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Total Championship Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, December 2005





(Being held in front of 10,000 people @ Evanovich Riverside, and showing LIVE on C.A.N.N.)


http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/charlieta.png vs http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/steveegumble.png

Charlie Thatcher defeated Harry Allen w/ Steve Gumble in 5:46 by pinfall.

Thatcher is trying to gain some momentum and climb up the singles competition ladder. He got matched up in this pre-show dark match against tag team specialist Harry Allen, who came to the ring accompanied by his parter Steve Gumble. Not a very good match. Harry Allen and Charlie Thatcher just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. Thatcher is a superior superstar at the moment, he dominated Allen. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary of Steve Gumble gave the match a boost. This match benefitted greatly from a hot crowd but this match brought the crowd's mood down. (Eugene Williams/Archie Judge)

C- rating


http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/paulsteady.png vs http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/chancefortune.png

Paul Steadyfast defeated Chance Fortune in 6:35 by pinfall with a Swinging Neckbreaker.

The second pre-show dark match pitted the dangerous and crazy Paul Steadyfast with the up-and-coming, highflying youngster Chance Fortune. The underhanded tactics of Steadyfast proved to be decisive in this match-up. The two superstar gave it their all but it wasn't a very good match. The announcing quality lifted the match and the colour commentary gave the match a boost. Never-the-less, this match brought the crowd's mood down. Chance Fortune is however, improving in Performance skills. (Ray Johnson/Sam Strong)

C- rating



Blonde Bombshell comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd.

Before the show officially started, the TCW Diva came out and put on a show. Unfortunately, this segment had to contend with a restless crowd. This segment lifted the crowd.

A* rating


Up next: Main Show...

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Total Championship Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, December 2005



Tommy Cornell does an interview in which he challenges Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ comes out and accepts, setting up a singles bout between the two.

The show gets under way and out comes TCW CHAMPION Tommy Cornell. He hypes himself up after successfully defending his title against Liberty last night at the PPV and says it seems like no one will every take away his title. Out comes Ricky Dale Johnson! He reminds Tommy Cornell that he is the new number one contender for Tommy's title, and can't wait for that opportunity. He talks about how he's always been an accomplished star, but has never been able to take that final step/leap. Ricky Dale says this is his opportunity and won't blow it. Tommy goes crazy and throws a fit as commercials roll in.

B rating


http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/troytornado-1.png vs http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/petervalentine-1.png vs http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/gianttana.png

Peter Valentine defeated Troy Tornado and Giant Tana in 14:16 when Peter Valentine defeated Troy Tornado by pinfall with a Heart Breaker.

Back from the break and we are introduced to the first match of the night, a triple threat match between the eggomaniac Peter Valentine, rock star stable member Troy Tornado, and the "friendly" Giant Tana. Stable manager Floyd Goldworthy joins commentary and talks about how this is Troy Tornado's opportunity to get a shot at competing with the top contenders if he puts up a good show/fight. Even though Peter Valentine and Giant Tana were visibly tiring toward the end, this match was pretty good and lifted the crowd. Peter Valentine and Giant Tana are improving in Performance skills. (Sam Sparrow/Sam Strong)

B+ rating


After the match, Valentine shows off and celebrates in the ring his impressive victory. He grabs a mic and says he should be contending for the TCW CHAMPIONSHIP and main eventing all PPV's! He talks trash about just about every superstar in the roster and says no one is on his level.

B- rating


We go to a commercial break...

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Total Championship Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, December 2005



We are back from the break and get a video showing what JUST happened during the break: Rick Law is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Peter Valentine. Peter Valentine says something that Rick Law doesn't like, and they start arguing. Apperantly Valentine says Rick Law is nothing compared to him and he can beat him any time in order to put himself over. After some heated words, Peter Valentine challenges Rick Law to meet him in the ring for a match next week to prove himself.

B rating


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Freddy Huggins take on Steve Gumble for TCW ALL ACTION title, NEXT! As the announcer are saying that, we get a video package showing how Freddy Huggins attacks Steve Gumble backstage, and leaves him down and out.

C rating


http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/freddyhuggins.png vs http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/steveegumble.png

Freddy Huggins defeated Steve Gumble in 8:31 by pinfall with a Huggin's Kiss. Freddy Huggins makes defence number 1 of his TCW All Action title.

After seeing that video, Freddy comes out and is ready to defend his title! He demands the ref to start counting out Gumble and as he is about to start, out he comes with a little help from his tag team partner Harry Allen. Obviously though, he was too beat up to take on Freddy, as he takes the easy win and successfully defends his title. The announcing quality lifted the match and the colour commentary, with Harry Allen, gave the match a boost. Freddy Huggins is improving in Flying skills. Having picked up the victory, Freddy Huggins celebrates in the ring, and goes crazy, running around the ring like a madman, dumping water over himself, and hugging the referee and ring announcer.(Ray Johnson/Archie Judge)

C rating


We go to another commercial break...

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Total Championship Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 1, December 2005



We are back from the break again and backstage we see Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford having a very serious talk. They have tagged before and seem to be forming a stronger alliance.

C+ rating


The announcers are then shown on-screen and they put over the fact that we'll be seeing Stevie Grayson take on Ronnie V. Pain tonight!

B rating



We get a camara with Ronnie V. Pain, who has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Stevie Grayson. He knows that Stevie used to tag with his stable member friend Troy Tornado, but that won't get in his way of destroying Stevie and following the path of a future champion! He seemed very angry. The other stable members were pretty confused with V. Pain.

B- rating


http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/genghis.png vs http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy65/brahmabullonwii/stink.png

Genghis Rahn defeated Stink in 11:48 by pinfall with a Rahn To The Hills in a Hardcore Match. During the match we also saw Grunt run in and attack Genghis Rahn, and Madman Boone do the same to Stink.

It was a war between these two. There were chair shots, outside the ring battle, and even a fire extinguisher. Stink's tag partner Grunt interfered and this lead to Madman Boone jumping from the announcing table to help out his hardcore "buddie." Genghis Rahn and Stink were visibly tiring toward the end. Genghis Rahn and Stink just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. Stink is improving in Rumble skills. (Ray Johnson/Archie Judge)

C rating


The match is over, and Madman Boone and Genghis Rahn celebrate together in the ring for the fans.

B- rating


and we go to another commercial break...

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