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[QUOTE=Oldschool]I correctly called the Daniels over Styles match Just sad to see Jarrett retain over Christian and Red defeat Aries Surprised about Rhino beating Lyger after bringing him in as mystery opponent another good show[/QUOTE] I'll explain myself here a bit. Jarrett is the only hot got in the promotion (A+ momentium for some reason), nice call on Daniels over Styles and I slurp Red, Aries and Petey Williams are on my "to push" list. The reasoning for Rhino beating Lyger, is Rhino knew that he was going to wrestle Lyger for a week, while Rhino learned momments before the match. Glad you like it!
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=blue]TNA Xplosion, January 2005: Week 3[/COLOR][/SIZE] Announcers: Mike Tenay, Raven and Shane Douglas The show starts off with what was supposed to be a squash match, featuring Ruckus versues Kevin Nash. However, Samoa Joe quickly entered the ring and nailed the Island Driver on Nash and Ruckus rolled it up for the pin! The match was decent, but the crowd was reckless. The next matchup started the X division, as The Amazing Red defeated Chris Sabin in 10:01 after he hit the Red Star Press. The match was solid and it lifted the crowd. Backstage, Jeff Jarrett is shinning his belt when Chris Jericho enters his lockerroom. The camera stays outside and yelling can be heard inside. TNA owner Eric Bischoff, who just happens to be walking by is about to enter the lockerroom when he hears another scene. Jackie Gayda is trying to attack Gail Kim, but security is seperating them. Bischoff books them in a match for next week's Xplosion and then he going into the lockerroom and the camera follows. Bischoff books the two in a title match ... next week on Xplosion! In a completly different backstage part of the arena, Christian Cage says that he is confident he will beat Abyss and go on to defeat Rhino and then win his next title match with Jeff Jarrett! The next match was a Bra and Panties match which saw Torrie Wilson defeat Debra when Torrie stripped Debra at 4:38. Torrie dominated the match, but was attacked after the match by Sable, Candice Michelle and Traci. They stripped Torrie and beat her up. Sable then did the grind over Torrie and Candice put the TNA Women's Championship on Sable and kissed her. Sable announced that officialy, her protege contest was still on, but unofficialy ... it's over. Torrie was then helped to the back by EMT's, but looked in general just shakekn up. The next matchup was originally supposed to be at Final Resolution, but due to Team 3D having other commitments, the match was changed to ... tonight. Team 3D defeated America's Most Wanted in a Tables match at 9:41, to win the TNA World Tag Team Championships. The match lifted the crowd, but also ended the storyline between the two teams. In the ring, AJ Styles gets cheered as he holds up his X Division Championship. He announces that tonight is his week to recover, but next week he returns and will wrestle anybody! AJ Styles is in the ring with a microphone. He claims that he is so good that he cannot be defeated by anyone, and so he is making an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match. Lifted crowd, for next week. In the main event, Christian defeated Abyss at 8:34 after he hit the Unprettier. There was some interference, as James Mitchell bothered Christian for a while, then Jeff Jarrett was about to hit Christian with a guitar, but Chris Jericho took the guitar and NAILED Jarrett with it. The match deserves an "A" grade and to be honest, so does the show, as it was sucess and should have increased our popularity. This match continued the Christian/Jarrett storyline. [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: Ruckus defeated Kevin Nash The Amazing Red defeated Chris Sabin Eric Bischoff books Gail Kim vs. Jackie Gayda and Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Jarrett in a TNA World Heavyweight Championship match for next week's Xplosion Torrie Wilson defeated Debra in a Bra and Panties Match Sable, Candice Michelle and Traci attacked Torrie Wilson Team 3D defeated America's Most Wanted to win the TNA World Tag Team Championships AJ Styles issued an open challenge for his TNA X Division Championship next week on Xplosion Christian Cage defeated Abyss[/quote] - Shane Douglas
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=blue]TNA Xplosion, January 2005: Week 4[/COLOR][/SIZE] Announcers: Mike Tenay, Raven and Shane Douglas The show opened up with a match made last week, Jackie Gayda vs. Gail Kim. Jackie finally defeated Gail, as she won the match at 4:42 with a Flipping Neckbreaker. The crowd cheered, but more because they thought the feud was over than anything. Boy were they wrong. The next match saw Shark Boy (who freshly inked a TNA written contract) defeat Simon Diamond via countout after Trinity interfered and Simon attacked her, but got counted out in the process. Simon continued the assult after the match. Backstage, Chris Jericho talks about how he came to TNA to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and he never thought he'd get a chance this early ... wait, yeah he did. He said he's going to kick Jarrett's monkeyass and win the belt. In the ring, AJ Styles, the X Division Champion, issued an open challenge. It was answered by .... The Man BEAST RHINO! Rhino has a new manager, the debuting ... Paul Heyman! Heyman led Rhino into the match, and it was great one. Definitly an "A" matchup betwee the two, but in the end, AJ hit the Styles Clash and AJ earned another victory. After the match, Austin Aries runs ints the ring and pounds AJ into the corner, where AJ falls down the ground, unable to defend himself after a 10:53 match with Rhino. Aries posses with the X Division Championship for a while. The next segment saw Debra, who said Sable was busy and needed a night off, so Debra would be the representitive for the Sable Invatational Bikini Contest! The contests today were Torrie Wilson, her friend Melissa Anderson (formerly Cheerleader Melissa), Tammy Sytch and Traci. Debra announced Torrie the winner, and everybody was confused, since Debra is a member of the Women of TNA and they hate Torrie. The answer was shown via a video on the titatron ... The video showed Sable and Candice Michelle on a date! Candice took Sable's jacket off and they want into a private room at an expensive Italian resturant. Torrie looks livid in the ring and everybody laughs at her, except Melissa. This continues the Torrie Wilson/Women of TNA storyline. The main event was truely a match for the ages, as Jeff Jarrett defeated Chris Jericho with a move very simliar to the "Walls of Jericho" at 18:18 to retain his NWA World Heavyweight Championship. At first, Rhino tried to attack Jericho, but Christian fought him off. However, of all people, Christopher Daniels hit Jericho with a chair, behind the referee's back, which led to Jarrett hitting hte move and retaining his belt. The match is definitly an "A+." The show on the other hand, was a normal one for TNA .... meaning it was an "A" and should be considered a sucess as it increased our popularity! [quote=TNA.com] Jackie Gayda defeated Gail Kim Shark Boy defeated Simon Diamond Paul Heyman debuted as Rhino's manager AJ Styles defeated Rhino to retain the TNA X Division Championship Debra moderated a Bikini Contest in which Torrie Wilson defeated Traci, Tammy Sytch and Melissa Anderson Footage then showed Torrie's rivals, Sable and Candice Michelle, on a date Jeff Jarrett defeated Chris Jericho to retain his NWA World Heavyweight Championship Acording to backstage reports, two matches are already booked for Against All Odds. Bischoff signed a rematch from last week, featuring The Amazing Red and Chris Sabin. Also, Bischoff signed a match that will end the feud between Gail Kim and Jackie Gayda[/quote] - Shane Douglas
