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CGC - Time for someone NEW

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The locker room was filled with a mixture of steam, sweat and bad smells; all the product of the last two hours of effort. DeColt’s rules meant that every worker had to stay until the end of each show – regardless of their result – but this always caused an unfortunate scrum in the showers afterwards. Alex was doing the rounds – checking on workers with legitimate tweaks or injuries and assuring them that they’d be fine. He always left his brothers until last. George had never been one to show favouritism, although maybe Ricky would dispute that. Alex wasn't going to crap on his father's ideals.


The usual DeColt post-show ritual always followed the same format. Showered, dressed, meet the fans (if alignment is appropriate, of course) – then up to Alex’s office in the building for a single scotch and out for dinner as a group. Tried and tested, and it’d kept the boys together so far. Well, almost all of them.


And that thought it what was niggling at the back of Alex DeColt’s head when he hired Phil Vibert. A shock hiring that stunned the world – family friendly CGC hiring one of wrestling’s truly bad boys. It was time, Alex had mused, to start spreading out and growing his family. It was time to foster some new loyalties and friendships. If he couldn’t stop his own flesh and blood from jumping North of the Border, how on earth could he stop any of his other talent? Vibert’s creativity had put this gem of an idea in DeColt’s mind – and it had grown and grown since.


A plan was formulated and outlined to his brothers and Vibert at the meal just after Title Bout Wrestling. There was plenty of reservation and hesitation but after a while they all realised that the success of Golden Combat was not down to buying in stars; but by building them. Alex continued in more and more depth – over the next week the talent concerned would be informed and allowed to opt out – but this could be big. It’d never been tried before, not even by the big boys in America. If this worked.. it could mean everything to Alex DeColt.


So, back to my roots. CGC were my very first TEW diary, and could possibly be the last depending how it goes. Not seen any other diary based on this concept yet, which is rather a shock - but hopefully it'll grip someone.


Results for CGC Title Bout Wrestling, January Week 1 2010

~ The Soldiers of Fortune d. Thrill Seeker and Joey Poison

~ Phil Vibert offers Ricky DeColt a chance to work with him - but Ricky rejects it.

~ Ricky DeColt d. Ryan Powell

~ Gargantuan destroys Ricky DeColt backstage, presumably on the orders of Vibert.

~ Alex DeColt d. Eddie Chandler

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"You know, everyone expected me to be the one that ran off up north."

"Or down south".

"Yeah, or down south. Or off to England. I loved those rumours. Ricky DeColt, hero of 21CW. That'd have been something, huh?

"Yet you stayed, Rick."

"I had no choice, really. If anyone else had decided to jump ship after Steve, dad would have had a coronary."

"So how do you feel about my little brain child?"

"Look at how it's set me up. I couldn't be happier. This could be amazing, Phil."

"Don't look at me, Alex set it all up. I just suggested it."

"I think it's going to work, Phil. I think it's going to create us someone new and exciting. It's going to create several, I hope."

"Someone new, eh? NEW... I like that."

"So at Elimination, yeah? That's where we unveil it all?"

"You got it."




Results for CGC Title Bout Wrestling, January Week 2 2010

~ Jack DeColt and Alex Decolt d. Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay.

~ Whippy the Clown d. Bobby Thomas.

~ Gargantuan ruins Alex DeColt backstage.

~ Phil Vibert runs his mouth about Ricky DeColt, promising him that he'd have his career ended by Gargantuan sooner or later.

~ Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer d. Joey Poison and Stevie Grayson

~ Ricky DeColt d. Shooter Shaun Deeley

~ Gargantuan hits the ring, and smashes Ricky DeColt through a table.

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CGC Elimination VIII

Marty Papin: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to CGC Elimination – live on pay-per-view.


Adrian Garcia: We have a hell of a night ahead of us, folks. This is ground breaking stuff here – tonight we premier a whole method of thinking.

Marty Papin: There have been some pretty major changes to this event in the last week, but we can assure you it’s still going to be something special.


Adrian Garcia: So, with no further ado – let’s head over to Alex DeColt who is waiting for us backstage.





Alex DeColt


Alex DeColt is sat in the “Canadian Golden Combat” board room – or that’s what the sign behind him tells us anyway. Suited and booted, he looks the model professional.

