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TEW.com Presents…

The Smart Mark

By Mark Smart



Well, well, it looks like I drew the (UN)lucky number this week, as I’m stuck covering MAW’s yearly snore fest, The Rip Chord Invitational. Once again, Rip Chord is going to trot out a bunch of young, unpolished, and, quite frankly, horrible wrestlers, just so he can stroke his ego and have everyone proclaim him small-time wrestling’s hero. And for what? Presenting us all with the biggest ass-kisser in wrestling? LOL


This year’s show looks like it’s going to be even worse than last years, which is understandable. For all of you that (unfortunately) bought the DVD, you got to witness me up the quality of the show with my carry job of Findlay on the undercard. Alas, I’m nowhere to be found this year, because Rip just couldn’t stand that I wouldn’t suck up to him at every chance.


Before we talk about the Ass-Kiss Invitational, let’s go over the rest of the show, which is looking to be even worse than the actual tournament. First off, The Awesomeness (seriously, Rip? These guys are still champs? lrn2book) are issuing yet another open challenge. They’ve already beat every team on the roster, what’s the point? And don’t get me started on Lisa Bowen, she’s not even hot. I could do WAAAAYYYY better.


Raphael, who ripped his gimmick STRAIGHT from my man, the great Scott Sinclair, is going to be taking on Cam Jones. Who cares? The only story here is cheap gimmick vs. Rip’s kid? Ego, much? He’s not a good wrestler, Rip, no one wants to see Cam Jones! LOL


American Patriot defends his title against Jean Cattley (AGAIN!). This is the same exact main event from last years ****ty tournament. Why are people paying to see this again? We already know the fat guy in a mask and the ugly guy that can’t make it anywhere else can’t put on a good match together. We saw this like 80 times last year. NEXT.


I’m not going to ramble on about how the Invitational is important and it sets the tone for the next year in MAW and all that crap, because I would be lying. Let’s be honest, people, no one cares. Instead, I’m just going to give a quick rundown of each guy in the tournament:


Amazing Fire Fly: Not amazing at all. His gimmick is a bug, which is appropriate, because this guy’s TINY! Hit the gym, kid.


Ant-Man: Ok, his gimmick is that he’s small but really strong, hence the name. This just in: he’s not that strong! I did power lifting in high school, I could lift WAY more than him.


Cameron Vessey: Why is he, like, the leader of The Succession? He’s got all the charisma of Dusty Bin (sorry bro)


Citizen X: Ok, he’s a pretty good wrestler, but he’s got like the stupidest gimmick ever! Why would he want to ruin the company he works for? It’s dumb LMAO


Ford Gumble: He’s fat, and the Quick Draw Kick doesn’t even hurt. I can take like three and still stand up. NEXT


Mimic: Grunge? Really? That wasn’t even cool when Pearl Jam started it.


Remmy Skye: Alright, what’s his character? Is he a crazy paint-sniffing rainbow hair guy? Or is he a southern hillbilly? I’m honestly confused.


Steve Flash: This guy’s like 50, and Rip’s still pushing him. I thought you only wanted to push young guys, Rip?


And that’s about it. I’m about to post the card, so everyone can e-mail me their pointless predictions. No one cares, people! Your thoughts are always either stupid, or completely random. If you’re lucky, though, I might reply with a big, huge LOL for your troubles.







RCI Field

Round 1

Match 1: Amazing Fire Fly vs. Cameron Vessey

Match 2: Ant-Man vs. Mimic

Match 3: Steve Flash vs. Ford Gumble

Match 4: Remmy Skye vs. Citizen X


Round 2

The winner of match 1 vs. The winner of match 2

The winner of match 3 vs. The winner of match 4



The winners of round 2



The Awesomeness issue an open challenge

Cam Jones vs. Raphael

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship





TEW.com does not share this author’s views on show predictions. All predictions are welcome and open for discussion on the TEW forums.


I just shook my head after reading the article. I could always tell something was off about Mark, but just couldn't seem to figure it out. Looking back, it's pretty clear. Dude just needed a mask, and he would have been a great fit. That would have hidden his greasy hair, at least.

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RCI Field

Round 1

Match 1: Amazing Fire Fly vs. Cameron Vessey

Match 2: Ant-Man vs. Mimic

Match 3: Steve Flash vs. Ford Gumble

Match 4: Remmy Skye vs. Citizen X


Round 2

Cameron Vessey vs. Ant-Man

Steve Flash vs. Remmy Skye



Cameron Vessey vs. Remmy Skye



The Awesomeness issue an open challenge

Cam Jones vs. Raphaelp

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship


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RCI Field

Round 1

Match 1: Amazing Fire Fly vs. Cameron Vessey

Match 2: Ant-Man vs. Mimic

Match 3: Steve Flash vs. Ford Gumble

Match 4: Remmy Skye vs. Citizen X


Round 2

The winner of match 1 vs. The winner of match 2

The winner of match 3 vs. The winner of match 4



Cameron Vessey



The Awesomeness issue an open challenge

Cam Jones vs. Raphael

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship

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RCI Field

Round 1

Match 1: Amazing Fire Fly vs. Cameron Vessey

Match 2: Ant-Man vs. Mimic

Match 3: Steve Flash vs. Ford Gumble

Match 4: Remmy Skye vs. Citizen X


Round 2

Cameron Vessey vs. Ant-Man

Steve Flash vs. Citizen X



Ant-man vs. Citizen X



The Awesomeness issue an open challenge

Cam Jones vs. Raphael

American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship


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Just caught up on this, and like what I've read. This also seems like a nice convenient place to start chipping in with predictions. Liked the 'bitter' article from Mark Smart :D


RCI Field

Round 1

Match 1: Amazing Fire Fly vs. Cameron Vessey


I really like Fire Fly but Vessey's the one who has been getting the main event push and title shots.


Match 2: Ant-Man vs. Mimic


Ant- Man's risen to the midcard and Mimic is relatively new.


Match 3: Steve Flash vs. Ford Gumble


The upset loss to Ant-Man aside Gumble has been getting the stronger push, with Flash having a veteran gatekeeper vibe about him for the past year.


Match 4: Remmy Skye vs. Citizen X


Skye's record really hasn't been all that impressive in MAW but I think he pulls out the win in this one, simply because as a face he presents a better match up for Gumble.


