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WWE Smackdown 2009: Wrestling Is Entertainment!

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July 31st 2009


"Well you've made some good points and competition is good for the business so why not, you've got it. Smackdown belongs to you and i'll no longer have any say so in it. You'll be given the contracts of the ECW wrestlers you asked for and though i don't agree with some of the things you say this show will now be in your hands completely. You screw up thats it for you." CLICK


And just like that Vince McMahon was off the phone and the deal was done. I stood in front of my boss with a smile as the plan he'd been working so hard on since after Wrestlemania 25 had finally fallen into place. He had talked Vince into seperating Smackdown and Raw into two seperately run companies instead of brands. The money would be made under the WWE banner but the companies would stand alone in who they sign and how they're run. He said no words to me just handed me a stack of papers and folders and i went on my way because today though the split was not official yet, my job as the Smackdown creative writer was just begining.


SummerSlam Eve


Sitting at a conference table with Jim Ross, Joey Styles, Ricky Steamboat and the boss. Can you get more nervous than i am right now?? "So everything is in order guys. Our two big additions are set and one of them is going to play a role almost immediately. The next three months of booking is set and im sure you're going to like the direction I take the show. All of my plans are in front of you and im sure you'll like what you see.


After about 2 hours in the meeting listening to Steamboat and J.R's talent scouting reports im left with just the boss and I in the conference room. "This company is mine which means that he and I WILL NOT have the same product. People he would fire or not push will not expect the same from me and that's why i want you to call this man and hire him." he said. "Sir are you sure about this? I mean.." "I'm absolutely sure" he interrupted. Call him right now.


As the phone rings the combination of the wait for the ringing to stop and my boss staring at me expecting to close a deal on a man who's been spurned by the WWE in the past is making me sweat. "Hello?" he answers. It's now make or break. "Hi this is Christian Cross. Remember me? I worked for Vince McMahon as one of his creative assistants." God i hope he doesn't hang up. "Whoa kid let me stop you there you mentioned Vince McMahon and he's on my **** list right now so im gonna go." Dammit "Wait wait just hear me out please. I Don't work for him anymore i work for someone else who wants your services. All i can tell you is that im one of the head creative guys on Smackdown and we have big plans for you. My boss is running Smackdown completely seperated from Vince's input. We're bulding this show to be the exact opposite of Raw and what Vince likes. He's got guest host and 2 minute matches we've got 15 minute matches. He's got the same faces in the main event we're pushing new stars and I promise you if you come in, sit down and hear me out you'll understand exactly we're my boss and I are coming from. What do you say?"


I walked out of the conference room and stumbled into the car sent from the service company. I don't remember getting upstairs into my hotel room but i remember hitting the bed, exhaling and mentally preparing for Summerslam the next night.


SummerSlam 2009


Walking through the corridors of the Staples Center the Smackdown portion of Summerslam was good for the most part. Dolph and Mysterio put on a very good match to open the show for the I.C title. Kane and Khali's match will be their LAST matches as Smackdown wrestlers as i've traded the right to their contracts to RAW as a package deal for some other guys rights. Christian beat William Regal in a pretty good match to secure that he would be ECW's final Champion and builds momentum as he'll be on the Smackdown roster from now on. And then there was the main event which really couldn't have been better. Showcasing Smackdown to close out the show with a great physical TLC match crowing a new champion in Punk and a return for The Undertaker which can now start our new program. I'm honestly excited about the way things are about to go. Smackdown will become a live show from now on, the talent J.R and Steamboat have gotten will do wonders for the show and with some of the guys i've scouted and spoken to from RAW the way people think about what sports entertainment is supposed to look like is about to change.

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<p><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">So my Smackdown will begin of course in Week 1 in game but as i write it things pick up the week after Jeff Hardy was "sent away" from Smackdown. In My game Jeff is just one of the guys they i "traded" to RAW. So here's how it stacks up....</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Roster</span></strong></p><p>

Beth Phoenix</p><p>

Bryan Danielson (rights to his contract)</p><p>


Chris Jericho</p><p>


<strong>CM Punk</strong></p><p>

David Hart Smith</p><p>

Dolph Ziggler</p><p>

Evan Bourne</p><p>

Gail Kim</p><p>


Jamie Noble</p><p>


Jimmy Wang Yang</p><p>

John Morrison</p><p>


Katie Lea Burchill</p><p>

Matt Hardy</p><p>

Mickie James</p><p>


Paul Burchill</p><p>

Primo Colon</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio</strong></p><p>

Shad Gaspard</p><p>

Sheamus O' Shaunessy</p><p>

Shelton Benjamin</p><p>

The Undertaker</p><p>

Tyson Kidd</p><p>

Zack Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

<em>champions in bold</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson is going into Smackdown's development. I struck a deal with FIP to get them to be my developmental company and in game they're operate regularly just with a handful of my developmental guys thrown in, some of which already worked for them lol.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">Smackdown</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">Smackdown opens with the crowd in a hush as the viewers can see nothing but darkness and a shadowy figure is in the middle of the ring. "Tap Tap Tap" is heard as the figure checks the mic. He clears his throat as the spotlight drops onto him, revealing our World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk. The crowd explodes into boos as he scans the crowd sitting on his stool in the middle of the ring waiting for the boos to stop which eventually they do.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><em>"My name is CM Punk and I am your World Heavyweight Champion." boos begin again. "Whether you love me or you hate me what i did to Jeff Hardy last week was for your own good. Getting rid of Jeff had to be done." The crowd then starts chanting Hardy's name. "Parents it had to be done to save your children. I looked into the crowd and saw the countless hardy signs and merchandise and I could see that your children loved him. They idolized him and they shouldn't have because Jeff Hardy is NOT a role model. He lived a life of drugs, debotchry and living in the moment and as happy as he made your children each and every one of you parents know they shouldn't love him. You knew he shouldn't be looked up to yet you did nothing about it. NOTHING! In fact you enabled it so i took care of it myself. I saw your weakness in taking action and i used my strength to do it for you. And in return a man who is a role model, someone who speaks the truth and lives a drug & alcohol free lifestyle is rejected and booed. But that's fine by me because I'm a revolutionary, and as such I know that sometimes I have to do what's hated by the many and understood by few to save that many. I'll carry that burden, and carry that burden i did. Now there's a bigger threat facing me, and that threats name is The Undertaker." The crowd pops at the mention of Taker's name as the recap of Taker's attack on Punk from SummerSlam plays</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><em> </em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;"><em>

"The Undertaker is a much bigger problem than Jeff Hardy, because Taker has faced and beaten or worse...buried everyone that has been in the WWE. Just like Jeff Hardy there is no reasoning with the Undertaker because he wants one thing and what he wants lies with me." Punk rubs the WHC that is around his waist. "And he CAN'T have it. Because you see it's not my own welfare im worried about, it's yours. Parents it's your children i'm worried about. The confused teenagers and the impressionable children are who I worry for because your they need me. They need me to lead them and i can't do that if the Undertaker gets what he wants, because the only way he's gonna get this title is if he kills me. I can't allow that to happen. I won't allow it. Like it or not face the facts that i'm the only true role model in the WWE, and i need to be here for the day that your children finally understand me. When they finally see what i'm trying to do for them, when they are ready to walk behind me on the path that i blaze. The Undertaker wants to destroy that and i won't let him succeed, i can't because i am the last shinning beacon of hope left. I am CM Punk, i'm your straight edge World Heavyweight Champion and parents, I'm your last hope." The crowd explodes into boos as Punk puts down the microphone on the stool and walks away as the opening to Smackdown starts to play</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">.</span></span> (A)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;"><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Hype from the Broadcast Team of Jim Ross, Matt Striker & the returning Joey Styles on tonight's main event of CM Punk vs Matt Hardy</span></em></span>.(C+)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hart Dynasty vs Evan Bourne & Primo Colon</strong></p><p>

Smackdown action kicks off with a nice tag team match between the Hart Dynasty and Primo and Bourne. The Hart Dynasty often find themselves adjusting to the speed and quickness of the unorthodox team who have them on the ropes for brief moments. But in the end they take advantage of the fact that their opponents are used to teaming, isolate them and hit Primo with what they call the Hartbreaker (Springboard Neckbreaker/Powerbomb Combo) for the win (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">A video plays hyping Smackdown's newest superstar....JOHN CENA! The video shows highlights from his time on smackdown specifically his debut and the transformation into the Doctor of Thuganomics heel cena</span></span></em>.(A)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Paul Burchill vs Jamie Noble</strong></p><p>

