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The Invasion

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Just after Wrestlemania 17 went off the air, Vince McMahonwas very happy with how the show went down.


But WCW was gone, ECW bankrupt, Vince McMahon had finally won, but for a man who thrived from competition, but where was the competition now?


With The Rock taking a leave of absence to film the Scorpion King, it gave Vince an idea. With the XFL just finishing its first season, and McMahon looking to make a second season .Vince decided he wanted to expand the WWF, into films, music.


But with changing his focus, Vince knew he wouldn't have the time to focus on the Wrestling, so he decided to give Shane and Stephanie complete control over the Wrestling side of the WWF brand.


Shane and Stephanie decided to go full strength with WCW v WWF, and attempt to buy out many of those WCW contracts to make WCW full strength, as well as find a huge network to air WCW Nitro on, but would they be successful?

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WWF Monday Night RAW

Monday, Week 1, May, 2001

Bud Walton Arena



Dark Matches

Test Defeated Raven

The Dudley Boyz defeated The Goodfather and Val Venis


The fireworks go off, and we are live for Monday Night RAW


Jim Ross: We are 3 weeks away from Judgment Day, and as the battle between the Two Man Power Trip and the Brothers of Destruction continue, what will tonight bring.


The Music of CEO Linda McMahon hits, as she comes to the ring


Paul Heyman: What the hell does she want?


Jim Ross: Anything she damn well wants.


Linda McMahon gets into the ring and grabs a microphone


Linda: Now we have the next WWF PPV, in 3 weeks, Judgement Day. The Board of Directors and myself have decided that the WWF Championship will be on the line when in a No Disqualification Match. The Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin will defend the title against, The Undertaker.


Just as Linda finished her speech, the chairman of the WWF, Vince McMahon came out and made his way into the ring, visibly not happy.


Vince: So you and the Board have decided on this big match? I guess you are going to tell me now that I can't change it.


Linda: That's right.


Vince: That's fine, but Linda, you go and tell the Board, I don't think Undertaker is going to make it to Judgement Day. And do you know why? Do you? Because tonight, The Undertaker is going to be in the main event tonight, and do you know who he's going to face Linda? Do you? I'll tell you. Tonight in the main event, all of you here tonight will get to see The Undertaker, facing the WWF Tag Team Champions, Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Paul Heyman: This man is a genius


Jim Ross: Well that's not fair.


Paul Heyman: Shut up JR, who are you to question Mr McMahon?


Linda: Vince, I don't think that The Undertaker will have a problem with that match at all.


Linda then left the ring, as Vince still was smiling, convinced that tonight would be the end of the Undertaker






We return from the Commercial Break, with the WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn making his way to the ring, and grabs a microphone.


Lynn: Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you, the greatest Lightheavyweight champion, me, Jerry Lynn. Hahaha, and just to prove to you all how great, for anyone out there who has the guts to face me for this title, right here, right now.


Jerry Lynn waited in the ring for a moment, before the music of Grand Master Sexay started. Grand Master quickly got into the ring ready to start the match, and have a rematch from their match on Smackdown.


WWF Lightheavyweight Title

WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn v Grand Master Sexay

The two men quickly tied up to start the match. GMS over powered Lynn to start with a backed him into the corner, but as GMS posed for the crowd it gave Jerry Lynn time to quickly get up and clothesline GMS from behind, sending him out of the ring. Lynn then threw GMS into the ring steps and then into the barricade before throwing GMS back into the ring to break the 10 count. When back in the ring Lynn tried to set up GMS for the cradle piledriver, but GMS managed to fight out, and after a couple of punches to the face GMS caught Lynn with a big dropkick. GMS managed to control the offence for a few minutes on Lynn, however as GMS went to hit the hip hop drop. Lynn however rolled out of the way. Both men battled their way up to their feet. Lynn however caught GMS first with the punches and then a kick to the midsection, and followed up with the tornado DDT. Lynn then had the cover, grapping the tights of GMS and with his feet all over the ropes, 1..2..3.

Winner: Still WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn.


Jerry Lynn celebrated his victory, however he wasn't able to celebrate the win for long, as the former Lightheavyweight Champion, Crash ran down to the ring, and the two men started to brawl around ringside, officials and security tried unsuccessfully to split these two men up. The two men started to brawl their way through the crowd, and out of sight.






When we return from the commercial break, we go backstage and we see Vince McMahon and the Big Show talking backstage, however unable to hear anything that is said between the two men.


We then head to ringside for tag team action, as first of all out comes with APA along with Jacqueline, followed by the Hardy Boyz and noticeable by her absence is Lita.


Tag Team Match

A.P.A (Faarooq and Bradshaw) w/ Jacqueline v The Hardy Boyz (Jeff and the WWF European Champion Matt Hardy)

Bradshaw and Jeff Hardy start the match, Jeff tries to go in with a quick flurry of offense, but Bradshaw easily overpowers the young superstar. APA dominated over the early part of the match, by keeping Jeff from making a tag, with Matt having to come in numerous times to save his brother from the 3 count. It wasn't long however until Jeff managed to make the tag to the European Champion, who came in with a quick flurry of offense against newly tagged in Bradshaw. But like Jeff earlier, the power of the APA soon over powered Matt. But Matt kept out it, and almost managed to get the three count. Out of nowhere Matt managed to hit the twist of fate on Faarooq, and made the tag to his brother Jeff. Bradshaw however come out of nowhere to hit Matt with the Clothesline from Hell. Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb on Faarooq, and then dropkicked Bradshaw out of the ring, and then made the cover on Faarooq to get the 3 count.

Winners: The Hardy Boyz.


Jeff helped his brother Matt to his feet, after he had received the Clothesline from Hell, and we go backstage with Kurt Angle who is with Jonathan Coachmen.


Coach: Kurt, 8 days ago at Backlash you was beaten by Chris Benoit.


Angle: Woah, Woah, Woah, hold up their minute Coach. Chris Benoit did not beat be at Backlash, the match was a 30 minute match, and after 30 minutes it was a draw. Chris Benoit could never beat me Coach. I am an Olympic Gold Medallist. Now whenever Benoit wants his ass kicked, all he has to do is ask. It's true, it's damn true.


We then go backstage into the commissioner's office.


Regal: I have decided tonight, that all our fans would like to see Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho in action tonight, therefore I have decided Jericho and Benoit, against all three members of X-Factor.






When we return from the commercial break, we see that Jerry Lynn and Crash Holly are still brawling in the backstage area.


Trish Stratus makes her way out to the ring, followed by Lita


Trish Stratus v Lita

The match started with a tie up of the two women, and Lita quickly connected with a arm drag on Trish, followed by two quick clotheslines and then the Lou Thesz press. Lita climbed to the top rope, and went for a hurricanrana, but Trish quickly managed to counter it into a powerbomb. Trish tried to quickly take advantage, but only managed to get a 2 count. Trish managed to get the upper hand on Lita for some time, with Lita unable to fight back. After dropping Lita with a suplex, Trish waited for Lita to stand, and as she did, went for the stratusfaction. Lita however countered into a back body drop. As Trish got to her feet, she was met with a kick to the gut and a twist of fate. Lita then went to the top rope, and connected with the moonsault. 1..2..3. Lita picked up the win.

Winner: Lita


Lita started to celebrate her victory, as the WWF Women's Champion Chyna made her way out to the stage, and the two women stared each other down, as we head to the back.


Michael Cole makes his way into the commissioner's office after being called by Regal to his office.


Regal: Michael, just about time, now would you run along and do me a favour, go and find young Matthew Hardy and inform him he will be defending the European Championship against my tonight. Now now, run along.


Jim Ross: Well that's not fair.


Paul Heyman: That's a fabulous idea by the commissioner







When we return from the commercial break, we are in a dark room with Raven.


Raven: The life of a lonely man, is a quiet life, but those are the sacrifices that one most pay to succeed. The pain and suffering you put yourself threw, has just one purpose, to make you stronger. But it's a sacrifice, as the move you suffer, the clock on the ticking time bomb, just ticks down a little bit more. My time will come, and vengeance will be shown to those who get in my way. Quote the Raven, nevermore.


Jim Ross: What the hell was that about?


Paul Heyman: Well it looks like Raven, is very soon about to make a impact in the WWF.


Jim Ross: Well shifting gears slightly we are getting ready for 6 man tag team action.


First of all making their way to the ring, being accompanied by Terri, was Eddie Guerrero, Dean

Malenko and Perry Saturn, the Radiclz. Out next were their opponents, Kaientai and K-Kwik.


The Radiclz (Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Eddie Guerrero) v K-Kwik and Kaientai (Taka Michinoku and Sho Funaki)

Taka and Eddie Guerrero started the match in a very quick, high flying affair. After Taka almost managed to sneak a quick victory with a inside cradle, Eddie made the tag to Perry Saturn, who came to the ring and quickly took control of the situation. After knocking both K-Kwik and Funaki off the ring apron Saturn turned his attention back onto Taka. Saturn quickly hit a Death Valley Driver on Taka, and went for the cover, but K-Kwik quickly came in for the cover, and took down Saturn with a flying axe kick. K-Kwik managed to single handled handle all three Radiclz for a short period of time. Terri however managed to distract K-Kwik, allowing Dean Malenko to jump K-Kwik from behind. K-Kwik managed to make a flying tag to Funaki, But Funaki was no match for Malenko who powerbombed Funaki and locked him in the Texas Cloverleaf, and it wasn't long before Funaki was tapping out.

Winners: The Radiclz.


The Radiclz celebrated a fast paced win, as we go to a commercial.






When we return from the commercial break, Al Snow and Hardcore Holly are in the ring ready to start a one on one match


Hardcore Holly v Al Snow

The two men started the match kicking and punching each other, and it wasn't long before the two men started brawling on the outside. Hardcore threw Al Snow into the ring steps, but then got whipped into the barricade by Al Snow. Soon the two men was back into the ring, but it didn't matter as two man had ran through the crowd and started to attack both men, causing the DQ.

Double Disqualification


Paul Heyman: JR, OMG that's Lance Storm, and Mike Awesome from WCW


Jim Ross: What the hell are they doing here?


Storm and Awesome continued to beat down both Holly and Snow, with Storm super kicking Al Snow into an Awesome Bomb, by Awesome. Followed by Awesome connecting with an Awesome Splash on Hardcore Holly. The WWF locker room started to empty, and Storm and Awesome made a quick exit threw the crowd.







When we return from the Commercial Break we see Vince McMahon backstage, and he's visibly irate.


Vince: What the hell was all that about, this is the WWF damn it, what the hell is WCW doing here?


We return from ringside, and it's now time for the 3 on 2 handicap as X-Factor make their way to the ring, they are shortly followed by Chris Benoit and then Chris Jericho

X-Factor (X-Pac, Justin Credible, Albert) v Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Albert started the match against of Chris Jericho. Albert clearly over powered Jericho in the early part of the match, but it wasn't long before Jericho was able to use his speed to counter the action and managed to get the upper hand against the biggest member of X-Factor. Albert made the tag to X-Pac who quickly came into the ring, with a flurry of kicks against Jericho. X-Pac then went to connect with the X-Factor, but Jericho managed to counter the move and connect with a spine buster. Jericho then went for the lionsault, but X-Pac managed to get his knee's up. X-Pac then made the tag to Justin Credible, and the pair connected with a double superkick on Jericho. Credible then made the cover, but Benoit came in to stop it being a 3 count. Benoit then connected with a German Suplex on Credible, and went back to the corner, awaiting the tag from Jericho. Benoit came in flying with offence, knocking both X-Pac and Albert of the ring apron. Benoit then hit a German Suplex, and held on for the bridge, but only managed to get a two count as Albert came into the ring, and broke up the pinfall. Benoit quickly managed to get up, and connected with numerous chops of Albert, and followed up with a snap suplex. Benoit then went to the top rope and delivered a diving head butt onto Albert. Benoit then connected with another snap suplex, this time on Justin Credible as he managed to get to his feet, and then locked in the crippler crossface. Jericho quickly ran and took down X-Pac with a plancha, leaving Justin Credible to tap out to the submission in the ring.

Winners: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho


Chris Benoit had barely got to his feet, before the Olympic Gold Medallist, Kurt Angle entered the ring and jumped the Rabid Wolverine. With X-Factor keeping Jericho busy on the outside, Angle connected with the Olympic Slam on Benoit, and then locked in the anklelock, before officials managed to run down and drag Kurt Angle off Chris Benoit.


Backstage we see Lita walking through the backstage area, being followed by Eddie Guerrero


Eddie Guerrero: Yano mamacita, I could help you get ready for your match against Chyna


Lita: Eddie, I'm fine really.


Eddie: Guerrero: But I know her strengths and weaknesses essa, together we can ensure you are Women's Champion.


Lita: Eddie, really, thanks but no thanks.


Eddie Guerrero, but she loved me man, I know all her strengths and weaknesses.


Lita: Eddie, for Christ sake, I don't want any of your help, thanks but no thanks.


Hearing this, Jeff Hardy came out of the Hardy Boyz locker room.


Jeff Hardy: Eddie, you heard Lita, I think you better leave.


Eddie Guerrero: Hey, hey man, take it easy, I was only trying to help essa.


Eddie Guerrero walks away, as Jeff checks that Lita is ok.





When we return from the Commercial Break, we see Test talking to a worker backstage. However it isn't long until Test is jumped by the Big Show.


Big Show throws Test into every possible object backstage, and Test just doesn't have a chance in hell of fighting of the monster. Officials backstage try to separate the two, but Big Show doesn't finish it, not until Big Show chokeslams Test onto a pile of crates, and walks of laughing.


We then see a video of Hardcore Holly at WWF New York, drinking, and watching RAW, and scaring of any fans than come near him.


We head to the ring, ahead of a Hardcore title match, first out comes Spike Dudley, followed by the Hardcore Champion, Rhyno.

WWF Hardcore Title Match

WWF Hardcore Champion Rhyno v Spike Dudley

Spike Dudley went outside the ring straight away, and grabbed weapons from outside the ring. Rhyno followed Spike, but was smacked over the head with a kendo stick, Spike quickly went for the cover, but only managed to get a 2 count. As Rhyno was still down, Spike threw a table into the ring, as well as a load of other weapons. As Rhyno got back into the ring, Spike went to smash Rhyno across the face with the garbage lid, but it seemed to barely affect the Hardcore Champion, instead Rhyno immediately hit back with a belly to belly suplex. Rhyno continued to dominate over the smallest of the Dudley litter, but it wasn't long until Bubba and D-Von Dudley, made their way to ringside to route on their little brother. However it wasn't long before morale support became physical support, as the two set up a table in the ring, and went to deliver a 3-D to Rhyno. But it wasn't long until Edge and Christian came out to the ring, and Edge connected with the spear on D-Von allowing Rhyno to hit the DDT on Bubba. Christian then hit the unprettier on Little Spike Dudley. Edge and Christian then set up a table in the corner, and place Spike on the table, setting it up for Rhyno to connect with the Gore. Rhyno then got the cover and retained the title

Winner: Still Hardcore Champion, Rhyno.


However it wasn't long until the Dudley Boyz got back into the ring. Rhyno quickly excited from the action, looking to save his title from the 24/7 environment. Edge and Christian brawled with both Dudley Boyz. D-Von managed to dump Christian from the ring, and with Edge alone with both Dudley Boyz, and a table, it wasn't long until Edge received the 3-D through the table.


We go backstage, and again we see Eddie Guerrero, this time alone getting coffee. However he's not alone for long, as the WWF Women's Champion Chyna.


Chyna: So Eddie, running your mouth backstage I hear?


Eddie Guerrero: Mamacita, I don't know what you've been hearing, but whatever it was, it isn't true essa.


Chyna: Really Eddie? You seem to forget just how well I know you Eddie.


Chyna then smacked the coffee out of the hand of Eddie, all over the best of Latino Heat. With Eddie in passive pain Chyna continued to add insult to injury, by powerbombing Latino Heat threw the food table.


Jim Ross: Well Paul, I guess you don't mess with the Ninth Wonder of the World


Paul Heyman: Chyna, Chyna, JR here was talking about you earlier as well.


