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ECW: One Last Shot

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Note: This TEW game/dynasty will be using TommyTomlin's War of the Immortals 2 mod. It can be found on the forums or at bobinc.net.




Things were going really well for Extreme Championship Wrestling. They had the highest rated TV show in the company's history in the go home show prior to Wrestlepalooza, and fans believed that they were in for the most exciting main event in the company's history. Shane Douglas would defend the ECW Heavyweight Championship against ECW Television champion Rob Van Dam after months of heated buildup.


Then it all fell apart.


The undercard of Wrestlepalooza was excellent. Matches like Tajiri vs. Rhino and the four way dance between Tazz, Sabu, Mike Awesome, and The Sandman were instant hardcore classics.


It came time for the main event, with fans absolutely buzzing and "Whole F'N Show" chants had been going on throughout the event. Van Dam's music hit, and he came out to a roaring ovation, and awaited his opponent. Out came Douglas, who actually seemed to be in a chipper mood, which was a little different from the normal angry person we were use to seeing.


The bell rang, and Van Dam immediately went after the champ with a series of punches and roundhouse kicks. From the very beginning, Douglas looked off his game for some reason. He almost looked as if he was smiling as Van Dam attacked him. Van Dam then hit what will be remembered as the most famous clothesline in the history of ECW, as he sent Douglas over the top and to the outside.


Douglas got up rather casually with a smile on his face. For a main event that most believed was the most important and most anticipated in ECW history, Douglas simply didn't look like himself. He slowly made his way over to the ring table and grabbed his title belt.


And then it happened. He spit on the ECW Heavyweight Title. Douglas then raised his arms slowly, and gave the middle finger to Van Dam. Then he turned and gave the middle finger to the fans. Douglas then proceeded to walk up the ramp, and into the back.


A stunned Van Dam was speechless and dumbfounded. The crowd was booing and some even started throwing beer cans into the ring. Where had Douglas gone? And more importantly, what had just happened to the biggest main event in the company's history?


Part Two to come shortly........

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While the ECW fans were continuing to shower the ring with beer, Van Dam was trying to keep the crowd happy by getting on the mic and verbally blasting Douglas. He was staying in character, trying to make it seem that this was a part of the match.


It wasn't.


Meanwhile, all hell was breaking loose backstage. ECW owner Tod Gordon had no idea what was going on. As Douglas walked through the gorilla position, Gordon tried to question him. But Douglas kept on walking.


Head booker Paul Heyman was furious. After all, he had been responsible for building ECW to a point it had never been before. This was his main event. He was cursing Douglas and demanded that he get back in the ring or he would be fired. Other wrestlers like Danny Doring, CW Anderson, Mikey Whipwreck, and Masato Tanaka were all standing by watching, but didn't know what to do. They had no idea what was going on.


Douglas continued walking into the parking lot, and hopped into a waiting car. Obviously this was a pre-planned thing for Douglas. Heyman chased him out and continued to let the curse words fly while demanding an answer. Douglas sped out in his rental car, with Heyman completely beside himself.


By now, Van Dam and referee John Finnegan had give up trying to please the fans. They stood around waiting for somebody to do something.


Despite being enraged at what had just went done, Heyman rushed back to the gorilla position. He found Mike Awesome standing there, and told him to come with him. Heyman then came out from behind the curtain to a chorus of cheers and boos from the ECW faithful.


He explained that Douglas was a piece of **** and that he just walked out on ECW and its' fans. He said that the fans deserved a main event, and he was going to give them one. He said that Awesome would replace Douglas, and that this match would be for the ECW Title.


Though the fans still had no clue what had just went down, there were small cheers for a title match. RVD went on to defeat Awesome in what had to be considered as simply an average match. But given the circumstances, no one expected much more.


After the show had concluded, Heyman was still searching for answers. Gordon was not pleased that the company's biggest show had just been crushed by a walkout from its' top star. Gordon and Heyman were going back and forth with each other, as neither could explain what just happened.


Then Heyman got a phone call.


The third and final part of the backstory coming up.....

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“How did you like your little main event, Paul?”


“Who the hell is this?”


