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The United States Wrestling Federation - The Return of Kobe Cage

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Okay, so this thread will be my attempt at a diary playing my favorite promotion in my original mod, the Kobeverse.


First things first:



What is the Kobeverse?


It's a totally original "verse" like the Cornellverse. The characters, promotions, title histories, graphics, lineages, everything is all new and original, designed by me.


How did it start?


Well it started back in 2007 because I liked the Cornellverse, but it drove me up a wall that the most of the new workers generated by the game didn't have pics and that I lacked the know how/tools with Daz to create them at the time. I also wanted to play with all of the characters my friends and I had come up with growing up, which was another incentive to do a mod.


So I started making my own new workers and cutting pictures of anonymous people off of the internet to represent them. I kept cutting pics and making workers and before I knew it I had about 400 of my own new workers. So I thought to myself... why not make my own game universe? Had no idea how much work it would be (STILL working on it off and on all these years later) but it's been a blast.


The Kobeverse currently has 1200 workers with pictures and bios. It also has more than 20 active promotions across the world. The mod stands on it's own at this point, and is only incomplete in that the title lineages are incomplete and I still don't have a uniform biographical format (wiki style) for all 1200 workers.


I still work on the Kobeverse from time to time, but right now I'm working on another (community) project so Kobeverse currently gets a minority of my attention. Still, this is my favorite mod to play of all time and I figured I would start a diary to reflect that.


Today I'm going to post the promotion and roster of the company I'll be playing with - "The United States Wrestling Federation". I'll also share an overview of the North American wrestling landscape.


Sometime this weekend I'll put up the 1st show and write up. ^_^

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Below is the history of North America in the Kobeverse.


North American Wrestling History


While wrestling existed in some form since as early as 1952 (when Japanese wrestler Umito Morita came up with the idea of "worked matches", thus becoming the founder of pro wrestling) it was not until 1957 that the wrestling industry formed any sort of stability. It was 1957 that marked the opening of American Championship Wrestling (ACW), the first major wrestling promotion. In the 5 years prior to ACW opening, wrestling had almost no place at all in the states (consisting of less than a dozen wrestlers copying Morita's style and working for carnivals as minor attractions), and outside of a few local promotions in select Japanese cities the wrestling scene didn't really exist at all.


ACW changed all that, as the promotions founder Hugh Hart offered the few wrestlers in the states long term contracts and financial security, bringing them together under one banner and integrating storyline's into his shows. He dubbed his product "Sports Entertainment", and for the next 20 years ACW toured the country, with the promotion becoming famous for both its year long title reigns and the intensity with which the wrestlers defended the matches being "real", sometimes actually fighting fans in the crowd to prove themselves.


Unfortunately, ACW's contract structure and the cost of a hectic touring schedule proved unsustainable. In 1975, ACW went bankrupt. However, the promotions creation opened the door for a myriad of other promotions to be successful in its wake, the most famous of which is North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW).


NAPW - which opened eight years after ACW in 1965 - is the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, as well as the most storied in the history of the sport. Founded by billionaire (then millionaire) media mogul Vahn Cole, the promotion followed the same business format that ACW did, but with a regular schedule that held monthly major events instead of the touring schedule (with many smaller events spread across the country over the course of the month) employed by Hugh Hart. With a smarter event system in place and the juice financially to support it in its early growing stages, NAPW was the premier wrestling promotion on the planet by 1972. Through snatching up some of ACW's biggest stars (with even more lucrative deals than those offered by ACW) in the early 1970s, as well as by signing some of the most promising young prospects in the states - NAPW was unrivaled in its dominance by the start of the 1980s.


With no real competitors to speak of, NAPW looked set to dominate the wrestling industry for decades to come when millionaire Edward Stingley entered the fray in 1986, forming the United States Wrestling Federation (UWSF) in November of that year and launching what would go on to become the biggest war of modern wrestling as the two promotions battled - and continue to battle - for supremacy. Almost as soon as USWF signed Logan Starr (the biggest American wrestling star of the time, and arguably in history) away from NAPW with the first million dollar contract in pro wrestling, a heated war between the two promotions broke out that saw them poach stars from one another over and over again for the next 15 years, with neither promotion gaining enough headway to emerge a clear favorite (although NAPW continued to be considered the biggest promotion in the sport for historical reasons).


The fight finally came to a head when "Ice Cold" Ike Evans (the biggest wrestling star in the world and NAPW's champion at the time) left NAPW in 2001 after a fight with management. What happened next changed the face of wrestling forever. Rather than signing with USWF as many expected he would, Evans joined then regional promotion American Wrestling Entertainment (AWE) in 2002 after being offered a lifetime contract and an ownership stake in the company by owner Dale Allen. The move resulted in AWE instantly becoming a challenger to NAPW and USWF as America's top wrestling promotion. Facing a new common enemy, the two titanic promotions dialed back their full scale war on one another and began committing their resources to locking their existing stars up to long term deals and developing new young stars at their respective developmental territories. Edward Stingley formed the USWF Power Plant in 2003, which went on to churn out some of the companies biggest stars.


In 2004 the wrestling world endured yet another shakeup, as USWF mainstay Cleophes "RTJ" Oreh bought the promotion from Edward Stingley. Oreh - who signed with UWSF in 1994 - had invested the majority of his sizable salary into Orange computers stock for nearly a decade. When the stock blew up at the turn of the century it made him a very rich man. Stingley - who conversely lost large sums of money in that very same market due to failing to adapt his companies business model to the changing times - was desperate to sell. Oreh bought the company from him for 279 million dollars in 2004, making him the majority shareholder in the company, with 70% of its economic interest under his name.


When Oreh started the Oreh TV network in March of 2007 he launched a massive ad campaign for USWF, adding the promotions two TV shows to his prime time television lineup and turning its stars into household names. Whether NAPW will respond with a massive TV deal and ad campaign of its own remains to be seen, as does Evans ability to carry AWE to the number one spot in the wrestling world. USWFs ability to remain successful as a prime-time show for Oreh TV also remains a wild card.


North American Wrestling's future looks fresh and exciting. With a number of small and regional promotions thriving throughout the country and women's wrestling also quickly growing around the world thanks to the popularity of transcendent women's wrestling superstar Summer Valentine, the wrestling landscape is rapidly changing, and it's anyone's guess who will emerge as the king of the hill.

