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Justin Christopher: My Rise To Stardom

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The Story Of Justin Christopher


Justin Christopher (born 1990) grew up in a small town in London.

As a young boy he would watch the legends like Sam Strong and Rip Chord performe around the world making millions.

He wanted that dream and set out to make it a reality moving to New York in late 2009.


The way this will work is that i have added Justin Christopher to the default database and gave him some skills.

B- Rumble, C Technical, C Flying, B Entertainment, C+ Performance, B- Physical and B+ Camera so he has a rather good chance of getting hired


I will do a write up on the match he was in and then write a last of the other results in the show.

Like This:

Person 1 defeated Person 2

Justin Christopher defeated Person 2

Person 1 & Person 2 defeated Person 3 & Person 4

If that makes sense

He will start out on the independants and will hopefully move up the ranks to super stardom he is also a freelancer so he will hopefully move from place to place going to as many companies as possible


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American Independant Report

Sunday Week 1 February 2010

From San Juan High School In Puerto Rico

In Front of 11 People


Match 8 of the Night

Justin Christopher vs Ford Gumble


First down to the ring is a relative newcomer to the sport Justin Christopher recieving boos from the fans as he arrogantly walks down to the ring wearing an England Football Shirt.

Next comes a former TCW superstar from Memphis,Tennesee this is Ford Gumble the crowd erupts as this Superstar who was once a part of the Young Guns sprints down to the ring.

The match gets off to a quick start as Christopher attacks Gumble as he slides into the ring, the ref rings the bell the match is underway Christopher unloads kicks into the midsection of Gumble as the former TCW World Champion stuggles to get up, the ref pulls Christopher away giving Gumble a chance to take his hat and jacket off.

Gumble runs straight at Christopher with a clothesline which sends the young Brit crashing to the ground with a hefty thud.

Gumble now in control picks up Christopher and sends him into the corner then charges in with a clothesline..... but Christopher dodged it he hits a dropkick to the back of Gumble and with Gumble a little stunned Christopher climbs to the top rope and jumps off with a flying fist to the face, Gumble 's busted open the blood's now pouring down his face.

Christopher takes this moment to taunt the audience in attendance before focusing his attention back to the task at hand.

He turns Gumble over to his back and locks in a modified Camel Clutch (laying on the back of Gumble while not having his legs wrapped round the body and having his legs laying flat on the mat) now this is disgusting Christopher is putting his legs on the ropes for extra leverage but the ref manages to see this and forces Christopher to break the hold.

Gumble now with a blood red face suddenly gets a large rush of energy hulks up laying the fists into Christopher he then was sent running into the ropes, Gumble hit a powerslam sending shockwaves up the spine of Christopher, Gumlbe looks like he is setting up for the Savate Kick, Christopher's dodged it countering into a school boy grabbing the trunks


Your winner Justin Christopher at 8:15 with a match rating of C



The Round Up of the Night

Island Boy Apollo defeated Brendan Idol

Ashley Grover defeated Carnival Queen Kendra

Rayne Man defeated Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man

The Darkness Warrior defeated Oscar Ozymandias

Blackjack Robbins defeated WhiskyJack

Paul Steadyfast defeated Coyote Dynamite

Fumihiro Ota defeated Willie York

Justin Christopher defeated Ford Gumble

Billy Jack Shearer defeated Grunt

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One match on the indies and i must have impressed because i was hired by World Level Wrestling on a 3 month contract i have been given the push of midcarder and they have even said for me to change my name thus Jase Cage was born.


WLW have shockingly signed a youngster named Justin Christopher he has only wrestled one match on the indies so he must have impressed prepare to see him touring round Japan in the near future.


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WLW Wasteland Tour Report

Wednesday Week 1 April 2010

From Miyagi Athletic Field in Tohoku

In Front of 1,566 People


Match 3 of the night

Jase Cage vs Insane Machine For The WLW Streetfighting Championship


First down to the ring he is your WLW Streetfighting Champion ladies and gentleman this is Insane Machine.

Then to a parade of boos down comes Jase Cage wearing a top that says "私はJaseのおりであり、人々私に値しない" which translates to "I am Jase Cage and you people don't deserve me".

The match get's underway it is England vs America in a Japanese Promotion, the match starts off with Cage going straight for the legs of Machine taking him down and going straight for the mask trying to reveal his real identity, the ref spots this and breaks it up.

Machine gets up and sprints at Cage who is distracted with taunting the fans, a big club to the back knocking Cage to the outside, Machine screams "私は飛ぼうと思っている" or "I'm gonna fly" Machine runs back and springs over the ropes, Cage dodges it and Machine crashes to the floor.

Cage grabs a chair and smashes it over the head of Machine but the ref must not have spotted it as the match continues.

Cage rolls Machine back into the ring and lays Machine's neck across the middle rope, Cage climbs to the top rope, it looks like he is going to try to Guillotine Leg Drop the Neck of Machine, Cage comes of and Machine moves out the way if Cage hit that you must think this one would be over, Cage lands hard on the apron and grabs his leg in pain, Machine runs up and baseball slides Cage to the outside, The fans in attendance show there hatred of Cage by throwing bottles and food at him, security stops this though and Cage is rolled back in the ring, Machine with the crowds support shouts Termination Kick and the crowd erupts with cheers, Cage gets up and dodges the Kick and hits Machine with a low blow the crowd boos as Cage goes in for the cover 1.......2..... Kick Out this match isn't over yet.

