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WWE: The World Is Yours

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A new era of wrestling is upon us, It can be seen all over the world, throughout Asia, Europe, Mexico and right here in America. World Wrestling Entertainment are at the forefront of this new wave.


On Raw we have the Nexus, dominating their competition and forcing change upon the WWE.


Smackdown bring us future stars such as Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes, all main eventers waiting to happen.


And NXT are breaking barriers weekly, as we wait to crown the season 2 winner, what eight rookies are we going to witness debut and take the wrestling world by storm?


One era ends, another begins, for the young superstars of the WWE, The World Is Yours.




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WWE Roster







Alicia Fox

Brie Bella

Chris Jericho

Daniel Bryan

Darren Young

David Hart Smith (WWE Tag Team Champion)

David Otunga


Evan Bourne


Gail Kim


Heath Slater

Jay Uso


Jimmy Uso

John Cena

John Morrison

Justin Gabriel

Mark Henry


Melina ( WWE Divas Champion)

Michael Tarver


Nikki Bella


Randy Orton


Santino Marella

Sheamus (WWE Champion)

Skip Sheffield


Ted DiBiase

The Great Khali

The Miz (WWE United States Champion)

Tyson Kidd (WWE Tag Team Champion)

Vladimir Koslov

Wade Barrett

William Regal

Yoshi Tatsu

Zack Ryder






Alberto Del Rios

Big Show

Caylen Croft

Chavo Guerrero

Chris Masters


CM Punk

Cody Rhodes

Curt Hawkins

Dolph Ziggler (WWE IC Champion)

Drew McIntyre


Jack Swagger

Joey Mercury


Kane (World Heavyweight Champion)

Kelly Kelly

Kofi Kingston

Layla (WWE Womens Champion)

Luke Gallows

Matt Hardy

Michelle McCool


Rey Mysterio

Rosa Mendes

The Undertaker


Trent Barreta

Vance Archer





Alex Riley (Mentored by The Miz)

Kaval (Mentored by Layla and Michelle McCool)

Mike McGillicutty (Mentored by Kofi Kingston)

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I hope the Nexus dominates RAW, and Wade Barrett wins the belt. I'll be reading man!


Love that you're starting a WWE Diary. Push Kofi! :D


also Miz, Michael McGillicutty, Kaval, Daniel Bryan, etc...


I'll be following!



Thanks for the support, It's a pretty interesting time for the WWE right now, and hopefully my take won't be too bad!


I have some pretty big plans for the likes of Wade Barrett, Miz and Daniel Bryan so hopefully you won't be too dissapointed.

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RAW Preview


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We are edging closer to Night Of Champions, and the card is beginning to take shape. Our mystery GM has made a stellar main event as John Cena and Randy Orton will team up to face Edge and Chris Jericho. We also get to see the end of a heated rivalry as Ted DiBiase and John Morrison will clash in one on one action. All this and much more, tonight on Raw!


Randy Orton and John Cena versus Edge and Chris Jericho


John Morrison versus Ted DiBiase


Daniel Bryan versus Alex Riley


R-Truth versus Zack Ryder


Gail Kim versus Jillian


Evan Bourne versus William Regal

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Raw opens with it’s usual pyro and video package, our commentators Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome us to the show.


Sheamus’ music hits and our WWE Champion makes his way out to the ring, he grabs a microphone from Justin Roberts and positions himself in the ring.


“ So, last week, just moments after I had defeated Zack Ryder and retained my world title, the mystery GM decided it was within his power to put me into a six pack challenge at Night Of Champions. Now look GM, whoever you might be, I defended my title and I shouldn’t be forced into making another defence for thirty days, I promise you that I will go over your head, I will speak to the board of directors, the CEO, the chairman, whoever I need to.....


Before Sheamus can continue on his rant, fans hear the familiar theme of John Cena, and explode as he bursts through the curtain and makes a beeline for the ring. Sheamus stands his ground as Cena stares him up and down.


“Well, well, well, the human jar of mayonnaise is once again complaining, who saw that coming?”


The fans jeer and laugh as Sheamus remains steely faced.


“ But seriously Sheamus, you are the WWE Champion, what do you expect, you honestly think that a champion would defend his title and then run off with his tail between his legs, and also Sheamus, in just a few weeks, It’s Night Of Champions, the clue is in the name. So, Big Red, you can hold your title and you can whine and moan and complain that it’s your time of the month all you want, but the fact of the matter is at Night Of Champions, I will take back what’s mine, I will once again become the WWE Champion.....


I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, they talk to me


The crowd explodes as Randy Orton appears on the ramp, making his way to the ring, both Cena and Sheamus stare on confused as Orton rolls into the ring with a microphone of his own.


“ John, I have issues with what you said, at Night of Champions, you’re not leaving with the WWE championship, I am, you see John, you have proved that you can’t beat Sheamus, at least not when you’ve got your hands full with the Nexus. I on the other hand have never been beaten by Sheamus, and they fact is I’m not worried about Edge and Jericho, they will tear each other apart, and if I know you John, you will be too desperate to get your hands on Barrett. So Sheamus, it will be me that takes that title from you”


The three men stare each other down and it looks like a powder keg waiting to explode, but before anything can go down, the familiar noise of the GM is heard and Michael Cole steps up to the podium.


“ The General Manager has sent me a message and I quote”


“ John, Randy, you two had better learn to play nice, because tonight, you two will be a team mates, when you face off against former tag team champions, Edge and Chris Jericho. That is not all though, Sheamus, you will also be in action tonight, when you go one on one with the leader of the Nexus, Wade Barrett. That is all”


The three men react to the news of their upcoming matches as we go to our first commercial of the night.



Evan Bourne versus William Regal


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These two men appear to be complete opposites in terms of in ring styles, Evan Bourne’s high flying, high paced action is a clear contrast to Regal’s deeply technical style. The two men put on a very crisp performance with Regal attempting to ground the high flyer Bourne, only for Bourne to use his speed and agility to his advantage. The match ends when Regal is hit with a enziguri, Bourne wasted no time in leaping to the top rope and connected with his patented Shooting Star Press.


Winner: Evan Bourne

We go Backstage, Wade Barrett stands centre stage, his fellow Nexus members surround him


“ I don’t understand this mystery General Manager, I can’t tell if he’s Nexus or against us, he tells us that he likes our style and he allows us our title shots, that we so richly deserve, but then they hijack my title shot at Night Of Champions and add Cena, Orton, Edge and Jericho to my match, they have significantly decreased my chances of victory and that is a mistake on their part. Now tonight I have to face Sheamus, in a match which should have been the main event of Night Of Champions, well I will prove what I’ve been telling everyone since the first episode of NXT and that is that I am capable of hanging with the big boys, tonight I will defeat the WWE champion and then my momentum will thrust me to my destiny, winning that WWE title at Night of Champions”



Gail Kim versus Jillian


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These two divas are looking to get into contention for a divas title shot here on RAW and that hunger really comes through in this relatively short match, with both women throwing everything they have at the other, before ultimately coming up short, eventually Jillian gets a roll up and places her feet on the ropes, the referee doesn’t see the blatant cheating and counts the three count awarding the match to Jillian.


Winner: Jillian


After the match has finished we are whisked backstage where Josh Matthews is standing by


Josh: Hello WWE Universe I am Josh Matthews and my guest at this time is Chris Jericho


Jericho walks into shot


Josh: Chris, tonight you team with one of your bitterest foes, Edge to face John Cena and Randy Orton, surely you and Edge lack the cohesion needed to beat Cena and Orton


Jericho: Josh, I hate Edge, I really truly do, and yes it will be a struggle to team with that arrogant hypocritical waste of oxygen, but I know for a fact that Cena and Orton will be facing exactly the same challenge, those two men are equally dysfunctional and will not work together, so Josh when all is said and done, I will pin either Cena or Orton, I will stand tall in the ring, and then I will go to Night Of Champions and win the WWE Championship.