“You know who it is, Paul. It’s the guy who just stole your top star. And the guy who just sent ECW out of business. Your biggest show just went down the drain. You’re finished you son of a *****!”


The man hung up. Heyman was about to blow up. He knew who it was on the other end of the phone.


It was Eric Bischoff.


Bischoff and WCW/NWO had just stolen Shane Douglas away from ECW. Heyman would find out that Bischoff had paid Douglas a huge amount of money to join his promotion.


But given the way Bischoff had always been, he wanted the jump to be memorable. And memorable it was. His plan was to completely decimate the entire promotion by ruining the main event of ECW’s biggest show. Mission accomplished. Though Douglas was reluctant at first to go along with the plan, he simply couldn’t turn down the money.


This left Heyman absolutely furious. Gordon was threatening everyone in sight, because he wasn’t sure his company could bounce back from something this devastating. He told Heyman he was considering letting someone else buy the company, and start over. He figured his promotion would be the laughing stock of the wrestling after this. Though Heyman’s first thought was to take his boys to Bischoff’s next show to start an all out brawl, he eventually calmed down, and knew what he had to do.


He would turn ECW into the top professional wrestling company in the world. And of course, would do what he could to destroy Bischoff’s promotion in the process.


Heyman had always been a motivated guy. He always wanted to be the best. He had ECW one match away from being serious contenders in the wrestling business. But with the ending at Wrestlepalooza, some fans had surely decided to become bitter, and turn away from the promotion. Just like Heyman had always done though, he’d find a way to get those fans back, and bring in even more.


And so the story began. This is Heyman’s last chance to make ECW a wrestling power. Can they survive the company‘s biggest blow ever? Or did Bischoff’s antics send ECW so far down that they won’t be able to recover?


We’ll see.

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Bryan Danielson (Heel)

Chavo Guerrero Jr. (Heel)

CW Anderson (Heel)

Danny Doring (Face)

EZ Money (Heel)

Jerry Lynn (Face)

Justin Credible (Heel)

Lance Storm (Heel)

Little Guido (Heel)

Masato Tanaka (Face)

Mike Awesome (Heel)

Nova (Face)

Paul London (Face)

Rhino (Heel)

Roadkill (Face)

Rob Van Dam (Face)

Sabu (Face)

Steve Corino (Heel)

Steven Richards (Face)

Super Crazy (Face)

Taka Michinoku (Face)

Tazz (Heel)

The Sandman (Face)

Yoshihiro Tajiri (Face)



Bill Alfonso (Heel, currently manages no one)

Cyrus (Heel, currently manages no one)

Dawn Marie (Heel, currently manages Storm and Credible)

Francine (Face, currently manages no one)



Joey Styles (Face)

Joel Gertner (Heel)



John Finnegan (Referee)

Paul Heyman (Booker)

The Shiek (Road Agent)

Tod Gordon (Owner)


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Current Holder: VACANT

Current Reign: N/A

Previous Holder: Rob Van Dam (5 Days)




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Current Holder: Rob Van Dam

Current Reign: 256 Days

Previous Holder: Steve Corino




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Current Holders: Lance Storm and Justin Credible

Current Reign: 78 Days

Previous Holders: Danny Doring and Roadkill

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Ok guys, a few OOC notes about my plans for this:


- This will not be a mirror image of the former ECW. After all, that's why we write these, right? To give our own spin on things. However, it will still contain hardcore action, and will still be treated like the cutting edge promotion that it was. As the backstory sort of foreshadows, this is Heyman's last shot, so he's willing to do whatever he needs to do to make ECW the top promotion in the world. If that means turning to more mat-based wrestling, then so be it. If that means having more "Paddle on a Pole" matches, then so be it (don't expect that though). I just want to make it clear that this won't be all extreme hardcore, weapons flying all over the place every single match. But the concept as a whole is still a hardcore, never seen before, cutting edge-style promotion with unique storylines. The overall story will explain this more as the months progress.


- Keep in mind that at the beginning, I only have one TV show per week, and it's only one hour in length. But at times this may feel like a throwback to the old days, as feuds may drag out for several months, because of the lack of TV time to properly tell them. So there will normally be a 3-4 show buildup for the big show each month. So if the shows seemed overhauled with top-heavy stars at the beginning, it's because I don't really have another choice. Once we can land another TV deal, then we'll have a chance to add more people into the mix.


