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ELITE: The Bad Boys of Pro Wrestling

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I think an Impact New York diary would be cool. I mean you would have an instant enemy in NYCW. The Stomper hates working with others so maybe have something where Greed was up for the booker job in NYCW but Stomper did not want him because Stomper is such an old style guy and Greed is a grunge era guy. Due to that rejection, Greed decides to open up Impact NY to put Stomper out of business.


And I agree with you about a 1970's diary, they are just to hard to do. I mean hats off to the people that do write 1970's based diaries. It is very hard to recreate that era, I remember 80's wrestling was a bunch of squash matches and a ton of hype for the local shows. I have no clue if that is how it was done in the 1970's.


Regardless of the companies name (Still leaning toward Impact! New York though due to all that's available right now), Stomper will certainly have a role in the beginning. I don't know if I'll use the NYCW Booker idea (even though it is a good one) since I already have something in mind; however, no matter what... It's expected that Stomper wouldn't be very happy with Greed in the first place. Why?


1) Another company 'dares' to hold events in the city they currently occupy; in a sense, becoming a declaration of war despite not really doing so.


2) Greed often pillaged NYCW for talent during his days in PSW. This, along with the fact that John would now be operating out of the same city (even though it is a huge one at that; enough room for two companies realistically... if not 20. ha), there would be a level of fear coming from Stomper. In that case, I could see him as being very hostile straight out of the gate. Then again, when hasn't John been met with hostility? (See Sam Strong, Mitch Naess, etc).


More or less, I'm shaping everything up as we speak. I've re-vamped the original database in which to reflect the 'Greed-verse' as we came to know it. That being said, within the first few posts of the new diary (outside of the backstory stuff), there will be a general layout of how the 'Greed-verse' looks and feels. The companies, the owners, and all that has gone on since John came into existence as a booker in PSW. That means, the take-over of PSW by 'Steel City Underground Broadcasting', Arcadia's DOA Project, and other various things that have fallen into place.


For those who have followed my Greed saga's, You'll see the world come back to life. To those who haven't, I'll do my best to give you a background as to how everything came together & how it is now (also giving links to the previous projects if you want to do your own reading on it).

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Glad to know I'm not the only one who suffers from too many dynasty ideas.


Seriously, though, E-V: I'm glad you're going back to the Greed saga. And, I too have always wanted to make a rival NYC company to war with The Stomper. Although I like old-school feds a little bit, the ones who transcend the "normal" are my favorites. That's what I love about wherever Greed goes.


I'm a little disheartened that you didn't decide to do a '77 dynasty. Hopefully your influence on my work will stick out when my '77 one hits this weekend. It might be an old-school Southern fed, but there will be some crazy anti-mainstream stuff going on in AAFW.


Looking forward to IMPACT.



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<p>It was talked about in your last dynasty about burnout and you had mentioned that you never really where into it and that ELITE was more your personality and style. Now that this one is gone I see you have made another dynasty already.</p><p> </p><p>

My suggestion and at this point it will go unfounded but none the less I think you should START a game, do a few shows, at this point I'd suggest about ten shows of in game playing time. With a big promotion that gives you two full months plus big shows with a smaller game it could give you nearly a years worth of shows or a good half years worth of shows.</p><p> </p><p>

Your problem seems to be you come up with these great ideas and you make the dynasty before you have played a single game. Then you get into the game and after a few shows realize that the stories you thought about never really went beyond the first few shows. Its happened to me I've started a game and after two months realized (there isn't as much to this story as I had hoped) and you get burnt out.</p><p> </p><p>

Either way man I hope you get back on your feet but permission to speak freely? I think you going back to PSW is in a way you forcing yourself back to what made you succesful back to what started it all. Just like in wrestling anytime you start going backwards its a sign of creative burnout. Best of luck and I hope you don't take offense I just wanted to say I've been in your shoes before and this sounds like a classic case of creative burnout and nothing is going to stop that except for a break from making dynasties. </p><p> </p><p>

Good luck and I hope you prove me wrong and I hope you do well but you don't want the curse of the Angel as you said j/k lol.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="toeachtheirown" data-cite="toeachtheirown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28952" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It was talked about in your last dynasty about burnout and you had mentioned that you never really where into it and that ELITE was more your personality and style. Now that this one is gone I see you have made another dynasty already.<p> </p><p> My suggestion and at this point it will go unfounded but none the less I think you should START a game, do a few shows, at this point I'd suggest about ten shows of in game playing time. With a big promotion that gives you two full months plus big shows with a smaller game it could give you nearly a years worth of shows or a good half years worth of shows.</p><p> </p><p> Your problem seems to be you come up with these great ideas and you make the dynasty before you have played a single game. Then you get into the game and after a few shows realize that the stories you thought about never really went beyond the first few shows. Its happened to me I've started a game and after two months realized (there isn't as much to this story as I had hoped) and you get burnt out.</p><p> </p><p> Either way man I hope you get back on your feet but permission to speak freely? I think you going back to PSW is in a way you forcing yourself back to what made you succesful back to what started it all. Just like in wrestling anytime you start going backwards its a sign of creative burnout. Best of luck and I hope you don't take offense I just wanted to say I've been in your shoes before and this sounds like a classic case of creative burnout and nothing is going to stop that except for a break from making dynasties. </p><p> </p><p> Good luck and I hope you prove me wrong and I hope you do well but you don't want the curse of the Angel as you said j/k lol.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fair enough; I don't take offense at all as it's all pretty much spot on. To be honest, I have had some troubles lately staying 'locked into' a project as I'm much more of a visionary versus a facilitator. With that said, I don't believe that going back to PSW for the final installment of the Greed Saga is me necessarily going back to what made me 'popular'. I really want to bring an end to the Greed scenario and I couldn't think of a company better than PSW. </p><p> </p><p> In the end, it may rub some the wrong way but I want to 'go out' in this manner; closing it with Greed.... Closing it with PSW... Brining life back to something I hold in high regard (PSW). To be honest, the only thing that ended my last PSW project was the fact that the newest version of TEW came out. If it weren't for that, I would still be trucking along with it; I can honestly say that.</p>
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