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=blue]TNA Xplosion, February 2006: Week 1[/COLOR][/SIZE] Announceers: Mike Tenay, Raven and Shane Douglas The show opens with footage from last week where Austin Aries attacked AJ Styles, the video announces that AJ is not in condition to compete tonight, but he will be in action nexxt week ... The show started off with the X division as Matt Bentley defeated Eddie Colon in 8:56 after Traci distracted the referee. The matchup was a good opener between the two and proves why TNA rightfully boasts about it's X Division. Next we hae footage of the S.A.T. celebrating backstage, aparantly over a previous victory over the Naturals. Things get steamy, as Torrie Wilson knocks on Sable's lockerroom door. Sable lets her in and Torrie talks about how much she wants to be Sable's protege and how in the past, Sable wanted to do anything to Torrie, and Torrie's sorry she waiting so long, but now she'll let Sable do anything to her. The door suddenly closes and from the inside, we see it was Candice Michelle who slammed the door in Torrie's face. In the ring, Eric Bischoff booked a blockbuster, as Teddy Hart defeated Sting in 10:50, after Monty Brown hit the Pounce on Sting! Teddy Hart is on a roll and these victories over major stars can only mean a huge push is in store for him. Up next, Christopher Daniels was in the ring. He said he is sick of people such as Chris Jericho, who at Final Resolution debuted and talked about how Christopher Daniels is not a household name. Daniels then says he showed Jericho, as he cost him a match last week against Jeff Jarrett. Daniels goes on to say tonight, he has bigger fish to fry, because if he defeats Elix Skipper ... he is the new TNA North American Champion! The match was very much back and forth, but Daniels started to get in control by the end and eventually hit the Angel's Wings, but Chris Jericho ran down to ringisde and distracted the referee. Daniels gets distracted, and Skipper rolls him up to win the NWA North American Championship. Next, TNA owner Eric Bischoff called Christian Cage into his lockerroom. He explained that if Christian beat Rhino next week, he gets his a title match at Against All Odds. However, if Christian loses, there will be an Elimination Chamber match at Against All Odds and Christian will not be involved. Rhino on the other hand ... will be. As Christian left the lockerroom, he was Gored right back in by Rhino, who was laying in hiding outside. Bischoff high-fived Rhino and mentioned how much he wants to book the Elimination Chamber match. Jeff Jarrett then comes in and is pleased with the Elimination Chamber match? Aparantly, Jarrett is the last man in the Chamber. Tonight's Main Event started off with an announcing change, as my normal co-colour guy Raven was in the match, so we were joined by Randy "Macho Man" Savage. Backstage clips show him being heckled by America's Most Wanted, but AMW leaving when Sting came in to talk to Savage. In the Main Event, Abyss surprisingly defeated Raven in 2 straight fals, after James Mitchell distracted the referee after Raven hit the Raven Effect in a fall that would have pulled him even with Abyss. Instead, Abyss hit Raven with a chair and won 2-0. Overall, I'd say this was an excellent show and it deserves an "A". [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: A video said that AJ Styles will return to TNA Xplosion next week Matt Bentley defeated Eddie Colon The S.A.T. celebrated their previous win over the Naturals Torrie Wilson tried to seduce Sable to regain control of Sable's protege contest, but Candice Michelle literally closed the door on that. Teddy Hart defeated Sting Christopher Daniels did an interview where he smack talked Chris Jericho Elix Skipper defeated Christopher Daniels to win the NWA North American Championship Eric Bischoff booked Christian Cage vs. Rhino for next week's Impact. If Christian wins, he gets a 1-on-1 title match with Jeff Jarrett at Against All Odds. If Rhino wins, Jeff Jarrett defends his title in an Elimination Chamber match, where Rhino is 1 of the 6 men, but Christian is not. Rhino then attacked Christian and Jeff Jarrett pumped Rhino up for his match next week. Abyss defeated Raven (2-0) in a 2/3 Falls match[/quote] - Shane Douglas
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[size=14][color=purple]Against All Odds (February Week 2) Current Card[/size][/color] [quote=TNA.com]Main Event: A. If Christian Cage defeats Rhino on TNA Xplosion next week (February Week 1); Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett (Champion) for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship B. If Rhino defeats Christian Cage on TNA Xplosion next week (February Week 1); Rhino vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. Jeff Jarrett (Champion) for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in an Elimination Chamber and Christian Cage will not be one of the four other men involved in the match. Jackie Gayda vs. Gail Kim (The Final Encounter) The Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin (The Rematch)[/quote] - Shane Douglas
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=blue]TNA Xplosion, February 2005: Week 2[/size][/color] Announcers: Mike Tenay, Raven and Shane Douglas The show opened up with the return of AJ Styles, as he defeated Austin Aries and Alx Shelley in 10:51, when he pinned Aries after the Spinal Tap. This was AJ's 6th defense of his TNA X Division Championship and the match pumped up the crowd for the show. Next, in his office, TNA owner Eric Bischoff announced two matches for Against All Odds: Team 3D vs. Abyss and Alex Shelley & Monty Brown vs. Sabu ... in a Barbed Wire match! Candice Michelle is walking backstage with Debra and a cake in her hand. She opens Sable's lockerroom ... but Sable is making out with Torrie Wilson! Candice drops the cake in shock and she and Debra run away. Torrie laughs at Candice, but Sable doesn't see. Torrie closes the door and picks up the cake. She then hand feeds it to Sable, who is clearly enjoying herself. This also lifted the crowd and continued the Sable Protege storyline. In the ring, Chris Jericho cuts a promo where he says many things, including that he accepts some wrestler's challenge, but he forgets who it is ... it is aparantly Christopher Daniels, since he comes to the ring and brawls with Chris Jericho. Teddy Hart's win streak continued, as he defeated Randy Savage with a schoolboy cleanly at 10:33! After the match, Hart celebrated like crazy, by dumping water over himself and high-fived America's Most Wanted as they came to the ring. They attacked Randy "Macho Man" Savage, but fled the ring after Sting saved Savage. Sting demanded TNA owner Eric Bischoff in the ring and Bischoff delievered. Bischoff again booked multiple matches for Against All Odds. Firstly, he booked America's Most Wanted vs. Randy "Macho Man" Savage and Sting. He then, promised another new debut for Against All Odds. He also booked Teddy Hart vs. Raven and for the TNA Women's Championship, Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle vs. Sable. In the back, Samoa Joe is walking and runs right into Jeff Hardy. They yell at each other and agree to wrestle at Against All Odds. The next matchup featured Sting defeated one half of America's Most Wanted, Chris Harris. Throughout the match, both Randy "Macho Man" Savage interfered and so does James Storm. The matchup solidifyed the tag team PPV hype as it lifted the crowd. In the back, TNA semi-regular Shocker was walking around in the parking lot, either waiting for somebody or preparing to leave; before he was randomly attacked by Kevin Nash. Nash left him out cold with a Jacknife Powerbomb on the concrete parking lot floor. Nash laughed and seemed to be up to something. Nash effectively turned heel at this point, but the crowd didn't really seem to know why. The main event finally set in stone the Against All Odds main event, as Christian Cage defeated Rhino by count out in an "A+" effort. Jeff Jarrett interfered in Rhino's favor, but he swung and missed with his guitar on Christian and knocked Rhino out cold to the outside for the 10 count. Christian and Jarrett then sampled their Main Event, by brawling. However, it was quickly ended as Kevin Nash gave Christian the big boot. Nash then brawled with Christian, before Jarrett took another guitar and NAILED Christian with it. Jarrett then got on the mic and said he wanted to announce the return of the NWO tommorow at the Elimination Chamber, as he would've stacked the deck against everybody. However, Jarett went on to say this is as good a time as any, and Nash and Jarrett celebrated in Black and White colors to end the show! Overall, the show was "A" work for our guys, and it was a sucess and increased our popularity just in time for Against All Odds. However, I beleive that there was too much Eric Bischoff and Randy Savage on the program for my liking, but what do I know? [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: AJ Styles (Champion) defeated Austin Aries and Alex Shelley to retain the TNA X Division Championship Eric Bischoff booked Team 3D vs. Abyss and Alex Shelley & Monty Brown vs. Sabu in a Barbed Wire match. Chris Jericho accepted Christopher Daniels challenge for Against all Odds Teddy Hart defeated Randy "Macho Man" Savage Eric Bischoff booked America's Most Wanted vs. Randy "Macho Man" Savage and Sting; Teddy Hart vs. Raven; a new debut; & Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle vs. Sable (Champion) for the TNA Women's Championship all for Against All Odds Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy is also booked for Against All Odds Sting defeated Chris Harris Kevin Nash turned heel by attacking Shocker Christian Cage defated Rhino to win the #1 Contendership for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett (Champion) for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship is official for Against All Odds Jeff Jarrett and Kevin Nash announced they are reforming the NWO[/quote] - Shane Douglas
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[size=14][color=purple]Against All Odds (February Week 2) FINAL [/size][/color] [quote=TNA.com] [b]Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett (Champion) for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship[/b] Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage headlined the first PPV under the Bischoff Ownership, as Jarrett would defeat Cage, by hook or crook. Over the next two months, Jarrett set up three men to stand in Christian's way: Abyss, Ron Killings and Rhino. Christian defeated them all and now looks to accomplish his goal and win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship [b]Chris Jericho vs. Christopher Daniels[/b] Chris Jericho and Christopher Daniels just plain and simplely do not like each other. When Chris Jericho, an EX-WWE Superstar, made his surpise debut to TNA, he took some shots at some talents who were not well known among general "marks" or fans of pro wrestling, amon them ... Christopher Daniels. Daniels then cost Jericho the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and the next week Jericho cost Daniels the returning NWA North American Championship. These two make each other's blood boil and it will be fun to see what happens when they have their first one-on-one contest on record. [b]Sting and Randy "Macho Man" Savage vs. America's Most Wanted[/b] Final Resolution marked the end of America's Most Wanted reign as NWA World Tag Team Champions. At the same time, it marked the Macho Man's debut and Sting's in-ring debut to TNA. AMW decided to refocus by attacking these two legends in the sport and the legends are not going to let these new cowboys take them down without a fight. In addition, AMW has been reluctant to attack Sting, sensing that he is the younger of the two and took Jeff Jarrett to the limit at Final Resolution, will AMW overcome their fear of Sting and are they at the same time underestimating how much Randy Savage still has in his tank? [b]Raven vs. Teddy Hart[/b] Teddy Hart has been on a hot streak ever since Final Resolution. He has defeated Jushin Thunder Lyger, Sting and Randy "Macho Man" Savage in 1-on-1 matchups! Raven has been sitting idly by at ringside, but tonight, he gets his turn to end the winning streak. [b]Monty Brown vs. Sabu in a Barbed Wire match[/b] Monty Brown and Sabu are opposites in the wrestling world. Brown relies on brute strength to win, while grizzled veteran Sabu relies on his hardcore tolerance for pain more than ever before. What happens when these two meet and the ring is surronded in Barbed Wire? The results could be horrific. [b]Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle vs. Sable (with Debra) (Champion) for the TNA Women's Championship[/b] Ever since Sable's protege contest set Torrie Wilson and Candice Michelle against each other, they have shown their true jealousy that lingered when they were once former divas. They are both puppets to Sable, as she is making them do whatever she wants, will tonight's matchup show any signs of Sable ending her search for a protege? [b]Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy[/b] Samoa Joe has finally picked up steam in recent weeks, defeating, among other, Kevin Nash. Jeff Hardy has likewise not really had a chance to thrive under the Eric Bischoff Adminstration. The winner of the match will ganer Bischoff's attention and the consequences of a win or loss in this matchup are huge. [b]Abyss (with James Mitchell) and Alex Shelley vs. Team 3D (Champions) for the NWA World Tag Team Championships[/b] Team 3D has been off of TNA for a while, recovering from injuries and finishing their tour in Japan. Abyss and Alex Shelley, a former TNA tag team, have rejoined forces and will challenge for tag team gold. [b]Gail Kim vs. Jackie Gayda in a Bra and Panties match[/b] This matchup has been a staple as the bottom of TNA's PPV cards for this past two months, but that will all end at Against All Odds. This will end the rivaling divas feud once and for all, and we will see who the better woman in when they put their pride, their dignity and their clothes on the line. [b]The Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin[/b] Both of these men enjoyed great success at one point or another in the X Division, and a win here will surely put them in line for a shot at AJ Styles somewhere down the line. This match should be a great opener for Against All Odds and the crowd can only sit back ... and enjoy the show. [b]Other Tidbits[/b] In Addition to the above matches, TNA owner Eric Bischoff announced that another new superstar will debut at the PPV, who is he referring too? Furthermore, once again several elite superstars have been left off the card, including Rhino, Jushin Thunder Lyger, AJ Styles &NWA North American Champion Elix Skipper. Will any of these huge superstars make an impact at Against All Odds[/quote] - Shane Douglas PREDICTIONS!