Round 2

Cameron Vessey vs. Ant-Man


No disrepect to Ant-Man but this one's a no brainer. Wouldn't be surprised to see Chord intefere in this though to cost Ant-Man the win.


Ford Gumble vs. Remmy Skye


Skye finally gets some revenge on Gumble, besides Vessey-Gumble would be a heel/heel finals and just wouldn't work



Cameron Vessey vs. Remmy Skye


I know in his first round match I said Skye's record has been somewhat unimpressive but I'm going to go for him to pull out the mild upset. Besides we need some new blood in the title scene besides Patriot, Cattley and Sucession Member of the Month.



The Awesomeness issue an open challenge


One of these days, these Open challenges are going to come back to bite The Awesomeness, they've been solid champs and have held the belts longer than anyone would have imagined but it's time for a new team to come out with the belts, whoever that may be.


Cam Jones vs. Raphael


This a match Raphael can win


American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship


Patriot however does retain the belt and continues to be the dominant, almost unbeatable champ.

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I’d like to take this time to thank all you guys for the predictions and thoughts. Unlike Mark Smart, I do appreciate it :D



Friday Week 4, January 2011

In front of 817 MAW-faithful



Welcome, everyone, to the 2011 Rip Chord Invitational! To set the precedent for the evening, we decided to kick the show off right, delving right into the action!


Amazing Firefly vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Miss Emily, Round 1 of the RCI




Firefly’s an unknown quantity in MAW, and Vessey treated him as such. The tiny masked man sped about the ring, setting a hard pace for Vessey to try and match. Instead of trying to keep up, though, Vessey opted to wait and try to catch Fly in a mistake, which he did on multiple occasions. One such occasion proved to be too much for Fly to overcome, as Vessey tripped him up on the top turnbuckle prior to a Sky High Fire Fly (450 Splash) and dragged him off on his shoulders to hit a brutal Vessey Driver, allowing him the win and to advance in the tournament.


Vessey advances, 58.


Miss Emily climbed into the ring afterward, microphone in hand.


“Take note of this moment, people,” she said. “This is the moment that The Succession first began to establish our dominance. This may have just been a quarter-final match, but I think you can all tell from this performance who’s going to be coming out on top at the end of this night. And that’s not all! If you’re lucky, and everything goes as planned, which, of course, it will, I might just have a surprise for you all soon!”


“The Succession will soon have this promotion within it’s grasp. We’re the workhorses this entire company was built on, and we’ll show everyone that we do have the strength to carry it along into the next stage, like a globe on our backs.”






Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Mimic, Round 1 of the RCI




The grunge rocker from Canada earned his way into the tournament with a win over Cam Jones, but Ant-Man’s improved his game considerably in the past few months, and proved to be a substantial step up from the Mid Atlantic Dojo graduate. The masked wrestler used powerful slams and strikes to counter the high flying, high octane offense Mimic brings to the table, and finished the cruiserweight with a big time Ant-Slam (Flapjack Powerslam) that saw Mimic tossed an amazing height into the air. With this win, Ant-Man advances in the tournament, finding himself in round two with Cameron Vessey!


Ant-Man advances, 42







American Patriot strode down the hallway backstage before stopping at a locker room door. Lifting his heavy hand up, he rapped three times on the door. A moment later, it swung open and “Mean” Jean Cattley stood in its place.




“What do you want?” Jean asked.


“No need to get hostile, dude, I just came by to wish you good luck tonight,” Patriot answered.


Cattley looked quizzically at the champ. “What’s your game, Patriot? You’ve never done this before any of our other fights, and we’ve gone at it a lot.”

“That was different, brother. It’s a new year now. People change, times change, dude. So, good luck.”


Cattley stood silently a moment. Then, slowly, he opened his mouth. “Yeah, you too.”






Steve Flash vs. Ford Gumble, Round 1 of the RCI




Gumble came out swinging for the fences immediately. His aim was to finish off the dangerous veteran Flash early with a Quick Draw Kick, and he went for two in the early going that just barely missed the veteran’s head. Flash, for his part, remained on the defensive for the majority of the match, seeing fit to let Gumble tire himself out. When that inevitably happened, For began telegraphing his moves. When he struck out with yet another Quick Draw Kick, Flash was able to duck under and counter with a Flash Bang (Standing Hot Shot) that left Gumble stunned just long enough to pin. With this win, Flash advances to the semi-finals.


Flash advances, 48.






Remmy Skye vs. Citizen X w/ The New York Doll, Round 1 of the RCI




Though Remmy and X are relative equals, NYD’s presence at ringside was a big advantage for X. Though the mohawked anarchist never got directly involved in the match, his threat was enough to keep Skye on edge, and when he went for a back elbow, he telegraphed the move such that X was able to counter with a dropkick that left Skye’s back twisted and bent. Though the coutner looked like it might have been enough to finish off the rainbow haired Southerner, X wasnted to make sure, and powered Skye up and down with an Anarchy X (Crucifix Powerbomb) that left Skye down and out. Advancing to the semis, Citizen X finds himself in a match with his rival and one-time partner, Steve Flash!


Citizen X wins, 54







The Awesomeness’ music hit the speakers, and the rock stars strutted out with manager Lisa Bowen. Once in the ring, the young starlet grabbed a mic and addressed the crowd.


“Congratulations, everyone, you’re winners!” she began. “You’ve earned the right to see The Awesomeness tonight, live, in person! And that’s not all, you get to see them put the tag team titles on the line against some poor saps that think they can hang in the ring with greatness. So, whoever back there thinks they have what it takes to take on The Awesomeness, step right up, and be prepared to be put right back down.”


The arena was silent for a moment before the a rock version of O Canada rang out through the speakers and a pair of youngsters with maple leafs painted on their faces bounded out of the back.


Young Canadian League vs. The Awesomeness © w/ Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles







The Young Canadian League, now identified as Christian Price and Grimm Quinn, came out like a house of fire. Quinn’s reckless high-flying assault complimented the rugged brawling of Price perfectly, and the two debuting Canadian’s took the fight directly to the champs. The Awesomeness were struck unawares at first, but soon they, too, found their rhythm, and the match became a steady back-and-forth affair. Once Price downed Cannonball, though, Quinn climbed to the top and it looked like the match would be over. But Stardust was able to distract the ref, allowing Lisa Bowen to climb up on the apron and, with a hearty shove, push Quinn off the top and down to ringside. With Quinn down, Cannonball took the opportunity and rolled Price up with a handful of tights to steal the win and retain the titles.


