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Class of 2009 - A Watcher's Diary

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OOC: Right, before we get off and underway, the premise and set up of this diary.


The idea is the same as ChrisKid's Justin Christopher: My Rise to Stardom but the execution and scale differs slightly. I created an empty database and within it I created 7 dojos; one for each game area. I then imported 7 workers to head up each of these dojos from the Cornellverse, picking characters who I felt represented the peak of the industry in their particular game area. I then set worker generation to 'High' and simmed this game for a year (that year being 2009, if you hadn't picked that up from the title), creating the cast for this diary. I selected10 workers to then create in game characters and personae for, before exporting them to excel and in turn inputting them into an unedited default database. This game is therefore essentially a watcher diary, in which we will follow these 10 rookies for their entire careers in the wacky world of pro wrestling. All the pictures used to represent our rookies were taken from the C-Verse Re-Render Project, save the pair of Luchadors you will meet below. Credit for those goes to Astil for El Perfeccion and jtlant for El Vigilante.


Now on with the show:


Meet the Rookies


Andre McDonald

19 Year Old American Heavyweight

TEW Bio: 'Awesome' Andre McDonald is a charismatic American who is looking to break into the top level of the game. A natural heel, he plays the part of arrogant up and comer to a tee, and can marry that character to a natural air of menace he exudes. May get himself into trouble for his wild partying ways.

Finisher: MNC (Multi-National Corpse-ation) (Scissor Kick)

Author's Notes: Nothing particularly remarkable to this character, other than he's the first alphabetically. Decent all round skills for a wrestler of his age, and if he can get regular work early he could develop into something special.



Andrew Austin

19 Year Old American Light Heavyweight

TEW Bio: 'All Action' Andrew Austin is a terrifyingly talented 20 year old who has been knocking around the independent scene for the past few months. Even at this young age he is a very skilled technical worker, backed up with scary charisma, mic skills, and an amazingly solid all round game for such a rookie. Much is expected of this young superstar in the making, despite a worrying lack of consistency, often leading to him appearing disinterested in ring.

Finishers: All Action Stunner (Stunner), Cardinal Pain (Human Torture Rack)

Author's Notes: The only truly spectacular character among the generated wrestlers, this is the only guy here who I expect to shoot straight to the top of the game. Aside from a slightly assish personality there is literally nothing that this guy needs to develop, and he's my personal tip for the first hire.



Arnold Pyle

20 Year Old Canadian Heavyweight

TEW Bio: Arnold Pyle is a Canadian up and comer with solid brawling skills. He is totally unremarkable in almost every area of the game, and should develop into a solid midcard act with time and work. He already has an instantly recognizable finisher in his 'Cattle Mutilation' submission finisher, which he has named 'Pyle of Trouble'.

Finishers: Pyle of Trouble (Cattle Mutilation), PyleDriver (Piledriver)

Author's Notes: Already has the all round skills of someone in their prime. If he can develop he could be so much more than the midcard act I mentioned in the bio.



Brandon DiBiase

20 Year Old Scottish Middleweight

TEW Bio: Brandon 'Big Dreamer' DiBiase is an exciting prospect from the UK. Hailed by industry insiders as possibly the best 'Pure' wrestling prospect to arrive in years, Dibiase is a phenomenal Puro practitioner, and though his matches on the UK independents fell rather flat, you can be sure his style will be lapped up in Japan. He is, however, a rather bland wrestler, and has the tendency to wimp out of spots where he is required to be hit with big moves.

Finisher: Dream Street (Cobra Clutch Slam)

Author's Notes: Freakishly high puro stat highlights an otherwise very average worker. Has very low star quality.



Brandon Morgan

19 Year Old Australian Lightweight

TEW Bio: Brandon Morgan is a drama school student turned pro wrestler. Generally atrocious in the ring, he is a versatile performer and can portray a number of different characters. Seems tailor made for Sports Entertainment promotions.

Finisher: Outback Driver (Piledriver)

Author's Notes: By far the worst worker we have here. In Australia's low key market he could do quite well, but never in a roll high up the card in my opinion.



El Perfeccion

19 Year Old Mexican Heavyweight

TEW Bio: Ricardo 'El Perfeccion' Merino is a large luchador looking to break into the big leagues. Blessed with amazing charisma and star presence, he looks to have the tools to do so - though the lack of any stand out ring skills make you wonder if Mexico is the place to do it.

