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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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<p><strong>Steve Flash </strong>vs. Matt Hocking vs. Jared Johnson vs. Stardust</p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs. <strong>“Mean” Jean Cattley</strong></p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man</strong> vs. Kid Leone</p><p>

<strong>Findlay </strong>vs. Raphael</p><p>

<strong>American Patriot </strong>vs. Mimic</p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey </strong>vs. Remmy Skye</p>

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<p><strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs. Matt Hocking vs. Jared Johnson vs. Stardust</p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs. <strong>“Mean” Jean Cattley</strong></p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man</strong> vs. Kid Leone</p><p>

Findlay vs. <strong>Raphael</strong></p><p>

<strong>American Patriot</strong> vs. Mimic</p><p>

Cameron Vessey vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p>

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Friday, Week 2, December 2010

In front of 900 shivering Delaware-ian fans!






The show kicked off with Red, White, and Blue blasting through the speakers. The champ marched with purpose to the ring, where he aggressively grabbed a mic.

“Mean Jean!“ he said. “You get your ass out here! You’ve got some explaining to do, brother!”


Cattley’s music hit, and the veteran walked strode calmly to the ring, looking as cold as the air outside.


“Why’d you do it, Mean Jean? What the hell did Mainstream do that made you hire that goon to take him out?”


Cattley remained silent for a moment. Slowly, he raised the mic up to his mouth. “I didn’t do anything,” he answered, looking Patriot right in the eye. “I may have hired Gumble before, but Hernandez was in my business then. Now he’s out of it, and I could care less what he does or who he fights.”


“Don’t lie to me, dude,” Patriot said, getting right in Mean Jean’s face.


The veteran didn’t back down. “I don’t hide what I do, Patriot. If I put out the hit on Mainstream, I would tell you,” he said, pushing the champ back.




Just when it seemed like the two were about to come to blows, The Succession’s music hit and the foursome strode out onto the stage.


“Aww, look at you too,” Miss Emily began. “Fighting over something so small. Isn’t that cute?” she smiled sweetly. “You want to know a secret? I put out the hit on Mainstream Hernandez!”


Patriot was livid. “Why’d you do it!? What’d he do to you!?”


“Why did I do it?” Emily repeated. She giggled. “Why do I do anything? To send a message. Mainstream Hernandez won the Rip Chord Invitational this year, which meant that he earned himself a title shot somewhere down the line. Now, he’s never going to get it, and it’s all because of me. I have power, and you people are going to have to learn to respect that.”

“You want respect? I’ll show you respect!” Patriot dropped the mic and began to clamber out of the ring.


“Hold on a minute!”




Rip was standing up from the announce table, microphone in hand. “There’s going to be no fighting between the three of you tonight. We’re saving that for Night of Champions. But don’t get to worried, Patriot, because I’m going to give you all a chance to work out your frustrations and warm up tonight. Jean--” the veteran perked his head up “-tonight you’re gonna be taking on Amazing Fire Fly. Patriot, you get to take Mimic. And Cameron, I’ve got a special match for you tonight.”


Vessey grabbed the mic out of Miss Emily’s hand. The manager looked off put getting her mouth piece taken away. “What do you have for me, old man?”

“Since you couldn’t win your number one contender match fairly two weeks ago, I’m giving you a slightly more difficult match. Tonight, you take on Remmy Skye!”


Vessey smiled. “Alright, old man. I’ll play your game. But I’ll have you know I’m not scared of Skye, or anyone for that matter.”


This time Rip smiled. “That’s what I’m counting on, son.”






Steve Flash vs. Matt Hocking vs. Jared Johnson vs. Stardust w/ Lisa Bowen






This match was all over the place, and it was just a preview of what’s going to take place in two weeks when each man’s partner gets added to the mix. All four men looked strong here, but the end came when Steve Flash his a Flash Bang on Jared Johnson. He wasn’t able to get the pin, though, as Stardust snuck in from behind and tossed Flash from the ring, allowing him to cover Johnson and steal the win.


Stardust wins, 51


“That’s what I’m talking about!” Lisa Bowen said after the match. “Stardust proves The Awesomeness’ domination once again. This is just a preview of what’s gonna happen in two weeks, but all you people out there can expect the same results when The Awesomeness retain the tag team titles at Night of Champions!”






Amazing Fire Fly vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley




Fire Fly has yet to be seen on the main card, so footage of his matches is hard to come by. As such, Cattley was taken off guard by his high flying offense. The luchadore moved so fast that Cattley seemed confused at times, but it wasn’t long before Cattley took control and would not relinquish it. He put a quick beating on the high flyer before dropping him with a Mood Swing (Reverse STO).


Cattley wins, 62







Backstage, and we see Raphael discussing something with a shadowy figure behind a stack of boxes. After a moment of what sounds like haggling, the Heartbreaker hands something off before hurrying away, a big smile on his face.






Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Kid Leone




Though relatively unknown, Leone proved to be a fierce competitor. He displayed skills here that seemed to far outclass those of the young Ant-Man. The two went back and forth for time, but Ant-Man proved to have the bigger heart and more desire, and came out with the finish after lifting Leone up onto the turnbuckles and Raid-Lining (Lariat) him off and down to the canvas.


Ant-Man wins, 54.




As Ant-Man celebrated with Dharma, Jay Chord slithered out of the crowd and snuck into the ring with a steel chair once again. He drilled Ant-Man in the head, dropping the young star immediately. As Dharma protected Ant by standing between Chord and him, Chord grabbed a mic.


“Ya know, I didn’t think it was fair that you got a little warm up match, so I thought I would come out and get in a little practice, too. I want you to remember one thing, though,” he sneered. “I practice like I play.”







Raphael was already waiting in the ring when Findlay came stumbling out of the back, blood dripping down his forehead. Ford Gumble followed soon after. QUICK DRAW KICK!


Findlay fell to the floor, and Gumble coldly turned around, exiting the area with no remorse on his face. Raphael smirked, and began to try and convince the ref that he should be awarded the match since his opponent couldn’t compete. Suddenly, surprisingly, Findlay began to stir. The deadly Quick Draw Kick may have been enough to beat the giant in a match, but it wasn’t enough to take him out completely. Standing up, Findlay staggered to the ring as a look of horror spread across Raph’s face.

Findlay vs. Raphael




Findlay was a terrifying sight in the ring. 6’7, 320 pounds, the crimson faced giant was swinging for the fences. But while he was still standing, the previous assault proved too much for him to overcome, and Raphael was able to come down with a missile dropkick to “earn” the win.


Raphael wins, 47.







Casey Valentine was checking himself out in a mirror backstage when Remmy Skye approached him.


“Boy, you’re so dang crooked I can’t tell from your tracks if you’re comin or goin,” Skye said. Valentine raised an eyebrow, clearly confused.


“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’re a cheatin sum bitch, that’s what it means!”


Valentine, feigned looking shocked. “Hey, now, I resemble that remark!” He laughed at his (poorly executed) joke before waving his hand at Skye. “Why don’t you just scoot along, now. I’ve got more important things to deal with.”


Remmy scowled. “I’m sure you ain’t realized it yet, but I’m here to challenge you. Night of Champions. You. Me. Let’s settle this.”

Valentine looked disinterested. “Yeah, sure. Whatever. I’ll talk to my manager, it’ll be set up soon.”


Remmy looked the smug Valentine up and down before storming off. As soon as he left the area, Valentine’s entire demeanor changed, and a worried look settled in on his face.






American Patriot vs. Mimic




Patriot was all business tonight, and he made short work Mimic. Patriot finished the match with some Stars and Stripes Chops (Machine Gun Chops) before powering Mimic up and over with the American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) to get the win.


Patriot wins, 58.






Remmy Skye vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Miss Emily



This match went much the same as the one these two had two weeks ago, and ended in a very similar fashion. Just as Remmy looked like he was going to secure the win with a Skye Diver, Vessey desperately pushed the ref into the ropes, knocking Skye off the turnbuckles and the ref to the ground. With the ref down, Casey Valentine sprinted down to the ring, and the two hit Skye with the V-Split (Double Fisherman’s Suplex). Valentine made a quick exit, and the ref couted a slow three count to give Vessey the win. C-V-2 pointed and laughed at the high flying southerner as they made their exit.


Cameron Vessey wins, 63.






Ant-Man vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Championship

Findlay vs. Ford Gumble

Flash X vs. Team America vs. Bad Company vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Remmy Skye vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship




OOC: No, Kid Leone isn’t La Estrella, I’m just using one his alts (with a different colored mask). He is blonde though, and American. Talented, too. There’s your hints, if you think you can figure it out :D

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Ant-Man vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Championship

Findlay vs. Ford Gumble

Flash X vs. Team America vs. Bad Company vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Remmy Skye vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Ant-Man vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Championship

Findlay vs. Ford Gumble

Flash X vs. Team America vs. Bad Company vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Remmy Skye vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Ant-Man vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Championship

Findlay vs. Ford Gumble

Flash X vs. Team America vs. Bad Company vs. The Awesomeness © for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Remmy Skye vs. Casey Valentine

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Cameron Vessey for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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Friday Week 2, January 2011

In front of 745 pumped up MAW fans in Delaware Hall



The evening kicked off with Miss Emily leading Jay Chord to the ring.




“Tonight,” she began, smirking, “Is the Night of Champions. Or, in case you haven’t realized it yet, the Night of the Succession. Tonight, we prove to everyone that we truly are the future of this business. That starts right now, with Jay Chord. The first son of this promotion is going to start off the night right, when he destroys that little bug, Ant-Man. So why don’t you and your little whore come on out, so we can get this beating over with.”


Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Jay Chord w/ Miss Emily





Ant-Man came out on fire after two successive sneak attacks on Chord’s part. The action quickly spilled to the outside, where the two opponents continued to tear into each other. Eventually, Chord retreated back into the ring, where he gained control when Ant-Man went in after him. Ant-Man did his best to fight back win the match through his trademark slams, but Chord continually slipped away just when Ant-Man felt he had the match within his grasp. Finally, though, Ant-Man swung for the fences and turned Chord inside out with a Raid-line (Lariat) that left the champ down on the mat. Instead of going for the cover, Ant-Man began stalking Chord, calling for the Ant-Slam (Flapjack power slam). However, just as Chord began to come to, Miss Emily interjected herself, latching onto the ankle of Ant-Man, holding him in place. The challenger took his eyes off Chord to spin around and shake off the shrieking manager, which proved to be his mistake. Upon turning back around, Ant-Man was met with a boot to the gut, and Chord powered him up and down with a Cradle Piledriver to score the win.


Chord retains, 62.


Following the match, Dharma Gregg got in the ring and confronted Miss Emily as she celebrated with her client. Emily ignored Gregg at first, but when Dharma became pushy, the two quickly became embroiled in a cat fight. At first, Jay was content to simply watch the events unfold, but he soon approached the two and, grabbing her by the hair, pulled Dharma off of Miss Emily. Still holding her by the hair, Chord smirked before pulling her head between the legs. Just as he was about to lift her up for the Cradle Piledriver, Ant-Man came flying out of nowhere, raining punches down on Chord as the second generation star tried his best to cover up. Eventually, he was able to roll away and out of the ring, and, with Miss Emily, backed his way up the ramp, screaming bloody murder toward Ant-Man and Dharma Gregg.






Findlay vs. Ford Gumble




“The Heartbreaker” Raphael came out prior to the match, intending to act as guest announcer. As Findlay thundered out of the back, he had his eye on the mustachioed wrestler the entire way to the ring, but his attention quickly turned to Gumble when the Texas Hit Man made his entrance. Upon entering the ring, the two quickly went chest to chest, with Gumble staring up at the giant, not backing down. As the match hadn’t begun yet, Raphael clambered into the ring, intending to stare down Findlay as well. He muscled his way between the two, and Gumble took a step back as Raphael bumped him. For a moment, Ford just stood still, but then, QUICK DRAW KICK! Gumble absolutely levels Raphael, before Findlay lifts him up and tosses him from the ring like a sack of potatoes. The two share a nod as the bell rings, signaling the start of the match.


Despite the massive size difference, Gumble remained unafraid of the giant. He picked his shots well, throwing some stiff kicks that looked like they were coming close to toppling the giant at any point. It was inevitable that Findlay’s slow, powerful strikes would eventually catch him, though, and the giant was able to drop Gumble after connecting with a single huge right hand. Taking aim at Ford’s head, Findlay stomped down with his massive boot, intending to exact some revenge for Gumble’s assault on him two weeks ago. However, Gumble was able to roll out of the way and avoid taking some serious damage. The match continued much like this, with Findlay looking to deal out some serious damage as Gumble did his best to take the giant to the ground. Despite his best efforts, though, Gumble was never able to put the giant on his back, until he delivered several kicks to Findlay’s knee, bringing him down to a kneeling position. Ford lined his shot up and took aim--QUICK DRAW KICK! Gumble quickly fell on top of the toppled giant and covered him for the win.


Gumble wins, 49






Flash X vs. Team America vs. Bad Company vs. The Awesomeness w/ Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag titles





This match went much the same as Showcase’s four-way did, but with the addition of Citizen X, Joe Cool, El Rudo, and Cannonball. Bodies flew all over the ring as each team did their best to defeat the other. Team American were the first eliminated when Cannonball pinned Cool following a Cannonball Splash. From this point, the champs began to hang back, seemingly content to watch Flash X and Bad Company tear each other apart. After both teams threw everything they had at each other, it was Flash X who still stood tall after Cit X pinned El Rudo following an Arachy X (Crucifix Powerbomb). The Awesomeness were quick to strike, pouncing on their weakened opponents in a bid to win the match. Cannonball and Cit X spilled to the outside brawling, leaving Stardust and Flash alone in the ring. Flash was tired though, and Stardust capitalized with a Star Breaker (Running Forearm Strike) to score the win.


The Awesomeness retain, 49


Following the match, Citizen X and Flash were left alone in the ring, Flash was sitting disappointed in the the corner, as X paced angrily back and forth. Finally, he grabbed a mic.


“I hoped to learn something from you, Steve Flash,” he said, seething. “But all you’ve taught me is how to lose. This partnership’s over.”


Steve Flash looked bewildered at his partner, before a Mohawk-sporting man came bouding out of the crowd and blindsided Flash.




The man beat on Flash for a while before dragging him up and forcing him to look at X.


“I won’t insult you by saying I’m sorry for this,” X said as he approached Flash. “I’m not.”


With that, X booted Flash him the gut, and powered him up and over with an Anarchy X. Flash lay motionless in the ring as X and the mystery man exited the ring.







