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'Sex Pistol' Jaime Roberts


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My guy is 'Sex Pistol' Jaime Roberts, a lightweight from Britain born in 1978. He's a flamboyant superstar (in his own eyes, at least) who's hoping to portray a playboy gimmick in one of the big two feds eventually. With Hispanic good looks inherited from his mother, he's convinced he'll turn into a favourite with the females in the crowd, even though he's firmly convinced he belongs as a heel. However, he's more charismatic than talented - see stats below. Athletic Ability - 28% Toughness - 10% Charisma - 40% Wrestling - 22% During basic training, he decides to concentrate on working on the basics and his aerial ability. Fundementals - 32% Power - 5% Technical - 18% Speed - 45% He leaves training with Power 4 Technique 19 Speed 14 Stamina 25 Psychology 16 Toughness 7 Safety 21 Charisma 20 Microphone 14 Superstar Look 18 His move list is as follows: Strikes: Back Kick Enziguri Kick European Uppercut Eye Gouge Forearm To Back Of Head Knife Edge Chop Slap To Chest Chair Shot To Back Chair Shot To Knee Kick Rush Running Bulldog Field Goal Low Blow Running Chair Shot To Head Spear Brass Knuckles Punch (As you can see, Jaime's planning on cheating his way as much as possible.) Standing: Arm Drag Arm Wringer Arm Wringer Smash Arm Wringer Takedown Backslide Double Leg Trip Drop Toe Hold Front Facelock Hammerlock Hammerlock Drive Inverse Drop Toe Hold Russian Leg Sweep Side Headlock Takedown Snap Suplex Suplex DDT Diving DDT Hammerlock Kick Inverted Atomic Drop Kneeling Jaw Breaker Mad Man Clothesline Remo Buster Ring Apron Ram Ring Post Smash Seated Face Plant Seated Neck Plant Short Arm Clothesline Sleeper Hold Bank Roll Charging Roll Up Cheating Roll Up Fame Dropper Implant DDT Low Blow With Cradle Money In The Bank Pity The Fool Schoolboy Roll Up Twisting Face Crusher Vessey Plex Champange Supernova (See Below) Double Arm DDT Ground: Elbow Drop Fist Drop Knee Drop Surfboard Giant Swing Legdrop To Groin Seated Dropkick Big Legdrop Chair Stomp Ankle Breaker Kneeling Kick Rush Top Rope: Kikkawa Flying Knee Adrenaline Shot Dollars From Heaven Dreadsault Falling Angel Moonsault Flying Chair Shot Flying Double Footed Stomp Mile High Moonsault Top Rope DDT Rebound: Backdrop Hip Toss Big Boot Sidewalk Slam Corner: Corner Elbow Corner Ten Punch Ten Turnbuckle Smashes Corner Spear Leap Of Faith Ropes: Devine Intervention Disturbing The Peace The Champagne Supernova is going to be Jaime's finisher, although I doubt he'll use it much... Champagne Supernova Twisting Neckbreaker with following modifications: Move Level raised to Finisher. Frequency dropped to 20%. Success Rate raised to 15% (don't want him to hit it or win with it often to start off with, at least.) Head Impact raised to 50. Oh, last note - I've also changed a few moves like Schoolboy Roll Up, Crucifix Cradle, and Charging Roll Up to high level moves which can finish a match very occasionally (2% chance.) I'm running with all areas on. Update coming soon, hopefully...