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The United States Wrestling Federation:




The United States Wrestling Federation, Inc. (USWF) is a privately owned and controlled integrated media and sports entertainment company dealing primarily in professional wrestling.


Founded by Edward Stingley in 1986, the promotion was bought by wrestling legend and billionaire media mogul Cleophes Oreh in 2004. Oreh revamped the booking team with those close to him on the roster, with new head booker Giles Valentine taking the promotion in a number of revolutionary new directions. In particular, the firms 2005 decision to no longer differ between gender and weight class when pushing its male and female wrestlers saw it gain enormous market share.


At the beginning of 2008, Oreh moved the companies progamming to his television network, giving the firm the largest potential viewership of any promotion in the world.


Wrestlers of the USWF in alphabetical order:




Aaron Wilde (born October 3, 1942) is an American professional wrestler.


Before wrestling, Wilde attended community college near Baltimore, Maryland and became a radio disc jockey. Unable to make a living in radio, he began wrestling part time in the early 1960s. Later he dropped out of school and pursued wrestling full time. A three time United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) champion (80s/90s), two time American Championship Wrestling (ACW) champion and four time North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW) champion (60s/70s), Aaron Wilde is considered by many to be one of the biggest stars in the history of the business.


He is the father of Darien, Jennifer and Leon Wilde, all of whom became wrestlers, as well as Teagan Wilde, the youngest, who became a referee.


Wilde began taking a much less active in ring role in 2005.






"Daddy's Girl" Abbey Lockheart (born March 5, 1979) is an English professional wrestler.


The middle Lockheart sister of the famous Lockheart family (to Summer, Selphie, Sophie and younger brother Cody), she developed a cult following in the UK due to her time with "The Sisters" stable.


Lockheart graduated from The Field dojo in 1999 and was signed to the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) shortly after her sister Summer.


While with "The Sisters" stable in the late 1990's and early 2000's, she, her three sisters and cousin Sophia dominated the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) women's division and acted as foils (and eventually aids) to Giles Valentine and his Order (VO). Upon the stable breaking up she briefly worked as a manager for the VO before getting pregnant in 2003 and being written off camera for a while. She returned to the ring near the end of 2006.






Aya Young (born March 17, 1982) is a Japanese American professional wrestler.


Pre-wrestling, Young was working as a bartender in restaurants and cafes. In December of 1999, she was approached on the street by a United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) talent scout who asked her if she was interested in working in the wrestling business. After a 4 month stint at USWF Developmental (USWFD), Young was bought up to the main roster first in a managerial capacity, and eventually transitioned to a predominantly in ring role.


Young found a great deal of success in 2004 while working in a stable called "Vogue" alongside Gray Roberts, Dorian Rand and Sophia Angel.






Beval Clark (born March 18, 1982) is an American professional wrestler.


Known in the industry as the best friend of Monica Boyd (United States Wrestling Federation founder Edward Stingley's mistress), Clark became an announcer for the USWF in 2003 shortly after meeting Boyd.


Several insiders have noted that Clark is neither well liked liked nor respected by most of her peers thanks to a perception that she hasn't earned her position, with the thinking being that she is the beneficiary of friend Monica Boyd's charity. However, while few doubt this to be the case it has been noted by many insiders that Clark is a talented announcer in her own right. While her meteoric rise from shoe store clerk to announcer would have been unlikely without her connections, it has been noted that she has a natural affinity for announcing and is a hard worker.






Bryanna Tucker (born August 19, 1984) is an American referee.


Tucker started her career in 2002, moving to Canada where she began working for the Womens Wrestling League (WWL). After several years of working with WWL, Tucker was offered a developmental contract with USWF Developmental. Tucker was called up to the main roster of the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in March of 2007.


It has been said by many that Tucker seems more concerned with partying than officiating, but despite this perceived lack of professionalism Tucker still tentatively enjoys a reputation as a capable referee.






Channing Garfield (born May 20, 1985) is an African American professional wrestler.


Garfield got his start in wrestling after receiving a phone call from United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) owner Cleophes Oreh in 2005. Oreh saw Garfield working as an extra in a movie and was struck by his menacing look. After wooing him for several weeks, Oreh convinced Garfield to abandon his acting career and join the USWF power plant dojo.


After a two year program with the plant and an additional 9 month stint in USWF Developmental, Garfield was brought up to the main USWF roster in 2008.


Garfield is one of the first wrestlers to be homegrown entirely through the promotions farm system, having worked with both the USWF's dojo and development territory for the entirety of his wrestling training.






Cindy "Spiralz" McCutcheon (born January 9, 1980) is an American professional wrestler.


Unemployed before wrestling, in high school McCutcheon met Jessica Hart, a professional wrestler from a famous wrestling family. After striking up a friendship, Hart introduced her to several people in the industry, and in 1998 McCutcheon signed a developmental contract with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF). All of McCutcheon's wrestling training and experience was received at USWF developmental (USWFD) in a few months rather than over many years, causing many insiders to declare McCutcheon a wrestling prodigy.


Despite the relationship getting her involved with the industry, many think McCutcheon's friendship with the controversial Jessica Hart has likely cost her a fair share of title opportunities over the years she has worked with the USWF.






Cleophes "Ravishing Thug Jamma" Oreh (born November 24, 1976, and better known as RTJ) is an African American professional wrestler and businessman. He is the owner of the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) and has a major ownership stake in the television network Oreh TV, which he founded.


In 2005, Wrestling USA called Oreh is ..."a truly rare wrestler of the sort that comes around once or twice a decade." Participated in a legendary feud with Giles Valentine in the late 1990s and early 2000s over control of the Order of Valentine stable that vaulted them both into superstardom. Oreh later branched off as a singles competitor, enjoying great success. Oreh bought USWF in 2004 after a 1999 financial windfall through the stock market. He later founded a television network (Oreh TV), moving USWF programming to his station in 2008.


Oreh has a brother named Grayson who is also affiliated with the wrestling industry.






Darien Wilde (born December 15, 1982) is an American professional wrestler.


