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WWE: Fully Booked

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More Contracts Signed

Shelley (Alex Shelley), Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson, and TJ Killer (TJ Perkins) have been given developmental contracts. Daniel Bryan, Lena Yada, Taka Michinoku, X-Pac, The Sandman, Kung Fu Naki, and Shelton Benjamin will all be making returns soon as well.

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Raw Matches

The main event scheduled for Raw is Chris Jericho against WWE Champion Randy Orton in a non-title match. If Jericho wins, he could get a title shot in the future.


Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, and Heath Slater of the Nexus take on MVP and two partners of his choosing.


Justin Gabriel and Michael Tarver hold an invitational for their tag team titles.


Booker T's return to Raw, What will he have in store for Sheamus after Heat?


John Morrison faces off against Vladimir Koslov, where the winner potentially climbs the ladder toward the WWE Championship.


Layla and Michelle McCool will also take on Diva's Champion Kelly Kelly, and her partner, Eve.


All that and more on Raw!


Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho

Barrett, Sheffield, and Slater vs MVP and two mystery partners

Gabriel and Tarver vs ??? & ??? for the Tag Team Titles.

John Morrison vs Vladimir Koslov

LayCool vs Kelly & Eve

Who will accept the invitational, and who will MVP's partners be?

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After the usual Raw opening, Gabriel and Tarver are in the ring with microphones. They claim that they are so good that they cannot be defeated by anyone, and so they are making an open challenge for any team on the roster to face them in a tag team match. But, they also note that it will be for their World Tag Team Titles.


Then, Christian's music hits. He says that he accepts the challenge, and Gabriel and Tarver say that he can be one half of the tag team champions, it doesn't work that way. Christian laughs and notes that he's so stupid as to set himself up for an attack without a partner. He brings out a returning Rikishi! Rikishi and Christian don't seem to fit as a team, but I was catching on.


After the first break, John Morrison was in an interview. He said that a win over Vladimir Koslov was exactly what he needed to get over him getting pinned by Randy Orton last week. He also said that it would help him get closer to the WWE Championship. The shot switched to Koslov's entrance, followed by Morrison's.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Vladimir Kozlov defeated John Morrison in 12:03 by pinfall with an Iron Curtain.


Morrison looked good out there, but I don't think he's gonna get a push so easy. All that hype from him just for Koslov to beat him didn't make sense.


A break was followed by Kelly Kelly and Eve in the ring. Layla and Michelle McCool made thier way to the ring afterward. Layla said that they would beat her and get the title one way or another.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Kelly Kelly and Eve defeated Team LayCool in 7:49 when Kelly Kelly defeated Layla by pinfall with a K2.


After the match, Kelly and Eve were laid out by LayCool. Michelle using the Styles Clash is a bit odd, but it proves her strength. She hit it on Eve while Layla took out Kelly.


Another commercial break was returned to with Michael Tarver and Justin Gabriel's entrance. Never thought they would be the two with gold. Christian came out next, and waited on the ramp until Rikishi's theme hit. Rikishi seemed to get over really well upon his return.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Christian and Rikishi defeated Justin Gabriel and Michael Tarver in 10:22 when Christian defeated Michael Tarver by pinfall with a Killswitch. Christian and Rikishi win the RAW World Tag Team titles.


Nice job from Christian and Rikishi, but shouldn't Rikishi get some momentum before becoming a champion again?


After the match, a transition hyped up MVP picking his partners against Barrett, Slater, and Sheffield of the Nexus. MVP hit the ring, and did some great mic work before announcing who his first partner was. It was Yoshi Tatsu. Now I have the feeling they're gonna lose. Then, MVP started hinting off that the last partner was someone he doesn't exactly trust, but he knows of his talent. He then showed a clip from Drew McIntyre hitting the Future Shock DDT on Wade Barrett. McIntyre's music hit and the fans didn't know what to say. Barrett and his teammates came out, and they were a bit mad at MVP for picking McIntyre, but Barrett said that the match would be an elimination match, so McIntyre didn't even have to work with them. Commercial break.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Montel Vontavious Porter, Yoshi Tatsu and Drew McIntyre defeated Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield and Heath Slater in 15:29; Skip Sheffield was eliminated first, then Yoshi Tatsu, then Heath Slater, and finally Wade Barrett.