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On graduating from Phil Chase's wrestling school, Jaime applies to join just about every fed going, and is rewarded with interest from nearly a dozen - all smaller feds, with DAVE, TCW, SWF, and the main foreign feds understandably not that keen on signing such a raw newcomer. Britain's 21CW and CZCW and NYCW of the US all offer him $20 per appearance contracts for 6 months, which he accepts. In each of these 3 feds he'll be playing the role of an opener. He also gets a slightly better deal, $24 per appearance for 6 months, to be a lower midcarder in another English fed, Ring Of Fire. Meanwhile, Canada's 4C, North England based MOSC, Europe's UCR, USPW, and Japan's WLW all give him tryout contracts. Best case scenario is that he ends up wrestling for 9 feds, worst case is he's at least getting 4 dates a month - as long as they all book him, of course. Jaime gets in touch with all the feds he's working for properly, rather than on a try-out contract, and they're all happy for him to be booked as a heel. In Ring Of Fire, he also persuades owner Geordie Jimmy to book him in a tag team with Nate Manchester, called the Best of British. To test how serious the fed is about pushing him, he suggests they should start a feud between him and 28 year old Jay B, who's starting to become known at a local level in the UK. To his surprise, Jimmy is keen on the idea. Talking to his mentor and fitness trainer, Jaime decides to work mainly on his cardio, to improve his stamina and help him last longer in matches. DAVE's Back in Black is the first American show of the year, coming on New Year's Day. Jaime watches the show to pick up some tips, and sees some great action, best of which is probably the Kurt Laramee victory over Sammy Bach, although Nemesis winning the Unified title from Chris Caulfield is also exciting. There's a problem the following day, however, as Roberts is set to make his ROF debut, but 21CW also want him to appear. Thankfully, Geordie Jimmy's happy for Jaime to take up their offer, as he figures the better known Jaime becomes, the better it will look for his fed. There's a buzz backstage, with many of the wrestlers looking forward to NOTBPW's Perfect Crime later that night (where Dark Angel will successfully defend the Canadian title against Edd Stone, and Jeremy Stone will beat RK Hayes in the main.) DAVE's Danger Zone TV will see Kunomasu retain the Brass Knuckles title against Matt Sparrow, and Nemesis with a successful first defence of the Unified title against Shawn Gonzalez. However, the main talk of the night is obviously the 21CW show itself. Everyone's excited at the thought of a great Livin' On A Prayer show, particularly Pit Bull Brown and Red Dragon who'll square off in the main. Roberts will go on second, teaming with Genocide Agent, a fairly powerful Brit rookie with a great look. The middleweight has a decent grasp of psychology, and Jaime will hopefully be able to pick up some tips from him. Their opponents will be the Scottish aerialist Ultra Fly, and a fourth Brit, the 18-year old all-rounder Brilliant White. Roberts talks to a bunch of people backstage, including the other guys involved in his match, and owner Tyler Baker. Everyone's real friendly, apart from the abrasive commentator and former wrestler, Arson Wells. MATCH 1: ROBERTS and GENOCIDE AGENT vs ULTRA FLY and BRILLIANT WHITE Roberts starts the match badly, with Fly really taking it to him with a series of kicks, but soon manages to tag in Genocide Agent. Agent has much more success against Ultra Fly, hitting a bunch of high impact moves and successfully isolating him from his partner. Eventually, however, a desperation kick to the gut buys UF a little bit of time, and he makes the hot tag. White takes control of the match when coming in, and Genocide decides to tag Jaime back in. However, it proves to be a bad move, as White breaks Roberts' attempt at a seated face plant, then takes him down with a side spinning kick before nailing the bodyslam driver for the win. Match gets a C+. In the main event, Pit Bull Brown goes over. Roberts definitely feels more at ease in the ring after the tips he got from Genocide Agent, and is seriously considering asking to be made a regular tag team partner of Genny's - perhaps in a stable with him and Suicide Agent. The suggestion is made, and Tyler Baker likes it. So much so, that from now on, Roberts will wrestle there as "Homicide Agent" Jaime Roberts. Well, decent tag partner, but a sucky nickname - still, you can't win them all. Jaime decides with this amount of money coming in, he can afford a lifestyle upgrade. Hey, you can't be paying your dues at the age of 25. He could be being optimistic, but still, it's worth a try.