Suddenly Edge walks into focus


Edge: Is that right, Chris?


Jericho: It’s absolutely right, who’s going to stop me, Cena, Orton, Barrett, you?


Edge: Oh Chris, in case you forgot, Cena’s beaten you time after time, Orton’s pinned you more time’s than I can remember and you were stupid enough to teach Barrett everything you know, and as for me, well nobody knows your game any better than me.


The two men stare a hole into each other, before Jericho finally breaks and storms off.



Before we go back to in ring action, we are treated to a short video to hype the WWE tag team champions, The Hart Dynasty.



R-Truth versus Zack Ryder


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This match begins with Ryder attempting to get the upper hand and throughout the match Ryder more than holds his own against the far more experienced R-Truth. Ryder on several occasions comes close to getting the victory, including nearly hitting the Rough Ryder, however the perennial fan favourite R-Truth manages to avoid the manoeuvre , he managed to rally back and connected with a scissor kick, before connecting with a Lie Detector and pinning Ryder for the victory.


Winner: R-Truth


Backstage, Melina is talking to a backstage official when a cough is heard behind her, she turns around to see Alicia Fox standing behind her.


Melina: What do you want, Alicia?


Alicia: What do I want? I want a lot of things, first I want a re-match for my divas title, but that can wait, for now. Secondly I want you to actually do something, Melina.


Melina: What are you talking about?


Alicia: Have you not been watching Smackdown, Layla and Michelle McCool have been talking trash about you for weeks, now normally I wouldn’t care, in fact normally I’d be joining in, saying exactly how useless you are, but you are the Divas champion and that means you represent all of us Raw divas, so if you look like trash, we all look like trash, and we’re not happy Melina, so be a woman and do something about it.


Fox stormed off, leaving Melina a little stunned.





We cut from Melina back to our backstage Interviewer, Josh Matthews.


Josh: I am joined here by my guest at this time, Santino Marella.


Santino walks into shot with his tag team partner, Vladimir Koslov.


Josh: Um, Santino, I think the whole WWE universe is wondering, exactly what is the deal with you and Tamina?


Santino: I’ll a take it from here, Joshua Matthews, I understand that the Santino Marella is quite a catch, I am handsome, I have smart and I have a strong powerful unibrow, that no lady can resist, but Santino and his buddy, Vladimir Koslov can’t help but feel Tamina might be trying to seduce me, so that the Uso Brothers, JayJuso can pin the mighty cobra, well Tamina, Santino Marella cannot be bought so easily.


Santino and Koslov leave Josh Matthews to send us back to The King and Michael Cole at ringside.


Daniel Bryan versus Alex Riley


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Alex Riley comes down to the ring with his NXT pro The Miz just days before the season two winner will be announced, the match does not go his way however, he is constantly out wrestled by Bryan, and quickly loses his temper, he throws punches wildly, none of which connect and Bryan takes advantage, dominating the match. The Miz jumps up on the canvas and tries to distract Bryan, only for Riley to accidentally collide with his mentor! Riley turns around and Bryan locked on his omopltata crossface, Riley taps near instantly.


Winner: Daniel Bryan


Bryan barely has time to celebrate before The Miz attacks him, Riley wastes little time in joining him in beating down Daniel Bryan, The Miz goes for a skull crushing finale, but Bryan reverses it and locks in his crossface, Riley makes the save, and Miz escapes the ring, but Riley is once again locked into the crossface. Miz watches as his rookie taps out to Bryan’s submission. The GM’s sound effect plays and Michael Cole quickly leaps up to the podium.


“ Daniel Bryan release Alex Riley at once”


Daniel reluctantly release the rookie and Riley rolls out to the floor to join his mentor.


“ Miz, you have interfered in Daniel Bryan’s business once too many, and you will pay the price, because at Night Of Champions, The Miz will defend his United States title against his former NXT rookie, Daniel Bryan”


The Miz throws a fit on the outside of the ring, while Daniel Bryan grins and mouths off to the united states champion.


John Morrison versus Ted DiBiase


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These two men have had a heated rivalry in this match and in the early going the two men trade offense with Morrison getting the upper hand, in an attempt to get her man some extra help, Maryse tries to interfere, but the referee sees this and sends her backstage, leaving DiBiase out here on his own. The match continues in a back and forth manner with DiBiase frequently attempting to cheat in order to win, but not quite succeeding. DiBiase goes for his Dream Street, but Morrison catches DiBiase off guard, connecting with a big kick to the head of DiBiase, the fortunate son crumbles to the mat and Morrison takes advantage, he heads to the top rope and nailed DiBiase with the starship pain, he makes the cover and the referee counts 1-2-3.


Winner: John Morrison


As Morrison celebrates in ring, we cut to commercial.


We return from commercial and Wade Barrett of the Nexus makes his way to the ring, he warms up in ring as he awaits the WWE champion, Sheamus. The Celtic warriors’ music plays out over the arena, but there is no sign of the WWE champion, the referee awaits Sheamus but nothing, once again the music plays, but no sign of Sheamus.


Michael Cole informs us that there is a commotion backstage, we quickly go back and see the WWE champion, Sheamus being attended to by medical staff, he has a large gash on his head and is being treated whilst getting ready to be put onto a stretcher and taken to the hospital, Cole and Lawler speculate on the Nexus’ involvement.


The referee looks perplexed before finally starting a ten count, he reaches ten with no sign of Sheamus and awards the victory to Wade Barrett via count out, Barrett smirks and walks backstage.



Randy Orton and John Cena versus Edge and Chris Jericho


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There is clear animosity between the four men within this match, all of these men have a deep history with each other and the aggression really proves this. The match is deeply aggressive Orton especially throws some hugely forceful moves, including throwing Jericho over the top rope and a vicious looking DDT to his former tag partner, Edge. Cena provides a bit more of a contrast and spends a large portion of the match being worked over by Edge and Jericho, who despite their problems do indeed prove a well oiled tag machine. The match goes on with Edge and Jericho initially looking like taking the match, by dominating Cena and keeping Orton out of the ring, but Cena does finally get the tag into Orton, who flies at Jericho and Edge, nailing Jericho with an R-K-O and pounding Edge into the corner, Edge struggling to recover, desperately connects with a spear. With all four men down and Edge crawling toward Orton, The Nexus appear at the top of the stage, Edge realising stares up at them, but it is too late. The Nexus storm the ring and the referee instantly calls for the bell


Winner: No Contest



The Nexus assault the four men, each getting a measure of offense in, Heath Slater for example targets his former Idol, Edge and punishes him. Jericho is beaten down by his former protégé, Wade Barrett and David Otunga pounds down John Cena with help from Michael Tarver. Cena, Jericho and Edge are laid out, as Orton gets to his feet, he is prone and immediately Skip Sheffield connects with a massive lariat, the rest of the Nexus put the boots into him and Justin Gabriel goes to the top rope, as his team mates look on, Gabriel connects with the 450 Splash. Wade Barrett stands proudly over the fallen four as his Nexus team mates look on in delight.




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NXT Preview



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It's the season finale of NXT Series 2 and we have three rookies looking to become the Breakout Star and win the competition, but who will it be? Kaval? Alex Riley? Or Mike McGillicutty? The three men will clash in a threeway elimination match in their last chance to impress. Also two pro's will add to this already packed show, when The Miz faces Kofi Kingston.