The Awesomeness retain, 42.






Ant-Man w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Miss Emily, Round 2 of the RCI




Round 2 kicks off with Ant-Man and Cameron Vessey, and neither man showed the other any sort of mercy. The action here went back and forth, as both men tried to do more damage than the other in their attempts to advance in the tournament. The fight out of the ring and back in, and neither man looked like they were any better than the other. That’s when the difference maker showed up. While the two waged war in the ring, Jay Chord sauntered on down to the ring. As Ant-Man beckoned Vessey to get up after he had downed him, Chord reached in and snatched at Ant’s foot. Ant-Man twisted free before turning and yelling at Chord, who played innocent. Meanwhile, Vessey had gotten up, and he spun Ant-Man around to level him with a Vessey Plex. After pinning him, Vessey advances to the finals!

Vessey advances, 57.


While Vessey and Emily celebrated his win, Chord rolled into the ring and started walking circles around Ant-Man. As Ant recovered, Chord began to shower insults down on him, prodding him with his foot. Eventually, Ant had enough, and, grabbing Chord’s foot this time, tackled the second generation superstar to the the floor, where he began raining shots down on him. Vessey, no realizing what was happening, rushed to Chord’s aid, pulling Ant-Man off of him. After pushing Ant back, the two made a quick exit, backing down the ramp with Miss Emily.






Steve Flash vs. Citizen X w/ The New York Doll, Round 2 of the RCI




Luck would have it that these two would wind up meeting in a tournament match, and they didn’t hold back. The bad blood between these two former partners was enough to ensure that these two commenced an unrelenting attack on one another. Gone was Steve Flash’s defensive tactics from earlier tonight, replaced with an aggressive takedown/submission style that he used to try and snap X in half. X meanwhile, threw caution to the wind, and put his body on the line with some death-defying techniques that saw him in the air longer than he was on the ground. The match was on pace to be a great one, when it came to a sudden, abrupt ending. Flash, seeing an opportunity, quickly rolled Citizen X up, surprising both him and the fans by scoring the win with such a simple move when all the submissions he had tried had failed. With the win, Flash advances to the finals to face Cameron Vessey for the RCI Cup!

Steve Flash wins, 51


X was shocked at first, but that quickly changed as he called The New York Doll into the ring. The two began to close in on Flash when…



“Don’t you touch him!” Rip said, standing up from the announce table. “I’ve already had this tournament marred by Vessey’s cheating, and I’ll be damned if I let you beat on one of my finalists!”


The crowd erupted in cheers.

“If you so much as touch a hair on his head tonight, you and your little buddy there are fired. Contracts null and void. I know you like to play at anarchy, and I keep you around cause I think it’s amusing and all, but we all know that no matter how much you talk about bringing us all down, I’m still the one that writes you a paycheck every month. So why don’t you get out of the ring, go to the back, and start planning on how you’re gonna bring down the man next time. For now, though, Flash has a match later tonight, and I want him to be there in as good of health as possible.”


The New York Doll looked to throw caution to the wind, and began advancing on Flash anyway, but X put his hand on the youngster’s shoulder. He slowly shook his head, and, not taking his eyes off Flash, turned and left with his partner.






Cam Jones vs. Raphael




Before the match, Raph did his best to get a number from one of the many girls sitting at ringside. Big, small, short, tall, cute, ugly, it didn’t matter to him. Unfortunately, no one seemed interested in swapping numbers with the Sultan of Sexy, and that spelled bad news for Cam Jones. Rejected, Raph went on a tear through Rip’s student, capitalizing his assault with a Heartbreaker (Double Knee Gutbuster) to score a rather easy win.


Raph wins, 50.






Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Miss Emily for the RCI Cup





The two wrestlers came to the ring battered and bruised from their previous battles, but they put it all on the line regardless of their wounds. Neither was content to let the other win, and they tore into one another with gusto. Flash actually opened up a cut underneath Vessey’s eye with a hard right hand, but the blood only served to enrage him, and the two continued to wage war to determine who would be crowned this year’s RCI tournament winner. Eventually, Flash was able to hit the Flash Bang (Stun Gun) but before falling to the groud, Vessey stumbled about before rebounding with a huge lariat that left both men down. The ref almost reached his obligatory 10-count before they both made their way to their feet, and began to exchange a series of high impact moves that left each man closer and closer to the end. Finally, Vessey flipped out of the back of a suplex attempt, and was able to hit the Vessey Plex to score the win.


Cameron Vessey wins the RCI, 55


Before Rip could even congratulate Cameron, Miss Emily had already ripped both the trophy and microphone out of his hands.


“Thank you, thank you everyone!” she said. Cameron looked at her, a little puzzled. “Now, not only do I own the Traditional champion, I own the Rip Chord Invitational winner. It won’t be long until I get the Mid Atlantic Champion, too.” Vessey smiled smugly at the (obvious) compliment. “I told everyone that it was only a matter of time until I controlled MAW, and I only have one question. Who’s laughing now? Rip, I just want to thank you for overlooking all of this ripe, bitter talent for me to pluck up and use. It really means a lot to me.”


She pressed the microphone back into the hand of Rip.


“What are you--” he began before being interrupted.


“I didn’t give you the microphone to talk, I gave it to you to hold. No one cares what you have to say, old man,” Miss Emily said, waving him off as she and Cameron Vessey walked off holding the freshly won trophy.






American Patriot © vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Championship





As the ring bell rang, the two men shook hands in a mutual sign of respect before locking horns. The match turned out to be a wrestling purist’s dream, as the two put on a clinic, exchanging holds and locks and punches and chops, with neither of the two looking any better than the other. As has come to be expected from these two, the match continually rose in both intensity and excitement, to the point where it looked like one would have to kill the other to get a submission or pinfall. With the fans on the edge of their seats, Patriot finally put Cattley away after blocking a Mood Swing (Reverse STO) and turning it into his own finisher, the American Suplex (Backdrop Driver).

American Patriot retains, 67.