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=purple]Against All Odds, February 2005: Week 2[/COLOR][/SIZE] As the crowd begins to fill into the arena, TNA starts off the night with a dark match for the NWA North American Championship. Elix Skipper (the Champion) sucessfully defends his championship by making the first defense of his Championship. He defeated Austin Aries, Matt Bentley and Mikey Batts in a four-person one-fall to a finish match by hitting the Sudden Impact at 10:39 for the win. Backstage, Jody Flesich and Eddie Colon were brawling, with several superstars (the debuting Jimmy Yang and Billy Kidman, Kazushige Nosawa, KUDO and Petey Williams) trying to seperate them. This was just done for these guys to get some work, as they are not on the card and I believe Eric Bischoff likes these wrestlers very much. Jody Fleisch and Kidman looked good, while KUDO seemed a little bit lost here. The show started off with two X division stars: Chris Sabin and The Amazing Red. Red defeated Sabin twice in recent weeks, but all three matches were very similiar. The match starts off with Red getting the hot start, but then Sabin dominated the rest of the match, only to make a mistake. However, in this match, Sabin ducked a Red Moonsault and rolled him up to get the "upset" if you will. The matchup was a solid opener for the PPV and I will give it a "B" mark. The announceres then hyped Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy later tonight, talking about how it will either make or break their TNA careers. The next matchup was the finale in the Jackie Gayda vs. Gail Kim feud that has lasted all of my reign as owner of TNA. This was a quick bra and panties match that served more as a breakup in between matches than anything, since we have a lot of excellent matchups on the show. Jackie Gayda won this at 4:05 and effectively won the feud. I'd give this match a "B-" and I think the finale shows how these two have competited over the past three months. The following matchups was one of the matches on the undercard that the crowd really wanted to see. Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy were not given a lot of time, but did what they could in Joe's 9:28 squash win over Hardy. The matchup was solid enough ("B"), but this was very much a punishment for Jeff Hardy and he may never recover from his recent actions backstage. Backstage, Chris Jericho hypes his match with Christopher Daniels later on tonight. I'm even looking forward to that one. The next matchup was the first World Tag Team Championship defense by Team 3D, as they defeated Abyss and Alex Shelley at 9:13 after Brother Ray Deadly hit the Bubba Bomb on Shelley while Abyss and Brother Devon Deadly were brawling outside. James Mitchell continues to impress with his managerial skills on the outside and this was a worthwhile effort by all. Backstage, a limo pulls out and my newest TNA signee arrives. The crowd erupts as Scott Hall makes his return to TNA! In the ring were four divas, Sable (the champion), Molly Greenwald, Torrie Wilson and Candice Michelle. Everybody was at a corner for this match, as nobody seemed to trust each other. Sable quickly built an alliance with Torrie Wilson, but Sable just as quickly turned on Torrie as Debra helped hold down Torrie's leg so Sable made the fourth defense of her TNA Women's Championship. Sable, are you planning on finishing up your search for a protege, or are you just going to sleep with every TNA diva? If so, please come into my office and consider me a TNA diva. After the match, Sable (and Debra) left alone, leaving the other three divas confused in the ring. The next matchup was a Barbed Wire matchup, that Sabu loves so much. However, he didn't like this one so much. Monty Brown pretty much completly owned him, sustaining minnimal damage himself in 11:17. Brown's most painful momment came at the end, when he ran off the ropes, forgetting their was barbed wire on them and cut open his back before hitting the Pounce. Sabu was a bloody mess throughout this "B" match and had a crismon mask by the first minute. Sable apparantly read this before it was posted, as she and the other four divas were in my lockerroom yelling and screaming. I booked a rematch for Impact next week. The next matchup was our tag team main event, where Sting and Randy "Macho Man" Savage, defeated America's Most Wanted consecutively in an elimination tag match at 9:46. AMW expressed over confidence, and in the end Savage, not Sting, who they had feared, beat them in consecutive falls. This match was "B+" and the top match of the night thus far. After the match, Savage left and Sting was celebrating by himself in the ring and seemed to lose his composure. Before he could say anything, Monty Brown (with a few assorted bandages) hit the Pounce on him out of nowhere and left him lying in the middle of the ring. The next matchup was the match, according to various internet smarks, to watch on the PPV. It was of course, Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Jericho. Two huge egos colliding for the first time ever. These two have exchanged verbal and non-verbal jabs at each other, costing each other a Championship in the process. This match was very much back and forth, with both men trying to outdo the other. In the end, Daniels did something Jericho wouldn't do: he cheated. He hit a low-blow behind the ref's back and to top it off he locked in the Walls of Jericho and Jericho tapped! I love it, more because Jericho lost than anything. However, the "smarks" loved it because they considered it to be an "A" match. The next matchup was another "smark" lovefest, as Teddy Hart wrestled against Raven. Suprisingly, Raven defaeted Teddy Hart in 10:46 after hitting an Evenflow DDT in a house of fun match. Teddy Hart was in control throughout, but he didn't finish Raven off and his winning streak came to an abrupt end. Randy "Macho Man" Savage then made the first (and due to the popular, er, not popular reaction, his last) edition of the "Macho Show." The "Macho Show" is simply a talk show. His guest was Jushin Thunder Lyger, who talked about how he won many things, more than Savage, and wanted to add the X Division Championship to his collection. This brought out X division champ, AJ Styles. Styles says he will defend it any time and the two baby-faces brawled and destroyed the set. The Main Event saw Christian Cage defeat Jeff Jarrett at 20:53 to win the NWA World Heavyweight CHampionship. Christian came to wrestle, as he had Jarrett beat at multiple times, before Jarrett's nwo teammattes, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, saved Jarrett many times. Jarrett got himself some nearfalls, but Chris Jericho and Sting of all people fought off the Outsiders and Christian won his first championship by himself, by hitting the Unprettier in the middle of the ring. This was the match of the night as it was "A+" worthy. Overall, I would give the show a "B-". The crowd seemed to want more angles and interviews and less of Randy "Macho Man" Savage. [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: Elix Skipper (Champion) defeated Austin Aries, Matt Bentley and Mikey Batts to retain the NWA North American Championship Chris Sabin defeated The Amazing Red Jackie Gayda defeated Gail Kim Samoa Joe defeated Jeff Hardy Team 3D (Champions) defeated Abyss (with James Mitchell) and Alex Shelley to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championships Scott Hall debuted with a limo arrival Sable (Champion) defeated Torrie Wilson, Molly Greenwald and Candice Michelle to retain the TNA Women's Championship Monty Brown defeated Sabu in a Barbed Wire match Eric Bischoff booked Sable (Champion) vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Molly Greenwald vs. Candice Michelle for IMPACT! next week Sting and Randy "Macho Man" Savage defeated America's Most Wanted in an Elimination Match Monty Brown assulted Sting before he could make an announcement Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Jericho Raven defeated Teddy Hart On "The Macho Show" Randy Savage accidently created a brawl between fellow X division athletes AJ Styles and Jushin Thunder Lyger Christian Cage defeated Jeff Jarrett (Champion) to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship [/quote] - Mr. Eric Bischoff, Owner of TNA
