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The Johhny Heizenger Story

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Culture Shock vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)

Findlay vs. Robbie Wright

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Awesomeness

Eddie Cornell vs. American Patriot

Ant-Man, El Mitico Jr, Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. All of the Succession

Death Row © vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

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Culture Shock vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)

Findlay vs. Robbie Wright

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Awesomeness

Eddie Cornell vs. American Patriot

Ant-Man, El Mitico Jr, Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. All of the Succession

Death Row © vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

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15 minute main event?! What is this TNA? :p


Culture Shock vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)


Could go either way, when things seem this even I will tip the heels to get the cheating win.


Findlay vs. Robbie Wright


Findlay will dominate, but Wright will score a tainted win with the help of his new friend Trent Shaffer.


Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Awesomeness


Can The Awesomeness really fall this far and fall to defeat to the School Graduates?- I say with Bowen no longer barking orders, they find their natural rhythm again and get back on the winning track.


Eddie Cornell vs. American Patriot


Cornell the Lesser is going to get squashed by 'Black Flag'...May I suggest this for his new heel entrance music :D




Ant-Man, El Mitico Jr, Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. All of the Succession


Whilst I think Vessey will turn on the Succession eventually (it has to be building to that) I don't see it happening on a Showcase, so Queen Emily's chronies get the win here.


Death Row © vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles


Again I don't see something as major as a title change happening, on a Showcase.

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Culture Shock vs. The Anarchists (Citizen X and The New York Doll)

Findlay vs. Robbie Wright-due to outside interference

Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Awesomeness

Eddie Cornell vs. American Patriot

Ant-Man, El Mitico Jr, Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. All of the Succession

Death Row © vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

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Johnny, Lisa, MAC and the whole gang would just like to take this time to awaken from their turkey induced comas to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Also, Johnny also wants you all to know that the latest, drama filled episode of his career is scheduled to be told tomorrow :D
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Friday Week 2, September 2011

In front of a raucous crowd of 1728 in the North Carolina Biker Museum



“At Battle of the Mid Atlantic, I learned a valuable lesson,” Rip Chord said. “I thought putting a short time limit on matches would fire up my guys, get ‘em hittin harder and faster. I didn’t need that. You all didn’t need that, and I could tell from your reaction after the fact. I know in the past I’ve been known as a hot head, a reactor, an ******* even, but I like to think I’m working on changing. I can see where I made a mistake. I’m still implementing the time limits, just due to time constraints. But they aren’t gonna be the ones we used last month. From now on, it’s 30 minutes for regular matches, and 45 for title matches. That’s what you fans want, and, dammit, I’m going to give it to you.”

“So Patriot, Cattley, in two weeks, I’m putting you two in there together again. This time, though, I’m giving you 30 minutes, not 15. See if one of you can get a win out of that.”







“It’s been a while,” Citizen X began. “The New York Doll and I have been laying low since bringing Steve Flash over to the side of the enlightened. Yes, we may not be working together, directly, but Steve Flash is indeed fighting the good fight in his attempts to bring down the order of the Succession. Yes, he is truly a son of anarchy, and all of you have but one man to thank, Citizen X.”


The New York Doll tossed an annoyed glance at X. Clearly, he wanted some credit as well.


“But tonight, we move on. Tonight, we get a shot at ending the so-called Alliance of Honor in it’s infancy by showing Culture Shock their true nature.”



Culture Shock vs. The Anarchists




A great match to open the show, these two teams did just enough to keep the crowd hot following good promos by both Rip Chord and Citizen X. This one came down to the flyers. X, who comes from an older generation, did his best to match moves with Amazing Fire Fly, but he proved to be slightly less than amazing when he crashed and burned following a moonsault attempt, allowing Fly to come crashing down with a Sky High Splash (450 Splash) and win the match. While Culture Shock celebrated and X recovered, New York Doll looked simply disappointed at the loss.


Culture Shock win, 56.






Findlay vs. Robbie Wright




Findlay and Robbie Wright finally met one on one tonight, and the results were as expected, with the much larger veteran Findlay tossing Wright all about the ring, with Wright getting in little offense. Finally, Findlay slammed Wright down with an Atomic Spinebuster to earn the win.


Findlay wins, 38.


Following the decision, Trent Schafer leapt from the crowd and into the ring, where he nailed Findlay with a low blow. Raining kicks and punches down on the ailing big man, Wright soon joined in, and the duo left Findlay rolling on the ground.







“Duke Hazard here, standin’ by with the Texas Hitman, Ford Gumble. Ford, at Battle, ya lost the match, but not the war. In fact, it’s ol’ Remy laid up in the hospital right now.”


Ford spat on the ground before replying. “That’s right. Remmy, yer gonna be good by the time The Clash rolls around, and I know yer gonna be itchin fer a fight. Me too. So me and you, one more time, no DQ. Sound good, boy?”






Cam Jones and Miller Fforde vs. The Awesomeness




The Awesomeness looked flat at the beginning of this match, and the graduates actually managed to get in a good bit of offense against the former champs. That said, the Awesomeness soon found their stride and began to regain their confidence with their manager no longer at their sides. A string of double team moves culminated with Stardust hitting the Stage Dive (Senton Bomb) on Jones, resulting in an Awesomeness win.


The Awesomeness win, 52






“Two weeks ago, it was me that walked out of the arena with my head held high, not Cattley. I’m not gonna need thirty minutes to beat him, Rip, and I guarantee that after our match, I’m going to keep on rolling, and keep on punching the lights out of anyone that you brainwash into fighting for you. And that starts tonight, when I lay the Black Flag over this un-American piece of crap you brought in.”



Eddie Cornell vs. “The Black Flag” American Patriot




Cornell put up a valiant effort, but he was quickly overwhelmed by the powerful and quick Patriot, who laid into him with a bevy of stiff strikes, and followed up with a brutal American Suplex (Backdrop Driver) to secure the match. Following the match, Patriot pointed a finger straight at Rip before drawing his thumb across his throat.


Patriot wins, 46.







Mitico and Ant-Man were making their way down the hall when they were joined by Steve Flash.

