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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Friday Week 4, December 2011

In front of 1,472 wild n’ crazy MAW fanatics!



Darkness engulfed the Biker Museum to kick off the show, and the murmur of the crowd swelled to a roar as they became impatient. Their desires were soon met as the lights were suddenly switched on after several moments, revealing The Darkness Warrior, The Great Ota to be crouched in the corner of the ring. As the crowd rained a chorus of boos down on the enigmatic wrestler, he stood, rubbed his neck, and spewed forth a cloud of black mist. As the poisonous substance fell down around him, Remmy Skye’s music hit, and the rainbow haired warrior came down to do battle.



Remmy Skye vs. The Great Ota




Both Robbie Sanchez and Jez Macarthur presided over this match, which proved to be a stipulation well-placed. Ota seemed hell bent on inflicting pain on Skye, going out of his way to bend the rules as much as he possibly could without having a DQ sent his way. But Remmy wasn’t about to stand idly by and take a beating. No, the high flyer gave back as much as he got. As much as Ota pushed the limits of the rules, Skye equally pushed the limits of physics, putting his body on the line with numerous high flying maneuvers that would put any lesser men out of action. Sanchez and Macarthur recognized this, and collectively agreed to give the competitors a little bit of leeway as far as the rules went. In fact, at one point they chose to pry Ota off of Skye instead of handing him a disqualification when he failed to break his Tarantula hold at the count of 5.


Eventually, the high risks of Skye backfired on him, and following a missed moonsault attempt, he foud himself being stalked by Ota. As he dragged himself to his feet, Ota charged in, but was met with a basement dropkick that sent him sprawling. Seeing opportunity, Skye quickly rolled him over, but only got a quick two count. This initiated a fast paced sequence where both men began to trade pinning attempts, finished off with a backslide attempt from Skye.


That pin attempt wasn’t enough to hold Ota down, though. Breaking out by rolling backwards, Ota charged in once more and leveled a now-standing Skye with a vicious Ninja Strike (Shining Wizard). Slithering over his opponent, Ota covered him for the win. Following the match, the lights shut off, and when they came back on, Ota was gone as suddenly as he appeared.


Ota wins, 61.






New York Doll vs. Citizen X




The next match up had a more traditional beginning, with both wrestlers making a visible entrance. The match itself was traditional as well, telling the story of bitter mentor and a student that may have dropped out just a bit too early. Indeed, New York Doll did get in his shots on X, but X used his experience to control the match from the onset, and finished off Doll with an Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb). After the match, X spit on his opponent, and walked to the back grinning like a mad man.


X wins, 45.






The Awesomeness vs. The Mountains of Madness w/ Lisa Bowen




Even though The Mountains have destroyed everyone they’ve faced so far, The Awesomeness are former tag champs, and proved why here. Despite a major size and temperament difference, Cannonball and Stardust were able to make a match out of this one utilizing their major advantage: speed. Indeed, the duo did everything they could to avoid letting Behemoth and Gargantuan even brush them, darting in and out with moves that were slowly wearing The Mountains down. When they did get a hold of Cannon and Star, however, they made sure to inflict massive damage, slamming them down with scary force. Still, The Awesomeness fought hard, and had The Mountains reeling at certain points. With Cannonball on the offensive, he charged a back pedaling Gargantuan, but was cut short by a massive Behemoth lariat. Stardust quickly entered the fray, but he found himself tossed like a rag doll into the corner by Gargantuan, allowing Behemoth to charge in and destroy his face with a world-shattering boot. As Stardust fell limp to the ground, the crowd grew silent as blood began to pour from under his eye, and Gargantuan covered Cannonball for the win.


The Mountains of Madness win, 50.


Though Lisa Bowen was giddy with excitement after the match, she declared the destruction to not yet be over. Under her orders, Cannonball was lifted up by Gargantuan and sent flying out of the ring with a running power bomb. As EMTs rushed the ring, they were prevented from reaching The Awesomeness by the Mountains, who were clearly ready to inflict bodily harm on the medical team.






Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





Both men opted to come to the ring without their posses in tow, setting this up as an oddly straight forward and fair match from Schaffer. Ant-Man wore a sour look, visible even through his mask, as if this was the last place on earth he’d like to be. Despite this, when the match bell rang, he threw himself at Schaffer with gusto, and the two put on an intensely brutal match that saw a lot of hate coming from Ant-Man. The usually mild mannered but strong competitor was replaced with someone that was altogether vicious and almost cruel. At several points in the match, Ant could have easily pulled off a win as Gregg implored him to, but the young star seemed more intent on causing pain to the champ. That’s not to say that Schaffer didn’t get his share of licks in, though. Indeed, the champ got beat on quite a bit, but this was a back and forth affair that saw both men get about 50/50 offense throughout.


Finally, following a brutal Raid-Line, Ant-Man was able to secure Schaffer in an Ant Trap (Dragon Clutch), nearly bringing the champ to unconsciousness. Somehow, though, Schaffer was able to drag himself with Ant-Man on his back and reached out, clutching the bottom rope rung in his hand. Jez Macarthur stepped in and broke the hold, forcing Ant-Man to get off of Schaffer. Not to be abated, Ant went straight back to Schafer, lifting him to his feet. Upon standing, though, Schafer unleashed a lighting quick Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick) that caught Ant right on the temple. Seeing his opportunity, he scrambled as quickly as he could and climbed the turnbuckles, before leaping off and driving his skull straight into that of Ant-Man’s. He bounced sickly off of his opponent, but willed himself over and covered Ant for the win.


Trent Schafer retains, 68.







We cut to the lair of The Succession, where the group is welcoming Brett Starr back into it’s ranks.

“Brett, I’ve been to the heights you have, and I know that you have what it takes to be great. You’re certainly an improvement over our last member,” Miss Emily said.


Starr smirked. “Ma’am, it’s my pleasure to stand at your side while we lead this company to new heights. MAW needs true stars at it’s head if it wants to have a hope, a tiny sliver of a shot, of actually staying in business. Just like you and our esteemed champion Atlas, I’m here to lend an air of legitimacy to this company, and hopefully teach a little something to my old pals Jay and Casey.”


“I’m glad you feel that way, Brett. I do hope you can make good on your promise and get the tag titles off of those thugs and on to a pair of real wrestlers.”


“Believe me,” Starr said, “It’s a sure thing.”






Death Row © w/ Cat Jemson vs. “Hollywood” Brett Starr and Casey Valentine for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles





Starr and Valentine began the match feeling out their opponents, understandably not wanting to engage the dangerous duo head-on. Instead, they picked their shots carefully, and Starr demonstrated the impressive skills he gained during his absence. The much bigger champions were still able to get some heavy shots in on the challengers, but Starr and Valentine utilized their speed advantage to keep them backpedaling. This didn’t last, however, as once Shady K was able to hit Starr with a big right hand right on the nose, the Succesion’s newest addition quickly retreated to his corner and tagged in Valentine, who was met with an equally hard shot. After this, a switch seemed to turn in Starr’s head, and he went into preservation mode, apparently not wanting any more damage done to his face. This allowed the champs to effectively isolate Valentine, who was soon drilled with a Hunt’s Point Bomb (Double power bomb) for a Death Row win. After the match, Knuckles faked a punch in Starr’s direction, causing the champs to erupt in laughter when Starr dropped down cowering.


Death Row retain, 63






“Ant, we’ll get them next time,” Dharma Gregg said, her hands on a sulking Ant-Man’s shoulders.


“That’s right, amigo,” Mitico chimed in. “This is my fault. I should have been at your side!”


“Mitico, don't say that. This isn't anyone's fault,” Dharma said.


“No, senorita. I should have my leaders back!”


The two began to bicker a bit, with Apollo and Fire Fly trying to calm them down. Meanwhile, Ant-Man said nothing, until he finally exploded.


“Don’t you get it?” he exclaimed, silencing the room. “There isn’t going to be a next time! I lost!”


With that, Ant-Man kicked his stool away and stormed out of the room, slamming the door and leaving the Alliance of Honor in silence.






Crazy Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord in a strap match




Talk about a brutal, bloody match. Tied together, these two were offered no rest in this short but vicious match. Instead, they were forced to go all out from the very beginning, and had to weather some incredibly strong offensives from one other to survive. The strap came into play fairly often in the form of choking one another, but Flash was the one who put an interesting twist on the old spot. With Chord on the outside, Flash wrapped the strap around his neck and leapt into the ring, effectively hanging Chord. However, following this, he climbed through the ropes again, and climbed back into the wring, wrapping the strap around the middle rung in an attempt to trap Chord in the stranglehold. Chord eventually recovered, and climbed back into the ring. After a short struggle, he was able to drop Flash, but quickly realized that it would be impossible for him to touch all four corners of the ring, as the strap connecting the two men was still wrapped around the ring rope.


With this in mind, Chord dragged Flash to his feet and tossed him through the ropes to the outside and waited. When Flash finally clambered back onto the ring apron, Chord hit him hard, rocking the crazy bastard. Pulling him through the ropes, Chord locked on a front facelock with Flash’s feet draped over the middle rope, and drilled him with a DDT. With the strap now free of the ring rope, Chord dragged Flash to the middle of the ring, where, with some difficulty, he was able to stretch out and tap each corner, winning the match for himself.


Chord wins, 52






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot




In tonight’s co-main event, two opponents very familiar with one another faced off. As always, they delivered a highly entertaining match that saw a number of near falls and near submissions. Beckoning back to their past match ups, Cattley took to attacking the knee of Patriot, hitting him with knee breakers and locking on numerous leg locks in an attempt to force the rebel to tap. Patriot, as usual, remained strong willed, and refused to give up before giving Cattley back just as much as he was taking.


As the match wore on, Cattley tossed Patriot to the outside, where he went after him. As soon as his feet hit the ground, though, Patriot rumbled towards him and rocked him with a brutal shoulder block that took Cattley off of his feet. Roaring, Patriot, hefted Cattley to his feet and lifted him upside down, before drilling him headfirst with an inverted piledriver on the outside! With that, Patriot lifted the dead weight of Cattley’s unconscious body and rolled it into the ring, where he pinned him for the three count.


Patriot wins, 62.

“How ya like that, Rip!” Patriot said into the mic after the match, breathing hard. “Yer ‘trusted lieutenant’ laying dead in the middle o’ the ring!” Patriot laughed hard at that, before going into a fit of coughs. “This is just the beginning Rip. Anyone on this roster that I see as ruinin’ MAW, I’m gonna take your head off! I’m bringing MAW back to what it’s supposed to be, old man, and removing what don’t belong!”







Miss Emily smiled as she led the stoic Atlas to the ring. As he rumbled down the ramp and into the ring, she grabbed a mic and began to speak.


“Lately, you may have noticed that I’ve stopped being out here for Atlas’s matches. There’s two reasons for that.


“One: I’m a very busy woman. As manager of the champ, I have big say in what goes on in this company, and trying to steer it in the right direction’s very time consuming.” She smirked as she shot a glance toward Rip at the announce table, who only shook his head.

“Two: I don’t need to be out here anymore. There’s nobody in this company that can beat Atlas, and I just don’t think a valet is all that necessary. That said, I honestly couldn’t resist being out here tonight. I mean, Atlas has run through everyone that has a sliver of ability in this company, and I just can’t wait to see him absolutely destroy whoever decides to make of himself tonight.”


Atlas flexed menacingly behind her.


“So come on, whoever you are, it’s time to meet your maker.”