Rubbing his sore neck, Cattley was helped to his feet by the man that had just defeated him moments before. Despite looking more than a little disappointed, Cattley shook the hand of Patriot once more before raising it in the air as the two basked in the glory and the fans rained down both cheers and red, white and blue streamers. The celebration wouldn’t last long, though, as Casey Valentine, Jay Chord, and RCI winner Cameron Vessey leapt out of the crowd and surrounded the ring.




Patriot and Cattley both dropped into defensive stances immediately, weighing their options before the inevitable assault took place. Then, all at once The Succession swarmed the ring, beating on the already battered men in the ring. Miss Emily slowly swayed down to the ring in the meantime, enjoying the show as her boys bloodied Cattley and Patriot. Finally, she stepped into the ring.

“Hold him up,” she commanded, pointing to Patriot. Valentine and Chord hoisted the heavyweight up on his knees as she got in his face. “Patriot, you’ve had a nice run. You really have. But your time is up. Now, now is the era of The Succession. Allow me to introduce to you the man that will personally succeed you--” Vessey was beaming now, and puffed out his chest “--A man that dwarfs you in size and power, and your next Mid Atlantic Championship.”


Vessey stepped up, preparing to take the mic, but Emily didn’t introduce him. In fact, she didn’t say anything as the lights in the arena dimmed. Smoke filled the ramp way as a huge man thundered out from the back.



Miss Emily smiled as he made his way to the ring, whereas Vessey simply looked shocked. Climbing into the ring, the man set his gaze upon the limp body of Jean Cattley. Easily hoisting the technician up, he wrapped both hands around his throat before powering him up and right back down with a brutal slam. Snapping his head sideways, he set his eyes on the champ, and slowly made his way to the barely struggling Patriot. Repeating the move he did to Jean, he paused to hold Patriot in the air, struggling for breath before bringing him back down to earth in a sick fashion. As The Succession and the monster stood above the carnage in the ring, Miss Emily slowly raised the mic to her lips.


“Welcome back to MAW…”








Total: 58

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Mac may be around 30 years my senior, but he could still work me over pretty damn good in the ring. I traveled down to the Piledriver gym in Orlando for about a week a month, just so I could work with Mac. I may have had Rip and Steve Flash to train with in Delaware, but Mac and me just kinda clicked, and I felt like I got better gains working with him. I had gotten a lot better in the last year, but I knew that there was always room for me to improve. Coming down here helped me do that. Plus, Mac really liked showing me off to the new students. For whatever reason, he was really proud of me.


After a long training session both in and out of the ring (Mac was a stickler for watching tapes of old matches to improve our understanding of match structure), we sat down to take a break.


“Hey, Mac?” I said.

“Yeah, John?”


“What do you think about me doing a new finisher?”


“You aren’t liking the power slam? That gets a pretty good pop from what I can tell.”

“Yeah, but it’s real basic, ya know? I'm getting a better grasp on everything now, and I wanna upgrade my moveset a little. Plus, a lot of the bigger guys that aren’t real athletic can’t get any height on the press. It’s kinda hard to catch ‘em.”


“I get ya. What about the Execution?”

“At Dawn? I like it, but I think I want another move that’s easy to do to everyone, like the Raid-Line. I’m strong, but I think I need to be big like you to really get that over.”


Mac laughed. “You are pretty puny, kid.”


Sarcastically, I chuckled along with him. “Gee, thanks a lot.”


“Don’t take it seriously, John. You jack around a lot, but you get your little feelings hurt when people start doing it to you.”


“Yeah, I know…” I said. Suddenly, it came to me. “…What about a submission?”


Mac thought on it. “It could work. Whadda ya got in mind?”


“Something easy…like a camel clutch.”

“I think you have the right idea. But I don’t like the clutch for you.”


“Middle Eastern heels aren’t the only ones that use it anymore, Mac,” I said.


That got Mac laughing again. “I know, I know. I do keep up on the new stuff in wrestling, ya know. I’m just saying, you want something that stands out more. Too many guys use the clutch as a standard move nowadays.”

“So what are you thinking?” I asked.


“I’ve been watching a lot Japanese stuff lately, and I got something in mind. It’s similar to the clutch, but I think it gets a way bigger pop. It’s simple, too…”





Eddie Cornell vs. Kid Leone

Riley McManus vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

The Awesomeness issue yet another open challenge with the titles up for grabs

Young Canadian League vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)

Culture Shock vs. C-V-2

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas

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Eddie Cornell vs. Kid Leone

Riley McManus vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

The Awesomeness issue yet another open challenge with the titles up for grabs

Young Canadian League vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)

Culture Shock vs. C-V-2“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas


I wanted Ant-man to win... :(

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Maybe... :(


As for a submission, might I suggest the Cattle Mutilation?


I was actually thinking about that earlier, but I've decided on something a little bit simpler. Mainly because I wanted something that he could be doing to someone and have a staredown right in the middle of it. Both the Cattle Mutilation and what I picked are two of my favorites, however.

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I was actually thinking about that earlier, but I've decided on something a little bit simpler. Mainly because I wanted something that he could be doing to someone and have a staredown right in the middle of it. Both the Cattle Mutilation and what I picked are two of my favorites, however.


... Sharpshooter.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Kid Leone


This is Bargain Bin Cornell's debut right? In that case I'll tip him for the win.


Riley McManus vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title


Another routine defence for Chord.


The Awesomeness issue yet another open challenge with the titles up for grabs


I tipped The Awesomeness run as champs to come to an end last time, I'll play safer this time round and they say they retain again.


Young Canadian League vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)


Looks like YCS have come into job, and The Anarchists have a focused push behind them.


Culture Shock vs. C-V-2


The Succession need to keep looking dominant


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas


Atlas re-debut with MAW would be a bit unimpressive if he came in and lost on his debut.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Kid Leone

Riley McManus vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

The Awesomeness issue yet another open challenge with the titles up for grabs

Young Canadian League vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)Culture Shock vs. C-V-2

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas


Is Ant-Man going to feature a Figure Four? That is the only submission I can think of that could include a stare-off in it.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Kid Leone

Riley McManus vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

The Awesomeness issue yet another open challenge with the titles up for grabs

Young Canadian League vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)

Culture Shock vs. C-V-2

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas

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Eddie Cornell vs. Kid Leone

Riley McManus vs. Jay Chord © for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title

The Awesomeness issue yet another open challenge with the titles up for grabs

Young Canadian League vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)

Culture Shock vs. C-V-2

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas

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Just thought I'd let ya'll know that it's gonna be a couple of days before I get the update. Fallout: New Vegas and Minecraft have threatened to steal all my time that I have to get on my laptop, so writing for the show's been slow. I do, however, have the Kid Leone/Eddie Cornell match written up, so that's a plus. Then again, it is a rather short write up, so...yeah.