Noble and Burchill are both making a return to smackdown in what turned out to be a pretty good match between the two men. Noble tired to use his speed to an advantage against the bigger brit but Burchill suprised him with his agility to snuff out his momentum. He then took the match to the mat mixing technical and power moves keeping Noble down for most of the match. Besides brief moments of offense Burchill dominated the match. He finished Noble off with the C4 for the win (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">We go to Todd Grisham who's standing with the ever confident Dolph Ziggler. "Dolph tonight they man you failed to beat at Summerslam, Rey Mysterio defends his title against John Morrison. How do you..." Dolph grabs the microphone. "What did you say? I didn't fail Rey got lucky. As a matter of fact step away from me right now your annoying me." Todd sulks as he walks off. "Rey it's that simple you got lucky at Summerslam. I had you and somehow like the little worm you are you squirmed away but it's okay. It's fine because either way I WILL become Intercontinental Champion so you have fun playing with Morrison tonight but don't forget about the man who's better than you in every single way. The next I.C Champ...Dolph Ziggler!" </span></span></em>(B-)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tommy Dreamer vs Charlie Haas</strong></p><p>

Interesting contrast of styles here with the hardcore fighter Dreamer against the technical Haas. A very open match between the two superstars that has alot of Haas trying to keep Dreamer on the mat only to have him fight back with straight fists. The end comes on a misque from Haas as he goes to the second rope and comes off into Dreamers boot which he follows up with the DDT for a win. (B)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;"><strong>"Break The Walls Down"</strong></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">hits as a visibly angry Chris Jericho comes walking down to the ring. He grabs the microphone and the crowd showers him with boos. "You are all staring at the man who is the best in the world at what he does, do you realize that?" Boos get louder. "And now I am standing in this ring without the Undisputed Tag Team titles that I earned and have defended for months because of Teddy Long's decision to vacate Smackdown's half of the title belts. Why couldn't I keep my half of the belts that i earned and have elevated to great heights? This is just a prime example of my greatness being unappreciated. You little ingrates don't even realize how great I am and you stand there cheering the fact that i was unjustly robbed of what belongs to me. And you know..." Before he can finish his thought Christian's theme hits as he walks onto the stage to a big pop.</span></em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

"Jericho enough whining already. If I remember i was the ECW champion but with everything being permanently split i found myself without a championship i spent months busting my butt to defend but you don't see me crying do you?" Jericho's face fills with anger. "Who do you think you are Christian? Do you know who your talking to? Huh?" Christians already at the ring steps and walks into the ring. "I know what i'm not. I'm not a crybaby. I'm not a pompous jackass who now spends his time talking about how great he is instead of shutting up and just proving it. Because im going to spend every day from now on proving that i'm championship material." Jericho gets into Christian's face. "You are nothing you hear me. You let these sycophants get into your head with their cheers and you think your something but your not. You're a curtain jerker, maybe a card filler at best and that's all you'll ever be. You shouldn't even be in this ring with me right now." "If that's how you feel Jericho then you face me right now. Show me how much i don't belong. Make a move so i can show you just how wrong you are." The two stare at each other but Jericho makes no move. He goes to leave but then tries to sneak attack Christian but he's met with right hands and is then thrown out of the ring. Jericho has a fit and backs off leaving Christian in the ring</span></em></span><span style="font-size:10px;"><em>.</em></span> (A)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs Mickie James & Gail Kim</strong></p><p>

The Divas champion and her partner Gail faced a big task in the powerful team of Beth and Nattie who used that power to isolate and basically dominate Gail. With frequent tags the two women kept the champ out of the match. Every time Gail tired to get something going a sneaky move from the illegal partner kept her in her corner. Finally Gail hits a big move and make the hot tag to Mickie who comes in like a house of fire on Nattie until a distraction from Nattie and a Glam Slam on Mickie ended the match as Natalya got the pin on the champ. (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">We go to the back were one of Smackdown's new interviewers Joesph Slick is stand with John Morrison. "John you're just seconds away from an Intercontinental Title match against Rey Mysterio. Rey defended against Dolph at Summerslam so he's a little banged up, are you ready to take advantage?" The crowd pops at the shot of Morrison. "I respect Rey Mysterio. This isn't the first time we've fought so I know what kind of competitor he is. He's going to give everything tonight banged up or not and i wouldn't have it any other way. I want to beat him at his best to become champion. So that's what i'm going to do. I like you Rey but I want to be champ more." Morrison walks off as his music plays</span></span></em><em>.(</em>B+)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Morrison vs Rey Mysterio ©</strong></p><p>

This incredible match could have been on any PPV and fit right in as these two men went at each other with absolutely everything they had. Early in the bout Rey had Morrison set up for the 619 and as he went to hit it Morrison moved and then dropkicked Rey to the outside of the ring. The match continued with more face paced high flying action with counters of both mens big move including a counter to a springboard senton that left Rey wide open for a dropkick from Morrison. Just when Rey was in danger of losing and Morrison was about to hit Starship Pain Dolph sprinted down to the ring and moved Rey out of the way. Morrison crashed and burned and Ziggler preceeded to throw Mysterio into the security barricade. He then hit the Zig Zag on him on the outside. Then followed it up with one on Morrison in the ring. Ziggler then ended things posing with the I.C Title in the ring to huge heat as he ended this great match in a draw. (B+)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matt Hardy vs CM Punk</strong></p><p>

This non title match starts with a big pop for the last hardy standing as he takes on the champion. The two men have good chemistry in the ring and the banged up Punk faces problems in the early on at the hands of Matt's offense. Matt continues to take the fight to Punk until he counters with a thumb to the eye to establish control. Punk ground Matt with continous strikes including a low blow that the ref didn't see when Matt started mounting a comeback, which led to a two count. The match continued back and forth between the two until Matt countered Punk's shinning wizard/bulldog corner combo when Punk spent too much time showboating. Matt then hit the Side Effect and had Punk on the ropes. He went for the Twist of fate which Punk countered by bailing out of the ring, grabbing his belt and walking away to a count out loss he seemed okay with. The ref counted to ten as Punk waved bye to Matt with a smile on his face as Hardy gets the win he doesn't seem happy about. (B+)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">As Punk starts to walk up the ramp the lights go out....followed by a gong. When they come back on the crowd loses it as Taker is standing right behind Punk who has no idea. When he does he turns to rights and lefts from the Deadman who tosses him back into the ring. As Punk stumbles up he turns directly into a boot from Taker who follows it up with a HUGE Last Ride that leaves Punk imprinted into the canvas. Smackdown closes with a shot of Taker posing on the ramp as the camera zooms on Punk who is laying in a huge crater in the Smackdown ring</span></span></em>! (B)</p><p> </p><p>

There's my first show. I'll take any feedback as long as it's positive. thanks</p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">The Wrestling Insider</span></span></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">A Small Shake Up In Wrestling by Stanley West</span></strong></p><p>

<span style="font-family:Georgia;">Has Vince Mcmahon lost it or has this creative genius hit a new peak of creativity? Over the last month or so the world's been abuzz about the apparent split of the WWE, now i know your thinking the brand split was in 2002 Stanley but that's not what we're dealing with. You see this time RAW and Smackdown are run as two seperate companies. Vince will run RAW with Stephanie on the book while Smackdown's books are taken care of by Jim Ross & Christian Cross (more on him next time), and the person who's running things is still somehow a mystery. Everyone wants to see if this is just another failed storyline that will eventually fizzle out or if it's for real well i'm here to tell you, it's VERY real. My sources have told me Vince McMahon has completely washed his hands with Smackdown and after watching this past Friday it's obvious the show is going in a different direction from it's counterpart RAW. With that said on Smackdown i saw something that bothered me, it was a video for John Cena who will be added to the Smackdown roster and my question is..WHY?? In my opinions he's apart of what's wrong with RAW, his character annoys more people now than it entertains and with a roster that seems to want to move in a certain direction will he really fit in?? I guess thats for us as viewers to find out and i will be watching closely. I hope the man running things in the shadows knows exactly what he's doing.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#4169E1;">eXXcess Preview</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

On the first edition of eXXcess on Sci-Fi the action will be fast paced</p><p>

<strong>Sheamus O' Shaunessy vs Goldust</strong>- Sheamus makes his debut on the Smackdown roster against a man he knows very well from his days on ECW in Goldust. Can he make a good first impression to Teddy Long??</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cryme Tyme vs Carlito & Shelton Benjamin</strong>- Cryme Tyme take on two former Tag Team champions from teams past. Can the Bling Bling Brothers handle these two decorated superstars? or will a new partnership begin at the expense of Cryme Tyme?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Christian vs Dolph Ziggler</strong>- After the Smackdown both of these men had you have to think that their minds won't be fully on this match. Can Christian get past the things Jericho said to him to succeed? Or maybe Dolph will to be too busy watching his back for Morrison & Mysterio after his attack left their classic Intercontinental Title match unfinished to stay focused. Either way this main event should ring in eXXcess with a bang!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><em>Predictions are welcome</em></span></p>

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On the first edition of eXXcess on Sci-Fi the action will be fast paced

Sheamus O' Shaunessy vs Goldust- Sheamus makes his debut on the Smackdown roster against a man he knows very well from his days on ECW in Goldust. Can he make a good first impression to Teddy Long??