“You ready?” Ant-Man asked.


“Ready to make someone bleed,” Flash replied, almost salivating.


“Amigos, here it is,” Mitico said, pointing at a door. Ant-Man knocked twice before it creaked open, revealing a dark room, lit only with candles. Inside, Ota kneeled within, praying at a shrine. When he was done, he silently stood and joined his teammates, and the foursome made their way down toward the ring.







“…And I assume you all know what to do?” Miss Emily said.


The members of The Succession all replied yes in their own ways, before Emily sent them on their way.


“Vessey, wait,” she called after the last member to make his exit.


“What?” Vessey asked, facing his boss.

“I expect you to be a team player tonight,” she said. “Don’t go out there and mess up to spite me.”


Vessey glared at her. “I’ve told you before, I don’t lose matches. I don’t like working for you, but I won’t go out of my way and lose just to make you look bad. Is that all?”


Emily smirked. “Yeah, that’s all.”






El Mitico, Ant-Man, Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. The Succession






Controlled chaos is all that could describe this match. The participants spent the match throwing themselves at one another with reckless abandon, and, by the end, bodies were strewn about the ring, casualties of the battle. The end came as Atlas looked stood over Mitico, aiming to lift him up with a World Bomb and put the match to an end. He was standing close to his corner, though, and Vessey reached in, slapping the champ on the back and tagging himself in. Climbing into the ring, Vessey lifted Mitico up and drilled him with a Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD), earning his team the win. Instead of celebrating, though, Vessey made a quick exit, only turning back to lock eyes with Atlas, who stood like a statue in the ring.

The Succession win, 43.





Death Row © w/ Cat Jemson vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles




For the first time in MAW history, a tag title match will be main eventing a show, and these two teams did not disappoint. The Heartbreakers may be a couple of jokesters, but they were looking for revenge for the attack Death Row executed on them at Battle of the Mid Atlantic, and the duo came out swinging. That came back to bite them, though, when Raphael got brash enough to knock the referee down, allowing Sensitive to slink out of the ring and grab a steel chair. Sliding back in, he aimed to nail Shady K with the weapon, but was instead met with a big boot, pushing the steel chair straight into his nose. With the ref recovering, Knuckles intercepted Raphael and Shady pinned Sensitive to retain their titles.


Death Row retain, 54.



Total: 50




Next: Post-show thoughts, and visit home

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Post show thoughts:


- Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking with time limits that short. I usually run main events around the 30 minute mark, so that’s kind of out of character for me to do that. Oh well, lesson learned.


- The Awesomeness rebound with a rout of the graduates. Really, I can’t see them winning for quite a while. While they’re both not great, I can see Miller getting a lot better. Jones has been around quite a while, though, and hasn’t seen much improvement.


- Right now, The Alliance of Honor is just taking on random bad guys for the sake of it, but fear not! I’ve got a program lined up for them that I’ll be executing shortly.


- The tag division is something I’m real happy with. I’ve got 5 teams at 40 or more experience, with two above 60. Alas, only two of my (less experienced) teams have positive chemistry(Miller and Jones, Culture Shock).


- On the subject of teams, I was really expecting the tag main event to do better. I gave them the main event slot hoping to highlight the division with that match, and they just put on a run of the mill match. Sad.





Mac said he had something to show me, so naturally, I dropped everything to drive up to the gym that weekend. What I was greeted with was nothing short of amazing.


The entire gym had been remodeled, and state of the art equipment had been installed. The film room looked more like a theatre, and there was even a new (and very attractive) physical trainer easing everyone’s aches.

“Mac, where the hell did all of this come from?” I asked.


Mac beamed. “Sam came down a couple of weeks ago and offered a big paycheck to me, said if I let all the USPW guys use the gym, he’d upgrade everything for us. There was no way in hell I was going to say no.”


I stood still, taking it all in. “I swear, Strong has entirely too much money to throw around.”

“I ain’t complaining,” Mac replied, chuckling. “Oh, I almost forgot. I have something else to show you. Come on.”


I followed Mac out to the ring, where a kid a little younger than me was beating on another.


“Troy, get out here!” Mac yelled at him, and the kid climbed out of the ring to meet Mac.


As soon as we got a good look at each other, though, our eyes locked and wouldn’t let go.


“Pilgrim,” I said.


“Heizenger,” he replied back.


It was like an old west staredown, and I wasn’t about to let this kid out draw me.


“Put on a little weight, huh, Pilgrim?” I asked.

“Yeah, my girlfriend, she’s a model, says it makes me look good,” he snapped back.


Model girlfriend!? Quick, I had to think of another comeback! Umm, dammit! Nothing!


Mac looked at us both, confused. “I don’t really know what that’s about, but…Troy here’s the latest graduate. I wanted you to meet him now, John, cause I convinced Rip to hire him on, give him a shot.”


Hire him? What?


“Yeah, I’m gonna be The Pilgrim, the next big thing in wrestling,” Troy casually replied.


The Pilgrim. Lame name. The only thing that could save that character would be a…


“I get a mask and everything.”








Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble in a no DQ match

Findlay vs. Trent Schafer

Death Row © vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Ant-Man defends his Traditional title in an open challenge

Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. Atlas and Jay Chord

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble in a no DQ match

Findlay vs. Trent Schafer

Death Row © vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles

Ant-Man defends his Traditional title in an open challenge

Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. Atlas and Jay Chord

“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble in a no DQ match


This could go either way but with the No DQ stip seemingly playing more into Gumbles hands I'll give him the edge


Findlay vs. Trent Schafer


OK so I got it wrong that Findlay wouldn't overcome Schafers new friend, but Schafers new friend was some still wet behind the ears rookie.


Death Row © vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles


I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about the Tag Title match, because those are the sort of main events to experiment with on Showcase, but as improved as the division is it isn't quite ready to headline. I don't see many heel challengerson the horizon for Death Row, so I think The Heartbreakers win the belts here.