Nothing. The crowd began to grow restless, and a murmur of discontent began to rise up.


Emily laughed.


“Really? There’s really no one back there that wants to step up? This is your chance! Greatness awaits--”


She was cut off as a guitar riff erupted out of the speakers, and the lights all dimmed. A song not heard in MAW for quite a few years began to play, and a familiar silhouette stepped out onto the stage as the crowd went wild. As the lights came back on, the man was revealed to be none other than…





Cameron Vessey!


The Vessey Family Fight Song continued to play as the crowd showered the returning star with applause and Miss Emily stared, shocked.


Vessey put a mic to his lips, and uttered a few words: “Happy to see me?” he asked, grinning.


Emily stared, slack jawed, before shaking out of it. “No, no, no! Not you! This challenge is for MAW wrestlers only! I fired you!”


“You did, didn’t ya?” Cameron said. “Ya see, that’s a funny thing, that…”




“You’re damn right it is, Cameron,” Rip said, standing up. “Emily, I may let you run wild doing what you want, but I had to put my foot down when you fired Cameron. The man won my Invitational, for God’s sake, and I’m not letting him go without getting his title shot!”


“But, but..”


“No, Emily, this is it. You may have fired me, but I’m back, and I’m here to stay!”



Cameron Vessey vs. Atlas © w/ Miss Emily for the Mid Atlantic Championship





It’s been a year since Vessey won the RCI, and it seems like he’s spent all of that time training for this big moment. Where as everyone else Atlas has faced has failed to put a dent in the armor of the beast, Vessey spent the match beating on and wearing down the monster. For a moment, Atlas seemed lost, seemingly not knowing what to make of this smaller man actually beating him. But then the killer instinct kicked in, and Atlas rebounded, firing back with a series of power moves that left Vessey writhing in pain. With his confidence restored, Atlas returned to form and commenced to laying a slow beating on Vessey with a number of power slams, lariats, and boots. After attempting to pin the challenger, Atlas was surprised after Vessey kicked out.


When he attempted to pick him up, though, Vessey began to fight back with a restored fire. The two brawled, exchanging moves before Atlas regained the advantage. Whipping Vessey into the corner, Atlas grabbed him as he staggered back. Wrapping both hands around his throat, Atlas powered him up and drove him back down into the mat with a World Bomb(Double handed choke bomb)! The crowd began shower Atlas in a chorus of boos as the champion placed one foot on the chest of Vessey, and Robbie Sanchez counted one…two…no! Vessey kicked out!


Both Atlas and Miss Emily let their shock on their face as Vessey brought himself to his knees. The crowd roared their approval as Atlas threw a heavy shot Vessey’s way, only to find it blocked. Vessey fired his own punch at Atlas, followed by another, and another. Whipping Atlas into the ropes, Vessey powered him over with a back body drop on the rebound. Feeding off of the frenzied crowd’s energy, Vessey beckoned Atlas to get to his feet. When he did, Vessey threw a boot to his gut, drove his shoulders into his gut, and powered him up. Holding Atlas across his shoulders, Vessey spun around once, twice, three times, before leaping and driving Atlas down with a Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD). As he fell across Atlas, Vessey held one hand up, counting along with Robbie Sanchez as he counted one…two…three!


The crowd exploded as Vessey leapt to his feet. Sanchez barely had time to hand him the championship belt before Vessey staggered from corner to corner, holding the belt high in the air for all to see. Rip smiled as he got to his feet to applaud the efforts of the new champion, even joining in with the crowd on a “Vessey” chant. Meanwhile, Miss Emily’s shrill voice could be heard over the cheers of the crowd at she shouted at Atlas, who simply pushed away. As Emily landed squarely on her backside, Atlas turned away to storm off.


Holding his new championship high over his head, Cameron Vessey provided MAW’s last image of 2011: a new champion and a new era.


Cameron Vessey becomes the Mid Atlantic Champion, 68.



Total: 61




Coming pretty soon: post show thoughts!

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-My most successful show yet! It may not have gotten the highest total rating (that honor goes to the 2010 iterations of Where It All Begins Again and Night of Champions, which got a 62 and 63, respectively) but it featured the highest concentration of 60+ matches at 5, including an Ant-Man/Schaffer match tat went far beyond any expectations I ever had. In comparison, Night of Champions 2010 only had two, though one was our best match yet (Cattley vs. Patriot vs Vessey for a 74).


-We would have made it six had Flash/Chord performed better. I was hoping to finish that feud off with more of a bang, but being the fourth match in the series, it sadly underperformed. Oh well, it could have easily been worse. Lucky both are very over.


-Finally, finally, FINALLY...Atlas pulls a good singles match off. At this point, his highest rated match was his MAW debut against Cattley, which got a 54 all the way back in February. Due to overness gains since then, I'm sure he could get a better rating paired with Cattley again, but he'd been tied up in the Black Flag program since then.


-I was hoping to put a rematch of Cornell/Gumble as the opener, but I just didn't have any room for it, and felt that since their was no bad blood between them it was better left off for another time. Conversely, I was going to put Ota/Skye higher on the card, but it turned out to be the perfect opener and set the mood for the show perfectly.


Anyone have any thoughts on the show? Good? Bad? I appreciate the input!

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December may have been a good month for MAW, but for me, it was sub-par at best. Actually, it might have even ventured into triple bogey territory.


Rip got his message across to me loud and clear. Juicing would not be tolerated in MAW. I wasn’t getting suspended or anything, but I did get stripped of the belt and lost it to a guy that I didn’t think even deserved it. To me, it was all bull ****. I knew for a fact that Rip was still juicing when RDJ beat him right out of TCW. What’s worse, Rip used to perform drunk almost nightly. That’s way more dangerous to himself and others than me trying to get a little edge and compensate because I wasn’t blessed enough to be six feet tall. You wouldn’t catch me telling that to him, though. As pissed as I was, and as moody as quitting had made me, I knew that I’d be out of a job quicker than Jay could be there to laugh at me.


The worst thing of all, I think, was that Lisa left me. Right after NoC. So there I was, feeling as low as I thought I could possibly feel, and she walks up and tells me that it’s over. She couldn’t handle the person I’d become, how I’d been acting. I can’t say I blamed her, either. I never explained what was wrong, the situation I was in. I couldn’t. I’d rather have her think only God knows what than to know that I was the only one on the entire roster that had failed a drug test. No, I had pride, and I couldn’t let anyone know what was up.


It’s easy looking back now and saying that I was being an idiot. I know this. But I was young, stupid, and experiencing the first success of my young life. Something in my head told me that this was the right way, the only way to react. I know it’s stupid, but hindsight is twenty twenty, ya know?





El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schaffer, Rob Wright, and Mr. Amazing

Team America vs. Bad Company

Remmy Skye vs. Behemoth

Findlay and New York Doll vs. Citizen X and Mimic

Eddie Cornell vs. Jay Chord

Crazy Steve Flash vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schaffer, Rob Wright, and Mr. Amazing

Team America vs. Bad Company

Remmy Skye vs. Behemoth

Findlay and New York Doll vs. Citizen X and Mimic

Eddie Cornell vs. Jay Chord

Crazy Steve Flash vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Really enjoyed NOC, and I'm glad you seem to be able to manage Jay so that he performs well for you. Keeping him away from the top title helps, no doubt.


El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schaffer, Rob Wright, and Mr. Amazing

Team America vs. Bad Company

Remmy Skye vs. Behemoth

Findlay and New York Doll vs. Citizen X and Mimic

Eddie Cornell vs. Jay Chord

Crazy Steve Flash vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAW-1.jpg</span><p><strong>

Friday Week 2, January 2012</strong></p><p><strong>

In front of a crowd of 1,716 in the Biker Museum</strong></p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The show kicked off with a prerecorded video of Rip Chord in his office. On his desk lay nine picture frames, face down. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“As you all know, January is an important month to me and MAW,”</span> he began. <span style="color:#0000FF;">“January is the beginning of a new year, and a new saga in the story of MAW. Each January shapes the events of the months to come, all the way through December’s Night of Champions.”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Most importantly, though, January is when I hold a tournament in my honor,” </span>he said, cracking a smile. <span style="color:#0000FF;">“Now, last year, I named four names, and the other four participants had to qualify to compete. Not this year. Ya see, there’s been so many talented wrestlers showing off their skills lately that I couldn’t name just four. Instead, I went ahead and picked my eight outright.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Rip picked the first picture up and set it upright. “First off, we have Remmy Skye. Skye isn’t exactly my type of wrestler, but there’s no denying his skill.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Next, we have Ant-Man. Former Traditional champ, and a damn fine wrestler. Following him is his amigo, El Mistical…er, Mitico. This kid’s young, and pretty new honestly, but I good damn feeling about him.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“My son, Jay. Some might say this is favoritism, and that might be true. I’m being partial to good wrestlers here, which Jay is. After him is Mean Jean. Again, favoritism.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“The next two guys are Ford Gumble and Eddie Cornell. Both of these guys have been on the bubble since they got here, and I think my tournament might be their chance to break through that glass floor.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

He came to the last two frames and paused. <span style="color:#0000FF;">“Now some of you smart kids out there might have noticed that I’ve named seven names already, and still got two pictures left. There’s a reason for that.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Rip picked up both frames, revealing Crazy Steve Flash and “Black Flag” American Patriot to be gracing the photographs. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“On one hand, I got Steve Flash, who lost his last match, but is someone I like. On the other, Patriot, a guy I just about can’t stand right now, performed well and won his last match. So, to solve this little predicament, I made tonight’s main event the sole qualifying match for the tournament.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Hey,” </span>Rip said, shrugging his shoulders, <span style="color:#0000FF;">“It’s my tournament, and I can do what I want.”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>El Mitico & Culture Shock /w Ant-Man & Dharma Gregg vs. Trent Schaffer, Rob Wright & Mr. Amazing</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/Ant-Man_al7.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/DharmaGregg.jpg</span><strong>w/</strong><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/ElMitico.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/AmazingFireFly.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/IslandBoyApollo.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/TrentShaffer.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RobbieWright.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/EddieHoward_alt.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The faces, with the exception of Ant-Man, all came out excited, ready to put on a great show for the fans. The heels, for their part, looked as ****y as they conceivably could as Wright and Amazing flanked Schaffer on their way to the ring. A great match to open 2012 for MAW, this match featured everything MAW does well; slick technical wrestling, hard-hitting brawling, high flying daredevil antics, and (unfortunately) clever cheating. Despite all of this, the ending was the most memorable moment, and for all the wrong reasons. </p><p> </p><p>

As Mitico whipped Trent Schaffer into the ropes, Ant-Man reached into the ring and tripped his rival. Seeing this, Mitico took offense to his friend’s interference and voiced his concern. As he tried to help Schaffer to his feet (presumably for a “redo”), however, he was met with a low blow and a roll up to award Schaffer’s team the win. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Schaffer & Friends win, 61.</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After Schaffer and his pals had disappeared hooting and hollering into the back, Ant-Man climbed in to the ring to speak with his partners. Mitico, Fly, Dharma and Apollo were all complaining about the cheating that went down, but before they could really get their points across, Ant-Man lashed out with a vicious Raid-Line (Lariat) that took Mitico off of his feet! Too stunned for action, the rest of the Alliance of Honor simply stood by as Ant-Man beat a hasty retreat to the back, not even turning to see the results of his actions. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Team America vs. Bad Company</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RegularJoe.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MattHocking.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JaredJohnson.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/SydCollier_alt1.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Bad Company, in a show of good sportsmanship, extended their hands to their opponents prior to the match. That friendliness didn’t last long, however, as Johnson and Rudo demonstrated a ruthless attack that saw Rudo finish off Joe Cool with a Texas Cloverleaf.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Bad Company win, 56</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/QueenEmily.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, and movers are seen carrying furniture out of an office. Upon further inspection, it’s revealed to be Miss Emily’s. As she stands, trying to convince the movers to leave her stuff as is, The Succession approach. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JayChord.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CaseyValentine_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/HollywoodBretStarr_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/Atlas_alt2.jpg</span><p>