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[size=14][color=blue]TNA Impact, February 2006: Week 3[/size][/color] Announcers: Mike Tenay, Raven and Shane Douglas As the fans entered the arena, I decided to start the show off with a couple of dark matches. First, the Briscoe Brothers (accompained by new manager Terri Runnels) defeated The Naturals after some interference from Terri. The two young teams put on a good match and both have a future with the company. The next tag team matchup saw Team Japan (Kazshige Nosawa and KUDO) defeat Sabu and Sonjay Dutt when Nosawa hit a Twisting Senton on Sabu for the surprise finish. Another solid tag team match. Next, Jackie Gayda came to the ring and said since she's done with Gail Kim, she'll be searching for some clients to manage! Blah blah blah, the [b]new two hour weekly PPV[/b] begins. The show opened with Amazing Red defeated Chris Sabin with an Infrared. This continues their incredible feud that has featured multiple singles matchups. This matchup was a "B+", but they've done better. Backstage, Trinity was doing some stretches when Gail Kim came up and said that Trinity needed some help and Gail could help her. Trinity didn't understand and left, Gail laughed as if she knew something that Trinity did not. Next, Raven debuted his new talk show (due to Randy "Macho Man" Savage's show sucking) called the Raven Effect. It wasn't really a show, as Raven complained that he had been left out of the title picture and stuck announcing the shows. This brings out Rhino and Jeff Jarrett, as they say they both also want title shots. They brawled and destroyed the set. Raven then went to the back and was replaced on the annnounce table ... by PAUL HEYMAN. Heyman announced that I told him that we will see Raven vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Rhino in a #1 Contendership Match next week on Impact! In the ring, Sable lost her TNA Women's Championship to Torrie Wilson in a four way dance also involving Candice Michelle and Molly Greenwald. As in their previous four way dances, Torrie eliminated Candice and Molly, but then Sable escaped with a win. This time, Debra tried to use her puppies to distract Torrie, but Sable was distracted and Torrie rolled up Sable for the win! Sable yelled at Debra after the match and Debra ran off ashamed. Jody Fleisch left a lockerroom and he put his wallet back in his pocket. The cameraman opens the lockerroom door ever so slightly and we see Jim Cornette inside! The next matchup featured X Division stars Eddie Colon and Alex Shelley. The matchup was hurried and fast paced, but saw Colon win at 4:41 with a Cannonball Twist. Shark Boy and Shocker interfered, but that did not diminish from the solid matchup. Backstage, we see Sable, Candice and Debra arguing with each other about Sable's title lost. I come up and kiss Debra. Everybody is confused, but then I talk about how in the past, Steve Austin and I have feuded and now I won the feud since I made out with his ex-wife. Debra is pissed, but I mentioned how if Debra's made at me, I won't do any favors to Sable. I whisper something to Sable and she convinces Debra to get on her knees and kiss my feet. I announce Candice Michelle vs. Torrie Wilson next week for the TNA Women's Championship! The next matchup was an unannounced X-Division Dream matchup featuring AJ Styles and Jushin Thunder Lyger in a 2/3 falls match. Surprisingly, Styles won both falls, using the title belt as a weapon to win the second fall and make his 8th X Division Championship defense. This match was great for the show and was an "A" effort between the two. You shall see more of these two in the coming weeks. AJ Styles is in the trainers room getting patched up, when Kidman attacks him out of nowhere. Kidman leaves Styles screaming on the floor. Kidman runs to the parking lot, hails a taxi and exits the arena. This has something to do with the previous match. Next up was a tag team title match featuring Team 3D wrestling against Team Canada (Eric Young and Petey Williams) with Scott D'Amore when Brother Ra hit a Dudleyville Drop on Young to make their third title defense a sucessful one. The best tag team matchup of the night "B+." Jimmy Yang then made his TNA debut, calling out ... Mikey Batts? Traci was just about to leave the arena in a taxi when Teddy Hart comes up to her. The camera is far away, so we cannot hear what they are talking about. However, Traci and Teddy Hart leave in Teddy's limo ... The next matchup featured Chris Jericho and Abyss. It was a back and forth match, but James Mitchell tried to win by distracting the referee and sending Christopher Daniels to attack Jericho. Mithcell forgot to distract the referee so Abyss was disqualifed. A surprisingly excellent "A" match. At the announce table, Heyman announced that sometimes he could not work, due to his clients (Rhino and Ruckus') matches. Ruckus comes to the ring and poses with Heyman. Paul Heyman comes out and introduces his new client, Ruckus. Ruckus comes out, and they play to the crowd. In the main event, Jeff Jarrett defeated sting at 11:21, after interference from the Outsiders. Hall tossed in the guitar, while Nash distracted the referee. You do the match. Jarrett and the NWO posed to what they thought was the end of the show. Christian Cage had other ideas, as he ran to the ring and helped Sting fight off the NWO and force them to exit the ring! Overall, I would give this show an "A" grade and declare it a success, because I can. See you next week. [quote=TNA.com]Quick Results: The Briscoe Brothers (with Terri Runnels) defeated The Naturals Team Japan ((Kazshige Nosawa and KUDO) defeat Sabu and Sonjay Dutt Jackie Gayda is searching for clients The Amazing Red defeated Chris Sabin Trinity taunted Gail Kim backstage Raven debuted his talk show, "The Raven Effect", which led to me booking Raven vs. Rhino vs. Jeff Jarrett in a #1 Contendership Match next week on Impact! Torrie Wilson defeated Candice Michelle, Molly Greenwald and Sable (with Debra) (Champion) to win the TNA Women's Championship Jody Fleisch payed Jim Cornrette to gain his managerial services Eddie Colon defeated Alex Shelley Debra, Candice Michelle and Sable argued, when I entered and used Debra to win my feud with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I booked Torrie Wilson to make her first title defense next week on Impact! against Candice Michelle. AJ Styles (Champion) defeated Jushin Thunder Lyger in a 2/3 falls match with 2 straight falls to retain the X Division Championship Kidman attacks AJ Styles backstage Team 3D (Champions) defeated Team Canada (Eric Young and Petey Williams) (with Scott D'Amore) to retain their NWA World Tag Team Championships Jimmy Yang debuted in TNA and he called out Mikey Batts Teddy Hart took Traci out on a date Chris Jericho defeated Abyss (with James Mitchell) via disqualification due to interference from Christopher Daniels Paul Heyman announced his new clients: Rhino and Ruckus Jeff Jarrett defeated Sting due to interference from the NWO Christian Cage fought saved Sting and fought off the NWO[/quote] - Eric Bischoff, President of TNA
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=red]TNA Impact, February 2006: Week 4[/COLOR][/SIZE] Announcers: Mike Tenay, Paul Heyman and Shane Douglas Welcome to the [b]final[/b] two hour Wednesday Impact! Next month, is a new season for television and a new season for TNA. First, TNA Impact! will return to its one hour timeslot and will air on Wednesday's at 10:00 PM on FOX. It will be taped on Monday. In addition, TNA Main Event, which will air live for two hours on Thursday's at 10:00 PM. We can only expect success from our new programing areas. Once again, I started the show with a tag team dark match. In a rematch from last week, The Naturals defeated the Briscoe Brothers. Terri took the loss in stride, but the Briscoe Brothers did not. They assulted Terri and left the ring, with a new attitude and no manager. The opening match of the night featuring two up and coming X division stars, as Eddie Colon defeated one half of Team Canada, Petey Williams. Colon (brother of WWE superstar Carlito mind you) earned the win and seems to gain more and more confidence as he gains more and more experience in the ring. Torrie Wilson was in the ring, ready to make her first title defense and against Candice Michelle; when the Women of TNA pulled a trick on Torrie and sent Molly Greenwald in instead. Molly was in control for most of the match, but at around the 4:00 mark Torrie began to gain control. Debra appeared at ringside and took off her bra to distract the referee when Sable interfered. Sable hit the Sable Bomb, but was also distracted by Debra; the referee then disqualifed Molly and gave the win to Torrie! This was Torrie's first title defense. After the match, an irate Sable sent Debra and Molly to the back and proceded to taunt a defenseless Torrie and demand a title shot. She hit the Sable Bomb, kissed Torrie, then posed with the belt as TNA headed to commerical. This continues their storyline. The next matchup was an excellent X division clash between The Amazing Red and hot newcombeer Jody Fleisch (with Jim Cornette). Cornette tried to distract Red, but to now avail as Red escaped with a win. "B+" After the match, The Amazing Red was celebrating in the ring when Chris Sabin quickly assulted Red and left through the crowd before security hit the ring. The next machup