Ant-Man defends his Traditional title in an open challenge


Open challenges are always a difficult thing to predict, because you simply don't know how good or how lame the opponent is going to be, thats why I'm playing it safe and tipping Ant Man for the win.


Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. Atlas and Jay Chord


Crazy Steve Flash goes and gets himself DQ'd, giving Emily's boys the victory.


“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot


I tipped Black Flag to win the first encounter and I'm still backing him to go up in this feud.

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Friday Week 4, September 2011

In front of a walloping 1,382 fans in the Biker Museum


Remmy Skye vs. Ford Gumble in a no DQ match




These two have been at one another’s throats for months now, and this is opening contest was the culmination of that built up animosity. One would assume that Ford held a distinct advantage in this sort of environment, but Remmy was able to show another side of his ring work, bringing to MAW The King of the Ladder Match, as he quickly brought the massive weapon into play. In a particularly violent and familiar spot, Remmy set the ladder up so it was leaning against the ropes while Ford recovered on the outside. Taking a running start, Remmy scaled the ladder before leaping to the outside, intending to lay Ford out with a huge plancha. Instead, much like last month, he was met with a viscous chair shot. Unfortunately for Ford, upon rolling Skye back in the ring, he was only able to gain a two count, and the match continued.


Ford, frustrated, lifted Skye up and began to light him up with body kicks, before taking aim…QUICK DRAW KICK! No! Skye ducked, and planted Gumble with a big time tornado DDT! With Ford down, Skye began to slowly but surely ascend the ladder once more. Once at the top, Skye paused, but with the end in sight, not for long. Battered as he was, he gracefully leapt from the top to nail Ford with a Skye Diver (Corkscrew moonsault) to earn himself the win and put Gumble away.


Skye wins, 59.







“Well, well, well, look who it is,” Cannonball said as The Awesomeness approached Lisa Bowen.

“Cannon, I do believe this is Lisa Bowen, the greatest manager Mid Atlantic Wrestling’s ever seen!” Stardust said. Bowen rolled her eyes.

“I do believe you’re right, Star,” Cannonball replied. “In all seriousness, though, Lisa, you done goofed.”


“That’s right, Lisa,” Stardust chimed in. “Now that you’re out of the picture, The Awesomeness are back to being awesome.”


“Is that so?” Bowen asked. “You’ve won one match, against a couple of rookies, no less, and now you’re back? Get real, you two are yesterday’s news and that’s all you’ll ever be.”

“Ya know, Lisa, you better watch what you say. Cause when we’re champs again, we won’t forget those that tried to hold us back and keep all of this Awesomeness from reaching the fans out there,” Stardust said.

“For now, though, that’s our focus. Gold, baby, gold!” Cannonball said excitedly.


“Gold, huh? We’ll see about that,” Lisa said before turning up her nose and strutting off.”






Findlay vs. Trent Schafer w/ Robbie Wright




This match almost went the way of Findlay/Wright, as Findlay spent the majority of the match dominating the much smaller Schafer. Schafer’s been around quite a while, though, and was able to weather the storm of Findlay’s assault and come firing back with a quick and speedy offense. The two went back and forth until Findlay whipped Schafer into the corner. When he came charging in, Trent lifted both boots, pushing the giant back, but that only stunned Findlay, and he came charging in again. This time, though, he was met with a Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick) that knocked him down, allowing Schafer to cover him for the win.


Schafer wins, 52


After the match, Wright climbed into the ring and delivered an insulting but painless kick to the side of Findlay. Schafer grabbed a mic.

“That’s right, people, you just saw me topple the giant!” he exclaimed. “This is the start of a new age in MAW. The flash, the glitz, the women, and the money is here, and it’s here to stay. Trent Schafer and Robbie Wright are taking over, one bland son of a bitch at a time!”


Wright snatched the mic from Schafer. “Remember people, if it ain’t Wright, it’s wrong!”






Earlier today…




“Kid, why the hell are you doing this?” Rip asked, calmly.


“I’ve already told you, Rip,” Patriot answered. “I’m doing it because I see through your bull ****. I see through all the crap that you put out, all the lies that you tell the fans. You go out there and preach that MAW is for them, that it’s for us young guys. And they believe you!”

“That’s ‘cause it’s true, dammit!” Rip said, raising his voice.

“No, Rip, that ain’t true, and you know it! You made MAW to stroke your ego, because you got too damn old to go out there on your own. So you pick your pawns, and you push them all the way to the top. Rip, I ain’t proud to say that I got to the top because of you. I’m a hard worker, and I deserve it, but not like that. I’m going to do my best to make sure every damn soul here knows it, too, starting with Cattley. Either he’s gonna realize that I’m right, or I’m gonna knock his damn head off. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Patriot said as he pushed past Rip, “I’ve gotta see which one it’s gonna be.”


Rip looked after Patriot, disappointment in his eyes. “Kid…”






Death Row © w/ Cat Jemson vs. The Heartbreakers for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles





These teams have become very familiar with one another in the past few months, and that made the match all the better. Much like the Showcase meeting between them, they showed that they were able to see a lot of offense coming before it ever actually did, and a ton of counters were thrown. The Heartbreakers actually held a big advantage for the majority of the match, and continued to keep the momentum on their side right up until the end. Unfortunately, Death Row have been a team for a long time, and have seen a ton of action, and were able to fight back. Slipping in (somehow) unnoticed, the massive Shady K took out Sensitive with a big time lariat, and followed him to the outside, leaving Knuckles and Raphael alone in the ring. Raphael was quickly snatched up by Knuckles, who set up the power bomb. Once more, though, Raphael dropped to his knees and delivered a viscous low blow, and…nothing?


Knuckles began to chuckle at the mustachioed wrestler, who looked confused. Booting him in the gut, Knuckles pulled him in and absolutely destroyed him with a power bomb. Pinning him easily, Knuckles and Shady K began to celebrate with Cat. Knuckles took some time to jaw jack with the layed out Raphael, and could be seen mouthing, “It’s a cup, *****!”


Death Row retain, 58






“So…you wanna talk about your match tonight?” Casey asked.


Atlas said nothing, not even bothering to look at Valentine.