Cryme Tyme vs Carlito & Shelton Benjamin- Cryme Tyme take on two former Tag Team champions from teams past. Can the Bling Bling Brothers handle these two decorated superstars? or will a new partnership begin at the expense of Cryme Tyme?


Christian vs Dolph Ziggler- After the Smackdown both of these men had you have to think that their minds won't be fully on this match. Can Christian get past the things Jericho said to him to succeed? Or maybe Dolph will to be too busy watching his back for Morrison & Mysterio after his attack left their classic Intercontinental Title match unfinished to stay focused. Either way this main event should ring in eXXcess with a bang!

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WWE eXXcess


The show kicks off with a pyro and a sweeping shot of the crowd and set for this brand new show. Behind the announcers desk viewers are welcomes by Todd Grisham and a new face James McNeal (my avatar under a different name) who will be calling the action on Saturday nights. And the night starts off with Goldust making his entrance for his match.

Goldust vs Sheamus O' Shaunessy

Goldust starts the match by attacking Sheamus early trying to take the big Celt off of his game. Goldust constantly barrages him with punches to try to ground him, which works for while until the referee steps into to break up the fists giving Sheamus time to regroup and eventually take over. Sheamus' attack is simple..POWER and the big man uses it well to grind Goldust into the ground. Every bit of momentum Goldust tries to gain Sheamus snuffs out with a power move. The end comes after a devestating pump kick from the Celtic Warrior followed by a BIG chokeslam backbreaker called The Irish Curse. (C+)


The Smackdown Rebound is shown focusing on CM Punk's words on Jeff Hardy and The Undertaker. The emphasis then turns to Taker's attack on Punk that ended out Smackdown with Punk driven damn near through the ring. The final shot of Punk and Taker side by side, Taker standing tall and Punk laying in a crater in the ring.(B+)


After the break the hype video that was shown on Smackdown for Cena's return is show again. The focus on Cena's debut and evolution into the heel Doctor of Thuganomics gimmick(B+)


Cryme Tyme vs Carltio & Shelton Benjamin

This tag match wasn't a tag match at all. Often it was Shelton or Carlito vs Cryme Tyme as neither man seemed willing to work with the other. They worked as singles wrestlers and though there was no chemistry the two worked over JTG in their own ways keeping him far away from the big Shad. It would be however a selfish blind tag by Carlito that costs his team the victory as Shelton very well could have finished the match when Carlito's tag sparked a heated confrontation between the two giiving JTG time to make the hot tag. Shad would come in hitting a big boot to the back of Carlito knocking Shelton out of the ring and leaving Carlito all alone and a victim to an STO and a Cryme Tyme victory.(B-)


As Cryme Tyme left the ringside area celebrating Shelton got back into the ring visibly upset at Carlito costing them the win. Carlito rose and got into Shelton's face and could be heard blaming the Gold Standard for the loss. Benjamin goes to turn away and is caught with Carlito's Backstabber! Carlito walks away speaking angrily in spanish.(C+)


Backstage the camera comes to a shot of Joseph Slick one of Smackdown's newest interviewers who is standing next to Christian. "Ladies and gentlemen im standing next to Christian who in a minute or so will be in tonight's main event against Dolph Ziggler and Christian after everything that happened last night how's your mind state going into this match?" Christian smiles "My mind state is just fine Joe because you see all those things Jericho said to me, yea they hit a nerve but they're things i've been hearing for a little while now. All the whispers that Christian can't get over the hump, and that i don't have what it takes to be World Heavyweight Champion. Well thats what every waking moment from this day forward is about. It's about proving all those people wrong and that starts with you Dolph, nothing personal just wrong place wrong time."


Christian vs Dolph Ziggler

The first ever eXXcess main event delivered as these two men put it all in the ring. The action was slow at the beggining as they felt each other out but some quick counters and some moves that caught Ziggler off guard sent him retreating to the outside to regain his composure. When he got back in Dolph took over with a cheap shot and took Christian to the ground wearing him down with his amatuer background mat moves. Ziggler used leverage to his advantage with side headlocks and armbars keeping Christian on his back. The tides would turn when Dolph got too ****y delivering elbow drops missing the third one and giving Christian a window. Backdrops, dropkicks and a neckbreaker put Christian back into the match. Dolph reversed and irish whip sending Christain into the corner, and Dolph again being overly ****y missed his chance to capitalize as Christian ducked outside of the ropes when Dolph charged and rocked back kicking Ziggler right in the face. Ziggler turned around right into the Killswitch and a loss in a well fought match.(B+)


As Christian is celebrating his win from out of nowhere Jericho slides into the ring and begins attacking his new found foe. Christian follows up with a big Codebreaker but he's not done. He slides out of the ring to grab a chair, waits for Christian who struggles to get up and the crushes him with a HUGE chair shot to the head leaving him out cold. eXXcess goes off the air with Chris Jericho standing over a hurt Christian holding a steel chair.(B+)

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Smackdown Preview

After the end of Smackdown last week what of the Wolrd Heavyweight Champion CM Punk?? Will he even be in the Ralph Engelstand Arena?


Matt Hardy vs Carlito

Both men are looking to put together some momentum though both men have had very different weeks. Carlito's coming off a tag team loss on eXXcess and a turn on his "partner" while Matt Hardy is coming off of a count out victory over CM Punk.


Chris Jericho vs Christian

After the heated showdown last week and Jericho's actions on eXXcess these two men will meet one on one in the middle of the ring no sneak attack. Will Christian been 100% after that brutal attack by Jericho or will he be able to pull out a win?


Rey Mysterio & John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler & CM Punk

With what Dolph Ziggler did to both these men on Smackdown last week Teddy Long set this match with Punk as Dolph's partner but will Punk be in any shape to compete? If he's not will Dolph be able to find a replacement partner or will the GM make him go it alone as punishment for ruining the I.C Title match?


Beth Phoenix vs Gail Kim vs Katie Lea

Jamie Noble vs Zack Ryder

Paul Burchill vs Tommy Dreamer

Tyson Kidd vs JTG

Christian vs Chris Jericho

Matt Hardy vs Carlito

CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler vs Rey Mysterio & John Morrison


Predictions are welcome

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WWE Smackdown

Smackdown opens with it's pyro with the camera panning the jam pack Ralph Engelphand Arena when the shot falls on Smackdown's three man announce team of J.R, the ever clever Matt Striker and Joey Styles. "Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown i'm Jim Ross and with me is..." "the WWE Universe's teacher Matt Striker here next to the great J.R and well Joey Styles is here too." Striker interrupts. "Thanks for that introduction Matt always a pleasure and before J.R was so rudely interrupted im sure he was going to say that tonight is going to be a big night here on Smackdown. We have....." And before Styles could finish the music of the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk hits much to the delight of Matt Striker and the disdain of everyone else in the building. The champ is obviously hurting as he slowly walks down to the ring seemingly struggling just to hold the Heavyweight Title on his shoulders. The champ gingerly gets into the ring and grabs the mic as he is buried with boos.