Kaval versus Alex Riley versus Mike McGillicutty


The Miz versus Kofi Kingston


Who will win NXT Series 2?

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NXT opens with a brief rundown of the past weeks, the eliminations of the previous five NXT rookies and the remaining three. Matt Striker opens the show


“ Hello WWE universe and welcome to the Season 2 finale of NXT, we have seen eight rookies compete for a WWE contract and a title shot on a pay per view. Now let’s introduce the three men who are still in with a chance to become the Next breakout star, firstly Alex Riley!. Kaval! And finally Mike McGillicutty!”


The three men come out to the stage and are joint by their respective pros.


Matt Striker continues


“ Tonight, Alex Riley, Kaval and Mike McGillicutty will have one last chance to impress the WWE pros, as they face off in a triple threat elimination match. That will be one to watch, but as a special treat for the WWE universe, up next we will see two pros face off as United States champion, The Miz will go one on one with Kofi Kingston.

The crowd applauds and we go to commercial break, when we come back we are treated to the first combination of NXT series 3, rookie Johnny Curtis will be mentored by none other than Jack Swagger!





Michelle McCool and Layla stand up from their seats at ringside and grab a microphone.


McCool: WWE universe, this poll should be so simple, there is no one who comes close to our rookie, Kaval. Alex Riley, you walk around like you’re the world’s greatest jock, well when I was at high school and was head cheerleader we had real jocks, and people like you, just cleaned the jock straps.


Layla: And you, Mike McGillicutty, are you sure you’re daddy was Mr Perfect, because you are anything but, you’re a balding half baked wanabee, who will never come close to being as good as your father. There is only one real option..Kaval because he is simply




Kaval looks embarrassed but also somewhat thankful for his Pro’s contribution, while Riley and McGillicutty seem less than impressed.



Before the Miz-Kofi match begins, another Rookie-Pro pairing is revealed. The rookie will be Richie Steamboat, son of WWE hall of famer Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, and his WWE Pro will be.....Evan Bourne!



Kofi Kingston versus The Miz



The match begins with Kofi hugely on the offensive with his rookie, McGillicutty at ringside cheering him on, however The Miz sick of being on the back foot, rolls to the outside in an effort to regain his footing. Kofi not willing to wait goes to launch himself over the top at Miz, Riley realises what’s going on and pushes Miz out of harms way, taking the brunt of Kingston’s suicide dive. When Kofi pulls himself up, The Miz jumps in hitting him with a neckbreaker on the outside. The match continues with the two men going back and forth, The Miz is going strong, but ultimately finds himself prone to Kingston after a boom drop. Alex Riley leaps up onto the canvas, in an effort to distract the official, McGuillicutty attacks Riley, pulling him off the apron, the two men are quickly joint in a brawl by Kaval and as all the action is going on in ring, The Miz jumps up and hits Kingston with a skull crushing finale, he makes the cover and the referee counts the three count.


Winner: The Miz



The three rookies are pulled apart as we go to commercial. We come back to the revelation of another pairing. The rookie, Conrad Tanner will be mentored by WWE IC champion, Dolph Ziggler.



We come back and Matt Striker is once again back in the ring.


“ Ladies and Gentleman, we have whittled down eight men to three, but now let me introduce to you the five men who have not quite made the grade... WWE universe please welcome, Titus O’ Neil, Eli Cottonwood, Lucky Cannon, Percy Watson and Husky Harris.


Striker proceeds to question them on who they think will win.


Titus: McGillicutty is the full package, he can wrestle, he can talk and he has the pedigree to win.


Eli: Riley might not be the nicest guy, but he has taken on board all his pro has taught him and he has the potiential to breakout.


Lucky: Kaval has all it takes to break out here in the WWE, he is the best in ring talent and has the most charisma, he has to win.


Percy: You know all three of my boys could take it, now Showtime isn’t in the competition, but my gut feeling tells me Kaval takes it.


Husky: I don’t care who wins, I should’ve won, I was screwed over by ignorant pro’s and stupid fans, I don’t give a damn.


“ Well you heard it all here, up next we will see the three remaining NXT rookies face off in a triple threat elimination match”




We come back from an ad break with another NXT pairing, the rookie Rhys Ali will be mentored by JTG.




Kaval versus Alex Riley versus Mike McGillicutty



The three rookies are desperate to prove themselves in their last in ring chance to show off to the WWE pros. All three men have strong showings. Kaval shows his intense in ring skills, hitting his two rivals with stiff kicks and brutal strikes. McGillicutty dominates his two opponents at times making himself look incredibly talented in the meantime and Alex Riley picks up on all the mistakes of his opponents, picking the bones. The match goes on, until Alex Riley is eliminated by Kaval following a Ghetto Stomp. Kaval and McGillicutty go on brawling with the desperation truly showing, they swing kicks and strikes and try to truly put away their opponent, Kaval hops to the top rope and flies at McGillicutty with a crossbody, but it’s reversed, McGillicutty turns it around into a pinning combination....1....2....3! McGillicutty gets the big win here.


Winner: Mike McGillicutty



After the match, the two men shake hands and Matt Striker promises us that the third place rookie will be announced after the break.


We come back from break and the fifth NXT pairing is announced......Drake Brewer will be mentored by Chris Masters.




Matt Striker stands in the ring with the three rookies.


“All three of you men, have done incredibly well to make it all the way here to the season finale of NXT, but one will fall before the final hurdle, the third placed rookie is................Alex Riley”


Riley’s face falls as he is announced in third place. Striker offers him a chance to say his piece.


“ I deserved to win this competition, I can’t believe that I haven’t, I can’t believe i’ve been beaten by a jumped up midget and a boring loser. I can talk, I can wrestle, I took on board everything my mentor taught me and yet i’ve been tossed aside. Well let me tell you that I will be back, I will be a breakout star, I will be bigger than Kaval and McGillicutty can even imagine.”


Riley walks to the back, but the Miz stops him and takes the microphone from him


“ What is wrong with you people, my first rookie, was nothing but hype, hype he couldn’t live up to and ultimately he was truly a loser, but this rookie, he was the full package, he could talk, wrestle, everything, he was like a young me but you reject him because he knows how good he is, you people are morons”


The Miz throws down the microphone and with Riley storms backstage, leaving his judge’s chair.



The next NXT pairing is revealed....Rookie, Derrick Bateman has been partnered with.....Chavo Guerrero



We come back and Matt Striker informs the two remaining rookies that they have 60 seconds to tell the pro’s why they should win NXT and why their opposition shouldn’t.


Mike McGillicutty is given the chance to speak first


“ I deserve to win this competition, I have sacrificed so much, people say that i’m only here because of who my dad was, but then why would I change my name, I didn’t go by my father’s name. I wanted to make my own impact as an individual and I hope I have, I never wanted any special treatment and I never got any, I have fought my way here and Kaval, no offense, you’re a hell of a talent, but on the independent scene and that’s a huge step from the WWE, can you make the leap, I don’t know, but I can and I will”


Striker hands the microphone to Kaval


“ Nobody has ever deserved to win this competition as much as I have, I have fought on near every continent in more countries than most people can name, I’ve held titles all over the world and battled some of the greatest competitors on the scene , I arrived here in WWE and were given Layla and Michelle McCool as my mentors, yet i never complained, I learnt as much as I could and I am ready to break out, and Mike, i’m sorry but I don’t know that you will ever break out of your father’s shadow, and if I were a pro, I wouldn’t risk my vote on you”


Kaval hands back his microphone and Striker announces that the winner will be revealed after the final two pairings are revealed.




The rookie, Taylor Harris ( brother to season 2 rookie, Husky) will be mentored by ......The Big Show!