“What about Ota? Flash?”


Again, Atlas said nothing.


“Do you wanna talk about anything?”




“Screw it, man, you’re impossible to work with!” Casey said, throwing his hands up in frustration. A second later, and Vessey burst in the room.




“Where the hell is she?” he demanded.


“Emily? She left already, man.”


“She left? What the hell kinda just up and leaves? She’s got some explaining to do, and she isn’t even here.”

“Is this about you not having a match?”


“Yeah, how’d you know?”


“She said you’d be here about that. She wanted me to tell you that it’s cause need to cool down and think things over or something. She said make the right decision, whatever that means.”


Vessey scowled. “Oh, I’m gonna make the right decision. Believe that.”







Ant-Man and Dharma Gregg approached the ring, mic in hand.

“Tonight’s your lucky night,” Dharma began, “If you just so happen to want a shot at this beautiful golden belt. Tonight, Ant-Man and I issue an open challenge to anyone in the back that thinks they can take this belt off of our hands.”


“I’ll give ‘er a shot.”




Eddie Cornell strode out to the ring, ready for a fight. Ant-Man and he exchanged a smile before squaring off.


“Looks like we have ourselves a match,” Dharma said, right before some unfamiliar funk music erupted through the speakers.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, daddio!”




“We ain’t got a thing! Not yet, at least. Ya see, this here’s an open challenge, and Mr. Amazing is here to light you up! I got the skills to make you ill, man, and the punch to make you lose your lunch!”


Ant-Man, Dharma, and Cornell looked at the newcomer, somewhat dumbfounded, but Dharma eventually just shrugged her shoulders.


“Alright, it is an open challenge, I guess.”


“Right on!”


Ant-Man © w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Mr. Amazing





While no one had any idea of what to expect from Amazing, he proved to be quite the capable brawler, matching Cornell punch-for-punch and even overwhelming the champ at some points. Ant-Man’s champ for a reason, though, and he never allowed the assault to discourage him, and fought back valiantly, with a little help from Cornell, who seemed to take exception to the newcomer’s placement in a title match. Finally, the two of them, together, clotheslined Amazing right out of the ring, but when Cornell turned around he was met with an Ant-Slam (Flapjack power slam) that left him down and out, and Ant covered him for the win.


Ant-Man retains, 55







Before the next match, Steve Flash was seen walking toward the ring.


“Hey, wait up!” a voice called after him.


Soon after, Jay Chord jogged up to the veteran, who met his presence with a cold aloofness.


“Sup, old man?” he asked.


“Nothing much, Jay, just getting ready for our match,” Flash answered.


“Is that so?” Jay asked. He got right up Flash’s face. “So you wanna make me bleed, huh, old man?” He was doing his best to look tough.


Flash twitched, grinning ear to ear. “Oh yes, Jay, I want to make you bleed,” Flash cackled.


“Oh, well…” Jay said, backing up. “Then try, old man. See you in the ring!” he said, hurrying away.






Steve Flash and The Great Ota vs. Atlas and Jay Chord




Four great talents clashed in the match, and the result was a very fun match. Ota and Flash are dangerous individuals, and their violent styles meshed very well in their attempts to beat the champ and the talented young Jay Chord. Chord and Atlas, however, showed a ton of poise, taking the punishment and fighting back to dish it right back to the dangerous duo. As the match wore on, though, it becamse clear that The Succession was in trouble, as Chord found himself on the wrong end of an Ota beat down. As he made his way to his feet, Ota stalked him, aiming to decommission him with a Ninja Strike (Shinging Wizard), but was prevented from doing so by his own partner, who leapt into the ring, smashing his heavy chain over the head of Chord. Jay Fair immediately called for the bell as Flash cackled, Jay Chord’s blood trickling off his weapon. Ota stared in disbelief, having felt the match was within his grasp, and Atlas, who was standing on the outside, simply turned and walked away.


The Succession win by DQ, 60






“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot




Last month, these two battled to a draw. Rip Chord, seeing the mistake of a 15-inute time limit, upped the match to 30 minutes. That said, these two utilized every minute of it they could to brutalize one another. Patriot’s pride was on the line here, and Cattley fought for revenge. With both of these elements colliding, these two easily matched the intensity of last month’s matchup, leaving one another bruised and bloody. Cattley went back in time and brought forth an old gameplan of his, and spent the match attacking the knee of Patriot. Patriot proved resilient, though, and continued to fight through the growing pain in his leg. Finally, though, with the match on the line, he was able to throw Cattley over his shoulder and drive him down with an American Suplex (Backdrop Driver). Smiling, he began to to crawl over to Cattley, just throwing his arm over his nemesis as the ring bell went off.


Happiness quickly turning to confusion, Patriot looked to Jay Fair for an answer as to what just happened. Fair said nothing to Patriot himself, announcing instead to everyone that the match had been declared a draw, having reached the set 30-minute time limit! Patriot underwent another mood swing, and began angrily kicking the ropes, shouting curse words at Rip, who was sitting at the announce table.


The match is a draw, 62




Total: 56







Ant-Man defends in another open challenge

The Pilgrim vs. Mr. Amazing

“Mean” Jean Cattley and Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot and The Anarchists

El Mitico vs. Robbie Wright

Team America vs. The Awesomeness

Steve Flash vs. Atlas

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Ant-Man defends in another open challenge

The Pilgrim vs. Mr. Amazing

“Mean” Jean Cattley and Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot and The Anarchists

El Mitico vs. Robbie Wright

Team America vs. The Awesomeness


If non-title match:

Steve Flash vs. Atlas


If title match:

Steve Flash vs. Atlas

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Ant-Man defends in another open challenge

The Pilgrim vs. Mr. Amazing

“Mean” Jean Cattley and Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot and The Anarchists

El Mitico vs. Robbie Wright

Team America vs. The Awesomeness

Steve Flash vs. Atlas

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Ant-Man defends in another open challenge


Ant-Man retains again


The Pilgrim vs. Mr. Amazing


Pilgrim's a rookie, Mr Amazing seems familiar


“Mean” Jean Cattley and Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot and The Anarchists


Pretty even six man tag that could go either way, but when in doubt I usually side with the heels.