Finishers: Perfeccion Driver (Bridging Cradle Piledriver)

Author's Notes: Aside from his good 'Camera' skills, Master Merino is pretty unremarkable. Will be lucky to get work until some new promotions open up in Mexico.



El Vigilante

20 Year Old Mexican Middleweight

TEW Bio: Edmundo 'El Viglante' Castro is a decent Mexican prospect who is showing well rounded ring ability even at his very young age. A decent speaker, too, the only thing that looks to prevent him from achieving super stardom is his general blandness, both in ring and as a character.

Finishers: Armbar, 450 Splash

Author's Notes: Poor old Edmundo has no star presence, and thus will be lucky to achieve anything unless he can get himself into an entirely performance driven promotion. Fingers crossed on that count, despite his personality being the wrong side of 'jerk'.



Johan Riegler

21 Year Old German Middlweight

TEW Bio: German youngster Johan Riegler is an interesting prospect in that, though he is undoubtedly talented, he will tell anyone that listens that he isn't a particularly good wrestler. This coupled with countless displays of naivety has marked him out as someone who is easy to manipulate, and unless he shake that tag off quickly he is unlikely to achieve much in his career.

Finisher: Leaving a Mark (Spinning Side Slam)

Author's Notes: The only rookie generated in Europe and therefore guaranteed a spot, he's also our sole 'Entertainer' and so should have an interesting career that will be slightly different to some of the more technically minded characters that have gone before.




Kenneth Gurgel

21 Year Old Canadian Lightweight

TEW Bio: Kenneth 'The Pilgrim' Gurgel is a Canadian high flier. He is well known for his spectacular (if poorly executed) aerial attacks and his solid mic skills. Comparitively well rounded for his style, Gurgel is also a bump taking machine, able to sell attacks like they have just torn his head off and nutty enough to volunteer to be thrown through a burning table.

Finisher: Canterbury Nailed (Corkscrew Somersault Leg Drop/Dropkick)

Author's Notes: Mainly included due to having a ring style that wasn't Regular Wrestler, Kenny can sell with the best of them and is very flashy. If he can improve his basics he may have a good career as an enhancement talent. Above that? Don't hold your breath. Also our oldest character.



Marc Varelans

18 Year Old Australian Super Heavyweight

TEW Bio: 'The Croatian Sensation' Marc Varelans is an Australian with a Croatian father who is trying his hand at pro wrestling. He is a physically collosal man who can brawl with the best of them - and to add to that he's capable of acting a very, very scary person. Being hailed as the next Bruce the Giant, Varelans has since moved to quash that rumour by undermining his menace with (admittedly funny) comedy stunts that he pulls throughout his matches. These have helped to underline that he is not just another giant wrestler. He is a scarily talented one too.

Finisher: Commonwealth Crunch (Fireman Carry Gutbuster)

Author's Notes: When I say brawl with the best I mean with the best a Brawling stat of 100 is obviously the stand out info from this kid's profile, but he has another 100 – this time in toughness. Pity he's a bit of an egomaniac... Also our youngest character.


OOC: Coming up next: the 'roster' sheet complete with stats, title achievments (as they happen) and all that jazz. Also... a watcher based prediction key? Is it possible?


Feedback welcomed!

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The Roster



Name: Andre McDonald

Style: Regular Wrestler

Stats: D-/D/E/C+/E+/D+/B+

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown' (USA F+)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches:

-Loss: vs. Ben Williams at American Indepent Show (E-)

-Loss: vs. Davis at American Independent Show (E-)

-Loss: vs. Super Sonic at American Independent Show (E-)

-Draw: with Davis vs. Paradox and Crash Lewis at American Independent Show (F+)

Overall Record: 0-1-2

Average/Highest Rating: E-/E-

Title Achievements: None



Name: Andrew Austin

Style: Technician

Stats: C+/A/C+/B+/C-/B/C+

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown' (USA F+, Canada E-)

Contracts: CGC (Face Opener, PPA) PSW (Enhancement Talent Face, PPA), 4C (Midcard Face, PPA)

Last Five Matches:

-Win: with Christian Price vs. Nathan Black and Warren Technique at CGC Ultimate Showdown (D)

-Loss: vs. Wooton Fitzpaine at PSW Pain Barrier (D-)

-Loss: with Lightning Lomas and Rajah vs. Jacob Jett, Duberry Excess and Sayeed Ali at 4C Presents... Iron Man Challenge (C-)

-Loss: vs. Philippe LaGrenier at CGC In The Company of Legends (D+)

-Loss: vs. Slim V at 4C Presents... (D-)

