Dory Funk Jr. is hanging up his boots but also Hulk Hogan is contemplating a retirement from activity within the industry. Also today marks a new era in Shimmer as Cheerleader Melissa beat Madison Eagles for the title. Can she do the same this sunday at No Surrender?


The No Surrender card currently stands at:

TNA World Tag Team Championships:

Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns ©


TNA Knockouts Championship:

Alissa Flash vs. Angelina Love © vs. Tara vs. Madison Rayne


TNA X Division Championship

Ultimate X

Chavo Guerrero vs. Douglas Williams © vs. Eric Young


Kurt Angle vs. D'Angelo Dinero


World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs. Mr. Anderson ©

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<st1>Samoa </st1>Joe vs. Desmond Wolfe

No Surrender opens with Samoa Joe facing off against Desmond Wolfe with Chelsea and Magnus at ringside. In a submission only match Wolfe picked up the win with his Thames Barrier whilst using the hand of Magnus to add extra leverage and increase the angle on Joes arm. During the match however it looks as though <st1><st1:city w:st="on">Chelsea</st1:city></st1> is fixated with Samoa Joe until her gaze is broken by Magnus a split second before Wolfe turns his glare to her.




Team 3D vs. <st1><st1>Motor</st1> <st1>City </st1></st1>Machine Guns©

Keeping the momentum going we are taken straight into the second match of the night and the first title match; Team 3D against The Motor City Machine Guns. The Machine Guns pick up another title defence when they put Team 3D through a table with a devastating double foot stomp from both of the guns. However with the referee having taken a spill they were not disqualified and picked up and easy pin fall to seal the deal. After the match however as Team 3D came too, the Guns were out of the ring in flash only enraging 3D even more.




Alissa Flash vs. <st1>Tara</st1> vs. Angelina Love© vs. Madison Rayne

This match sees two former champions and the current reigning and defending champion in Love take on each other and the returning Alissa Flash (the current Shimmer champion). The start of the match was already shrouded in controversy as Flash entered the ring with her Shimmer Championship to the dismay of the other three ladies. The lack of respect shown by Flash was immediately retaliated against by the veteran Tara who left a bright red hand print on the face of Flash within the opening seconds.

However the ending of the match came as Madison Rayne was brawling with Angelina Love and <st1>Tara</st1> on the outside until Alissa Flash uncharacteristically leaped from the top rope to the outside. She flattened all three of the ladies before rolling Madison Rayne into the ring and planted her with the Kudo Driver. After the match Flash fell to her knees overwhelmed with emotion, however Love and <st1>Tara</st1> made their way into the ring but before they could get a hold of Flash she was out of the ring and half way up the ramp.



Abyss vs. Rob Van Dam

The fourth match of the night came as Rob Van Dam took on Abyss, but it was over as quick as it had started. Abyss had dominated from the outset, the thought of an impending attack was fresh on the mind of Rob. He fears weren’t unfounded as the referee was knocked out by an outsider. A mysterious figure in a leather jacket, jeans and a black baseball cap jumps the ring and attacks Van Dam instantly knocking him out. The attack continues for a minute or two until the blood drips down his face and onto the canvas. Abyss shakes the referee before pinning Van Dam and picks up the win with ease.


After the match however another young talent sprints into the ring and fakes an attack on Abyss, only to smash Van Dam over the head with a steel chair. The lights go out however and reignite in a deep bloody red only to have one man standing on the entrance ramp with only Van Dam in the ring. Behind the man on the ramp are three shadows on the screen, he shouts at Van Dam and the crowd “We’re Here!” Before turning around and walking off.




Brian Kendrick vs. Doug Williams© vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Eric Young

In a match for the X Division championship being contested on the high wires of the Ultimate X match, Brian Kendrick picked up the win. Some of the high spots of the match came as Williams locked Guerrero in an unsavoury figure four leg lock through the scaffolding above the ring. The match also saw Young cement his heel status with a pile driver to Williams on the concrete around ringside which gained a harsh reaction from Taz on commentary. The finish came as Guerrero took the highest spot with a spill from the wires down through two tables in the centre of the ring, allowing Kendrick to grab the title.


The next segment brings the “Naitch” onto the screen set as he shoots on Mick Foley saying even in his prime he couldn’t dance in the ring with the 16 time world heavyweight champion. But he also says that if Fortune wins tonight then the war has only just begun and at Bound for Glory, Fortune will reign supreme in TNA.