Jim Ross: O Shut up Paul.






As we return from the Commercial Break, Commissioner William Regal makes his way to the ring ahead of his European Title match. Out next was the European Champion, Matt Hardy

WWF European Title

WWF European Champion Matt Hardy w/ Lita v William Regal

Matt Hardy was in no physical shape for the match, after his match with the APA earlier in the evening, however Matt tried his best, but was no match for William Regal. But luckily for Matt Hardy, there was somebody watching his back. Lita distracted the referee, which allowed Chris Jericho to run into the ring with a steel chair. Jericho smashed the commissioner over the head with the steel chair, and then delivered the lionsault, before quickly exiting the ring. Matt Hardy struggles to his feet, but as he does, he picks up Regal and delivers a twist of fate. Matt Hardy then got the cover, and the three count.

Winner: Still European Champion, Matt Hardy.


As Lita helps Matt up to his feet, Jericho looks on with a smile on his face, after what he did to the commissioner.


Jim Ross: Folks join us after the final commercial break, where we will see The Undertaker face both of the WWF Tag Team Champions.






When we return from the Commercial Break, the WWF Tag Team Champions make their way to the ring, along with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, soon followed by the Number One Contender, The Undertaker.


WWF Tag Team Champions, The Two Man Power Trip (WWF Intercontinental Champion, Triple H and WWF World Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin) w/ Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley v The Undertaker

The Undertaker started the match against the Intercontinental Champion Triple H. However with the Undertaker distracted by Austin, it allowed Triple H to connect with the chop block on Undertaker. Triple H kept working away on the leg of the Undertaker, showing sound strategy of keeping Undertaker down, so he was unable to compete in the match. Once Austin was satisfied Triple H had worked over the right leg of the Undertaker enough so he would be unable to amount any offence, the WWF Champion made his way into the ring. Austin dominated over the Undertaker, as the Undertaker was unable to make his way to his feet. However Austin was distracted by showing off to the fans, that the Undertaker was able to drag himself up on the ropes. Austin walked into numerous punches from The Undertaker, which knocked down Austin. Austin then quickly made his way to his corner, and made the tag to the intercontinental champion. Triple H came running into the match, but the Undertaker caught Triple H with a big boot, with his injured leg. While the Undertaker was in pain, he went for the cove, but only managed to get a two count. Undertaker who was acting very gingerly on just one leg, managed to hold the Intercontinental Champion at bay for some time. That was until he WWF Champion decided he wanted to get involved as well, and the WWF Tag Team Champions started to double team The Undertaker. That was however until Kane made his way to the ring, and started striking everyone who was moving, and the referee disqualified the Undertaker.

Winners: The Two Man Power Trip


Kane continued to aid his brother, and The Undertaker was starting to get to his feet. Kane chokeslammed Triple H out of the ring and onto the ring floor, leaving Austin alone in the ring with the Brothers of Destruction. Kane grabs Austin around the throat, and then the Undertaker, and they delivered a double chokeslam to the WWF Champion, leaving him lying in the middle of the ing. The Brothers of Destructions stand tall as RAW goes off the air.

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WWF Monday Night RAW

Monday, Week 1, May, 2001

Bud Walton Arena



Dark Matches

Test Defeated Raven

The Dudley Boyz defeated The Goodfather and Val Venis


The fireworks go off, and we are live for Monday Night RAW


Jim Ross: We are 3 weeks away from Judgment Day, and as the battle between the Two Man Power Trip and the Brothers of Destruction continue, what will tonight bring.


The Music of CEO Linda McMahon hits, as she comes to the ring


Paul Heyman: What the hell does she want?


Jim Ross: Anything she damn well wants.


Linda McMahon gets into the ring and grabs a microphone


Linda: Now we have the next WWF PPV, in 3 weeks, Judgement Day. The Board of Directors and myself have decided that the WWF Championship will be on the line when in a No Disqualification Match. The Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin will defend the title against, The Undertaker.


Just as Linda finished her speech, the chairman of the WWF, Vince McMahon came out and made his way into the ring, visibly not happy.


Vince: So you and the Board have decided on this big match? I guess you are going to tell me now that I can't change it.


Linda: That's right.


Vince: That's fine, but Linda, you go and tell the Board, I don't think Undertaker is going to make it to Judgement Day. And do you know why? Do you? Because tonight, The Undertaker is going to be in the main event tonight, and do you know who he's going to face Linda? Do you? I'll tell you. Tonight in the main event, all of you here tonight will get to see The Undertaker, facing the WWF Tag Team Champions, Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Paul Heyman: This man is a genius


Jim Ross: Well that's not fair.


Paul Heyman: Shut up JR, who are you to question Mr McMahon?


Linda: Vince, I don't think that The Undertaker will have a problem with that match at all.


Linda then left the ring, as Vince still was smiling, convinced that tonight would be the end of the Undertaker






We return from the Commercial Break, with the WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn making his way to the ring, and grabs a microphone.


Lynn: Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you, the greatest Lightheavyweight champion, me, Jerry Lynn. Hahaha, and just to prove to you all how great, for anyone out there who has the guts to face me for this title, right here, right now.


Jerry Lynn waited in the ring for a moment, before the music of Grand Master Sexay started. Grand Master quickly got into the ring ready to start the match, and have a rematch from their match on Smackdown.


WWF Lightheavyweight Title

WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn v Grand Master Sexay

The two men quickly tied up to start the match. GMS over powered Lynn to start with a backed him into the corner, but as GMS posed for the crowd it gave Jerry Lynn time to quickly get up and clothesline GMS from behind, sending him out of the ring. Lynn then threw GMS into the ring steps and then into the barricade before throwing GMS back into the ring to break the 10 count. When back in the ring Lynn tried to set up GMS for the cradle piledriver, but GMS managed to fight out, and after a couple of punches to the face GMS caught Lynn with a big dropkick. GMS managed to control the offence for a few minutes on Lynn, however as GMS went to hit the hip hop drop. Lynn however rolled out of the way. Both men battled their way up to their feet. Lynn however caught GMS first with the punches and then a kick to the midsection, and followed up with the tornado DDT. Lynn then had the cover, grapping the tights of GMS and with his feet all over the ropes, 1..2..3.

Winner: Still WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn.


Jerry Lynn celebrated his victory, however he wasn't able to celebrate the win for long, as the former Lightheavyweight Champion, Crash ran down to the ring, and the two men started to brawl around ringside, officials and security tried unsuccessfully to split these two men up. The two men started to brawl their way through the crowd, and out of sight.






When we return from the commercial break, we go backstage and we see Vince McMahon and the Big Show talking backstage, however unable to hear anything that is said between the two men.


We then head to ringside for tag team action, as first of all out comes with APA along with Jacqueline, followed by the Hardy Boyz and noticeable by her absence is Lita.


Tag Team Match

A.P.A (Faarooq and Bradshaw) w/ Jacqueline v The Hardy Boyz (Jeff and the WWF European Champion Matt Hardy)

Bradshaw and Jeff Hardy start the match, Jeff tries to go in with a quick flurry of offense, but Bradshaw easily overpowers the young superstar. APA dominated over the early part of the match, by keeping Jeff from making a tag, with Matt having to come in numerous times to save his brother from the 3 count. It wasn't long however until Jeff managed to make the tag to the European Champion, who came in with a quick flurry of offense against newly tagged in Bradshaw. But like Jeff earlier, the power of the APA soon over powered Matt. But Matt kept out it, and almost managed to get the three count. Out of nowhere Matt managed to hit the twist of fate on Faarooq, and made the tag to his brother Jeff. Bradshaw however come out of nowhere to hit Matt with the Clothesline from Hell. Jeff hit the Swanton Bomb on Faarooq, and then dropkicked Bradshaw out of the ring, and then made the cover on Faarooq to get the 3 count.

Winners: The Hardy Boyz.


Jeff helped his brother Matt to his feet, after he had received the Clothesline from Hell, and we go backstage with Kurt Angle who is with Jonathan Coachmen.


Coach: Kurt, 8 days ago at Backlash you was beaten by Chris Benoit.


Angle: Woah, Woah, Woah, hold up their minute Coach. Chris Benoit did not beat be at Backlash, the match was a 30 minute match, and after 30 minutes it was a draw. Chris Benoit could never beat me Coach. I am an Olympic Gold Medallist. Now whenever Benoit wants his ass kicked, all he has to do is ask. It's true, it's damn true.


We then go backstage into the commissioner's office.


Regal: I have decided tonight, that all our fans would like to see Chris Benoit, and Chris Jericho in action tonight, therefore I have decided Jericho and Benoit, against all three members of X-Factor.






When we return from the commercial break, we see that Jerry Lynn and Crash Holly are still brawling in the backstage area.


Trish Stratus makes her way out to the ring, followed by Lita


Trish Stratus v Lita

The match started with a tie up of the two women, and Lita quickly connected with a arm drag on Trish, followed by two quick clotheslines and then the Lou Thesz press. Lita climbed to the top rope, and went for a hurricanrana, but Trish quickly managed to counter it into a powerbomb. Trish tried to quickly take advantage, but only managed to get a 2 count. Trish managed to get the upper hand on Lita for some time, with Lita unable to fight back. After dropping Lita with a suplex, Trish waited for Lita to stand, and as she did, went for the stratusfaction. Lita however countered into a back body drop. As Trish got to her feet, she was met with a kick to the gut and a twist of fate. Lita then went to the top rope, and connected with the moonsault. 1..2..3. Lita picked up the win.

Winner: Lita


Lita started to celebrate her victory, as the WWF Women's Champion Chyna made her way out to the stage, and the two women stared each other down, as we head to the back.


Michael Cole makes his way into the commissioner's office after being called by Regal to his office.


Regal: Michael, just about time, now would you run along and do me a favour, go and find young Matthew Hardy and inform him he will be defending the European Championship against my tonight. Now now, run along.


Jim Ross: Well that's not fair.


Paul Heyman: That's a fabulous idea by the commissioner







When we return from the commercial break, we are in a dark room with Raven.


Raven: The life of a lonely man, is a quiet life, but those are the sacrifices that one most pay to succeed. The pain and suffering you put yourself threw, has just one purpose, to make you stronger. But it's a sacrifice, as the move you suffer, the clock on the ticking time bomb, just ticks down a little bit more. My time will come, and vengeance will be shown to those who get in my way. Quote the Raven, nevermore.


Jim Ross: What the hell was that about?


Paul Heyman: Well it looks like Raven, is very soon about to make a impact in the WWF.


Jim Ross: Well shifting gears slightly we are getting ready for 6 man tag team action.


First of all making their way to the ring, being accompanied by Terri, was Eddie Guerrero, Dean

Malenko and Perry Saturn, the Radiclz. Out next were their opponents, Kaientai and K-Kwik.


The Radiclz (Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Eddie Guerrero) v K-Kwik and Kaientai (Taka Michinoku and Sho Funaki)

Taka and Eddie Guerrero started the match in a very quick, high flying affair. After Taka almost managed to sneak a quick victory with a inside cradle, Eddie made the tag to Perry Saturn, who came to the ring and quickly took control of the situation. After knocking both K-Kwik and Funaki off the ring apron Saturn turned his attention back onto Taka. Saturn quickly hit a Death Valley Driver on Taka, and went for the cover, but K-Kwik quickly came in for the cover, and took down Saturn with a flying axe kick. K-Kwik managed to single handled handle all three Radiclz for a short period of time. Terri however managed to distract K-Kwik, allowing Dean Malenko to jump K-Kwik from behind. K-Kwik managed to make a flying tag to Funaki, But Funaki was no match for Malenko who powerbombed Funaki and locked him in the Texas Cloverleaf, and it wasn't long before Funaki was tapping out.

Winners: The Radiclz.


The Radiclz celebrated a fast paced win, as we go to a commercial.






When we return from the commercial break, Al Snow and Hardcore Holly are in the ring ready to start a one on one match


Hardcore Holly v Al Snow

The two men started the match kicking and punching each other, and it wasn't long before the two men started brawling on the outside. Hardcore threw Al Snow into the ring steps, but then got whipped into the barricade by Al Snow. Soon the two men was back into the ring, but it didn't matter as two man had ran through the crowd and started to attack both men, causing the DQ.

Double Disqualification


Paul Heyman: JR, OMG that's Lance Storm, and Mike Awesome from WCW


Jim Ross: What the hell are they doing here?


Storm and Awesome continued to beat down both Holly and Snow, with Storm super kicking Al Snow into an Awesome Bomb, by Awesome. Followed by Awesome connecting with an Awesome Splash on Hardcore Holly. The WWF locker room started to empty, and Storm and Awesome made a quick exit threw the crowd.







When we return from the Commercial Break we see Vince McMahon backstage, and he's visibly irate.


Vince: What the hell was all that about, this is the WWF damn it, what the hell is WCW doing here?


We return from ringside, and it's now time for the 3 on 2 handicap as X-Factor make their way to the ring, they are shortly followed by Chris Benoit and then Chris Jericho

X-Factor (X-Pac, Justin Credible, Albert) v Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Albert started the match against of Chris Jericho. Albert clearly over powered Jericho in the early part of the match, but it wasn't long before Jericho was able to use his speed to counter the action and managed to get the upper hand against the biggest member of X-Factor. Albert made the tag to X-Pac who quickly came into the ring, with a flurry of kicks against Jericho. X-Pac then went to connect with the X-Factor, but Jericho managed to counter the move and connect with a spine buster. Jericho then went for the lionsault, but X-Pac managed to get his knee's up. X-Pac then made the tag to Justin Credible, and the pair connected with a double superkick on Jericho. Credible then made the cover, but Benoit came in to stop it being a 3 count. Benoit then connected with a German Suplex on Credible, and went back to the corner, awaiting the tag from Jericho. Benoit came in flying with offence, knocking both X-Pac and Albert of the ring apron. Benoit then hit a German Suplex, and held on for the bridge, but only managed to get a two count as Albert came into the ring, and broke up the pinfall. Benoit quickly managed to get up, and connected with numerous chops of Albert, and followed up with a snap suplex. Benoit then went to the top rope and delivered a diving head butt onto Albert. Benoit then connected with another snap suplex, this time on Justin Credible as he managed to get to his feet, and then locked in the crippler crossface. Jericho quickly ran and took down X-Pac with a plancha, leaving Justin Credible to tap out to the submission in the ring.

Winners: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho


Chris Benoit had barely got to his feet, before the Olympic Gold Medallist, Kurt Angle entered the ring and jumped the Rabid Wolverine. With X-Factor keeping Jericho busy on the outside, Angle connected with the Olympic Slam on Benoit, and then locked in the anklelock, before officials managed to run down and drag Kurt Angle off Chris Benoit.


Backstage we see Lita walking through the backstage area, being followed by Eddie Guerrero


Eddie Guerrero: Yano mamacita, I could help you get ready for your match against Chyna


Lita: Eddie, I'm fine really.


Eddie: Guerrero: But I know her strengths and weaknesses essa, together we can ensure you are Women's Champion.


Lita: Eddie, really, thanks but no thanks.


Eddie Guerrero, but she loved me man, I know all her strengths and weaknesses.


Lita: Eddie, for Christ sake, I don't want any of your help, thanks but no thanks.


Hearing this, Jeff Hardy came out of the Hardy Boyz locker room.


Jeff Hardy: Eddie, you heard Lita, I think you better leave.


Eddie Guerrero: Hey, hey man, take it easy, I was only trying to help essa.


Eddie Guerrero walks away, as Jeff checks that Lita is ok.





When we return from the Commercial Break, we see Test talking to a worker backstage. However it isn't long until Test is jumped by the Big Show.


Big Show throws Test into every possible object backstage, and Test just doesn't have a chance in hell of fighting of the monster. Officials backstage try to separate the two, but Big Show doesn't finish it, not until Big Show chokeslams Test onto a pile of crates, and walks of laughing.


We then see a video of Hardcore Holly at WWF New York, drinking, and watching RAW, and scaring of any fans than come near him.