Overall Record: 2-0-11

Average/Highest Rating: D/C

Title Achievements:



Name: Arnold Pyle

Style: Regular Wrestler

Stats: C/D-/D-/C/D/C/C

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown' (Canada F)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches:

-Win: vs. Dusty Bin at Canadian Independent Show (E-)

-Loss: vs. Zachary Inc at Canadian Independent Show (E-)

Overall Record: 1-0-1

Average/Highest Rating: E-/E-

Title Achievements: None



Name: Brandon DiBiase

Style: Regular Wrestler

Stats: B+/E+/D+/D+/C+/D/C

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown (UK F+, Europe F)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches:

-Loss: vs. The Landlord at British Independent Show (D)

-Loss: vs. The Dublin Destroyer at British Independent Show (E+)

-Win: vs. Jeremy Allen at British Independent Show (D-)

-Win: vs. Rhys Valis at British Independent Show (E+)

-Loss: vs. Vic Walker at British Independent Show (E)

Overall Record: 2-0-2

Average/Highest Rating: E+/D

Title Achievements: None



Name: Brandon Morgan

Style: Technician

Stats: E-/E+/F+/D/D/E+/C

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown' [Australia F)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches: n/a

Overall Record: 0-0-0

Average/Highest Rating: -/-

Title Achievements: None



Name: El Perfeccion

Style: Regular Wrestler

Stats: E+/E+/E/C+/E+/D+/B+

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown' (Mexico F)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches: n/a

Overall Record: 0-0-0

Average/Highest Rating: -/-

Mask Prestige: 0%

Title Achievements: None



Name: El Vigilante

Style: Regular Wrestler

Stats: D-/D/E+/C/E/D+/C+

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown (Mexico F+)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches:

-Win: with Mustang Blanco Jr. vs. Del Hacha and Julio Dominguez at Mexican Independent Show (E+)

Overall Record: 1-0-0

Average/Highest Rating: E+/E+

Mask Prestige: 0%

Title Achievements: None



Name: Johan Reigler

Style: Entertainer

Stats: D/F+/F+/D+/E+/D-/C

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown' (Europe F)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches: n/a

Overall Record: 0-0-0

Average/Highest Rating: -/-

Title Achievements: None



Name: Kenneth Gurgel

Style: Spot Monkey

Stats: E/E-/D-/D+/D/E+/C-

Popularity: 'Virtually Unknown' (Canada F+)

Contracts: None

Last Five Matches:

-Loss: vs. Ron Greenhorn at Canadian Independent Show (E-)

Overall Record: 0-0-1

Average/Highest Rating: E-/E-

Title Achievements: None



Name: Marc Varelans

Style: Psychopath

Stats: A/E+/E+/C/D/C-/C+

Popularity: Virtually Unknown (Australia E-)

Contracts: DIW (PPA, Midcard Heel)

Last Five Matches:

-Win: vs. Nicky Gilbert at DIW Private Life (D-)

-Loss: vs. Wez Dobberly at DIW Uproar (D+)

-Win: vs. Seeker at DIW Paradise City (D)

-Loss: with Masked Mauler vs. New Zealand Pitbull and Trehawke at Australian Independent Show (E+)

-Win: vs. Max Langstrom at Australian Independent Show (E+)

Overall Record: 3-0-2

Average/Highest Rating: D/D+

Title Achievements: None




And now for that prediction key! I will be posting monthly updates for each of these wrestlers as often as I can. We will (confusingly) hold predictions every year. The predictions are as follows:


Which worker will have the best match this year?

Which worker will gain the most overness this year?

Which worker will show the most improvement this year?

Which workers (if any) will win a title this year?

Which workers (if any) will place in the Power 100?

Which workers (if any) will wil awards?


And just for you who have joined the game right at the start...


Which workers (if any) will gain entry to the Hall of Immortals?


This is a bit of an experiment on my part, but I hope it raises the immersion level, as I often find diaries hard to get into without a little bit of audience participation.


Next time: January...


Feedback welcome

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January 2010


Andre McDonald


Nothing to report.


Andrew Austin


The first of our rookies to secure himself a deal, and without a single match on the 2010 indies, Andrew Austin's raw talent caught the eye of the DeColts and Phil Vibert in Canada. Despite having even less overness there than he has in the states, he signed aboard as anEnhancement Talent face on a PPA deal. You have to start somewhere, and a Cult promotion in Canada is not at all a bad place to do it. He has yet to have his first match, but it can only be a matter of time before he steps into the ring.