Wilde has been called a good all rounder, and the future of the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF), which he joined shortly after his 2002 debut. His siblings Jennifer, Teagan and Leon Wilde, and his father the legendary Aaron Wilde, are all wrestlers. Wilde was pushed very hard by the promotion in 2005 and 2006, but wasn't able to generate enough heat as champion to retain the world championship during either of his title reigns.


Conversely, Wilde got "Summer Valentine" level pops when his sister Jennifer Wilde was his manager in 2003, and for a time Darien was both the hottest wrestler on the USWF roster and in the world. Some bad bookings, as well as Evan Starks appearance on the roster in late 2006 heavily damaged his momentum, however, and throughout 2007 WIlde struggled to find a position on the card. In 2008, management declared that he was still the firms "future cornerstone".






Darko Rebraca (born May 31, 1973) is a Serbian professional wrestler.


Rebraca started wrestling in local independent shows in 1991. After working a few shows in Serbia, the other wrestlers and bookers he worked with seemed to realize he was special, and in 1992 businessman and booker Željko Kovac agreed to finance his move to the states in return for 30 percent of his future earnings. Rebraca accepted the deal, and in 1992 he moved to the states, where he was quickly signed by the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF). He became one of the companies biggest stars, capturing multiple tag team titles throughout the 1990s.


However, Rebraca fell to mid card status by the 2000s as his gimmick grew stale and he refused to change it at behest of the booking team, citing his (at the time) creative control.


Rebraca has stated that after his wrestling career ends he will fulfill his obligation to military service in his native Serbia.






"Valor" Denny Shore (born February 15, 1979) is an American professional wrestler and former bodybuilder.


Standing 6 foot 9 and weighing 385 pounds, Shore joined his first gym at age 16. It was immediately evident that he had the genetics for bodybuilding and, after some persuasion, he entered her first contest in March of 1998 where he won his class. His early contest history consisted mainly of regional shows which culminated in an overall victory in the 1999 midwest Championship. Over the next several years Shore would go on to become a regular competitor on the bodybuilding circut, at times attracting national media attention due to his massive size.


A graduate of the USWF powerplant, in 2005 Shore made his first appearance in wrestling with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF), attacking Jake Summers. The feud would go on to launch his singles career.


Shore is also known for his stint with "The Outsiderz" stable.






Diamond Muse-Oreh (born January 1, 1983) is an African American former model and current manager and personality. She is best known for her marriage to Cleophes Oreh, as well as her occasional onscreen role as his manager.


At age 15, Muse-Oreh finished first place in Ford's "Supermodel of America" competition, and took second place the following year in the Ford "Supermodel of the World" competition before signing with Elite Model Management in New York City.


In 2003, she met USWF Superstar (and eventual owner) Cleophes Oreh. They hit it off right away, dating for the next 2 and a half years before marrying in early 2006.


She is Oreh's onscreen girlfriend and has at times been the "General Manager" for the promotion.






Dorian Rand (born January 21, 1976) is an American professional wrestler.


A male model before persuing a career in wrestling in 1994, Rand is known for his good looks, as well as his brief time as the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) Ultimate Champion in 2002, and as North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW) Men's Champion that same year. Before his time with the USWF, Rand was best known as a midcarder with NAPW from 1998-2002, and was never viewed as a main event talent.


Rand won the USWF Championship due to the injuries of several main eventers in 2002 (and hype he was receiving as an "NAPW defector"), but was relegated to the midcard upon their return. Rand briefly ascended to the top of the card again with his popular "Vogue" stable in 2004, consisting of he, Sophia Angel, Aya Young and Gray Roberts.


Rand also infamously held the NAPW Men's Championship in 2002 when he pinned Jason St. Clair thanks to interference, only to be pinned by the interferer seconds later.






Edward Stingley (born March 22, 1929) is an American road agent and occasional personality. Stingley founded the United States Wrestling Federation (UWSF) in 1986.


Edward Stingley entered the wrestling industry in 1986, forming the USWF in November of that year and launching what would go on to become the biggest war of modern wrestling as he and North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW) owner Vahn Cole battled for control of the United States wrestling market for the next several years.


After nearly 20 years as the CEO and chairman of the USWF, Stingley sold the promotion to wrestler Cleophes Oreh in 2004 because of financial losses in the stock market. He only requested that he be kept on as a Road Agent and member of the booking team until his retirement. Oreh obliged.


Is engaged to Monica Boyd.






Ethan Rayne (born March 23, 1971) is an American professional wrestler.


After graduating high school, Rayne briefly worked as a receptionist in a real estate office before finding his way into wrestling, his chiseled physique making him a natural fit in the industry. Rayne worked for most of the major promotions in the 1990s, gaining a reputation as something of a mercenary due to his willingness to switch sides between the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) and North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW) at the height of their war.


Known for his time with Valentines Order (VO) in the early 2000s and his time as "The Lionheart" for NAPW (and "The Thriller" for USWF) where he was pushed as a monster heel and became a 2 time NAPW champ. Despite a good look and solid in ring skills, Rayne hasn't been able to start up a good singles career with the death of the "gimmicky" era or wrestling where his "Lionheart" costume and gimmick gave him main event level heel heat in the late 1990s.






Giles "The Lord of the Air" Valentine (born December 4, 1973) is an American professional wrestler.


Arguably the most gifted aerial worker in the history of professional wrestling, Valentine is a charismatic and talented worker all on his own to begin with, and his marriage to Summer Lockheart only helped vault him into superstardom even faster. A multiple time United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) champion, Valentine joined the USWF booking team in 2004.


He was a heavyweight before injuries to his quad forced him to drop weight. Named to People magazines 50 most beautiful people list in 2002, a first for a wrestler at the time, and a feat later to be replicated by his wife Summer Valentine and her pupil Jennifer Wilde.


His match with Cleophes Oreh in 2002 is widely considered to be the greatest wrestling match of all time, and his old stable "Valentine's Order" (VO) shares a similarly elite status in the annals of wrestling history.






Gray Roberts (born March 24, 1980) is an American professional wrestler.