"I'M STILL STANDING UNDERTAKER!!!" the shouting causes the champion to grimace. "You haven't broken me you evil bastard. You tried to break me in half, you tried to send me to hell and you FAILED!" The crowd boos harder. "That man tried to destroy your Straight Edge hero, your revolutionary and the General Manager Teddy Long has done nothing about. The Undertaker has attacked me twice now and what does Teddy do? He rewards him with a Title match at Breaking Point and even worse he makes it a Submission match. But no it doesn't stop there as the GM goes and puts me in a tag team match tonight with Dolph Ziggler against Rey Mysterio and John Morrison when it's apparent that i should have the night off but NO. But you see that's fine, it's ok because if this was anyone else they'd be laying in a hospital bed pumped full of IV's and sky high on perscription pills but im standing here drug free and dealing with the pain and i WILL compete tonight. I will lead this team to victory despite the pain im going through because my name is CM Punk, I'm your World Heavyweight Champion and Straight Edge means that I...am BETTER...than YOU."(A)


After Striker finishes applauding the champion the three announcers hype the big main event tag match focusing alot on the fact that Dolph made a statement last week by both costing Morrison the I.C Title and beating down Mysterio as well.(B-)


Beth Phoenix vs Gail Kim vs Katie Lea Burchill

Smackdown in ring action is kicked off with a triple threat number one contender's match for the Diva's championship between three fine contenders. Gail and Katie the two smaller women start off suprising everyone, including Beth by teaming up on the glamazon. The obviously more powerful beth is taken off guard by the two smaller women's tactics that put her at a disadvantage for the beginnings of the match. But as soon as the two throw Beth out of the ring Katie Lea tries to move in to attack Gail who sees it coming and counters for the first pinfall attempt of the match. As the two go back and forth it seems they forgot about the Glamazon as she comes back into the match and takes over with her power to command control of the match. Beth is methodically punishing Katie Lea when from off the top Gail comes crashing down on both women with a crossbody a move that gets the crowd excited. The match ends on Gail taking one too many risks as she goes to repeat her previously successful crossbody only to meet the canvas and then recieve a Glam Slam. Beth will face the winner of the Mickie James-Natalya title match on eXXcess this Saturday


Just as last week a Cena video is played to hype his return to Smackdown only this time the focus is on the change from the heel Doctor of Thuganomics to the face Cena. Cena talks about his first singles title win, the road to Wrestlemania 21 and how the fans pretty much turned him face.(A)


Paul Burchilll vs Tommy Dreamer

The extreme innovator of violence Dreamer ran into a tough challenge in "The Ripper" Paul Burchill this week as the brit was on top of his game despite his sister not being in his corner due to her tough match earlier. It seemed as if Dreamer just couldn't get past the combination of strength and mat based attack from Burchill. When Dreamer did get in offense though he tries to switch the pace of the match taking it to the outside forcing Burchill into a brawl, which started working for a bit. That was until Dreamer's charge at Burchill was met with a countered hip toss that landed him back and legs first right into the announce table in a nasty collision. The smart brit got in to break the count and then threw Dreamer into the ring. Dreamer tried to fight back with some stray punches but it was all but over when Burchill hit his impressive C-4 which did end it.(C+)


After the break Matt Striker is all over the Burchill bandwagon talking up his commanding victory over Styles' ECW brother Dreamer. J.R is taking the middle ground between the two trying to defuse the quelling arguement.


Jamie Noble vs Zack Ryder

The ever arrogant Zack Ryder stepped into the ring with the veteran and very capable Jamie Noble and in the early goings punished the brash youngster taking him way off his game with quick takedowns that had Ryder so flustered he stayed outside for a 6 count to get his head together. When he got back in much of the same happened as it seemed Ryder had underestimated the former multiple time cruiserweight champion. Even a faux test of strength wasn't enough to get an advantage and just like that Ryder was back outside the ring calming himself down. This time he returned and ducked back out aggravating Noble into chasing him and when he did Ryder lowered the boom with a quick knee lift right to the face. Ryder then took the fight to Noble often but always managing to get in some trash to the Noble and the crowd whenever he got the chance. When Ryder took too long with his WOO WOO..You Know It phrase it cost him big time as Noble hit him with a big backbreaker taking him down. Noble went up to the second rope which Ryder tried quickly to counter only to get hit with a big kick that dazed him. As he turned back around Noble double underhooked his arms, jumped off the second rope and landed on his feet in prime position to hit Ryder with the Tiger Driver for the pin. (B-)


Jim Ross and Joey Styles began hyping The Undertaker's return to action that will happen next week as Striker bad mouthed Taker for his "unecessary" attack on CM Punk


Tyson Kidd vs JTG

These two men put on a very fast paced high flying match from the outset going at it with everything as their tag tean counterparts watched and cheered them on from the outside. The momentum took a definative side though when a trip up by Nattie lead to Tyson switching styles to change the pace to a slower match taking JTG out of the match. Constant submission moves that were applied not to get the win but to slow down his opponent kept Tyson in control through out the match. JTG did fight back though getting pumped up by each bit of offense he got it. When the Hart Dynasty felt his momentum was getting too high Natalya tried to interfere which thanks to Shad pointing it out was stopped by the referee but this was only a distraction as Shad got a big boot from David Hart Smith. This distracted JTG enough as Tyson ran to the ropes, sprung off and hit an impressive corkscrew blockbuster for the win.(B)


Break The Walls Downhits as Jericho saunters out for his match against Christian with a smug grin on his face. He walks into the ring and grabs a microphone as the crowd shows their displeasure. "That little miscreant Christian learned a valuable lesson last saturday on eXXcess when i beat some sense into his head with a steel chair." Jericho grins as the crowd boos louder. "And tonight i teach him an even bigger lesson as i show him and each and every one of you idiotic leeches that Christian doesn't belong in the same ring as me, because i am the best in the world at...." Jericho is cut off just like last week by Christian's music as he comes out but this time unlike last week there's not mic in his hand nor is there a joyous smile on his face. Christian is all business as he head to the ring and brings the fight to Jericho as the referee rings the bell.(A)


Chris Jericho vs Christian

Christian rains down rights and lefts on Jericho continuing the attack he started before the bell even rang. Even when the referee stepped in to seperate the two this didn't slow Christian down for long as he stepped away but went right back on the attack leading to Jericho trying to escape by going to the outside. This gave no repreive because Christian followed him out bouncing Jericho's head off of the ring apron, barricade and the announcer's table. Christian looked like a completely different man in this match and it had Jericho agonizing in pain. Christian rolled him back into the ring and charged for a clothesline but his overzealous nature led to the tides turning in Jericho's favor. Like the veteran he is Jericho took full advantage of the open window and began controlling the match grounding Christian to keep him from getting momentum like he had earlier in the match. Jericho's arrogance slowly began to show now that he was in control as he could often be heard belittling Christian telling him to "give it up" and "you can never beat me" much to the dislike of the crowd. Jericho hit his trademark lionsault for a close 2 count which started to anger him and he argued the count with the referee. Christian took this opportunity and clotheslined Jericho not once but twice as the momentum looked close to a pivital shift. Christian hit a big neckbreaker on Jericho and went up for the Frog Splash but Jericho moved out of the way and all Christian found was the mat. Jericho then feeling the match in his grasp went to put Christian in the Walls of Jericho when it was countered into a roll up for the 1....2......3 and the win.(A)


The fans jumped to their feet as Christian shocked Jericho with the counter and the pinfall and it was all of Jericho's face as he was in sheer disbelief. As the referee raised Christians hand something seemed to snap in Jericho and he blind sided his nemesis and began pummeling him. He stalked Christian and hit him with a Codebreaker and this attack started to resemble the won from eXXcess as Jericho slide outside and grabbed a chair just like he had before. WHAM, a shot that silenced the crowd dropped Christian but Jericho didn't stop there as he mounted him and began punching away on him until blood began pouring from his head with every punch. He continued to punch away until agents came and pulled him off the almost completely motionless Christian as the fans showered Jericho with boos and some fans even threw drinks at him. Jericho went up the ramp still unhappy about his loss and could be heard saying "he didn't beat me. he's not in my league."(B+)