- Also keep in mind that this diary is using the WOTI2 mod. If you're unfamiliar with it, basically, it's sort of a twist on time with workers and promotions in their prime. So when you look at the date as 2010, don't rip me because of how old some of these guys are in reality. Just view this as a world where things have gotten really twisted, and wrestlers and companies all happen to be in their prime states at exactly the same time.


- Matches won't be written word for word. I'll be the first to admit that I suck at writing matches. But my plan is to give the overall feel of the match, and explain the big happenings and finish in them. Angles are my specialty, and match details are something that will get better with time.


That's about all I can think of for now. I'll edit this section if I think of anything else important as we go along. Most of all, I just want to have fun with this. Hope everyone enjoys!

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BREAKING NEWS: Van Dam Vacates ECW Heavyweight Championship


Extreme Championship Wrestling has just announced that Rob Van Dam has vacated the ECW Heavyweight Championship in a stunning development. Van Dam won the title this past Saturday at Wrestepalooza, as he defeated Mike Awesome in the main event after the former ECW champion walked out of the building and joined a rival promotion.


After learning of Van Dam's decision, Tod Gordon and Paul Heyman have stated that there will be an announcement to open up tomorrow night's edition of ECW Hardcore TV concerning this developing situation.

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Welcome to ECW HARDCORE TV - March of 2010, Week 1


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Joey Styles - “ECW fans, welcome to ECW Hardcore TV! It’s fair to say that most ECW fans are looking for an answer after the ending to Wrestlepalooza several days ago, which saw one of the more bizarre main event happenings in the history of professional wrestling.”

Joel Gertner - “That’s right Styles, and I don’t think our fans are going to like the answers.”



Paul Heyman makes his way down the ramp to a huge ovation by the Philadelphia faithful, as he has a certain bounce to him as he enters the ring and grabs a mic.


Heyman - "Before I get started, let me just go ahead and warn the people backstage in the production truck. (looks directly into the camera) You better get the censors ready, because there will be plenty of profanity in the next few minutes. (huge cheers from the crowd)


First of all, I want to say thank you. Thank you to all of the ECW fans here tonight, and thank you to everyone watching out there around the world. After last night’s main event, you could have said screw it, and went elsewhere for your pro wrestling fix. But you stayed with Extreme Championship Wrestling. And for that, I and the rest of the guys in the back thank you.


Now let’s get to last night. In case you missed the event, our main event of Rob Van Dam vs. Shane Douglas was ended very prematurely. Douglas decided he could no longer take things to the extreme, so he took his **** and walked right out of the building in the middle of the match. Oh, but of course, not before he spit on the ECW Heavyweight Title and gave the finger to Van Dam and the fans in the arena.


Why did Shane leave? Easy. Because he’s a greedy and selfish son of a *****. That’s right boys and girls, in case you didn’t know, Shane walked out on the biggest main event in ECW history to go take a huge paycheck from Mr. Eric Bischoff. Shane knew exactly what he was doing, and Bischoff gave him a little extra for screwing you fans out of the main event that you deserved last night.


So Mr. Bischoff, I only have one thing to say to you…..I don’t care. That’s right, congratulations Bischoff, you ruined our huge main event. But you see, I know you thought that would be the end of ECW. We don’t have the financial resources to keep up with everyone else, so you thought our fans would turn their backs on us, and come watch your bull**** promotion down south.


Well you see Mr. Bischoff, you underestimated everything that ECW stands for. These fans watch us because they know we’re going to work our asses off every night for them, and not just feed them incoherent bull****. Every guy in ECW works his ass off every single night for these fans, and these guys out here aren’t gonna turn their backs on us.


We’re not about the money. We’re about the love. Every damn wrestler in the back is here to accomplish one thing: to make this company the best wrestling promotion in the world. You see, somewhere along the line, you thought it was OK to take the money from fans and give them the same Kevin Nash vs. Goldberg vomit week in and week out. Well now you can add that piece of **** Shane Douglas to your weekly vomit inducing action.