We head to the ring, ahead of a Hardcore title match, first out comes Spike Dudley, followed by the Hardcore Champion, Rhyno.

WWF Hardcore Title Match

WWF Hardcore Champion Rhyno v Spike Dudley

Spike Dudley went outside the ring straight away, and grabbed weapons from outside the ring. Rhyno followed Spike, but was smacked over the head with a kendo stick, Spike quickly went for the cover, but only managed to get a 2 count. As Rhyno was still down, Spike threw a table into the ring, as well as a load of other weapons. As Rhyno got back into the ring, Spike went to smash Rhyno across the face with the garbage lid, but it seemed to barely affect the Hardcore Champion, instead Rhyno immediately hit back with a belly to belly suplex. Rhyno continued to dominate over the smallest of the Dudley litter, but it wasn't long until Bubba and D-Von Dudley, made their way to ringside to route on their little brother. However it wasn't long before morale support became physical support, as the two set up a table in the ring, and went to deliver a 3-D to Rhyno. But it wasn't long until Edge and Christian came out to the ring, and Edge connected with the spear on D-Von allowing Rhyno to hit the DDT on Bubba. Christian then hit the unprettier on Little Spike Dudley. Edge and Christian then set up a table in the corner, and place Spike on the table, setting it up for Rhyno to connect with the Gore. Rhyno then got the cover and retained the title

Winner: Still Hardcore Champion, Rhyno.


However it wasn't long until the Dudley Boyz got back into the ring. Rhyno quickly excited from the action, looking to save his title from the 24/7 environment. Edge and Christian brawled with both Dudley Boyz. D-Von managed to dump Christian from the ring, and with Edge alone with both Dudley Boyz, and a table, it wasn't long until Edge received the 3-D through the table.


We go backstage, and again we see Eddie Guerrero, this time alone getting coffee. However he's not alone for long, as the WWF Women's Champion Chyna.


Chyna: So Eddie, running your mouth backstage I hear?


Eddie Guerrero: Mamacita, I don't know what you've been hearing, but whatever it was, it isn't true essa.


Chyna: Really Eddie? You seem to forget just how well I know you Eddie.


Chyna then smacked the coffee out of the hand of Eddie, all over the best of Latino Heat. With Eddie in passive pain Chyna continued to add insult to injury, by powerbombing Latino Heat threw the food table.


Jim Ross: Well Paul, I guess you don't mess with the Ninth Wonder of the World


Paul Heyman: Chyna, Chyna, JR here was talking about you earlier as well.


Jim Ross: O Shut up Paul.






As we return from the Commercial Break, Commissioner William Regal makes his way to the ring ahead of his European Title match. Out next was the European Champion, Matt Hardy

WWF European Title

WWF European Champion Matt Hardy w/ Lita v William Regal

Matt Hardy was in no physical shape for the match, after his match with the APA earlier in the evening, however Matt tried his best, but was no match for William Regal. But luckily for Matt Hardy, there was somebody watching his back. Lita distracted the referee, which allowed Chris Jericho to run into the ring with a steel chair. Jericho smashed the commissioner over the head with the steel chair, and then delivered the lionsault, before quickly exiting the ring. Matt Hardy struggles to his feet, but as he does, he picks up Regal and delivers a twist of fate. Matt Hardy then got the cover, and the three count.

Winner: Still European Champion, Matt Hardy.


As Lita helps Matt up to his feet, Jericho looks on with a smile on his face, after what he did to the commissioner.


Jim Ross: Folks join us after the final commercial break, where we will see The Undertaker face both of the WWF Tag Team Champions.






When we return from the Commercial Break, the WWF Tag Team Champions make their way to the ring, along with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, soon followed by the Number One Contender, The Undertaker.


WWF Tag Team Champions, The Two Man Power Trip (WWF Intercontinental Champion, Triple H and WWF World Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin) w/ Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley v The Undertaker

The Undertaker started the match against the Intercontinental Champion Triple H. However with the Undertaker distracted by Austin, it allowed Triple H to connect with the chop block on Undertaker. Triple H kept working away on the leg of the Undertaker, showing sound strategy of keeping Undertaker down, so he was unable to compete in the match. Once Austin was satisfied Triple H had worked over the right leg of the Undertaker enough so he would be unable to amount any offence, the WWF Champion made his way into the ring. Austin dominated over the Undertaker, as the Undertaker was unable to make his way to his feet. However Austin was distracted by showing off to the fans, that the Undertaker was able to drag himself up on the ropes. Austin walked into numerous punches from The Undertaker, which knocked down Austin. Austin then quickly made his way to his corner, and made the tag to the intercontinental champion. Triple H came running into the match, but the Undertaker caught Triple H with a big boot, with his injured leg. While the Undertaker was in pain, he went for the cove, but only managed to get a two count. Undertaker who was acting very gingerly on just one leg, managed to hold the Intercontinental Champion at bay for some time. That was until he WWF Champion decided he wanted to get involved as well, and the WWF Tag Team Champions started to double team The Undertaker. That was however until Kane made his way to the ring, and started striking everyone who was moving, and the referee disqualified the Undertaker.

Winners: The Two Man Power Trip


Kane continued to aid his brother, and The Undertaker was starting to get to his feet. Kane chokeslammed Triple H out of the ring and onto the ring floor, leaving Austin alone in the ring with the Brothers of Destruction. Kane grabs Austin around the throat, and then the Undertaker, and they delivered a double chokeslam to the WWF Champion, leaving him lying in the middle of the ing. The Brothers of Destructions stand tall as RAW goes off the air.



Good show. I am interested to see how your WCW Invasion goes. Hope it is better than the real one.

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WWF Smackdown

Thursday, Week 1, May, 2001 (recorded Tuesday)

Izod Center




The fireworks go off and Smackdown is on the air.


Michael Cole: What a huge night we have here on Smackdown for you tonight, with both Stone Cole Steve Austin and The Undertaker in the house, something will no doubt be going down tonight.


The Music of the commissioner William Regal


Paul Heyman: The Commissioner is gracing us with his presence to open Smackdown.


Regal: Thank you, thank you all for your kind greeting. I have come here tonight at the request of Mr McMahon, to tell all of you lovely people what the main event here tonight will be. In tag team action, it will be The Undertaker and Kane, taking on Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho.


Michael Cole: My God, that's a huge main event tonight.


Regal went to leave the ring, but before he was able to, the music of the CEO, Linda McMahon hit, and she made her way to the ring, and grabbed the microphone.


Linda: William, I will give you credit, that is a huge match. However to me, it doesn't seem fair to have the Number One Contender in action tonight, and not have the WWF Champion in action. Therefore, I have decided tonight, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H will defend the tag team championships, in a four corners match. It will be, Stone Cold and Triple H, against Edge and Christian, against the APA, against The Dudley Boyz.


The fireworks of the Dudley Boyz hit as they come out for the match, and Regal looked on in disgust, as everyone made their way to ringside, William Regal joined Michael Cole and Paul Heyman on commentary.

WWF Tag Team Titles

WWF Tag Team Champions Two Man Power Trip (WWF Intercontinental Champion Triple H and WWF World Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin) W/ Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley v The Dudley Boyz (Bubba and D-von Dudley) v The APA (Faarooq and Bradshaw) v Edge and Christian

Bradshaw started the match against Bubba Ray. The APA managed to get the early advantage in the match by managed to keep Bubba Ray in their corner. Bubba however managed to get into the corner of Austin and Triple H, but both men refused to receive a tag into the match. Edge managed to get a flying tag of Faarooq, and quickly went in for the spear on Bubba. Bubba however moved out of the way, sending Edge into the corner, Bubba then retaliated with a Bubba Bomb, and managed to make the tag to D-Von, who came in on fire, hitting both members of the APA and Christian of the ring apron. D-Von then turned his attention both to Edge, but was caught with a DDT. Edge made the cover, but it was broken up by Triple H, who then quickly went back to his own corner. Christian then came into the ring, and Edge and Christian started to double team D-von, leading Bubba to quickly get back into the ring, and all four men was going at it in the ring, and in the end started brawling to the back, effectively making this a straight tag team match. Triple H came into the ring with Faarooq, but Faarooq beat the Intercontinental Champion to the punch, and had Triple H reeling. Faarooq threw Triple H into the ropes and bent over, but Triple H reversed and caught Faarooq with the knee, and followed up with the pedigree. Bradshaw quickly got into the ring, and caught the intercontinental champion with the clothesline from hell. Austin got into the ring, and hit the stunner on Bradshaw, and made the cover and got the sure three count to retain the titles.

Winners: And Still WWF Tag Team Champions Two Man Power Trip



Austin and Triple H celebrate their win in the ring, with Commissioner William Regal. This was however until Kane and the Undertaker made their way to the ring. Regal, Austin and Triple H tried to meet the brothers head on, but were unsuccessful. Austin and Triple H managed to escape the ring, however that left the Regal alone in the ring with Undertaker and Kane, and was soon the victim of a double chokeslam.






When we return from the commercial break, Kevin Kelly is backstage with the WWF Women's Champion Chyna.


Kevin Kelly: Chyna, after what happened Monday Night on RAW, tonight you will go one on one with Eddie Guerrero, your thoughts?


Chyna: Kevin, Eddie wants to run his mouth? Well he got what was coming to him on RAW, and if yet he wants to come and have some more, well that's fine by me, because nothing makes me happier than to kick Eddie Guerrero's ass.


We then go to ringside, where Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring.


Kurt: Now it seems Chris Benoit has been going around telling everyone that he beat at Backlash. I am an Olympic Gold Medallist damn it. I am the best wrestler in the world, and to prove it I am issuing an open challenge. So anyone in the back who thinks they are better than the Olympic gold medallist. 'Prove me wrong.'


Angle waited for a moment, before the music of the Hardy Boyz hit, and Jeff Hardy made his way to the ring, accepting the open challenge.

Kurt Angle v Jeff Hardy

Kurt Angle started the match with a tie up, and quickly took down Jeff Hardy. Riding Jeff Hardy, until Jeff Hardy quickly got to the ropes, which forced Angle to allow Jeff back up to his feet. Jeff Hardy quickly got back up, and took the offence quickly to Kurt Angle. With Kurt Angle reeling, it allowed Jeff Hardy to quickly walk up the ropes, and connect with the whisper in the wind. Jeff then went for the cover, but only managed to get a 2 count. Jeff Hardy continued to work over Jeff Hardy, but Kurt Angle fought back and hooked up Jeff Hardy for a belly to belly suplex. Kurt Angle then bit on a wrestling clinic on the youngest Hardy, but Kurt Angle was unable to get a 3 count. Kurt Angle then went for the Olympic slam, but Jeff Hardy managed to counter it into a tornado DDT. Kurt tried to get to his feet quickly, but was staggering and staggered right into a twist of fate by Jeff. Jeff then went to the top rope and connected with the swanton bomb, Jeff Hardy covered, 1..2.. Kurt Angle just managed to kick out before the three count. Angle seemed completely at a loss of what to do, but considering what to do gave Angle the chance to grab the ankle of Jeff Hardy and lock Jeff Hardy in the anklelock. Jeff Hardy tried to fight his way to the ropes, but he was unsuccessful and in the end was forced to tap out.

Winner: Kurt Angle



Kurt Angle celebrated his hard fought victory in the ring, but the music of Chris Benoit hit. Kurt Angle got ready in the ring for a fight, but Chris Benoit only came out to the ring entrance with a microphone.


Chris Benoit: Kurt, Kurt, Kurt. You sore Olympic loser.


Kurt Angle: Benoit, what the hell do you want.


Benoit: We've been trading victories since….


Angle: Benoit, you've never beat me, I am the best damn technical wrestler in the world, Prove, Me, Wrong.


Benoit: Judgment Day, Me, You Two out of three falls.


Angle: You're on Benoit.


Benoit then ran to the ring, and Angle quickly bailed the ring, leaving Benoit smiling in the ring.






When we return Jonathan Coachmen is backstage with the Lightheavyweight champion, Jerry Lynn.


Coach: Jerry Lynn, tonight you will face your biggest opponent in WWF, Hardcore Holly, your thoughts?


Lynn: My thought? You make it sound like I have no chance, I was a former ECW World Champion, now that's hardcore. Hardcore Holly? What a joke, how about we just see how hardcore he is tonight.


We then go to ringside, and see Hardcore Holly's cousin's Crash and Molly head to the ring, as Crash is getting ready for one on one action


Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly v Essa Rios

Crash started the match with a flurry of visible anger we don't see from Crash Holly very often. Numerous times the referee had to pull Crash of Essa, to stop Crash getting DQ'd. The match was however barely under a minute, as shockingly out of nowhere, Essa managed to get a flash pinfall and beat Crash with an inside cradle

Winner: Essa Rios



Michael Cole: You can tell Crash was distracted there by the Lightheavyweight champion.


Crash however wasn't done, and continued to beat down Essa Rios, after the match was complete. Crash threw Essa Rios to the outside, and continued to throw Essa into the ring steps and ring pole, in the end Molly Holly who was visibly scared of the attitude being shown by her cousin, ran backstage to get Hardcore Holly. Crash then ended up giving a DDT to Essa Rios on the floor outside. In the end Hardcore Holly came out and ended up dragging Crash to the backstage area.


We then go to the backstage area, and we see the Hardcore Champion Rhyno. We then see he is in mid beating of Little Spike Dudley. Rhyno throws Spike into everything possible, and in the end Gores Spike Dudley threw a stack wall in the locker room area, before walking off smiling.







When we return from the commercial break, we are getting ready for tag team action

Jacqueline and Molly Holly v Terri and Trish Stratus

Jacqueline started the match against Trish Stratus, in a match which on paper was a very one sided match. Jacqueline and Molly Holly managed to keep Trish Stratus in, as Terri refused to make the tag into the match .Jacqueline seemed to be enjoying beating down Trish Stratus, and after hitting the DDT on Trish, tagged in Molly who connected with the Molly Go Round as Trish started to get to her feet, and managed to get the three count.

Winners: Jacqueline and Molly Holly.



Paul Heyman: Well Terri didn't even break a sweat in that one Michael.


Michael Cole: But Trish, impressive in defeat there, showed us just what she is made of.


We then go backstage and we are with Lita and Kevin Kelly.


Kevin Kelly: Lita in two and a half weeks, you will face your biggest challenge when you face the WWF Women's Champion Chyna.


Lita: That's right Kevin, she is the biggest challenge of my career, have you looked at her, she's a amazon. But I'm on the top of my game Kevin, if there was ever a time I could beat Chyna, it's right now. So Chyna, you may be the biggest, the toughest women to ever hold that women's title, but come Judgment Day, I will leave, the new WWF Women's Champion.


We then go elsewhere backstage and we see the Dudley Boyz, and they find Rhyno backstage and proceed to attack the Hardcore Champion, and after giving Rhyno a 3-D threw a table in the backstage area, we see Bubba order a referee who is holding up Spike Dudley into the frame. D-von places Spike on top of the hardcore champion, and the referee makes the 3 count, and we have a new hardcore champion, Spike Dudley.







When we return from the commercial break, Steve Blackman makes his way to the ring, followed by the monster, Big Show.

Steve Blackman v Big Show

Steve Blackman started the match with a flurry of kicks, which had the Big Show reeling, and rebounded onto the ropes. Blackman then followed up with a roundhouse kick which sent the giant down to the mat. Blackman then went for the cover, but Big Show managed to kick out easily after the one count. Big Show quickly got to his feet, and was visibly pissed off. Blackman then got onto the second rope, and went a flying kick to the chest. While it sent Big Show back against the ropes, the big man rebounded and knocked down Steve Blackman with a huge clothesline. Big Show picked up Blackman, and lifted him up for a huge military press and dropped him and quickly followed up with an elbow. Big Show picked up Blackman, and threw him into the corner, and followed up with a clothesline in the corner. Big Show then grabbed the throat of Blackman and delivered a huge chokeslam, made the cover and got the 3 count.

Winner: Big Show



Big Show celebrated his win, and didn't notice Steve Blackman recovering and heading to the outside. While outside Blackman grabbed his kendo sticks, and rolled back in the ring, and seemingly knocked out the Big Show, leaving him lying in the middle of the ring.