It was expected that Tatsu would get out, because he was kinda just a card filler, but besides that, MVP and McIntyre showed a common goal, which was to end Nexus. Nice job from them.


After a final break, Chris Jericho hit the ring. He was talking about how he should be WWE Champion, and he made a lot fun of the WWE Universe. He said beating Orton would propel him into a match for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Smart thinking, Y2J. Orton came out, to a great pop from the crowd.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Chris Jericho defeated Randy Orton in 17:42 by submission with a Walls of Jericho.


Perfect Main Event. Looks like Jericho and Orton is happening at SummerSlam.


Hey, thanks for the advice guys. Its kinda my first diary. I'll note what both of you said. =D


This edition of Raw wasn't just thrown together like last week, so I think that's why it got the best rating so far.

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More Contracts

Ashley Lane, Cheerleader Melissa, and Shantelle Taylor have been signed to the Women's Division, while Shannon Moore, Gregory Helms, and Raven have been signed to the roster. Expect debuts from them soon. Apparently this is the last of the new signings issued by the Boss.


ECW Matches

ECW Champion Kane teams up with the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry, to take on the Straight Edge Messiah, CM Punk, and The All American American, Jack Swagger in the main event. Can Mark Henry trust Kane, or will Kane put his differences with Henry aside to take out Swagger for good? And what will CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society's situation with Zack Ryder have to do with the match?


The Million Dollar Challenge opens up with Ted DiBiase taking on R-Truth. Can R-Truth walk out with the belt?


Its Goliath vs... Goliath? When the Great Khali takes on the Big Show. Something's gotta give.


Chris Masters takes on Zack Ryder, with Luke Gallows as the referee. Will Gallows call it down the middle, and if he doesn't, will he side with the man whose been giving him troubles, or the man that's out for a victory?


Sabu makes his return to ECW, and to make sure that ECW stays Extreme, he will put himself in a three stages of extreme match. The first is a Tables match, and then a Hardcore match, ending with a deadly Barbed Wire Match. Can he survive the Extreme night, and who will his opponents be?


With all these new Vixen's coming into ECW, Melina has decided that she must prove herself again. She puts the Vixen's title on the line in a five-way match. Can she survive against the odds?


Tune in for ECW tonight and find out.


Kane & Mark Henry vs CM Punk & Jack Swagger

Million Dollar Title: Ted DiBiase (c) vs R-Truth

The Great Khali vs Big Show

Chris Masters vs Zack Ryder w/ Luke Gallows as Referee

Three Stages of Extreme
Tables Match: Sabu vs ???
Hardcore Match: Sabu vs ???
Barbed Wire Match: Sabu vs ???

Vixen's Title: Melina (c) vs Brie Bella vs Nikki Bella vs Gail Kim vs Tiffany

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The show opens, and then a follow up is the announcers promoting Kane and Mark Henry vs CM Punk and Jack Swagger.


Khali did his entrance, but he doesn't seem to be that over. Maybe the KissCam should come back. Big Show came out next to a huge pop from the crowd. Good to see he's got credability.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Big Show defeated The Great Khali in 10:29 by pinfall with a Knock Out Punch.


Afterwards, the Big Show helps up the Great Khali, and the two raise each others arms. Surprised the ring didn't break. Speaking of break, there was a commercial here.


Show came back on, and everyone all of the Vixen's except Melina were in the ring. She came out, and got a tremendous amount of pop. The title looked glorious on her shoulder. The split move got a few fans to go crazy.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Melina defeated Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Gail Kim and Tiffany in 10:48 when Melina defeated Nikki Bella by pinfall with an Inverted Legdrop Bulldog. Melina makes defence number 1 of her ECW Vixen's title.


Nice job by Melina, she was no doubt the only one on the brand worthy of the title.


R-Truth made his entrance, and got the crowd going. They took a commercial break, and came back to Ted DiBiase in the ring with the Million Dollar Belt.