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Come Thursday, there's again two feds vying for Jaime's services, as MOSC and WLW both offer him tryouts. Tempting as it is to take MOSC's offer and cut down on travelling, Jaime decides that WLW is probably the better place to be, and he'll try his best to get a contract there tonight. It's a fast-rising fed, very sports entertainment based, and aims to overtake the big two in Japan soon by showcasing crazy gimmicks and some of the best lightweight workers around. Talking of crazy gimmicks, Jaime's first match will be against the Tic, a tiny masked guy who thinks he's a superhero. He's known for being a huge risk taker, but he has vastly more stamina than Jaime, so Jaime's best bet may be to hope he misses a few big moves and Roberts gets the advantage that way. Backstage, Jaime gets on well with most of the locker room, although he avoids the notorious politician Burning Takashita. MATCH 2: ROBERTS vs THE TIC The match is back and forth, with Tic taking an early advantage but Roberts fighting back well, and on the 6 minute mark, a Big Legdrop get him two and four fifths, and a double armed DDT is enough to finish his opponent off. It's not quite as good a match as the tag a few days ago (only gets a C grade), but it's his first win! Main event sees Awesome Thunder, who'd given Jaime lots of advice earlier, go over owner Koji Kojima. Jaime is keen to check out the results from MOSC Festival of Violence, the other show he could have attended tonight, and it seems to have gone well. Joss Thompson retained his UK Championship against Shane Hannigans, and owner/booker the Highland Warrior beat the Reason in the main. Roberts' mic skills have improved thanks to some tips passed on to him by Koji Ishibashi, and in even better news, he's offered a contract by WLW! Rumour has it that the fed weren't quite sure whether he should be given one, but Tic edged it by praising him heavily to management. The contract is for $40 per appearance, twice as much as Jaime is getting from most of his other employers, and is for a full year. He accepts it, on condition he can work as a heel there - they agree. He also suggests that he'd like to wrestle his new friend the Tic more, and asks Koji if the pair can work an angle together, but the owner tells him to wait a while until he's more established before getting involved in any feuds. At the card, Jaime also struck up a friendship with the Incredible Koyama, an Upper Midcarder in WLW, which surely can't hurt his career prospects any. No time to stay round and enjoy Japan, though, as he's due in New York the following day for NYCW's The End Is Near show. Friday is always a big night for wrestling in the US, as the two main TV shows go head to head. This is an especially well-promoted one, as SWF push a tag title match which sees Joe Sexy and Sam Keith win the belts from High Concept, Angry Gilmore retain the North American title against rocker Jack Bruce, and a big main which sees Enygma and christian Faith beat the hated pairing of Runaway Train and Squeeky McClean. Not to be outdone, TCW's Total TFI Friday headlines with two massive singles matches, a clash of legends which sees Sam Strong beat owner Tommy Cornell, and a successful World Heavyweight defence for the popular Liberty against the monstrous BLZ Bubb - although it's a cheap ending, as Bubb is DQ'd for smashing Liberty with a chair. Even with this calibre of competition, though, the arena for End is Near is still pretty packed, and lots of people will see Roberts take on Roger Dodger, a technician who like Jaime, relies more on charisma than wrestling talent to keep people interested. Again, backstage atmosphere is very friendly, and Jaime flirts a little with Emma Extreme, one of the most talented managers in the business today. MATCH 3: ROBERTS vs ROGER DODGER The match with Roger Dodger goes 12 minutes, and both men manage to pack an insane amount of cheating into it, with eye gouges and low blows a go-go. Both men come close to winning, but the tide turns after Roberts misses a Big Legdrop. Dodger capitalises, nailing an Arm Wringer Smash followed by the Face Crusher for the pinfall. Travis Century beats the humongous Land Mass in the main event, while lower down the card, Steve Flash's win over Joey Minnesota steals the show. Mic tips from commentator Marv Earnest and psychology tips from Sammy the Shark have helped Jaime improve further, and he's enjoying the experience so far, despite this being his first singles loss.
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Another night, another show. This time in Paris, as Jaime tries to land himself a UCR contract with a decent display against Herschel the Hammer. The fed has some of the weirdest gimmicks going, noticeably the heel stable "The Rogues Gallery", led by Doctor Insane and including Evil Henchmen #1 and #2, plus main event babyface Inky the Squid Boy and frustrated golfer Puffy the Sand Iron Player. Herschel, the booker of the fed, leads the other main heel stable The Kosher Nostra, and Jaime will need to watch for interference from Bully Benrubi and Abraham Slam. MATCH 4: ROBERTS vs HERSCHEL THE HAMMER. Poor match,as Jaime starts well with a couple of good moves, goes for the quick pin but just gets a pair of 1 counts, and Herschel comes back after five minutes, punching Roberts as he goes for a running bulldog, then nailing the double underhook facebuster for the win. Roberts REALLY needs more stamina, hopefully the cardio training will take effect soon. The match gets just a D grade, making it unlikely Jaime will be asked back to the company. In other matches, the clash between members of the Super Hero and Rogues Gallery stables sees Super Falcon successfully defend his European title against Evil Henchman #1 and White Night and Frank De Pain win the UCR Tag titles from the United Nations. Ruud Van Anger's psychology tips have helped Jaime, and incredibly, the Hammer saw enough potential in that short loss to persuade the UCR owner Louis Figo Manico to offer Jaime a $20 an appearance contract as enhancement talent. You CAN fool some people all of the time! Roberts has made a powerful friend there, which can only be good for his chances in the fed.
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