Duke Hazard was backstage interviewing Casey Valentine with Miss Emily.


“Casey,” Duke said. “Two weeks ago, ya interfered in Remmy Skye’s match with Cameron Vessey. Now, he’s pretty ticked about that, and that’s why he got this here match with you tonight. According to him, you need to mind your own business and stay out of his.”


Casey smirked, and was about to respond when Miss Emily stepped in front of him. “The Succession is a team, Duke. If one of us has a match, then it’s the business of all of us. That’s how this works,” she said.


Casey grabbed the mic now. “Stay out of his business, huh, Duke? It sounds an awful like you’re lecturing me, now.”


“Err, no. That’s just what Remmy said. I, I could care less.”


“That’s what I thought.”


“Come on, Casey, we’ve got business to take care of.”






Remmy Skye vs. Casey Valentine w/ Miss Emily




Valentine and Skye both came out, whipping the crowd into a frenzy with their unconventional offenses. Valentine may not fly around wildly like Skye does, but his brawling style seems to come at you from all directions, and he’s constantly catching opponents off guard with his odd striking technique. The two went toe to toe for the better part of 15 minutes, until Skye finally dropped Valentine with a brain buster. He called for the Skye Diver (Corkscrew Moonsault), and when he began to climb the ropes, Miss Emily clambered up onto the apron, drawing referee Jay Fair into an argument. But when Skye came down on Valentine, the impact was enough to draw Fair away from the distraction and cout the pin, awarding Skye the win.


Skye wins, 57.


The rainbow-haired warrior happily limped to the back, celebrating his win as Miss Emily screamed at him.






American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Cameron Vessey





The three men squared off once again. As they battled, they formed and broke alliances at will in their bid to become or retain the championship, in what proved to be the greatest match in MAW history yet. Patriot took a ton of damage, as both men struck out at the knee that Cattley injured earlier in the year. When Cattley had enough of Vessey’s help, he quickly turned his attention, firing some chops at Vessey’s chest before attempting a blocked Mood Swing.


From here, Vessey and Cattley spilled to the outside, where the match continued without Patriot. As the two battled, they failed to notice Patriot stuggling to climb to the top turnbuckle, and leap off with a splash that took out all three men. All three men recovered at around the same time, and Patriot began to fire off a brutal round of machine gun chops at Vessey’s chest, leaving the second generation star staggering right into a Modd Swing from Mean Jean. With Vessey down and out on the arena floor, Cattley and Patriot returned to the ring.


Mean Jean did his best to keep the match tempo high, trying to put a strain on the knee of Patriot, who was willing himself to continue the match. The two went back and forth with the momentum switching regularly, until Patriot finally powered Cattley over with an American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) to retain the title. As Vessey came to on the outside, his face became one of despair as he watched Patriot raise the title high over of his head as Cattley slowly worked his way up the ramp.


Patriot retains, 74(!)


After the match, after the streamers stopped flying into the ring, after all the celebrating on Patriot’s part, Patriot grabbed a mic.


“Mean Jean, I’m not done with you,” he said as Mean Jean stopped his slow trudge up the ramp and turned back.


As Cattley slid into the ring, Patriot dropped the mic and approached his long time rival. The two stared each other down for a moment before Patriot finally extended his hand. Cautiously, Cattley reached out, and the two shook. Drawing Jean in close, Patriot whispered something in his ear before raising his hand up.


Total: 63





Next up: Johnny’s 21st birthday!

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Not another, I thought. I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much.


“Just do it!” Roderick shouted.


I can’t…


“Here ya go,” Findlay said, smiling as he pushed the shot glass in front of me.


God, why do people do this to themselves?


“Do it!”


Here goes nothing…


I picked the shot glass up and threw back my head, taking it all in. “God, that’s horrible! What’s wrong with you guys?”


Findlay laughed and clapped me on the back. “You’ll get used to it, bud. Bartender, another one,” Findlay said, signaling to the lady behind the bar.

“Hold up man, I think I’m gonna be sick…”


“Hurry up then,” Roddy said. “When you get back, we got another shot for you.”


I had to force the vomit back down my throat at the mention of more shots. As fast as I could, I pushed my way through the crowd to the bathroom, where I quickly emptied the contents of my gut. Pure liquid. Maybe I should’ve eaten before doing this? No, I couldn’t have. They whisked me away right after the show to celebrate not just the best one yet, but my 21st birthday. December 26th was officially the biggest day of the year for me.


As I washed my hands at the sink, I couldn’t help but overhear a hushed conversation coming from within the handicap stall. Immediately, my mind went to the gutter, and I shivered a little. But after listening in a little bit (Hey, I was drunk. My inhibitions went out the window long before this point) it became clear what I initially thought was happening wasn’t. Some sort of deal was going on in there, and I began to rush through my hand-washing and mouth rinsing ritual.