</p><p><span style="color:#800080;">

“Thank God you’re here!” </span>she exclaimed. <span style="color:#800080;">“Make them give me my stuff back!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jay huffed as Starr and Valentine snickered behind him. Atlas showed no emotion. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Why should we do that?”</span> he asked. </p><p> </p><p>

Emily’s eyes narrowed. <span style="color:#800080;">“What?”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“You heard me.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Who do you think you’re talking to, Chord? Do you want to get fired?”</span> <span style="color:#000000;">she asked, her voice suddenly changing to a more sinister tone.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Valentine stepped up. <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Sorry, Jay, I don’t think she’s heard yet,”</span> he said as he patted Jay’s shoulder. He turned his attention to Emily.<span style="color:#8B0000;"> “I’m going to explain this to you simply: You. Can’t. Fire. Us. You can’t fire anyone.” </span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Valentine, where the hell do you get off!?” </span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“No, where do you get off?” </span>Jay shouted. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“The minute you fired Cameron, you fired all of us. We signed a group contract, and my dad’s lawyers were quick to point out that all of that was voided as soon as you did what you did. As good of a boss you think you are, you can’t even draw up a contract with anything resembling intelligence.”</span> Valentine and Starr continued laughing at this. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“So in short, I don’t work for. Casey doesn’t, Brett doesn’t, and Atlas doesn’t. We work for Rip Chord.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jay, Casey, and Brett turned and walked away, leaving Emily fuming. She stared up at Atlas. <span style="color:#800080;">“And you’ve already made your decision.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Atlas said nothing for a moment. <span style="color:#FF8C00;">“…Yes,”</span> he finally said, and turned to follow Jay out. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>Remmy Skye vs. Behemoth w/ Gargantuan & Lisa Bowen</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/RemmySkye.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/LarryWood.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Two weeks before the Invitational, and it seems like Skye might have drawn a bit of an unlucky card. He didn’t have to win this match to advance, but he did have to survive. And against the beastly looking man standing across from him, that was certainly going to be difficult. Skye flew all over the ring in an attempt to keep going, but Behemoth drilled him constantly between aerial attacks. There was nothing fancy about Behemoth’s attack. It was just punches, kicks, and slams. The turning point in the match happened when Skye had ‘Moth on the ropes, and Garg attempted to get involved. Skye kicked him off the apron, and, with as much grace as a bruised and beaten man could muster, flew over the ropes in an attempt to crush the mountain beneath him. It was all for naught, however, as Garg managed to catch him and snap him in half with a brutal backbreaker. Seeing this, the referee called for the immediate disqualification. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Remmy wins by DQ, 68</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Lisa ordered the duo to continue with the assault, which they were all to happy to oblige. Until, that is, “Mean” Jean Cattley came sprinting out of the back, steel chair in hand, and swinging wildly in an attempt to clear the ring. As Bowen called for the retreat, Cattley checked on the just-stirring Skye.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/SydCollier_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JaredJohnson.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CatJemsonj.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/Knuckles-1.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/ShadyK.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

El Rudo and Jared Johnson are shown walking backstage, when a voice calls after them. Stopping, the pair turn to see Cat Jemson and Death Row. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="color:#800080;">“Nice work out there,”</span></span> Cat said. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“…Thanks,”</span> Jared replied. </p><p> </p><p>

There was an awkward silence for a moment, before Johnson broke it. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“Is that all you wanted?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Cat smiled. <span style="color:#800080;">“No, no. It’s no secret that my boys respect you, and since none of you have a match at the Invitational, they wanted to offer you one.”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“Another title match? We’ll take it,”</span> Johnson quickly answered.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Just like that?” </span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Just like that.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not just like that!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CaseyValentine_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/HollywoodBretStarr_alt.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Casey Valentine and Brett Starr approached, looking very off put. <span style="color:#8B0000;">“No, we get our rematch before they do,”</span> Casey said. </p><p> </p><p>

“<span style="color:#FF8C00;">Yeah</span>,” Starr chimed in. <span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Where I’m from, we don’t cheat to win matches.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Cheat?”</span> Cat said, scoffing at the notion. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;">

“That’s right, cheat,” </span>Brett said. <span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Shady K hit me with a closed fist, which is completely illegal according to MAW regulation 36, sub-para 17-9.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Both Bad Company and Death Row just stared at the pair. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“So? Do we get our rematch?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Cat paused before speaking again. <span style="color:#800080;">“Sure ya do. But it’s on our terms. A triple threat match, with you and Bad Company challenging Death Row. How’s that sound?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Everyone nodded in agreement that it was fine. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“Good. And boys,”</span> she said, addressing Valentine and Starr, <span style="color:#800080;">“do invest in some new suits. I wouldn’t bury a crook in those rags.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

With that, Bad Company and Death Row walked away, leaving Valentine and Starr awkwardly trying to find out what was wrong with their suits.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Findlay and New York Doll vs. Citizen X and Mimic</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/FindlayOFarraday.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/Spike_alt5.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CitizenX_alt2.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/Mimic.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This was a short but entertaining match. Doll lost to X at NoC, but that didn’t stop him from going all out in an attempt to go over his mentor. The match went back and forth until Doll took a chance and charged X, clothes lining him right out of the ring. This left Mimic all alone with The Punk and The Giant, and the duo took turns using him as a punching bag until Findlay finally drilled him with an Atomic Spinebuster to end the match.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Findlay and Doll win, 49.</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/CameronVessey_alt1.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Vessey Family Fight Song erupted through the speakers and the crowd went crazy as the new champion stepped through the curtains. Holding his new title belt in one hand, he nearly skipped down the ramp before getting into the ring and holding the belt high over his head with one arm. After repeating this process in each corner, he called for the music to stop and grabbed a microphone. After setting the belt on his shoulder, he began to speak.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Who knew?”</span> he asked.<span style="color:#0000FF;"> “One year ago, who knew that I would be standing here in front of all of you, and you would be cheering your asses off for me? As far as I was concerned, it didn’t matter whether you cheered or booed my ass, so long as I was winning matches and making money. And hey, I’m still winning matches and making money, but I may have changed my opinion about ya’ll along the way. Maybe,”</span> he said, smirking. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“And now I finally got what I wanted, the Mid Atlantic Championship. She’s a pretty belt, ain’t she? Well, she’s my belt. But, I gotta be honest with ya’ll, I ain’t happy with her.”</span> Vessey shook his head. <span style="color:#0000FF;">“Nah, she just ain’t right. I sat up for a couple of nights before I realized it, too. It ain’t the belt itself, that’s perfect for me. It’s the name. Mid Atlantic Championship. That don’t sound right to me. I want it to be different. I want it to better. ‘But Cam,’ ya say, ‘you can’t just change a title belt!’ Well, that’s where you’re wrong. This is wrestling, son, and I can do whatever I want!”</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

</span> </p><p>

Cameron laughed while the crowd joined in. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“But I ain’t gonna do it just like that. That’s too easy, to just change it in name. Nah, I earn everything I have, and I’m gonna earn this new title. Believe me when I say this, I will be MAW’s very first World Heavyweight Champion!”</span></p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Now before ya’ll get too giddy up there in the stands, I’d like to introduce you to the man that’s gonna make all this happen for me. Straight outta Japan, The Great Ota!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/FumihiroOta_alt5.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

At this point, all lights in the arena shut off for several seconds, and when they came back in, Ota and Vessey were standing chest-to-chest, staring intently at one another. The uncomfortable moment carried on for several seconds before Ota finally took a step back and patted the title belt hanging on Vessey’s shoulder. Then, as he turned and stepped out of the ring, he rubbed his throat and spewed a thick cloud of black mist out over his head. As it rained down the ramp, Ota passed through it unharmed on his way to the back. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Eddie Cornell vs. Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/EdwardCornell.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/JayChord.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This could be a preview of a possible match at RCI, as both Cornell and Chord are competing in the tournament. These two made quite a statement, as well, putting on a high energy brawl that had the fans on their feet. The duo fought from corner to corner until finally Chord was able to pull Cornell in and nail him with the DDT for the win. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Chord wins, 57.</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Walking to the back after the match, Cornell was stopped suddenly by a wall of men. Casey Valentine, Brett Starr, and Atlas stood in his way. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Where do you think you’re going?”</span> Chord asked, still in the ring. <span style="color:#FF0000;">“We’re not done yet, Eddie.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Cornell looked back and forth between the members of The Succession. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“Congratulations on making the cut, by the way. It seems like you’ve finally made it here in MAW. It’s just too bad, though…” </span></p><p> </p><p>

Starr and Valentine launched themselves at Cornell, beating him viciously. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