Roberts grew up an army brat, and is the daughter of a retired 4 star general. She actually got her start in wrestling as "Gunz" for the promotion Buck Naked Pro Wrestling (BNPW), before being noticed by United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) management because of her exceptional power for a woman as well as her curvy figure and large buttocks, and has stated, "There are not many girls with a big ass who look like me. I realized it could be my moneymaker".


After making the jump to USWF in 2004, Roberts had a stint in Dorian Rand's stable "Vogue" before slipping away into obscurity.






Grayson "Triple 7" Oreh (born August 25, 1978) is an African American professional wrestler.


The brother of United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) owner Cleophes Oreh, Oreh is considered to be a solid all rounder, but most have said he doesn't possess the overall greatness of his older brother.


Oreh is perhaps best known for his brief time with the mega stable The Outsiderz in 2003, when he stepped in for an injured Justin Hart in the battle between Order of Valentine and The Outsiderz for "control" of USWF, with the losing stable disbanding. Oreh lost the "brother vs brother" match, but simply going strong with his sibling Cleophes for the full match got him considerably over.






Henleigh Miller (born Henleigh Eung April 26, 1982) is a German professional wrestler.


German born but possessing Japanese ancestry (He had an American general stationed in Germany for a father and Japanese hooker for a mother), Miller took his birth fathers last name after tracking him down in 2003. Once in the states he needed to find a way to make money, and turned to first street fighting, and then pro wrestling in 2004 after being spotted by the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF). Signed because of his great look and natural affinity for the sport, while Miller has the right look and tools to go far most doubt if he really wants to, since entering the industry in 2004 Miller has seemed to lack consistency, get into trouble with the law and has frequently come to shows late.


However if all those issues could be addressed many insiders believe that one of the great stars in wrestling history could be born...






Iatneh Fujima (born October 27, 1985) is a German professional wrestler.


Fujima grew up around wrestling, as she was adopted and raised by Japanese wrestler Lau Fujima. Considered to be a competent enough worker, but lacking the "It" factor to ever go far in the business in the minds of most wrestling industry pundits.


Fujima signed a developmental contract with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 2006.






Ida Thurman (born April 17, 1970) is a Canadian referee.


While she was born in Canada, Thurman spent much of her early life in England, moving to Wigan at age 3. After finishing school at age 15, she went to a college for hairdressing and became a qualified hairdresser at age 17. She entered the wrestling industry shortly after in 1988, having previously worked as an amateur wrestling referee.


After getting her start with the Hardcore Canadian Wrestling League (HCWL), Thurman worked the independent scene after the promotion closed down, joining the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 2004 after a 6 month long stint with USWF Developmental (USWFD)


Was incorrectly diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a child.






"Big" Jake Summers (born April 20, 1972) is an American professional wrestler.


Standing almost 7 foot 6 & weighing in at a legit 650 pounds, Summers is the largest man to ever wrestle. Initially a circus attraction, he was signed to a developmental contract by Edward Stingley in 2001. After 14 months at USWF Developmental (USWFD), Summers was given a massive push as a monster heel that saw him beat most of the major faces of the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF). Unable to draw any real heat due to a lack of charisma and mic skills, Summers was sent back to development in 2004.


Returned to the main roster in 2005 as the 5th & final member of the legendary Valentine's Order stable consisting of Giles & Summer Valentine, Ethan Rayne & RTJ. When they disbanded he was managed by his sister, Lynn Summers (bought into the company in 2001 as his manager) in the upper mid card. Issues with his weight in late 2006 saw him fade from the title scene entirely.






Jay Robinson (born January 19, 1978) is an American colour commentator.


Robinson grew up in the countryside where he "had a great childhood". He initially started working as a journalist and standup comedian, but wasn't very funny. In 1996 he entered wrestling, acting as a ring announcer for local independent shows before moving to the commentary booth in 2000. He has stated that part of his slow transition into colour commentary was because "I wasn't ready for colour for many years. I felt stupid talking for that long." He joined the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 2002.


In 2005 he was in the middle of a controversy with the company when he lost the head colour commentary job to Monica Boyd, whom he was considered to be a much greater talent than. Boyds engagement to then owner Edward Stingley was said to be the reason he was demoted, and Robinson threatened to sue. The disagreement was settled in private, and many believe Robinson got a substantial raise.






Jennifer Wilde (born November 3, 1984) is an American professional wrestler and manager.


The heir to Summer Valentine, Wilde was proclaimed "the future of women's wrestling" by many in the business upon her debut in 2003. Staggeringly beautiful and charismatic, Wilde has been called "too pretty" for wrestling, and in fact several media outlets have called her the most beautiful woman in the world.


Initially an up and coming lingerie model, legend Summer Valentine saw her in 2003 when she attended a United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) event. Valentine floated the idea of trying Wilde out as a manager to the booking team. Both Wilde and the team liked the idea, and after a few months doing occasional matches and working as her brother Darien's manager, she showed exceptional in ring potential. Citing her otherworldly good looks and the fact that she was beginning to get more pops from the crowd than even her brother, in 2004 Valentine took Wilde as her student.






Jessica Hart (born January 7, 1981) is an American professional wrestler.


A member of the Hart family, Hart grew up around wrestling. She debuted in 1999 despite never completing any formal training. By her own words: "I picked up something here and there from pretty much every wrestler to ever work for the USWF. I didn't start till 18 because daddy (Jin) wanted me to graduate from highschool, but I was ready at 15."


A fixture in the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) Mid Card since the late 1990s, Jessica is the younger sister of Justin Hart, who is also well known for his work in USWFs main event scene. A very talented worker, at one point she was believed to have superstardom written all over her, but clashes with the booking team kept her out of the main event. Many in the industry believe that her time has passed, but with her solid basics and strong work ethic there are still those that believe that Jessica might live up to her famous last name yet.






Jesus "GM Essa" Delgado (born December 10, 1977) is a Hispanic professional wrestler.


Delgado entered wrestling in 1995 after graduating from Dollet Dojo, where he joined American Wrestling Entertainment (AWE) and was paired up with manager Lolita Davis (who would later become his wife). Delgado gained huge heel heat as a domestic abuser for assaulting her backstage after he lost matches. He got over enough that he attracted the attention of North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW) in 1999, who quickly gave him a strong push with the promotion using the same gimmick.