Just thought I'd let ya'll know since I usually update fairly quickly.

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Friday, Week 4, February 2010

In front of a sold out crowd in Delaware Hall



Tonight’s show kicks off with American Patriot walking down to the ring, his Mid Atlantic Championship belt held securely in his hand.



“Last month, I fought someone that I respect,” he began. “Someone that’s earned a shot at this belt. Cattley and I don’t agree all the time, but that dude represents everything that MAW stands for. Drive, passion, honor. Those are some real American traits, and it’s no secret that I got a lot of respect for the USA. What I don’t have respect for, though, is The Succession. Boys, you done goofed with your little sneak attack after my match. Me and Jean, well, we didn’t take too kindly to it.”

“But Miss Emily, I got some news for you. You ain’t getting what you want. You brought Atlas back to MAW, and that’s all fine and dandy, lady, but he hasn’t done a damn thing to earn a title shot. You may be right, and that big son of a bitch may be the next Mid Atlantic champion, but he’s going to have to do something to earn that chance before he steps in the ring with me.”


“You’ve gotten me all confused, though. You’ve got Cameron Vessey, who’s earned a shot already, and you’re pushing that giant on me instead? Lady, I don’t know if you went to college, but you might want take a few more classes, cause that’s bad business! The facts are this: until you send someone after me that’s earned a shot at my gold, you don’t get a match with me. I’m going to keep on defending this belt against people that I think deserve a shot.”






Eddie Cornell vs. Kid Leone




Eddie, looking every bit like his older cousin Tommy, makes his American wrestling debut with this match against young up and comer Kid Leone. The two shook hands before engaging in an impressive display of chain wrestling that saw Leone come out on top. Though Cornell is relatively unknown this side of the Atlantic, his name was enough to have the fans solidly behind him, allowing him the momentum needed to fight back. The two went back and forth in an entertaining match before Leone dropped Cornell with a flying forearm and began stomping the mat, calling for his trademark super kick, which he hit to knock the younger Cornell out and steal the win. After the match, Leone and Cornell both celebrated together, having opened the show in an entertaining fashion.


Kid Leone wins, 57.







Ford Gumble and Remmy Skye were having a serious discussion backstage when Raphael approached the pair.


“Hey, Ford,” Raphael interrupted.


Ford and Remmy continued to talk.


“Ford,” Raph repeated.


Again, he was ignored.


“Look here, daddy-o,” Raph said, putting his hand on Ford’s shoulder.


Ford quickly spun around, pushing Raph against the wall and pressing his forearm into his throat.

“I’m having a conversation, boy. Now why don’t you get the hell out of here before I decide to stop being so damn nice?”


Ford released Raphael, who was gasping for air. “Ford, you *******! I’m gonna make you pay for this, dammit!” he said before rushing away.


Remmy watched the Texas Hit Man warily. “Now you acting like that is making me kinda wonder why I came to you with this proposition in the first place…”







Backstage, a familiar face to wrestling fans was at the catering table. Cat Jemson was putting together a delicious looking sandwich when Lisa Bowen approached.


“What are you doing here?” Lisa said with a confrontational tone.


Cat didn’t even look up from the bread box. “Just here for some business, Lisa. Nothing for you to concern yourself with.”

“Hmmph. Any business of yours is bad news. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s already getting crowded around here, as far as managers go. It’s no secret that I’m top bitch around here, but I just want you to know that I don’t take kindly to girls trying to come in and ride my coattails. I barely put up with Dharma and Emily as it is.”


“Is that all?” Cat asked.




“I asked you if you were done talking,” Cat said, turning and facing Lisa for the first time.


“Umm, yeah.”


“Good, then you can run along now,” Cat said.


“But--” Lisa started.


“Run along,” Cat repeated, gesturing her away.


“I…you…humph!” Lisa said, spinning on her heel and stomping away.






Riley McManus vs. Jay Chord w/ Miss Emily for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





Jay continues his trend of taking on inferior talent tonight as he steamrolls through Riley McManus. The young technician was never able to get any momentum on his side and Jay simply beat on him before mercifully ending this one sided match with a Cradle Piledriver.


Jay Chord retains, 48.


Following the match, Emily clambered into the ring and called down the remaining members of the Succession down to the ring. Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey swept the curtain out of the way and sauntered to the ring, followed by the monstrous Atlas.

“It’s sad, really,” Emily began. “MAW is supposed to be a place where the next generation of stars make their names, and, sadly, that just isn’t the case. The four men behind me have been swept to the wayside because of the blatant favoritism and cowardice of that man right there, Rip Chord!” Emily pointed an accusing finger toward the announce table as Rip and announcer Remmington Remus watched on, confused. “Instead of these titans of the industry, Rip presents you over and over again with such disgraces as the ass-kissing old man, Jean Cattley, the merchandise-selling American Patriot, and, before we took care of it, that imbecile Mainstream Hernandez.”


Emily shook her head as all the members, aside from Atlas, looked about smugly behind her.


“We have Jay Chord, his own son, who he holds down because he’s afraid his legacy will surpass his own. Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine, who Chord despises because of a disagreement with their fathers and uncles. And, most of all, we have Atlas. The man who, four years ago, was ready to hold this company up on his back as Mid Atlantic Champion. But no, because of a simple disagreement, Rip ousted him from MAW. Guess what, Rip? He’s back, and he works for me now. And he’s learned everything your old, brutal nemesis Professor Nero could teach him. He’s better than he’s ever been, Rip, and he’s angry. Together, with me, Jay, Cameron and Casey, he wants this company, Rip. And dammit, I’m going to give it to him.”







Lisa Bowen strutted down to the ring, flanked by The Awesomeness.


“It’s that time again! Tonight just for all of you in attendance, the Awesomeness are going to deliver an Awesome Showcase against any team backstage that thinks they have what it takes to steal these titles away from us!”