R-Truth defeated Ted DiBiase with a Lie Detector. Afterward, DiBiase claimed he would get his title back soon, he just needed some time.


There was a break afterwards, it was a good match. Once the show came back, everyone was shocked to hear Tajiri's music. When he was in the ring, he put over the fact that he was Sabu's third opponent, and instead of a full on barbed wire match, it would just be barbed wire boards. Depressing? Nah, just saving the effort. Tajiri rolled out of the ring after his promo for Kid Kash to come out. Looks like Kash was gonna go through a table.


In an extremely short match, Sabu defeated Kid Kash in 5:30 when Kid Kash was put through a table with an Arabian Facebuster.


Sabu did great in the match, dominated through and through. Before he even got a chance to celebrate or do that cool taunt he does, Santino's music hit. I was surprised they would put him in a Hardcore match.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Sabu defeated Santino Marella in 8:18 by pinfall with an Arabian Skullcrusher.


Santino performed pretty well in that one. Tajiri rolled in instantly for the next match, and the bell rang. Sabu barely got a chance to stand up for the first part of the match. Good thing he got the ball rolling for awhile.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Tajiri defeated Sabu in a Barbed Wire Boards match in 7:24 by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Kick.


Nice match for Tajiri's return, but it went on considerably long, even though the injury and content risks are pretty high, plus Sabu had already been in two matches. I guess Tajiri was waiting awhile to finish him.


After the break, Chris Masters was in the ring, so was Luke Gallows, wearing a referee shirt that had a Straight Edge Soceity symbol on it. Zack Ryder's theme moved me.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Masters defeated Zack Ryder in 10:53 by submission, which Luke Gallows called despite there being no tapping, with a Masterlock after blatantly cheating.


Masters was mad that he got a cheap finish, he stated he would've tapped out either way. Masters left, and Gallows hit the mic.


Ryder got the chance to stand, but right after, Mercury and CM Punk came out from the crowd and attacked him. I wonder why CM Punk wasn't preparing for the Main Event. Commercial Break.


Kane did a spectacular promo in the ring, before Mark Henry joined him. The two actually argued a bit before Punk and Swagger got out there.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Kane and Mark Henry defeated CM Punk and Jack Swagger in 15:17 when Kane defeated Jack Swagger by pinfall with a Choke Slam.


Punk left Swagger out to dry when he ended up brawling with Zack Ryder, who was looking for revenge. Afterward, Mark Henry picked up Swagger and hit the World's Strongest Slam. Why put him down more? Well, Henry said he was headed for the World Heavyweight Title next. Kane disagreed strongly, and picked up Mark Henry, hitting the Chokeslam. The show ended with Kane hitting his pyro.

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NXT Poll

Its time for the first NXT elimination on the show tonight. Who will it be? Austin Creed, Percy Watson, Alex Riley, Michael McGuillicutty, Lucky Cannon, Husky Harris, Kaval, or Tyler Reks?


Also on the show, Austin Creed and JTG will take on Husky Harris and Dolph Ziggler.

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After the opening, the pros are introduced, then the rookies. Host Josh Matthews asks Kaval what he thought of the match with Alex Riley last week. Kaval and Riley get into a bit of an argument. Eventually, Percy Watson is in it backing up Kaval, and Michael McGuillicutty is backing up Alex Riley. Matthews stops everyone, and says that because of this, up next, Riley, McGuillicutty, and thier pros, will be facing Kaval, Watson, and thier pros. Santino's music hits so that he and Goldust can make their way to the ring. The other rookies clear out, and the ones who don't get to thier respective corners. A commercial break.


Upon return, DiBiase is already in the ring, shaking off the results of his match with R-Truth last night. Primo makes his entrance, with his Intercontinental Championship. I think Primo was bragging about his gold to DiBiase, cause those two kinda argued.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alex Riley, Ted DiBiase, Michael McGuillicutty and Primo defeated Kaval, Santino Marella, Percy Watson and Goldust in 12:59 when Primo defeated Santino Marella by pinfall with a Cannonball Splash.