As Blackman was leaving the ring, WCW's Hugh Morrus came through the crowd and connected with the No Laughing Matter Moonsault on Big Show, before again quickly exciting back through the crowd.






When we return from the commercial break, we return and we see Vince McMahon in his office, who is irate, and says he is going to call out Shane McMahon on RAW.


We then go to ringside, ready for our inter-gender match

WWF Women's Champion Chyna v Eddie Guerrero

Chyna and Eddie Guerrero started the match with a tie up, and Chyna managed to connect with numerous elbows to the face of Eddie Guerrero. Chyna then quickly managed to lift up Eddie Guerrero for a military slap. After dropping Guerrero, he quickly escaped the ring, to recover for a moment. But Chyna didn't give Eddie Guerrero much chance, after she went after him on the outside. But Eddie was waiting for Chyna, and racked her eyes, and then suplexed her on the outside. Eddie Guerrero then quickly threw Chyna into the ring, and tried to make the cover, but was unsuccessful. Eddie Guerrero managed to dominate for a few moments, but after going for a suplex, Chyna managed to reverse and connect with a suplex herself. Chyna then hit numerous clotheslines on Eddie Guerrero, and then set Guerrero up for the pedigree, and hit it. But before Chyna was able to go for the cover, Perry Saturn ran to ringside, and connected with a steel pipe to the back of the head of Chyna. Both Guerrero and Chyna were down, and the referee started to apply his ten count. Guerrero managed to get to his feet, but Chyna still wasn't moving. Guerrero then climbed to the top rope and delivered a frogsplash on a unconscious Chyna, and managed to get the 3 count.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero



Dean Malenko joined his Radiclz team mates at ringside, and the three of them started to triple team the Women's Champion in the ring. This was until The Hardy Boyz and Lita ran down to ringside, and chased of the Radiclz.







When we return from the commercial break, Hardcore Holly and Molly Holly are in the ring ahead of the following match, the Lightheavyweight champion makes his way to the ring, to start the match.

WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn v Hardcore Holly w/ Molly Holly

Hardcore Holly started the match by over powering the Lightheavyweight Champion. Jerry Lynn however went outside of the ring, to catch a breather, and then started to intimidate Molly Holly. However this only seemed to suck in Hardcore Holly, as Hardcore approached, Lynn meet him with a punch to the face. Lynn then smashed the face of Hardcore against the ring apron, and rolled him back into the ring. Lynn followed up with the cover, but only managed to get the two count. Lynn then sat on the top rope, and as Hardcore got to his feet jumped off the second rope to connect with a tornado DDT, which sent Hardcore Holly rolling out of the ring. Lynn then followed up with a plancha, but Hardcore Holly moved out of the way. Holly then continued to batter away on Jerry Lynn, sending the Lightheavyweight champion into the ring. Holly set up Lynn for the Alabama Slam. Lynn however managed to wriggle out, and rolled up Holly for the sunset flip, but only managed to get a two count. Lynn managed to get to get to his feet first, and as quickly managed to catch Hardcore Holly in the cradle piledriver, got the cover, and the three count.

Winner: WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn.



Jerry Lynn started to celebrate his victory, but that was before Crash Holly ran into the ring unknowing to the Lightheavyweight Champion. Crash then jumped the champion and started beating down Jerry Lynn. As Hardcore got to his feet, both Holly's were beating down the Lightheavyweight Champion. Essa Rios who was attacked earlier in the ring, then ran down to the ring. After climbing to the top rope, Essa took down both Holly's with a moonsault, and quickly dragged the Lightheavyweight Champion to safety.






We return from the commercial break, and Raven is at WWF New York, sat in a corner on the stage, with a microphone to his mouth.


Raven: Destiny. Strength. Weakness. An excuse for failure, or lead us to greatness. Everyone has their 15 minutes of fame. Everyone has their one shining moment. Mine is coming. Quote the Raven. Nevermore.


Michael Cole: What the hell is Raven on at WWF New York, he isn't exactly entertaining the fans there.


Paul Heyman: Raven is unique individual, but don't underestimate him Michael, he is also a genius.


We back our way to ringside, and X-Factor make their way to the ring, soon followed by Kaientai, holding microphones.


Taka: X-Factor, haha. A Fat Man, A Bald Man, haha, and a Sucky Man, hahahaha


Funaki: Indeed

X-Factor (X-Pac and Justin Credible) w/ Albert v Kaientai (Taka and Funaki)

Justin Credible started the match against Funaki. Funaki was surprisingly and even surprised himself. To be getting most of the offence in the early parts of the match. Funaki even managed to hit a tornado DDT out of nowhere, which lead X-Pac saving the match. With X-Pac distracting the referee, Albert came into the ring, and delivered a baldo bomb to Funaki/ Taka then came into the ring, and tried to deliver a Michinoku Driver to Albert. Albert just laughed at Taka, and then also delivered a baldo bomb to Taka before leaving the ring. With X-Pac no longer distracting the referee, Justin Credible mockingly covered Funaki and got the easy three count.

Winners: X-Factor







When we return from the commercial break, Chris Benoit makes his way to the ring, followed by Chris Jericho. Out next came their opponents, the Brothers of Destruction.

Brothers of Destruction (Kane and Undertaker) v Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Kane started the match off against Chris Jericho. Kane started punching away at Jericho, before sending Jericho flying out of the ring. Jericho quickly got back into the ring, and tried to get some offence in on the big red machine, but Kane again launched a flurry of punches, once again sending Jericho back out of the ring. When Jericho got back into the ring, this time instead of again going for Kane, he made the tag to Chris Benoit. Benoit came into the match quickly not allowing Kane to connect with any of his punches, before shocking, and impressively managing to hit a belly to belly suplex on the big red machine. Benoit then attempted to lock in the crossface on Kane early, however it was to early as Kane managed to power out quickly, and make the tag to his brother the Undertaker. Undertaker got into the ring, and was met by Benoit. The two men started to slug it out in the middle of the ring, with The Undertaker getting the best of the situation, and sending Benoit into the corner, and followed up with a elbow, and then a clothesline, and went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. Undertaker went to pick up Benoit, but Benoit quickly got behind the Undertaker and hit a German Suplex on the Deadman. Benoit managed to roll over to his corner before the Undertaker, which allowed Jericho to come running into the ring, and knock Kane of the apron, to prevent the tag. Jericho started stomping away on the Undertaker as the Undertaker started to slowly get to his feet. Jericho then went for the bulldog, and connected, and went to follow up with the lionsault, but the Undertaker managed to get his knees up. Both Jericho and Undertaker struggled to their corners to make a tag, with both made. Benoit and Kane got into the ring, and Kane knocked down Benoit numerous times with a clothesline. That was until from behind Jericho connected with a dropkick on Kane, which sent the big red machine threw the ropes to the outside. Undertaker then come up behind Jericho and went for the chokeslam, however while the Undertaker was talking smack to Jericho, it allowed Benoit to get to his feet, and grab the arm of the Undertaker, and lock in the cripple crossface. Jericho then joined in the action, and locked in the Walls of Jericho on the Undertaker. The Undertaker was unable to move, and using all his willpower not to tap out in the middle of the ring. Kane was able to get into the ring and made the save, with a boot to the face of Jericho and then into the head of Benoit. Jericho was able to quickly get back into it, and caught Kane with a bulldog, and then followed up with the lionsault. Benoit then went up top, and connected with the diving head butt. Benoit went for the cover, but Undertaker just managed to make the save. Both Jericho and Benoit started stomping away at the Deadman, and whipped him to the ropes, but Undertake came back, and caught both men around the throat, setting them up for a chokeslam. They however though back with a kick to the mid-section and delivered a suplex to the Undertaker. Both men then turned their attention back to Kane, who was still down. However out of nowhere, Kane then grabbed both men around the throats. Kane got to his feet, and noticed his brother had behind him. Kane launched Jericho to the Undertaker, allowing Undertaker to chokeslam Jericho, and Kane chokeslammed Benoit. Both brothers then made the three count, and got the three count for the victory.

Winners: The Brothers of Destruction.



The bell had barely even sounded and the WWF Tag Team Champions had hit the ring to jump Undertaker and Kane, and was completely getting their way, after the Brothers had just been through that huge match up.


Jericho and Benoit however was starting to recover, and went to help out the Undertaker and Kane, where it was evident mutual respect had just been earned in that match. Well the save had allowed Undertaker and Kane to get back into the fight, the numbers soon evened up as William Regal and Kurt Angle joined the brawl, as we go off the air of Smackdown.

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WWF Sunday Night Heat

Sunday, Week 1, May, 2001 (recorded Tuesday)

Izod Center




Michael Cole: Tazz what a huge main event we have here tonight, when Matt Hardy puts the European Title on the line against the now former Hardcore Champion Rhyno.


Tazz: Haha, that will be a rocket buster my man.


Test comes out ready for his match, but first he has a microphone.


Test: Big Show, you big nasty bastard. You think you can just attack me backstage huh? Well trust me, you better start sleeping with one eye open, because I’m coming to get you.


Steve Blackman then makes his way out to the ring, ahead of the one on one match

Test v Steve Blackman


The match had some good back and forth action, with the fast kicks of Blackman having their effects on Test. However it was the foot of test, which out of nowhere connected with the Big Boot that sealed the win in this match.

Winner: Test







When we return from the commercial break, Trish Stratus makes her way done to ringside, and grabs a microphone.


Trish Stratus: Now everyone is going on about Lita v Chyna, blah blah blah, who cares? Seriously? Its all about Trish Stratus. Future, WWF Women’s Champion.


Trish’s opponent Molly Holly came out for the following match up.


Trish Stratus v Molly Holly


A good back and forth matchup with both women proving why they should be in the women’s division. Molly went for the Molly-Go-Round to try and finish off Trish, but Trish moved sending Molly crashing to the mat, which allowed Trish to connect with the Stratusfaction, which allowed Trish to get the win.

Winner: Trish Stratus



We then go backstage and we see Raven trying to take advantage of the 24/7 rule of Little Spike Dudley. However lucky for Spike, his brothers Bubba and D-von came to his rescue, and ended up hitting a 3-D on Raven backstage.






We then return from the commercial break with the APA in the ring


Bradshaw: We was out in the back, doing what we usually do, drinking beer, and kicking ass, however we are all out of beer, so how about someone comes out here now so we have some ass to kick.


The music of Kaientai came out, as they came out with microphones.


Taka: Acolytes. You go around proclaiming to be bad men. For until you meet Kaientai, you have no idea what bad men are, as we are evil. Hahahaha.


Funaki: Indeed


Faarooq: Damn


APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq) v Kaientai (Taka and Funkai)


Kaientai tried to use their quickness against the acolytes, however Bradshaw and Faarooq was just too powerful for the Japanese tag team, and after a clothesline from hell to Funaki and a dominator to Taka, both men was easily put down for the three count.

Winners: APA



We go backstage, and the Coach is with Kurt Angle.


Coach: Kurt, in two weeks you will face Chris Benoit at Judgement Day in a two out of three falls match, your thoughts?


Kurt Angle: My thoughts Coach? Seriously? What do you think my thoughts are, once again I have to waste my time showing the world I am better than Chris Benoit. I am bored of showing the world I am better than Chris Benoit. So Benoit, after I beat you at Judgment Day, once and for all, I am going after the WWF Champion.


Michael Cole: Kurt Angle is determined there Tazz


Tazz: You know it Cole, Kurt Angle didn’t win those gold medals by sitting back and waiting for them to come to him.







When we return to the ring, Billy Gunn and Albert are in the ring, ready to start their one on one match.

Billy Gunn v Albert


Both big men went all out of the match, with Billy Gunn kicking out of the baldo bomb, and Albert kicking out of the fame asser, however in the end it was the bicycle kick from Albert that put down Billy Gunn for the three count.

Winner: Albert



As soon as the match ended however, the WCW World Tag Team Champions, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo invaded, they took down Albert with a double jungle kick, as Gunn started to get to his feet Palumbo took down Gunn with a jungle kick, O’Haire climbed the top rope, and hit the Seanton Bomb, before they both ran back through the crowd.


Michael Cole: What the hell, something has to be done about these WCW invaders.






When we return, the European Champion Matt Hardy is in the ring.


Matt Hardy: Radiclz, I’m sick of you getting involved in Team Xtreme business, you will get yours soon, but Rhyno get your ass out here now.

WWF European Title

WWF European Champion Matt Hardy v Rhyno


Rhyno started the match of in the driver’s seat, and dominated the entire match against the European Champion, but Rhyno was unable to get the three count, and in the end, after missing the gore, Matt managed to connect with the twist of fate to get the three count and retain the European Title

Winner: Still European Champion, Matt Hardy



Matt Hardy celebrated his win in the ring after the match.


Michael Cole: That’s it tonight folks, and don’t forget to join us for RAW, when Undertaker, Kane, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho will face Stone Cold, Triple H, Kurt Angle and William Regal.

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Monday, Week 2, May, 2001

Oracle Arena



Dark Matches

Raven defeated Rhyno

Edge and Christian defeated the APA



Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentleman, what a huge night we have for you tonight.


Paul Heyman: That’s right, the confrontation between WCW Owner Shane McMahon and WWF Owner Vince McMahon


Jim Ross: And don’t forget that huge eight man main event.


The Music of Vince McMahon hit, and the chairman of the board made his way out to the ring.


Paul Heyman: Well JR It looks like we are going to have this confrontation here and now.


Vince: Shane McMahon, you piece of crap, I’ve had enough of this Invasion bull****, now get your ass out here right now.


The music of the owner of WCW hits, and Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring.


Vince: Shane what is with all this invasion bull****.


Shane: Well pap’s, its called making a impact. You see you might like to think WCW is dead, but it isn’t WCW is alive and well, infact Nitro is making a return, in three weeks, Wednesday Night Nitro will makes it television debut, and WCW will get to kick your ass again.


Vince: What the hell are you talking about.


Shane: Dad, WCW is alive, and its stronger than ever.


Jim Ross: Oh My God, is that who I think it is.


Paul Heyman: That’s the WCW Champion.


Booker-T- had come through the crowd, and was in the ring, behind the WWF Chairmen, Vince had no idea however.


Shane: By the way dad, someone wants to say hello.


Vince turned around, and turned right into Booker-T-, who nailed Vince in the face with the WCW Title.


Shane: Dad, the Invasion begins, tonight.







When we return from the commercial break, the Radiclz make their way to the ring for a 8 person intergender tag team match.


Radiclz (Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Terri) v The Hardy Boyz (Jeff and WWF European Champion Matt Hardy), Lita and WWF Women’s Champion Chyna



Matt Hardy started the match off against Dean Malenko, but the European Champion was too much for Dean Malenko in the early part of the match, causing Malenko to quickly tag out to Perry Saturn. Saturn came into the match as the powerhouse of the team, and completely dominated over Matt Hardy. After Saturn flung Matt to the ropes, Chyna made the flying tag and came into the match. Chyna then proceeded to elbow Saturn in the face, numerous times, obviously thanking him for the pipe shot on Smackdown. Chyna then went on to military press Saturn, and then followed up with a elbow drop. Chyna then went over and made the tag to Lita. Lita came into the match very unsure of what to do, but climbed up the turnbuckles, and went to give Saturn a hurricanrana, but Saturn countered it into a powerbomb, and then made the tag to Dean Malenko. Malenko came into the ring, and started to toy with Lita, but Lita managed to kick Malenko between the legs, and made the quick tag to Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy came in with a flurry of high flying offense against Malenko, and almost managed to put Malenko away for the three count. Malenko manages to make the tag to Guerrero, who comes in and takes Jeff Hardy down with a dropkick. Jeff fights back however and takes down Guerrero with a hurricanrana. Chyna asks for the tags, which she refuses, and she punches, and kicks away at Latino Heat, which brings the rest of the Radiclz in, and this starts breaking down. The Hardy Boyz take Saturn and Malenko out of the ring. In the ring, Terri receives a twist of fate from Lita. Guerrero however takes the upper hand against Chyna, connecting with a series of suplex’s. Lita goes to the top rope, and connects with the top rope hurricanrana on Guerrero, which sends Guerrero into Chyna, who hits the pedigree, and gets the three count.


