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XDW: Out of the Yard...

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29146" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="font-size:18px;">XDW</span></span> </p><p> presents</p><p> <span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">Anarchy Rules</span></span></p><p> </p><p> Demon Malice and TBA vs. Masters of Fear (7)</p><p> The Mountain Men vs. The Indian Warriors (9)</p><p> Roderick Remus vs. Amazing Firefly (10)</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Last call on predictions...show is up in a few hours....</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/XDW/xdw2.jpg</span><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;">Presents</span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:36px;"><strong>Anarchy Rules!!</strong></span><span style="font-size:36px;"> </span></p><p>

Live from the Blue Oyster Bar and Grill in Chicago, Illinois</p><p>

Attendance: 30</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Davis Ditterich (Lead Announcer), Lee Bambino (Play by play), Honey Golightly (Color)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

DD: Welcome to another great show brought to you by XDW…Anarchy Rules! As you know, I am Davis Ditterich. And with me as always are the “Baby Faced Bad Ass” Lee Bambino and the lovely Honey Golightly.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: Thanks for the intro Davis. Tonight is going to be an explosive show as Demon Malice and a partner of his choosing takes on The Masters of Fear, Grandmaster Terror and Grandmaster Dread, in a tag match with a partner of his choosing.</p><p> </p><p>

HG: I hate to say it guys, but that match sounds almost as hot as the special Pillow Fight Tag Match between the Neptune Twins and the team of Christy Higgins and Dharma Gregg. </p><p> </p><p>

DD: Four ladies whom no man would kick out of bed afterward.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: I’ll second that Davis!</p><p> </p><p>

DD: Ahem…Up first we have the newly signed Kamikaze Christian Vars taking on XDW original Extreme Deluxe. The fans are certainly in for a treat as both men are going to be trying to prove they belong in XDW.</p><p> </p><p>


Extreme Deluxe vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars in a XDW rules match</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The match started out with a few quick lariat attempts by Kamikaze that ended with Ex-D leapfrogging Kamikaze and nailing him with a spinning cartwheel kick. Ex-D followed up on it with a few stomps to the gut before spring boarding off the second rope and landing a huge moonsault on Kamikaze.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: Ex-D going for the early pin…Two count!</p><p> </p><p>

LB: Ex-D is definitely in control here Davis, but anything can happen here in XDW.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>At this point Kamikaze is whipped into the corner by Ex-D who follows him in with a lariat only to get a face full of Kamikaze’s boot. Kamikaze pulls himself up on the top turnbuckle and leaps off with a diving spear that takes Ex-D down hard. Kamikaze follows it up with a standing moonsault only to land chest first on the knees of Ex-D. Ex-D pushes Kamikaze off of him and gets up to his feet. Ex-D gets on the top turnbuckle behind the downed Kamikaze and waves him to his feet. Kamikaze is up and he turns around…</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: Deluxe Package! What a move!</p><p> </p><p>

LB: No one can deliver a diving DDT like Extreme Deluxe can Davis. I don’t think Kamikaze will be getting up after that one.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by Knockout: Extreme Deluxe!</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

DD: What a match Lee! </p><p> </p><p>

HG: I’m here too Davis!</p><p> </p><p>

DD: How could I forget you Honey? What did you think of the match?</p><p> </p><p>

HG: It was hawt!</p><p> </p><p>

LB: I couldn’t have said it better myself.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The bar begins to fill with techno J-pop style music and out walks Sozen Ishinomori and “Big” Leon Brody, Bad Azz Inc.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Sozen Ishinomori & “Big” Leon Brody</p><p> </p><p>

DD: What the hell are they doing here?</p><p> </p><p>

LB: I don’t know Davis, but do you want to be the one to tell <strong>them</strong> they can’t be out here.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sozen is given a mic and he brings it up to his lips as Leon stands around looking menacing.</em></p><p> </p><p>