And finally......the eight NXT rookie will be Tyler Black, and his WWE Pro will be.....Santino Marella



We return to the ring where Matt Striker announces that the votes have all been cast.


“ This is the moment that the WWE Universe has been waiting for, we are just moments from finding out the winner of NXT series 2, Kaval, Mike McGillicutty you have both been on a long journey, all leading up to this point, but only one can succeed here tonight, the winner of NXT series 2 is..............



Mike McGillicutty.



McGuillicutty looks overwhelmed as Kaval drops his head in disappointment, Kofi Kingston goes crazy on the stage and LayCool look incensensed that their rookie didn’t win.


Matt Striker congratulates the winner, but offers the loser, a chance to say his piece, handing the microphone to Kaval.


“ My career has taken me everywhere that I have ever wanted to go, Japan, Europe, Australia, and all over North America. My career took me everywhere, and I finally ended up here on NXT, I gave it my all, to win over the pro’s, the rookies and the fans, and I hope that I have impressed, there’s no shame in losing to someone as good as Mike, but I promise you that this is not the last you will see of me, I will be back, I promise”


Kaval hands the microphone to Matt Striker and makes his way backstage to the applause of the crowd, Striker finally hands the microphone to the winner of NXT series 2, Mike McGillicutty.


“ Wow, thank you to everyone who voted for me, this is the defining moment of my career, i’ve fought through so much to get here and I knew that I would take advantage of this opportunity, I want to thank Kofi for all the work he’s done with me, getting me ready for the WWE, I want to thank the other rookies for making me up my own game, I want to thank the fans who voted for me and I want to thank my family. This is the start of my road to the WWE title, and I promise to all of you that I will be the next breakout star”


McGillicutty celebrates in the ring, as NXT goes off the air.



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Meet The NXT Rookies




Johnny Curtis


The former male model and keen surfer, Johnny Curtis is looking to make an impact on FCW. Curtis decided to step away from the world of modelling and follow his passion to wrestle, he will be mentored by the former world champion, Jack Swagger and Curtis himself said he was eager to learn from the All American American.




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Richie Steamboat


The son of the legendary hall of famer, Ricky Steamboat, Richie is looking to go supernova here in WWE and start off by winning NXT. Steamboat has been wrestling all over the world, including wrestling under the iconic Harley Race, being mentored by the high flying Evan Bourne, Steamboat will be sure to be a high flying sensation.



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Conrad Tanner


The big man Conrad Tanner could be something of a wildcard in this seasons NXT, with impressive strength and powerful menace, he has enough in his look to intimidate many men on the WWE roster, with tutorship from the IC champion, Dolph Ziggler, he could well add ruthless agression to his resume.



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Rhys Ali


From the land of the kiwi, the all blacks and the flight of the conchords, New Zealander Rhys Ali looks to make his name by winning the third series of NXT. An amature standout wrestler, Ali looks to transfer those skills to his pro game, combined with the guile and speed of his mentor, JTG, Ali could be one to watch in NXT.



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Drake Brewer


Drake Brewer is a man held in high regard in the land of the rising sun, but has yet to truly break out here in the USA, he has a chance now, and he intends to take it. Brewer is a no nonsense brawler and his mentor, Chris Masters could be the man to take him to the top.




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Derrick Bateman


Bateman can be described as an arrogant, brash, ****y man, but from his work on the independent scene, he looks to have the skills to back it up. Bateman is a man on a mission, looking to go all the way and with his pro Chavo Guerrero, he will have the mentor to help him there




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Taylor Harris


Taylor Harris is a second generation superstar, son of Mike Rotondo and brother to NXT series 2 participant Husky Harris. Taylor is looking to go further than his brother and win the third series, and if he can live up to his illustrious father, then he just might. Harris has mentorship from the multi time world champion, The Big Show and if he takes on board all he can, he may just be a future world champion of his own.



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Tyler Black


Tyler Black is an indy standout, he has won championships all over the world and beaten some of the best wrestlers around, yet he faces his biggest challenge yet as he aims to win NXT. Black has proven he's good but can he be the next breakout star? And will he co-operate with his "Unique" pro, Santino Marella?

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WWE Superstars


Kelly Kelly versus Rosa Mendes


Superstars kicks off with a match between two of Smackdown’s divas. Mendes tries to put Kelly away early, but appears incapable, the match doesn’t drag on and Kelly gets the win without too much hard work.


Winner: Kelly Kelly


Todd Grisham and Matt Striker welcome us to Superstars and shows us a video documenting the history of Kane and the Undertaker, culminating with the reveal about Kane’s attack that placed the Undertaker into a vegetive state.


We come back from an ad break and are welcomed with a vignette from “Dashing” Cody Rhodes, this week he tells us all about eyebrow plucking.


Chris Masters versus Trent Barreta


Barreta tries to take down the muscle bound Masters, but cannot quite seem to get ahold of him, Masters successfully powers out of near everything Barreta throws at him. Barreta’s partner in crime, Caylen Croft tries to interfere, but instead gets locked into the Master Lock, Barreta tries to take advantage, but eats a big boot from Masters. After this Masters locks in his signature hold on Trent, who quickly taps.


Winner: Chris Masters


After the match is over, we go to Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole who welcome us to the RAW portion of Superstars. Cole then shows us the footage of Sheamus being found beaten up backstage just before his match with Wade Barrett was due to start. Cole informs us that the doctor’s have given Sheamus the all clear and he will be back this Monday on RAW.


Goldust versus Primo


Goldust and Primo seem to be polar opposites in terms of in ring style, and this clash leads to the experienced Goldust taking advantage in the early going, however before too long the young ruthless Colon makes a comeback and begins to work over the wily veteran, Primo’s arrogance gets the better of him however, he argues with the official over a perceived slow count and is rolled up by Goldust for the three count.

Winner: Goldust


Goldust celebrates his victory, as WWE Superstars goes off the air.

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Smackdown Preview


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Tonight we are one Smackdown closer to Night of Champions and as the WWE drifts toward our epic show, we get some stellar matches on Smackdown!


Montel Vontavious Porter versus Kane


Christian and Matt Hardy versus Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre


Big Show versus Joey Mercury


JTG versus Chavo Guerrero


Finlay versus Vance Archer

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I got say I love your NXT rookie pairings they are very impressive Black and Marella to win :)


Excellent, thanks for the feedback, i like some pairings an awful lot, and Tyler Black and Santino is definately one, it seemed like something the WWE would do and felt too good an opportunity not to do.

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Smackdown kicks off with our world heavyweight champion Kane already in the ring.


“Undertaker, you cannot defeat me and I believe that you know this. I have explained how I bided my time and waited until the time was right, for over a decade I stalked you, sometimes as an enemy and sometimes as your ally, but all the time I waited. Teddy Long has informed me that we will meet for my World Heavyweight title at Night of Champions and that suits me fine, because I will have the opportunity to prove to you and the world that I am better than you, I will vanquish you and send you back to Death Valley for the final time....


Out of Nowhere, MVP’s theme pumps out through the arena, and the ballin’ superstar makes his way out to the ramp. Kane remains stoic in the ring, but does not look at all happy about the interruption from Porter.


“ Yo, Kane. Teddy Long tells me that me and you have got to go one on one tonight, and that’s fine by me, my stock is rising, rising, rising, I have bested Jack Swagger and tonight I’ll beat you. You see Kane, what you did to your brother, that don’t sit right with me, even when I ran on the streets, you never harmed your flesh and blood, that is sacred, that is the most special thing anybody has, and I know that you’re all twisted and scarred and you’re the big red unpredictable machine but that doesn’t excuse you, and it’ll be my pleasure to pin the world heavyweight champion here tonight”


Kane glared at Porter, full of disdain and hatred before finally responding


“ MVP, tonight, you will Rest in Peace”


He begins his manic laugh, and throws down his arms sparking off his trademark pyro as the segment ends.