Winners: The Hardy Boyz, Lita and Chyna



The Hardy Boyz, Lita and Chyna celebrate up the entrance way, however in the ring, all three Radiclz are arguing over the loss, which is until the music of the commissioner hits, and William Regal makes his way out to the stage.


William Regal: Now, now gentlemen. There is no need to fight now is there? However if you really want to fight, I will put the three of you, in a triple threat match on Smackdown, with the winner facing young Matthew Hardy, next Monday for the European Title. Now good day to you.


Jim Ross: My god, on Smackdown the three Radiclz in a triple threat number one contender’s match.







When we return from the commercial break, we see Molly Holly walking through the backstage area.


Suddenly out of nowhere, WCW’s Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson jump Molly, and throw her into the makeup area nearby. Torrie and Stacy eventually walk off after they have decided they have caused enough damage.


Jim Ross: My god, what was that about?


Paul Heyman: Well JR, Shane McMahon did put the WWF on notice earlier tonight, what do you expect.


We then cut back to ringside, for a rematch from this past Thursday night from Smackdown, however this time, a No DQ match.


No Disqualification

Big Show v Steve Blackman



Steve Blackman was holding his sticks waiting for Big Show to get into the ring, which gave Blackman the early advantage in the match. Big Show however hit the sticks of the hands of Blackman, and then grabbed Blackman around the throat, ready for the chokeslam. Big Show however wasn’t expecting Blackman to kick him between the legs for a low blow. Blackman then followed up with a roundhouse kick to the head of Big Show, and went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. Blackman then went out of the ring, and threw numerous weapons into the ring, including a trash can lid. As Big Show started to get to his feet, Blackman nailed him numerous times with the trashcan lid to the head, which shook Big Show for a moment. Big Show was starting to get visibly angry, quickly grabbed Blackman around the throat, and chokeslammed Blackman through a trashcan, and got the three count.


Winner: Big Show



Big Show didn’t have much chance to celebrate post match, as Test ran into the ring, and grabbed a stop sign that was lying on the mat thanks to Steve Blackman. Test then nailed Big Show numerous times with the stop sign, but was unable to knock Big Show of his feet. In the end Test knocked down Big Show with a big boot, and then went up to the top rope, and hit a diving elbow on the Big Show.







When we return from the commercial break, Kevin Kelly is backstage with Trish Stratus.


Kevin Kelly: Trish, last night on heat, you defeated Molly Holly in a hard fought match up, and tonight you will face Jacqueline, you thoughts?


Trish: Well you see Kevin, the time of Trish Stratus is finally here, so Lita, Chyna, to be honest I don’t really care which one. But after Judgment Day, I’m coming after that Women’s Title.


We then go elsewhere backstage, and we see a limo pulling up in the car park


Paul Heyman: I wonder who that could be JR.


The limo driver got out the limo, and opened the door, and it was none other than, Ric Flair.


Jim Ross: What the hell is he doing here?


Paul Heyman: JR, it’s the nature boy.


When then return to the ring, where Rikishi and Haku make their way to ringside, followed by their opponents, Kaientai, who had microphones.


Taka: Hahaha, Rikishi, Haku, people say you are the most dangerous tag team in the WWF, Hahaha, However we are Kaientai, not only are we dangerous, but we are evil.


Funaki: Indeed


Rikishi and Haku v Kaientai (Taka and Funkai)



Rikishi and Haku just started working over Kaientai as soon as they got into the ring, and this match was basically a non-starter. Rikishi and Haku just completely destroyed Kaientai in the ring. Haku locked both men in the Tongan death grip, and in the end, the referee had no choice to ring the bell and end the match, giving the win to Rikishi and Haku.


Winners: Rikishi and Haku



After the match end, and Rikishi and Haku showed little mercy against Kaientai, the music of the commissioner hit, and William Regal came out to the entrance ramp.


Regal: Good evening, good evening. Mr Rikishi, Mr Haku, I just wanted to come out here to inform you that you will be in action on Smackdown, you two will be in a handicap, when you face Chris Jericho.







When we return from the commercial break, Billy Gunn makes his way to the ring, after being attacked by the invading forces of WCW on Sunday Night Heat.


Billy Gunn: After last night on heat, I’m sick of this WCW bollocks, so if there is a WCW guy back there that has the balls to face me, man on man, how about you come out here, and face me right now.


Lance Storm came out, with no entrance music, on to the stage with a microphone.


Lance Storm: If I could be serious for a minute. Billy Gunn, you are a prime example of everything that is wrong with the WWF, you are nothing more than a degenerate, and that is why, WCW, will defeat the WWF in the end, and I will defeat you, tonight.


Lance Storm v Billy Gunn



As Lance Storm got into the ring, Billy Gunn was on fire against Storm in the early part of the match. But Lance Storm managed to get back into the match, with a rake of the eyes of Billy Gunn, and followed up with a DDT, and a cover, but only managed to get a two count. Lance Storm managed to keep the advantage over Billy Gunn for a couple of minute. That was until seemingly out of nowhere Billy Gunn managed to get the fame asser on Lance Storm, luckily for Storm however, he managed to roll out of the ring, stopping Gunn making the immediate cover. Gunn then followed Storm outside, and tried to get him back into the ring. Storm however managed to grab the leg of Gunn, and lock him in the Canadian Maple Leaf outside the ring. However with the referee count, Storm had to get back into the ring and break the count. As Gunn got back in the ring, Storm hit a low dropkick onto the lower leg of Gunn. Storm then again locked in the Canadian Maple Leaf on Gunn, but Gunn refused to give up, and eventually managed to make it to the ropes. Gunn was however struggling to get to his feet, and stay on his feet due to the damage to his leg. Storm managed to connect with a leg whip, and connected again with a Canadian Maple Leaf, in the middle of the ring, giving Billy Gunn no choice but to give up.


Winner: Lance Storm



We then go backstage, with Vince watching the match on the monitor, when his wife Linda McMahon walks into the ring.


Vince: What the hell is this, WCW wrestlers competing on RAW, My Show, RAW. Come Smackdown, I’m going to triple the security from Smackdown, and stop these WCW Invaders from ever appearing in the WWF again.


Linda: Well Vince, the board and I have discussed this, and we have decided to let this play out, so while WCW allows WWF Superstars to appear on Nitro, WCW is welcome to be a part of the WWF.


Vince: Is that right, well let’s see just how WCW matches up to the WWF, because next week, I am going to call out one of their top superstars, now let’s see just how tough WCW is, when I call out, Goldberg.







When we return from the commercial break, we are getting ready for a women’s match


Trish Stratus v Jacqueline



Trish started the match by quickly taking it to the double tough Jacqueline. But Jacqueline easily managed to fend off Trish, and started beating away at the young Canadian beauty. Jacqueline then quickly went for a DDT to try and end the match quickly, but Stratus managed to quickly get out of the hold, and connect with a neckbreaker, taking down Jacqueline. This allowed Trish to gain some momentum in the match, and really manage to take it to Jacqueline, with a series of moves, including a impressive looking dropkick. But it wasn’t enough to keep Jacqueline down long enough for a three count, and in the end Jacqueline regained control of the match and completely women handled Trish, and even went for another DDT, but again Trish countered, into a roll-up and out of nowhere, managed to get a three count and the win.


Winner: Trish Stratus



Trish celebrated her somewhat upset win, and we go backstage.


We see Kurt Angle and Ric Flair talking backstage, but are unable to hear what is being said between the two.


Jim Ross: What the hell is Kurt Angle doing talking to Ric Flair?


Paul Heyman: Anything he damn well wants, it’s a free country J.R.







When we return from the commercial break, Michael Cole is backstage with the Dudley Boyz.


Cole: Bubba, D-von, Spike. It’s now official that you will face the team of Edge, Christian and Rhyno at Judgment Day, your thoughts?


Bubba: Michael, we know Edge and Christian, possibly better than any other team here in the WWF, but at Judgment Day, Edge and Christian are going to be the ones with a surprise coming their way.


Spike: Rhyno, last week you beat me for the hardcore title, but you couldn’t leave it just at that, and look where it got you, and now I have your belt.


D-von: Oh my brother, testify!


We then go to ringside, ready for tag team action.


The Hollys (Crash and Hardcore Holly) w/ Molly Holly v Essa Rios and the WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn



Crash wanted to start the match against Jerry Lynn, but Lynn clearly wasn’t introduced in that idea, and had Essa start the match. Essa started the match quickly, but Crash was visibly angry, and very aggressive with Essa Rios in the start of the match. Lynn however managed to make a flying tag after Crash had sent Essa flying into the ropes, and quickly came in, and took down Crash Holly from behind, however Crash managed to fly forward to the corner where his partner Hardcore was waiting, and managed to make his way into the match. Hardcore then went for revenge on Lynn after what happened with Smackdown, punching and kicking away at the Lightheavyweight Champion. Lynn managed to throw Hardcore Holly outside however, which allowed Essa Rios to connect with a hurricanrana on Holly. Essa then threw Hardcore back into the ring, but Hardcore quickly took down Lynn with a clothesline, and made the tag to Crash. Crash went for a DDT, but Lynn got out and hit a short arm DDT of his own on Crash. Lynn then picked up Crash and connected with the cradle piledriver. Lynn then made the tag to Essa Rios, and launched himself at Hardcore Holly, sending them both outside. Essa Rios then climbed up to the top rope, and connected with a moonsault, for the three count.


Winners: Essa Rios and the WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn



The odd team of Essa Rios and Jerry Lynn celebrate a win over the Holly’s. However Grand Master Sexay ran into the ring, and jumped Jerry Lynn, and connected with a DDT on the Lightheavyweight Title after dumping Essa Rios out of the ring.







When we return from the commercial break, we follow Kurt Angle into the commissioner’s office.


Regal: Bloody Hell Kurt, what was you doing talking to Ric Flair earlier?


Angle: What? We just talked for a bit, what’s the big deal?


Regal: Big deal? Big Deal? Kurt, good luck when Mr McMahon finds out about this.


We then go to ringside for six man tag team action.


Dudley Boyz (Bubba, D-von and the WWF Hardcore Champion Spike Dudley) v X-Factor (Albert, Justin Credible, X-Pac)



The big man Albert started the match for his team, as Bubba did for the Dudleyz Albert managed to completely dominate over Bubba, which allowed X-Factor to completely dominate Bubba in the first five minutes in the match. Bubba managed to make the hot tag to D-Von, who came into the ring, and completely managed to clean house. D-von however then turned into a bicycle kick from Albert. Unknowing to Albert however, the hardcore champion Spike came into the ring, and connected with the Dudley Dog on Albert. Spike then went for the cover, and managed to get the win.

Winners: Dudley Boyz



The Dudleyz however didn’t have long to celebrate the victory, as Edge, Christian and Rhyno quickly stormed the ring. Rhyno gored Bubba and then D-von. Edge and Christian both grabbed chairs and connected with a con-chair-to on Spike. With all three Dudley Boyz lying down and out, Edge, Christian and Rhyno had finished their work.






When we return from the commercial break, it’s time for the main event


WWF World Tag Team Champion Two Man Power Trip (WWF World Champion Stone Cold and WWF Intercontinental Champion Triple H), Kurt Angle and William Regal v Brothers of Destruction (Undertaker and Kane), Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho.



Chris Jericho started the match of against the commissioner, quickly taking it to Regal, and quickly tried to lock Regal in the Walls of Jericho. Kurt Angle came into the ring quickly, and connected with the Olympic slam, and this match was breaking down in the opening moments of the match. Benoit came in and locked Angle in the crippler crossface. Regal managed to get back in the action, and punched Benoit in the face, stomping Benoit out of the ring. As Jericho was making his way to his feet, Regal made the tag to Jericho’s arch nemesis; Triple H. Triple H came in, punching and stomping Jericho in the corner. Jericho however managed to low blow Triple H when the referee wasn’t looking, and made the tag to Kane. When Triple H noticed this however, he quickly backed into his corner, and made the tag to Kurt Angle. Angle came in, and tried to take it to Kane, but was unsuccessful, and was then taken off his feet with an uppercut. Kane then grabbed Kane by the throat, and went to deliver a chokeslam to Kurt Angle. This brought in William Regal, who started punching away at the stomach on William Regal. Kane dropped Angle, amused and then turned his attention to the commissioner. Kane then threw Regal from the ring, and followed him to the outside, and then Kane threw Regal into the ring post. With Kane distracted, Triple H jumped Kane on the outside. Back in the ring, Benoit joined Angle in the ring, with the two men fighting in the ring. Benoit again tried to lock in the crossface on Angle, but Angle managed to counter it into a Olympic Slam. Benoit rolled out of the ring, and Jericho launched himself into Angle, sending both men to the outside. The ring was empty, and two men were standing on the apron. Undertaker and Austin. Both men got into the ring, and started slugging it out. On the outside of the ring, Kane had chokeslammed Triple H on the mats. In the ring, Undertaker caught his hand around the throat of Austin. Austin kicked Undertaker in the mid-section, and then went for the stunner. Undertaker pushed off Austin, and went through the ropes, to the outside, where he was met by Kane. The Undertaker also went outside, and Austin was in a two on one situation with the Brother of Destruction. Kane and Undertaker then both grabbed Austin around the throat, and sent Austin with a double chokeslam, through the announce table. Back in the ring, both Regal and Jericho had made it into the ring. Jericho took down Regal with a bulldog, and then connected with the lionsault, but that wasn’t enough, Jericho then locked Regal in the Walls of Jericho, and managed to get the submission victory.


Winners: Brothers of Destruction, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho.



We go off the air, with caranage everywhere, Angle and Benoit brawling on the outside, Triple H down after the chokeslam, Stone Cold through the announce table, with Undertaker and Kane looking at him, and Jericho refusing to release the hold on Regal.

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WWF Smackdown

Thursday, Week 2, May, 2001 (recorded Tuesday)

Staples Center



Dark Matches

William Regal defeated Al Snow

Hardy Boyz defeated Edge and Christian


We start Smackdown off with Paul Heyman and Michael Cole welcoming us to the action, and we get started with handicap tag team action, as The Islanders make their way to the ring, followed by Chris Jericho


The Islanders (Rikishi and Haku) v Chris Jericho


Chris Jericho started the match against Haku, and started on the offence, with a series of punches, followed up by a dropkick, that sent Haku out of the ring. Jericho then followed it up with a plancha, taking down Haku, and looking impressive in the early part of the match. However once both men got back into the ring, that soon changed, as Haku managed to get the upper hand on Jericho with a serious of chops and strikes, and then managed to make the tag, to the much larger Rikishi. The big man came into the ring, but Jericho was determined to fight of Rikishi, and Rikishi seemed to let Jericho, finding the exchange amusing, which backfired on Rikishi, as the referee was distracted, Jericho connected with the low blow. Jericho then tried to make the cover, but only managed to get a two count for his trouble. A Angry Rikishi then got to his feet, and took down Jericho with the superkick. Rikishi made the tag to Haku, who came in and locked the Tongan Death Grip on Jericho, as Jericho went down, Rikishi hit the Banzai Drop, and Haku followed it up with a head butt, the referee then managed to get Rikishi out of the ring, and Haku made the cover.


Winners: The Islanders


After the win, the Islanders walked off, happy with the damage they had done to Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho slowly managed to get to his feet and got a microphone, and then called out William Regal. Jericho berated Regal and after insulting the commissioner, Jericho then proceeded to quit, leaving the commissioner in shock on the stage.






When we return from the commercial break, Jonathan Coachman is in Vince McMahons office, who has called Coach to his office, to make an announcement. McMahon says he seen Kurt Angle talk to Ric Flair on RAW, and he has heard all the rumours, so he wants Kurt to know what will happen if he considers joining WCW, and as a result, makes the main event, Kurt Angle v Triple H


Elsewhere in the backstage area we see Chris Jericho leaving the arena, for the final time after quitting earlier in the evening. Just as Jericho was leaving, WCW Owner, Shane McMahon approached Jericho, and tried to get Jericho to join WCW. Jericho however was clearly not interested, and just left the arena, possibly forever.