El Mitico vs. Robbie Wright


Wright isn't in Mitico's league and despite his misguided swagger he shouldn't have any business going over Mitico right now.


Team America vs. The Awesomeness


Awesomeness continue to get back on track, showing that they never really needed Bowen's guidance


Steve Flash vs. Atlas


This does seem to be non title, I will go for a wild brawl resulting in a double count our draw, keeps the champ looking strong and it plays into Flash's new hardcore gimmick.

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Ant-Man defends in another open challenge

Wow, you're making my job pretty dang easy.


The Pilgrim vs. Mr. Amazing

If Mr. Amazing is who I think he is...Eddie Howard, one-half of Natural Storm?...then it should be a big debut win for the confident rookie.


“Mean” Jean Cattley and Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot and The Anarchists

Heels, just because they have American Patriot/Rebel.


El Mitico vs. Robbie Wright

I love me some El Mitico...Robbie Wright's going down.


Team America vs. The Awesomeness

They need a win.

Steve Flash vs. Atlas

Ah, what the heck...draw.

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Sorry for the delay on the show, we've had a base-wide excercise going on this past week so I've been spending most of my time at the tower.





Friday Week 2, October 2011

1,678 fans are packed into the Biker Museum




Casey Valentine started the evening off in the ring.


“I read something interesting when I was at the tanning salon the other day, folks,” he began. “And by the way, North Carolina, get with the times. Your facilities are sub-par at best. Anyway, it seems that the masked runt Ant-Man is issuing another open challenge tonight. Seeing as I don’t have a match tonight, I figure that I might as well be the one to take that beautiful, golden belt off of your hands and back into those of The Succession.”


Ant-Man © w/ Dharma Gregg vs. Casey Valentine for the Mid Atlantic Traditional title





This is Ant-Man’s second open defense in as many weeks, and it was clear from the get go that a lack of preparation time got to him, as Valentine beat the smaller man all around the ring. As has happened before, though, the ****iness of Valentine reared its ugly little head, and the second generation star began to play to the crowd. This time allowed Ant-Man to recover, and he staged a comeback that culminated with an Ant-Trap (Dragon Clutch) to retain his title via submission.

Ant-Man retains, 60






“This is Duke Hazard, standing by with Ford Gumble. Ford, after you lost that brutal match to Remmy Skye at The Clash, how are you feeling?”


Ford spit on the floor directly in front of Duke, causing the announcer/interviewer to jump back.

“Look at me, Duke,” he said. “I’m beat to hell, and that’s cause of Remmy. He was the better man, and he proved it by beatin‘ me. But the fact remains that I hauled my ass out here tonight, and that boy’s still laid up at home. Remmy, you done beat me, and we’re square. But I still think I’m the better man.”






The Pilgrim vs. Mr. Amazing




Amazing pointed and laughed at The Pilgrim, who’s gut bulged noticeably through his singlet, prior to the match starting. When it did, the flamboyant new star took to pounding on the young kid. Pilgrim tried to mount a comeback with some hard rights, but was quickly shut down and put away with a High Spiral Down (Spinning Fisherman’s Suplex).


Mr. Amazing wins, 45






“Trent Schafer, at The Clash, you defeated the big man, Findlay. What are your plans moving on from here?”


“Duke, I’m glad you asked. It’s refreshing to see this company shine a bright light on the truly great young talent that it has around here. To answer your question, I’m going on a championship run. What championship? It doesn’t matter, I’m gonna win all of them anyway. Robbie Wright and I are the future of this company, and that began with Findlay. Tonight, it continues when Rob beats the lushacore Misticko.”


“That’s luchadore and Mitico, my man.”




Schafer spun aroud to see Mr. Amazing sling a towel over his shoulder and flash a pearly white smile.

“It’s good to meet you, brother dude,” he continued. “I been keeping my eyes glued to the screen when I see you and Robbie Wrightie do ya’ll’s thing, and I gotta say, I do love what I see.”


Trent nodded back. “It’s amazing, really. This company has finally started bringing in people that recognize and appreciate talent! Amazing…Can I call you Amazing?…Walk with me, please?”







Death Row and Cat Jemson were hanging around the backstage area. Cat was painting her nails, while Shady K held a heavy bag as Knuckles wailed on it. After a moment, Bad Company approached the champs.


“Hey,” Jared Johnson said, speaking to Death Row.


Knuckles ceased the pounding and he and Shady turned to Johnson and Rudo.

“What you want, homie?” Shady asked.

“No trouble, I can guarantee that,” Johnson said. “We want another shot. You guys beat us twice, but it was close, and that was months ago. We’ve waited for your deal with The Heartbreakers to end, and we’ve put in time. But it’s up to you, are you going to accept the challenge?”


Shady and Knuckles exchanged a glance before Knuckles spoke up. “Yeah, ya’ll get a shot. You put in work, and me and K respect that. Now beat,” he said, motioning them away.


“Thanks for the second chance,” Johnson said, turning and walking away.


“You get that Cat?” Shady asked.


Cat Jemson looked up from her nails, oblivious. “Get what?”





“Mean” Jean Cattley and Culture Shock vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot and The Anarchists




The Anarchists and Patriot made a fine teaming. The ideas of Black Flag and The Anarchists meshed well, and, as a result, they were able to remain a cohesive unit throughout the bout. That said, some dissent on the part New York Doll almost cost his team the match when he slapped the back of X, tagging himself in. Cattley quickly capitalized on his eagerness and was able to bait him into a tight arm bar that almost caused the youngster to tap. But with referee Jez McArthuer distracted by Citizen X, who was complaining loudly, Black Flag was able to slip in and pull Cattley off of Doll, allowing NYD to surprise the veteran with a roll up for the win. As Patriot backed up the ramp, he met Cattley’s glare with a hearty laugh.


Patriot and Anarchists win, 59.







Miss Emily sat in her office, speaking to a man dressed in a fancy suit.