Matt Hardy vs Carlito

Matt Hardy who picked up a "win" on Punk last week came into this match to pick up some steam on his big for the World Heavyweight title as he felt his count out victory wasn't enough but standing in his was was a man who's never one to take lightly, Carlito. Carlito could care less about Matt's aspirations and it was evident as he jumped on Matt early to try and get the win. Carlito spent alot of the early parts of the match focusing on Matt Hardy's back often whipping him to the corners hard doind alot of damage. Matt found himself fighting from behind to keep his hopes of winning the match alive and when Matt countered one of Carlito's irish whips Carlito springboarded from the corner directly into a boot from Hardy and a desperation Side Effect that put both men down. Matt slowly rolled over to get the pin but only got a two as his last ditch move couldn't cut it. The two began trading punches but that was brought to an end with a thumb to the eye from Carlito. Now everything seemed to be pointing toward the end for Matt as Carlito had the advantage when suddenly Shelton Benjamin came down to ringside and took his focus away from the match. Carlito continued to argue with Shelton telling him to leave and Matt capitalized with a Twist of Fate to pick up the win as Shelton looked on with a grin, seemingly getting some revenge from eXXcess.(B+)


Matt stood in the ring all by himself celebrating the victory he just pulled out when from the crowd a blonde man in street clothes slid into the ring and back jumped Matt for absolutely no reason. For a moment the crowd was confused until a camera man picked up the attackers face and Jim Ross told the world who the man was. "My god that's Ken Kennedy. That's Mr. Kennedy who's attacking Matt Hardy. What the hell is he doing here?" A mixed reaction was heard from the crowd as they figured out who was behind the attack as some fans booed and others chanted "Kennedy!". He then picked Matt up and hit him with a Mic Check and pulled a microphone out of his front pocket. "I'm BAAAACK." is heard to more mixed reactions. "Mr. Kennedy is back and Smackdown is going to change FOREVERRRRRR." He drops the mic and walks out as the crowd tries to access what just happened.(B+)


Away from the chaos in the ring the camera's shot falls on John Morrison, the Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio and James McNeal who's standing by with a microphone to talk to the two men. "Well guys you two are about to take on the man who embarassed both of you last week Dolph Ziggler and the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk who's injured by the way but im sure will still beat you two. How do you feel?" Morrison steps up to speak "I don't know what you think you know but unless you've got a time machine as far as im concerned this match is wide open Rey and I aren't to be taken lightly. The way i see it there's an injured champion and his partner who's got both of us gunning to give him the ass kicking he deserves. That's what we plan on making happen tonight." "But what about.." Rey stops McNeal. "But nothing. John's right. Last week we had a classic match going and Dolph stuck his nose where it didn't belong and tonight he's going to pay for it. Dolph says he's going to become the next Intercontinental champion well i say he'll be lucky to make it out of this match tonight to get a shot."(B)


John Morrison & Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler & CM Punk

The two faces came out first and were followed by Dolph who waited outside the ring for CM Punk to come out for the match to start. And when it did Dolph started the match against Morrison who didn't waste time beating on Ziggler. Dould be isolated and attacked by both men he attacked last week fighting pretty much a handicap match much to the delight of the fans. Rey and Morrison tag in and out frequently both using their own styles to punish Dolph. On the outside Punk looks like he has no interest in getting in the ring until it becomes apparent his team could lose the match and just like that Punk rushes in and attacks Morrison from behind and drags Dolph back to his corner. After the tag Punk rushes in and hits strikes on Morrison albeit gingerly as not to aggrivate his injuries. Punk's combination of knee strikes and kicks put his team back in control of the match as they now had Morrison on the ropes. After a nice breather Dolph got back in and put the screws to Morrison but made sure not to leave Mysterio out of the fun as he put his partner in a side headlock and taunted the helpless I.C champion with his helpless partner. But as usual the ****iness led to trouble as Morrison mounted a comeback back suplexing Dolph to break the hold and make the hot tag to Mysterio who came in with low kicks and a quick armdrag that saw the pace pick up. Mysterio then started hitting the ropes and the offense seemed to come from all directions when a drop toe hold landed Dolph in a position he didn't want to be in if he wanted to win this match. Rey was going for the 619 when Punk tried to enter but was cut off by Morrison leaving the two men alone. On the outside Punk got the upperhand on Morrison and threw him into the ring steps. On the inside Mysterio hit the 619 on Dolph and looked all but ready to finish him off but when he went for the springboard senton he was tripped by Punk and he landed hard on the canvas. He pulled himself up on the canvas and recieved a Zig Zag for his troubles as Dolph picked up the pin on the Intercontinental champion to win for his team.(A)


As Punk celebrates on the outside the gong hits and brief panic can be seen on the champs face as the lights went out. When they came back on The Undertaker was standing directly in front of Punk! Taker pelted the champ with rights and lefts as Punk had no answer for them. Taker then did the cut throat sign signaling trouble for Punk, trouble the champ definately didn't want as he bailed up the ramp as soon as he got a breather from Takers attack. Smackdown went off the air with Punk scurring up the ramp and Taker rolling his eyes into the back of his head as his music began to play.(B+)


So this is my 3rd show and i was hoping for some feedback on how my writing is seeing as this is my first diary. any positive feedback will help. thanks

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eXXcess Preview


Evan Bourne vs Jimmy Wang Yang

These two men will make their first appearance on eXXcess and Bourne is making his singles debut on the Smackdown roster. Will Yang play the spoiler or can Evan get "Air Bourne" on his mission to climb the Smackdown ladder


Charlie Haas vs Primo

Haas is looking to use his mat abilities to turn things around after a loss to Tommy Dreamer on Smackdown last week. Primo is also coming off a loss in tag team action against the Hart Dynasty. One man will start on a winning path and the other will suffer another loss.


An Interview w/ Dolph Ziggler

Joesph Slick gets an interview with Dolph Ziggler who's coming off a tag team victory over the Intercontinental Champion on Smackdown.


Mickie James vs Natalya for the Diva's Championship

Natalya got the pin on the Diva's Champion in the Diva's tag match last week on Smackdown thanks in big part to the now number one contender Beth Phoenix. Can Natalya win her first Diva's Championship or will Mickie make a sucessful defense? Either way the winner will have to deal with Beth Phoenix sooner rather than later.


Shelton Benjamin vs Sheamus O' Shaunessy

Shelton got a small measure of revenge on Carlito for his little Backstabber stunt from last week's eXXcess and will get a chance to finish it at Breaking Point in 8 days but before that happens he's gotta get through the Celtic Warrior Sheamus O' Shaunessy who could care less about Shelton's plans. These two have faced each other before on ECW and had a bitter feud. Will bad blood spill over this Saturday??


predictions are welcome

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Evan Bourne vs Jimmy Wang Yang

These two men will make their first appearance on eXXcess and Bourne is making his singles debut on the Smackdown roster. Will Yang play the spoiler or can Evan get "Air Bourne" on his mission to climb the Smackdown ladder


Charlie Haas vs Primo

Haas is looking to use his mat abilities to turn things around after a loss to Tommy Dreamer on Smackdown last week. Primo is also coming off a loss in tag team action against the Hart Dynasty. One man will start on a winning path and the other will suffer another loss.


An Interview w/ Dolph Ziggler

Joesph Slick gets an interview with Dolph Ziggler who's coming off a tag team victory over the Intercontinental Champion on Smackdown.


Mickie James vs Natalya for the Diva's Championship

Natalya got the pin on the Diva's Champion in the Diva's tag match last week on Smackdown thanks in big part to the now number one contender Beth Phoenix. Can Natalya win her first Diva's Championship or will Mickie make a sucessful defense? Either way the winner will have to deal with Beth Phoenix sooner rather than later.


Shelton Benjamin vs Sheamus O' Shaunessy

Shelton got a small measure of revenge on Carlito for his little Backstabber stunt from last week's eXXcess and will get a chance to finish it at Breaking Point in 8 days but before that happens he's gotta get through the Celtic Warrior Sheamus O' Shaunessy who could care less about Shelton's plans. These two have faced each other before on ECW and had a bitter feud. Will bad blood spill over this Saturday??

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Evan Bourne vs Jimmy Wang Yang

These two men will make their first appearance on eXXcess and Bourne is making his singles debut on the Smackdown roster. Will Yang play the spoiler or can Evan get "Air Bourne" on his mission to climb the Smackdown ladder


Charlie Haas vs Primo

Haas is looking to use his mat abilities to turn things around after a loss to Tommy Dreamer on Smackdown last week. Primo is also coming off a loss in tag team action against the Hart Dynasty. One man will start on a winning path and the other will suffer another loss.