Arnold Pyle


Nothing to report.


Brandon DiBiase


Nothing to report.


Brandon Morgan


Nothing to report.


El Perfeccion


Nothing to report.


El Vigilante


Nothing to report.


Johan Riegler


Nothing to report.


Kenneth Gurgel


Nothing to report.


Marc Varelans


Nothing to report.


Coming up next...


After a pretty uneventful January, will any of the rookies see in ring action come February?

Will anyone esle secure a big money contract to join Andrew in the big leagues?

Is 'All Action' going to debut on National Television?


This and much more in the February installment.

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February 2010


Andre McDonald


Despite there being no sign of a contract offer this month for Andre, he did make his 2010 in ring debut, tagging up with veteran Leo Davis and fighting his way to a time limit draw against the team of Crash Lewis and Paradox. The match was the damp squib of the night, scoring only an F+, but it was at least a bout of in ring action for the Yank.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Andrew Austin


Austin made his promotional debut for CGC this month, opening the card of the Luck of the Draw PPV against main event star Dan DaLay. The match, though far from the best of the night, was not the worst either, pulling a C rating. He has still yet to appear on CGC's TV show, but remains the only rookie with a full time contract.


Other matches:


Nothing to report


Arnold Pyle


Nothing to report.


Brandon DiBiase


DiBiase's 2010 did not get off to the best start as he was jobbed out to 'The Lounge Lizard' Vic Walker on a British independent show. The match, lodged solidly in the midcard, earned an E from the rating system.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Brandon Morgan


Nothing to report.


El Perfeccion


Nothing to report.


El Vigilante


Nothing to report.


Johan Riegler


Nothing to report.


Kenneth Gurgel


Ken was another of our rookies to feel the pain of jobbing, as he was bludgeoned into submission by Ron Greenhorn on a Canadian independent show. To top off what must have been a painful evening for Gurgel, that match was also rated a paltry E- by raters.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Marc Varelans


Varelans got his 2010 career underway with a win at an Australian independent show, crushing his opponent Max Langstrom inside 10 minutes. The match was rated an E+, and it tied with several others for match of the night.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Coming up next...


So the ball is rolling on a few of our rookie's careers as they hit the independents- but can any of them pick up regular work with a larger promotion?

Will Andrew Austin continue to get exposure against workers from the top of the CGC card?

Will any of the other rookies make in roads to leveling the impressive C rating that Austin pulled?


All this and perhaps a little more in the March instalment...


Feedback welcomed!

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Is it me, or is there no one out there working the Japanese area? Seems like all the others are covered and that one was left out, would be cool to add one for that area.


It isn't you... there were 18 active workers generated by the sim I ran. None of them worked in Japan. Weird, no?


I'm considering adding one for the start of 2011 (where the save's at now) and am just running the sim to get random stats so they all got their start on the same playing field.


I can't see why the game neglected to create any... there was the same size promotion, prestige dojo and a very talented head trainer. Ho, hum. Japanese debutant coming in the future though! :)

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March 2010


Andre McDonald


March saw Andre makes his first venture into Singles competition, taking another loss to backyard wrestling alum Super Sonic in an E- match. This rating was the norm for the show in which he participated, but he'll need to improve if he hopes to find work with a major promotion.


Other matches


Nothing to report.


Andrew Austin


Andrew appeared on radio this month, stating that he suffers from pre match nerves that worsen the more he his pushed. As long as he's lingering at the bottom of the CGC roster that shouldn't be a problem, but he may have put smaller promotions off looking for his signature. Whether he'll linger on the bottom of the CGC roster for much longer is also in doubt, as he picked up his first win with the promotion, defeating Lead Belly at Day 1 of the DeColt Wrestlefestival, the match garnering a D rating. As a result of his matches this month he's up to F overness across Canada.


Other matches:


Loss: vs. Brett Fraser at CGC Title Bout Wrestling D-


Arnold Pyle


Arnold got his career underway with a loss to Zachary Inc on the Canadian independent scene. The match was rated E- and was a bit of a weak encounter compared to the rest of the card.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Brandon DiBiase


Nothing to report.


Brandon Morgan


Nothing to report.


El Perfeccion


Nothing to report.


El Vigilante


Nothing to report.


Johan Riegler


Nothing to report.


Kenneth Gurgel


Nothing to report.