Finlay versus Vance Archer


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Vance Archer is joint as ringside by his tag partner, Curt Hawkins and Finlay makes his welcome comeback to Friday Night Smackdown. The match begins with Archer being his usual dominant self, throwing the veteran Irishman all over the ring, however Finlay uses his experience to his gain, after Hawkins catches the ire of the referee, Finlay takes advantage connecting with his Shillelagh. Finlay goes for the pin, and the referee makes a count, but Archer shockingly kicks out at two. Finlay tries to end the match, but eventually his age caught up with him, Vance Archer put away Finlay with his Mask of Sanity. After the match, Curt Hawkins went to the top rope and connected with a HeatSeeker elbow drop onto the Belfast bruiser, to add insult to injury.


Winner: Vance Archer



We come back from commercial and Layla and Michelle McCool make their way out to the ring, they snatch a microphone from the ring announcer and get into the ring.


Michelle: We have not had a good week so far, our rookie Kaval was robbed of the NXT crown when we were clearly the hottest pro’s on the show.


Layla: But we intend to move forward with dignity, as co-women’s champion, we are sick and tired of one particular diva on the WWE roster.


Both: Melina!


Michelle: She is icky, has no fashion sense and could never hang with LayCool.


Layla: Also, she walks around with that Divas title, like it means something, well it doesn’t, there can only be room for two co-champions and that’s us.


Michelle: So, we’re challenging you Melina, a unification match, me and Layla against you, Melina, at Night of Champions.


Before the two women can continue, Teddy Long’s music hits and our GM makes his way out to the stage


“ Ladies, I like the way that you think, maybe two women’s titles are excessive considering the amount of women we have on the roster, and I like the idea of a unification match, so much so that I am more than willing to book the match at Night Of Champions. The only problem is that a handicap match seems a touch unfair on Melina, now here is what I will suggest to the board of directors, Melina versus Layla versus Michelle McCool in a triple threat, winner takes all match”


Michelle McCool and Layla throw a temper tantrum at the idea as Teddy Long smiles and heads backstage leaving LayCool furious in the ring.






We head backstage where MVP is preparing for his big match with the World Heavyweight champion, Kane. MVP is warming up when Jack Swagger walks into the shot.


Swagger: MVP, you got a big match tonight, huh?


MVP: Look Jack, I have got a big match, so as much as I’d like to beat you yet again tonight, It’s just not gonna happen, ok buddy?


Swagger: Okay, I get it, not tonight, but next week, I’ve been to Teddy Long and I’ve got it all arranged, tonight you get beaten by Kane and next week you get beaten by the All-American American, Jack Swagger.


MVP stifles a laugh


MVP: I guess we’ll see who the better man is next week then Swagger?


Swagger: Yeah we will, and it will be the All.....


MVP: American, American, I get it, and next week you’ll be the All-American American beaten by the Half Man, Half Amazing Montel Vontavious Porter.


MVP nods his head and walks off, leaving Swagger snarling.



JTG versus Chavo Guerrero


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The match begins with JTG flying all over the ring, taking Chavo to the mat, and making short work of Guerrero. Guerrero rolls to the outside and takes time to regroup, he gets back into the match and displays his nasty attitude to beat down JTG. The match goes back and forth with both men getting in their offense, but JTG looks to have the match won, he goes to put Chavo away with his finisher, but is met with a low blow that avoids the referee’s gaze. Chavo takes a second to get himself together and then nails JTG with a Gory Bomb. Chavo makes the cover and the referee counts to three, giving the win to Guerrero.


Winner: Chavo Guerrero




After the match, we are shown another vignette courtesy of “Dashing” Cody Rhodes, he shows the world the miracle of waxing and tells us that we can be dashing too.




We go backstage where the IC champion, Dolph Ziggler is standing with his love interest, Vickie Guerrero. Vickie is complementing him on his appearance and his in ring ability, when Teddy Long approaches them.


Teddy: Dolph, Vickie. I am here to inform you of your opponent as Night of Champions. Dolph you will defend your IC title once more against Kofi Kingston


Dolph looks frustrated and goes to question the GM


Teddy: In a steel cage match


Vickie and Dolph argue bitterly with the decision but Long’s mind has been made up, he walks off leaving Ziggler to mull over his upcoming title defence.



The Big Show versus Joey Mercury


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Joey Mercury makes his way to the ring, accompanied by sXs team mate Luke Gallows. He waits in ring as his giant opponent lumbers to the ring. The match is fairly one sided with Big Show dominating the far smaller opponent, Mercury tries to desperately get himself involved in the match, but is met with constant resistance. The Big Show looks to put it away with a choke slam, but Gallows hops up on the apron, Gallows is met with a huge punch from Show, who finally turns around and chokeslams Mercury to the mat, he makes the cover and the three count was elementary.


Winner: The Big Show



After the match has ended, Mercury and Gallows crawl back to the entrance ramp. Their straight edge saviour comes out to meet them with a microphone in his hand.


“ Mercury, Gallows, you haven’t got the job done here tonight, but tonight, I am willing to forgive you, if you continue to follow the Straight Edge path. Big Show you are a cancer to this promotion and I as always am a saviour, you can continue to try to run amok here on Smackdown, but I will stop you and I will finally open your eyes to the glory of the Straight Edge Way”


The SxS go backstage as Big Show stands unimpressed in the ring




Todd Grisham and Matt Striker then introduce us to a quick video package highlighting the debut of Alberto Del Rios and his huge victory over Rey Mysterio. They then continue to show us Del Rios opinion on Mysterio.



Christian and Matt Hardy versus Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes

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These four men have been locked into an intense feud in the last few weeks here on Smackdown with Rhodes and McIntyre showing some aggression not seen from them before. This continues into the match and early on Rhodes and McIntyre have managed to cut off Hardy from his tag partner Christian, taking turns to beat down Hardy, they seem to be taking complete control and Christian is willing on his tag partner. Rhodes is looking particularly dangerous, but when Hardy hit the Enziguri on him, Rhodes rolled to the outside, clutching his face, his vanity allowed Christian to get the hot tag and attacked McIntyre who was suddenly overwhelmed, with Rhodes still clutching his face, Christian wastes no time on connecting with his Killswitch finisher. McIntyre was out of it and Christian made the cover for the 1-2-3.


Winners: Christian and Matt Hardy




We cut backstage where Josh Matthews is standing by with Rey Mysterio.


Josh: Rey, for weeks now Alberto Del Rios, has been ridiculing you, and mocking your heritage, surely you can’t be willing to let this go on?

Rey: Josh, of course.....


Mysterio doesn’t get a chance to finish as Del Rios brutally attacks him, he clubs him to the back and throws him into a door, Mysterio lays out injured on the backstage floor, but Del Rios isn’t finished with him, he picks up Mysterio and DDT’s him to the cold concrete floor. Alberto Del Rios smiles as Josh and walks off full of pride with what he has just done to Mysterio.