An Interview w/ Dolph Ziggler

Joesph Slick gets an interview with Dolph Ziggler who's coming off a tag team victory over the Intercontinental Champion on Smackdown.


Mickie James vs Natalya for the Diva's Championship

Natalya got the pin on the Diva's Champion in the Diva's tag match last week on Smackdown thanks in big part to the now number one contender Beth Phoenix. Can Natalya win her first Diva's Championship or will Mickie make a sucessful defense? Either way the winner will have to deal with Beth Phoenix sooner rather than later.


Shelton Benjamin vs Sheamus O' Shaunessy

Shelton got a small measure of revenge on Carlito for his little Backstabber stunt from last week's eXXcess and will get a chance to finish it at Breaking Point in 8 days but before that happens he's gotta get through the Celtic Warrior Sheamus O' Shaunessy who could care less about Shelton's plans. These two have faced each other before on ECW and had a bitter feud. Will bad blood spill over this Saturday??

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Before the pyro hits a video plays of CM Punk's promo from Smackdown with his words to The Undertaker and Taker's physical response. The video ends hyping the fact that the two would face off at the new PPV Breaking Point in a Submission match as Punk fled up the ramp from Taker's attack.(B+)


"Let It Roll" hits as the pyro goes off starting this week's eXXcess. The camera pans to Todd Grisham and James McNeal who will be calling the action for the show. Grisham welcomes the fans to the show and before he can finish his thought "And ladies and gentlemen do we have a show for you tonight. The beautiful and dominant Natalya Neidhart is going to beat Mickie James to become the new Diva's champion and if that wasn't enough we have in this ring later on an interview with the man who's going to be the next Intercontinental champion, Dolph Ziggler. Tonight can't get much better than that." Todd looks on at his broadcast partner shaking his head at the unprofessional bias." Evan Bourne's music begins to play signaling the first match.


Evan Bourne vs Jimmy Wang Yang

This match was a fast paced high flying bout to kick off the show. Both men were evenly matched as they both wrestle the same style with kicks and knee strikes. The end of this match came when Yang went up top for his Moonsault but was met with a well placed dropkick that sent him crashing to the mat. Bourne followed up with his picture perfect Air Bourne Shooting Star Press for the pin. ©


The video from Friday night plays of Cena's hype return to Smackdown. James McNeal responded to the video by berating "SuperCena" and his un-welcome move to Smackdown. (B+)


Charlie Haas vs Primo Colon

At the sound of the bell Charlie began viciously attacking Primo in a way that isn't normal for him. Charlie wrestled with absolutely no wasted motion spending the match working over Primo's knee. Haas dominated the majority of the match baring sporadic offensive manuevers from Primo including a springboard leg lariat for a two count. In the end Haas' new aggression paid off aas he got the submission win with the Haas of Pain. ©


A recap video plays of the Christian vs Chris Jericho match from Smackdown. The sudden rollup victory that shocked many including Jericho giving Christian the "upset" victory but things didn't end there as the sore loser Jericho went on the attack. After a Codebreaker and a sick chair shot the video went black and white slowing down to show the sick and disturbing punches to Christians head busting him open. At the end of the video Todd Grisham notified the crowd that Christian was diagnosed with a Grade II concussion. (B+)


Joesph Slick in standing in the ring with a microphone smiling from ear to ear. "Ladies and gentlemen I'm about to welcome to the ring the man who will challenge Rey Mysterio for his Intercontinental Championship at Breaking Point, please welcome Dolph Ziggler!" "I Am Perfection!" can be heard as Dolph Ziggler's music breaks out through the arena and he emerges to a very cold reception from the crowd. James McNeal stands up and applauds the man he refers to as his close friend. Dolph slowly saunters out and gets into the ring and taunts the crowd earning himself more boos. "Dolph it seems as if your going to get what you wanted, another shot a Rey Mysterio's Intercontinental title. How is this time going to be different?" Dolph stares at Slick. "It's simple, just like i said last week the third time will be the charm because you see I know Rey in and out now. I know how to beat him and I won't make mistakes like i did last time that i can assure you. So to each and every one of you out there, all of you men who hate me because deep down you know your woman wish you were me. All those men who's women go to bed at night dreaming they were in bed with me instead, all those men who wished they had a body like mine." the boos get louder. "After Breaking Point i will give all of you and Rey Mysterio another reason to hate me, because i will walk out the Intercontinental champion proving im better than all of you and Rey. Because I...AM...Perfection!". (B)


Mickie James © vs Natalya- Diva's Championship Match

The two divas size each other up both cautious before making a move with such a big prize on the line. At the lock up Natalya takes advantage with a quick knee to the gut putting down Mickie. The third generation diva wastes no time grinding down the fast Diva's champion often laying her own body weight on her making Mickie use more energy every time she tries to get back to her feet and when she does she qucikly pulled her down by her hair taking the shortcut. She lets Mickie up only to drive her head into the turnbuckle and then drive her back to the ground with a big bodyslam. She whips her to the corner and follows with a avalanche and things look to be going the challengers way. She whips her again for another avalanche but this time Mickie moves at the last second causing Nattie to go chest first into the buckles. This gives her the moment she needs to pick up momentum as the champion tries to get back in the match. A clothesline here and a lou Thesz there and the champ looks ready to put this match to bed when the Hart Dynasty come to the ring looking to interfere only to be stopped by Cryme Tyme who follow them down and attack them fighting them all the way to the back. This leaves it one on one which suits Mickie well as she hits her big Tornado DDT to sucessfully defend her title. ©


The words "I'M BAAACCKK" can be heard as the video becomes visable, it is last night's random attack on Matt Hardy. Shots of the Smackdown crowd can be seen with many faces in shock as the strange man assaulted Matt. At that moment Mr. Kennedy's face can be seen by everyone and J.R's words can be heard loud and clear echoing the same thoughts everyone else had. What was Kennedy doing there and why...why was he attacking Matt Hardy? The recap ends as Grisham and McNeal begin debating exactly why Matt was attacked by Kennedy. (B)


Shelton Benjamin vs Sheamus O' Shaunessy

Shelton walks into this match knowing very well to stay away from Sheamus' power moves and Sheamus knows not to allow Shelton to use his speed to his advantage, making this a great bout because of the two men's previous experiences with one another. Shelton keeps the big man off guard by hitting him with kicks every time he comes close sending Sheamus backwards to rethink his strategy. He then stalks Shelton backing him into a corner to which he then charges which Shelton counters with two boots to the face and a springboard clothesline taking Sheamus down. This only aggravates him more so he charges again which Shelton ducks lowering the ropes sending the irishman to the outside were he has a fit. The crowd shows the support to the veteran but the young Sheamus comes in the ring a barrels over Shelton with a double axe handle and then another. This opens the gate to several minutes of Sheamus torturing Benjamin with slams and slow methodical elbows and knee strikes in the corner hes grounding Benjamin down. Shelton attempts a last ditch kick that is caught by Sheamus only to be countered again by Shelton into a spinning kick that lays Sheamus out for a two count. Sheamus is then dropkicked into the turnbuckle and rolled up for another two, Shelton trying to find some way to beat the brute. He jumps up top and comes off with an impressive flying clothesline to get yet another two count and Shelton's paitence is wearing thin. He stalks Sheamus waiting for his moment to stike with PayDirt and when it comes it's countered by the sheer strength of Sheamus. At that moment Carlito comes speeding down the aisle and pulls Shelton out throwing him into the steel steps giving him the win by disqualification. Carlito continues the attack on the outside as the referee's decision is announced to the crowd much to their dislike as well as Sheamus'. Before Carlito can even be proud of his handiwork he turns right into a vicious Pump Kick from Sheamus laying him out at ringside. The angry Celtic Warrior was not happy losing his match that way. (B)

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Breaking Point Card (so far)

CM Punk© vs The Undertaker- World Heavyweight Championship Submission Match

Dolph Ziggler vs Rey Mysterio©- Intercontinental Championship Match

Shelton Benjamin vs Carlito

Mickie James© vs Beth Phoenix- Diva's Championship Match



Smackdown Preview

CM Punk vs Matt Hardy- Non Title Match

Matt Hardy has a chance this friday to put a halt to Punk's momentum going into Breaking Point and on top of that Matt can pick up two wins over the World Heavyweight Champion in one month putting him in position for a title shot. Punk on the other has a point to prove going into what many are calling an un-winnable match this Sunday


The Undertaker vs Dolph Ziggler

In The Undertaker's official return to action this Friday he's going up against stiff competition in the brash Dolph Ziggler who's looking forward to his title shot this Sunday but can not afford to look pass the Undertaker or he might not make it to the Pay-Per-View



David Hart Smith vs Shad Gaspard

These two teams have been running into each other lately with last week Tyson kidd picking up the questionable victory of JTG and Cryme Tyme stepping in to help Mickie James on eXXcess when the Hart Dynasty looked to stick their noses in the match.