Mr. Bischoff, you know that ECW is coming. You know that we’re here to stay. And after last night, that fact is proven even more. We are EC F’N W! So unfortunately for you, the only thing that came out of last night’s little display is a pissed off Paul Heyman. And you know what happens when I get pissed off. I don’t get mad. I don’t get even. I grab the wrestling world by the balls and give fans exactly what they want.


Tonight starts a new era for ECW. Hell, I’ve even convinced the network to let us go commercial-free tonight, because we’re gonna start off this new adventure with an 8-man tournament for the now vacated ECW Heavyweight Title. You see, Van Dam came to me after beating Awesome last night. He didn’t wanna win the belt like that. Because Van Dam isn’t a worthless piece of **** like our former champion. Van Dam wants to earn it. And he’ll get his chance tonight. As a matter of fact, he’ll do it right now. The rest of the tournament will consist of Sandman vs. Awesome, Tazz vs. Sabu, and Storm vs. Tajiri! But our first match in the title tournament is Van Dam going one on one with Rhino! Bischoff, let the war begin! (B+)


Styles: OH MY GOD!!!!! What a statement by Paul Heyman to get thing started here tonight! Eric Bischoff, you can go…..

Gertner: Easy there, Joey. Heyman is definitely setting a new tone for the company, and after the embarrassment of last night, there was no better way to respond. Bring on the tournament!



Match Notes and Finish: The crowd really ate this up from the very beginning, especially after the incredible promo by Heyman. Van Dam was clearly the favorite here, with fans really respecting his decision. Rhino came out with a vengeance early, and tried to use his brute strength to eliminate Van Dam's chances early on. But despite Rhino controlling things much of the match, opportunity presented itself for Van Dam late in the match, as Rhino missed on a Gore attempt late, allowing RVD to hit a series of moves, with multiple kicks sending Rhino down. Van Dam then continued the momentum and hit the Rolling Thunder, before going up top to hit the Five Star Frog Splash for the 1-2-3. (C+)



Styles: So Rob Van Dam is one step closer to becoming the ECW Heavyweight Champion. You’ve gotta respect the guy for not simply walking out with the title last night given the situation. That’s why he’s the Whole F’N Show!

Gertner: I simply don’t agree. He had the most prestigious title in ECW, and then gave it up? That doesn’t make much sense, Joey.

Styles: Well Joel, I wouldn’t expect you to understand human decency anyways.


As RVD continues to celebrate and walks up the ramp, the music of Mike Awesome hits and Awesome bumps Van Dam as he makes his way down the ramp. RVD looks on and smiles and makes his way to the back.



Match Notes and Finish: These two guys have great chemistry working together, and it showed in this hardcore battle. There was not a shortage of weapon shots from either man and it was a brawling lover’s dream. The two brawled back and forth, with neither really gaining an overwhelming advantage during the course of the contest. In the end, Sandman went to the outside to grab his kendo stick. He got back in the ring and went to strike Awesome in the head, but Awesome ducked and nailed Sandman with the stick. Then Awesome hit the Awesome Bomb through a table set up in the ring to win it. (C-)



Styles: Now that’s hardcore! That’s ECW!

Gertner: Don’t wet yourself little man. What else did you expect from these two?

Styles: It was an intense match from start to finish, and now Mike Awesome will meet RVD in a rematch of sorts from Wrestlepalooza. Next week’s match should be able to top their impromptu matchup from that show though.

Gertner: I wouldn't bet on it.

Styles: Are you intentionally trying to send viewers away from our show. What, you working for Bischoff too?

Gertner: I'll admit Joey, that was a pretty good line. But I've got too many women in Philly for me to head somewhere else.


We pan to the back where we see Tajiri laid out on the floor. He’s got a huge cut on his forehead and looks out cold. Super Crazy approaches, and calls for help. (D+)


Styles: I don’t like this one bit! Tajiri was set to face Storm tonight and everyone knew that when Heyman announced the bracket earlier. Something seems fishy.

Gertner: Perhaps he suffered a deep cut from shaving. Happens to me all the time.

Styles: You shave your forehead?

Gertner: No, but Tajiri had too much going on in his bangs. Perhaps he was trying to give himself a hair cut.