Alex: Welcome, everyone – to CGC Elimination. However, tonight isn’t going to be your usual fare – but we think you’ll like it rather more. As my father left the business, he wanted me to start forming my own legacy. That begins tonight, with the introduction of NEW. Tonight, we will debut eight new superstars. Over the coming months, they will fight tooth and nail to avoid elimination. And eventually, we will crown our very first Canadian NEW Breakout star! Each rookie will be matched with a professional who they will learn from. However, pros will vote for elimination – and so will you, the fans. The winner will receive a CGC permanent contract, and a guaranteed title shot at any point in their career. I hope you will all welcome our new rookies with open arms – and I hope you enjoy the show.


B+ / 85




Marty: Well there you have it, everyone! Tonight, we get a whole new eight rookies who are all at the beginnings of their bright careers. And CGC will either make or break their hopes and dreams.


Adrian: And it looks like we’ve got several newcomers appearing on the ramp now, backed up by their pros! Is that.. is that a superhero?


http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/fate.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/destiny.jpg vs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/greasehogg.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/leadbelly.jpg vs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/whippytheclown.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/thrillseeker.jpg

The Soldiers of Fortune vs. The Dirty White Boys vs. Thrill Seeker and Whippy the Clown


The Soldiers of Fortune eliminate the Dirty White Boys first, followed by Thrill Seeker and Whippy.


58 / C-




Breathing heavily, the Soldiers of Fortune call for a microphone and gesture to their rookies.



Chris Flynn and Oleg Dorosklov

Fate: For too long we’ve been held down in this promotion.


Destiny: For too long, our shining stars have been dulled by the borefest that is the DeColts.


Fate: Tonight, our stars have intertwined with those of two brand new lights.


Destiny: My rookie – MMA badass, Oleg Dorosklov. He doesn’t speak a word of English – but as my personal attack dog.. don’t screw with us.


Fate: Chris Flynn.. my new protégé. Welcome to the clan. We will help you reach your destiny – there is no chance that anything could go wrong with your rise.


As the two muscled men ramble on, Whippy and Thrill Seeker have managed to stumble up with the help of their rookies.



Extraordinario Jr. and Ant-Man


Whippy: Come on, you has-beens! Whippy’s got something delicious for you – and that something is Ant-Man! Come here, you freaky little thing!


Laughing, Whippy grabs Ant-Man in a headlock, and the smaller creature screeches around before accidentally shoving Whippy up and back out of the ring. This only serves to make the clown laugh harder.

Whippy: You got freakish strength, little man!


Thrill Seeker: What my tag partner means to say is that we are pretty damn excited about our rookies – and none give me more of an exotic thrill than this man right next to me.


True to form, Extraordinario Jr is next to him, and looks every inch the living stereotype of lucha libre.


Thrill Seeker: Extraordinario.. man, we’ve got to get you a better name. But mark my words, Soldiers of Fortune – if our rookies can’t take you down – me and Whipster surely will next time around!


46 / D




Marty: Strong words there from both tag teams – I find it hard to believe there won’t be a clash there in the future.


Adrian: And here come our next opponents – for a 3v3 traditional elimination match.

Marty: But Joey Poison has stopped at the top of the ramp with his rookie?


http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/joeypoison.jpg and http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/lucienwilder.jpg

Joey Poison and Lucien Wilder

Joey Poison: Ever since I came to CGC, I’ve carved myself out a niche for being the most special worker around. But now CGC management see fit to pair me with a rookie.. and I couldn’t be happier about it! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Lucien Wilder to the CGC fold. This guy WILL be CGC’s NEW breakout star –


Joey is interrupted by Bobby Thomas, who is one of his opponents tonight – and there’s yet another rookie on the stage..

http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/bobbythomas.jpg and http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/jonnieperez.jpg

Bobby Thomas and Jonnie Perez

Bobby Thomas: Poison, you are an absolute joke. Brightly coloured hair does not make up for a lack of talent, and Lucien knows the truth. He knows that, next week at Title Bout Wrestling – Jonnie Perez here is going to take your wuss to bits. Just like I’m about to do to you.