Marc Varelans


Marc became the second of our highlighted character to earn himself a contract, signing aboard on a PPA deal with rising Aussie promotion DIW, to work as a Midcard heel. Their brand of hardcore brawling should be right up the big man's street, and his poor overness should be boosted by the promotion, who seem to be tailored to his every needs. The fact they are at war with two out of the other three Aussie promotions limits his range for additional work however.


Other matches:


Loss: with Masked Mauler vs. New Zealand Pitbull and Trehawke at Australian independent show (E+)


Coming up next...


How will Marc's DIW debut go?

Will some of our other characters get off their lazy arses and get booked in an independent show?

Can anyone else secure a deal with the big guns?


All this and more coming up in April


Ockbald: Good to have you aboard, and I'm sure El Vigilante would be thrilled to find himself with an actual fan, depsite having not wrestled yet :p


Feedback welcomed!

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I love the way this is set out.

Go El Perfeccion, who just happens to look like Lance Martin :p


Good catch :p. But I'd looked through 50 odd pages of alts without finding two genero-luchadors so I just took the first mask I didn't recognize from TEW. And who knows. The Martin twins could've been... triplets? Seperated at birth? Yeah. Too far fetched. Sorry.

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April 2010


Andre McDonald


Nothing to report.


Andrew Austin


Austin added another set of dates to his diary as he picked up his second contract, another PPA deal this time with regional promotion PSW. Once again he is being pushed as an Enhancement Talent face. His CGC career goes from strength to strength, with three more matches competed in, the highlight a C- rated loss to Bobby Andrews on Day 2 of the DeColt WrestleFestival. His popularity continues to soar with Canucks, now reaching F+.


Other matches:


Loss: vs. Brett Fraser at CGC Title Bout Wrestling (D)

Loss: vs. Brett Fraser at CGC Title Bout Wrestling (D)


Arnold Pyle


Arnold received an independent booking for the second month running, going over Dusty Bin in a poor match that received an E- rating. Though the opponent can be held partially responsible here, Pyle has a lot of improving to do before the bigger promotions will come sniffing.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Brandon DiBiase


After a month off Brandon returned to action on the British independents, picking up an E+ rated victory against ROF cast off Rhys Vali. This victory would not look out of place on the undercards of any of the major British or European promotions, and DiBiase looks to be on his way to earning his first regular pay check.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Brandon Morgan


Nothing to report.


El Perfeccion


Nothing to report.


El Vigilante


Nothing to report.


Johan Riegler


Nothing to report.


Kenneth Gurgel


Nothing to report.


Marc Varelans


Varelans made his promotional debut for DIW at their monthly show, this time named Paradise City. Marc won the opening match after a duel with the Hardcore Priest Seeker, in an affair that rated D, the same as the card overall.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Coming up next...


Will some of our lazier rookies make their indy scene debuts?

Can Brandon DiBiase secure a full time contract after his solid work on the indies?

Can Andrew stop jobbing?


All this and more in the May update.

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May 2010


Andre McDonald


McDonald appeared on an independent show for the first time since March, jobbing to former tag partner Leo Davis in an E- match that was among the poorer bouts on the card.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Andrew Austin


A relatively quite month for Andrew after a busy April, he only made two appearances, most notably his debut for PSW. There, at Bad Obsession, he opened the show by losing to brawler Little Bill Lebowski in an average-for-the-promotion match that rated D-. He is still an Enhancement Talent face on both of his contracts, despite breaking the E- popularity barrier in Canada. He has also increased his Technical stat to A despite there being no noticeable shift in his individual skills.


Other matches:


Loss: vs. Lead Belly at CGC Chaos in the Cage (C-)


Arnold Pyle


Nothing to report.


Brandon DiBiase


Brandon was again in action for the British Independent promotion, defeating Jeremy Allen in a D- rated match right at the top of the midcard. If it weren't for the poor financial state of the two English promotions that might be interested in hiring him (ROF and MOSC), DiBiase probably would've secured a contract by now.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Brandon Morgan


Nothing to report.


El Perfeccion


Nothing to report.


El Vigilante


Nothing to report.


Johan Riegler


Nothing to report.


Kenneth Gurgel


Nothing to report.


Marc Varelans


Varelans was elevated to the middle of the card for this month's DIW event, named Uproar. He faced Wez Dobberly in a bout that tied for match of the night, drawing a D+ rating. Despite losing in the fight he can be proud to outshine the co-main that featured old hands Dumfrey Pinn and Menace to Sobriety. With this match he breaches the E- popularity barrier in Australia.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Coming up next...


Marc's star is rising in Australia - will one of the big two swoop for him?