was quite popular, as Monty Brown defeated Randy "Macho Man" savage at 8:27 with a Pounce. Monty was in control throughout the match and even got some extra licks in after the match. Unfortunatly for Monty, Savage's friend, Sting, wasn't too pleased with the match and saved Savage, forcing Monty to run away. Teddy Hart is doing some stretches backstage when Traci enters. Traci says she had so much fun last week and wants to go out with Teddy again! Teddy says sure, but after his next match ... TNA had their first "time limit draw" under my reign, as neither Kidman nor Teddy Hart nor AJ Styles could defeat each other in the 15:00 alotted to the #1 contendership match. There was a couple near finishes as well as interference by the X Division Champion Jushin Thunder Lyger and Traci. Overall this match was an "A" huge success and gave me a brillant idea. Backstage, I announced that at Destination X, we will see Kidman vs. Teddy Hart vs. AJ Styles vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger for the X Division Championship ... in an Ultimate X match! In a completly different backstage area, Randy "Macho Man" is giving an interview saying that while many people in TNA consider his career over, he respectfully disagrees ... Samoa Joe walks up behind him and attacks him with punches and kicks, leaving Savage down and out cold. To continue the backstage tradition, TNA jobber Mikey Batts knocks on Jackie Gayda's lockerroom. He mentions something about how he likes Jackie's managerial skills ... Jackie smiles and lets him into her lockerroom. In the ring, Elix Skipper made the third defense of his NWA North American Championship, defeating Simon Diamond at 3:37 with a Play of the Day. Overall, I would say this was a solid "B" match. Backstage, Ron Killings says he is sick of Elix Skipper and wants a title match at Destination X! In a #1 Contendership match for Christian Cage's NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Jeff Jarrett's triple threat match was thrown out with Rhino and Raven, due to constiant interference and lack of respect for the rules. Christian Cage, Abyss and James Mitchell's interference probably had something else for this "A+" match being thrown out at "16:05" due to their interference. After the match, Debra was backstage and said even though Sable was made at her and left the building, Debra would continue Sable's "fair and unbiased" search for a protege. She said due to time restrictions, she would just do this backstage. First, they show Gail Kim, who looks stunning as she aparantly has been worked on all day by professionals. Debra leaves to go to another contestant and she knocks on Trinity's lockerroom door. Trinity comes out, clearly knowing nothing of the contest. Debra says she has something to tell her, but first she asks a hot dog vender for a hot dog with everything on it ... and of course spills it on Trinity who tries to attack Debra. Security seperates them and Debra awards the contest to Gail Kim. In the main event, Christian Cage sucessfully made his first title defense, defeating the monster Abyss (with James Mithcell) at 10:24 to retain his NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Jeff Jarrett's music then plays, but just as he goes to the ring, I (Eric Bischoff) appear on the titantron and inform Jarrett and Christian that if they do not appear in my office within a minute they will both be fired and they cannot touch each other for the rest of the show. Needless to say, they run backstage and already backstage is Rhino, Raven, Chris Sabin and the Amazing Red. I announce that at Destination X, the Main Event will be an Elimination Chamber match! Chris Sabin is excited, but I inform him that I actually called he and Red in to announce a singles match between them at Destination X. Jarrett demands to know the identity of the remaining two men in the chamber, but I just smile and the camera fades ... Overall, I would give this show an "A+", as we had a perfect finale and this leaves room for a great start on NBC and FOX. The only minor problem was the crowd didn't like too much Randy "Macho Man" Savage, but what they hell do they know? This was a success and increased our popularity! [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: The Naturals defeated The Briscoe Brothers (with Terri) The Briscoe Brothers fired Terri Eddie Colon defeated Petey Williams (with Scott D'Amore) Torrie Wilson (Champion) defeated Molly Greenwald to retain her TNA Women's Championship Sable attacks Torrie post match and challenged her for the TNA Women's Championship The Amazing Red defeated Jody Fleisch (with Jim Cornette) Chris Sabin attacked The Amazing Red after the match Monty Brown defeated Randy "Macho Man" Savage Sting saved Randy "Macho Man" Savage from a Monty Brown post-match attack Traci asked Teddy Hart out on another date and he accepted Kidman drew with Teddy Hart and AJ Styles at 15:00 Ultimate X featuring Kidman, Teddy Hart, AJ Styles & Jushin Thunder Lyger (Champion) is booked for Destination X Samoa Joe attacked Randy "Macho Man" Savage backstage Mikey Batts asks Jackie Gayda if she will be his manager Elix Skipper (Champion) defeated Simon Diamond to retain his NWA North American Championship Ron Killings challenged Elix Skipper for his NWA North American Championship Jeff Jarrett drew with Rhino and Raven in a #1 Contendership match Debra continued Sable's protege contest by declaring Gail Kim the winner in a Beauty Contest over Trinity Christian Cage (Champion) defeated Abyss (with James Mitchell) to retain his NWA World Heavyweight Championship Eric Bischoff books The Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin at Destination X Eric Bischoff announced that Christian Cage will defend his NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Destination X against Jeff Jarrett, Rhino, Raven, ??? and ??? in an Elimination Chamber match For our new TV programs, TNA Impact will be taped on Monday and air for one hour on Wednesday at 10:00 on FOX. Also, TNA Main Event will be aired live on NBC Thurdsday's at 10:00[/quote] - Eric Bischoff, President of TNA
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=green]TNA Destination X, March 2006: Week 2 (Current Card)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [b]Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven vs. Rhino (with Paul Heyman) vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. Christian Cage (Champion) in an Elimation Chamber match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship[/b] [b]Kidman vs. Teddy Hart (with Traci) vs. AJ Styles vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger (Champion) in a TNA X Division Championship Ultimate X match[/b] [b]The Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin[/b]
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=red]TNA Impact, March 2006: Week 1[/COLOR][/SIZE] Announcers: Mike Tenay and Paul Heyman As the crowd arrives to the return of the one hour Impact, now airing on FOX, we had an opening matchup of Joel Maximo (with Shane Douglas) defeated Chase Stevens (with Jackie Gayda) at 5:34 with a Maximo Impact due to interference from Jose Maximo. The three did a post-match attack on Chase Stevens, but Andy Douglas (no relation to Shane) quickly came out and put a stop to that. The second dark match was a surprise "B+" match as Chris Sabin defeated Shark Boy at 7:22 with a Cradle Shock cleanly. The crowd had nearly all filed in by now and this match set a tone for the first ever Impact on Fox. The show starts with Ron Killings in the ring, once again demanded a title shot. Elix Skipper then comes to the entrance ramp and accepts the challenge for Destination X. They brawl as TNA heads to its first commerical break on FOX. The next matchup was a unique heel vs. heel diva matchup, as Sable (with Debra) dominated Molly Greenwald. Molly seemingly had no offense and Debra's interference for once distracted the opponent, not Sable. Finally, after around three minutes of this, Torrie Wilson came to Molly's save and fought off Sable and Debra! However, Torrie fell into a trap as Molly hit the Molly Go Round on Torrie and high-fived with Sable, as Torrie was laid out in the ring. Next, we see a review of the Teddy Hart/Traci Brooks saga, as well as new footage of them at a local restaurant ... In the ring, Abyss (with James Mithcell) defeated Randy "Macho Man" Savage with the Black Hole. Nothing more than a good clean "B+" beatdown. Backstage, Candice Michelle is begging Sable to let her know when she is going to win the Sable protege contest. Sable tells her to use patience, she will find out at Destination X. Candice then makes out with Sable and quickly leaves. Debra says she was thinking of entering and Sable quickly says "no." Sable goes on to say she has big plans for Debra on TNA Main Event and she declares Torrie Wilson "doubtful" for