Styles: You sir get more moronic by the week. Tajiri was clearly attacked by someone and there’s no way he’ll be able to compete tonight.


Lance Storm makes his way to the ring and awaits his new opponent. Out comes Steve Corino, who is the announced replacement for Tajiri. (C-)



Match Notes and Finish: A technical match between two disciplined workers, as Corino actually looked fine in terms of mixing it up with the most technical wrestler in the company. We see an open match throughout. Fans were cheering more for Storm than Corino, despite both men being full-fledged heels. Towards the end, Justin Credible got on the apron trying to distract Corino when Tajiri came running from the back.



Styles: Wait a minute, it all makes sense now! Credible obviously attacked Tajiri to give Storm an easier way to advance!


But instead of attacking Credible, Tajiri grabs a chair and nails Corino with it, while Storm and Credible look on in a surprising, but comfortable manner. Storm then covers Corino for the 1-2-3. (C-)



Gertner: You were wrong my friend, as obviously it was Corino who was the one that attacked Tajiri!

Styles: Thanks for pointing that out after the fact genius, but you’re right. Corino obviously took out Tajiri and somehow convinced Paul Heyman he would be a good replacement. Tajiri is seething!

Gertner: I’m telling ya Joey, it’s from the shaving cut.

Styles: Would you shut the hell up?


Tajiri waits for Corino to get up after the chair shot, but Corino gets to his feet, and weasels his way out of the ring but Tajiri can get another shot in on him.


Styles: I'd say things are far from over between these two!



Match Notes and Finish: The crowd was clearly behind Sabu in this one, as he controlled the offense early on, with a lot of wild and unorthodox attacks. But Tazz would never really falter, as he eventually started wearing him down, making him pay for the quick onslaught early. Sabu was clearly gassed towards the end of this one, as he slowly made his way up the top rope for a high spot. However, Tazz made him pay for his fatigue and chased him up to the top and hit a belly to belly suplex off the top and then locked on the Tazzmission almost immediately. Sabu couldn't take anymore and had to tap out. (C+)



As soon as the bell rings after the match, Tazz continues to assault Sabu. He drops down for a series of mounted punches, and even scrapes a small gash into Sabu's head which sends the juice flowing. Tazz then locks on the Tazzmission once again for good measure. Fans are booing him out of the building, but he keeps it locked on for what seems like an eternity. Sabu is just flailing around at this point, and there's no way he can break the hold. Finally, Van Dam comes running down and Tazz releases the hold and exits in a hurry. The two stare each other down as Tazz looks on contently from the ramp with his arms crossed.


Styles: What a heated contest between two of the most extreme stars in ECW, but the post-match shenanigans by Tazz did not go unnoticed by Van Dam!

Gertner: Van Dam and Sabu are friends as we know Joey, but if Van Dam is smart, he won’t mess with the Wrestling Machine Tazz, or he’ll find himself in the same position Sabu is in right now.

Styles: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you may actually be right. I don't think anyone wants any part of Tazz right now. But ladies and gentlemen, we’re outta here. Be sure to join us next week where we’ll see Van Dam take on Awesome in the semis and Tazz take on Storm!



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Great first show!


Thanks man! Things may seem a little slow to start off with, and it may take a little longer than usual to build up meaningful feuds due to lack of TV time, but I'm hoping that everyone sticks around because I think the payoff is going to be very enjoyable.

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Thanks man! Things may seem a little slow to start off with, and it may take a little longer than usual to build up meaningful feuds due to lack of TV time, but I'm hoping that everyone sticks around because I think the payoff is going to be very enjoyable.


That is always the promblem with writing a diary with a company that does not have television. However, if all your cards are as awsome as your first one, well I don't think you should have a problem with people sticking around.

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That is always the promblem with writing a diary with a company that does not have television. However, if all your cards are as awsome as your first one, well I don't think you should have a problem with people sticking around.


Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, it's just a matter of having the proper time to tell a story. Some of the moves may not make sense (such as new signings) at first, but there's a reason for all the moves. With something like the WWE, you could get that across in a month or so. But with only three to four hours of television to build a big show, it takes a little bit for things to play out. My goal is just not to rush things, and let it all play out, because I've got some long-term ideas that should be a lot of fun.