“…As you can see, we have a lot to offer to your organization…” she said before being rudely interrupted by Cameron Vessey bursting into the office.


“Emily, we need to talk,” he said.

“Do you have any idea what it means to knock?” Emily shouted. “I’m busy, damn it!”


“Yeah, I’m busy too. But this is important, and you need to hear what I have to say.”

“No, you moron, this-” she pointed to the man in the suit “-is important! Now get the hell out of my office. You have the night off.”




“Out! Now!”


Vessey threw his hands up before storming out of the room. Emily struggled to regain her composure and took her seat once again.


“Now,” she said calmly, “Where were we?”







Cannonball and Stardust waited in the ring for Team America to make their entrances. But when their music finally hit, it wasn’t Cool and Hocking that emerged from the back, it was Lisa Bowen.


“Well, well, well,” she said. “Look who it is. The two that ‘Don’t need Lisa Bowen anymore.’ Well, that may be true, but I thought tonight that, out of the goodness of my heart, I would help you two out, just for old times sake.”


“Woman,” Stardust said, “What the hell are you getting on about?”


Lisa giggled. “Well, I was walking around backstage when I ran into Team America, and I got to thinking, ‘What if they don’t wrestle tonight?’ And then I realized, it means you two win again! Congratulations, boys!”


The Awesomeness exchanged a nervous glance. “Lisa, what the hell did you do?”

“Nothing. My associates, however…”


At this point, two limp bodies were cast unceremoniously through the curtains. Upon further inspection, they were revealed to be Cool and Hocking. The Awesomeness shocked, quickly exited the ring and began to advance up the ramp.

“Uh uh uh,” Lisa said, stopping them in their tracks. “My associates wouldn’t want you getting too close to little ol’ me.” With that, Lisa turned and disappeared into the back as the medical crew rushed out to assist Team America.






El Mitico vs. Rob Wright




Wright may be ****y and brash, but he still has a long way to go until he can back up his ego with ability. The talented Mitico worked over the youngster and quickly finished him off with a tight arm bar that had Wright tapping almost as soon as it was slapped on. ‘


Mitico wins, 50


Mitico’s post-match celebration didn’t last very long as he was quickly blindsided by Trent Schafer. Mr. Amazing wasn’t too far behind, and together with Schafer and Wright, the three laid a beat down on Mitico, stomping the masked man until Ant-Man and Culture Shock sprinted down to the ring, scattering the charismatic trio. While the Alliance of Honor checked on their beaten down member, Wright took a moment away from nursing his shoulder to address the crowd.

“Let this be a lesson: if it ain’t Wright, it’s wrong!” he said, laughing, but that quickly stopped when he grimaced in pain and groped at his shoulder.






“This is bull, Emily!” Jay Chord shouted. “I want Flash tonight, not in two weeks! Did you even see what he did to me?”


Emily heaved an annoyed sigh. “Yes, Jay, I saw. And I don’t care. Besides, by the time Atlas is done with him tonight, he’ll be nice and tender for you in two weeks.”


“I don’t want him tender, dammit, I want him fresh. I want to prove how much better--”


Jay was cut off as Eddie Cornell burst in the room.

“Oi, Emily,” he said. “I ain’t got a match tonight, and you seem to be the match making type around here, so let’s go. Chip chop, darling.”


“What? Emily, this is crap! Why does this British **** get a match before me?”


Emily rubbed her temple as the two engaged in a loud war of words.


“Shut up!” she finally screamed, and the two ground their argument to a halt. “You two want matches, fine, you got it. Up next, it’s Jay Chord against Eddie Cornell. Enjoy.”


The two stood in place, perplexed.


“Get out!” Emily screamed, and the two snapped to life, scurrying out of the room like ****roaches.






Eddie Cornell vs. Jay Chord




Even though these two had little to no time to prepare, they still each brought the heat for this impromptu match. Neither are known as technical masters or aerial artists, but their ability to rumble with the best of em brought this match up a notch. When Cornell went for the Rough Ride (Slingshot Twisting Facecrusher), Chord was able to slip over the ropes and thrust his shoulder into the gut of Cornell. With Cornell doubled over, Chord deftly flipped over him with a sunset flip and…grabs a handful of tights! And Jay Fair counts the pin! Chord one this one, but not without the help of some underhanded tactics.


Chord wins, 60.






Steve Flash vs. Atlas




Flash may want Chord in the end, but he made due with Mid Atlantic Champion Atlas in this match up. Though the violent veteran may not be in contention for Atlas’ title belt, he didn’t let that bother him, and took the fight to Atlas as well as anyone else in the business has. Unfortunately for him, that meant that Atlas still got in some powerful shots that had Flash reeling on more than one occasion. With Flash not knowing seeing him, Jay Chord managed to sneak out to ringside, taking up a hidden post at the apron. At the moment of Flash’s big comeback, Chord leapt up on the apron, delivering a huge right hand to the jaw of Flash. Jay Fair had no choice but to call for the DQ, but Chord and Atlas didn’t seem to mind. Tossing a roll of quarters from hand to hand, Chord made sure to point and laugh at Flash, who lay unconscious on the mat.


Flash wins by DQ, 52




Total: 52




Next: Troy Pilgrim, he has arrived

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“Alright, you go get the car started, and I’ll be out in a minute,” I told Lisa as she headed to the door.


“Ok, but don’t take too long. It’s too cold to be waiting around for you!” she said.


I laughed. “Alright, babe, I’ll be quick,” I said, turning into the locker room. I made a beeline straight to my locker and grabbed my bag, intending to leave immediately. That didn’t happen.


“Uh-hmm.” Behind me Troy cleared his throat.


I stood up and turned around. “Pilgrim.”

“Heizenger,” he said. “Nice to see you.”


“Yeah. You too.”


“By the way, did you happen to catch my match? You might think you were a hard act to follow, but I’m pretty sure the crowd would agree when I say that I easily outperformed you.”


I eyed him, baffled. “What is wrong with you?”




“You hit like, two punches that entire match. You didn’t do anything.”