I wasn’t fast enough, though, and the stall door swung open just before I finished. My eyes opened wide as Jay stepped out of the stall with a shady looking guy following right behind. I could see his lip raise up in a snarl in the mirror, and he quickly exited the bathroom. For a moment, I stood still, my brain trying to process what I just saw. After a minute, I wiped my hands off and returned to my group, consisting of Lisa, Roddy, Findlay, and Remmy. Jean Cattley was a frequent patron of the bar, and he would join us for a shot or beer every now and then.


I took my shot, and the party continued like normal. Pretty soon after that, I had forgotten all about what I had seen in the bathroom. I was actually too drunk to remember much of anything. The guys were pouring liquor down my throat like nothing I had ever seen before. I rarely drink anymore, but I was young and impressionable at the time, and thought it made me look cool. Truth is, I was a lightweight, and still am, and I was making a complete idiot of myself.


I was having a great time, truth be told. That’s when Jay approached me. I couldn’t really tell because my vision was a little blurred, but Lisa (our designated driver that evening) later told me that Jay was completely strung out.

“Happy birthday, Johnny!” he shouted, a wide smile on his face and his arms held wide.


I was a little bit confused, but at that point I was happily accepting any sort of attention at that point, and I actually embraced him.


“Thanks, man,” I said.


I couldn't see his face, but I could somehow sense that his smile faded at that point. “You tell anybody about what you saw earlier, and I get your ass fired, bitch,” he whispered into my ear.


I’m not sure if it was the alcohol in me, or if I had just finally had enough of Jay, but bitch seemed to be like a trigger word for me. I pushed Jay back, forcefully. Honestly, it probably wasn’t a very good shove, but in my head it looked epic. “What’d you say to me?” I shouted.


Jay didn’t say anything back, but answered with a punch that caught me square on the cheek.


I bent over, holding my face. “Dammit!” That’s totally not how this was supposed to start off. Shaking my face, I looked up to see Jay bouncing around erratically, beckoning me to come at him. I did.


I tackled Jay, throwing some wild punches at him, mostly missing, but I’m pretty sure I caught him at least a couple of times. It wasn’t long before I felt people pulling me off of him. Findlay’s big, meaty hands wrapped around me and I saw Jean rush up to hold Jay back as he swung and kicked in my direction. I spit in Jay’s direction as the bouncers took hold of us and rushed us outside.


Findlay, Roddy, Lisa, and Jean all quickly followed.


“Get them the hell out of here, or we call the cops,” one of the bouncers said.


“Sure thing,” Lisa said. “Jean, can you take care of Jay?”


“Yeah, I’ve got him. You guys get John out of here, alright?”

“Yeah, we’ve got him,” Lisa said as she began to lead us to back to the car. “Thanks Jean.”






I felt like a kid waiting outside the principle’s office. This time, though, the punishment was going to be a lot worse than a suspension. I was going to get fired, I knew it. My career was done, and it was all my fault. I couldn’t help but think of how much I was going to disappoint Mac. I was like a representative of the Piledriver School, and I messed up, big time. After what seemed like forever, I finally heard the door to the office creak open, and Rip poked his head out.

“Come in, John.”


I stood up, ready for my walk of shame. Slowly, I made my way into Rip’s office and sat when he motioned to the chair positioned in front of his desk. We sat silently for a moment.


“What were you thinking, John?”


I was ready for a scolding and my release papers, and the question took me off guard.



“Umm, I wasn’t, really.”


“I can tell. You really messed up, ya know?”


I looked down at my feet. “Yes sir.”

“We’re local celebrities, John. This made the paper.”


“I’m sorry, sir.”


“I know. I am too.”


I looked up, confused. “For what?”


Rip sighed. “For Jay. I know he’s trouble, but he’s my son. I love him. Can you tell me this, though? Why were you two even fighting?”


My mind flashed back to the incident, what I saw early on in the night, what Jay told me as we embraced, and my reaction. Mainly what Jay told me. “We were both drunk, sir. It was a stupid argument that went too far.”

Rip sighed. "Jean tells me Jay threw the first punch. Is that true?"


"No, sir, I pushed Jay. I started it," I said.


"That may be the case, but from what I can tell, Jay provoked you. Look, I don't really care who started the fight or who didn't. I'm just worried, ya know?"

I nodded.


“He’s exactly like I used to be. That scares me.”


I nodded again, not really knowing what to say. This was getting a little awkward.


Rip shook his head. “I’m sorry, John, I’m drifting again. You understand what you did wrong, right? It’s not going to happen again?”


“Yes sir,” I said, shaking my head up and down.

“Good. now get out of here,” Rip said, waving me away with his hand.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, standing up and exiting the office.


Well, that definitely went differently than I expected. I went in there expecting to be handed my walking papers, and instead I had a quick conversation with a worried father. Well, not really a conversation. It was mostly just him voicing his thoughts and me nodding my head a lot. Looking back, maybe I shouldn’t have protected Jay back there. Maybe he doesn’t have as much power as I thought.