“…Too bad it put you on my radar. I actually kinda like you, ya know?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Starr and Valentine continued to lay into Cornell until they finally stopped, lifted him up, and tossed him into the waiting arms of Atlas, who quickly latched his hands around his throat. Powering him high into the air, Atlas dropped him with a thunderous World Bomb that left Cornell lying unconscious on the stage as The Succession walked away, all smiles. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> ***********************************************************************************</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Crazy Steve Flash vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/vs.jpg</span><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/BulldozerBrandon_alt14.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The punches these two were throwing could be heard around the block as they sick sound of flesh pounding echoed through the arena. To earn a spot in the RCI, Flash and Patriot literally tore holes in one another’s skins as the welts from their vicious chops opened up wounds on their chests for all to see. Only one man could earn the spot, though, and that turned out to be Patriot as he powered his way out of a pin following a Flash Bang (Standing Hot Shot), and followed that up with an inverted piledriver to score the win. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Patriot wins, 61</strong></p><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Patriot grabbed a mic. Breathing heavily and bleeding profusely from his chest, he leaned on the ropes as he spoke. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“This train just keeps on rollin’, Rip! You tried keeping me out, but it looks like I’m here gonna spoil yer party anyway. Tonight, I got a spot in the Rip Chord Ego Beater, and in two weeks, I’m gonna smile while you give me that big ol’ trophy in front of all these people!”</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong> Total: 55</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29024" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">TEW.com Presents</span></span> </p><p><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> The Corner</span></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> By Ernie Turner</span></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/ErnieTurner.jpg</span><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> What’s up all you cool cats and kittens? I’m Ernie Turner, speaking to you from The Corner, where you’ll find all the best deals around. And do we have a hell of a deal for you this week. Ya see, way down in North Carolina, there’s a little promotion called Mid Atlantic Wrestling, run by one of the original wrestling hustlers himself, the great Rip Chord. And every year, this little company puts on a tournament in his honor that, well baby, just delivers! The best wrestlers in the country line up every year just for a shot to get in, only to get pimp slapped down by guys that are even better. Oh baby, the guys that fight there are some of the top young talents around. No where on the list, no where, will you any baby back bitches sneaking through. </p><p> </p><p> But MAW ain’t just about the tournament either, no no no. There’s other titles in this little promotion that can, and two of ‘em are the line. First up, we got the tag titles, held by the Hunts Point Hooligans, Death Row, Shady K and Knuckles. These bad dudes are putting up their dukes against not one, but two other tag teams in those bad dudes Bad Company and the fly dressing Casey Valentine and Brett Starr. Can these cats punch their way to another win in their dominating reign? That remains to be seen, kids. </p><p> </p><p> Also in action, newly crowned Mid Atlantic Champion Cam “Cool Cat” Vessey defends against that most dangerous of men, The Horror From the Orient, The Darkness Warrior, The Great Ota. Ol’ Cam’s one tough dude, but he needs to watch out, because Ota ain’t exactly known for playing by the rules. I ain’t gonna fault him, though. We run a tough game out here, and on the corner, it don’t hurt to do anything to get ahead. </p><p> </p><p> And now we come to the main event, the money maker, the reason people are flocking to the Biker Museum as we speak! Simply put, this is the grand attraction in the Mid Atlantic, and it is loaded with some of the toughest cats this side of the Atlantic. To win, one dude’s gonna have to win three matches against some of the best dudes around. Who’s gonna come out on top? Let’s take a look at the field and see which of these cats has the best chances. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">RCI Quarter Finals</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Block 1</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Remmy Skye vs. Jay Chord</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Ford Gumble</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Block 2</span> </p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> El Mitico vs. Ant-Man</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Eddie Cornell vs. “Black Flag American</span></p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Personally, as a betting man, I’m putting all of my cash flow down on Patriot. Dude’s won the tournament before, and he’s easily got the weaker to compete. All these young cats are good, but they’re just that, young cat’s. Anyone in Block 1’s gonna have some wars to wage if they want to get to the finals, and Patriot’s just gotta lean back, hit the cruise control, and pimp his way to the win. </p><p> </p><p> I’m telling you, dudes, if you go to one show all year, go to this one. The RCI never fails to deliver the goods, and there’s guaranteed to be a holy **** moment in every match with the guys they got this year. Rip Chord’s doing something right down there in the Carolinas, are you gonna be a witness?</p><p> </p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> [Ernie Turner is a former two-time SCCW Tag Team champion alongside Coyote Dynamite as the masked team of The Southern Assassins. Recently, he has wrestled for both Professor Nero’s RIPW and Puerto Rican Power’s FCW. Despite this, Turner has taken an interest in working in the booth, and two years running has been voted as TEW.com’s favorite color commentator.]</em></p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae141/coco_beans08/Johnny%20Heizenger/MAWRipChordInvitational.png</span><p> </p></div><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29024" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"></blockquote><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> Cameron Vessey © vs. The Great Ota for the Mid Atlantic Championship</p><p> Death Row © vs. Bad Company vs. The Succession (Starr and Valentine) for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p> RCI Quarterfinals</p><p> Match 1: Remmy Skye vs. Jay Chord</p><p> Match 2: “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Ford Gumble</p><p> Match 3: El Mitico vs. Ant-Man</p><p> Match 4: Eddie Cornell vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot</p><p> </p><p> RCI Semifinals</p><p> Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 2 (Fill in)</p><p> Winner of Match 3 vs. Winner of Match 4 (Fill in)</p><p> </p><p> RCI Finals</p><p> Semifinal winners battle it out (Fill in)</p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p><strong>Cameron Vessey</strong> © vs. The Great Ota for the Mid Atlantic Championship</p><p>

Death Row © vs. Bad Company vs. <strong>The Succession</strong> (Starr and Valentine) for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p>

RCI Quarterfinals</p><p>

Match 1: Remmy Skye vs. <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

Match 2: <strong>“Mean” Jean Cattley</strong> vs. Ford Gumble</p><p>

Match 3: <strong>El Mitico</strong> vs. Ant-Man</p><p>

Match 4: Eddie Cornell vs. <strong>“Black Flag” American Patriot</strong></p><p> </p><p>

RCI Semifinals</p><p>

"Mean" Jean Cattley versus <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

<strong>El Mitico</strong> versus "Black Flag" American Patriot </p><p> </p><p>

RCI Finals</p><p>

<strong>El Mitico</strong> versus Jay Chord</p>

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<p><strong>Cameron Vessey ©</strong> vs. The Great Ota for the Mid Atlantic Championship</p><p>

<strong>Death Row ©</strong> vs. Bad Company vs. The Succession (Starr and Valentine) for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship</p><p> </p><p>

RCI Quarterfinals</p><p>

Match 1: Remmy Skye vs. <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

Match 2: <strong>“Mean” Jean Cattley</strong> vs. Ford Gumble</p><p>

Match 3: El Mitico vs. <strong>Ant-Man</strong></p><p>

Match 4: Eddie Cornell vs. <strong>“Black Flag” American Patriot</strong></p><p> </p><p>

RCI Semifinals</p><p>

<strong>Jay Chord</strong> vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley</p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man</strong> vs. "Black Flag" American Patriot</p><p> </p><p>

RCI Finals</p><p>

<strong>Jay Chord</strong> Vs. Ant-Man</p>

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Friday Week 4, January 2012

In front of a sold out crowd in North Carolina’s Biker Museum!



Remmy Skye vs. Jay Chord in an RCI Quarterfinal Match




These two wasted no time in kicking the show off right, putting on an exciting match with the hard hitting, fast paced style MAW’s become known for. Skye, in typical fashion, took to the air often, putting his body on the line in his attempt to advance and take Chord out of the running. He soon found that he was flying a little bit too much, as his offense soon became predictable, allowing Chord to trip him up on the top rope and drag him out, spiking him with a DDT. With that, Chord advances to round two!


Jay advances, 63






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Ford Gumble in an RCI Quarterfinal Match




Despite the history these two share (They were inseparable for most of 2010), they’ve never locked horns until now. Who knew they would produce such fireworks, either! Ford, looking to finally make his mark, pushed the match to a breakneck pace, forcing the technician Cattley to go on the defensive. Cattley spent the majority of his offense focusing on the leg of Gumble, hoping to nullify the effects of his vicious Quick Draw Kick. The match end came as Gumble attempted to suplex Cattley, who was able to worm his way out of the back of the move, landing softly on the apron. As Gumble spun around, he was met with a hard Cattley elbow, who waited for his opponent to come around once more. When he did, though, it was with a QUICK DRAW KICK! that saw Cattley tumble to the floor. Nonchalantly, Gumble exited the ring, rolled Cattley back in, and covered him for the 1...2...no! Cattley kicked out! It looked like all the time Gumble spent getting him in the ring was just enough for him to recover. As Gumble complained to the ref, Cattley sprung into action, tripping him up and locking on an ankle lock, forcing Gumble to tap!


Cattley advances, 68.


After the match, Lisa Bowen’s seen on the PowerTron, flanked by The Mountains of Madness, Behemoth and Gargantuan.

“Don’t worry, Cattley, you’re safe tonight,” she said, as Cattley watched intently. “That’s been made sure of, hasn’t it Rip?”


Rip nodded, knowing that Bowen was referring to his ban of all unauthorized personnel at ringside. Apparently, the Mountains were unauthorized tonight.


“ This is just a warning, Cattley. You messed with us, and you’re going to pay for that in blood. So we’re going to let you have your fun tonight, but after that--” Lisa drew her index finger across her throat. “Oh, and Jean? Good luck tonight.”





El Mitico vs. Ant-Man in an RCI Quarterfinal Match




Once good friends, that appears to be over after the shot Ant-Man delivered to Mitico at Showcase. Despite that, Mitico didn’t appear to be showing any malice toward his former friend, instead approaching this match just like any other, even offering a (rejected) hand shake prior to the match beginning. As they match wore on, it became clear that this was the right approach, too, as Ant-Man, seemingly fueled with hate, seemed to falter during every exchange, whereas Mitico’s calm approach saw him taking a sizeable lead over Ant-Man. After several minutes, the two began to exchange moves at a frenetic pace, which saw Mitico finish it off with a Northern Lights Suplex. Try as he might, Ant-Man was unable to squirm free, and saw his shoulders pinned to the mat for the three count.


Mitico wins, 49.


Mitico chose to make a hasty exit to the back instead of sticking around and celebrating, but Ant-Man still found a way to get to him. Slouched in the corner, Ant-Man brought a microphone to his lips, prompting Mitico to turn around.


“Get back here! We’re not done yet!” he shouted. Seeing no reaction in Mitico, he continued. “You’re nothing, man! Nothing!” By now Mitico had shaken his head and turned back to the back. “I made you! You’re nothing! You’ll never be anything!”







Eddie Cornell was pacing backstage before his match. His ribs were taped and he sported a bandage on his forehead.


“Jay,” he said. “Starr, Valentine, Atlas. All of ya. This ain’t done. I got other business tonight, but we ain’t done. I ain’t letting this slide, and I’m gonna make ya pay. So watch your backs, because I am coming.”



Eddie Cornell vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot in an RCI Quarterfinal Match




Though Cornell fought valiantly, it seems that his injuries were just a bit too much to overcome. Patriot was quick to exploit his bruised up ribs, and, after locking in an excruciating looking elevated Boston crab, forced the young Brit to tap out, ending his RCI hopes in the first round.


Patriot wins, 60







“Here it is,” Cameron Vessey said, sitting on a folding chair in an empty locker room. “This is my chance to prove to everyone that I belong. Last month I won this here belt, but that ain’t the hard part. Nah, the hard parts keeping the damn thing. But here’s the thing: I don’t plan on just keeping’ it. I’m gonna make it better, bigger. This is gonna be one of those belts that everyone in wrestling wants, and I’m gonna be the guy everyone wants a piece of. And ya know what? I’m gonna beat ‘em all. Every last one. Because I’m gonna be the World Heavyweight Champion. That, boys, is a fact.”





Death Row © vs. Bad Company vs. The Succession (Valentine and Starr) for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles






Talk about controlled chaos! It was all the ref could do to keep track of who was the legal man, and sometimes he couldn’t even do that! The story here was Death Row and Bad Company battling straight up, like professionals, and The Succession taking every shortcut they possibly could to come out ahead. This (and Starr’s innate ability to avoid any facial shots) kept them relatively healthy heading into the final stretch compared to their opponents. Seeing this, the duo struck as the match descended into chaos. With Death Row double teaming Jared Johnson on the outside, Valentine dropped El Rudo and began to ascend the turnbuckles. Meanwhile, Starr drew a cross in the air before clumsily launching himself over the ropes and onto Shady, Knuckles, and Johnson, allowing Valentine to fly and nail Rudo with a Valentine’s Kiss (Legdrop to the back of the head). Scrambling to push him over, Valentine counted along with the ref as his hand hit the mat one…two…three. As their music hit, Valentine and Starr went completely over the top in their celebration, falling all over one another as they groped at their new title belts. Meanwhile, Shady and Knuckles just shook their heads as the walked to the back, sans title belts.


The Succession are the new champs, 59.







“This looks like a good night for us,” Jay Chord said as he toweled sweat off of his face. Atlas stood behind him, disinterested but menacing nonetheless. “Not only am I gonna be the latest and greatest winner of the world famous Rip Chord Invitational, but it looks like my good friends are also bringing home some new gold tonight. Good job boys. Not only that, but I got to see that loser Cornell get his ass kicked by a freak in a mask. Good times for all, if you ask me.


“Next up on my hit list, Jean Cattley, the old bastard my dad keeps around for whatever reason. I’m not even worried about this match. I’m so much better at wrestling that Cattley that it’s not even funny to me. Actually, no. I’m so much better than Cattley at everything that it’s not even funny. There’s no way in hell I lose to that geriatric. But since I’m feeling kind tonight, I’m gonna do someone a favor.