The three stood in the ring a moment before some rap music kicked on and Cat Jemson strolled out onto the stage.




“What are you doing out here?” Lisa demanded.

“Lisa, I’m really sorry. I mean, I lied to you earlier,” she said.


“Could you just go away now? We’ve got business to take care of out here.”


“That’s what I’m talking about, Lisa. I lied when I told you my business wasn’t with you.”


“Don’t tell me you have a team back there that you actually think can beat my boys,” Lisa said, breaking into laughter. Cannonball and Stardust quickly followed suit.


“Oh, I think I do. Come on out, boys.”


With that, two muscle-bound thugs came through the curtain, flanking Cat and causing The Awesomeness to cease their laughter.


“Lisa, meet Shady and Knuckles: Death Row!”


Death Row w/ Cat Jemson vs. The Awesomeness © w/ Lisa Bowen for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship





Death Row had the champs on the ropes from the start. Both outweighed Cannonball and Stardust significantly, and used that advantage to impose their will on the champs. The champs were able to utilize their speed advantage and willingness to just fight dirty to stay in the match, and their tactics were working. With Lisa Bowen on apron arguing with referee Jay Fair, Cannonball slid a steel chair into the ring, which Stardust was quick to pick up. Raising it in front of his face, he found himself on the wrong end of the chair, as Knuckles threw a huge right hand that pushed the chair right into Stardust’s face. Shaking his hand out, Knuckles threw the chair from the ring, and with Shady K holding Cannonball on the outside, Jay Fair counted to three, naming Death Row your new Mid Atlantic Tag champs!

Death Row win the titles, 59







Casey Valentine was walking backstage, leading Atlas to the Succession’s locker room when he passed an intersection in the hallway. With the crossing between them, a fork lift suddenly sped through, separating the two.




Mean Jean quickly hopped out on Casey’s side and began to dish out a beating to the young star. Picking him up, Mean Jean threw him back into the wall with a Mood Swing (Reverse STO) that left Valentine limp as Atlas stared coldly on.


Mean Jean and Atlas locked eyes across the barrier now.

“Listen here you big son of a bitch,” Jean said. “That, that’s just a taste of what you’re gonna get later tonight. No one does what you did to me last month, and you’re going to find out first hand why they call me “Mean” Jean.”


Cattley turned and left, leaving Atlas to watch him silently from behind the barrier.







Ant-Man and Dharma Gregg were sitting in their locker room when a knock came at the door.


“Come on in, boys” Dharma said as Island Boy Apollo and Amazing Fire Fly pushed open the door and came in. Ant-Man stood to greet them.


“Dharma, I’m glad you invited us in on this,” Apollo said. “Thank you. What Jay Chord tried to do to you a few months back was reprehensible, and me and Fly hate to see anything like that going on. Anything we can do to help out, we will, right Fly?”


“Si,” Fire Fly answered.


Dharma looked at Ant-Man. “Ant, are you good with this?”


Ant-Man smiled and extended his hand to Culture Shock. “Welcome aboard, guys.”







The Anarchists, Citizen X and The New York Doll, made their way to the ring next.


“It’s no great secret that every great leader has had to make compromise,” X said, glaring at Rip Chord. “Last month, I had the chance to teach a truly valuable lesson to Steve Flash, to open his mind to new and wondrous ideas. But, if I would have done so, my means of spreading my message would have been taken away from me. I opted to wait. It’s no matter, I will bring Steve Flash over to the right side eventually. Steve Flash, I will open your eyes, and you will see the world for the cold, lifeless place it is. You’ll become disgusted as I did and throw away your inhibitions. You’ll give in to all of your base desires, you’ll see what it truly means to be human. That’s in your future, Steve Flash. In the meantime, The New York Doll and I will demonstrate to you what is truly possible when one lets loose, lets the structure of their life crumble around them and come out still on their feet.”

The Young Canadian League vs. The Anarchists




Price and Quinn did their best to Ward off the onslaught that the Anarchists brought down on them, but the Young Canadians proved to be just that, too young as the much more experienced Anarchists beat them down until a merciful finish.


The Anarchists win, 39.






Culture Shock vs. C-V-2




Ant-Man’s new buddies fought valiantly here, as they made a big step up in competition. Maybe it was just the earlier attack Valentine suffered, but the pari looked surprisingly strong against the former tag champs. Vessey was able to drive his team forward and overcome the handicap, though, and when Fire Fly made a graceful leap from the top, he was unceremoniously dropped on his head as Vessey caught him and drilled him with a Vessey Driver. As Valentine struggled to reach his feet, Vessey looked particularly strong, especially coming off his recent RCI win.

C-V-2 win, 56.






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas w/ Miss Emily




Mean Jean wasted no time in trying to chop the big man down, going straight for the legs of the giant. Atlas, though, just seemed to shrug off all attacks that were thrown at him. After pushing Cattley back, Atlas dropped him with a short arm clothesline and continued to dominate the match from this point. After several minutes of bone crushing slams from Atlas, Cattley finally tripped up the giant and locked in a tight leg lock and began cranking back. Atlas, however, powered out of the hold, kicking at Mean Jean’s jaw with his free foot, leaving the former champion dazed. Standing up in a rage, Atlas bent down and wrapped both hands around the throat of Cattley, and lifted him up the air from his position on the mat before slamming him back down to earth with that brutal choke bomb he debuted last month. Placing a single hand on Cattley’s chest, Jay fair counted to three and Atlas was declared the winner.


Atlas wins, 54.


For the second time tonight, Miss Emily clambered into the ring to celebrate with her client. But he stood motionless over Cattley, his chest heaving. It was clear that there wasn’t going to be any post-match shenanigans from this monster.



Total: 52



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“So…how are you and Jay doing?” Lisa asked.


“Honestly? I don’t know. That guys so messed up I have no idea how to handle him. I think it’d all be a lot better if I wasn’t working this program with him,” I said.

“Yeah, I understand. Jay’s really hard to read, ya know? He’s got no friends that anyone knows of, he makes no effort to be easy to work with-”

“-Even with Rip,” I interrupted.


“Don’t interrupt me, John.”


I frowned. “Sorry, babe.”