Primo did some mic work after the match, putting over McGuillicutty. The shot switched backstage to see Lucky Cannon giving an interview. I think Finlay should've talked for him, though, 'cause that was pretty bad. He was hyping his match against Tyler Reks after the break.


The show came back on to see Reks and Chavo in the ring, with Chavo telling Reks what he had to do to beat Cannon. Chavo had the Tag Title belt on his shoulder, and when Finlay and Cannon arrived, Chavo and Finlay argued over who should be holding the belts.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Tyler Reks defeated Lucky Cannon in 7:56 by pinfall with a Rekked Dropkick.


Chavo was an excellent pro for Tyler Reks, coaching him through it all.


The announcers hyped up the Main Event of JTG and Austin Creed against Dolph Ziggler and Husky Harris, and the first elimination that would happen afterward.


After the break, Ziggler and Harris were in the ring. JTG made his entrance. I think Austin Creed has more momentum than JTG does... not good.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Austin Creed and JTG defeated Husky Harris and Dolph Ziggler in 14:38 when Austin Creed defeated Husky Harris by pinfall with a CreedDT.


Nice job from Austin Creed in that match. The chemistry with JTG was amazing. The elimination was said to be after the break.


The show returned, and the host started the elimination.































Lucky Cannon's has been eliminated! Cannon said that he barely had any time to prove himself, so when he gets back, and 'i will come back', he will make an impact sooner than later. The show ended to him slapping hands with the fans.

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WWE Superstars Matches

The Main Event from Raw pits Nexus leader Wade Barrett and one of his comrades, Heath Slater, to face off against MVP and Drew McIntyre. Will the Nexus be able to put down MVP and swing some momentum to their side before the United States Title match at SummerSlam? And will McIntyre coexist with MVP again, sharing a common hatred for the Nexus, or will he go back to his old ways of sticking to himself?


ECW's Zack Ryder looks to put another one in the win column, and build momentum for his rematch with Luke Gallows for the Television title at SummerSlam, taking on Joey Mercury. Can Ryder pull one over on the Straight Edge Society? Will Gallows interfere, or can Mercury get the upset on his own?


Plus, after the events between Chavo Guerrero and Finlay on WWE NXT, Smackdown's Finlay takes on one half of the tag team champions, The Miz. If he wins, him and a partner of his choosing will take on The Miz and Chavo Guerrero for the Tag Team Titles come SummerSlam. Can Finlay become one half of the #1 Contenders, or will the Miz make sure that he doesn't get close to tasting the gold?


Find out all this and more on WWE Superstars!

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Primo and Shelton Benjamin argue, followed by a match being scheduled between the two tonight, and if Benjamin wins, he gets a shot at the IC title at SummerSlam. (C+)


Zack Ryder defeated Joey Mercury w/SES (D-)


Gallows and Punk beat down Ryder. ©


Commercial break.


Shelton Benjamin defeated Primo. ©


Commercial break.


Finlay hyped his match against the Miz. (C+)


Finlay w/Hornswoggle defeated the Miz w/Chavo Guerrero. (C+)


Hype for Nexus against MVP and McIntyre ©


Commercial break.


Barrett & Slater defeated MVP & McIntyre, when Drew turned on MVP. Nexus ran in and attacked Drew afterwards. ©


Overall Show Rating: C

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Smackdown! Matches

The Main Event pits World Heavyweight Champion Edge against Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy, and John Cena in a Handicap match. If one of the three contenders is able to pin Edge, they will be facing him for the title at SummerSlam. If none of them get the pin, then Edge will choose his opponent. Which of the contenders, if any, will become the #1 contender? And if Edge wins, who will he pick as his opponent, out of anyone on the roster eligible.


Chavo Guerrero will take on Finlay, following WWE Superstars, to see if he can beat both of the Champions one on one.


The Cruiserweight Open will be held, to decide the holder of the vacant championship. The competitors are Tyson Kidd, Kung Fu Naki, Nunzio, JTG, Jey Uso, and Jimmy Uso. Who will win the title?


Vickie Guerrero will name her #1 Contender for SummerSlam. Who will it be?


So much more is expected to happen, don't miss it!

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