“Yeah, I know what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna leave just enough of Cattley there for those juiced up *******s Behemoth and Gargantuan to scoop up and smash again.”



“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jay Chord in an RCI Semifinal Match




The battle Jean had in his previous match played a big role in the outcome of this match. Jay took some damage in his match, but it was nothing compared to the big shot Cattley took at the tail end of his when Gumble hit him with the Quick Draw Kick, sending him to the outside. As expected after such a big blow to the head, Cattley seemed a little off balance, and he struggled to piece together a game plan to take on the talented Chord, who seemed to have all of the answers here. After a match of struggles, Cattley finally succumbed to the cradle piledriver, which saw Jay advance to the finals for the first time!


Chord advances, 65






El Mitico vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot in an RCI Semifinal match




Mitico seemed outmatched from the beginning here. The much larger and more experienced Patriot pummeled the young luchadore from ring post to ring post, and seemed to revel in it. Though Mitico came into the match relatively fresh, Patriot was that much better, having breezed through his quarterfinal match against an injured opponent. As such, Patriot’s gas tank seemed to go on and on, and we saw Mitico slowly giving into the brutal offense Black Flag was throwing his way. Just when it looked like Patriot was going to seal the deal with an American Suplex (Backdrop Driver), though, Mitico sprung into action, tripping his overconfident foe and tying him up with a La Magistral Cradle! Try as he might, Patriot found himself unable to break the pin, and watched in terror as the referee’s hand slapped the mat for the three count.


Mitico advances, 45


As a stunned Mitico celebrated, Patriot became infuriated, and quickly went after the young luchadore. Just prior to reaching him, however, he was suddenly stopped by a team of security.



“What do you think this is?” Rip asked. “You think I’m gonna let you beat on one of my finalists? Huh? Get the hell out of here!”


A look of rage could be seen under his black mask, but Patriot was unable to free himself and was dragged kicking and screaming to the back.






After an appropriate intermission time, the show continued with the tournament finals.



El Mitico vs. Jay Chord for the Rip Chord Invitational Cup





After the beating he took in the last round, Mitico came in at a distinct disadvantage. That said, the luchadore refused to let it affect him, and he put up the fight of his life in his bid to win the cup. Part of that may be attributed to Jay Chord underestimating the youngster, but these two wound up putting on a barnstormer. Though this added up to be their third match of the night and they neared exhaustion throughout, they didn’t let that stop them from going as hard as they could. Mitico confounded Jay with his slick mix of technique and speed, whereas Jay attacked like his usual self, throwing fists at the first opportunity.


At the end of it all, though, Jay was the one that came out on top. Making use of his experience in big matches, Jay was able to finish the luchadore with a a standard Rip Chord-style DDT in the middle of the ring after a short exchange.


Jay Chord wins the RCI, 57.


As Jay celebrated, a smiling Rip stepped into the ring, carrying the large cup that was to be Jay’s prize. Jay eyed it greedily and quickly snatched it from his father. After leading the audience in a (sort of quiet) round of applause, Rip patted his son on the back and exited the ring so that his son may address the crowd.

“My name’s Chord,” Jay began. “Jay Chord. Not Rip. It’s me that’s the greatest wrestler of all time, and this is just the first mark on my record.”


Rip frowned a little at this.

“Winning this useless cup gets me one thing, and that’s a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Mark my words, losers: I will be World Heavyweight Champion! I don’t care if I have to beat that traitor Vessey or the freak Ota. It doesn’t matter who I fight, because I am the best wrestler this company has ever seen, and my day’s coming! You’ll all see! I’m going to do things my father never could, and none of you could ever dream of!”






Cameron Vessey © vs. The Great Ota for the newly minted World Heavyweight Championship





Ota’s spent the majority of the past year in the top circle of MAW talents, and he proved why in this match. Utilizing his eclectic style, he took the fight straight to champion Cam Vessey, keeping him off-balance. Vessey fired back, though, and proved that he did belong as champion as he kept his head in the game and remained focused throughout. Towards the end of the match, the two began to exchange moves at a rocket pace, ending with Ota whipping Vessey into the corner, leaping onto him, and locking him into the tarantula. Before the ref even had a chance to reach the five count, though, Vessey was able to slip an arm out of the submission and literally powered Ota back over the ropes and onto his shoulders. From here, he spun around before driving Ota down into the canvas. Vessey covered Ota, counting along with the ref as he slammed his hand down one…two…three times. Raising his hand in victory, the referee awarded Vessey with World Heavyweight Championship as the crowd roared their approval.


Vessey retains, 68.



Total: 60

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“Lisa? Lisa, pick up. Please. Look, I know you don’t want to talk, but please. I need this.”


Obviously, Lisa wasn’t talking to me. Ever since she left me she had done everything she could to avoid me at all costs. And here I was trying everything in my power to get her back.


My confidence was shot. I could see, no, feel my muscles getting smaller. I was getting pushed further down the card because of it, and because of that, Lisa left me, and because of that, I was sitting here wallowing in my own self pity. Life sucked.


“Dude, you gotta stop trying. You gotta move on.”


I looked up to see Roderick lounging on the couch. I had moved in with him when Lisa kicked me out. He agreed without hesitation, but I think he thought he was gonna be getting the old Johnny, not this mopey bastard that spent most of his time in a bath robe.


“And you gotta start pulling your weight, too. This place is getting dirty as hell,” he laughed.


I looked around. Sure enough, the apartment looked like one of those Mr. Clean commercials. Half of it (Roderick’s) was clean as all hell, and the other was filthy.


“I cleaned my stuff up, it’s time for you to, too,” he added. “And dude, get dressed!”


I sighed, stood up and walked to my room, where I slipped on some workout shorts and a t-shirt. When I walked out, Roderick was standing at the door.


“Let’s go, man,” he said.


“Go where?” I asked.


“Does it matter? I’m getting you out of this house. I’m tired of you being depressed and ****. It’s annoying, dude. You’ve got a good life, and you’re ****ing it all up. Who cares if some bad **** got thrown your way, it doesn’t matter. Now let’s go.”


I said nothing for a minute. “Am I really annoying?”


“Yeah, dude. It’s pretty sad,” he answered, laughing.


“I’ll try and work on that,” I said, grabbing my hoodie and walking out the front door.




Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Succession (Brett Starr and Casey Valentine) Non-title

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Roderick Remus

The Pilgrim vs. Trent Schaffer

Findlay vs. The Debuting Jade Dragon

Steve Flash vs. The Great Ota

Plus World Heavyweight Champion Cameron Vessey and RCI Winner Jay Chord in Action!

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Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Succession (Brett Starr and Casey Valentine)

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Roderick Remus

The Pilgrim vs. Trent Schaffer

Findlay vs. The Debuting Jade Dragon

Steve Flash vs. The Great Ota

Plus World Heavyweight Champion Cameron Vessey and RCI Winner Jay Chord in Action!

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Friday Week 2, February 2012

In front of a sold out(!) crowd in The Biker Museum




The Vessey Family Fight Song began playing through the speakers, and World Heavyweight Champion Cameron Vessey strode out, a smirk on his face and the title belt hanging from hand. Before addressing the fans, he went to each corner and held the new belt high over his head for all the fans to see.

“I told ya, didn’t I? I told ya’ll I was gonna be the world champ, and here I am, holding this belt up for all ya’ll to see. I ain’t gonna lie though, Ota gave me a tough run for it. Ol’ boy might not’ve been the best choice for my first defense, after all. I don’t look so dominating after that match,” he said, smiling. “But that ain’t the point. The point is, I’m still here--”


The Succession’s music hit and Jay led Atlas, Valentine, and Starr out to the ring.



“Boy, you better have a good reason to interrupt me,” Vessey said.


“Oh, shut the hell up,” Jay said. “In case you haven’t noticed, you aren’t the center of this company, I am! I just won the Jay Chord Invitational-” Rip shook his head at the horrible name change “-and that means that I get a shot for that belt of yours. Just like you did last year. Unlike you, though, I’m not gonna waste my time waiting a full year to cash in. I’m taking my shot as soon as I possibly can. That said, I’m going to be a good friend on this one. There’s a certain matter of a rematch that needs to be taken care of first. Right, Atlas?”


The giant stepped forward, cracking his knuckles.

“You think I’m scared of that overgrown inbred?” Vessey asked. “I beat his ass once, and I’ll beat his ass again.”


“I don’t doubt that, Cam. But winning the belt back is the last thing on Atlas’s mind right now. At Wrestling Classic, you’re gonna be meeting him one more time. Win or lose, it doesn’t really matter. Just try and make it through the night,” Jay said as he sneered at Vessey. “I think I speak for everyone when I say that we should get a little preview first, though. So how about it, Cam? You and whoever against me and Atlas, tonight?”


Ya know Jay, I used to kinda like you. But now, all I wanna do beat the living hell out of your ass. Tonight, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna make you rethink your little challenge, and that’s a fact!”






Cam Jones & Miller Fforde vs. The Succession




Brett and Casey stayed out in the ring after the confrontation as they awaited their opponents, who started the match in energetic fashion, launching themselves right at the champs. Their initial burst of offense was quickly stifled, though, and The Succession took control up until the end, when Starr hit Fforde with a Star maker (Running leaping knee strike) to win the match.


The Succession win, 54.


After the match, Starr grabbed a mic.

“As the supreme athlete of MAW, I think it’s only fitting that my associate and I have secured the tag belts for the Succession. We are the number one team in all of MAW, and there’s no way in hell anyone’s going to take these belts from us!”


The heavy bass began thumping from speakers, and Cat Jemson led Death Row out.


“I wouldn’t talk so big just yet,” she said. “My boys get a rematch, and they’re itching to show you who the real number one team in MAW is.”

“Is that so?” Valentine asked. “Because if I’m thinking right, we’re the ones with the gold, not you two…thugs! You don’t have what it takes to be champions, but we’re the complete packages.”


“If you’re so confident, then you shouldn’t have any problem accepting the match. What do you say, then?”


Starr smirked. “Lady, you’re on. We’re gonna show you what a real tag team looks like. Oh, and if you’re smart, then you might just be leaving with a different one than you showed up with.”






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Roderick Remus




Remus tried to keep Cattley off balance with a quick offense, but Cattley was having none of it, and spent the majority of the match tying Remus into knots before forcing the youngster to tap with a Romero Lock.


Cattley wins, 58




Cattley barely had time to raise his hands in victory before he was leveled from behind by the monstrous duo, The Mountains of Madness. The pair laid waste to Cattley with thunderous slams before Lisa Bowen called them to her side and led them away.






The Pilgrim vs. Trent Schaffer w/ Mr. Amazing and Rob Wright




Accompanied by his friends, Schaffer looked like he was toying with the inexperienced Pilgrim as he nonchalantly attacked, spending just as much time taunting and playing to the crowd as he did actually wrestling. Eventually, though, the masked youngster actually began to make a comeback, but that was ended quickly when Schaffer hit him with a Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick).


Schaffer wins, 49


As Schaffer celebrated with his two amigos, he was blindsided by an assailant wielding a Singapore cane! After a quick scuffle that saw the trio quickly retreat, the attacker face came into view, and it was revealed to be Steve Flash! Schaffer got a microphone as he backed up the ramp, wary of the crazed man pacing around the ring.




“What the hell, Flash!?” he asked. “What the hell was that about?”