Delgado was briefly in the main event scene of the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in the early 2000s feuding with some of the companies biggest stars after the promotion signed him away from NAPW in 2002, incorrectly assuming that NAPW deciding to place the belt on him meant he had the makings of a future star. Lack of heat and relative inability to draw in the big leagues saw him flounder.






Johnny Lancer (born October 6, 1983) is an American professional wrestler.


Lancer debuted with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 1999 using a "geeky" gimmick. He drifted around in the midcard for the next 5 years or so before putting on over a hundred pounds of muscle, going with a new "rebel" gimmick and forming the stable "The Outsiderz", where he feuded with Giles Valentine and his Order for several years, vaulting him into the main event scene in the process. However, a badly booked title run from 2003-2004 badly damaged his momentum, and by 2006 he found himself in the midcard. Some in the industry feel Lancer was simply too young for the title while others (Lancer included) feel Giles Valentine used his backstage pull to sabotage the booking of Lancers run, as he was made to look weak against several wrestlers lower down the card at several points during it.


Is best friends with longtime USWF midcard mainstay Justin Hart and dating his sister Jessica Hart.






Julie Jordan, better known as Julie McBride (born December 18, 1982) is an American professional wrestler.


Has a twin brother named who is also in wrestling. McBride grew up in a fishing town, where her parents worked in local holiday camps. In 1998, after dropping out of high school, Jordan started modeling in California at her then-boyfriend's suggestion. She returned home the following year after failing to get her career off the ground. Her brother then got her a job with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) as his occasional tag team partner and manager.


Benefited from the main eventer injuries USWF suffered in 2003 (particularly Summer Valentines hiatus from the business and Lynn Summers injuries), which pushed her into the main event scene of the women's division with Sophia Angel. Ultimately didn't stick, floundering back into the mid card due to an inability to continue to draw upon the big time main eventers return from injury in 2004.






Justin Hart (born August 19, 1978) is an American professional wrestler.


Known for his multiple United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) championships, Hart has been called a talented, albeit at times bland performer. The eldest son of USWF legend Jin Hart and grandson of the immortal Hugh Hart, Justin was raised around wrestling. In 1996, at age 18 (after fulfilling his fathers demand that he complete high school before pursuing a professional wrestling career), he joined USWF Developmental (USWFD). With his skills already well honed from years learning from the best in informal lessons long before his 18th birthday, his stint in development was short. Initially thought to be a potentially transcendent talent, it soon became apparent that Hart had all but reached his plateau and would never approach his fathers amazing peak.


In the 2000s, Hart enjoyed a few memorable feuds with Giles Valentine & Ethan Rayne, and was a major member of the insanely popular Outsiderz stable.






Justin James (born August 20, 1965) is an American professional wrestler.


A graduate of Galbadia Garden, James headlined the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in its infancy in the 1980s along with wrestling legends Michael Azzara and Mark "The Babe" Cartwright. On a recent poll asking voters to select who they thought was the greatest wrestler of all time he was ranked number 3 behind Logan Starr and Aaron Wilde. In his prime he was one of the most gifted in ring competitors the world had ever seen, culminating in 1997 when he won the USWF championship while holding the USWF midcard, a first in the history of the promotion.


A 4 time USWF world champion, James left wrestling in late 1999 due to a string of injuries that occurred as a result of overworking himself. After nearly a 6 year hiatus, James returned to USWF in mid 2005 in a semi-active capacity, rejoining the roster full time more than 2 years later, in December 2007.






Justin Jordan, better known as Jake McBride (born December 18, 1982) is an American professional wrestler. His stage name is a combination of the names of two of his friends.


Jordan grew up in a fishing town, where his parents worked in local holiday camps. He describes himself as a "real goody-goody" at school, and wanted to be a psychologist in high school. His first job was in 1998 at a local fish and chip shop, then he worked in a hotel as a receptionist and waiter. It was there that a vacationing United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) talent scout saw him, offering him a job because he thought that he had a great look.


After entering the industry in 2000 (in a tag team with his real life sister Julie Jordan), Jordan benefited from the rash of main eventer injuries USWF suffered in 2003, pushing him into the main event scene with Dorian Rand. He ultimately didn't stick high up the card, and floundered in 2004 upon the big time main eventers eventual returns from injuries.






Kale Patterson (born October 20, 1971) is an American professional wrestler.


In 2004, Wrestling USA called him the best for your dollar referee in the industry, as in addition to being extremely talented as a referee he also has exceptional mic skills and charisma. Many have said that only a lack of ambition and profound naiveté have kept him from navigating his way up the card, as he is not a backstage politician, causing him to be passed over for pushes and camera time on many occasions.


Patterson has worked for several promotions since entering the industry in 1989, including North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW), The Greatest Show On Earth (GSOE) and the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) among others.






Kang "The Chosen" Lao (born March 28, 1985) is a Japanese American professional wrestler.


Growing up, Lao spent his time alternating between living with his mom in Kinki, Japan and his dad in San Francisco, California as his parents were divorced when he was only 2 but wanted him to have a relationship with both. He recounts that neither did a good job raising him, however. In 2004 he told Wrestling USA that "They wanted me only so they could say they were being good parents. Dad was a drunk and mom had her second family. I lived in the streets."


Lao began wrestling at 16, graduating from Kinki Pro dojo in 2001 as one of their first graduates. Wrestling legend Ryoko Hirota helped him get acclimated in the states upon graduation from her dojo, saying he was like a son to her. After working the American independent scene to start his career, he joined the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in mid 2005 after a brief stint with USWF Developmental (USWFD).






Ken Union (born May 29, 1965) is a retired pro wrestler and an American announcer.


Union began his career in 1983 as a blue chipper with North American Pro wrestling (NAPW). Viewed by most in the business at the time as a future superstar, in 1988, then United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) owner Edward Stingley lured Union away from NAPW with a modest contract but promises of big things as a future superstar for his new promotion. With USWF Union thrived, and over the next 15 years he developed into one of the best workers in the history of the business, with the quality of his matches helping to carry the USWF into the 21st century as one of the greatest promotions in the world. He captured the USWF Men's Tag Championships with a record eight different team mates over the course of his career.