50 / D+


Marty: Strong words – and we’re going to get to see two of our rookies in action at Title Bout Wrestling!




http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/ryanpowell.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/bobbythomas.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/trentshaffer.jpg vs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/joeypoison.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/zeus.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/edmonton.jpg

Ryan Powell, Bobby Thomas and Trent Shaffer vs. Joey Poison, Zeus Maxamillion and Ed Monton


Ryan Powell, Bobby Thomas and Trent Shaffer defeated Joey Poison, Zeus Maxamillion and Ed Monton following some interference from Jonnie Perez.


58 / C-


Adrian: Perez doing his best there to endear himself to his master – clever tactics from the newcomer.





Phil Vibert

Phil Vibert is backstage, and the camera has to zoom out to fit in the behemoth standing next to him. Only it’s not Gargantuan?


Marty: What the hell is that?


Adrian: Is it even human?


Phil: Tonight, I unveil my latest signing. Gargantuan will be the most dominant force in the world – and this beast will help him reach that lofty goal. And I will be the master of both of their destinies. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.. Ekuma.



As if on cue, Ekuma roars and begins to trash backstage, before we cut back to the ring.


59 / C-





Gargantuan vs. Shane Nelson


In an awful match, Gargantuan continues to assert his dominance with a brutal win.

40 / D-



http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/rickydecolt.jpg and http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/matthewkeith.jpg

Ricky DeColt and ... ?


Ricky DeColt is backstage.. and has a very familiar person with him.


Marty: Folks, if you don’t follow US wrestling, this might sound strange to you – but is that who I think that is?


Adrian: No way.. how on earth has he been signed as a rookie? He’s a cha...


Marty: Adrian? Your mic? What’s going on?


Adrian: I....s no.... wor....ing...


Ricky DeColt: Well, well, well. Tonight, the DeColts take on Elite for the pride of CGC. But I want to introduce you all to the newest member of MY pride. This is Matthew Keith, favoured son of Sam Keith – and he is my NEW rookie. Together, Matt, we’re going to go fa..

Matthew Keith: Ricky, please. We both know I don’t need you, and we both know that as soon as this ridiculous contest is over, I will be rising faster than you could ever have imagined. You and your idiot brothers have ruled over this place for too long. I’ll show you the power of the Proton Lock if you try and screw with me. Watch your back, “Pro”.


Adrian: Hardly the humble newcomer, Monty.


Marty: He’s not a newcomer and he’s not a rookie. What the hell is going on here? Our eighth rookie is a ....SW.... .mmpi....on...


Adrian: More mic problems, Monty?


79 / B





Alex DeColt


Alex DeColt is shown walking backstage in his ring gear, hurling abuse at the camera (and by extension, Dan DaLay, as he goes).


Adrian: He looks about as ready as it’s possible to be, Monty.


84 / B+




http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/alexdecolt.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/jackdecolt.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/rickydecolt.jpg vs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/eddiechandler.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/dandalay.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/seandeeley.jpg

Alex, Jack and Ricky DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay and Shooter Sean Deeley.


Matthew Keith tries to sabotage Ricky, but knocks down Eddie instead - and the DeColt is smart enough to grab the sudden pin! The DeColts win!

Marty: A stunning match! Ricky won’t know whether to hit or hug Keith after giving them the win like that!

Adrian: But that’s not how the DeColts rule, Monty. That’s not the DeColt way! Keith will NOT be popular in the DeColt camp after that nonsense.


Marty: Folks, that’s all we have time for – but tune in to Title Bout Wrestling for the next developments in this NEW story!


73 / B-




Final Rating: 67 / C+




So there you have it - yes, it's an NXT Rip-off, but I love the current WWE thing going on and wanted to put a CVerse spin on it. All of these guys were unattached, aside from the notable name. More on that in future.


Prediction card for Title Bout Wrestling will go up tomorrow. Thanks for any comments!

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<p>I wanted a diary where I could write angles. This'll run alongside my ACPW one for when I don't feel like writing long events.</p><p> </p><p>

Just changed a few things, got some names wrong. Whoops <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/CGC.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The card for Title Bout Wrestling is now complete, and has been revealed on goldencombat.com. </p><p> </p><p>

As predicted, some of the NEW stars will be in appearance, including the previously booked match from CGC Elimination. </p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: Jack DeColt seeks to continue putting the boot into ELITE, taking on Dan DaLay in the main event. </p><p> </p><p>

## Eddie Chandler will face Ryan Powell and Alex DeColt for the #1 contendership for the CGC World championship.</p><p> </p><p>