One of the most hotly anticipated match ups of the night sees Fortune take on EV2.0, throughout the match the opposing managers of both teams had heated confrontations which were constantly broken by a member of each team. Jerry Lynn put in the performance of the match alongside AJ Styles who was on his A game but made the fans wonder why he isn’t in the World Title mix. The worst performer in the match was The Sandman who was sluggish and just could mesh with anyone on the opposing team. To save the match, he was kept out of the in ring action for the majority of it. Fortune picked up the win and Flair finally got his hands on Foley, destroying him with multiple chair shots.


Before his invitational match we see a highlight of Kurt Angles best matches within TNA. He takes to the microphone with an emotional speech about the last 4 years in TNA. However he also says that the time is drawing near for him to retire from active competition. From the back walks his opponent for tonight’s match and tell Kurt Angle that he is the reason the Pope is in the wrestling business and that he is the biggest legend he has ever stepped into the ring with. Kurt smiles and announces to the world that if he cannot earn a title shot for Bound for Glory, then he will hang his boots up in his final match on the 10.10.2010.



Kurt Angle vs. D’Angelo Dinero

Kurt Angle managed to pull out the win in a 23:45 match and earned a whole host of chants from the crowd. From “This is Awesome” to “Thank You Kurt” chants. The match finish came a he made the Pope tap out with his ankle lock with the grapevine to his leg. Kurt offered his hand of respect to Dinero and its accepted before he leaves the ring and gives Dinero a chance to take in the hottest reaction of the night.



We come back from a highlight package of the previous match and we see <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city> watching the monitor backstage with Christy Hemme by his side holding a microphone.


Mr. Anderson: Did you see that? Christy, did you just see that? Kurt Angle wants a shot at my title, he wants to take on the biggest a$$hole in TNA for one last time? Now that, that is a stigma that I want. To retire the greatest wrestling figure of the naughties. So that’s the biggest star of the eighties and the naughties in two consecutive months…right?


Christy Hemme: That is, if you can beat the Icon Sting tonight…


Mr. Anderson: If I can beat him? I am the reigning and defending World Heavyweight champion, in the last two weeks I’ve beaten both Rob Van Dam and Bob Holly in two. Yeah, two successful title defences. Not too mention winning this belt, I went through 24 other men to win this strap! Who will beat Sting tonight Christy?


Christy Hemme: You will Ken?


Mr. Anderson: Christy, Christy Christy. Mister…Anderson……<st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city>! Will beat Sting tonight and retain my gold.




Mr. Anderson vs. Sting

In the highest rated match of the night, Mr. Anderson (the reigning champion) defeated Sting in 17:39. The match finish came as Sting attempted a sharpshooter submission which was countered into an ankle lock by Mr. Anderson. This brought a ruckus applaud from the crowd and <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Anderson</st1></st1:city> did the Angle taunt before attempting an Angle Slam. He failed at the attempt and instead dropped Sting with the Mic Check. <st1><st1:city w:st="on">Anderson</st1:city></st1>’s homage to Kurt came as a surprise to the crowd and was met with great reaction.




After the match celebrations are over, <st1><st1:city w:st="on">Anderson</st1:city></st1> re enters the ring and Angles music blasts down the PA system and out he walks to the ring. All three men stand staring at each other as Sting gets to his feet.

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TNA Impact Live From

Impact Zone, Orlando, Fl



We start the show at the announcers table where they recap last Sundays No Surrender pay per view and tell the fans that due to family issues, Mr. Anderson would not be competing. However they do talk to him via telephone and he announces that he wants to prove he can beat the best in the world and to do so he is offering a wild card spot in the main event of Bound for Glory. The only stipulation is that the challenger has to be a former champion, not saying what title left it open for speculation.



Next up was an interesting confrontation between booker Paul E. and Kurt Angle. Following the challenge made by Angle last week, Paul said he could have his main event match for the title at Bound for Glory. However he also stated that he would have to survive every match before then and should he lose he would lose his place in that main event. To start Angle on his road to Bound for Glory, Heyman announced Angle would have to face the two men he’d beaten during his invitational: Davey Richards and Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a handicap match.