Flash took a moment. “…I want a match, Schaffer. I want you!”


“What? No way! You’re crazy, Flash, it’s not happening.”


“I may be crazy, but I get what I want. And in two weeks, I get you!”







“So, how about we get out of here, head back to the Heartbreak Hotel?” Raphael asked a catering girl, who returned his advances with a look of disgust. “I tell you what, I’ll give you this extra key to my apartment, and you can come over whenever you’re ready for a little bit of loving.” With that, Raphael produced a key that he pressed into the girl’s palm, and she scurried off.


“Dude, you just gave away your house key,” Justin said.


“Nah, man, I have like 100 of those. I give them away to chicks I’m into. Let’s em know that I’m down for a commitment, ya know.”


“Does it ever work?”


“Not yet, but it’s going to. I can tell. I have to keep changing my locks, though. I’ve been robbed like three times…”


“Ah, dude, that su--”






Screaming around the corner on a skateboard, a man came to a screeching halt right in front of The Heartbreakers, who tried simultaneously to jump into one another’s arms, and ended up crashing to the floor.


“Sorry bros, but you were all up in the way!” the man said.


“We’re inside! What's wrong with you?” Sensitive spit out.


“Oh, dude, check it out, it’s awesome: indoor skateboarding. My bro said if I do it enough, that I’ll get noticed on an international level and they’ll invite me to the Olympics this summer!”


The Heartbreakers didn’t say anything for a moment before shaking out of it. “Who the hell are you, anyway?” Raphael asked.

“Oh, I’m Lee. But you can call me ‘The Thrill Seekah!’” he said while leaping into a mock kung fu pose. “I work here now, just like you dudes!”


Sensitive continued to scowl as he finally helped himself and Raphael off the ground. Dusting off his pants, he began to speak. “In that case, I can get you in the ring. You’re gonna regret running into me, ’bro.’”


With that, The Heartbreakers turned and stormed off in a huff.


“Dude,” Lee said, “Not cool…”






Findlay vs. Jade Dragon




Jade Dragon’s making his debut tonight, and despite this, he didn’t seem happy about I at all, instead choosing to wear a scowl on his mug the entire time. Veteran fighter Findlay was his opponent, and not one to be taken lightly, but Dragon’s cold, ruthless attack proved to be very efficient, and after powering the giant onto his shoulders, he drove him down with a cut-throat driver that shook the ring and gave him the win.


Jade Dragon wins, 44







Citizen X was backstage, attempting to convert a group of seemingly normal people to his way of thought, and failing miserable. Just when he was beginning to show anger at his lack of progress with them, he stopped, calmed himself, and kept at it. That is, to say, until New York Doll came out of no where with a steel chair and blasted the anarchist. He kept at it a few more times before tossing the chair away. Kneeling next to him, he lifted his head up and spoke to him, looking him directly in the eye.


“X, it’s time we end this. Two weeks, House of Chaos. I really do hope you come along.”







Black Flag came out next, a big smile on his face.


“I came out tonight because I have something to get off of my chest. I wanna admit to everyone that I was wrong to act the way I did after Mesticko beat me at the tournament. I should’ve been a better loser, ya know? But I want everyone to know that I think I’ve changed. I’m in a better place now, and I want Meteako to come out so I can talk to him personally.”


A moment went by before Mitico’s music began playing and the mask man apprehensively made his way to the ring. Warily, he stepped in the ring, at which point the began to speak himself.




“Amigo,” he began, “I have no problems with you. We had a fair match, and it could have gone either way. There’s a cincuenta cincuenta chance that either of could win, and I think if we fought again, you could take it.”


“Slow down, there, son. I wanted to show you this before we started talking about anything. Roll the tape, boys.”


Footage began to play on the PowerTron of Patriot walking backstage. He stops at a door which he knocks heavily on. After a moment, the door barely creaks open before Patriot kicks it in, revealing Apollo and Amazing Fire Fly to be standing inside. The burly heavyweight charges in and easily drops both stars with hard shots. After delivering several kicks to them both, he lifts up Apollo and hurls him into a wall of lockers, leaving a large indentation where his body impacted. He then turns his attention to Fire Fly, who he easily launches over his shoulder with an American Suplex on the hardwood floor. Surveying the damage done, Patriot smiles before leaving as abruptly as he arrived.


Mitico barely had time to pick his jaw up before he found himself on the receiving end of a lariat that absolutely leveled him. Patriot laughed before bulling him into the corner, where he began to unleash thunderous chops on the chest of the young luchadore. Mitico took about twenty of them, leaving his chest bright red before Patriot pulled him out and finally drilled him with the inverted piledriver.


“Ya know what, boy? You’re right. Next time we fight, I will win. And trust me when I say that it’s going to be very, very soon.”





Steve Flash vs. The Great Ota




Flash made his presence known earlier, when he announced that he’s to battle Trent Schaffer for the Traditional Title in two weeks at Wrestling Classic, but he’s got to get through the equally dangerous Ota tonight before he can even think about that. These two have yet to lock horns here in MAW, and they didn’t disappoint, as they put on as good of a match as their recent outings would suggest. This one was nonstop action for 15 minutes. Ota, who just came off of a championship match loss, looked to finished it with a Ninja Strike (Shining wizard), but Flash had the focus to coutner it with a lift and hit him with the Flash Bang (Standing hot shot), allowing Flash to cover the stunned Ota and move on to his match with Trent Schaffer in two weeks.


Flash wins, 60.






Jay Chord awaited Cameron Vessey’s arrival with a look of smug contempt, but the look faltered somewhat when Vessey came out of the back with Eddie Cornell at his side. Marching down to the ring, Cornell pointed two finger-guns at Chord and Atlas before pulling the triggers and sliding in the ring.



Cameron Vessey and Eddie Cornell vs. Jay Chord and Atlas




Cornell and the champ came out pissed off and on fire. The southerner and the Brit found common ground in their dislike of their opponents, and this bond allowed them to build an early lead, which Atlas and Chord struggled to close. There was nothing fancy about this match, and at times, it seemed more like a straight up brawl, with the only strategy involving just how to bring down the massive man down. Eventually, an inability to solve that riddle led to the faces downfall, as after attempting to hit him with a cross body block from the top, Cornell was caught in a choke hold, leading to the inevitable World Bomb from the giant. After covering him, Atlas stood up silently, eying Vessey from across the ring. Jay was a bit more enthusiastic, knowing that this win would provide The Succession with some much-needed momentum heading into Wrestling Classic.


Jay and Atlas win, 65.



Total: 58

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Post show thoughts:


-Oh, Lee Rivera, how I've missed you. Lee was a huge star in one of my '08 games, but I've never been able to get a hold of him this go around. He may not be super over yet, but that's why I'm sticking him in with the Heartbreakers first, building him from there.


-If you're curious, Jade Dragon is not Hell Monkey, despite using one of the excellent alts created for him. If he was, I suspect he would pull a much higher rating out of (the admittedly talented) Findlay. As a hint, his bio says he's a Bostonian, but from somewhere else entirely.


-I'm so glad I'm finally booking Atlas in the role he was meant to play. As Emily's puppet champion, he just got tiresome, but as the muscle of The Succession, I can really get behind him.


-Black Flag continues to be a blast to write. Of all the angles I've written, I think the one from this show has been the funnest to put together and came across the best.


-Yeah, I know the Flash/Schaffer back and forth was ****ty, but I did it on purpose due to Flash's horrid entertainment skills! I swear!


-Right now, I have nothing to do with Ota. His main purpose was as the international opponent that would create the World Heavyweight Championship, and after that I hadn't really though ahead that well.


-Vessey's a great champion for MAW, I think. His bio states that he's the leader of The Succession, but I see a lot of people book Jay as the leader due to the talent differential between them. Well, Cam's developed quite well for me, and I've always felt it's a good idea to keep Jay in the midcard where he has more of a chance of dominating and staying happy until Rip retires. obviously, I've decided to push him higher now, but I just felt it was time after two years to see how good of a main event Cam and Jay could make.






Death Row vs The Succession © for the Tag Titles

Lee Rivera vs Justin Sensitive

Eddie Cornell vs Jay Chord

El Mitico vs "Black Flag" American Patriot

Crazy Steve Flash vs Trent Schaffer © for the Traditional Title

New York Doll vs Citizen X in a House of Chaos match

Cameron Vessey © vs Atlas for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Death Row vs The Succession © for the Tag Titles

Lee Rivera vs Justin Sensitive

Eddie Cornell vs Jay Chord

El Mitico vs "Black Flag" American Patriot- Draw

Crazy Steve Flash vs Trent Schaffer © for the Traditional Title

New York Doll vs Citizen X in a House of Chaos match

Cameron Vessey © vs Atlas for the World Heavyweight Championship

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Friday Week 4, February 2012

The Biker Museum is sold out tonight!



Death Row w/ Cat Jemson vs. The Succession © for the Tag Team Titles





The big men of Death Row came for a fight tonight, and that’s exactly what they got. Well, from Casey Valentine at least. Brett Starr took a more methodical approach to the match, and took quite a few less shots to the face as a result. The match took the four men all over the ring and even spilled to the outside, which gave Starr the chance to hit his completely ungraceful plancha. With Starr taking Shady K out of the match with that, Valentine saw an opportunity and absolutely drilled Knuckles with a Deep Impact (Belly to Belly Suplex) off of the second rope to score the win and keep their titles.


The Succession retain, 60







El Mitico stood backstage with Apollo and Fire Fly.

“Earlier tonight, mi amigos Fire Fly y Apollo defeated two other teams,” he began (referencing their dark match against Bad Company and The Paratroopers). “To know that, it gives me strength. Strength of mind, and strength of heart. American Patriot, I respected you once. Now, you’re no good. You were like a, como se dice, super hero to me. Now, you’re a villain, a rudo of the highest caliber. I can not respect that. I will not respect that. And tonight, I will do what no one else will, and that is bring you back down to where you need to be.”







As the steel cage lowered around the ring, weapons dangling from the cables connected to each wall, Citizen X made his entrance. Slowly, he paced around the ring, feeling the steel walls before grabbing a microphone.


“New York Doll, we don’t have to do this. We must put this business behind us. Think of the bigger picture! You are an agent of anarchy, and together, we could be great! We could soar to heights unimagined, and bring this company to lows unthought of! Please, I beg you to call this off!”


But when Doll’s music hit and he emerged from the back, there wasn’t a bit of mercy on his face. The student was intent on battling the teacher, and he made that clear after delivering a hard shot to X and bulling him into the ring.


New York Doll vs. Citizen X in a House of Chaos match




As the door shut behind them, X still tried to beg Doll off. When Doll reached in get a hold of X, however, he was met with a rake to the eyes, allowing X the chance to jump to his feet and begin scampering up the cage wall. Doll quickly caught him, though, and brought him crashing back down to earth. From there, Doll continued to dominate, making effective use of the canes, trash cans, and steel chairs that hung from the cables stretched overhead. X proved to still have some fight in him, though, as he rallied several times. By the end of the match, both men were bloodied, and X’s face had become a crimson mask. That didn’t stop him from battling on, though, as he lifted as chair high above his head to swing at Doll. When it came crashing down, though, it was blocked by a chair Doll now held. The two began to swing wildly, attempting to crush the skull of the other, but being blocked each time. Finally, though, X was able to perfectly time his shot, bringing the chair down directly on…nothing. Doll had reacted too quickly, and delivered a chair shot to X’s gut, doubling him over. With his opponent in such a state, Doll spun around before delivering a rolling chair shot that echoed throughout the arena and had the crowd on their feet. Exhausted, he fell upon his mentor, getting the pin, 1, 2, 3.


