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Showtime East Coast - Sports Entertainment - Only on East Coast Today!

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Showtime East Coast - Sports Entertainment - Only on East Coast Today!




<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> a new concept? Not quite

A Fresh product? Not completely

The most entertaining promotion in sports entertainment ?

It's Showtime!


The exclusive property of East Coast Today; Showtime East Cost Sports Entertainment are North America's first promotion to be created entirely for TV purposes, reportedly inspired by RAW in Australia.


The idea came when life long wrestling fan Brendan Sheerin, inherited East Coast Today from his ageing father, and set about changing thier schedule to help them appeal to more fans and SEC-SE was on of his first home grown additions, hiring some actors (varying largley in how well they are known,) ex-legit figters and a couple of indy talents. Debuting in January 2010, all workers went on a 6 month wrestling course with some of the best trainers.


Predictably due to the workers takents, the show prefers to focus on storylines over in ring talent and their seems to be as much time spent on angles as their is on actual in ring action, and of that in ring time it isn't the most vigorous and 'pure' wrestling you'll see but it is quite the sight.

Next up: The Roster...


Click Picture for profile (work in progress: Glitch in post count code (not by me):confused:):

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http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/Actor1.jpg<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/Actor2.jpg <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->*</style><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } A:link { so-language: zxx } --> </style> http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/Actor3.jpg

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Credit to Self for worker images

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You know, if you were really trying to be like RAW, you would actually be the "American Wrestling Soap Opera". Try booking a 2-hour show with 50% match-angle ratio.


But, you're just trying to be a TV network-ran company, it seems. Either way, I'll be watching.

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#1 Paul Donald






<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> Paul Donald-Driver (often just Paul Donald) is a Network Executive for the East Coast Today network, born in 1962, Paul is credited with coming up with some of East Coast Today's top shows and is said to be the man who convinced then E.C.T chairman John Sheerin to show DAVE's TV Show, however he is mostly known because of his realistic, gritty dramas for which he has won many awards.



Never seen without a cigar in his mouth, standing at 6'4, and with an arrogant swagger, he is human Marmite, having had cameos in most of his own shows he has commissioned many feel he is very manipulative and uses his influence to get fame, rather than on his own merit.



In 2010 he was made Network Representative of SEC-SE but it is unclear if he will play an onscreen role. He is also a keen free-running fan, although he doesn't compete himself.





Edit: After 3 5 ratings, Someone gave me a one rating before I'd done anything. Cheers :D.

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#2 Chad Thomas


#2 Chad thomas



<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> Chad Thomas is an American-Polish former MMA star who has spent the last 5 years acting in TV dramas and will be part of East Coast Today's upcoming wrestling project and is one of the few workers with any fighting background. He is only worker of the original roster that didn't take any wrestling training before the beginning of the show as he felt that after being an MMA star he didn't training to become a 'toy fighter.'



Being from an MMA background he is typecast as a tough guy and so he's no stranger to fight scene's and is used to the choreography so he may be very useful for SEC-SE and is likely to be headlining given his star name.



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#3 Chris Legend


#3 Chris Legend



Christian Jacobs is an American actor who is a former amateur wrestler who lost interest in the sport after beginning his acting career but he undoubtedly has the skill and entertainment value that he could have been a superstar instead of the TV star actor he has become. He is without doubt the best wrester in the new promotion and has the look to back up his inevitable rise into the promotion.



Interestingly he was born in New York county, New York City and New York State on Manhatten Island and wears New York down the side of his boots. Many credit him hugely for playing a key role training some of the other (less talented) workers signed up to the SEC-SE promotion.



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#4 Alexis Miloševic


#4 Alexis Milosevic



Alexis Miloševic is a former Serbian boxer who has lived in America for several years since retiring from the sport, he has recently been roped into the East Coast Today wrestling promotion.


Whilst he was never known as one of the sports great hype men, he was well known in Europe and less so in the USA for his intense stare and tough strikes. If he can overcome his lack of flair and charisma, he is a sure fire to become one of the big stars of SEC-SE and is reportedly already looking for acting roles of the back of it, but East Coast Today officials insist he is on an exclusive contract with them.





Credit to Self for all renders added to main post

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#5 Leon McKillop


#5 Leon McKillop



Leon McKillop is a Scottish born worker who has spent all of his adult years in the USA since a job he took while at university took him there and as an actor he has done quite well for himself appearing in many comedy series, Leon seems to have a natural ability to make people laugh and is now on board for East Coast Today's wrestling show.


Whilst he is said to be one of the worst in ring talents he is apparently one of the most athletic workers and has been quoted saying he is looking forward to the experience.



Known to enjoy drinking a little too much when not working on a TV show and there are question marks over his reliability.



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#6 Max miller


#6 Max miller



Max Miller is a relatively unknown sports news reader who has landed a job on East Coast Today's wrestling show as a colour commentator and is recognized for his perfect pronunciation of every word and his jolly tone. He is originally from South Carolina.



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#7 Jake Jupiter


#7 Jake Jupiter



<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> Jake Jupiter (real name Jack Owen) is a young stuntman who is looking find a break in TV after becoming famous on the internet for BMX stunts he does whilst blind folded and his unique has somewhat of a cult following.


Suprisingly, has been given a chance of exposure by joining SEC-SE which are based very close to his home. He is a good athlete and has been training hard to become a decent wrestler who can actually fly very well without being a complete spot monkey but he isn't as entertaining or famous as many of his pears but he has learnt to take real 'bumps' doing his risky stunts.



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Lookin' good 20LEgend!


I'll definitely be watching as you go forward. I love the characters you're creating for this project. very cool!