Machine springs up and runs at the ropes and hits Cage with a Lariet and another, Cage goes for a punch but Machine dodges it and out of nowhere hits the Termination Kick and goes in for the pin 1......2.........3 this match is over and still your WLW Streetfighting Champion Insane Machine.

(Match Time 12:54 and rating C)



The Round Up of The Night

Ketsueki Karasu defeated SPEED D

Toyokuni Hardcore defeated Mr Lucha III

Insane Machine defeated Jase Cage to retain his WLW Streetfighting Championship

Hell Monkey defeated Rogue Matsuo SF to retain his WLW Show Stealer Championship

The Great Hisato defeated Dark Eagle

Magnum Kobe defeated Kazuma Narato to retain his WLW Universal Championship

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WLW Wasteland Tour

Sunday Week 2 April 2010

From Hofu Arena in Chugoku

In front of 837 People


First Match of The Night

Mr Lucha III vs Jase Cage


First to the ring this man is one of the stars of the future from Mexico he is Mr Lucha III, he recieves a decent ovation, now from London,England this is Jase Cage, he walk down the ramp ignoring the fans who want an autograph.

Cage strolls down and rolls into the ring, the match is underway Lucha goes in for a quick takedown but Cage dodges locking in a side headlock, will Lucha tap .....no.

Cage lets go of the hold and picks Lucha up to his feet and sends him into the corner, Cage turns Lucha round so he is facing the post then goes out to the apron, Cage springs onto the rope catching Lucha in the back with a dropkick.

Lucha staggers back and Cage hits a backstabber 1.....Kickout, Lucha has fight left in him and Lucha rolls to the outside to get his breath back.

Cage goes to the apron, Lucha runs and takes the legs out so Cage's face lands on the apron, that must have hurt.

Lucha gets back into the ring before the 7 count, Cage is still knocked out on the apron, Lucha pulls him in and goes for the pin 1.....2....... Cage gets his foot onto the bottom rope, Lucha then starts to argue with the ref which gives Cage time to get back up, he lines Lucha up and waits for him to turn around.....dropkick.

Cage goes to the top rope and hits a split-legged moonsault.

Cage signifies for the end (Kind of what CM Punk does on the top rope) Cage screams "The Game's Over!" he stalks Lucha who is rising to his feet, he twists him round and hits him with the JKO (Jase Knockout a RKO manouever), he goes for the pin 1.........2.........3

The boos obviously follow.

(Match Time 7:20, Match Rating C)



The Round Up Of The Night

Jase Cage defeated Mr Lucha III

Rogue Matsuo SF defeated Hypnos to retain the WLW Tap Out Championship

The Great Hisato defeated Ketsueki Karasu

Narato, Ishibashi and Maita defeated Hardcore, Amagawa and Kimura

Hell Monkey defeated Dark Eagle

Magnum Kobe defeated Silver Shark to retain the WLW Universal Championship

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WLW Wasteland Tour

Wednesday Week 3 April 2010

From Hakodate Athletic Field in Hokkaido

In front of 1,280 people


4th Match of the Night

Jase Cage and The Tic and Acid vs Koki Ishibashi and Dark Eagle and Mokuami Maita


First off to grace the great fans of World Level Wrestling is the team of The Tic who goes over to the fans gretting them and getting there support followed by Acid and Cage wearing a there national colours getting booed for it, then the home favourites Koki, Eagle and Maita.

Kicking off the match is Tic and Eagle, Eagle overpowers Tic in the opening lock up, Eagle hits a couple of high impact moves such as suplexes and a couple of hard blows to the abdomen, The Tic is soon tired and is forced to make the tag to Cage who jumps on Eagle taking him the ground with a neckbreaker and Cage drags Eagle over to Acid who jumps in beating down Eagle hitting a couple of flying clotheslines to the crowds dismay, Eagle gets the hot tag to Maita who comes in fists flaring, but runs straight into the knee of Acid who goes to bring Cage back into the match but Cage just shakes his head and walks up to the shirts, he grabs the English top and puts it on and he also grabs the Canadian Top, Acid looks on in horror as Cage hands it to his pet bulldog, while the is happening Ishibashi is crawling up behind Acid and Tic trys to point this out but Koki spins Acid round and hits the Koki Revolution, Cage just stands there and laughs he then shouts "I don't play for teams"






The Round up of The Night


Americana defeated SPEED D and Panda Mask

Machine defeated Hardcore, Matsuo SF and Dragon to retain the WLW Streetfighting Title

Hell Monkey defeated Koki Ibashi to retain the WLW Show Stealer Title

Ibashashi,Maita and Dark Eagle defeated Acid, The Tic and Jase Cage

Magnum Kobe defeated Kazuma Narita to retain the WLW Universal Title

Angel and Hisato defeated Narato and Shark

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WLW Wasteland Tour

Wednesday Week 3 April 2010

From Hakodate Athletic Field in Hokkaido

In front of 1,280 people




The Round up of The Night


Americana defeated SPEED D and Panda Mask

Machine defeated Hardcore, Matsuo SF and Dragon to retain the WLW Streetfighting Title

Hell Monkey defeated Koki Ibashi to retain the WLW Show Stealer Title

Ibashashi,Maita and Dark Eagle defeated Acid, The Tic and Jase Cage

Magnum Kobe defeated Kazuma Narita to retain the WLW Universal Title

Angel and Hisato defeated Narato and Shark


Double booking with Koki Ishibashi there?

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