Surely DiBiase has done enough to get noticed by the bigger UK promotions... will a contract come for him next month?

How will Andrew hold up potentially wrestling 6 shows a month?


All this and more in the June update!


Feedback welcomed!

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June 2010


Andre McDonald


Nothing to report.


Andrew Austin


Andrew added a third PPA paycheque to his wallet as he signed aboard with 4C, where he will be pushed as a Midcard face. Presumably the promotion is looking to cash in on Austin's new found fame due to his TV appearances with CGC. He was left off of PSW's card this month, but made two appearances regardless, including his debut for 4C in which he lost to Slim V in a D- rated affair. CGC have promoted him to an Opening level face.


Other matches:


Loss: vs. Philippe LaGrenier at CGC In The Company of Legends (D+)


Arnold Pyle


Nothing to report.


Brandon DiBiase


Another match at the top of the midcard saw DiBiase fall victim to The Dublin Destroyer in an E+ rated affair as Brandon continues his good form.


Other Matches:


Nothing to report.


Brandon Morgan


Nothing to report.


El Perfeccion


Nothing to report.


El Vigilante


Vigilante got his 2010 underway six months late with a tag victory on the independent scene, in which he teamed up with Mustang Blanco Jr to defeat Del Hacha and Julio Dominguez the match was rated E+, which was pretty solid for that card.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Johan Riegler


Nothing to report.


Kenneth Gurgel


Nothing to report.


Marc Varelans


Varelans was left off this month's DIW card for unknown reasons.


Coming up next:


Will Andrew's meteoric rise continue north of the border?

Is Marc's withdrawal from DIW's show this month forewarning for something important in his young career?

Just three of our rookies have yet to debut - can any of them change that next month?


All this and more in the July update!


mad & infinity - glad to have the two of you aboard and enjoying - there's nothing any writer likes more than knowing his work is appreciated :)

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July 2010


Andre McDonald


Andre had another disappointing showing on the independents, this time losing to 'Bump Machine' Ben Williams in a poor E- rated match. A regular contract appears to be a long way off for McDonald.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Andrew Austin


Tag matches were the order of Andrew's month, as he appeared in two of them, most notably being a match of the night six man battle in which he allied with Lightning Lomas and Rajah to face off with Jacob Jett, Duberry Excess and Sayeed Ali at 4C's Iron Man Challenge. Despite losing, Austin came out of the match looking very good; it was his partner Rajah who took the fall. The match graded C-.


Other matches:


Loss: vs. Wooton Fitzpaine at PSW Pain Barrier (D-)

Win: with Christian Price vs. Nathan Black and Warren Technique at CGC Ultimate Showdown (D)


Arnold Pyle


Nothing to report.


Brandon DiBiase


Brandon took another loss this much, but it featured a new high grade for him, as he took a fall against The Landlord in a D rated match that was also the main event and clear match of the night. You wonder how much longer the British promotions can ignore this precocious talent.


Other matches:




Brandon Morgan


Nothing to report.


El Perfeccion


Nothing to report.


El Vigilante


Nothing to report.


Johan Riegler


Nothing to report.


Kenneth Gurgel


Nothing to report.


Marc Varelans


With RAW growing to Cult size July was a tumultuous month in Australia, and Varelans benefited. RAW raided it's competition heavily, with several workers leaving APW and DIW for the big leagues. Varelans was not one, but APW came calling once their roster had been suitably depleted, and the big man signed aboard on a PPA deal which will see him used as an Opening level heel. Due to the state of war between DIW and APW this means that Varelans will leave the former before the end of next month. His farewell match in DIW saw him go over Nicky Gilbert in a D- rated fight that saw him named MVP.


Other matches:


Nothing to report.


Coming up next...


A delay. I'm back in education this week and my free time has upped and gone. I'll do my best to continue with regular updates, and the daily ones may continue till the December post, but if I miss a few days don't be shocked :)


Oh, and will Marc make his debut for APW?

Will Austin's star continue it's meteoric rise?

Do El Perfeccion, Brandon Morgan and Johan Reigler actually want to be wrestlers?


All this and more to be revealed come the August update!


Feedback welcomed!

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nice, this is a pretty cool dynasty. I keep checking on it and when i play my normal games, i take a nice long look at the new people that come in and see what they are up to every so often.



Brandon DiBiase taking landlord to a D match is a big surprise.

Andrew Austin seems to be the star of the class. He is getting good work and making waves out there.



I didn't check earlier, but there's no ladies in your initial group either. They and the Japanese market got left out. Bah.

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