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<p>I've updated the first page with the roster so far, but does anyone know why any post count code link I put in redirects to Chad Thomas e.g <a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1172662&postcount=22" rel="external nofollow">http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1172662&postcount=22</a></p><p> </p><p> If you see it shows it as post 22 but comes up with no. 6's post when it should quite clearly show this</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="20LEgend" data-cite="20LEgend" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29133" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'New York City';"><span style="font-size:36px;">#16 Colonel weathers</span></span></p><p> <span>http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/Actor16.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Aharoni;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Colonel Weathers is played by American actor Billy Weathers who is famous for his tough guy roles mostly as bad guys due to his intimidating look and large physique.</span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Aharoni;"><span style="font-size:18px;">In 2009 with a gap in his schedule he joined up for East Coast Today's training schedule and is set up to be on the first show. He isn't greatly talented but his fear 'Weather Stare' means he's sure to get over.</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/SEC-1.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Aharoni;"><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Any help it's really ruining my front page and it took ages only for the glitch to happen</p>
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#20 Josh Keenan


#20 John Keenan



Josh Keegan is a fairly good all round wrestler who has worked on the independent scene for a long time but has never felt secure enough with finances to join wrestling, a good teacher of rookies, he was hired as a trainer for the SEC-SE actors and soon after joined up with the promotion after being offered full time work.


He has formed a strong friendship with Jake Jupiter and is likely to tag with the rookie.



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#21 Hank Lefts


#21 Hank Lefts



Hank Lefts is played by American comic and director Hank Feltz, a man who is known for his energetic and over the top style and for sweating buckets on stage, in 2010 he was roped into SEC-SE and will work alongside close friend and fellow comic Leon McKillop.


Loved by many, detested by others, the name lefts is said to be part of a Knockout Specialist gimmick he'll be running.



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#22 Rush Campbell


#22 Rush Campbell



Michael 'Rush' Campbell is a former American Football player who went into TV after retiring at 29. He has worked on a few shows but his name value has severely dropped, so in an attempt to reignite his career he has joined SEC-SE, and his amazing athletic abilities could get him far.


Known for his love of PAR-TAY-ING!



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#23 Firefighter Jane


#23 Firefighter Jane


Firefighter Jane is a young model from Florida, she has joined SEC-SE.



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I just wanted to swoop in and say 'great work' on fleshing out each character in this manner. While it may take a little longer to get to your shows, It's certainly a great way to give each character their due. I have to say, just by what you've done thus far, I'm excited to see where you go with all of this.


(Unlucky?)#13 The Avenger



<style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style>

The Avenger is new wrestler played by Will Banks a former morning TV presenter from Baltimore, Maryland, but he is now part of the new project for East Coast today where he has become Superhero, The Avenger and is one of the better workers but lack the popularity to be a key to begin with but he certainly has the potential.




A life long fan of wrestling he is said to have been the only worker to come up with his own character and has put a lot of effort into becoming competent in the ring. A great guy to have around he is very generous and gives a lot of money to children's charities.




**Bookers 'One to Watch'**




With this in mind, just by look alone, this guy looks like a 'beast'. :D Great visuals.

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I just wanted to swoop in and say 'great work' on fleshing out each character in this manner. While it may take a little longer to get to your shows, It's certainly a great way to give each character their due. I have to say, just by what you've done thus far, I'm excited to see where you go with all of this.




With this in mind, just by look alone, this guy looks like a 'beast'. :D Great visuals.


Cheers EV, somehow I missed this (possibly from sleeping all Sunday:o) And the renders by Self make this possible as I'd just have nothing to go on without them.

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#24 Leighton Lupus


#24 Leighton Lupus



Leighton Lupus aka the Lone Wolf is a young actor who is part of the initial SEC-SE roster, he is a small and quick worker and is a decent flyer but has little in the way of technique and relies on flying strikes.


He is not greatly known but is thought to be a very good actor so could find himself busy soon after his SEC-SE contract if he is given time to shine by the network.




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#24 Shade


#24 Shade



Shade is a barely known wrestler who was fortunate enough to be spotted by SEC-SE scouts in only her second performance whilst almost completely unknown she is a good and entertaining worker and is possibly one of the best in SEC-SE, but may be stalled by being the only active women .


She was given a mysterious character by the name of Shade.



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#26 Vinnie Pesci


and finally #26 Vinnie Pesci



Vincent 'Vinnie' Pesci is a writer from New York, who was the first person to accept the role as head writer of East Coast Today's Showtime Eastcoast - Sport Entertainment, a wrestling fan himself he is said to be delighted at the chance to work on a completely fresh project and excited to make his mark in the sport he loves.


If he can deal with the vast change from drama writing, he should do a good job. He has been training to become a wrestling announcer for 6 months as he refuses to wrestle for the company despite being as good as the others.