Montel Vontavious Porter versus Kane


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Our main event here on Smackdown pits the maniac world heavyweight champion Kane against the brash yet loveable superstar MVP. The match begins with Kane dominant, even despite the best efforts of MVP. Kane’s insanity seems to come through in his offense here, he takes every advantage to inflict pain onto Porter, truly showing his sadistic nature, but MVP eventually fights his way back into contention, he finally gets some much needed offense in on Kane, before sending him tumbling to the mat with a dropkick. The match goes on and Porter and Kane trade abuse, with Porter looking like a worthy adversary for the heavyweight champion. MVP out of nowhere does manage to connect with a Playmaker, but it was born out of desperation and he struggles to make a cover after collapsing to the mat, he does finally make the cover, but the Big Red Machine kicks out at two. Porter is up to his feet first, but Jack Swagger sprints out from backstage, MVP is distracted by the All-American American and when he turns around he is met with a strike from Kane, it is followed up with a massive chokeslam and Kane finally puts him away with his Tombstone Piledriver. Swagger looks satisfied with himself as he makes his way to the back and Kane celebrates victory.


Winner: Kane


The match is over and Kane is about to depart when the lights go out, as they return, The Undertaker is standing behind his brother in the ring. Undertaker strikes and the two brothers begin to brawl, Undertaker initially gets the upper hand, but very rapidly Kane takes control, he beats The Undertaker into the corner and follows it up with a Chokeslam, he shocks the WWE universe by then hitting his brother with a Tombstone Piledriver. As The Undertaker lays motionless in the ring, Kane mocks his brother, using The Undertaker’s signature pose over his fallen body and Smackdown goes off the air for another week.




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RAW Preview


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Last week, we saw a shock attack on Sheamus, we have been informed that Sheamus will reveal his attacker tonight on Raw. Along with this we will have some huge matches, as Randy Orton clashes with Edge and Chris Jericho fights John Cena and we edge toward Night Of Champions




John Cena versus Chris Jericho


Randy Orton versus Edge


John Morrison versus William Regal


Melina and Eve versus Alicia Fox and Jillian


Daniel Bryan versus Primo


Yoshi Tatsu versus Ted DiBiase

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The show opens with a video of last week’s events, we see Sheamus being found beaten backstage, as well as the Orton/Cena-Jericho/Edge match, before ending with The Nexus’ attack on the four men and Wade Barrett standing tall.


The pyro goes off and Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole welcome us to the show. Cole teases us with two huge matches for tonight, Edge will face Randy Orton and Chris Jericho goes one on one with John Cena. Cole also promises us an appearance from the WWE Champion, Sheamus.


The Nexus’ music pipes out of the PA into the arena and the group make their way down to the ring, fronted by their leader, Wade Barrett. They enter the ring and Barrett grabs a microphone.


“ Last week, the Nexus once again showed that we are the most dominant force in the WWE. We decimated John Cena, we crushed Randy Orton, we bloodied Chris Jericho and we brutalised Edge. But one person who we did not attack, in any way was Sheamus. The Nexus relishes in the praise we receive for taking out top superstar after top superstar and making our name here in the world’s premier wrestling federation, but for all the hate that I have had levied at me, for apparently taking out my opponent before my match, well that makes me look like a coward and if there’s one thing that Wade Barrett is not, that is a coward. The night is not over for the Nexus, we will make an impact yet again tonight, but we’ll let you guess when and we can only plead that whoever actually attacked Sheamus, make themselves known to the WWE universe”


Barrett throws down the microphone and he and his team mates storm backstage as we go to commercial break



Yoshi Tatsu versus Ted DiBiase


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Yoshi is looking to make a big splash here on RAW, while DiBiase is looking to comeback from his loss last week at the hands of John Morrison. The match begins with a fast pace as Tatsu nails DiBiase with some quick moves and it is clear that Yoshi plans to win the match using his speed advantage, but this cannot last as DiBiase eventually wears down Tatsu, working the knees of the asian sensation and grounding the speedy superstar. The match goes on and Yoshi attempts a comeback, only to be caught in a Dream Street. DiBiase makes the cover and the referee counts to three giving DiBiase a much needed victory.


Winner: Ted DiBiase



Backstage, Santino Marella is looking in the mirror and checks out “The Gun Show” when Tamina appears behind him, and puts her arms around his waist.


Tamina: Hello there, Cobra.


Santino jumps out of his skin and turns around to face Tamina.


Santino: Tamina!


Tamina: Hey, Santino, what do you say you take the night off and we can hit the town.


Santino looking nervous about the whole deal suddenly begins to wave


Santino: Vladimir! Vladimir!


Vladimir Koslov walks into shot, looking confused


Santino: Vlad, we have to go, you know, do that thing that we talked about, you remember?


Koslov: Nyet


Santino: Ah don’t worry Vladimir, we can get you a cream for that.


Santino walks off quickly with Koslov, leaving a frustrated Tamina alone.



Randy Orton versus Edge


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These two men are no strangers to each other, having been both tag partners and bitter foes. The match begins with the same old lock up’s and Orton gets the upper hand, and sends Edge over the top rope cluttering to the outside. Edge looks furious and storms back into the ring, getting in some quick offense and raising the pace of the match, this doesn’t suit Orton who battles to get back to his natural pace and the match is a back and forth battle of two men desperately looking for control in the match and momentum going into Night Of Champions. The fans get completely into the match, cheering Orton like crazy and letting Edge know exactly what they think of him, this however only seems to spur Edge on and Edge takes pole position in the match, eventually nailing Orton with an Edge-o-Matic. As Orton lay groggy in the ring, Edge retreated to his corner, looking to end it all with the Spear. Orton stands and turns and Edge charges, but Orton’s natural instinct kicks in and out of nowhere, he nails Edge with an RKO! The fans go crazy and Orton covers the Rated R Superstar. The referee makes the count...1....2...3. Orton wins.


Winner: Randy Orton


After the match, Michael Cole informs us that there is something going in the back. We cut backstage and witness David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd being assaulted by Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga and Michael Tarver. The numbers game is far too much for the tag champions and they are absolutely decimated. After the assault is over The Nexus simply walk away leaving officials to desperately check on the fallen champions. Is this the impact the Nexus promised they’d make tonight?


Daniel Bryan versus Primo


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Primo is already in the ring as we return from commercial break and Daniel Bryan bursts through the curtain to a huge cheer. Primo looks bitter about the love the fans have for Bryan and attacks before the bell rings, the young second generation superstar is hungry to make his name here on RAW and feels that beating Daniel Bryan would go some way to do it, Primo’s offense is strong in the opening moments of the match, but a focused Bryan shows why Cena chose him for Team WWE at Summerslam. Bryan quickly gets into control of the match, and hits some big moves to stun the young Primo. Before too long, Bryan locks in his devastating Omoplata Crossface and Primo taps out very quickly.


Winner: Daniel Bryan.



As Daniel Bryan celebrates his victory, his arch rival The Miz makes his way out on to the stage.


“ Well, hello there, Rookie”


The crowd vehemently boos The Miz, letting him know exactly how much they hate him.


“ Daniel, we’ve never really gotten along, that’s because you refuse to realise just how awesome I am, but think about it Daniel, I have two things that you could only ever dream of, number one, I am Mr Money In The Bank and when you consider my intelligence and my skill, that virtually makes me a future world heavyweight champion. The second thing that I have and that you will never have......is the United States Championship, you see Daniel at Night Of Champions, I will defend this title against you and I will crush you....because I’m The Miz.....and I’m AWESOME.”


The Miz snarls at Bryan and makes his way back, leaving Daniel in the ring with a look of focus etched onto his face



Melina and Eve versus Alicia Fox and Jillian


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These four divas put on some top notch womens action here. The raw divas all feel slighted by LayCool’s recent verbal slurs at Melina and the divas title and in this match they all seem very eager to show the world what they can do. The match is a fairly regular tag team encounter, Alicia and Jillian take turns beating down Eve, while Melina wills her partner to make the tag, eventually Jillian makes a mistake that allows Eve to get the hot tag to Melina who bursts into the ring, she takes Alicia down and then finishes the match, by hitting Jillian with an Extreme Makeover. The referee makes the easy three count.