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ECW Signs Four, Cuts Three as Heyman's Roster Shake-Up Begins


Extreme Championship Wrestling has announced today that they have signed Bryan Danielson, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Taka Michinoku, and Paul London to pay-per-appearance contracts. All four men are considered some of the top pure wrestlers on the independent circuit, and were clearly signed to help Paul Heyman bring in the new era of ECW, adding a wrestling-based focus to the extreme elements of the company.


The signings do come at the expense of some others though, as the company has come to terms with the releases of The Blue Meanie, Johnny Swinger, and New Jack. Jack was the most surprising of the trio, but the company expressed concern with his backstage attitude, and felt the time was right for them to part ways so that he didn't harm the potential of the young stars in ECW.


OOC: I know that people generally frown upon going out and signing wrestlers immediately in the game. But given the story, I find it acceptable in this case, as Heyman is trying to do what he has to do to build a company that can compete with the big boys. Personally, I thought ECW was it its best when it had it all (workers with hardcore tendencies, workers with great technical wrestling prowess, and workers who had the total package in the ring and on the mic).


So yes, I will make some signings in this first month. It’s simply building the foundation for the new era and a foundation for fresh storylines. And also because the big shows are three hours in length, and I have to have enough pieces in place for an effective undercard. I won’t be signing groups at a time or anything after this, because I don‘t think that‘s the best plan, and I don‘t have the money to be doing so. But there are some signings I want to make so that I can fill the big monthly shows and continue to build for the future.

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Bryan Danielson vs. Paul London


The two newest stars in ECW are set to square off, as it’s becoming clear that Paul Heyman is intent on bringing in wrestlers that are capable of helping him reach the top of the wrestling world.


Tajiri confronts Steve Corino


After Tajiri was mysteriously attacked last week, we were wondering who would do such a thing. We found out later on that Corino’s replacing Tajiri in the ECW Title tournament was all a part of the master plan by Corino to win the ECW Title. But Tajiri axed his chances after interfering in the match, and costing Corino his chance to advance. There’s no doubt that Tajiri is still on a mission for retribution, and he’s said that he will confront Corino tonight!


Lance Storm vs. Tazz - ECW Title Tournament Semifinals


Tazz brutally took out his opponent Sabu last week, and left Sabu lying in a pool of his own blood. Will Lance Storm suffer the same fate this week? While most may believe so, it’s always important to remember the outside factors at play, as there’s no doubt that Justin Credible and Dawn Marie will find their way into the action somehow. But maybe this time around, they better stay out of it.


RVD vs. Mike Awesome - ECW Title Tournament Semifinals


In the second semifinal of the ECW Heavyweight Title tournament, we will see a rematch of the impromptu main event at Wrestlepalooza. Though Van Dam won the first meeting, Awesome looked very impressive against the Sandman last week, and could be the surprise of the tournament if he can knock off Van Dam in tonight’s matchup.


Predictions are welcomed! Shows will normally go up the day after the preview is posted.

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Welcome to ECW HARDCORE TV - March of 2010, Week 2


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Styles: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to ECW Hardcore TV! It’s been an eventful few weeks in Extreme Championship Wrestling, but we’re in store for yet another big night as the ECW Title tournament has reached the semis, and we’ll officially know the title match for Living Dangerously after tonight.

Gertner: If you could stop talking about the tournament for a minute, we’ve also got some new blood debuting tonight, and as a matter of fact, we’re about to have a singles match between two of them right now!

Styles: That’s right Joel, Bryan Danielson and Paul London are going to kick things off tonight in what should be an evenly matched contest between two of the top technical wrestling talents in the world!



Match Notes and Finish: The ECW fans accepted these two early on after a long series of near falls and quick attacks and counter-attacks from the two, which resulted in a standing ovation from the ECW faithful. After a somewhat lengthy match, London hit a superkick which spun Danielson around and left him in a daze. London walked up to finish the job, but Danielson caught him by surprise and rolled him up with a small package for the win in his ECW debut. (C+)



Styles: What an impressive debut from these two men, as Danielson outsmarted London in the end by capitalizing on that small delay.