Beth Phoenix & Katie Lea vs Gail Kim & Mickie James

Going into their title match at Breaking Point both the champion and the challenger have been given a partner for this tag team match. Last time Beth and Mickie were in the ring together Beth delivered a Glam Slam that led to Natalya getting a title shot.


John Morrison vs Carlito

Morrison is without the Intercontinental title thanks to Dolph and is looking to start building towards another title shot. Standing in front of him is Carlito who lately has only had his mind on Shelton which has already cost him one match. With the two fighting at Breaking Point will Carlito be too focused on that match to prepare for John Morrison?


Paul Burchill vs Evan Bourne

Paul Burchill has been very impressive since returning to the Smackdown roster but this Friday he faces the undersized but always game Evan Bourne. Will Burchill use his size and strength to dominate or can Bourne use his speed and his heart to overcome "The Ripper"?


CM Punk vs Matt Hardy- Non Title Match

The Undertaker vs Dolph Ziggler

David Hart Smith vs Shad Gaspard

Beth Phoenix & Katie Lea vs Gail Kim & Mickie James

John Morrison vs Carlito

Paul Burchill vs Evan Bourne


predictions welcome

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<p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">WWE Smackdown</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">Before the Smackdown pyro can go off the music of the World Heavyweight Champion plays as he emerges in what seems to be becoming a Friday night trend and he is of course met with a huge chorus of boos. The champ gets into the ring grabs a microphone. "This Sunday i will stand across the ring from the Undertaker. The Deadman. The Phenom. And this Sunday i will make that very same man tap out just like tonight i'm going to make Matt Hardy tap out. I'm going to prove to all of you that The Undertaker isn't invincible. He's not unbreakable and if it has to be me, then so be it, I will be the first man to make the Undertaker tap out. Because I won't....." Before you know it The Undertaker's gong hits. The arena is filled with a purple light and on the titantron The Undertaker raises his head as the crowd pops. </span></span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

"CM Punk you stand in a ring that many have stood in, a ring that many have challanged me in and those many have fallen. You say you will defeat me, that you will destroy me and that you will be the first to make me tap out. Are you so blind that your laying claim to something that WWE Legends haven't even been able to accomplish? Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Ric Flair all of them have failed to make me tap and this Sunday you will share that fate. You stand in that ring and try to convince everyone and yourself that you don't fear me Punk but you will. Eventually every man that faces me shows fear, and if they don't then i beat that fear into them. This Sunday when you realize exactly what your in and that is when the fear in you will show. And once all of your conviction, all of your fight has bled out of you, I will look into your eyes and they will beg for your soul to be spared and then Punk, that is when i will make sure that you REST...IN...PEACE!" The lightning strikes as the lights return and Taker disappears off screen leaving only the champion in the ring. He no longer looks like the same man, his convidence is gone and he seems to be doubting himself now as he leaves the ring.</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">David Hart Smith vs JTG</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">The problems between these two teams continue to brew as now Shad takes on David Hart Smith one on one just days before the PPV. DH takes the early advantage thanks to a distraction from Natalya on the outside. The two men battled evenly throughout the match going power move for power move. Just as Shad went to hit his STO finisher he was distracted by Natalya yet again just enough to when he went to hit the move again DH countered with a low blow. One big boot later and the match was over.</span></span></em>©</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Paul Burchill vs Evan Bourne</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Evan Bourne stood in the ring face to..well chest with Paul Burchill..The Ripper who's been keeping to his name since coming back to Smackdown. Burchill cracked an arrogant smile and was met with a kick to the leg by Bourne. The another. And Another. Now the anger was all over Burchill's face as he charged toward Bourne and was met with a jumping knee that had the crowd laughing at the caught off guard Burchill. The laughs quickly end when Burchill responds with a HUGE clothesline that almost takes Evan's head right off his shoulders. Burchill spends the next 3 minutes of the match beating Bourne down with move after move punishing the young high flyer in any way he can think of in his sick mind. Burchill picks Bourne up and deals him a big powerbomb and goes for the pin. 1....2 and right when it was going to end he lifted Bourne's hand to break the count. The ref asked Burchill to just end it but instead he lifted Bourne to the top rope apparently for a C4 but Bourne surprised everyone and countered with a hurricanrana that brought everyone to their feet. The fans chanted Bourne's name as he crawled over for the pin. 1......2....shoulder up!. Burchill kicks out leaving Bourne with nothing left but the Air Bourne. He goes up and comes crashing down on...nothing as Burchill moved out the way. As Bourne recovered he was hit with the C4 finishing this match.</span></span></em> (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">The John Cena Smackdown return hype continues with this time the video focusing on his numerous championship wins and victories over the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Edge and others.</span></span></em> (B+)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;">At the end of the video Striker stands and says next week he's going to interview the "overly hyped" Cena in the middle of the ring and tell him exactly what's on his mind and why he doesn't deserve to be in the Smackdown roster.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">The cameras cut to the back were standing by is Todd Grisham. "I'm about to speak to a man who last week was brutally attacked by Chris Jericho after pulling out a big win. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome...Christian!" Christian walks into the shot with a bandage on his head covering the wound he received last week. "Christian how are you feeling?" "Well Todd I feel like i had my brains beat in last week but i suppose that's the way i should feel seeing as that's what happened. You see Jericho's been telling everyone who will listen i didn't beat him. That i cheated, or that i got lucky and you know what he showed exactly what his is last week after the match. And i could stand here right now and state my case and point out the obvious but im not, because the solution is simple, Jericho right here right now im challenging you to a match this Sunday at Breaking Point."</span></span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></span></em></p><p><em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">