“It’s ok. But I think you might be on to something. Jay knows how Rip used to be, back in the day. All the alcohol and drugs and parties all the time. Rip was a rock star, and I think Jay sees that and wants it, too.”

“The problem is Jay’s not a rock star. I’m not gonna be bitter about everything and say he’s not talented or anything like that, but Jay’s no star. Not yet, at least.”

“And if there’s any justice, he won’t make it before you do,” Lisa said, cuddling up to me.


“Thanks,” I said, kissing her forehead. “But we both know that there’s no way I don’t become a star.


Lisa giggled.


“Don’t laugh! I got it all. The skill, the strength, the charisma, the machismo, the muscles, and this sweet-ass costume! This thing’s a merchandise gold mine!”

“You’re an idiot, you know that right?” she said, laughing.

“That may be so, but this idiot’s gonna be a star some day!”







Death Row © vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Ford Gumble vs. Raphael

Culture Shock vs. Jay Chord and Casey Valentine

Ant-Man vs. ???

American Patriot vs. Citizen X

Cameron Vessey vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley

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Death Row © vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles


Death Row aren't going to lose these belts in their first defence


Ford Gumble vs. Raphael


Gumble has been presented as a bad-ass in MAW, Raphael is pretty much just comic relief.


Culture Shock vs. Jay Chord and Casey Valentine


Sorry Culture Shock but you're just not main event enough.


Ant-Man vs. ???


I'll go with Ant-Man to continue his generally winning ways.


American Patriot vs. Citizen X


Keep the champion strong.


Cameron Vessey vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley


Vessey's not being presented as the main title threat in the Succession now, so I think Cattley wins here...I can see this ending in a DQ however with Atlas destroying Cattley post match.

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Friday, Week 4, March 2010

In front of 1,000 wild Delawarian fans in their home-state hall!



Death Row © w/ Cat Jemson vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles





We kicked the evening off in high gear as our new tag champs came out to make their first title defense against Bad Company. Death Row looked strong early on, but the two technicians standing across from them proved to be worthy adversaries, as they countered every bit of straight ahead brawling the thugs threw at them with a little bit of their sweet science. Eventually, though, after a hard fought match Death Row was able to level El Rudo with a Hunts Point Bomb (Double Powerbomb) to retain their titles.

Death Row retain, 54.




During Death Row’s celebration, Lisa Bowen led The Awesomeness out to interrupt.

“This is an embarrassment!” Lisa shrieked. “We’re the former champs, and these jokes get a title shot before us?”


Cat grabbed a mic and retorted, “Girl, you couldn’t even beat my boys trying to cheat last month. Your guys don’t deserve a shot at these belts.”

“Don’t deserve a shot?” Lisa asked. “We’re the former champions, we’re entitled to one.”


Cat laughed. “Girl, you really need to work on your managerial skills. I don’t know if you’re just really confident in your boys or you’re just really dumb, but you left a rematch clause out of all of those little open challenge contracts you wrote up. You guys don’t get anything!”


Then, to Lisa’s dismay, she continued. “In fact, I think that since Bad Company here put up such a good fight, they get another shot, next month at Americana!”






Ford Gumble vs. Raphael




Raphael opted to forego his usual pre-match flirting with any and every woman at ringside, instead focusing his intention on the danger that awaited him in the ring. Ford came out swinging early, both with forearm strikes as well as kicks to the thigh and mid section. The early onslaught caused Raph to bail to the outside, where Ford fired off on him some more. After some viscous shots, Ford took aim, then fired off. QUICK DRAW KICK!


No! Raph ducked and Ford blasted the ring post instead. Raph took advantage and began laying waste to the leg of Gumble. He eventually set Gumble up in the corner, and came charging in, aiming to hit a low dropkick to Ford’s ankle…QUICK DRAW KICK! Gumble fires off with his left foot, and still absolutely levels Raphael. Gumble lays down on his opponent as referee Jay Fair counts to 3, awarding him the win.


Ford Gumble wins, 47







Ford was getting his ankle looked at by the doc and talking to Remmy Skye when Raphael burst in the room.

“Ford, you son of a bitch!” Raph shouted. “I’m gonna kick your ass!”


“Whoa, now,” Remmy said, stepping between the two. “I think you’d best get on out of here.”


“Don’t tell me what to do, rainbow boy,” Raph said, pushing Remmy aside. “You know what, I’ll take both of you on. Next month, tag match. Both of you ladies.”


Raph suddenly turned on his heel to leave before walking straight into the wall by the door. “Ow… Be there!” he said, prior to successfully exiting the room.


“Well, I guess that takes care of that bit of business we were talking about,” Remmy said.


Ford nodded.






Culture Shock w/ Ant-Man vs. Jay Chord and Casey Valentine w/ Miss Emily




Culture Shock had yet another strong showing this month against the Succession’s team of Jay Chord and Casey Valentine. Ant-Man played a big part in that as, even though he didn’t get directly involved in the match, he was always drawing Chord’s attention to himself. That spelled trouble for the Traditional champ, as Apollo and Fire Fly were all over for him. Valentine did his best to keep them at bay, and Chord eventually was able to switch his attention over to the match, using his awareness to crotch Fire Fly on the top rope. With his legs still on the top turnbuckle, Jay dragged Fire Fly out and planted him with his brutal Super DDT to score the win for his team.


Chord and Valentine win, 62.


Chord and Valentine took to strutting around after the match, taunting their fallen opponents. When the taunting became a little more physical with Chord booting Fire Fly in the gut, Ant-Man launched himself into the ring to intervene. The fiery masked star threw fists all around, fending off both Valentine and Chord. Chord got the message, and quickly retreated to the ramp with Miss Emily. Valentine, however, wasn’t so lucky.


Ant-Man cornered the tanned second generation star, eventually backing him into Apollo, who greeted him with a nice fist in the face. Fire Fly joined in, and the three began passing Valentine off with punches. When Valentine had enough, he collapsed to the ground, clawing his way out of the ring. Ant-Man was quicker than he, though, and he grabbed Valentine by the boots before sitting forcefully down on his back. Reaching over, Ant-Man locked Valentine in some sort of Dragon Sleeper variation, cranking back on the neck and back of Valentine simultaneously. While Valentine struggled to escape, Ant-Man locked eyes with Jay Chord and Miss Emily, both of whom were fuming.