“Star quality, Heizenger. Star quality. It’s what I have that you lack. I could play a game of checkers at ringside and the crowd would go crazy for it. You, on the other hand…”

“Whatever, man, I gotta go.”


I walked past him, but he called after me. “Bye the way, Rip said those steroid tests should be in by December. Good luck on that!”


I grimaced a bit, but said nothing.








Death Row © vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

Ant-Man defends the Traditional Championship in an open challenge

El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schafer, Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing

Eddie Cornell vs. Cameron Vessey

The Pilgrim vs. Ford Gumble

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

The Great Ota and “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas and “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Death Row © vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

Ant-Man defends the Traditional Championship in an open challenge

El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schafer, Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing

Eddie Cornell vs. Cameron Vessey

The Pilgrim vs. Ford Gumble

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

The Great Ota and “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas and “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Death Row © vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

Ant-Man defends the Traditional Championship in an open challenge

El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schafer, Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing

Eddie Cornell vs. Cameron Vessey

The Pilgrim vs. Ford Gumble

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

The Great Ota and “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas and “Black Flag” American Patriot

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Death Row © vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles

Ant-Man defends the Traditional Championship in an open challenge

El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schafer, Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing

Eddie Cornell vs. Cameron Vessey

The Pilgrim vs. Ford Gumble

Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord

The Great Ota and “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas and “Black Flag” American Patriot


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Death Row © vs. Bad Company for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles


Can't see Death Row dropping the belts in what looks to be a pretty 'friendly' match, things need to intensify first between these teams before the belts change hands.


Ant-Man defends the Traditional Championship in an open challenge


Ant-Man survives another open challenge


El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schafer, Rob Wright and Mr. Amazing


Rob Wright is the weakest link and thus does the job, I suspect the heels to get some heat back though with a cowardly post match beatdown.


Eddie Cornell vs. Cameron Vessey


Vessey needs to be kept strong, given his potential face turn pitting him against The Succession.


The Pilgrim vs. Ford Gumble


Pilgrim's a jobber at this stage.


Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord


Chord wins by DQ as crazy Steve Flash goes overboard with a s***-kicking.


The Great Ota and “Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Atlas and “Black Flag” American Patriot


Coin flip, this could honestly go either way, but when in doubt I tend to side more with the heels.

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Sorry this one took so long to get out. I have no idea why it seemed so arduous to write up. After you read, I'd really appreciate it if ya'll left some comments on how satisfied you are with the direction of the diary right now






Friday Week 4, October 2011

In front of 1,365 fans in the Biker Museum





The Succession were all together in their locker room, preparing for their matches when Emily walked in. She looked at her stable of wrestlers and smiled.


“It’s good to be the queen…” she muttered. “Now then, I trust you’re all well prepared for your matches? Jay?” Chord nodded yes. “Atlas?” The champion grunted. “Cameron?” Nothing. “Cameron.”


Vessey looked up and eyed Emily. She sneered back. “Something wrong, Cameron? I thought you’d be happy with your match tonight.”

“You thought wrong,” he replied.




“Yeah. And you know there’s no way in hell Cornell can beat me. It’s not a challenge, and that's what I want.”

“So it’s a challenge you want, then?”


“Yeah, that's what I said. And you know exactly what challenge I want.”


The room had grown silent as Chord, Atlas, and Valentine turned their attention to Emily and Vessey.


“Cameron, Cameron, Cameron. I’ve already told you, there’s no way that’s going to happen. You just don’t deserve it.”


“The hell I don’t!” Vessey shouted, his voice rising. Emily flinched back at his sudden change in temperament. Atlas stepped between them, eying Vessey menacingly.


“No, Atlas, that’s alright. I won’t need you,” Emily said, regaining her composure. “You’ll do anything for a title shot, huh, Cameron?”


“Anything, and I already have,” he growled.


“Then you can do one more thing, too: get a job somewhere else. As of this moment, you’re fired.”


Cameron was stunned, and had no reply.


“Atlas, take care of this.”


Atlas pushed the slack-jawed Vessey out of the room, and found no resistance.

“Let that be a lesson to you three,” she said. “If there’s any dissention in my ranks, it will be dealt with. Harshly.”


Valentine and Chord simply nodded their heads, shocked at what they just saw.





“You take Vessey’s spot tonight. Don’t disappoint me.”

“Yes-yes ma’am!”






Death Row © w/ Cat Jemson vs. Bad Company





This match was made under friendly circumstances, and these two teams treated it accordingly. Though Bad Company have never been fan favorites, they came into this match respecting the champs, and never resorted to using the under handed tactics of previous challengers. The result was a very even match that was all about the wrestling. Both teams came out looking impressive, but it was the champs who came out on top, finishing the match with a Hunts Point Bomb (Double Powerbomb).


Death Row retain, 59.







Ant-Man and Dharma Gregg came out next. The masked wonder grabbed a mic, and addressed the crowd.


“Later on, Apollo, Fire Fly, and Mitico have a match against a few villains that are trying to make a name for themselves. If I could fight by their sides, I would. But tonight, I have another responsibility. This Traditional title belt is all about what it’s name implies: tradition. And, as much as I hate the guy, Jay Chord established the tradition of these no-prep matches, and I’ll follow it. As traditional champ, I have to be able to beat anyone, and if I can’t do that, then I shouldn’t be the one wearing this belt.”

“You know, The Ant-Man makes a point.”




It was Citizen X, along with The New York Doll. “But it is a bit of an obvious one. If he cannot defeat his opposition, then he will lose the belt. Tonight, The New York Doll and myself will put this amazingly well thought out theory to the test, as we challenge The Ant-Man in a triple threat match!”



Ant-Man © w/Dharma Gregg vs. Citizen X vs. The New York Doll





X and Doll dominated the early going, but Ant-Man was able to separate the duo at various points and get his own shots in, devastating them with his deceptive power. As the match wore on, though, it looked as though he would lose as both X and Doll beat on him. Eventually, after a particularly brutal DDT, Doll went for the cover. He looked to have the champ put away, but the pin was broken up as X pulled Doll off of him. The master began to berate the pupil, but was suddenly interrupted when Ant-Man rolled him up. Doll made no move to break up the pin, and Ant-Man got the three coutn to retain his title. While he celebrated, Doll walked away, leaving X behind.