When we return to ringside, Raven and Billy Gun make their way to ringside, ready for action


Raven v Billy Gunn


Raven had a very much darker look about him, and went straight for Billy Gunn. Gunn struggled to even get offence in the early part of the match. Raven went for the DDT, but Gunn managed to get out of the move with numerous punches to the stomach, and then managed to connect with the fame-asser out of nowhere. Gunn went for the cover, but Raven managed to kick out just after the one count. As Raven tried to get to his feet, Gunn managed to keep the advantage in the match for the short time. It was when Billy Gunn went for a stinger splash, Raven moved out of the way, sending Gunn into the ring post. Raven then connected with the bulldog on Gunn, and went for the cover, but only managed to get the two count. As Gunn tried to get to his feet, Raven locked up Gunn and connected with the DDT, and got the win.


Winner: Raven


Raven celebrates his victory in the ring and we go backstage, and Kevin Kelly is backstage with the WCW Owner, Shane McMahon


Shane McMahon tells Kevin Kelly, that he is sick of being attacks by the Big Show, and while Test and Big Show are set to face off at Judgment Day, they have a challenge for Big Show and Vince McMahon next week on Smackdown, if Vince survives Goldberg on RAW, to meet them in Tag Team Action.






When we return from the commercial break, Molly Holly makes her way to the ring, with a microphone in hand. She says Torrie Wilson and Stacey Keibler was tough to jump her backstage on RAW, but how about we see how tough they are tonight, and one of them face her in the ring tonight.


Stacey Keibler and Torrie Wilson then make their way to the ring, Stacey say that they accept her challenge, and Stacey makes her way into the ring, distracted by Stacey, and assuming Stacey accepted the challenge, It allowed Molly to be distracted, and Torrie Wilson to jump Molly.


Torrie Wilson w/ Stacey Keibler v Molly Holly


Due to the sneak attack, it allowed Torrie Wilson to start the match in control over Molly. Torrie even connected with a big splash on the back of Molly. Torrie turned over Molly, and went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. Torrie then picked up Molly, who was still dazed, and threw Molly into the corner, and followed up with a corner lariat, and then a DDT, but Molly countered the DDT and connected with a fisherman suplex on Torrie, but Torrie managed to only just kick out. Stacey got up onto the ring apron, but was soon sent flying by Molly with a missile dropkick. In the ring Torrie struggled to get to her feet, but Molly took her down with a belly to belly suplex, and then locked in a Indian Death lock Surfboard, and Torrie was tapping out in no time.


Winner: Molly Holly.


Before Molly managed to get to her feet, Stacey Keibler was back in the ring, beating on Molly Holly. Torrie slowly managed to get to her feet, and then doth women lead out Molly with a Double DDT.






When we return from the commercial break, Jonathan Coachman is backstage with Edge and Christian. They say how they are sick of the Dudley Boyz always getting in their business, and they are sick of facing them in the ring. So Judgment Day they are going to do the only thing they can do, take the Dudley Boyz out for good.


We then go to ringside, and the Hardcore Title is set to be defended


WWF Hardcore Title

WWF Hardcore Champion Spike Dudley v Steve Blackman


The lethal weapon started the match in control, and frequently using his sticks against Spike, as both Michael Cole and Paul Heyman gave Spike no chance in the match. When Blackman went to strike Spike with the kendo stick, Spike moved out of the way, causing the stick to rebound of the rope and smack Blackman right in the face. With Blackman stunned, Spike rolled up Blackman, but only managed to get a two count. As Blackman was getting to his feet, Spike whacked Blackman with a trash can lid numerous times. Spike then went outside the ring, and grabbed a couple of tables and threw them into the ring. Setting one up in the middle of the ring, and one in the corner, but as Spike was setting the table up in the corner, Blackman got to his feet. Spike didn’t notice, but as he turned around, he turned into a martial arts kick, sending Spike backwards into the table. Blackman then made the cover, but it wasn’t enough to keep Spike down for the three count. Blackman then went out of the ring to get some nunchucks, However as he got back into the ring, Spike caught Blackman with a kendo stick low blow. Spike then hit the Dudley Dog, sending Blackman through the table, and got the three count to retain the Hardcore Title


Winner: Still WWF Hardcore Champion Spike Dudley


The match had barely ended when Edge, Christian and Rhyno made their way to ringside, to beat on Little Spike Dudley. Bubba and D-von soon came to Spike’s rescue however, and using the weapons around ringside that was left as a result of the hardcore match, soon sent the trio running.






Triple Threat, Number One Contenders Match to the WWF European Title

Eddie Guerrero v Dean Malenko v Perry Saturn w/Terri


All three men started the match unsure, as this seemed to spell the end of the Radiclz. Guerrero however quickly got into the match, obviously wanting to win back the European Title, by taking down Saturn and rolling him up, which was broken up by Dean Malenko. This lead to Malenko and Saturn then double teaming Guerrero in the early part of the match, before Malenko turned on Saturn and sent him out of the ring with a knee. Malenko then tried to make Guerrero tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf, but luckily for Guerrero, he was saved by Saturn with a clothesline to the back of the head. Saturn then hit the Death Valley Driver on Malenko, but Guerrero was able to make the save. With Malenko down, Guerrero and Saturn went at it, with Saturn’s strength allowing him to get the upper hand. Guerrero however used his cheeky ways, and with an eye-rake, it allowed Guerrero to connect with the three amigos. Guerrero then went to connect with the frogsplash, but Malenko pulled Saturn out of the way, sending Guerrero crashing down to the mat. Malenko then went to pin Saturn, but Saturn managed to kick out at the two count. Malenko then managed to continue the dominance over Saturn, and then sent him out of the ring, looking to turn his attention to Malenko. Guerrero was waiting however, and sucked in Malenko to a rollup and got a three count, and will now face Matt Hardy for the European Championship on RAW.


Winner: Eddie Guerrero






When we return from the commercial break, the WWF Champion, Stone Cold makes his way out to the ring, and grabs a microphone.


Austin talks about how he is the greatest WWF Champion ever, and with the WCW Invasion, the WWF need a leader, to lead them in this fight, and he is that man to do this. But like any great leader, his leadership is being tested by the Undertaker. Austin says how Undertaker isn’t a team player, and how they should be fighting WCW and not each other. But at Judgment Day, he will prove like any great leader, his power and dominance in the ring.


As Austin was set to make his way to the back, the Brothers of Destruction made their way out, and the Undertaker had a microphone in hand.


Undertaker calls Austin a coward and while if there is going to be a fight between the WWF and WCW in his yard, he’d be the one leading the fight. But at Judgment Day, its not about WWF and WCW, it’s about who’s the big dog in his yard, and not only will Austin lose the title at Judgment Day, but how he is going to bleed.


But the end of the promo, Undertaker and Kane was at the bottom of the entrance ramp, and about to get into the ring, when Vince McMahon came out to the entrance ramp. He said if Undertaker and Kane wanted a fight, that’s fine, but Austin would have a partner. The Big Show






Brothers of Destruction (Undertaker and Kane) v Big Show and WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin


When we return from the commercial break, the match has already started and has the Big Show and Kane fighting it out in the ring. With Kane haven taken a beaten from Big Show, Austin wanted the tag into the ring. At the same time however Undertaker also tagged his way into the match, once Austin noticed this, Austin quickly went and made the tag back to Big Show. Before Big Show had even managed to get back into the ring, Undertaker started connecting with Rights and Lefts, and then even went for old school; however Big Show caught Undertaker and went for the chokeslam, but was saved by Kane. Undertaker and Kane then proceeded to double team Big Show in the ring, and even connected with the double chokeslam, however by the time the referee had got Kane out of the ring, when Undertaker went for the cover, Big Show was able to kick out before the three count. Undertaker then made the tag to Kane, who came in the ring and tried to make a chokeslam on his own, but was unsuccessful and Big Show managed to connect with a chokeslam of his own. Austin then tagged himself into the match, and tried to cover Kane, but was unsuccessful. While Big Show was on the apron, Test came through the crowd, and jumped Big Show, the two men then started to fight through the crowd, which distracted Austin. Kane managed to get to his feet, and Undertaker came into the ring, as Austin turned around and turned right into the double grip by Undertaker and Kane. Austin though managed to quickly back of and get out of the ring, crawling backwards to the back, watching Undertaker and Kane while doing so, who was just stood in the ring watching Austin. The referee counted to ten, and counted out Austin


Winners: Brothers of Destruction


Austin was just staring at Undertaker and Kane in the ring, clinging on to the WWF Title, which the referee had brought to him, looking on in fear






When we return from the commercial break, Kevin Kelly is backstage with Chris Benoit


Benoit says he doesn’t care about Ric Flair, and whatever his relationship is with Kurt Angle. Benoit says how all he cares about is proving he is the best damn technical wrestler today, and come Judgment Day, whoever Angle has to help him, he will prove Angle wrong. ‘It’s true, it’s true’


We then head to ringside for tag team action, Jerry Lynn and Essa Rios made their way to the ring, followed by Kaientai


Taka came out with a microphone, he said how to be a true champion, you had to be evil, and there was no one more evil than Kaientai, Funaki then gave us his best indeed


Essa Rios and WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn v Kaientai (TAKA and Funaki)


This was a quick high flying affair from that start. Essa Rios started the match with Funaki, and Essa Rios started the match extremely quickly, with a flurry of dropkicks, taking down Funaki, and then followed up with a hurricanrana, sending Funaki to the outside of the ring, and then connected with a asai moonsault on the outside. Back in the ring, Essa went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. Essa made the tag to the Lightheavyweight champion. Jerry Lynn came in like a house of fire against Funaki, Funaki managed to make the long awaited tag to Taka, while Taka came in quickly and managed to get in a few shots on Lynn and Essa Rios. Taka however turned around into a cradle piledriver from Lynn, Lynn then made the tag to Essa, and connected with the moonsault, for the three count.


Winners: Essa Rios and Jerry Lynn


As soon as the match came to a end, Crash Holly and Grand Master Sexay made their way to the ring, and ended up brawling with Essa Rios and Jerry Lynn






When we return from the commercial break, we see WCW has invaded again, in the backstage area. Mike Awesome and Lance Storm are beating down the Hardy Boyz.


We then return to ringside, ready for six man tag team action


X-Factor (Justin Credible, X-Pac and Albert) v K-Kwik and APA (Faarooq and Bradshaw)


The big powerhouse for X-Factor started the match against Bradshaw. Bradshaw managed to hold his own against Albert for the first few moments in the match, and even managed to connect with a fall away slam on the big man. Bradshaw made the tag to his partner Faarooq, he came into the ring, and went to hit a spine buster on Albert, but instead got an elbow to the face. Albert then made the tag to the leader of X-Factor, X-Pac. X-Pac came into the ring with a flurry of kicks. X-Pac however started to get ****y, which gave Faarooq time to recover, and nailed X-Pac with a spine buster. Faarooq then made the tag to K-Kwik. K-Kwik came in like a house on fire, taking down X-Pac, Albert and Justin Credible. A Angry Albert came back into the ring and took down K-Kwik with a bicycle kick, which broke this match down with the APA getting involved. This allowed X-Pac to hit the X-Factor on a staggering K-Kwik, X-Pac got the cover, and the win.


Winners: X-Factor






When we return from the commercial break, Kurt Angle made his way to the ring.


Angle grabbed the microphone, and said he had no idea why everyone assumed he was joining WCW, Ric Flair is a legend but all they was doing is talking, and as far as he is concerned, he is WWF for life.


Kurt Angle v WWF Intercontinental Champion Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley


Kurt Angle took it straight to the game to start the match up. Triple H managed to get back into the match in no time however, and quickly took down the Olympic gold medallist with a high knee to the face, Triple H then tried to finish the match early with the cover, but Angle managed to kick out. As Triple H got to his feet, Angle quickly grabbed the Ankle of Triple H, and locked the game in the anklelock. Triple H battled through the pain, and managed to get to the ropes, forcing the referee to get Angle to release the hold. As Triple H used the ropes to get to his feet, Angle clotheslined Triple H over the top rope, and both men went to the outside. Triple H managed to get to his feet first, and threw Angle into the ring post, and then followed up by pedigreeing Angle on the outside. Angle was dead weight, and Triple H had to slowly get Angle back into the ring. After eventually doing so, Triple H then went for the cover, but it took too long, and Angle managed to kick out. Triple H then picked up Angle, and tried to hook up Angle for another pedigree, but Angle fought of Triple H, and then put on a wrestling clinic with numerous suplex’s on Triple H, and then eventually the Olympic Slam. But Kurt was a bit to slow covering Triple H, and Triple H managed to kick out. Both men was starting to get warn out, after the match going on for a near 20 minutes. Angle went for another Olympic Slam, but Triple H countered to a DDT, but in the process knocked down the referee. As Angle staggered to his feet, and Triple H managed to hook up Angle for a pedigree, however before Triple H could connect with the pedigree, Ric Flair, came out of nowhere, and nailed Triple H in the back of the head with a steel pipe, which allowed Angle to again nail the Olympic Slam, The impact shaking the ring, managed to stir the referee. Angle then made the cover, and got the three count.


Winner: Kurt Angle


Kurt Angle managed to struggle to his feet, and noticed Ric Flair in the aisle away, obviously not noticing before, and stared down the nature boy, to end Smackdown.

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WWF InsurreXtion

Saturnday, Week 2, May, 2001

Earls Court



Dark Matches

The Islanders defeated Kaientai

Test defeated Billy Gunn



The pyro's go off, and Tazz and Jim Ross welcome us to London, England for Insurrextion, live on Sky Box Office and in WWF New York, and we go straight into action with the special challenge match

K-Kwik v Albert


K-Kwik started the match quickly, and even managed to knock Albert off his feet with a side kick. Albert then rolled out of the ring, to try and regain himself. K-Kwik however didn't allow that to happen, by taking down Albert with a plancha. K-Kwik was completely on fire in the early part of the match, and was aware that if he allowed Albert to get the upper hand then the match would be over. K-Kwik quickly got back into the ring, and as Albert got to his feet, K-Kwik went for a baseball slide. The move was unsuccessful however, as Albert caught the legs of K-Kwik and dragged him out of the ring. Albert then went for the baldo bomb on the outside; K-Kwik though kicked Albert between the legs, and connected with the DDT on the outside. K-Kwik rolled into the ring, and awaited Albert to return to the ring. K-Kwik climbed to the top rope and connected with a hurricanrana, and made the cover, but Albert managed to kick out before the three count. Albert though quickly got back to his feet, and the big man was clearly angry that he had yet to get any offence in the match. Albert then quickly took down K-Kwik with a hard clothesline, as K-Kwik started to slowly get back up to his feet, Albert then delivered a bicycle kick, which was easily enough to keep K-Kwik for the three count, but it wasn't enough for Albert, who picked up K-Kwik and delivered the baldo bomb, to get the three count.

Winner: Albert


Albert celebrates his win, and we go to the backstage area.