Next up: Year-end thoughts

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So... Jay is gay? :confused:


And how did this come up in the game?


I guess this is my bad writing...


Jay's not gay, he was making a drug deal. Hence, "What I initially thought was happening wasn't." That's why he's strung out later when the fight happens. Bought some drugs, then got all uppity and what not, bringing him to the confrontation with Johnny.

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Year End Notes:


-Wrestler’s of the year include Steve DeColt, Wolf Hawkins as your young gun, Jeremy Stone as your old hand, and Fuyuko Higa as your woman. The SWF remained king as promotion of the year, while WLW made their mark as the most improved. The match of the year featured Steve DeColt losing to Jeremy Stone at your card of the year, NOTBPW October Obliteration.


-MAW is still small as the end of the year, sitting on 28% popularity in the Mid Atlantic. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get enough fans to come out and vote that extra 1% needed to make regional.


-Jay’s easily the best wrestler in The Succession, but I stand by my decision to portray Vessey as the top dog in the faction. His entertainment skills are catching up working with the others, and his in ring skills are second in the faction. That said, Casey is also catching up with them both, sitting on a very nice 69 for performance skills.


-As much as I like Patriot (and he’s very talented for our current size) I can’t see him staying on top in a few years. His development has proved to be very slow, and his brawling skills have completely stalled.


-I’m really digging Raphael as both a character and wrestler, but he, too, has stalled. He’s only gone up a total of 3 points spread over all of his performance skills. He’s pretty much peaked at 23. It would be fine, except for the fact that his entertainment skills have stalled at 48.


-Unfortunately, Mean Jean’s on his slippery slope. His technical skills were the first to start slipping, and this month he even lost a point of consistency. Fortunately, I’m a big Mean Jean fan, and he’s still more talented than half of the roster, so he’ll be sticking around for a while yet.


- As far as good development goes, I’m incredibly happy with how Remmy Skye’s come along. He began with rather average performance skills, but has shot up an incredible amount to 67. I think it was James Casey who said earlier in the diary that he’s not a MAW-style worker, and I agreed. But he’s since shown the potential to become a very MAW-friendly wrestler.


-Tag team to look for in the future: Culture Shock. Fire Fly and Apollo have both shown very positive signs of development, and once they establish a better base performance stat(Fire Fly’s fine at 58, but Apollo’s still got a 47) they should become players. For now, though, I’m content to let them develop their experience together.


-Speaking of tag teams, I want to talk about The Awesomeness. I was afraid, at first, that neither were going to develop very well when they were having their program with Team America. However, since inserting Steve Flash into the tag ranks, they’ve shown enough promise to keep my faith in them strong, and their experience continues to stack up, making them a very formidable pairing.


-Early on, there was a bit of rumbling about me giving Mainstream the RCI. Rest assured, I did have a storyline planned. Unfortunately, I got so into the idea of it, that I neglected to realize that SWF would snatch him away(I have a working agreement with TCW, so I kow they wouldn’t steal anyone). When it got so late in the year and they still hadn’t acted, I completely forget about the Supreme Ones, and so I got blindsides when they took Hernandez away 2 months before I pulled the trigger on the storyline.


Basically, I was going to have Hernandez continue to hype up Patriot as the best wrestler MW had to offer. He’s not lying or anything, he really would think this. In his head, there’s no way that anyone, let alone him, could beat Patriot. So, when Showcase rolled around in January, I was going to have Rip inform him that he had to use his title shot by the RCI, or he would forfeit it forever. He would agree, though reluctantly, and at the RCI they would fight. Prior to the match beginning, though, the Succession would circle the ring and assault Patriot. Hernandez would reluctantly pin him, and Miss Emily would reveal that he signed a contract with her, and was now in The Succession.


Hernandez would spend the year acting relatively the same(he would be heel, but retain the same mannerisms and what not that made the fans love him. Essentially, he‘d be a face that was working for a heel), but his lack of confidence in himself would continually become an issue, surfacing more frequently over the year, causing him to do more heel-like things, such as cheat and accept the interference of The Succession members. This would eventually lead to a final showdown with Patriot, where he would either win legitimately, or cheat to win. I’m not exactly sure how I would have ended it.


Unfortunately, he was stolen away from me, so none of this matters. Just want you all to know that I did have a plan with that :D






Now’s the time for all of your feedback. I’d really like to hear what you guys liked about the diary, what you didn’t, what you’d like to see. Did you like Ford Gumble? Raphael? Do you want to see Mimic pushed harder? Do you want The Succession to look more dominant? I want to hear your thoughts!

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I guess this is my bad writing...


Jay's not gay, he was making a drug deal. Hence, "What I initially thought was happening wasn't." That's why he's strung out later when the fight happens. Bought some drugs, then got all uppity and what not, bringing him to the confrontation with Johnny.




And as for what I would like...