Gertner: I have to agree with you there Joey, as both men certainly proved that they belong in ECW.

We see Tajiri in the back searching for something. He checks doors and mumbles something incoherently as he continues to be on the hunt for someone or something. (C-)


Styles: Tajiri is clearly on a mission for something, but now he’s heading to the ring, so maybe we’ll find out what he’s looking for. I’m betting he’s still heated at Steve Corino for costing him a shot at the ECW Title last week!

Gertner: Really, Joey? Was it that hard to figure out who he was looking for? You dunce.



Tajiri starts walking down the ramp, but before he can make it to the ring, he’s attacked by Chavo Guerrero Jr. Chavo goes to work on Tajiri on the outside, and Steve Corino makes his way down the ramp with a smile on his face. Chavo and Corino get Tajiri into the ring and kick him while he’s down on the mat. Then Taka Michinoku comes running down to make the save, sending Chavo and Corino scurrying to the outside.


Corino - “OK, OK. Taka, you want to make your new big splash here in ECW by saving Tajiri? Well how about this. You and Tajiri against me and the other newest member of the ECW roster, Chavo Guerrero! Tajiri, you cost me a shot at the title last week, and I owe you a beating much worse than the one I gave you last week. So if you two have the guts, let’s go right now!”


Taka and Tajiri look at each other and nod. (C-)


Styles: We’ve got an impromptu tag match Joel! And I find it hard to believe that Steve Corino is blaming Tajiri for ruining his chances at a ECW Title. He’s the one that took Tajiri out of the tournament last week!

Gertner: You and your ethics, Joey. Corino did what he had to do to get into the tournament. I would expect nothing less from a true star like Corino.



<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=Tajiri.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/Tajiri.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=TAKAMichinoku.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/TAKAMichinoku.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> vs. <a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=SteveCorino.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/SteveCorino.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=ChavoGuerrero2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/ChavoGuerrero2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Match Notes and Finish: Simply put, one of the best tag team matches in ECW in quite some time. Corino and Taka started the match, with Taka taking down Corino early and showing off his wrestling prowess. Corino quickly tagged out, and Taka and Chavo went at it for the majority of the match. Tajiri was the hot tag in this one, and he eventually got in with Corino in the latter stages of the match. Taka and Chavo fought to the outside, as Corino gained the upper hand on Tajiri and went to grab a chair. But as he went to hit Tajiri, Tajiri nailed the Buzzsaw Kick which sent Corino down in a hurry. Taka held off Chavo on the outside, as Tajiri gained the pinfall. (B-)



Styles: That might have been the best tag team match we’ve seen in ECW in a long time, Joel! What a matchup, and it’s even better that Tajiri got revenge on Corino!

Gertner: Don’t think it’s gonna end there my friend. I have no doubt that Corino will get his revenge soon enough. And my sources are telling me that these two will meet at Living Dangerously next weekend. Tajiri is running on borrowed time. He’ll be laid out again by Corino, and it won’t be a shaving accident this time around.

Styles: Well that remains to be seen. And it was no shaving accident!

Gertner: That’s your opinion.


Super Crazy is in the back watching a monitor as Tajiri and Taka celebrate their victory in the ring. Then from out of nowhere, Rhino appears and attacks him from behind. Rhino continues to stomp him and throws him into the lockers. Crazy is left on the ground as Rhino stares at him with a determined look, and then walks out. (D+)


Styles: What the hell was that about? What has Crazy does to Rhino?

Gertner: Sounds like Rhino is a little crazy to me.

Styles: Do you take anything seriously?

Gertner: C’mon Joey. Rhino is one of the most dangerous workers in ECW. He does what he wants when he wants. If he wants to beat down Super Crazy, he can. And he did.

Styles: That still doesn’t make it right. Crazy did nothing to him!



Match Notes and Finish: Though Storm got a few shots in here and there, Tazz never seemed to be rattled in this one. This match was kind of awkward, and these two didn’t seem to gel very well. Most wouldn't call it disappointing, but it certainly left something to be desired. The technical style of Storm clashed with the more power-move style of Tazz without question. However, Tazz was in control the entire way, and after a few dominating suplexes late, Tazz locked on the Tazzmission, and Storm quickly tapped. (D)



Gertner: Tazz is in the finals! I told you this guy would dominate this tournament.