In 2003, Union's career was cut short due to a spinal injury, and he moved to the announcing booth, where his great mic skills and understanding of the sport made him a natural fit.






"Ninja 3" Lan Gomez (born July 30, 1979) is a Mexican professional wrestler.


Gomez was born in Southern Mexico and grew up mainly in La Habra, California, but also spent time in Sacramento California. He is of Spanish and Italian descent.


Gomez entered the wrestling industry in 1997 at the age of 18. Between 1997 and 2001, he wrestled for the Hispanic Wrestling Federation (HWF) and Canadian Pro League (CPL). After a brief hiatus from the business in early 2002, later that year he signed a developmental contract with USWF Developmental (USWFD) after the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) saw an audition tape he sent in. Once back with the main roster, he debuted as "Ninja 3", a joke gimmick designed to set up a brief feud with "Ninja 2" Darko Rebraca after a wrestler he was feuding with at the time (Michael Azzara) was injured in his first match back with the company. Instead, the gimmick made him a cult favorite with fans.






"Destello Amarillo" Lau Fujima (born September 2, 1955) is an Asian Latin American professional wrestler.


A Latin American of Asian descent, his parents spent much of their youth in Argentina before moving to the states with him when he was just 2 years old. Fujima got his start in wrestling after inheriting La lucha libre con escuela para héroes dojo from his uncle (the late Papi Fujima) in 1972 when he was just 17 years old. An illegal in the states, Fujima moved to Mexico to run the dojo. He eventually went on to graduate from it in 1973, working with almost every promotion in North America, Mexico, Europe and Japan over the next 30 years, becoming a big star in Japan and setting up the first wrestling dojo in South America.


Fujima joined the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 2005, hoping to end his career there.


He is the adoptive father of Iatneh Fujima, a German native who he got started in the wrestling business.






Leon Wilde (born May 4, 1977) is an American professional wrestler.


The eldest son of wrestling legend Aaron Wilde, Leon is a second generation star and one of a long line of professional wrestlers from the Wilde family. After graduating from Galbadia Garden dojo in 1995, he spent some time on the independent scene before spending the rest of the 1990s with American Wrestling Entertainment (AWE). He signed with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 2005 after a 5 year period drifting in and out of wrestling while he dealt with drug and alcohol problems.


Many in the industry have said he lacks the charisma, in ring talent and drive of his father and siblings. However, his positive backstage pressence has won him the admiration of many of his peers.






Lolita Davis-Delgado (born April 14, 1980) is an American professional wrestler and manager.


Known for her time with American Wrestling Entertainment (AWE) and North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW) in the 1990s, as well as her work with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in the 2000s, Davis-Delgado is the valet and wife of Jesus Delgado. She is considered to be a decent in ring worker and very capable manager. Her last name Davis-Delgado is her maiden name hyphenated with her married name.


Her gimmick as the battered wife of Jesus Delgado early in her life is said to have offended many, and it has been said that Davis-Delgado herself killed the gimmick and went with a more tame servant gimmick in 2005 once she had a child.






Lynn Summers (born December 5, 1978) is an American professional wrestler.


Before joining the wrestling industry, she was a stripper and occasional escort in the Las Vegas area. However, in 2001 when her brother Jake Summers was signed to the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) on a developmental contract, Summers was bought into the promotion to be his manager since he didn't have any mic skills or camera pressence (and seemed more comfortable around people that he knew).


Unlike Jake, Lynn proved to be a natural in the ring and in front of the camera. While her sibling was sent back down to USWF Developmental (USWFD) for additional training in 2004, Summers received a big push, participating in (and winning) the first ever nude match in the companies history - a buck baked fatal 4 way match (on PPV). Stalled in the midcard in 2006, which Insiders attribute it to the fact that she is a somewhat one dimensional performer at times. Is the best friend of Summer Valentine.






"Michael" Michael Azzara (born August 21, 1964) is an American professional wrestler.


After debuting in 1982 as Mr. Legend, Azzara became famous headlining the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in the 1990s along with the likes of Justin James and Mark "The Babe" Cartwright. Was known during his heyday for his gaudy green suits and exuberant personality.


Azzara is also known for his time in the 1980s with North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW) where he became their youngest champion ever. He spent much of the late 90s retired due to burnout with the industry, before returning to USWF in 2002. He is considered by many to have been one of - if not the finest all around talent in history in his prime. His popularity never reaching the level of his skillset is considered to be one of the biggest booking blunders in all of wrestling lore.


Azzara seems to have dedicated the back end of his career to putting over the younger workers of USWF.






Monica Boyd (born February 28, 1982) is a Hispanic colour commentator.


United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) owner Edward Stingley met Boyd in 2001 when she went to pick up her sister, who was waiting tables at a high end restaraunt that Stingley frequented. Taken by her beauty, Stingley asked her out on a date. By 2002, the couple was engaged.


Many in the industry believe that Boyd simply began dating the much older Stingley for his money. Boyd has indeed benefited greatly from her relationship to Stingley, signing a rumored 6 figured contract with the promotion to be its colour commentator in 2002. However, she is not without her talents. In 2004 Wrestling USA called her one of "the most charismatic young talents in the industry today."






Paul Act (born January 7, 1969) is an American professional wrestler.


Act started working in his family's concrete construction business, at the age of 11, and started training as a bodybuilder when he was 18 years old. He graduated from college in 1991 with the intent to work for the family business. However, Act excelled so much as a bodybuilder that he was winning enough competitions to support himself financially. In 1992 he damaged a disk in his back while performing a squat exercise, ending his career.


Looking to continue to be involved with sports for a living, in 1993 Act began a career as a referee in professional wrestling. He had a natural affinity for it, and after working the North American independent scene from 1993-1997, in 1998 he signed a contract with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF). Act referees without a shirt on, playing up his gimmick as a no nonsense referee that isn't afraid to mix it up with misbehaving heels.






Ralph Smith (born January 14, 1979) is an American professional wrestler.


Smith enjoyed music, riding and sprinting at school, before training as a masseuse and swimming pool medic. At 17 he left for Canada to pursue a career as a professional wrestler. After 2 years, Smith graduated from LEGIT City dojo in 1998. "I was a slow learner" Smith confessed to wrestling USA in a 2003 interview.


