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World Wrestling Entertainment: The Return

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The Return


The History-To-Now

In this business, we not only love entertaining but we thrive on it. It's in the veins. It's what our heart bumps each second of every day. Some have sacrificed their families, friendships, relationships, and even their own well-being. Many have fallen from this world too early because of addictions they ended up with. Many could not shake the demons and get free, while few have and are trying to. Some can't seem to let go no matter how bad their body is bruised, how many people they hurt in their personal life, or how bad of a technique they now have. In this business you have very few friends and you gain many enemies. Something has to change. Someone has to finally care enough to draw the line.


In the early-mid 1990's, superstars became larger-than-life characters. Who you saw on television or in an area was who they were. Bret Hart and Owen Hart were real brothers who 'really' hated each other and you felt it. The Ultimate Warrior was an unknown-wild-maniac who had lots of energy and wasn't a politician. Hulk Hogan was the man who stood for saying your prayers, eating vitamins, and fight for the good and not some ego-driven man who wouldn't lay down for many people. Curt Hennig was Mr. Perfect, who had unique 'perfected' qualities about him and not the man who struggled with drugs in the back. The Undertaker was not Mark Calloway with another gimmick.. he was the grave digger.


Today, wrestling's interest has slowly lost its momentum. The superstars of yester-year are slowly backing away. Some of them are helping the young and others are getting away for good. Wrestling started as family friendly entertainment that appeared to be very real. The fights in the ring, all the way to the stories told by the wrestlers. People would argue if wrestling was real or fake. Then came the ''war' to be the last main wrestling company and to hold the keys of this business. It came down to WWE vs. WCW. We saw 'Stunning' Steve Austin arise to 'Stone Cold' and become one of the biggest stars in history. We saw a unknown Rocky Miavia turn into what we remember was The Rock. We saw a 'punk-surfer-man' Sting turn into one of the biggest stories/fueds in wrestling history. We saw the unthinkable Hulk Hogan turn bad. And we saw a unknown football player, Bill Goldberg, become a wrestling phenomenon. Wrestling became competitive, which made the stories and action become alive again. You became involved. Once WWE purchased WCW, that became a dwindled down fire.


New superstars are rising but the lost excitement and passion have yet to be built. It is a two-six hour a week entertainment show when it use to be a seven-day-a-week entertainment business. We use to talk on Monday about what happened on Sunday at the pay per view. We use to spread rumors and get surprised. The time of this business is slowly leaving. In order for this business to do what it was meant to do, we must spark the fire in the wrestlers, creative team, ceo's, and everyone else involved and bring to life what we call: Wrestling Entertainment.


The Back Story

Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff decided to sign another year with TNA in hopes to build TNA bigger than where it is. Dixie informed them they had to make some roster cuts due to their big budget, and she encouraged them to bring in talent that's good but nobody knows about.


In the meantime, Vince McMahon is trying to build new/young superstars to carry the same torch that guys like Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock and The Undertaker carried previously.


Everyone knows Vince McMahon is a workaholic and nobody even knows when he sleeps. Many people backstage has been saying of him recently, 'a fire is lit under his ass'. Vince has always enjoyed making money and even entertaining the fans. Vince is not only wrestling-minded, entertainment-minded, but also business-minded. When he thinks of WWE, he thinks more than just wrestling or entertainment. He thinks business. Many times pride has held him back on different decisions, but many are saying as time closes in on his retirement (whenever that may be), his mindset is changing.


Paul Levesque, aka Triple H, now has an office down the hall from Vince in corporate headquarters. Many are saying it's only a matter of time before Paul and Stephanie will be taking over. Until then though, it seems Paul will be working side-by-side with Vince to get an idea of what happens on the business side of things.


Vince McMahon was recently interviewed on a sports XM-Radio station and this is what he had to say, "Wrestling and the entertainment business have changed. We don't have someone spraying his boss with beer anymore or being arrested while people cheered. We've toned it down to be more family friendly, as well as, pushing rules backstage. We do drug testing and offer rehab to make sure the health is good as it can be... what I can say about the business drying up is this, from now on you'll be able to expect the unexpected. That's all I can say at this moment."


Nobody really knows what Vince meant by saying you can now expect the unexpected, but many have wrote that Vince is about to do some major changes on screen and behind the scenes. It looks like we're in for some surprises again.

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