Push the Succession more. They're your top stable and need to get some victories. Oh, and push Ant-man. :p

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Just a little bump with the next Showcase card:




Amazing Fire Fly vs Jared Johnson in an RCI Qualifier Match

Cam Jones vs Mimic in an RCI Qualifier Match

American Patriot vs El Rudo

Steve Flash vs Roderick Remus in an RCI Qualifier Match

Findlay vs Kid Leone vs Citizen X in an RCI Qualifier Match

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Amazing Fire Fly vs Jared Johnson in an RCI Qualifier Match I mark for both these guys, but Johnson is better suited for a singles run. Fly/Ant at some point in the future, though, please

Cam Jones vs Mimic in an RCI Qualifier Match I think Jones is one of the MAW graduates? If so, this is a good place for him to get a push

American Patriot vs El Rudo Yeah. Patriot can be tough to get improving, but he's at the top for a reason

Steve Flash vs Roderick Remus in an RCI Qualifier Match Tough one, and reliant on no interference from X and Spike, but I don't think Flash loses here

Findlay vs Kid Leone vs Citizen X in an RCI Qualifier Match As noted above, Flash/X can square off as part of te RCI proper

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Only just started reading but i'm liking what i'm reading.



Amazing Fire Fly vs Jared Johnson in an RCI Qualifier Match

Cam Jones vs Mimic in an RCI Qualifier Match

American Patriot vs El Rudo

Steve Flash vs Roderick Remus in an RCI Qualifier Match

Findlay vs Kid Leone vs Citizen X in an RCI Qualifier Match

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Friday Week 2, January 2011

In front of 802 screaming fans



Earlier today…




Rip Chord stood in his office, four pictures hanging on the wall behind him. The faces of Cameron Vessey, Ford Gumble, Remmy Skye, and Ant-Man all stared blankly behind him.

“The Rip Chord Invitational,” he began, “was designed with one purpose in mind. This tournament is here to set the tone for the next year in MAW. All of the winners have gone on to play a major role in the company in the year following their victories. Every year before now, I’ve selected the eight best competitors I could find to square off against one another. This year, though, I’ve only picked 4.


“The men you see behind me--Cameron Vessey, The Ant-Man, Remmy Skye, and Ford Gumble-- all embody what this tournament means. They’re young, strong competitors that best exemplify what fighting for MAW means. They’re hungry. They all meet the only requirement the Invitational has, and that’s that they must not hold any titles in the company at the time of the tournament. These men want this win. They need it.”


“But they aren’t the only ones. No, tonight, 9 more men will do battle just to earn themselves a spot in the tournament. These men are mostly all fresh faces, kids I see a lot of potential in. But some of ‘em, some of em are old hands that just didn’t show me what I think is they’re best this past year. Tonight, they get a chance to prove that they still got it. Welcome to Showcase, and welcome to the Road to the Invitational!”






Amazing Fire Fly vs. Jared Johnson




Both of these men are usually seen in the tag team ranks, but the similarities stop there, and not just in temperament. Johnson became visibly frustrated throughout the match as Fly literally flew from corner to corner. He was only able to slow the speedy youngster down every now and then, and Fly was able to keep enough momentum on his side to hit the Sky High Splash (450 Splash) and score the win. With this victory, Fire Fly earns himself a spot in the RCI.


Fire Fly wins, 53.







“Duke Hazard here, an’ I’m standin’ by with Dharma Gregg and Ant-Man. Dharma, what in the world are you thinkin’ after what Jay Chord tried pullin’ at Night of Champions?”

“You know, Duke, there’s a lot of things running through my head, butone stands out above the rest: Jay Chord, last month you dared to put your hands on me, and I think you found out what a mistake that was. But we’re not done yet. Ant-Man is not only going to take your championship, he’s going to beat you into a bloody pulp.”

“Those are some strong words, Dha--” Duke began before he was cut off. Ant-Man had placed his hand over the interviewers mouth, and a silence washed over the interview area.


“Jay Chord,” he said, slowly. “This isn’t over between us. I’m coming for you!”


Ant-Man turned and stormed off down the hallway, leaving Dharma and Duke amazed that the masked warrior had spoken.






Cam Jones vs. Mimic




Joes is a graduate of the Mid Atlantic Dojo, and Rip Chord’s training shone through in his match with the viper known as Mimic. Unfortunately, he’s still a rookie, and was unable to put his lessons to practical use against the veteran Mimic, and fell to the Screwdriver, allowing Mimic to secure himself a place in this years RCI.


Mimic wins, 36.






American Patriot vs. El Rudo




El Rudo’s partner, Jared Johnson, had already lost earlier in the night, and the luchador looked to take a win over the champ in an attempt to keep his teams momentum high. That wasn’t to be, though, and Patriot easily went over here following an American Suplex (Backdrop Driver).


Patriot wins, 55.


After the match, Patriot grabbed a mic.


“Mean Jean, get your ass out here!”




A moment later, and Mean Jean strolled out onto the stage.