## Trent Shaffer, seemingly unpleased with Whippy's nonsense last week, has demanded the clown take him on - with his NEW accomplice at ringside for him.</p><p> </p><p>

## Fate and Destiny continue to push their weight around, and will take on current tag champs Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion for the CGC World Tag team championships.</p><p> </p><p>

## Phil Vibert has organised himself a match - but will have Ekuma fight it in his stead. This will be a NEW ranking match - as Ekuma faces the very unlucky Chris Flynn.</p><p> </p><p>

## In the other NEW match of the night, Lucien Wilder will take on Jonnie Perez.</p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Predictions:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I will be running a prediction contest here this time, and the more you get right - the more of a say you get when it comes to elimination voting time! So it's really worth it to get on the ground floor and join in with the predictions.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Copy/paste sheet for predictions:</strong></p><p>

Jack DeColt vs. Dan DaLay</p><p>

Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell vs. Alex DeColt (for #1 contendership to CGC World title)</p><p>

Trent Shaffer vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man</p><p>

Fate and Destiny w/ Chris Flyn and Oleg Dorosklov vs. Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion (for the CGC World tag team titles)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/NEW.png</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ekuma vs. Chris Flynn</p><p>

Jonnie Perez vs. Lucien Wilder</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/CGC.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Who is Lucien Wilder?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

He's actually my user character - Vibert is still in charge of the promotion storyline wise, but Wilder is in as a pretty untalented new worker. Of course, it'd be difficult to "fire" him if he's eliminated - but he will be able to be eliminated just like all the others. No favouritism here <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

Any comments or feedback about the diary so far is welcomed, let's hope this one can gather a fanbase like my others <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p><strong>Jack DeColt</strong> vs. Dan DaLay</p><p> </p><p>

Like I am betting against a DeColt, not bloody likely.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eddie Chandler</strong> vs. Ryan Powell vs. Alex DeColt (for #1 contendership to CGC World title)</p><p> </p><p>

However, I will do it in this match.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Trent Shaffer</strong> vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man</p><p> </p><p>

Whippy is a joke...</p><p> </p><p>

Fate and Destiny + Chris Flyn and Oleg Dorosklov vs.<strong> Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion</strong> (for the CGC World tag team titles)</p><p> </p><p>

I am not sure if this is a typo with Chris and Oleg in the match or not. Either way I am going with Zeus and Stevie.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Ekuma vs. <strong>Chris Flynn</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jonnie Perez </strong>vs. Lucien Wilder</p><p> </p><p>

I am not sure if you are willing to push your user character, I mean I would actually rather him win because Jonnie sucks.</p>

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<p><strong>Jack DeColt</strong> vs. Dan DaLay</p><p>

<strong>Eddie Chandler</strong> vs. Ryan Powell vs. Alex DeColt (for #1 contendership to CGC World title)</p><p>

<strong>Trent Shaffer</strong> vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man</p><p>

Fate and Destiny + Chris Flyn and Oleg Dorosklov vs. <strong>Stevie Grayson and </strong><strong>Zeus Maxamillion</strong> (for the CGC World tag team titles)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ekuma</strong> vs. Chris Flynn</p><p>

Jonnie Perez vs. <strong>Lucien Wilder</strong></p>

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<p> </p><p> </p><p>

Chris + Oleg are not in the match but rather with them - accompanying them if that makes sense. Sorry for not making it clear.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm not above pushing Lucien - this competition should be about who is the best and I'm sure you can tell from the NEW roster who is chaff and who is legit.. plus Lucien's render is an absolute masterpiece.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rathen4" data-cite="Rathen4" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29092" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Chris + Oleg are not in the match but rather with them - accompanying them if that makes sense. Sorry for not making it clear.<p> </p><p> I'm not above pushing Lucien - this competition should be about who is the best and I'm sure you can tell from the NEW roster who is chaff and who is legit.. plus Lucien's render is an absolute masterpiece.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Normally I would change my pick. However, that would be a little bull dung on my part. So I shall leave it as is and take my lumps.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Jack DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell vs. Alex DeColt (for #1 contendership to CGC World title)

Trent Shaffer vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man

Fate and Destiny w/ Chris Flynn and Oleg Dorosklov vs. Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion (for the CGC World tag team titles)


Ekuma vs. Chris Flynn

Jonnie Perez vs. Lucien Wilder

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29092" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Normally I would change my pick. However, that would be a little bull dung on my part. So I shall leave it as is and take my lumps.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't think you changing the pick would be all that unfair - after all, you weren't to know that little bit of extra information before you made the picks.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the predictions so far everyone <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Adrian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to CGC Title Bout Wrestling! I’m Adrian Garcia, and with me is..