After working the independent scene in Mexico, the UK, Canada and Japan from 1998-2006, Smith caught the eye of the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in early 2007. He signed a written contract later that year.






"The Genetic Freak" Rylan Johnson (born March 26, 1977) is an African American professional wrestler.


Johnson was born in Pittsburgh. As a junior in High School, he was the 220-yard dash state champion. He received a B.S. degree in physical therapy in 2000. After graduation, Johnson decided to use his rare athletic gifts to pursue a career in wrestling. Shortly after graduating from Galbadia Garden dojo in 2001, he was signed up by the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) and personally trained by Giles Valentine.


A rare breed of wrestler, Johnson is a heavyweight who specializes in the air. He has been called a genetic freak.






"Mr. Unstoppable" Shelby Williams (born March 13, 1973) is an American bodybuilder and professional wrestler.


Williams won Japans biggest bodybuilding contest in 1994 and 1995. He earned his pro card in 1991 when he won a contest in the United States. In 1997 he moved to Florida with his wife and son. There, he worked as a personal trainer and chef in the Miami area. That same year, he was approached by the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) about pursuing a career in the sport. Williams acccepted, and debuted as Giles Valentines bodyguard at USWF Final Fight in December of 1998.


Eventually he began wrestling as a single competitor, enjoying limited success before being released in June of 2001. Williams worked the independent scene in North America before returning to Japan in 2004, where he had multiple title reigns with Japanese Championship Wrestling (JCW).


Williams rejoined the USWF roster in 2007.






Sophia "Love" Angel (born Sophia Marie Angel on January 6, 1980) is an American professional wrestler.


No one in the industry is quite sure what went wrong with Sophia Angel. A superior natural talent with a good work ethic, she was supposed to be the next big thing in womens wrestling. After graduating from Galbadia Garden dojo in 1998, she worked with the Japanese Wrestling Assosciation (JWA) and American Wrestling Entertainment (AWE), capturing the womens championship in both promotions.


However, after signing with the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 2000, despite a big push and well received gimmick Angel didn't get over. After a jesus push in 2001 and 2002, Angel floundered when asked to carry the womens division in 2003 during Summer Valentines absence due to injury. Her poor reception is said to have badly damaged her confidence. Had a brief resurgence with Dorian Rands "Vogue" stable in 2004 and 2005.






Summer Valentine (born April 24, 1974) is an English professional wrestler.


Without a doubt the greatest female wrestler of all time (and there are whispers she is better than every man as well), after graduating from The Field dojo the former Olympian burst onto the wrestling scene in 1999 to much acclaim.


A transcendentally charismatic superstar, Valentine dominated the United States Wrestling Federation (UWSF) women's division throughout the 2000's. A multiple time USWF women's champion and former USWF world champion, Valentine married wrestling legend Giles Valentine in 2003. It is widely agreed that Valentine is responsible for making women's wrestling "mainstream", with the 2000's seeing a huge spike in womens wrestling and the market for it growing after her debut. Indeed, because of Valentine women's matches have been the main event at PPVs--at least for USWF, which integrated its men's and women's divisions in 2004 due to "Summer-mania".






Tam "Tammy" Barker (born July 12, 1975) is an Australian professional wrestler.


Barker debuted with American Wrestling Entertainment (AWE) during the second half of 1994. A standout graduate of Timber Village dojo, she instantly made an impact in the promotions women division. After 8 months with AWE Barker began to work the independent scene.


Barker debuted for the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 2005 as "Multicolor", an obsessive woman from Cindy McCutcheons (Spiralz) past who insisted that she had to pay for something she did a long time ago. After losing to McCutcheon in a casket match, Barker dissapeared for a while to nurse an injury incurred during a match in the feud, returning at the beginning of 2007 using her real name Tam Barker - once again obsessing over McCutcheon. Barker also does bookings for personal training. She engages in private session mixed wrestling matches with men where she lifts them, and puts them in submission holds until they tap out.






Uwe "The Hunk" Cartwright (born December 31, 1973) is an American professional wrestler.


The nephew of Darryl Gray, Cartwright grew up around wrestling. Considered by many in the industry to be a prodigy, there are those that saw him as a future Jin Hart or Aaron Wilde level figure within the industry. He joined the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF) in 1991 to much acclaim, receiving a monster push right outside the gate as he was pitted against the promotions biggest stars.


Cartwright dominated the mid 1990s, working with the USWF during feuds with Justin James, The Babe and Michael - 3 superstars working for the promotion at the time on the backend of their primes. After receiving a moon push however, Uwe threw it all away due to drug and law problems which saw him eventually waste away in prison for almost a decade. Was released from jain in 2005 and re-signed with USWF. Only time will tell if the bad habits that prematurely ended his career still haunt him now.






Yao Chan (born September 16, 1974) is a Japanese road agent and booker.


A wrestling junkie, Chan has been involved in the industry since he was 17. He left home for the midwest right after high school to pursue a career in wrestling, but was told that he was too small and had no talent for it.


Not dissuaded and eager to follow his dream, he joined LEGIT City dojo in 1992, and after washing out of the program headed back west to work for the United States Wrestling Federation (USWF), volunteering to work in whatever capacity the company needed him for free in exchange for backstage access. After endearing himself to the wrestlers and staff backstage, in 1995 he was given a job with the promotion as a salaried road agent. In 2005, after working for the promotion for 10 years he became a member of the creative team.


Is very loyal to the USWF, who he has said "gave him everything."

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Chapter 1 - Genesis, Part Two


December 23, 2007 - 5 PM CST, Chicago Illinois.


It is one of life's great ironies that we often end up coming back to the place where we started, even if we initially went to great pains to get away.



Chase Promise


Chase Promise was having a reflective thought on that very irony as he sat in the waiting area of the United States Wrestling Federation central office to interview with the companies CEO about possible employment. It wasn't everyday that one got to interview with the CEO and chairman of the USWF, but then again Chase wasn't just anybody either.