Before her match against Alissa Flash, Angelina Love made her way onto the ramp and demanded that Flash apologises for her lack of respect shown last week. One for her lack of respect she has for the TNA Knockouts title and for the division as a whole. However standing in the ring with a microphone was Flash and she demanded a replay of her emotion shown after winning the title from Love. She stated that if she didn’t have respect for the belt would she have been that overwhelmed. Also she condemned Love and the Knockouts for their “Barbie looks and cookie cutter moves” and there was no originality in TNA anymore. Afterwards Flash slammed the knockouts belt to the canvas and took off her jacket ready for action.



Alissa Flash vs. Angelina Love

During the match we had <st1>Tara</st1> walk out to ringside and scout the new champion as she made short work of Love. In a match that lasted a mere 7 minutes, Flash defeated Love with an inverted cloverleaf, using the ropes for leverage. The air of c0ckiness around Flash told a different story as she spat on the back of Love before leaving the ring with both titles draped over her shoulders.



When we come back from the commercial we see Desmond Wolfe standing in the ring which is clad in the Union Jack. He is sat behind a table with an object covered in black cloth on top of it. He begins to speak but as he does, the fans begin a <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>USA</st1></st1:country-region> chant:


Desmond Wolfe: Yes, <st1><st1:country-region w:st="on">USA</st1:country-region></st1>. The <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>United States of America</st1></st1:country-region>. The American Dream. <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Hollywood</st1>.</st1:city> Playboy. Slave trade and <st1><st1>Pearl</st1><st1>Harbour</st1></st1>. If it wasn’t for us here Brits there would be no <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>America</st1>,</st1:country-region> we colonised this place. But I’m not here to hate on the US of A, I’m here to present to you the brand new United States Championship.


As he continues to talk Desmond stands up and walks around the table slowly and reaches down to the covered title on the table. But he doesn’t lift up the cover.


Desmond Wolfe: Yes I am the first United States Champion in TNA, that’s right the first owner of the belt is a bloody foreigner.


Wolfe lifts the cover off of the title belt and he picks it up to hold in the air, the flashes from cameras ignite the arena. Desmond walks out of the ring and down to ringside, but as he does Samoa Joes music blasts down the PA system.


<st1>Samoa</st1> Joe: You’re right Desmond. You are a foreigner and the first <st1:country-region w:st="on">United States</st1:country-region> champion, but that’s what the<st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>United States</st1></st1:country-region> is all about. Equality and the right to an equal chance and that’s why Paul Heyman has just made me the number one contender.


Mumbling under his breath Wolfe mentions wet backs which gains a deplorable amount of boos from the crowd.



Kurt Angle vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Davey Richards

This match was rated at a B and deservedly so as Angle and Davey Richards put on a long sequence of chain wrestling followed by a good quick pace from Chavo Guerrero Jr. who missed his Frog Splash by a mere couple of inches. Kurt Angle picked up the win in a strong showing by an interference from Brian Kendrick who helped even the odds in the favour of Kurt as he was getting double teamed. The X Division champion helped Angle and he hit his devastating Angle slam to Chavo for the win.




After a commercial we are taken to the catering area backstage and we see Jeremy Buck sitting alone eating a salad. When from behind he is attacked with a double dropkick to his back by Chris Sabin and then he takes a kick to his ribs by Shelley. Both men drag Buck up to his feet and they double suplex him through the catering table and they shout at him “you little Jeff Hardy wannabe.” Both men walk out laughing.



Kazarian vs. Jerry Lynn

Jerry Lynn picked up his first win since returning in TNA, over the former X Division champion. However it was not a clean win as he won by disqualification through interference from AJ Styles who landed a picture perfect springboard 4:50. After the match Style continued a beat down on <st1><st1:city w:st="on">Lynn</st1:city></st1> until he was ran off by Sabu and Tommy Dreamer.



Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss

The main event of the evening was finally upon us and we see Tommy Dreamer lose to the monster Abyss in 13:39. The finish of the match came as the mysterious “They” run from the crowd and throw Abyss a chair and he smashes Dreamer over the head while the referee is distracted by the other mystery man. After the match all three men back up the ramp and stand in front of the screen and the lights go out and come back on. On the entrance ramp lays Sabu on the stage while three shadows appear on the screen and Abyss raises his arms in the air forcefully and blue flames ignite the staging.

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