Mitch Naess: Good evening everyone – this is Mitch Naess and I’m proud to be here as part of this new rejuvenation of Canadian talent.


Adrian: What an event we have for you tonight – if a show opens with Eddie Chandler, Ryan Powell and Alex DeColt going toe to toe – how can it not be amazing?


Mitch: Then, Adrian, we’ve got some NEW superstars making their competitive debuts, as well as a tag team defence and finally Jack DeColt taking on Dan DaLay in the main event.


Adrian: Anything could happen tonight, Mitch – welcome to CGC.




http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/eddiechandler.jpgvs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/ryanpowell.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/alexdecolt.jpg


Eddie Chandler vs. Ryan Powell vs. Alex DeColt for the #1 contendership to the CGC World title


Mitch: I don’t really need to say it – but can you imagine if Alex DeColt wins this? Can you imagine the family tension? Especially with ELITE so numerous, and Ricky tied up with NEW?


After a really good match, Chandler and Powell are unable to put their differences aside and effectively give Alex DeColt a simple victory – and therefore the #1 contendership


Rating: 74 / B-




A graphic is shown, announcing that Ricky DeColt will face Shooter Sean Deeley next week



Ricky DeColt


Mitch: Well, that just adds more fuel to the fire. Alex and Jack are going to need their family to stick together to stop the title falling to ELITE; and Ricky will look to help out with a bit of stability over the young upstart Deeley next week at Title Bout wrestling!


Rating: 81 / B




Adrian: So, our first NEW match in history – and looking at it on paper, it’s not going to be a great one. Can their rookies avoid embarrassing their pros?


http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/lucienwilder.jpgw/http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/joeypoison.jpgvs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/jonnieperez.jpgw/http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/bobbythomas.jpg


Lucien Wilder with Joey Poison vs. Jonnie Perez with Bobby Thomas


An awful match, but Wilder dominates and Perez looks awful.


Interestingly, Joey and Lucien are a great pairing and play off each other well. Wilder wins and goes 1-0 in NEW


Mitch: A win for Wilder, but both men will be alarmed at how hostile the crowd were to them. Was that really necessary?


Rating: 27 / E




Mitch: We are now heading backstage for an interview with Alex DeColt – our new #1 contender for the CGC World Title.



Alex DeColt


The camera settles on a clearly thrilled Alex DeColt, and he lifts the microphone to his lips, no doubt to quell the fears of CGC fans who are worried the DeColts will implode, when..


http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/gargantuan.jpg and http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/ekuma.jpg with http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/philvibert.jpg


Gargantuan and Ekuma with Phil Vibert


Alex is taken to pieces by the towering pair, as Vibert cackles on menacingly.


Vibert: Fear the Towers of Terror, CGC! They’re coming for you! They’re going to cement me as the finest force on the entire planet!


Beatdown complete, they leave the scene – but Alex is down and unmoving


Adrian: Chilling, frightening and downright brutal. What has Vibert got planned for this team of his?


Rating: 75 / B-




Mitch: Next up, singles action – as Whippy the Clown seeks to teach his new rookie a few new tricks in the ring against Trent Shaffer.


Adrian: Am I the only one creeped out by an Ant and a Clown teaming up? It’s just... not right.


http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/whippytheclown.jpgw/http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/antman.jpgvs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/trentshaffer.jpg


Whippy the Clown with Ant-Man vs. Trent Shaffer

In a solid match, Whippy the Clown defeats Trent Shaffer when Shaffer spends too long going after Ant-Man and gets caught out with a Jokes on You!


Rating: 60 / C






Eddie Chandler


In a rather odd segment, Eddie Chandler is seen packing his bags for an early exit, but is carefully placing duct tape, a blindfold and some form of rope into the bag too. He notices the camera snooping, and forcibly evicts the cameraman from the room.


Rating: 82 / B




Mitch: Do we ask about that?


Adrian: The guy spent much of the past few years decked out in pink feather boas. For me, it’s a no brainer.