the show! Team 3D then put their NWA World Tag Team Championships on the line against the former champions, America's Most Wanted. AMW came prepared and beat Team 3D at their own game, seperating Brother Ray from Brother Devon by powerbombing Ray into a table outside. They then used a low-blow and a powerslam combo to the win the belts in a "B+" matchup. Monty Brown is in the ring and announced that Sting is scared of him and will not ever fight Monty Brown in the ring like a man. The lights go out and Sting's symbol appears. The lights come back on and Monty is freaking out in the ring, Sting slowly walks to the ring and Monty is running for his life up the entrance ramp. As TNA prepares for the Main Event, Paul Heyman and Mike Tenay review the AJ Styles/Jushin Thunder Lyger saga and announce a title rematch tommorow on Main Event! In the main event, two old friends teamed up ... as Christian Cage (NWA World Heavyweight Champion) teamed up with Chris Jericho to defeat the Outsiders at 8:52! The Canadians won despite interference from Christopher Daniels and Jeff Jarret! Jarrett was about to nail Christian with the guitar, but Raven came out and brawled with Jarrett to the back. Christopher Daniels took Chris Jericho out of the match, but Christian threw Hall out of the ring and hit the Unprettier on Nash to end the first edition of TNA Impact on FOX with a bang! Overall, I would give thits show an "A" and declare it a success, as it increased our popularity and hyped our future shows. [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: Joel Maximo (with Shane Douglas) defeated Chase Stevens (with Jackie Gayda) Chris Sabin defeated Shark Boy Elix Skipper (Champion) accepted Ron Killings challenge for a NWA North American Championship Match at Destination X Sable (with Debra) and Molly Greenwald fought to a draw in order to attack Torrie Wilson TNA recaps the Teddy Hart/Traci Brooks saga and they show a new date between them Abyss (with James Mitchell) defeat Randy "Macho Man" Savage Sable announces that she will announce her protege at Destination X Furthermore, Sable has "big plans" for Debra at TNA Main Event and declared Torrie Wilson "doubtful" for the same show America's Most Wanted defeated Team 3D (Champions) to win the NWA World Tag Team Championships Monty Brown called out Sting, but ran away when Sting answered the challenge as only Sting can AJ Styles vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger (Champion) for the TNA X Division Championship is booked for TNA Main Event Christian Cage (NWA World Heavyweight Champion) and Chris Jericho defeated The Outsiders[/quote] - Mr. Eric Bischoff, President of TNA
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[size=14][color=green]TNA Destination X, March 2006: Week 2 (Current Card)[/size][/color] [b]Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven vs. Rhino (with Paul Heyman) vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. Christian Cage (Champion) in an Elimation Chamber match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship[/b] [b]Kidman vs. Teddy Hart (with Traci) vs. AJ Styles vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger (Champion) in a TNA X Division Championship Ultimate X match[/b] [b]The Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin[/b] [b]The finale of Sable's protege contest[/b] [b]Ron Killings vs. Elix Skipper (Champion) for the NWA North American Championship[/b]
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[SIZE=14][COLOR=green]TNA Main Event, March 2005: Week 1[/COLOR][/SIZE] Announcers: Mike Tenay, Paul Heyman and Shane Douglas The crowd for TNA Main Event is hot as there is no dark matches tonight, the show makes it's NBC debuts right away ... with Sable and Tammy Sytch in the ring. They compete in a bra and panties match, but it isn't much of a match as Sable controlled most of the match anyway, but a title belt shot on the outside from Debra followed by Debra stripping Sytch and rolling her back to into the ring. After the match, Sable gets on the microphone and tells Debra it's time for her to begin Sable's plan! Backstage, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage knocks on my office and says that I called him in. I informed him on my decision for him to not compete in tonight's main event, but help announce it. I also told him that the Outsiders are a great tag team and he can not defeat them next week on Impact ... in a handicap match! In the ring, the SAT (with Jim Cornette) and Molly Greenwald won a six person tag team match, defeating The Naturals and Jackie Gayda, when Molly pinned Chase Stevens! Molly made a blind tag and hit the Molly-Go-Round out of nowhere to end this good 8 minute matchup. Next up was a preview for the Ultimate X match, as Teddy Hart (with Traci) defeated Kidman in an "A" match at 10:41 with a Triple Bypass. The match was flawless, going back and forth, with each competitor trying to get an edge. Kidman thought he had won the match when he rolled Hart up and used the ropes, but Traci broke that up and Teddy eventually won. After the match, a tired Teddy Hart brings Traci into the ring, and proposes. She says yes, and they hug, as the promotion is apparently going to have a wedding next week on TNA Main Event! Next up was a match of future TNA greats, Eddie Colon defeated Jody Fleisch (with Jim Cornette), after Cornette accidently hit Fleisch with the racket. Considering the hype these two workers have recieved, you'd think they would have put on a better match, you'd think so. Backstage, Sting is doing a few stretches when out of nowhere Monty Brown attacks Sting. It's a pretty bad beatdown and Sting is out cold. The camera then focuses on the ring, where I am. I announce that I am going to finish the paperwork for Monty Brown vs. Sting at Destination X! But, I have a surprise main event for tonight. A 30 man battle royale. The winner? They're IN the Elimination Chamber! Next up was an X Division Championship rematch, which saw Jushin Thunder Lyger make a successful defense over AJ Styles in 12:37. The match was 50/50 until Kidman interfered and ended the "A+" masterpiece. This hyped the Ultimate X match at Destination X. A camera backstage zooms on the lockerroom, the door opens and Gail Kim leaves? What the ... In a match that many fans would've paid for on PPV, I gave for free to hype the Elimation Chamber. Raven defeated Jeff Jarrett in an "A" match by count out. Like most matches tonight, it was very much back and forth, but Jarrett randomly got up and left. He just ended up getting frustrated with Raven. After the match, the camera zooms in to reveal Sable walking backstage. Her cell phone rings and she answers, "Tell me the good news Debra. WHAT? Torrie isn't in the hospital? But did you do what I told you to do with the receptionist ... WHAT? She said Torrie left yesterday?- a limo pulls up and Sable ends the conversation. She is about to walk away when cameramen flock to the limo. Melina Perez exits the limo and walks on a freshly paced red carpet and Sable is very impressed. Sable's comes up to Melina and shakes her hand, she tells her abotu to her protege contest and that if she is interested, she should come to Destination X. Melina says she is very interested and kisses Sable, Melina then goes back into the limo and the limo drives away ... As the limo pulls away, Sable licks her lips, but the camera zooms out to reveal Torrie Wilson standing right behind Sable! Torrie taps Sable on the shoulder and Sable turns around and falls down in shock. Torrie says it's okay, she's not here to hurt Sable, will she is, just not physically. Torrie says she declined Sable's challenge. Sable says that's a mistake, but she just talked to me (Bischoff) and Torrie has quite a match on IMPACT next week. The next matchup also hyped the Elimination Chamber, as Rhino (with Paul Heyman) drew with NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage in 13:18 followed by interference from Heyman, Jarrett and Raven. This was an "A+" match and greatly helped the Elimination Chamber hype. Gail Kim was in action next, against Trinity. This match was even, but by the end Trinity was clearly the superior superstar. However, after Trinity hit a moonsault, the referee disqualifed Trinity for injuring Kim? Aparantly whatever Gail Kim did early in the referee's lockerroom helped her win the match! Backstage, The Amazing Red was doing some interviews for TNA.com, when Chris Sabin just levelled him and beat down upon The Amazing Red. This continued their feud. The main event was a 30 man battle royale where the winner is IN the Elimination Chamber. Early in the match, the SAT, The Briscoe Brothers, Mikey Batts and Shark Boy were eliminated. As the match continued, several superstars were slowly eliminated: Alex Shelley, Elix SKipper, Matt Bentley, Petey Williams, America's Most Wanted, Team 3D, Sonny