Styles: Now Tazz is in the final match at Living Dangerously next weekend, but he hasn’t won the thing yet, Joel. He still has to face the winner of our next match between RVD and Mike Awesome.

Gertner: I know that Joey. But like I said last week, RVD better stay out of this man’s way. If I were Van Dam, I’d lose on purpose. He wants no part of Tazz. His little friend Sabu witnessed that last week.

Styles: Tazz will certainly be a challenge for Van Dam or Awesome without a doubt. He’s looked unstoppable lately.


Tazz walks out of the ring and up the ramp as the music of RVD hits. RVD walks out from behind the curtain and the two get in a staredown. The crowd is going nuts, but Tazz just smiles and continues walking into the back as Van Dam makes his way into the ring.



Match Notes and Finish: This match certainly had more intensity than their one at Wrestlepalooza, given what was on the line. Awesome’s power was key for most of the match, as though RVD tried to get the upper hand at times, Awesome’s strength was too much for him to handle. Awesome was always seemingly able to counter the kicks from Van Dam by simply pushing his leg away. After wearing Van Dam down late in the match, Awesome went for the Awesome Bomb, but as hot Van Dam to the highest point, Van Dam countered on the way down and turned it into a crushing DDT. He then went and hit the Rolling Thunder, before heading up top and hitting the Five Star Frog Splash for the win. ©



After the match, Tazz comes back from behind the curtain and stands on top of the ramp with arms crossed, as he and Van Dam stare each other down.


Styles: It’s official ECW fans! Rob Van Dam will meet Tazz at Living Dangerously in the finals of the ECW Heavyweight Title tournament. What a match that will be!

Gertner: Don’t be so sure Joey. Like I’ve said all along, Tazz is on a different level right now. Van Dam is winning, but Tazz is destroying.

Styles: You have a point there Tazz, and after the destruction of Sabu last week, Tazz followed it up with a dominating performance against Storm tonight. Be sure to tune in next week for the final show before Living Dangerously. Who knows what could happen between these two before the big match next Sunday!



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BHK1978 - 3/3

michgcs - 3/3

Jaded - 3/3

Hartattack - 3/3


Not surprisingly, everyone was spot in with the predictions for this show. Not exactly a suspenseful lineup, as it was pretty clear where the title tournament was heading. However, that doesn't mean that the prize isn't a good one. Everyone will be receiving a free autographed Dawn Marie lifesize cardboard standup! It's not the real thing, but boy is it still sweet to look at. We hear Gertner has one for every room in his house.

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Steve Corino vs. Paul London


In a battle between two men with contrasting styles, the newcomer London looks to defeat Corino, who will certainly be entering the match with a little anger. After Corino was pinned in the middle of the ring last week by his nemesis and opponent for the big show this weekend, Tajiri, there's no doubt that Corino will be out to prove something to Tajiri tonight, in preparation for their showdown at Living Dangerously.


Bryan Danielson vs. Tajiri


Danielson was impressive in his ECW debut last week, and he looks to continue that momentum on this week's edition of Hardcore TV. Easier said than done though, as he'll be going one on one with Tajiri, who seems to be riding a huge wave of momentum of his own right now. One thing is for certain: this will be a match worth watching.


Taka Michinoku and Masato Tanaka vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Little Guido - No. 1 Cont. Tag Titles


Paul Heyman has announced that now with Lance Storm out of the ECW Title tournament, the Impact Players will need to put their belts on the line at Living Dangerously. So Heyman has announced that he'll be teaming up four superstars in ECW who aren't exactly tag team specialists, and give them a shot at ECW gold.


Tazz and Mike Awesome vs. Rob Van Dam and Sandman


And in the main event, there will be a huge tag team battle between the side of Tazz and Mike Awesome and the side of Rob Van Dam and Sandman. We learned last week that Tazz would meet Van Dam in the finals of the ECW Title tournament at Living Dangerously, and now the two will side with a partner to try and get their best shots in before the big show this Saturday.

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