Mitch: Welcome to CGC, folks. Home to a diverse range of creepy people.


Adrian: And speaking of creepy people – it’s time for a glimpse at Ekuma in the ring after his impressive demolition of Alex DeColt earlier...


http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/ekuma.jpgw/http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/philvibert.jpgvs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/chrisflynn.jpgw/http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/fate.jpg

Ekuma with Phil Vibert vs. Chris Flynn with Fate


Another short, squash match – Ekuma destroys Chris Flynn before also wrecking Fate.


Rating: 19 / E-


Mitch: That was.. frightening.


Adrian: And yet Fate has to stay on in the ring and try to win the tag titles? This doesn’t seem fair..




http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/steviegrayson.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/zeusmaxamillion.jpgvs. http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/fate.jpghttp://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/cgc/destiny.jpg


Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion vs. The Soldiers of Fortune for the CGC World Tag Team Titles


Despite Fate’s beatdown last time, we see a run in from the Soldiers of Fortune’s rookies and they cause just enough havoc for Destiny to snatch a shock win – and we have new tag team champions!


Mitch: An awful, scrappy win – that neither man deserved.


Adrian: But we have new champions tonight on Title Bout Wrestling! Fate defies the odds!


Rating: 50 / D+




Mitch: Well, put it out of your heads folks. We’ve got a clinic coming up next. Dan DaLay, the only member of ELITE still in the building – taking on current champion Jack DeColt.


Adrian: This is going to be brilliant!



Jack DeColt vs. Dan DaLay


Mitch: There’s a huge amount of bad blood between these two, and it’s going to show right now!


It did show, and it was a great match as a result. Jack DeColt manages to submit Dan DaLay after twelve minutes with an End of Days.


Rating: 74 / B-






Jack DeColt with Alex Decolt


Holding his ribs and limping out, the crowd visibly hushes as #1 contender Alex DeColt stops in front of his brother Jack. But the place soon erupts in cheers as the two embrace, and begin to celebrate a fine night for the family.


Rating: 94 / A


Mitch: And that cements an awful, awful night for ELITE. Humiliation after humiliation – loss after loss. How will ELITE respond to this next week at Title Bout Wrestling? Thanks for watching!


Final show rating: 70 / C+

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The card for Title Bout Wrestling, Sunday Week 4 of January is as follows.


After a challenging night in Week 3, ELITE have sworn to bounce back, and it appears that CGC head honcho Phil Vibert is only too happy to oblige; giving them a pretty simple night. For the DeColts, it's not so simple - a difficult match for Ricky and his rookie, Matthew Keith - and with Alex DeColt winning the #1 contendership for Jack's title last week, could the boys end up losing their focus?


Alex and Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer

Ricky DeColt and Matthew Keith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Nate Johnson

The Towers of Terror vs. Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion

Eddie Chandler vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man

Dan DaLay vs. Shane Nelson


We also continue our quest for our NEW breakout star with the following match:




Ant-Man vs. Extraordinario Jr. vs. Oleg Dorosklov - each accompanied to the ring by their pros. The winner will receive an entry into the Luck of the Draw battle royale!







Quick picks copy and paste - remember, the leader of the picks at the end of Luck of the Draw will receive input on which NEW rookie is first eliminated.


Alex and Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer

Ricky DeColt and Matthew Keith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Nate Johnson

The Towers of Terror w/ Phil Vibert vs. Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion

Eddie Chandler vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man

Dan DaLay vs. Shane Nelson

Ant-Man vs. Oleg Dorosklov vs. Extraordinario Jr.

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Alex and Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer

Ricky DeColt and Matthew Keith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Nate Johnson

The Towers of Terror w/ Phil Vibert vs. Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion

Eddie Chandler vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man

Dan DaLay vs. Shane Nelson

Ant-Man vs. Oleg Dorosklov vs. Extraordinario Jr.

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Alex and Jack DeColt vs. Ryan Powell and Trent Shaffer

Ricky DeColt and Matthew Keith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley and Nate Johnson

The Towers of Terror w/ Phil Vibert vs. Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxamillion

Eddie Chandler vs. Whippy the Clown w/ Ant-Man

Dan DaLay vs. Shane Nelson

Ant-Man vs. Oleg Dorosklov vs. Extraordinario Jr.

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