“That’s it! Stop this!” Miss Emily shrieked. “If you want some action so bad tonight, then you’re going to get it, dammit!”


With that, the lights, dimmed, and familiar ominous music spread out through the arena. When the lights returned to normal, Ant-Man was seen releasing Valentine from the hold as the monster Atlas stormed out to the ring.






Ant-Man w/ Culture Shock vs. Atlas w/ Jay Chord & Miss Emily




Though Atlas dwarfed Ant-Man, the diminutive wonder did not back down, instead attacking with fervor, adopting the same strategy Jean Cattley utilized last month in trying to chop the big man’s legs out from under him. After several attacks to the right leg of Atlas, it looked as if Ant-Man would actually down the giant, but when he ran the ropes he was met with a monstrous bicycle kick that left him layed out on the mat. Kneeling, Atlas placed one hand on the chest of Ant-Man, but the masked star miraculously kicked out, even after such a viscous attack. Visibly annoyed, Atlas placed two hands around the throat of Ant-Man and lifted him from his prone position all the way into the air, looking to nail his choke bomb, but Ant-Man broke free after several Mongolian chops. Struggling for breath, Ant-Man reared back and threw all of his weight into a Raid Line (Lariat) that barely reached Atlas’ chest. Though the blow staggered Atlas back, the giant answered with yet another bicycle kick that turned inside out. This time, Atlas didn’t even go for the pin, heading straight into the choke bomb, which he was able to hit, leaving Ant-Man down and out.


Atlas wins, 39


With Atlas present, Culture Shock remained on the outside, allowing the snake Jay Chord to slide into the ring. Holding his traditional title belt, he got in the unconscious Ant-Man’s face, screaming obscenities at the young man.







American Patriot stood in the ring looking somber.

“Atlas, last month you beat Jean Cattley, a man I got tons of respect for. Just now, you beat on one of the best up-and-comers we got here in MAW. You proved me wrong, dude. You earned a title shot. But, much as it pains me, I ain’t giving you one.”


“You’re being used, brother. You could be one of the greats here in MAW. You got it all, talent, strength, intensity, you’re the total package, dude. You could be good for MAW, and honestly, beside the red, white, and blue, that’s all I care about. But not like this. Not with her behind you. She ain’t good for MAW. She’s here t change things, to switch up a winnign formula, and that just ain’t right, dude.”


“I’m gonna say it one more time: you don’t get a shot, brother. Sorry.”

“Who the hell cares?”




It was Citizen X, with his crony New York Doll.


“What the hell’s a title belt represent anyway? Respect? Power? Hah! No one man should have any more than any other. It upsets the balance of nature. The government you love and respect so much is corrupt, as all are. They’re just like your precious title belt. Everyone clambers to control it, and yet, when they do, all they do is lord it over others, exerting their superiority on the working class. Someday, I’ll lead the working class in a revolution, American Patriot, and together, we’ll make the world descend into a glorious chaos like no one’s ever seen. That starts tonight, when I show to everyone that those without the silly golden belt are just as effective as those with.”


American Patriot vs. Citizen X w/ New York Doll




Citizen X looked to make good on his promise, throwing himself head first at Patriot with a flurry of high risk moves that the chaotic star has come to be known for. Patriot, however, showed everyone why he’s the champ, and was able to weather the storm, retaining his composure and picking his shots, finally hitting the American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) to pick up the win in this very competitive match up.


Patriot wins, 60.


After the match, X was visibly upset, and New York Doll was doing his best to calm him down when Steve Flash’s music hit. The veteran exchanged a respectful nod with the passing champ before he addressed X.




“Well, X, I’ve gotta say it: you just can’t seem to win. For all this talk of ‘chaos’ making you so much better than everyone, you don’t seem to be doing too well lately.”

“What would you know Steve Flash?” X shot back. “These...these rules continually hold me back, as they do every one that competes under them!”


“Hold you back, huh? Sounds like an excuse to me. If anything, I’d say that someone that can wind with all of the rules in place is the better fighter, I.E. me.”


“You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you, Steve Flash? But you forget. You’ve had a long career, it’s understandable. I remember, though, Steve Flash. I remember. I’ve seen you’re matches where they’ve thrown the rule book out the proverbial window, and I’ve seen you unrestricted. You were great then, and I want to bring that back to you. I want you to see, to remember, to come to my side. Together, we three can topple this corrupt company and release the potential hidden in this roster.”


“You want to help me, huh? And just how do you propose to do that?”

“I have a plan, Steve Flash,” X answered. “Next month, at Americana, I want you to compete in my special House of Chaos match. You’ll have no choice but to turn to your base instincts, and it will be glorious.”

“You and me? You got it!” Flash answered.


Citizen X laughed. “No, no, Steve Flash. You’re not ready for me yet. You would surely be swallowed up in a whirlwind should you attempt to throw yourself headfirst into such a beautiful life style. No, I wish to ease you into all of this. The New York Doll will be your introduction into this lifestyle. Surely you accept?”


“I never back down from a fight,” Flash answered. “Of course I accept.”






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Cameron Vessey w/ Miss Emily




Originally, Vessey was scheduled to team up with Casey Valentine in taking on Culture Shock, but he personally requested this match when Cattley was cleared to compete with no lasting injuries. Indeed, Cattley looked fit and healthy, showing no signs of damage from his match with Atlas last month. The two have met in triple threat matches before, but never have they competed one-on-one, and this match lived up to their previous efforts, even without American Patriot. The two began with some low key chain wrestling, with Vessey surprisingly holding his own against the experienced technician. The match went on with both men getting a fair amount of offense, with neither dominating. Both men were focusing on the neck of the other, attacking with strikes neck cranks, doing their best to wear down the other. When Cattley hit a superplex, it looked like Vessey was down for the count, but he surprisingly kicked out at 2. Cattley, unfazed by the kick out, continued with his methodical approach to wrestling, working Vessey over a bit more before dragging him up and attempting a Mood Swing (Reverse STO). Vessey blocked the move, however, and held out to flip Cattley over with a Vessey Plex (Exploder Suplex) out of no where to take the win! As Vessey celebrated, Miss Emily did her best to hide her look of slight shock and Mean Jean looked at the young star, before nodding and quietly exiting the ring.


Cameron Vessey wins, 64.



Total: 57

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