Winners: Melina and Eve



After the match, we are sent backstage where Josh Matthews is standing by with the WWE Champion, Sheamus.


Josh: Sheamus, last week, you were brutally attacked before your match with the leader of Nexus, Wade Barrett. Since that moment , the WWE universe has been swarming with rumours about the identity of your attacker, with the most likely candidates being The Nexus themselves. Sheamus, can you tell us, do you have any idea who it was that attacked you?


Sheamus: Listen up fella, and listen good. I know exactly who it was who jumped me from behind and left me unable to compete in my match with Wade Barrett, but I’m the WWE champion and i’m not going to reveal it until after tonight’s main event, so Josh you take your little interview and you can shove it.


Sheamus storms off, leaving Josh Matthews to send it back to The King and Michael Cole at ringside.



John Morrison versus William Regal


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Morrison is coming into this match off a big win over rival Ted DiBiase, while Regal is looking to get back to winning ways following his loss to Evan Bourne last week. The match begins with Regal looking to make sure that Morrison can’t get into his fast paced groove and trying to ground the natural high flyer. Regal’s tactics seem to work here in the early going, he keeps Morrison slow and this limits what the shaman of sexy can do, with this in mind, Regal begins to try to lock in some of his strong submission moves. The match continues with Regal in control, but as the fans will Morrison to get back into the match, Morrison finally rallies and with a pele kick to Regal’s head, Regal goes to the mat, Morrison jumps to the top and connects with a shockingly good Moonsault. Morrison goes for the cover but Regal kicks out at a two. With Regal on the ropes, Morrison unleashes a barrage of his signature moves, keeping Regal on the back foot, eventually Morrison heads to the top rope and connects with his Starship Pain finisher. The three count is a mere formality.


Winner: John Morrison



Backstage R-Truth is talking to the Bella Twins, when Zack Ryder walks into shot.


R-Truth: Zack Ryder.


Ryder: You know it.


R-Truth: What can I do for you.


Ryder: Truth, last week, you so obviously cheated to beat me.


R-Truth: Maybe my scissor kick knocked you silly bro, I won with pure talent.


Ryder: pfft, there’s no way. Look if you think that it was anything but cheating and luck, then you’ll face me again next week.


R-Truth: You know what, that sounds good to me, Ryder.


Zack Ryder nods his head and walks off, while R-Truth gets back to talking to Brie and Nikki



John Cena versus Chris Jericho



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These two men have been uncharacteristically quiet tonight on RAW and it can be put down to focusing on this massive match tonight, as well as the huge six pack challenge that is awaiting them at Night Of Champions. The match begins with Cena overpowering Jericho in their lock up and dominating the Canadian superstar in the early portion of the match, really going at it, trying to put some fear into his five opponents at Night Of Champions. Cena keeps in control of the match, delivering his usual showcase of moves all the while with his same attitude that has endeared him to the fans. Jericho out of desperation, pulls the referee in front of him and Cena accidentally collides with him, knocking him down with a shoulder barge, Jericho takes quick advantage and connects with a Codebreaker on Cena. Sensing that Cena would recover before the referee awoke, Jericho went to the outside and brought a chair to the ring, however Cena got to his feet and fought the chair from him, the referee stirred and saw the chair in Cena’s hands, he immediately took the chair from him and Cena tried to argue his case, the referee allowed the match to continue, but Cena turned around and straight into a second codebreaker from Jericho. Jericho made the cover and the referee counted the pinfall.


Winner: Chris Jericho


After the match is over and Jericho and Cena have made their way to the backstage area, our WWE Champion, Sheamus comes out to the ring to announce who his attacker was.


He leaps through the ropes and grabs a microphone.


“ For all you people, who think that you know who attacked me last week, well I’m here to confirm or dispel your beliefs. Who do you think attacked me, Cena? No. Orton?, not him. Jericho? Edge? Wrong Again. Was it the Nexus?......No, it wasn’t the Nexus.”


The announcers discuss their confusion at who exactly attacked Sheamus.


“ The truth of the matter is......I was never attacked by anyone. I faked the whole thing, It was a collaborative effort with Wade Barrett. We realised that If we didn’t have a match last week, then we would both be that much fresher for Night of Champions, we would have a much better chance of victory, so it was all fabricated”


The fans boo the WWE champion, but almost instantly, The Nexus’ music plays and the dominant group makes their way out to Sheamus.

Wade Barrett, takes a microphone of his own.


“ Sheamus, it’s right that we worked as a unit in order to keep ourselves fresh for Night Of Champions, and it worked a treat it really did”


Sheamus nods his head smugly


“ But you know what we always say, you’re either Nexus or you’re against us”


By this point, Slater, Tarver, Sheffield, Gabriel and Otunga have surrounded Sheamus and the WWE champion looks suitably nervous.


“ And i’m sorry Sheamus, but you are not Nexus”


With this The Nexus leap on Sheamus, delivering a huge beatdown, Sheffield nailed the champion with his huge lariat and Barrett contributed with his own finisher. The full stop comes with Justin Gabriel’s 450 splash. The beatdown looks over, but Cena, Orton, Jericho and Edge suddenly come out to the stage. Sheamus pulls himself up and looks at them, but they turn their back on him and walk backstage, leaving him to eat another lariat from Skip Sheffield.


The Nexus make their exit, jumping the barrier and leaving the arena.


We seem ready to go off the air when suddenly




The Miz shockingly makes his way down the entrance ramp, with his Money In The Bank briefcase in hand, it seems certain that he is about to cash in his title shot on the beaten Sheamus, but before he can reach the ring, he is ambushed, by Daniel Bryan! Bryan attacks from behind, sending Miz crashing to the floor, he puts boots in on the US champion and in revenge for a couple of weeks ago, he drills The Miz into his own MITB briefcase with a DDT. The Miz is out cold and Bryan in anger locks in his crossface submission hold, The Miz taps out furiously as Bryan finally releases the hold. Daniel Bryan has cost The Miz what looked to be a sure thing, the last shot we see on RAW is a down and out Miz laying on his own briefcast and we go off the air.




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NXT Preview


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The season premiere of NXT 3 is tonight and following last week's victory by Mike McGillicutty, we will see eight young rookies try to follow in his footsteps and become the next breakout star. Of course these eight rookies will be mentored by eight of the WWE's best pro's and on tonight's episode we will see some of the rookie's in action.



Evan Bourne and Richie Steamboat versus Dolph Ziggler and Conrad Tanner



Johnny Curtis versus Drake Brewer



JTG versus Derrick Bateman

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We open to our Wild and Young introduction giving us some nice shots of our eight new rookies- Richie Steamboat, Taylor Harris, Tyler Black, Rhys Ali, Drake Brewer, Conrad Tanner, Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman.

We cut to backstage, where our host to NXT, Matt Striker is with the eight new rookies.


“ Hello and welcome to Series 3 of NXT. We have eight rookies here all of whom are looking to become the WWE’s next breakout star. It’s my pleasure to announce that tonight’s main event will be Richie Steamboat teaming with his pro Evan Bourne to face Conrad Tanner and his pro, Dolph Ziggler. But before any in ring action, Richie, Conrad you will both get your opportunity to welcome yourself to the WWE universe”


Striker hands the microphone to Richie Steamboat.


“ I’m Richie Steamboat, i’m the son of the Hall of Famer, Ricky Steamboat and I want to make my own impact here in the WWE. I couldn’t have asked for a better pro that Evan Bourne and tonight I hope that we will kick off our partnership with a big win, I’m here to impress the pro’s , the other rookies, but first and foremost, you fans out there in the WWE universe”


Steamboat hands the microphone back to Striker, who proceeds to give the

microphone to Conrad Tanner.