Doll wins, 48







Duke Hazard stood backstage with newly signed Lee Rivera, who was smiling ear to ear. Behind them stood a large note pad.


“Lee, ya just arrived here in MAW, and you already got yourself a couple of enemies. Now, you’ve gotta take on Justin Sensitive, who sure as hell ain’t no slouch in the ring, despite his after hours activities. Do you got some sort of gameplan to beat him?”


“I’m glad you asked, Duke, cause I most certainly do,” he said. He whipped his hand out, and a long pointer extended out, nearly clipping Duke in the nose. The interviewer jumped back before attempting to regain composure. “As I’m sure you already know, I’m what some like to call a ‘student of the game.’ It means I’m kind of a big deal. Now,” he said, using the pointer to flip the first page of the notepad. A picture of Justin Sensitive. “I’ve been watching a few of Justin’s matches, and something struck me: an couple of very obvious weak points.”


He flipped the page again, revealing the same picture with highlighted points.


“This is Justin’s head. I noticed that every match he’s lost, he’s got hit in the head at least once. Obvious weak point, dude.”


“And this,” he said, lowering the pointer, “Is Justin’s crotchular region. This one’s a little less obvious, but with my keen eye for detail, I got it. If I can hit him there, it’s match over. There’s no way he can come back from that, dig?”


“So you’re saying that ya found his weak points to be his head and his, er, crotch?"

“Yeah, bro, but don’t say it so loud. He might hear you.”

“…Alright, then. Lee Rivera, everyone.”




Steve Flash vs. Trent Schaffer © for the Traditional Title





Schaffer spent the first part of the match at the mercy of Flash before bailing out of the ring to take a breather. When Flash went after him, he was met with a rake of the eyes and sent flying into the steel steps. From here, Schaffer regained his confidence and took control of the match. Using his speed and technique, Schaffer was able to outmaneuver the wild veteran into a number of near fall situations, though Flash did have his share of comebacks, which were just met by more underhanded tactics on the part of Schaffer. On one such occasion, Mr. Amazing and Rob Wright made their way to the ring, and Wright jumped on the apron, drawing the attention of both the referee and Flash. Amazing, however, busied himself by passing the traditional title to Schaffer. Schaffer, in turn, used the belt to bash the back of Flash’s skull in behind the referee’s back. He tossed it from the ring, Wright dropped from the apron, and Schaffer then fell upon Flash, pinning him for the three count.


Schaffer retains, 63


As Schaffer and co. whooped and hollered their way to the back, Flash watch on, snarling as he clutched the back of his head.







“This is Duke Hazard, and I’m standing by with ‘Mean’ Jean Cattl-”


Before Duke could finish, the newly debuted Jade Dragon came running out of nowhere, delivering a glancing blow to Hazard’s interviewee, Jean Cattley. Dragon continued to run away, skidding away around a corner as Cattley gave chase. As the camera man struggled to catch up, a struggle could be heard after Cattley disappeared around the corner. When the camera man finally rounded the corner, Cattley was laying on the ground, barely conscious, and Lisa Bowen, The Mountains of Madness, and Jade Dragon stood over him.





“I told you not to stick your nose where it didn’t belong, Jean,” Bowen said. “I’d be careful if I were you from now on. You never know what you’ll run into.”






Lee Rivera vs. Justin Sensitive




Rivera executed his game plan perfectly. He hit Sensitive in the head hard and often, and on occasion, even threatened for the odd groin shot. Doing so caused Sensitive to stop dead in his tracks and retreat in obvious clear to the delight of the audience. After hitting him with a superplex, Rivera ascended the turnbuckles, where he pointed down at Sensitive. Leaping off, he landed on his feet, did a little jig, and delivered a HUGE fist drop to Sensitive, who clutched his face in pain. From here, Rivera pinned him for the 1, 2, 3, and danced his way to the back.


Rivera wins, 44.






El Mitico vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot




Mitico was tentative at first, and for good reason. Patriot came out with bad intentions. As soon as he got a hold of the young rookie, he began to do his best to physically torture him. Using his big size advantage, he powered him into several vicious submissions that contorted his torso in the worst ways, and seemed to enjoy it, as evidenced by the immense smile on his face. Mitico wasn’t one to give up, though, and he continued to fight back, though Patriot shut him down time and time again. At one point, though, Mitico seemed on the verge of winning, as he saw the opportunity to execute the La Magistral Cradle, and did so. This time, though, Patriot was able to power out of the move. Enraged, Patriot stood up immediately and bulled Mitico into the corner, where he began to unload on the yougnster with countless stiff, stiff slaps that left Mitico’s head lolling sickly to the side. In his rage, however, he failed to stop attacking Mitico at the referee’s command, and Jay Fair immediately called for the DQ, awarding the match to Mitico.


Mitico wins by DQ, 59.


That didn’t bother Patriot, though, and he just kept on with his attack. Seeing that he wouldn’t stop, Apollo and Fire Fly were forced to sprint to the ring to save their partner. Patriot was ready for them, though, and when they entered the ring, they were met with a pair of monstrous lariats, almost beheading them. Patriot left soon after, but not before delivering some insulting stomps to Fire Fly’s gut. As he walked to the back, he turned around to survey the damage, laughing loudly.







Cameron Vessey stood backstage, his World Heavyweight Championship hanging in one hand.


“Atlas, it’s me and you again tonight. And let me tell you something, you big son of a bitch: I ain’t scared of you. I beat you before, and there ain’t a shadow of a doubt in my mind that I’m gonna do it again. Nah, you ain’t a problem to me. My problem’s Jay Chord, the little prick that thinks he can be me. Let me tell you something, Jay, everything you’ve done in this business so far, I already did years ago. Rip Chord Invitational? I’ve done it twice. Tag champ? Well, you ain’t done that, I guess. Traditional champ? Ya got me there, but who the **** cares? And World Heavyweight Champion…Let’s be honest, Jay, that ain’t never gonna happen. Nah, Jay, when you decide to take your shot, I’m gonna beat you black and blue, boy. I know people are gonna say that I ain’t supposed to look ahead of any of my matches, live in the moment and all that. But I ain’t worried, because I’m just that damn good…”

“…and that’s a fact, boy.”







Jay Chord stood in the ring prior to his match, microphone in hand.


“That damn good, huh, Cam? When’d you get all ****y? I actually kinda like you like this. Too bad it isn’t going to last. Even if you manage to somehow get past Atlas tonight, there isn’t a chance of you beating me later on. I mean, Cam, we’re similar and all, but it’s pretty clear who the superior specimen. I come from the loins of a legend, whereas you… Well, let’s just say that you’re dad wasn’t even the best part of a decent-at-best tag team. Gold is in my blood, Cam. You’ve had your moment, but that’s all it is, a moment, and moments are fleeting. So be gracious Cam, and just lie down like you know you should.”



Eddie Cornell vs. Jay Chord




Eddie Cornell, who Chord completely ignored in his opening statement, was incensed when he got to the ring. He immediately charged Chord, who he swore revenge on at RCI, and the two began to trade shots, with neither gaining the upper hand until Chord hit a back body drop on Cornell. From here, Chord began to methodically work over the neck of Cornell with cranks, stomps, and neck breakers alike. Cornell rallied, though, and came back with some moves of his own, hitting Chord with a suplex followed up by a quickly applied Boston crab. Though Chord broke free, Cornell retained control until Jay ducked under a clothesline and hit a nice back suplex followed up with a barrage of stomps to each limb, followed finally by one to the head. Chord held the match in his grasp for a good time period, before Cornell began to fight back, and the two began to trade moves at a rapid pace, before Chord finally put him away with a cradle piledriver. Despite putting Cornell down for the coutn, Chord struggled to get to his feet, having to use the ropes to hold himself up. It seems that maybe he shouldn’t have looked so far past Cornell himself.


Chord wins, 64.






Cameron Vessey © vs. Atlas for the World Heavyweight Championship





Vessey used his agility to avoid taking any shots early on, pounding his fist into the side of Atlas’s head at any chance. That worked for a while, but Atlas soon got a hold of him, and drilled him down with a spine buster. Tossing the champ to the outside, Atlas followed out with a double axe handle that nailed Vessey right in the head. Lifting the him up, Atlas grabbed him by the throat before tossing him across the ringside area and into the ring post, leaving Vessey writhing. Rolling him back into the ring, Atlas lazily covered him only to have Vessey kick out. Taking a moment to stalk the champ proved to be a mistake, however, as Vessey came back with some shots to the gut, followed by a running leaping clothesline to the back of his head that knocked Atlas down. With the big man finally downed, Vessey, made his way to the second turnbuckle and leapt off, driving his knee down into the forehead of Atlas. He covered him only to have him kick out at two. Vessey controlled the match for a bit longer before Atlas came back and began to pound on him mercilessly. Though the shots were heavy, Atlas was slow, and after a big clothesline swung wide, Vessey was able to plant his feet and power him up, before spinning around once and driving him down with a Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD). Clutching his back in pain, Vessey fell over the giant as the referee counted one, two, three.


Vessey retains, 65.




Total: 59

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There was something up at the Biker Museum before Showcase. We had been denied access to the second locker room and, as a result, were cramped as all hell when getting ready.


“Roddy,” I said, plopping down on the bench next to Roderick. “What’s going on man?”


He talked while lacing up his boots. “I don’t man. There’s some crazy rumors going around.”


“Like what?”


“Well, one of em has Rip getting back on the wagon, man. Apparently he bought and drank an entire keg by himself last night, and now he’s going crazy in there, treating everyone like they’re Sam Strong and trying to DDT the **** out of them.”


I let the mental image play in my head for a moment (as should you!) before responding. “That sounds pretty unsafe, but I doubt it. I mean, I did see Rip playing Minesweeper in his office like ten minutes ago.”


“Oh, well maybe the Charlotte Strangler’s back and struck last night, and it’s a crime scene?”


“The Charlotte Strangler’s in jail, dude.”


“Oh…well, what if Rip’s paying some guys to install a spa or something in there for us?”


“Not likely.”


“Well, I don’t know then! Why don’t you come up with an idea instead of shooting all mine down…”


“I as just curious, bro,” I said, laughing.


“Yeah, well curiosity killed the bug,” he said as he stood. “Look, I got my match next against the Paratroopers. See you later?”


“Yeah. You wanna grab a drink before we head home later?”


“Yeah, sounds good man.”




The Awesomeness vs. Bad Company

Lee Rivera vs. Raphael

New York Doll vs. The Great Ota

Eddie Cornell and Cameron Vessey vs. Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jade Dragon

Steve Flash vs. Trent Schaffer © in a rematch for the Traditional Title

Plus: A special announcement that’ll change the face of MAW! Bonus points if you can guess it!

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Shows up! Feel free to comment and whatnot!



Friday Week 2, March 2012

In front of a sold out crowd of 2,000



The Awesomeness vs. Bad Company




The return of The Awesomeness marked the beginning of the show, and boy did they have a challenge in the form of Bad Company. The two technicians have been hovering around the upper rim of the tag team echelon in the past few months since Cannonball and Stardust’s unceremonious departure. Styles clashed here as Bad Company attempted to groudn the two cruiserweights with a number of holds. It just wasn’t quite enough, though, as The Awesomeness rallied late and hit El Rudo with the Awesome Smack (Double super kick) to secure the win.