Ant-Man retains, 56.







The Awesomeness stood in the ring, awaiting The Atlantic Connection’s entrance. After a moment, it became clear they weren’t showing up. Referee Jez McArthur made his way to the back to see what was taking so long, but as he made his way to the stage, McManus and Jenkins were unceremoniously tossed out from the back. The duo were clearly unconscious, and after checking on them, McArthur declared them unfit to compete, awarding the match to The Awesomeness. Seeing their opponents like they were clearly left the team shaken.







American Patriot pushed his way through into The Succession’s locker room door, and the remaining members collectively stood to meet the rebel.

“Patriot,” Emily said.


“Ya’ll can relax,” Patriot said, gazing around at the tense men standing across from him. “I come in peace.”


“That remains to be seen. What do you want? The match isn’t until later.”


“I wanted to set things straight with ya’ll. We’ve been in some fist fights in the past, and I ain’t gonna say I like ya’ll now, but that’s behind us. I’ve had a change of heart since then, and I agree with you: Rip’s gotta go. You may not be the best choice to run MAW, but you’re the only damn choice there is as far as I’m concerned.”


Emily smirked. “That’s good, ‘Black Flag.’ It really is.”






El Mitico and Culture Shock vs. Trent Schafer, Rob Wright, and Mr. Amazing




This was an even outing from these two teams, but that’s not to say the skill level was. Mitico and Culture Shock dominated whenever their opposition was not using every underhanded trick they could, which is to say not very often. Eventually, the Alliance of Honor fell when Mr. Amazing hit Apollo with a low blow followed by a Thunder Roll (Rolling Liger Kick) from Schafer.


Schafer, Amazing, and Wright win, 50.

“See that in the ring?” Schafer asked after the match. “That’s what I call a bunch of losers doing what they do best, losing!”


“Haha, ain’t it the truth my brother!” Amazing joined in. “These fools though they stood a chance, but all I saw was their last dance!”

Wright and Schafer shot a glance at the wildly grinning Amazing before Wright continued. “And I just want everyone to remember, if you aren’t with Wright, you’re wrong!”






Eddie Cornell vs. Casey Valentine




Valentine’s a late replacement for the just-fired Cameron Vessey, but he put on an incredible performance against Cornell. That’s not to say Cornell didn’t look good out there, but following a Valentine’s Kiss (Legdrop to the back of the head) and Valentine came out looking very strong.


Valentine wins, 61






The Pilgrim vs. Ford Gumble




Gumble made short work of the chubby masked man, beating the man senseless before mercifully letting loose a viscous QUICK DRAW KICK that left him down and out.


Gumble wins, 46







“Remmy Skye,” Duke Hazard began, “It’s good to see you back in MAW in one piece. Now that ya’ve beaten Ford Gumble once an’ for all, where are you gonna take your career?”


Remmy chuckled, grabbing at his sore ribs as he did so. “Well, Duke, that’s easy. I’m taking my game straight to the top. As whooped up as I am, I think it’s about damn time I got me a title shot. I sure as hell earned it.”

“Is that challenge official?”


“Hell yeah it is! Next month, I want a match with Atlas. I want that belt!”






Steve Flash vs. Jay Chord




This one turned out to be quite the slugfest, as neither man was willing to give any ground up to the other. As the match wore on, both of these competitors wound up bloodied, the hard way. Flash from a chair shot while the ref was down, and Jay from a particularly viscous elbow under his eye. As it wore on, though, it became clear that Flash was pulling ahead. But when referee Jay Fair pulled the crazed wrestler off of Chord, Chord was seen pulling an object out of his tights. Gripping it tightly, he stood and spun suddenly, cracking Flash in the jaw. Collapsing on his opponent, Chord pinned Flash for the win before Fair raised the worn-out wrestler’s hand in victory.


Jay wins, 62







“Mean” Jean was seen walking backstage, before opening a door and peering into the boiler room.

“You ready?” he asked as The Great Ota was revealed to be (praying?) in the room.


The darkness warrior said nothing, instead rising to his feet and walking past the Mean Machine. As he did so, Cattley cracked a smile and followed behind his partner.


“Mean” Jean Cattley and The Great Ota vs. “Black Flag” American Patriot and Atlas




These four men wasted no time in tearing into one another. It was several minutes into the match before Jay Fair was even able to gain control of the match and force the respective teams into their corners. Patriot did most of the work for his team, letting Atlas come in and pick his (heavy) shots as needed, but Ota and Cattley tagged out quick and often. The pace overwhelmed Patriot at first, but he soon fought back, leveling Ota with a lariat and taking control.


The heels did their dominating shtick for a while, with Cattley trying to interject himself. Jean’s not so good at cheating, however, and Jay Fair was able to keep him in his corner for the majority of the match. At one such point, with Jay Fair distracted with Cattley, Atlas and Patriot began to double team Ota. Ota, however, had other plans, and, rubbing his throat, aimed to spit his black mist right in the face of Atlas. Atlas moved, however, and Patriot was blasted with the mist. Cattley got back in the ring at this point and tackled Patriot to the outside, leaving Ota and Atlas alone. Ota fought the champ for a moment, but when he took to running the ropes, he was met with a huge bicycle kick that left him down and out, allowing the champ to cover him for the win.

Atlas and Patriot win, 63



Total: 57

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I'll be honest here, Cameron Vessey's 'firing' from The Succession came off as a little 'flat' to me and I would have thought something such as this would have happened on a bigger show and would have been more of a deal than....


Vessey: I want my title shot


Emily: You can't have your title shot


Vessey: I can have my title shot


Emily: No you can't you're fired....


And then that's it. :p


Despite that 'complaint' however, I am still on board as a reader. In general I think you've got some good stories/angles plugging along and I like the slow build you are putting into them.

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