"Whoa Whoa Christian if i heard correctly you just challeneged Jericho to a match but your not even cleared to wrestle yet. I mean you're suffering from a grade two concussion how can you--" Christian takes the microphone away. "I know what i have Todd and i know that in the ring i'll be fine. I'll sign whatever i need to sign to get him in the ring this Sunday. But before that happens Jericho i want to wish you good luck tomorrow night in your Intercontinental title match, I hope you win because on Sunday that would make things that much better if in front of all my peeps i beat you...again and this time for the I.C Title." Christian walks off </span></span></em>(B+)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Beth Phoenix & Katie Lea vs Mickie James & Gail Kim</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Mickie starts the match off with Katie Lea keeping her eyes on Beth whenever she was in the area of her corner but didn't stop her from taking the fight to Katie. Some good team work between her and Gail gave the two the advantage for alot of the match until a shortcut hair pull from Beth lead to a tag that the Glamazon jumped all over. She took Gail into the neutral corner and hammered her with elbows and knees constantly glaring at Mickie. Gail tried to fight back but Beth countered one of her crossbody attempts into a big powerslam. She then lifted Gail up and planted her with a Glam Slam never taking her eyes off of Mickie even during the three count. As soon as the match ended Mickie stepped into the ring and shockingly squared off with Beth. She then began striking her with elbow shivers shocking the powerful diva. Her offense was quelshed though by a big forearm from the Glamazon. She went for the Glam Slam but Mickie squirmed out and caught Beth with a big Mick Kick to the face sending her out of the ring in retreat and anger. Mickie then posed with her championship in the ring.</span></span></em> (C+)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">After the break Carlito is standing backstage with James McNeal who's got a grin on his face. "I'm standing next to one of my favorite wrestlers on the Smackdown roster, the man who faces Shelton Benjamin this Sunday at Breaking Point, the very cool Carlito." "You see, now that's cool. That's how you introduce someone see that's why i like you John." James' expression changes on that name miscue. "But you know who's not cool, Shelton Benjamin. That's why i dumped him as my tag partner after he lost me that match a few weeks ago. But he didn't let it end there no he stuck his nose where it didn't belong and he cost me another match. So this Sunday Shelton your gonna get everything you deserve but tonight, if you show up again you won't make it to Sunday." </span></span></em>(B)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">John Morrison vs Carlito</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">These two competitors put on a good back and forth match getting in offense on each other including a great sequence where Carlito ducked Morrison's Flash kick and hit a BackStabber only to be distracted by Benjamin's music hitting as he walked down to the ring and towards the announcer's table locking eyes with his advisary. As Shelton sits down Carlito realizes his mistakes and goes to cover Morrison but only gets a two count. From that point on the frustrated Carlito became too focused on Benjamin and not enough on Morrison which led to him losing control of the match. Carlito finds a way to cheat himself back into the drivers seat and readys to hit another Back Stabber when Shelton raises out of his seat which Carlito catches out of the corner of his eye. He begins trash talking Benjamin which would be his last mistake when a Flash Kick from Morrison collided right into Carlito's face, followed by a StarShip Pain and the match was over much to Shelton's delight.</span></span></em> (B)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">A Video of last week's attack on Matt Hardy by a returning Mr. Kennedy is played. Afterwards JR , Striker and Styles go over the return. Striker calls Kennedy's return brilliant and opportunistic. "Make an impact on your return and no better way than to take out Matt Hardy to do it." he says. Styles of course disagrees calling the attack uncessary to which JR agrees. Striker calls the two blind stating that when your a wrestler trying to make an impact right and wrong doesn't really matter. It's also announced the two will face each other at Breaking Point on Sunday.</span></span></em> (B-)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Before his match with Matt Hardy CM Punk can be seen coming out of his locker room. He turns around and shakes hands with Dolph Ziggler who also walks out of the locker room</span></span></em><em><span style="font-size:8px;">.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Matt Hardy vs CM Punk</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Matt Hardy stands across the ring for the champion and he doesn't look completely there. Pass the look of focus in his eyes you can see his thoughts are 100% on Kennedy. But on the other end of the ring Punk seems to have his confidence back going towards this Sunday but first he has to get past Hardy who's already got a victory over him. Matt begins the match in control firing off lefts and rights that take the champ out of his game. He whips the champ into the corner and hits him with a clothesline. He whips him again and on the rebound gives him a sky high backbody drop sending Punk to the outside to get some composure. The champ can be seen calming himself down as he goes to get back in the ring and when Matt moves toward him he drops back to the outside trying to get under his already riled up skin. It proves sucessful as Matt comes out to chase and when he does Punk goats him in and throws him shoulder first into the steel steps. Punk breaks the count and goes back to the outside only to drive Matt back into the steps shoulder first. He puts Matt back into the ring and spends the rest of the match working on Matt's now damaged shoulder. Everytime Matt tried to get the advantage back his arm seemed to slow him down including a Side Effect attempt that showed just how weak it was. Punk sent Matt into the corner and followed up with a running knee and went for a bulldog but Matt countered into a Twist of Fate attempt. When he hesitated a bit from the pain Punk capitalized with a knee to the gut and a Urange. He then hooked in the Anaconda Vise a move he hasn't used in quite some time for the submission victory.</span></span></em> (A)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">Standing backstage is Joesph Slick with a microphone in hand. "Welcome my guest the man who feels he is the next Intercontinental Champion...Dolph Ziggler" Dolph steps up with an extra ****y grin on his face despite the fact that he's facing The Undertaker in just a few moments. "That is exactly what i think. Better yet it's what i know because i have Rey Mysterio's number just like tonight i've got The Undertaker's number. This is going to be the best week of my career." "Well as always your confident buw what about Mysterio's title match tomorrow night against Chris Jericho and what was that earlier between you and CM Punk?" "You ask too many questions guy but i'll be nice and answer them both. As far as Rey's title defense goes it's out of my hands. I'm banned from ringside so i can't help him defend his belt anymore so the little midget's going to have to do it on his own. In regards to me and Punk's conversation it's person. It was one champion giving advice to a future champion nothing more nothing less because Punk sees my potential and after tonight and especially this Sunday everyone else will too."</span></span></em> (B)</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Dolph Ziggler vs The Undertaker</span></strong></span></p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">After Dolph's extremely ****y entrance it seemed like all of the confidence was flushed from his face once The Undertaker began to make his way down to the ring. When the match started Dolph spent the begining of the match avoiding Taker's strikes that he's oh so known for. When Dolph was ready he charged at Taker and out of nowhere hit a jumping armbreaker taking the Deadman down. He then stomped the right arm repeatedly making sure not to give Taker enough time to recover. Taker used his good arm to push Dolph off to cause seperation as he escaped to the corner but back he came on the attack on Taker's right arm. Again he was pushed away and when he came back this time he ran into a big boot giving Taker some time to shake off the pain a bit and then he was off to work. The slow methodical attack of the Undertaker began with strikes to the body, followed by a body slam and a leg drop. He went to lift Dolph up for snake eyes which hurt his right arm again so he tried with the left and hit it and went to follow up with the big boot and did. He then dragged Dolph to the corner for Old School but Dolph countered dragging Taker down causing him to hit hard on his bad arm. He slowly stalked the rising Deadman and hit the Zig Zag. And just like that Dolph came within inches of the biggest upset of his career but the Undertaker got his shoulder up much to the dislike of Ziggler. Ziggler argued with the referee and when he turned back to pick up Taker he was trapped in Hell's Gate. He struggled as much as he could but he had no choice but to tap out. The referee called down a medic to check The Undertaker at his request because his arm seemed to be in really bad shape.</span></span></em> (B)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">As Undertaker was checked on he was blindsided from out of nowhere by the World heavyweight Champion CM Punk who came from the crowd with a chair. He began wailing on the challenger for his title with numerous chair shots to the arm one after another. He then threw the Undertaker outside and wrapped his arm up in a chair and threw it directly into the steel post. Taker shouted in pain and when referees went to stop Punk her attacked them. Punk had a crazed look in his eye as he drug Taker to the ring steps and slid his arm between the post and the steps, and what followed next would've been horrible had security not swarmed the champion to bring this distrubingly violent attack to an end</span></span></em>.(B+)</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:10px;">Smackdown goes off the air as Punk is seperated for The Undertaker as he's being attended to by medical staff. The look on Punk's face was disturbing as he cracked a smile with a crazed look in his eyes. Has the Champion cracked?</span></span></em></p>

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WWE eXXcess Preview

With just one day left until the big PPV Breaking Point eXXcess' main event is a match that could easily be at the top of any PPV card:


Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio© for the Intercontinental Championship

The two men have spent alot of 2009 at each other's throats over the very title Rey Mysterio holds and plans to walk out of eXXcess and Breaking Point with. Chris Jericho looks to walk into breaking Point against Christian with a newly won I.C title around his waste. Who comes out on top?


Tommy Dreamer vs Sheamus O'Shaunessy

Both men don't have a match this Sunday and Sheamus is especially mad about it. Will the big Irishmen's mean streak continue or will the Extreme offense of Tommy Dreamer be able to pull out a win?


Charlie Haas vs Jamie Noble

Charlie Haas has been nothing but impressive over the last few weeks with his new found aggression and no non-sense attitude but this Saturday he faces Jamie Noble who's speed and technical prowess should provide a good challenge for Haas and a great match for all who watch.


Plus!!! Mr. Kennedy's First Interview Since His Return. Why did he attack Matt Hardy and if he's ready for his match with Hardy this Sunday at Breaking Point

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Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio© for the Intercontinental Championship

The two men have spent alot of 2009 at each other's throats over the very title Rey Mysterio holds and plans to walk out of eXXcess and Breaking Point with. Chris Jericho looks to walk into breaking Point against Christian with a newly won I.C title around his waste. Who comes out on top?


Tommy Dreamer vs Sheamus O'Shaunessy

Both men don't have a match this Sunday and Sheamus is especially mad about it. Will the big Irishmen's mean streak continue or will the Extreme offense of Tommy Dreamer be able to pull out a win?


Charlie Haas vs Jamie Noble

Charlie Haas has been nothing but impressive over the last few weeks with his new found aggression and no non-sense attitude but this Saturday he faces Jamie Noble who's speed and technical prowess should provide a good challenge for Haas and a great match for all who watch.

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