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It's Showtime Part 1


On December 29 2009 (recorder on the 12<sup>th</sup>) a show broadcast called 'It's Showtime' and it was hype show for East Coast Today Latest TV Project a wrestling promotion!!!




Paul Donald, the head of the project appears on screen.


'Tonight is an historic for not only East Coast Today. Not only Sport Entertainment. But a truly historic night for television, as you see some the first appearance of the countries best entertainers and fighters do what they do best in preparation for next Friday's grand premier and make the note in your diary because you have to be their.


That said without further delay I introduce to you a comic who will make laugh but now promises to make his opponents cry so find a seat, get comfortable... It's Showtime!'


We cut to a smart suited ring announcer in the ring.


'Introducing first, hailing from Boston, Texas; weighing in at just over 280 pounds. This is Hank 'The Chief' Lefts!'



He runs to the ring and is clearly sweaty when he gets into the squared circle for the first time.


'Heeelllllllllllooooooooooooooooo, New York, New York. You are looking at the hottest commodity North American wrestling and this is the only place you'll see me, but more to the point, have you every noticed at these airline firm how they always got their...'



Donald cuts in 'not now Hank'


Hank freezes on his spot and then pivots to the direction of Donald


'What did you just say, you little rat, get your ass in here and tell me what to do... I thought not you yella belly...'


He drops the microphone and chases Paul Donald off the stage and the attention turns back to the ring,



' Introducing next weighing of 600 pounds, flown in this morning from The Supreme Court of Law, they are the team of Harry Deed and Judge Marshall Madison, The Arbiters of Justice.'



They get boos just for the gimmick, and both looked nervous as they are used to 20 people watching them. Marshall takes the stick.



[With his put on British voice quivering] ' Thank you for your time, we are, The Arbiters of Justice and we are hear today to teach you idiotic buffoons about our rights and we'll start with a law we passed just today. Anyone who boos or even disrespects either me or my friend Harry shall be sentenced to Magnus Foulness which to those of you, and by the looks of it most of you, who don't speak the fine language of Latin that just means a big squash from Harry Deed... [He takes a deep breath and Harry, looking more relaxed, has to take over]


[struggling to improvise, he says anything] ' You see my friend is infact too disgusted to speak to you non-intellectuals and well we've tried but we find imagining you load of skanks naked would put him over the edge, so as he was saying you receive a big squash from me.


Which moves me on to the next law if anyone calls me a [with air quotation marks]'fat bastard' or my friend a 'nobody' then you will be subjected to, as you WILL be breaking the law, to a move called the Lex Effrego Effrego , the most sickening backbreaker in the sport today!'


The fact the fans are told not to chant these thing means they infact do. But now JMM seems OK to continue.


'Shut up! Shut up! You little punks there's a good reason your behind those guardrails and I'm up here, and that because I am somebody and you are all infact the nobody's. So remember, this is our show and you have been warned!


They leave to a fairly decent amount of heat although some are unconvinced by the 'nobodies.'


And we are back to the announcer...


Some of the lower carders did their promos and some got fairly good reception from those who mentioned them but a couple of the lesser known talent fell flat on the fans who'd expected big stars, but then the last part came and 'business picked up' so to speak.


'And coming to the ring from Toxin Island, this is The Avenger'



He comes in the ring in a very futuristic manner and when he was in the ring moving his hand and head extremely rigidly.


He clenches his fist and the lights go down and he re opens it and his hand shines a ray of light. He then starts speak in several different robotic tones,*



'In, this world of sin and temptation, we all need a hero, someone who will look out for his neighbours and ensure a save working and living environment. In modern times these are very few and far between and I am here to assure safety for all of you and everyone at home, You are in safe hands with The Avenger, for wherever there is trouble and strife, I stall be there. At the smallest scent of Evil, I shall be there and when all the evil has gone, then only then can The Avenger, have his Vengeance.'



The lights go out and fire explodes explodes around ringside and the now (for some unknown reason) much dimmer lights reveal a big man stood behind The Avenger,



he puts him in an extremely tight, vice like sleeper hold and The Avenger fades down to his knees before slumping in the ring as the big guy laughs evilly at his slumped body.



We go to a break...



When we return the last part is dedicated to a Perry Doorbarn vs CLegend argument promo with both going back and forth over who is a better asset to SEC-SE




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Roster Break Down


Face Heel

Main Event

Chris Legend Chad Thomas

Hank Lefts Perry Doorbarn


Upper Midcard

Brad Stones Danger Vise

Leon McKillop Colonel Weathers



The Avenger Alexis Miloševic

Jimmi Zhei Rush Campbell

Josh Keenan The Playboy Panther


Lower Midcard

Leighton Lupus The Arbiters of Justice



Jake Jupiter Richie Turner



Akimoto Kumiko



Firefighter Jane

Max Miller

Paul Donald

Referee Chalmers


Vinnie Pesci


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