We are in Vince McMahon's office, and Kurt Angle is also with the chairman. We see Vince McMahon berating Kurt Angle. McMahon says that he doesn't believe Angle that nothing is happening between him and WCW, but if he ever jumps ship, he will personally end Angle's career


When we return to ringside, its time for triple threat tag team action


WWF Lightheavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn and Essa Rios v Steve Blackman and Grand Master Sexay v The Holly's (Crash and Hardcore Holly)



The two biggest men in the match Steve Blackman and Hardcore Holly started the match. Blackman started of with a impressive display of his martial arts action, however Hardcore who was double tough fought back against Blackman. Lynn flying tagged himself into the match and went straight for Hardcore Holly. Hardcore Holly however managed to fight back, and connect with the falcon arrow, out of nowhere. Holly then went for the cover, however it was broken up with the hip hop drop by Grand Master Sexay. Sexay then took it to Hardcore Holly, until Holly threw Grand Master from the ring. Jerry Lynn then got back into the action, jumping Hardcore from behind. Hardcore quickly started to fight back, and made the tag to his cousin Crash. Crash came in quickly, fighting away at Jerry Lynn, punching and kicking away at the Lightheavyweight champion. Lynn went into the corner to try and get away from Crash, which allowed Crash to bulldog Jerry Lynn out of the corner. What Crash didn't notice however, was that Essa Rios made the flying tag, Which had Crash turning around right into a moonsault from Essa. Essa held on for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. As Crash staggered his way to his feet, Grand Master Sexay got a flying tag into the match, and came straight in against Essa Rios, and eventually took down Essa Rios with a super kick. Grand Master Sexay then hit the hip hop drop on Essa, and went for the cover, but Hardcore Holly came into the ring to break up the pinfall, which brought in Steve Blackman, leading with Blackman and Hardcore brawling to the outside. Jerry Lynn then came into the ring, and hit the cradle piledriver on Grand Master Sexay, but before Lynn was able to take advantage, Crash Holly came into the ring, clotheslining Lynn to the outside. Back in the ring Essa Rios started to get to his feet, and went to the top rope, and connected with the moonsault on Essa Rios, and got the three count.

Winners: Essa Rios and Jerry Lynn.


These six men continued to fight, even though the match was over, which brought officials to the ringside area, to separate the three teams.


We then go backstage, and Michael Cole is with Lita.


Michael Cole asks Lita, with her facing Chyna in 8 days for the women's title, how she was feeling. Lita said how she was nervous, but she always felt she was at the top of the game, and she would be the first ever women to defeat Chyna, next Sunday at Judgment Day.


Before the interview was over however, Trish Stratus made her way to the interview area. She said how we all knew the only reason Lita was getting a title shot, was because she managed to sweat talk Chyna. Trish like all the fans in the WWF, knows that Trish is the dominate diva in the WWF, and soon she will be Women's Champion. It wasn't long until the two came to blows, and had to be separated.

Number One Contenders Match

Edge and Christian v APA (Faarooq and Bradshaw) v X-Factor (X-Pac and Justin Credible) v Dudley Boyz (Bubba and D-Von Dudley)


X-Pac started the match off against Faarooq, and with six men on the apron at all time, there was a lot of quick tags in the match, however that was except for Edge and Christian, who had clearly decided to stay on the apron for as long as possible, while the other three teams wore themselves out. X-Pac hit a X-Factor out of nowhere on D-Von, and it looked like X-Pac was going to get the three count, but Edge made the save, which continued to be the theme of the match, that was until X-Pac tagged in Edge, and left Edge with Bradshaw, and everyone else dropped off the apron, leaving Edge in the ring with Bradshaw. Bradshaw completely took it to Edge, and even hit the clothesline from hell on Edge. Bradshaw's cover over Edge, brought the other six men in the ring, and this match was completely breaking down with all 8 men fighting around the ring, and in the ring. Christian was left alone in the ring with both Dudley Boyz, which soon ended up with Christian receiving the 3D, and Bubba getting the cover, and the Dudley Boyz going to RAW to get a tag team title shot.

Winners: The Dudley Boyz


We go backstage, and Matt Hardy is doing last minute preparation for his European Title match, which is next, Jeff Hardy comes into the locker room, and wishes Matt luck in his match, as Matt then goes to make his way to the ring.

WWF European Title

WWF European Champion Matt Hardy v Eddie Guerrero


Matt Hardy quickly took down Eddie Guerrero to start the match out, which Latino Heat wasn't expecting. Eddie Guerrero rolled to the outside, but Matt Hardy was staying on Guerrero, by going to the top rope, and connecting with a moonsault all the way to the floor, Matt rolled Guerrero back into the ring, and made the cover, but only just managed to get the two count. Matt Hardy got to his feet, and went to pick up Guerrero, but Guerrero rolled up Matt in a inside cradle, but only managed to get a two count. Eddie Guerrero quickly got to his feet, and took down Matt with numerous clotheslines, and then a kick to the stomach, and the three amigo's, Eddie then went up top for the frogsplash, but Matt Hardy rolled out of the way, Guerrero managed to roll through, and land on his feet, and then take down Matt with a hurricanrana. Guerrero then picked up Matt Hardy and dropped him with a huge brain buster. Guerrero then again went to the top rope, and connected with the frogsplash this time. Guerrero went for the cover, one…two….three, but the referee just noticed that Matt Hardy had his foot on the ropes, and waved of the three count. Guerrero then complained to the referee, which gave Matt the chance to recover, and roll up Eddie Guerrero, for the three count out of nowhere.

Winner: Still WWF European Champion, Matt Hardy


Guerrero was furious after the match, and rolled outside the ring, and grabbed the European Title. As Matt got to his feet, Guerrero smacked Matt right across the face with the championship. Guerrero then put the title over Matt's face, and went to the top, and delivered a frogsplash on the face of Matt Hardy. This brought Jeff Hardy to the ring, who chased of Guerrero. As Jeff removed the title from the face of Matt, Matt was busted wide open, and JR said how Guerrero was weakening up Matt Hardy for the title shot Guerrero earned on Smackdown, when he faces Matt again on RAW.


We are backstage with Michael Cole, and Kurt Angle. Before Cole is even able to ask Kurt a question, Kurt Angle starts ranting about how no one will believe him that he has no interest in joining WCW.


We go back to ringside, for tag team action

Lita and Molly Holly v Trish Stratus and Ivory


Molly Holly started the match against a little less conservative looking Ivory. Ivory started the match off looking very strong against Molly Holly. Ivory even managed to connect with the poison ivory, early on, which lead to Lita having to save the match, and Molly Holly. Molly managed to battle her way to her feet, and fight over Ivory long enough to make the tag to Lita. Lita came in and took down Ivory with a dropkick, and then hit Trish of the apron with a forearm. Lita and Ivory fought in the ring with some good solid action for a few minutes, with numerous exchanges between the two. Ivory made the tag to Trish, who controlled an exhausted Lita, and Ivory and Trish kept quick tags to isolate Lita. Lita tried to fight back, but was stopped every time. Stratus even managed to connect with the stratusfaction, and went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. Lita attempted to fight back, and out of nowhere connected with the twist of fate on Trish. Lita was to exhausted however to make the cover, and both women slowly battled to their corner. Trish managed to make the tag first, which brought Ivory quickly to the ring. Ivory elbows Molly of the apron, then went back to working on Lita, Molly quickly got back to the apron and Lita managed to have enough to connect with the DDT on Ivory, and then quickly made the hot tag to Molly. Molly came in quickly taking down both Ivory and Trish. Molly hit the northern lights suplex, and held on for the bridge on Ivory, but Trish made the save. Molly then hit a tornado DDT, planting Trish on the mat. Stratus rolled to the outside, and Molly climbed the turnbuckles, and as Ivory got to her feet, Molly connected with the Molly-Go-Round, to get the three count.

Winners: Lita and Molly Holly


Molly helped Lita to her feet after the match, and the two diva's celebrated in the ring.


We again go backstage and Michael Cole is with the Intercontinental Champion Triple H


Triple H says how tonight Kurt Angle better watch his back, because tonight, he's all alone, and pay backs a bitch, and he has spoken to Vince, and they will both be starting the six pack challenge tonight, Cole then asked Triple H about if there is any agreement between them. Triple H just says, the Two Man Power Trip, will stay on top, things work as they are, and they ain't changing tonight.


We then cut to ringside, and the Big Show makes his way out to the ring.


Big Show grabs the microphone, and says tonight he is issuing a open challenge to WCW, and while he would love Shane McMahon to walk down the aisle, he knew Shane McMahon's yellow streak would never allow it so if anyone from WCW was less yellow maybe they would accept his challenge.


It wasn't long until the challenge was answered, just like on RAW, no music was played, but out came Mike Awesome, to accept the Big Shows challenge

Big Show v Mike Awesome


Mike Awesome started the match by taking it to the Big Show, impressing JR and Tazz with his offence. Which included Awesome even able to knock Big Show out of the ring. Awesome then followed up with an over the top rope suicide dive to the outside, which even managed to knock down Big Show. Awesome then get back in the ring, wisely not even tried to get the giant into the ring. Big Show got back into the ring, and Awesome stayed on the giant, but this time, it was obvious that the giant was pissed off, and the shots was having little effect on the giant. Big Show then just started chopping away at Mike Awesome, and went to connect with the chokeslam on Awesome, but Awesome kicked Big Show between the legs, which the referee didn't notice. Awesome then followed up with a huge lariat which sent the Big Show rocking. Awesome then quickly got to the top rope, and showed his impressive high flying ability with a top rope shoulder tackle, which took down the Big Show, with Big Show down, Mike Awesome again went to the top rope, and this time connected with the Awesome Splash on Big Show, and this one should be over. One..two.. Big Show just got the shoulder up, and Mike Awesome was irate, and took his anger out on the referee with the Awesome Bomb. As Awesome did, seemingly planned, WCW referee Nick Patrick ran to ringside, and took over refereeing the match, Awesome looked on happy, but didn't notice the Big Show getting up behind him. Awesome then turned right around into a chokeslam by Big Show, Big Show made the cover, and Nick Patrick, surprised JR and Tazz, by making a fair count, but it was still only a two count, which surprised the announce team even more. Like Awesome did before, Big Show took his anger out of the referee, by hitting the final cut on Nick Patrick. This brought another referee, this time Tim White to referee this match, Big Show took it right back to Mike Awesome, and went for the final cut, but Mike Awesome fought out, and hit the short arm clothesline, as Big Show went to get to his feet, Awesome then planted Big Show with the DDT. Awesome then again went to the top rope, but this time taunted the fans slightly, which cost Mike Awesome, as it allowed the Big Show chance to recover and get to his feet. With Mike Awesome on the top rope, Big Show slapped the chest of Awesome, and then even climbed the bottom two turnbuckles himself, grabbed Awesome around the neck, and delivered a monster chokeslam to Awesome. Big Show then went for the cover, and got a hard fought victory against WCW's Mike Awesome.

Winner: The Big Show


Big Show had completely been in a fight , but it wasn't the end of Big Show's night, as when he got to the feet, he was met with a big boot from Test who had got into the ring, and then an elbow drop from the top rope. Test then left the ring, with both Big Show and Mike Awesome down in the ring.


We see Kane and the Undertaker talking in the backstage area, and both men tonight agree that it is every man for themselves, and both of them want to leave England with the WWF Title.


We then return to ringside, ready for hardcore action

WWF Hardcore Title

WWF Hardcore Champion Spike Dudley v Jeff Hardy v Rhyno v Raven


As this match began Jeff Hardy and Raven paired up, as did Spike Dudley and Rhyno. Raven brought some weapons with him to the Raven, and started using them against Jeff Hardy on the outside. Inside the ring, Rhyno was completely over powering the Hardcore Champion, however a low blow, and then a Dudley Dog, almost managed to secure a quick victory for the Hardcore Champion. On the outside of the ring, Jeff Hardy ran the barricade, and took down Raven with the clothesline. Jeff Hardy then proceeded to get a 15ft ladder from under the ring, and threw it into the ring. Jeff Hardy first knocked Spike down with the ladder, sending him out of the ring, and then went to connect with the ladder on Rhyno, but Rhyno ducked, and then yanked Jeff Hardy by the back of his hair. On the outside, Spike got 4 tables out from the under the ring, and then sent three tables into the ring, and then set up a fourth on the outside. Back in the ring, Raven had made his way back into the ring, and was fighting with Raven, Raven then connected with the Raven effect on Rhyno, but before Raven could go for the cover, Spike Dudley went to go for the Dudley dog on Raven, but Raven threw Spike Dudley of him, to the outside, and through the table, that Spike had set up just moments before, Raven then went back to Rhyno, and went to cover Rhyno, but Rhyno managed to kick out before the three count. As Raven got to his feet, he was meet with numerous forearms by Jeff, and then a twist of fate, however instead of covering Raven, Jeff looked at the tables, and the ladder. Jeff Hardy set up two of the tables up next to each other, and then the 15ft ladder. Jeff then placed Raven onto the two tables, and then climbed the ladder, for the swanton bomb, but Raven moved at the last moment, sending Jeff going through two tables. Raven then managed to get a hand over Jeff, but Rhyno just managed to make the save. Raven then battled his way to his feet, and Rhyno was waiting to connect with the gore, but Raven seen it coming, and side stepped, sending Rhyno into the turnbuckles. Raven then went to go for a Raven effect, but Rhyno countered it into a fisherman suplex, with the bridge. But Spike got back into the ring, and broke up the bridge. Spike had brought a trashcan with him into the ring, and nailed Rhyno over the head with it, as Rhyno got to his feet, and then the hit the DDT on Raven onto the trashcan. Spike then went to grab the last remaining table, and set it up in the corner. Spike turned around after doing so, but turned right into a gore through the table. Rhyno went for the cover, but neither he, nor anyone else, noticed Jeff Hardy was back to his feet, and hit the swanton bomb, off the top rope onto the back of Rhyno. Jeff then covered Spike who was sandwiched under the swanton bomb, and got the three count.

Winner: New WWF Hardcore Champion, Jeff Hardy.


Jeff Hardy slowly got to his feet, to celebrate his victory, but Jeff was still weak from going through the two tables from 15ft, and was a walking victim for Raven who hit the raven effect on Jeff, made the cover, and we had another title change, Raven had just won the Hardcore title. The hardcore experience of Raven played into effect, as the new champion quickly escaped to the back.


We go backstage, and JR informs us that during that match, Big Show caught up with Test backstage, and the two superstars are currently fighting it out backstage, numerous officials and road agents are trying, unsuccessfully, to break the two men up.


We then return to ringside, and the commissioner of the WWF, William Regal is making his way down to the ring, with a microphone in hand.


Regal says how it is great to be back in England, even if he has to settle for being in London, and not his great home of Blackpool. But no matter where in England he is in, tonight is Chris Jericho's last ever match in the WWF, and he is happy to send Chris Jericho packing from the World Wrestling Federation, in front of his own countrymen.

No Holds Barred

William Regal v Chris Jericho


Chris Jericho came out for this match on fire, for what is set to be his last ever match after quitting the WWF on Smackdown. Regal has to quickly leave the ring, after the intensity of Jericho was just too much for the commissioner. Regal grabs a chair, and heads back into the ring armed, but it backfired, as Jericho just dropkicked the chair right back into the face of the commissioner, which sent Regal back to the outside. However this time, instead of giving Regal the chance to come back on his own, Jericho joined Regal outside the ring, with a springboard, from the corner, into a cross body on Regal. On the outside, Jericho grabbed the head of Regal, and smashed it against the announce table numerous times. Regal however wasn't a pushover and lifting up a leg, and connected with the low blow on Jericho, and then gave Jericho a taste of his own medicine. Regal then threw Jericho right into the steel steps, and again grabbed a steel chair, and smashed it against the head of Jericho. Regal then rolled Jericho into the ring, but instead of covering Y2J, instead applied the Regal Stretch. Jericho was in agony, and looked like he might almost tap out, however Jericho managed to slowly make it to the ropes, but it was evident that a lot of damage had been made. Regal then exposed one of the top turnbuckles, and went to smash Jericho head first into the turnbuckle ring. Jericho however managed to put the brakes on, and reversed it on the commissioner. Regal's head on a small cut with a small amount of blood pouring out. When Regal seen the blood, he was completely enraged, and took Jericho down with a massive forearm, that almost beheaded Y2J. Regal then just stomped the head of Jericho repeatedly, once Regal was satisfied with what he had done, he went outside the ring, and grabbed the steel chair again. As Jericho got to his feet, he was smashed right in the head with the steel chair, Regal then continued to assault Jericho with the steel chair, legs, back of the head, back, arms. Y2J wasn't moving and JR said Chris Jericho was quite obviously knocked out.