The Awesomeness win, 54.

“Showcase is Awesome once more!” Stardust proclaimed after the match. “That’s right, the dazzling duo, the fantastic fliers, the cool cats, the bodacious bods, THE AWESOMENESS!…is back. And we are here to bring you exactly what we always have, and that’s a healthy dose of anything and everything awesome.”


“Thanks for the intro,” Cannonball said. “Now we know that we’ve been gone for a minute, and things have changed a little bit. Factions have shifted, titles have changed, and that’s all cool, baby. Here’s the thing, though: The Awesomeness does not change. We’re here to rock all day, every day, and that’s about all there is to it. Now let me ask you a question, Stardust. Who’s awesome?”


“We are!” Stardust exclaimed, grinning cheesily.






“I can’t believe this!” Trent Schaffer complained as he paced back and forth. “I beat Flash fair and square!”


“It’s a sham,” Wright added.


“A travesty,” Amazing chimed in.

“I mean, two times in a row? That’s not what the fans want! They want to see me take on new competition. Didn’t you hear my pop when I took on The Pilgrim? They loved it! I should be in the ring with Cam Vessey tonight!”


“We already got that on lock tonight,” Wright said.


“I know! It should be me, though! And instead of that, I have to risk life and limb taking on some psychotic weirdo who has on interest in being a model traditional champ like I am!”


“Don’t worry, Trent,” Wright said, “We’ve always got your back.”






Lee Rivera vs. Raphael




The second Heartbreaker fared little better than his counterpart did at Wrestling Classic, as Rivera seemed to be toying with him throughout the match. In all actuality, though, Rivera was just playing to the crowd, trying to get them involved in the show. In a highlight-worthy finish, Rivera avoided a Raphael clothesline by dropping into the splits, pulling himself up by his own imaginary collar, and flipping back to nail Raph right in the head with a Pele Kick, allowing him to easily pin the King of Sleaze.


Rivera wins, 46.







The show cuts to a prerecorded video of Jean Cattley, who’s sipping a drink in a piano bar.

“Lisa, Lisa, Lisa…” he began. “I’m not exactly sure what gave you this sense of superiority you’ve had since you got to MAW, but if I were you, I’d drop it. At least when it comes to me. These past few weeks, you’ve had your troops do what they can to knock me down, to take me out of the fight.”


Jean smiled. “The old numbers game. But I think you’ve forgotten just who I am, the respect that I command when I enter that locker room. I’m not some wet behind the ears rookie, Lisa. I’m “Mean” Jean Cattley, and they don’t call me that for no reason. Up until now, you’ve had a bunch of guys jump me, trying to take me out. I’m done with that. I may be alone now, but I think you need to brush up on your history. Ever hear of The Firm? That’s right, Lisa, I’m not afraid to work alone, and I’ve got friends in all sorts of places that are willing to come help me out. So why don’t you just keep that in mind.”


Jean took another sip of his drink. “Hey,” he said to the piano player, “Play Piano Man.”

The player turned around and grinned.



Oscar Golden


“You got it, boss.”







Citizen X and Ant-Man sat in a dimly lit locker room conversing.


“It’s not right,” Ant-Man complained. “I deserve a match. I’m a former champ, dammit! Who the hell does Rip think he is that he can hold down a true star like me?”


“That’s right,” Citizen X said. “Let your anger out. Break something if you’re so inclined.”


Ant-Man sighed. “That won’t make me feel better,” he said.


“Do it anyway. Go on, you know you want to.”


Once again, Ant sighed. He stood up from his stool, picked the seat up, and with a mighty swing smashed it against a locker. The wood splintered as it impacted with the metal. Despite this, it was not broken fully, and Ant swung it again and again until it had been completely destroyed. Breathing heavily, he let out a scream as he spiked the remnants of the stool into the ground.


Citizen X sat silently, a small smile spreading across his lips, causing him to take on a sinister appearance in the dimly lit room.





New York Doll vs. The Great Ota




Several minutes into the match, it became clear that neither man held an advantage over the other. Most of Ota’s opponents are wary of the ninja’s underhanded tactics and eccentric offense, but Doll threw caution to the wind, forcing Ota in a match that offered little rest time for either men. This approach came back to bite him, though, as Ota was able to capitalize on a few key mistakes and take control of the match. But then, with the match already firmly in his hands, Ota did the unthinkable and spewed his trademark black mist into the eyes of Doll, blinding him. With his opponent incapacitated, Ota knocked him silly with a Ninja Strike (Shining Wizard) and pinned him. Before his music could even play, though, the lights shut off, and when they came back on, Ota was gone, leaving Doll enraged at his inability to exact a bit of revenge.


Ota wins, 56.






Cameron Vessey and Eddie Cornell vs. Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing




Amazing looked less than that tonight, as the champ and his rising star of a partner beat on the eccentric for the majority of the match. Wright did his best to avoid getting tagged in despite talking a big game from the apron, and when he finally did, quickly fell to Cornell, who demolished him with a Black Lightning Bomb.


Cornell and Vessey easily win, 57.


As the ref raised their hands in victory, though, they found themselves being blindsided by a pair of assailants wearing hoodies. The duo had leapt from crowd wielding lead pipes, and mercilessly beat Cornell and Vessey (What is this, TCW?). Soon after, the monster Atlas rumbled down to the ring, and it became apparent who the attackers were. No longer trying to hide their identities, they revealed their faces, showing themselves to be the tag team champs, Starr and Valentine. Together with Atlas, they executed their finishing moves in sequence to each man, leaving them nearly unconscious. Atlas seemed particularly focused on beating down Cornell, who suffered a monstrous charging boot in addition to the standard World Bomb. While all this was going on, Jay Chord sauntered down to the ring, a smirk on his face and a microphone in hand.


“Hold Cam up,” he commanded, stepping into the ring. Starr and Valentine did as commanded, lifting up the World Champion.

“Nice seeing ya, buddy,” Jay said, speaking just inches from Vessey‘s face. “I wish it was under better circumstances, but what can you do? I had to send a message, and this was by far the easiest way. Not only for me, but for you, too. What, I’m serious! Cam, this is just a piece of what I can do to you, a tiny iota, and I wasn’t even the ring. I’m giving you a demonstration so that you can save yourself. If you didn’t know, I’m making an official challenge to you right now. I’m cashing in on my title shot, and I’m giving you a fair chance to just go ahead forfeit the title. We don’t have to fight, Cam. I would really appreciate this, as should you. I really don’t want to hurt you, Cam. So what do you say, bud, forfeit?”


Cam said nothing, instead choosing to respond in the only way he knew how: spitting in the face of Chord.


Chord’s smirk quickly disappeared as he wiped the spit off his cheek. “I warned you,” he said.


Then, quick as a cat, he pulled Cam into a tight front facelock. He waited a moment before finally dropping to the floor, driving Cam’s head straight into the canvas with a DDT.


Standing over him, he repeated himself: “I warned you.”







El Mitico, Apollo, and Fire Fly came out to the ring as Vessey and Cornell were being helped to the back. As they passed, the offered their condolences before continuing on.


“Patriot,” Mitico began. “Come out here!”




It wasn’t soon before Black Flag emerged from the back, a big grin on his face. “What the hell do you want, kid? I thought I shut you up two weeks ago!”


“You did nothing!” Apollo shouted.


“Amigo, please,” Mitico said, placing a hand on Apollo’s chest. “I have something to say. Patriot, you are worse than I ever thought. Yo tengo nothing more than to exact my revenge on you, but I cannot. The doctors have not cleared me to wrestle or fight. You gave me a concussion, Patriot, with your vile attack. Because of that, I cannot take you down to the place in which you belong as I said I would. But just because I cannot does not mean someone else will not. What one of La Alianza del Honor says goes for all members, and Apollo y Fire Fly have the same low opinion of you that any honorable man would. Because of this, in two weeks, you have the misfortune of facing one of them. Who it is, I will not say. This is just a warning to you.”


Patriot laughed heartily. “Kid, I don’t need yer damn warning. I could beat either of those two jokes with one arm behind my back!”


“Watch what you say, Patriot. Your overconfidence has been your downfall before,” Mitico said while Patriot walked to the back chuckling.






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Jade Dragon




Despite Cattley’s experience advantage, wherever he took the match Dragon was able to hang with him. That said, being able to hang doesn’t always equal being able to win, and Cattley remained one step ahead of his opposition throughout. Following a unseen low blow, though, Cattley was reeling. While Jade Dragon attempted to slip on a pair of brass knuckles, Oscar Golden came charging down to the ring, intercepting Dragon just before he could land the knockout punch on Cattley. Seeing the interference, the ref initially called it a DQ in Dragon’s favor, but when the ‘knucks became visible, he called it a no contest.


No contest, 55


With Dragon in their clutches, Golden pushed him straight into Cattley, who caught him and dropped him with a Mood Swing (Reverse STO) immediately. Meanwhile, The Mountains of Madness came rumbling down the ramp, but were met with a pair of planchas from Golden and Cattley, taking them out. Hefting the ring steps up, Cattley charged both Garg and Behemoth, knocking them silly with the massive steel weapon. As the faces high fived to celebrate their conquest, Lisa Bowen stood fuming on the stage.







Following the last match, an all too familiar entrance theme began to play, and Miss Emily strutted down to the ring.

“That’s right, people, I am back!” she exclaimed. “And I know I’ve been missed, and I really, truly appreciate it. You really have no idea. Now, I know that some of you are wondering what I’m still doing here in MAW, what with having no talent to skyrocket to the top like I did with Atlas and Cameron Vessey. The answer’s simple, really. I’m what some in the business like to refer to as an ‘asset.’ I have value well beyond my looks and my ability to spot talent. I’m an idea woman, and fortunately Rip Chord was actually smart enough to realize. With my latest plan, I’ve pinpointed the exact thing that MAW needs to advance into the new age, and Rip hired me to spearhead this movement. So without further ado, I present to you the next generation of MAW stars!”


At that, a collection of athletes of various sizes and appearance stepped out onto the stage to the delight of Emily.



Candy Floss, Emma Bitch, Eve Grunge, Gorgon, Jana Marie, Kinuye, Sara Marie York, and Tracy Brendon


“What you see before you are eight of the greatest female in the world today, and together they from the beginning of the MAW Women’s wrestling. Over the next few months you’ll all be introduced to them as they vie to become the very first MAW Women’s champion. I’ve hired only the greatest women’s talent for this tournament, as you’ll all soon discover. With these women leading the division, MAW will soon have the deepest pool of women’s talent in the world, and I brings joy to my heart to say that it was my idea.”






Steve Flash vs. Trent Schafer © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





Schaffer made his entrance with his peons, but this week the ref was wise to them, and quickly ejected them from ringside to the delight of Flash and horror of Schaffer. Much like their last meeting, Schaffer spent the first part of the match on the run, though he was unable to capitalize with a cheap shot this time, and Flash caught him and beat him until Schaffer came back with a flying clothesline. Throughout the match, Schaffer got his licks in, though Flash’s animalistic nature always proved to be a bit too much for him. Creating some distance between them, Schaffer hit Flash with a dropkick before hitting a quick Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick). Surprised at the turnabout, Schaffer almost didn’t have to scramble to the top rope, where he leapt off and hit a big diving head butt on Flash. As he covered him for the win, Schaffer was ecstatic at the turnabout, bouncing all over the ring as he celebrated with his belt.


Schaffer retains, 65.





Total: 59

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