“Mean Jean, you and me’ve had a whole heap of trouble in the past, but I want you to know, dude, that you got my respect. It doesn’t matter what I throw at you, a chop, a lariat, an American Suplex, even the kitchen sink, you just keep on coming. You’re the toughest dude I know, brother. But I already told you all this when I shook your hand at Night of Champions. There’s something else I want to tell you here tonight.”


Jean stared blankly at the champ.


“At the RCI, I’m giving you more shot at this belt. I don’t want you to be mistaken, you haven’t done anything to earn this shot. Hell, I pinned you more times than I can count this past year. But Mean Jean, when I fight you, I have a good time, and I wanna kick off this year right. What do you say, dude?”


Mean Jean slowly raised a microphone to his lips. “You’re on!” he said as a smile crept across his face.






“Can you believe that man?” Miss Emily shrieked. Cameron Vessey shrunk back slightly.


“Believe, who, ma’am?” he asked.

“Rip Chord! Putting you, of all people, in that tournament of his. Clearly, he’s screwing with me.”


“Ma’am, I earned that spot,” Vessey said, slightly offended.

“Earned it? Doing what? Losing all of your title shots? Face it Vessey, you are no the future of this company, and you’re not the leader of this group. If your contract hadn’t dictated to me as such, I would never have pushed for your spot so hard.”


Vessey was speechless. Emily shivered.


“God, it’s cold in here. Can’t that bastard even pay the utilities on this backwoods building? Forget it, I’m going home. I can’t take this anymore.”


With that, Emily spun on her heels and stormed out of The Succession’s locker room. Vessey looked after her as Casey walked in.




“Sup, bro?” he said.


“…I’ve gotta win this tournament,” Vessey replied.


“I’ve gotta win. I’ve gotta prove to her that I’m worth keeping around,” repeated, almost trance-like.


Valentine stared at his friend, confused. “Umm, okay, dude.”






Steve Flash vs. Roderick Remus




Remus made his debut at the RCI last year, and set his sights on making the final cut for the tournament again this time around. Flash, however, had other things in mind as he tied up the young cruiserweight en route to a convincing win, earning himself a slot in the RCI.


Flash wins, 47


Instead of Flash’s music blasting through the speakers, Citizen X’s erupted immediately following the match. Flash dropped into a defensive position, guarding himself from an attack coming from any direction. Instead of being attacked, he watched as X and his new partner strolled lazily onto the stage.




“Relax, Steve Flash. I’m not here to brawl with you tonight. No, The New York Doll and I are here for a little bit of sport instead. You see, I’m vying for a spot in this Rip Chord Invitational as well. Besides, I’ve got plans for you, Steve Flash. I could take you out at any time, you know that, don’t you? I would hit you from all directions, crumble the walls around you. But I don’t want to do that. I don’t respect you, Steve Flash. You rely too much on the structure that’s been built around you, and that’s why you lose as you do. The structure has made you weak. Steve Flash, I can make you strong again. I want to help you. Help me help you.”




Findlay vs. Kid Leone vs. Citizen X w/ The New York Doll




Prior to the match beginning, security flooded out of the back as Steve Flash lunged at Citizen X and Doll. As they carted the raging veteran to the back, X simply smiled and shook his head, turning his focus to the matters at hand, the giant Findlay and the masked Kid Leone.


X and Leone did their best to team up and topple the giant, but they remained unsuccessful for the majority of the match. Finally, after Findlay dropped X with a big right hand, Leone was able to launch a huge super kick that dropped Findlay, causing the giant to roll from the ring. Seeing X down, Leone began stomping the mat, calling for another super kick. Just as he was about to strike, though, The New York Doll grabbed his foot. Leone kicked the newcomer away, but as he turned his attention back to X he was met with a boot to the gut and an Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb) to give Citizen X the win and slot in the RCI.


Citizen X wins, 60.



Total: 52

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Thanks! Booking the Showcase shows is real fun for me. I try to get some of my smaller guys out there and mix em up with my main players in some short matches, and it's a real refreshing experience for me. With just a single show a month, I always felt like I had to deliver big matches every month. This is much closer to how I think a wrestling show should be booked.
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Thanks! Booking the Showcase shows is real fun for me. I try to get some of my smaller guys out there and mix em up with my main players in some short matches, and it's a real refreshing experience for me. With just a single show a month, I always felt like I had to deliver big matches every month. This is much closer to how I think a wrestling show should be booked.


You might wanna try doing a secondary show every couple of months to increase your time and focus if you have the money for it.

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That's the plan. I actually lost money in December, but I really wanted wanted to push through with this show to lead up to the invitational. This way I'm not just hammering people with two big shows one after the other. I'll try it again when I get another attendance bump, though.
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That's the plan. I actually lost money in December, but I really wanted wanted to push through with this show to lead up to the invitational. This way I'm not just hammering people with two big shows one after the other. I'll try it again when I get another attendance bump, though.

Fair enough. I eagerly anticipate the day where Antman is the first Triple Crown champion in MAW history, and also is in the first main event of MAW TV. ;)

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