Cheers' EV this is inspired by you creating characters in the ELITE diary and from the TV run promotion DOA you did, so cheers.


I find using c-verse character, I end up just having crappy versions of great characters made in there characters so I hope I can really get behind these characters.

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#8 Referee Chalmers


#8 referee chalmers





<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> Referee 'Mike' Chalmers is a good old fashioned referee who is 40 but looks much older. SEC-SE wanted to call him just 'The referee' but he refused saying it would be disrespectful and very nearly lost the job.



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#9 Jimmi Zhei


#9 Jimmi Zhei

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/Actor9.jpg<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style>


James Zhei is a young Asian-American whose parents move to America in the 80's and he was born a few years later in New Jersey and has always been very athletic stemmed from the fact his father was a famous runner, Zhei jr. has however gone down the route of acting and has made a decent name for himself in many kids and later teen shows, but had struggled as he got into his 20's until he got a job on a sitcom where he had to perform some difficult stunts and thus caught on with the shows viewer made a decent name even though not many watched the show.




When that show ended in 2009 he was inactive and looking for other projects and has accepted work in ECT's wrestling project.



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#10 Perry Doorbarn


#10 Perry Doorbarn



Famous for being famous star Perry Doorbarn is a man for all his fans there are 10 more that hate him, that said, he undoubtedly attracts public attention and has a strange charisma.


He is mostly seen at showbiz parties often wearing flamboyant costumes to go with his crazy hair. In an attempt to garner more fame he became a wrestler with SEC-SE and is one of the most famous workers but many backstage are annoyed that is set to be in the upper card on his 'undeserved' fame and other hard working actor who gave their all in training will get 5 minutes a week.




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#11 Brad Stones


#11 Brad Stones



Brad Stones is an actor who was known for playing tough as nails characters in gritty dramas and films, and was being touted for a permanent move to Hollywood when Brad, fearing typecasting changed his whole style and look.



He grew out his hair, dyed it light brown and lost a bit of weight, but struggled for work after the change and has ended up joining the training programme to become a wrestler with SEC-SE and appears to be one of the more natural in-ring competitors.



He is known to have been on steroids in the past when trying to keep in contention for tough-guy roles but seems to have since stopped using them or at least cut down.



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#12 Harry Deed


#12 Harry deed


'Pug Faced' Harry Deed is a American Independent wrestler who happened to be friends with East Coast Today's new boss Brendan Sheerin and so was brought in to the SEC-SE company.


He has always been seen as a poorish worker on the indies but upon joining SEC-SE he is infact one of the most competent and experienced wrestlers but he lacks the star quality to be as big as his colleagues .


Noted as one of the world ugliest wrestlers.



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#13 The Avenger


(Unlucky?)#13 The Avenger



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The Avenger is new wrestler played by Will Banks a former morning TV presenter from Baltimore, Maryland, but he is now part of the new project for East Coast today where he has become Superhero, The Avenger and is one of the better workers but lack the popularity to be a key to begin with but he certainly has the potential.




A life long fan of wrestling he is said to have been the only worker to come up with his own character and has put a lot of effort into becoming competent in the ring. A great guy to have around he is very generous and gives a lot of money to children's charities.




**Bookers 'One to Watch'**



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#14 Judge Marshall Madison


#14 Judge Marshall Madison



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Judge John Marshall is the best friend of Harry Deed and is his tag team partner on the independent scene and as such was hired by SEC-SE. Mostly unknown the opportunity he has got to be seen on TV is a great one for him, he is obviously one of the more wrestling minded workers on the roster and his Judge gimmick is great for getting the heat.



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#15 Akimoto Kumiko


#15 Akimoto Kumiko



Akimoto Kumiko is a Japanese martial artist and small time film actor playing mostly martial artists which is what he knows. He has moved to America to work with SEC-SE and gain a reputation in the west, his athletic ability and flashy moves as well as his safety and experience of fight scenes mean he could be a very useful asset.



He has little technique but is a good striker and is visually entertaining to watch.



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#16 Colonel weathers


#16 Colonel weathers



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Colonel Weathers is played by American actor Billy Weathers who is famous for his tough guy roles mostly as bad guys due to his intimidating look and large physique.




In 2009 with a gap in his schedule he joined up for East Coast Today's training schedule and is set up to be on the first show. He isn't greatly talented but his fear 'Weather Stare' means he's sure to get over.



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#17 Danger Vise


#17 Danger Vise


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Danger Vise is played by English actor Ian Webb, a man who made it in America after impressing on British Soap Operas, he is fairly well known but not as famous as he is in the UK where all his moves in the states are followed by legions of fans.


He was one of the first men contacted to work on the SEC-SE project as his great heel look, the entertainment skills he posses and his huge stature means he is likely to play a big role in the company.


He is an excellently versatile character actor.



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#18 Richie Turner


#18 Richie turner



Richie Turner (sometimes just Ricky T) is a young actor from New Jersey, a relatively unknown actor so not much info is known on him other than that he joined the group of actors in the East Coast Today wrestling project.


He has no relation to Ricky Turner.



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#19 The Playboy Panther


#19 The Playboy panther


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The Playboy Panther CJ Sharp is a friend of Perry Doorbarn and has managed to land himself a job in SEC-SE.


He is mostly known for hanging around with Perry at showbiz gigs and for an infamous sex tape in which he performed acts upon a woman in a bathtub but passed out and almost drowned before being taken to hospital. Somehow the tape was leaked onto the internet and he grabbed some much needed fame and set about his own career but has such only received the wrestling offer, and you wonder why wrestling looked down upon.



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