Once considered one of the hottest wrestling prospects in North America, Chase left the wrestling business just two years after entering it. When people asked him why he quit everything when he had everything in front of him he always told them that he "had his reasons." And he did. The money didn't start off too great, life on the road was rough, and he'd never been all that fond of having the weighty burden of great expectations hovering over his head. But he'd have managed, he supposed, if those were the only things he had to juggle on the quest to pursue the dream he'd had since he was eleven years old.


But that wasn't all that was hanging over him back then. No, when he'd retired from in ring competition back in 2005 it had been mostly because of her. She was the reason he'd walked out on one of the biggest wrestling organizations in the world (and the fast track to success) for a rinky dink gimmick promotion in Newark, New Jersey. She was the reason he'd abandoned the pursuit of his wrestling dreams to go be a road agent. She was the reason he'd needed to just get away.


And now she was the reason he was back.


It'll be good for you. she'd said.


Don't let us be the reason you don't get everything you deserve out of life...


It had sounded good. But had there ever really even been an us? Chase wondered.


"Mr. Promise, Mr. Oreh will see you now." A voice said, cutting into his reverie.


Chase looked up, his eyes searching for the source of the interruption.


They landed on brunette secretary. Late 30's, attractive. She was past her prime. Ten years ago she was probably a bonafide nine. Now she was a 7.5 and holding - or not, depending on if the weight was still coming on.


Her expression said she was bored. Possibly jaded. Maybe both.


"Okay, sounds good, should I just head right in?"


"Yeah, sure. You can't miss it. Take the first right and head straight."


Chase took the first right and headed straight.


She was right, he couldn't miss it. The USWF CEO still had a flair for the dramatic. His office was a gaudy, almost ugly lair of pillars, Persian rugs and stuffed animal heads. He was still fairly new money and hadn't quite figured out how to spend it. So he just bought a little of this and a little of that, to mixed results.


Chase wondered if Cleophes Oreh thought he could buy him as well.



Cleophe Oreh


"Chase, come in. Have a seat!" bellowed the USWF CEO. He was a hulking man, standing 6'7 and weighing 330 pounds. With a strong jawline and massive pecs, Cleophes Oreh probably had one of the best looks in professional wrestling. Even before he'd made out on wall street five years ago and become one of the wealthiest men in America, Oreh was already a household name and legend in the wrestling world based on the strength of his size and smile alone, not to mention his considerable wrestling ability.


Buying the USWF from old man Edward Stingley in 2004 hadn't exactly hurt his career prospects, either.


"So Promise, you're finally back! This time for good, I hope." Oreh smiled, giving a surprised Chase a big hug and almost forcing him into the seat opposite his desk.


He wasn't trying to be rude, he was just strong.


"That remains to be seen." Chase said, rubbing his shoulder where Oreh had squeezed it.


"Yeah, we'll have to work the money out, but that will be fine I'm sure. Did you hear I'm worth a billion dollars? The first black man ever to do it, imagine that!"


"Congratulations Cleophes, I see you're spending it well."


Chase wondered if Oreh would pick up on the sarcasm.


He didn't seem too: "Good good, so now that that's all worked out, let me tell you my plans for you! We'll put you on creative, you left here for GSOE and that booking job back in 05', so let's make sure that you're being stimulated there! As for the wrestling - "


"That wasn't the only reason I left." Chase said cooly.


Oreh's face went slack. It looked like he might get angry, but in an instant a smile was back on his face. It was not the larger than life, gregarious one that normally lined his face, but one meant to convey wisdom, perhaps even empathy?


Oreh came from around his side of the desk and sat on the arm of Chase's chair. He placed a hand on Chase's shoulder in a fatherly way and gave him his best attempt at a gentle gaze. It looked awkward, like a frown on a koala - or conversely a smile on an 800 pound gorilla - and Chase almost laughed.


He felt the heaviness of Oreh's hand on his shoulder and decided against it.


"Look Chase, let me give you some advice. In fact, I'm going to tell you what my father told me when I was around your age."


"And what's that?"


"Bitches come and go... but you'll never lose a bitch chasing money. That said, you CAN lose money chasing a bitch!"


Oreh looked proud of himself.


"Th-thank you sir, I think..." Chase said.


"Look, what I'm trying to say to you is that you're what, 24?"




"Okay, 23. You have your whole ****ing life ahead of you, right?




"So don't waste it caught up on Jennifer Wilde. And don't let that most beautiful woman in the world bull**** the media is saying about her right now fool you, either. She got the same flaws AND baggage that every other woman on the planet has. And if ya'll get back together you WILL be cursing all of her drama just like if you were with anyone else. Ain't no sunshine and rainbows waiting for you at the end of this story! That said, now if you still really want her back then come back here and work for me. Wrestle again. Become a big star and do your booking gig on the side. I guarantee you that if you make it large and have your picture all up on magazines the way she does that you'll get her attention. She's the prize right now, and so to get her you have to be the prize. Hell, you see that guy she's always hanging out with nowadays in the press - the movie star?"




"Now HE'S a prize. He's on as many magazine covers and commercials as her - maybe even more - and so he has her attention. You want her attention right?"


"I guess... I mean, ****, yeah who am I kidding, I do."


"Alright then, so sign up with me, wrestle, become the ish' and get some females hanging off of you. That'll drive her crazy. Hell, you still have the look - that's why I'm hiring you!"


Satisfied with himself and that his message had gotten through, Oreh went back to sit at his chair.


After a moment of pensively looking up at the ceiling, Oreh continued: "...Besides, she's got to care at least a little bit, doesn't she? After all, she went and got you an interview with me didn't she?"


Chase smiled: "Cleophes, you were always going to sit down with me when I was ready to come back. I'm your "Next Big Thing" remember?"


Oreh gave Chase a hard stare for a moment, and then his smile was back.


"Ha ha... yeah. Yeah I guess you're right. So when you gonna start?"


"How about the 1st of the new year?"


Oreh nodded: "I like that. I'm going to put you on the booking team under Giles. He'll work out your card spot. In the interim, I'm gonna send you down to developmental to get the ring rust off. Can you dig that?"


"I can dig that." Chase said with a smirk.


"Good. Then get the **** out of my office, I have some stuff to do!"


Chase got up to leave.


"Oh yeah, Chase?"




"Good Luck."


End of Chapter 1


Up Next, the first show, and (user character) Chase meets the locker room!

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