Siaki and Eric Young. The match then entered a dull three minute period, where nobody was eliminated and the action calmed down. Howver, Abyss soon went to town, eliminating Randy "Macho Man" Savage, Sabu, and Kevin Nash. Scott Hall then eliminated Kidman and Jody Flesich, before Chris Jericho eliminated Hall. Samoa Joe then dumped Eddie Colon, Jimmy Yang and Chris Sabin. Christopher Daniels eliminated Austin Aries. The final four were Abyss, Chris Jericho, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe. Abyss eliminated Jericho and then fought with Samoa Joe, while Daniels watched. Daniels then picked his spot and elimination both men at once to win the match and qualify for the Elimatin Chamber at 19:33! Overall, the show was a B and did not help or hurt us, there was too much Randy "Macho Man" Savage, but it did it's job in my opinion. [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: Sable (with Debra) defeated Tammy Sytch Christian Cage vs. The Outsiders is booked for TNA Impact next week The SAT and Molly Greenwald (with Shane Douglas) defeated The Naturals and Jackie Gayda Teddy Hart (with Traci) defeated Kidman Teddy Hart proposed to Traci and they will get married next week on TNA Main Event Eddie Colon defeated Jody Fleisch (with Jim Cornette) Monty Brown attacks Sting backstage Eric Bischoff books Monty Brown vs. Sting at Destination X Jushin Thunder Lyger (Champion) defeated AJ Styles to retain his TNA X Division Championship Gail Kim was in the referee's lockerroom ... Raven defeated Jeff Jarrett Sable invited Melina Perez to compete in the Sable Invatational Tournament Torrie Wilson declined Sable's challenge at Destination X Torrie Wilson vs. ??? is booked for TNA Impact. Rhino (with Paul Heyman) drew with NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage Gail Kim defeated Trinity Chris Sabin assulted The Amazing Red Christoper Daniels won a spot in the Elimination CHamber by winning a 30 man battle royale [/quote] - Mr. Eric Bischoff, President of TNA
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[size=14][color=green]TNA Destination X, March 2006: Week 2 (Current Card)[/size][/color] [b]Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven vs. Rhino (with Paul Heyman) vs. Christopher Daniels vs. ??? vs. Christian Cage (Champion) in an Elimation Chamber match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship[/b] [b]Kidman vs. Teddy Hart (with Traci) vs. AJ Styles vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger (Champion) in a TNA X Division Championship Ultimate X match[/b] [b]Monty Brown vs. Sting[/b] [b]The Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin[/b] [b]The finale of Sable's protege contest[/b] [b]Ron Killings vs. Elix Skipper (Champion) for the NWA North American Championship[/b]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[SIZE=14][COLOR=red]TNA Impact!, March 2006: Week 2[/COLOR][/SIZE] Announcers: Mike Tenay and Paul Heyman The show started off right off with a bat, with a women's division squash, as Molly Greenwald pinned Melissa Anderson cleanly in 2:29. Molly surprsisingly helped Melissa up after the match, but it was all fake, as Sable, Candice Michelle and Debra assulted Melissa and left her old cold in the ring. Sable taunted Melissa when she was down, before delievering a final Sable Bomb and licking her? Next up was a tag team match, featuring Monty Brown and Abyss (with James Mitchell) defeating Team 3D. This was a "B" tag team match and really had no importance. After the match, was where the fun began. Monty Brown got on the mic and declared Sting's career dead, and that I (Eric Bischoff) had allowed him to step into the Elimination Chamber. The crowd booed, but a casket got rolled in the ring, when Monty Brown opened it there was a fake sting, and Monty laughed, but he turned around into Sting and got NAILED With a baseball bat! There match is still on. The following matchup was an elimination chamber preview, which featured Raven defeated Christopher Daniels at 9:37 following Chris Jericho distracting the referee to counteract Daniels' cheating. The match was an "A" effort from both sides, and after the match I set some things straight. I said first of all, the Ultimate X match would be an open invational, if you wanted to be champ ... just grab the belt. Secondly, since Chris Jericho feels obligated to ruin my matches, I'll ruin his career by giving him the #1 seed in the chamber! I also made the rule that said anybody else in the world could enter the chamber, all they had to do was send one of the current wrestlers to the hospital and when the time comes ... take their spot! We had another Destination X preview next, as Ron Killings and Chris Sabin defeated Elix Skipper and The Amazing Red in 9:07, when Killings pinned Red with a Truth of Consequences. The matchup was worthwhile and helped to hype both matches. Backstage, Debra, Candice Michelle and Sable are walking in the parking lot. Candice is complaining to Sable about how Melina is a slut and Candice is better than her. Sable says for Debra and Candice to leave, as Torrie Wilson's opponent limo has arrived. Sable says she has to talk to Eric Bischoff. Sable however, walks away and much to my dismay, does not enter my office, but go back to her lockerroom, where she finds ... Melina Perez! She and Melina start to kiss and then they stop for a second, and close the door ... Torrie Wilson is in the ring with her TNA Women's Championship awaiting her opponent. Candice Michelle is the first to appear and says Torrie can't last five seconds with her opponent. Debra comes out to introduce ... Lita Dumas! Lita assults Torrie, but Torrie fights back. The proven wrestler, Lita, proves to be too much and hits the Twist of Fate on Torrie. Torrie is knocked out and the referee rings the bell! Lita is pissed, since Torrie retains her championship. Debra and Candice try to calm Lita down, but she is pissed off. Cameras are then seen running backstage, as Gail Kim and Trinity are involved in another argument. They quickly start fighted right in front of TNA Owner Eric Bischoff's lockerroom. Bischoff throws Trinity to the ground and says enough is enough, they have a match for Destination X! Eric Bischoff is walking backstage when he see's Kim and Trinity argueing about somthing. Bischoff walks over to them and tells them to save that energy because tonight.. They have a match against each other. In the main event, the Outsiders earned a win by defeating Christian Cage in a handicap match at 12:47. There was plenty of interference from Rhino and Jeff Jarrett, including a final 4-1 beatdown post-match. Nobody helped Christian, as the faces hoped he would lose his spot in the chamber. However, Rhino accidently Gored Jarrett, and Christian made his escape and will still be in the Chamber match! The Outsiders defeated Christian Cage in 12:47 when Scott Hall defeated Christian Cage by pinfall following interference from Rhino. During the match we also had Jeff Jarrett run in and attack Christian. "B+" Overall, the show as a "B+" and should be considered a success since it increased our popularity and hyped Destination X. [quote=TNA.com] Quick Results: Molly Greenwald defeated Melissa Anderson Monty Brown and Abyss defeated Team 3D Sting got revenge on Monty Brown Raven defeated Christopher Daniels The Ultimate X match at Destination X is now an open invatational Chris Jericho will be the final man in the Elimination Chamber match If any wrestlers send a current Elimination Chamber entrant to the hospital, they can take their spot in the match Ron Killings and Chris Sabin defeated Elix Skipper and The Amazing Red Lita Dumas defeated Torrie Wilson (TNA Women's Champion) via knockout, so Torrie retains her championship. Eric Bischoff books Gail Kim vs. Trinity for Destination X The Outsiders defeated Christian Cage (NWA World Heavyweight Champion)[/quote]
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[size=14][color=green]TNA Destination X, March 2006: Week 2 (Current Card)[/size][/color] [b]Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven vs. Rhino (with Paul Heyman) vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian Cage (Champion) in an Elimation Chamber match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, if any superstar forces one of these superstars to not compete, they get put into the match![/b] [b]Kidman vs. Teddy Hart (with Traci) vs. AJ Styles vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger (Champion) in a TNA X Division Championship Ultimate X match, this match is an Open Invatational Match[/b] [b]Monty Brown vs. Sting[/b] [b]The Amazing Red vs. Chris Sabin[/b] [b]The finale of Sable's protege contest[/b] [b]Ron Killings vs. Elix Skipper (Champion) for the NWA North American Championship[/b] [b]Gail Kim vs. Trinity[/b]
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