“ My name’s Conrad Tanner and i’m a quality athlete, with skills to back up my...... Dolph Ziggler takes the microphone from Tanner’s hands


“ All that matters about this guy, is that he’s being mentored, by the WWE IC Champion, Dolph Ziggler, and truly that is the only credential that he needs”

Ziggler storms off and is followed by Tanner and Striker sends us to commercial.




JTG versus Derrick Bateman


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Before the match starts off we see a little snapshot of Derrick Bateman, who puts himself over as being the handsomest rookie of series three and tells us that he will be the NXT breakout star. As the match is beginning Chavo gives Bateman some last minute advice about his opponent, while JTG tells his rookie, Rhys Ali to keep an eye on Guerrero on the other side of the ring. The match itself is suprising in the fact that Bateman looked very dominant in the early going of the match, however his own arrogance eventually lets him down as when he was busy posing in the ring, he turns around and JTG connected with a Shout Out. JTG makes the cover and gets the win.


Winner: JTG



After the match, JTG celebrates his victory, and gets his rookie, Rhys Ali into the ring to join in. Derrick Bateman rolls out and is berated by Chavo, who tells him to follow his lead, following his pro, Bateman and Chavo roll into the ring and attack JTG and Ali, they put the boots in after downing the two and Chavo finishes the assault by hitting a Frog Splash onto Rhys Ali.





We are introduced to another Series 3 Rookie, Taylor Harris in a short video.


“ Hey WWE Universe, I’m Taylor Harris. Wrestling’s in my blood, my dad’s Mike Rotundo and my uncle is Barry Windham, my brother Husky competed in the last series of NXT and really my aim is to beat him. I’ve been landed with for my money the best pro, the worlds largest athlete, The Big Show and with him by my side, I really don’t think I can lose”


Johnny Curtis versus Drake Brewer


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Again as this match starts we get snapshots of Johnny Curtis, the former male model turned wrestler, he tells us all how he gave up the shallow life to follow his dream. Drake Brewer meanwhile tells us how he’s a huge deal in Japan and is held in the highest esteem, he says he’s above the competition. Curtis and Brewer lock up and the fans do struggle to get into these two unknowns, but with their pro’s ( Jack Swagger and Chris Masters) at ringside, they do eventually warm to the match, Brewer seems to take Curtis for granted and despite Master’s warnings, he is shockingly rolled up by Curtis for the three count. Curtis celebrates as his pro Swagger looks on with a steely look, while Master’s looks disappointed at his rookie’s arrogance.


Winner: Johnny Curtis



Backstage, Matt Striker is standing by.


Striker: Allow me to introduce to you another NXT rookie, Tyler Black.


Tyler walks into shot and take’s the microphone.


Tyler: I’m Tyler Black, internet darling, the world has been watching me for a good few years and they all agree that i’m ready for the WWE. I have wrestled some of the world’s greatest athletes and my path has crossed a lot of WWE names, CM Punk, Kaval, Evan Bourne, I could go on. Now i’m ready to take on the WWE universe and win NXT, without any help from my

pro, i’m sure. I mean Santino Marella, really? What can he teach me?


Santino Marella walks up behind him and grabs the microphone from him.


Santino: Da Black Tyler! How-a-dare you insult the NXT Professional Santino Marella. I have so much to teach you, how to romance da WWE divas, how to do laundry, and if you stick close to Santino and don’t stray too far, I may just teach you the deadly COBRA!


Santino strikes his Cobra pose, but Tyler simply walks off, Santino follows and Striker sends us back to the ring for our Main Event.



Evan Bourne and Richie Steamboat versus Dolph Ziggler and Conrad Tanner


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Dolph Ziggler allocates to start the match for his team and Richie Steamboat hops in the ring to face him, Ziggler initially dominates the young rookie and along with the occasional short tag in to Tanner, Ziggler basically controls the second generation superstar. Steamboat is putting up a valiant effort, but finally makes his comeback, he embarrasses Ziggler with a quick neckbreaker and gets the tag to Bourne. Bourne makes his quick paced action count, dropping Ziggler to the mat and then stunning Conrad Tanner with a quick hurricanrana, but Ziggler attacks him from behind and lays him out. Ziggler mocking the down and out Bourne, heads to the top rope, however Bourne leaps up and knocks Tanner into the ropes, Ziggler lands on the top of the ropes in a very uncomfortable position. Bourne DDT’s Dolph off the top rope and then goes and connects with his Shooting Star Press, he makes the tag to his rookie, Steamboat climbs to the top rope and flies off with a flying elbow drop connecting to the IC Champion. Bourne dropkicks Tanner from the apron and Steamboat gets the upset pin on the champ.


Winners: Evan Bourne and Richie Steamboat



Bourne and Steamboat run up the apron, celebrating their huge victory. Dolph Ziggler retains his surroundings and throws a huge fit, blaming Conrad Tanner solely for his loss and we go off the air.




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  • 2 weeks later...

WWE Superstars



The show kicks off with typical WWE fashion, we are welcomed to superstars by Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler as they introduce us to the RAW part of the show.





Nikki Bella versus Maryse

The match is essentially a divas squash, Maryse enters the match confident and continues in this vein. It appears she is right to be confident as she easily put Nikki away with a French Kiss after not too long.


Winner: Maryse



After the match, we go back to Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole, they show highlights of the Sheamus-Barrett incident from RAW and discuss how Sheamus was tricked and then beaten by The Nexus. They also talk about how Orton, Cena, Edge and Jericho chose not to help Sheamus in revenge for his deceipt.


We come back from commercial break and Alberto Del Rios cuts a short promo on Rey Mysterio, nothing overwhelming just a short hype segment.


Chris Masters versus Chavo Guerrero


The match begins with Masters using his power to gain control of the match, Chavo is pinned in the corner, with Masters throwing forearms at him. Guerrero quickly decides he can’t fight a power game with Masters and goes for a quick roll up, looking to catch him unaware, but to no avail. Throughout the match, Chavo attempts to injure Masters shoulder in an attempt to make his Masterlock hold impossible to lock on. These attempts seem to come to fruition, as Chavo rams Masters arm into the ringpost. Chavo’s ego however gets the better of him and he poses too long on the top rope, when going for the frog splash, Masters throws Chavo from the top rope and when Chavo steps up, Masters connects with a massive big boot. Chavo collapsed to the mat and Masters made the cover, the referee counted 1-2-3.


Winner: Chris Masters



A short re-cap of the first episode of NXT series 3 plays, it shows off the skills of some of the rookies and focuses heavily on Richie Steamboat and his tag team victory over Dolph Ziggler.


We go to our Smackdown announcers, Matt Striker and Todd Grisham who discuss the recent heated rivalry between Big Show and CM Punk, before showing us a short video detailing their feud



Goldust and Mark Henry versus The Usos


The match begins with Mark Henry very much in control, throwing the Uso twins around the ring and generally living up to his worlds strongest man moniker. The domination of Goldust and Henry continues long into the match with the two proving an oddly effective combination, Henry providing the strength and Goldust the strategy, that makes it difficult for the Usos to get into the match. The match comes to it’s conclusion when Tamina gets on the apron and distracts Goldust, Jay dives across the ring and knocks Henry off the apron, Jimmy then lays Goldust out with a DDT, before heading to the top rope and connecting with a big splash. Jay makes sure Henry doesn’t get up and the three count is made giving the Uso’s a big upset victory.


Winners: The Uso Twins.



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