The referee tried to get Regal to show some compassion, and let him check Jericho, Regal however didn't agree, and hit the neckbreaker on the referee. With both the referee down and Jericho down, Regal locked in the Regal Stretch on Jericho, and there we can see Jericho is bleeding like a stuffed pig. While Regal had the hold on Jericho, to start with it was clear that Jericho was still out, but after a good couple of minutes, the pain seemed to revive Jericho, who was screaming in agony, in the ring, which led Regal to have a sick smirk over his face. After a while Regal released the hold, and went over to the announce table, and 'borrowed' some of JR and Tazz's water, to have a small drink, as well as clean up the small cut on his forehead. Regal then got a headset on, and briefly spoke to JR and Tazz, saying he knew he was making Mr McMahon proud backstage. However the ****iness got the better of Regal, as Jericho was slowly recovering from the assault in the ring. As Regal finished talking to JR and Tazz, he turned back round, and barely even had time to take in that Jericho was coming towards him, as Jericho launched himself through the second and third rope, catching Regal with a plancha, over the top of the announce table, causing Tazz and JR to move very quickly. Jericho then starting punching away at the commissioner behind the announce table. Jericho got to his feet, but only to grab the ring bell, and as Regal got to his feet, Jericho smashed Regal across the face with it. Jericho then placed Regal on the announce table, and climbed onto the apron, and connected with an asai moonsault, which sent Regal through the announce table, and both men down on the long time. In the ring, Teddy Long was slowly starting to get to his feet, and confused for a moment on where the two men was, until he looked outside. Long quickly went to the outside to check on both men, and seen that neither man was moving, and called EMTs to ringside. Even though Jericho was the man to deliver the man, as he had received much more punishment in the match, Regal was the first one to his feet. As the EMTs was checking on Jericho, Regal aggressively moved them out of the way, and locked Jericho back in the Regal Stretch on the outside. But luckily for Jericho this time, he was able to grab a piece of the broken announce table and smash it other the head of Regal, to break the hold. Jericho managed to get his way up to his feet, but was still bleeding heavily. Jericho threw Regal into the ring, and then climbed to the top rope, and went for a missile dropkick, but Regal caught the leg of Jericho, and AGAIN went for the Regal Stretch, but this time Jericho managed to roll up Regal, 1..2.. Regal kicked out. Regal got up and took down Jericho straight away with a clothesline. Regal then put on a suplex clinic on show in the middle of the ring, with Jericho seemingly out of energy to stop Regal. Perhaps a sign of desperation, but Jericho raised an arm, and caught Regal with a low blow. With Regal down, Jericho grabbed the steel chair that was in the ring, and completely wore the steel chair out on Regal, and due to what Regal did earlier, the referee was obviously reluctant to stop Jericho. Jericho only ended up stopping the attack when the chair was literally falling apart. Jericho then locked in the Walls of Jericho in on Regal, but Regal was unable to tap out, as the referee checked Regal, Regal had passed out from the pain.

Winner: Chris Jericho


Even though the match was over, Jericho didn't realise the hold, he wanted Regal to go through what he did earlier, with the pain reviving him, which within a couple of minutes happened, and Regal was tapping out like a drunk man. With a smile over the bloody face of Jericho, finally satisfied Regal had given up, Jericho kicked the commissioner out of the ring, and went to grab a microphone.


Jericho said he was sorry for leaving, but he had to, it just wasn't fun anymore, when you had *******s like Regal, and the McMahon family screwing over peoples life's, wrestling had become a chore, the wrestling business was dead, this is now the McMahon's personal playground, but now, it was no longer worth it.


Jericho then dropped the microphone, and left the ring, for the last time.


We then go backstage, and the WWF Champion Stone Cold, is with Michael Cole.


Stone Cold says how Linda McMahon, tried to destroy her husband's greatest creation, better than Hulkamania, better than Wrestlemania, better than his jackass son. Linda McMahon tried to destroy the relationship between Triple H and Stone Cold, however it wasn't going to happen, they are on the same page, and the WWF title isn't going anywhere.


We then go to ringside, ready for the main event, which JR reminds us, is No DQ, One Fall to a finish, and there must be a winner.

WWF Title

WWF Champion Stone Cold v Kurt Angle v Kane v Chris Benoit v The Undertaker v WWF Intercontinental Champion Triple H


As Triple H announced earlier, it was Kurt Angle and Triple H that started off the match, in a rematch of sorts from Smackdown. Triple H took it to the Olympic gold medallist in the early part of the match, Angle tried to get in some offence, but the Intercontinental Champion was fired up. After knocking down Angle numerous times, Triple H bounced of the ropes, Angle dropped his head, but Triple H countered it into the face buster, which sent Kurt staggering, and ended up having Kane tagging himself into the match. Triple H was then staring at his opponent in 8 days at Judgment Day, and then decided that confrontation could wait, as Triple H made the tag to Benoit. Benoit came in aggressively against Kane, with numerous chops, and a snap suplex. Kane however quickly got back to his feet, and took down Benoit with a chop of his own. Benoit then made the tag to the Undertaker, and we are getting our first look at Brother versus Brother. Kane and Undertaker start exchanging lefts and rights, and Kane gets the upper hand in the situation, and has the Undertaker reeling. Kane then grabs Undertaker around the throat, and connects with the chokeslam. Austin then flying tags himself into the match, and then goes to make the cover over Undertaker, with Kane standing looking bemused, easily made the save. Kane picked up Austin and just quickly chokeslammed the champion before the referee managed to get Kane out of the ring. With both Austin and Undertaker down after receiving chokeslams from Kane, they both battled to a corner, and both Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit got the tags. Angle and Benoit quickly came into the ring, and Benoit quickly hooked up Angle for a belly to belly overhead suplex. Benoit then tried to quickly lock in the crippler crossface on Angle, but Angle quickly got to the ropes. As Angle got to his feet, Triple H tagged his way into the ring, and went face to face with the rabid wolverine. The two men started exchanging lefts and rights, Triple H managed to get the advantage of the situation, and sent Benoit against the ropes, and connected with the high knee to the face. Triple H then picked up Benoit and went for the pedigree, but Benoit grabbed the arm of Triple H, and went for the crossface, Triple H however managed to roll through the move, and then connect with a huge clothesline taking down Benoit. Angle then tagged himself back into the match, to the anger of the Game. Angle then went to the top rope, and delivered a huge moonsault onto Benoit. Angle made the cover, but it was broken up by the Deadman. As Undertaker turned around to head back to his corner, Angle delivered the Olympic Slam to the Undertaker, which had Austin grow a little smile on his face.


Kurt Angle turned around, and was face to face with the monster Kane, who made the tag while Angle wasn't looking. Kane connected with an upper cut on Angle, which sent the Olympic Champion down to the ring. Kane then picked up Angle in the military press position, and while looking at Triple H, sent Angle down to the mat below, clearly sending a message for their Intercontinental Title match next Sunday. Kane then made the cover on Angle, but Angle managed to get the shoulder up at the two count. Undertaker was then back on the apron, and called for the tag from his brother, which Kane obliged. Undertaker came into the ring, and connected with numerous punches, which had Angle back into the corner, however that still wasn't an escape from the numerous punches to the chest. Undertaker then connected with old school on Angle, and then hooked up Angle for the chokeslam. Angle however went low for the reversal, and grabbed the ankle of the Undertaker, and locked in the anklelock, which sent an even bigger smile to the face of Austin. Undertaker was trapped in the anklelock in the middle of the ring, and Angle kept bringing Undertaker to the centre of the ring, and it looked like the deadman might tag out. That was until Benoit came into the ring, behind Angle, and saved the match, by delivering a German Suplex to Angle. With Undertaker and Angle both down in the ring, both men tried to make a tag. Austin was calling for Kurt to go to his corner, which Kurt did, and Austin came into the ring, but just at the same time Undertaker tagged in Benoit. Benoit came into the match quickly with a couple of clothesline onto the champion, Benoit then threw Austin against the ropes, and with the champion rebounding, hit the belly to belly release, sending Austin half way across the ring. Benoit then climbed up to the top rope, and hit the diving head butt onto the chest of the champion. However before Benoit could make the cover, Triple H came into the ring, and hit a pedigree on Benoit. Austin then slowly covered Benoit, but Kane came in to break up the pinfall before the three count. Austin got to his feet, and nailed Kane as he was leaving the ring. Kane however grabbed Austin around the throat. Kane seen Benoit was getting to his feet, and tossed the champion to the wolverine, who then locked in the crossface, and Austin was in visible pain. Triple H came into the ring, with a knee to the face of Benoit to make the save. Triple H then dragged Austin to his corner, and then tagged himself into the match. Triple H connected with an elbow onto the head of Benoit, and then picked up Benoit for a DDT. Angle then tagged himself into the match of the back of Triple H, which angered the game. Angle waited for Benoit to struggle up to his feet, and then hit the Olympic Slam on Benoit. Angle then made the cover, but somehow Benoit managed to kick out at a two count. Angle was furious, and pulled down his straps, and locked in the anklelock. While Benoit in pain in the middle of the ring, it looked like we was going to get a new WWF Champion, until the Undertaker came into the ring, and delivered a boot to the face of Angle.


Angle went backwards, and Kane tagged himself into the match, and Chris Benoit could obviously not take much more punishment in this match, already taken so many finishers, however he was about to take another, as Kane set up Benoit for the chokeslam. In the corner of the eye of the Big Red Machine he noticed Triple H on the top rope. Kane turned around and seen Triple H try and preform a double axe handle, but Kane caught The Game around the throat, and then chokeslammed both Triple H and Benoit at the same time. As the referee went to roll Triple H out of the ring, Kane had the cover on Benoit, but the referee didn't see it. Kane got back up, and with the referee still distracted Austin came into the ring and delivered the stunner to Kane. Kane ended up rolling to the nearest corner, that turned out to be the corner of Austin, when the referee turned around, Austin covered Benoit, and the referee made the count, but Benoit kicked out, Austin started to get ****y against the wolverine, who had been in the ring for a while, and it cost him when Benoit hit a German Suplex on Austin, and Benoit made the tag to Undertaker. Undertake came into the ring, without Austin even knowing, and Austin turned around into a huge right hand from the Undertaker. Undertaker picked up Austin and threw him against the ropes, and followed up with the big boot, and the cover, but only a two count. Undertaker picked up Austin, and went for snake eyes in the corner, and then grabbed Austin around the throat and hit the chokeslam. But that wasn't enough for Undertaker, who made the signal, and the picked up Austin for the last ride. Undertaker went for the cover, but Benoit broke up the three count with the diving head butt. Angle quickly got into the ring, and took Benoit and himself out of the ring with a clothesline over the top rope, sending them both to the outside, the two men continued to brawl on the outside, with Angle hitting the Olympic Slam on the ramp way, keeping both men down. In the ring, Kane tagged his way in the ring at the expense of his brother, and as Undertaker was staring down his younger brother, who received a knee to the back, which sent Undertaker out of the ring, Triple H quickly flowed Undertaker outside, and hit the pedigree on the deadman outside the ring. In the ring, Austin was starting to get to his feet, and Kane was getting ready to give Austin the tombstone, after giving the signal, however the referee was focused on Triple H and Undertaker outside the ring, which allowed Austin to give Kane a kick between the legs, and the stunner, but it didn't send Kane down, and just stunned the monster. Triple H seeing this quickly came into the ring, and after the stunner, Kane then fell victim to the pedigree. Austin then made the cover, with Triple H keeping guard making sure no one broke up the pinfall, and Austin retained the WWF Title, against all the odds.

Winner: Still WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin


JR and Tazz was shocked that Triple H and Austin kept their agreement, and Triple H gave up his chance to be WWF Champion. Triple H helped up Austin and the two men celebrated in the ring with the Intercontinental Title, WWF Title and Tag Team Titles. They didn't notice however Kane getting to his feet, and Undertaker getting back into the ring. The two teams then started fighting in the ring, and the Brothers of Destruction got the upper hand, and Kane delivered the tombstone of Triple H, and Undertaker hit the last ride on Austin. Kane and Undertaker then celebrated with the WWF Title and Intercontinental Title, ending Insurrextion, and to send the fans home happy.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/1071/heat2.jpg</span><p>

WWF Sunday Night Heat</p><p>

Sunday, Week 2, May, 2001 (recorded Tuesday)</p><p>

Staples Center</p><p>

18,722</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

We start Heat, with Jonathan Coachman replacing Michael Cole, who is returning from England, with Tazz.</p><p> </p><p>

In the ring, Trish Stratus makes her way to the ring, and grabs a microphone.</p><p> </p><p>

Trish says how she is going to continue the era of stratusfaction tonight, and issues an open challenge. However Trish and the rest of the world are shocked when the WWF Women’s Champion, Chyna makes her way to the ring, and accepts the challenge, and even says she will put the title on the line.</p><p>

WWF Women’s Title</p><p>

WWF Women’s Champion Chyna v Trish Stratus</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Chyna let Trish get in a few free hits early on in the match, but that was about all the offence Trish managed to get any offence in the match, saying that however Trish still looked strong in defeat, by managing to kick out of the powerbomb, and getting a foot on the ropes after a pedigree, in the end a top rope powerbomb allowed Chyna to retain the Women’s Title.</p><p>

Winner: Still WWF Women’s Champion Chyna</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Chyna celebrates her victory, retaining the women’s title, and we go to a commercial breal</p><p>



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When we return from the commercial break, Jeff Hardy is somewhere in the backstage in a dark room, with some strange coloured lights.</p><p> </p><p>

Jeff Hardy then proceeded to give a promo over Raven. Jeff Hardy said Raven will pay for his actions, but he wants to get involved with Jeff Hardy, then Raven will learn what extreme is, and he will face outer limits he has never faced before.</p><p> </p><p>

We then cut to ringside, and Essa Rios makes his way to the ring, ahead of his match against Jeff Hardy</p><p>

Essa Rios v Jeff Hardy</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Just as the match started on Heat, Coach and Tazz shows what happened in England involving the Hardcore Title and Raven. This match was an extremely high flying affair, which almost seen Essa Rios get the win, after hitting a moonsault on Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy however managed to kick out, and quickly went back on the offence, and connected with the twist of fate and a swanton bomb, to get the three count, in an amazing match for Heat.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Jeff Hardy</p><p> </p><p>



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When we return from the commercial break we are backstage with Eddie Guerrero who is with Kevin Kelly.</p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Kelly asked Eddie Guerrero how he felt about challenging Matt Hardy for the European Title on RAW. Eddie Guerrero just gave a shot promo, saying how on RAW, Matt Hardy would feel his Latino Heat, and we would have a new European Champion</p><p>



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X-Pac v K-Kwik</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

This is another high flying affair between these two men, K-Kwik was very impressive throughout the match, and defiantly was made to look like a future star. X-Pac however managed to use his kicks to come out on top, and in the end connected with the X-Factor, to get the three count, and the win.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: X-Pac</p><p> </p><p>



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When we come back from the commercial break Shane McMahon makes his way to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Shane McMahon grabs a microphone then proceeds to tell everyone, that tomorrow night on RAW he will have a special challenge for his father, involving Judgment Day.</p><p> </p><p>

After Shane McMahon leaves the ring, we go to Coach and Tazz, who gives us a short highlight of Insurrextion in the UK, who then inform us a Number One Contenders match for the Tag Team Titles, and as a result, the Dudley Boyz will face Triple H and Austin for the tag team titles on RAW</p><p>



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When we return from the commercial break, it was time for the main event</p><p>

The Islanders (Rikishi and Haku) v The APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

This was an extremely hard hitting much right from the start. The APA showed a lot of good offence, and Bradshaw even managed to hit the clothesline from hell on Haku, but only managed to get a two count. The end of the match came, when Haku locked in the Tongan Deathgrip on Faarooq, which brought Faarooq down to the mat, and allowed Rikishi to hit the Banzai drop on the chest of Faarooq for the Islanders to get a hard fought win.</p><p>

Winners: The Islanders.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Bradshaw got back into the ring, and turned Rikishi inside out with a clothesline from hell, but turned right into the Tongan Deathgrip by Haku leaving us with the image of Haku choking out Bradshaw, and Tazz and Coach reminding us to tune into RAW tomorrow night.</p>

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