SI: 何がなるんでしょうか。これは、すべてのでたらめだ!ねじあなたたちあなたにお尻や足のようにすべての香り。</p><p> </p><p>

DD: Did you catch any of that, guys?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Suddenly a female come waltzing out to entrance way. As she walks to the ring her leopard print dress hugs her body like a second skin. She walks up to Sozen and takes the mic from him.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Sienna DeVille</p><p> </p><p>

HG: That’s Sienna DeVille! She’s one of my ladies.</p><p> </p><p>

SD: Forgive Sozen, he still doesn’t have a full grasp of the English Language. My name is Sienna, and I am out here as the translator for Mr. Ishinomori. Now then…Mr. Ishinomori said “Last week, we destroyed the Mountain Men, Larry Wood and Billy “Bear” Bekowski, because we are the most dominant force in XDW!”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sienna holds the mic up to the face of Sozen.</em></p><p> </p><p>

SI:何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか何がなるんでしょうか!!!</p><p> </p><p>

SD: Mr. Ishinomori would like you all to know… “We are not afraid of anyone XDW has on the roster. In fact, this week we will prove to everyone watching that there is no team as dominant and as powerful as we are!” I would like to add to that, anyone who even thinks about getting in our way will not live long enough to regret it! Ah ha, ha, ha, ha!</p><p> </p><p>

DD: What an evil bitch! If you thought they were a force to reckon with before, with Sienna in their corner they just might be unstoppable!</p><p> </p><p>

HG: Sienna has been very successful as the manager of Vampella and Roxy Kitten the current BSC Girl Power Champions.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: It seems like everyone except Demon Malice has a partner to rely on, although he aims to rectify that tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

DD: Up next, we have “R-Squared” Roderick Remus taking on “The Amazing” Firefly in what is sure to be an instant classic.</p><p> </p><p>


“R-Squared” Roderick Remus vs. “The Amazing” Firefly in a XDW rules match</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The bell rings and Roderick and Firefly trade arm drags and hip tosses. Firefly is able to whip Roderick into the ropes and catch him off the rebound with a leg lariat. Firefly then launches himself off the ropes and lands a dropkick that sends Roderick out to the floor. Firefly shoots himself off the far ropes and dives over the ropes and onto Roderick with a splash sending both men crashing to the floor.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: Speed advantage for Firefly which he is using to much success here tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: You can’t count Roderick out just yet though, after all who knows if that is even the “real” Roderick in the ring right now.</p><p> </p><p>

<em> Both men are up to their feet and trade blows until Roderick rakes the eyes of Firefly. Roderick then slams the head of Firefly off the nearby guardrail before hitting a jumping neck breaker on Firefly. Roderick then rolls Firefly into the ring and tries to follow him only for Firefly to lunge forward and nail Roderick in the gut with his shoulder. Firefly then leaps up and pulls Roderick’s neck across the ropes sending Roderick back to the outside.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: Nice recovery by Firefly. The question is can he capitalize on it and win this one?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Firefly runs to the far ropes only to be nailed in the back with a kendo stick by Roderick #2. Roderick #2 gets into the ring and does an R-Squared [Complete Shot] on Firefly as Roderick #1 climbs into the ring and to the top turnbuckle. Roderick #1 leaps off the turnbuckle and lands a hard Remus Leg Drop [Houston Hang Over].</em></p><p> </p><p>

LB: Once again it is that second Roderick that is the difference maker.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by Knockout: Roderick Remus!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

DD: What a match! Roderick Remus does it again with the help of his body double.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: This is the kind of shenanigans SWF would put on Davis and it has no business here in XDW. I only hope XDW Owner Tony does something about this and soon!</p><p> </p><p>

HG: Maybe I should get an exclusive two on one with them?</p><p> </p><p>

DD: I think we heard enough about your two on ones last week Honey…</p><p> </p><p>

LB: I didn’t!</p><p> </p><p>

DD: Grow up Lee. Up next we have The Indian Warriors taking on The Mountain Men in a match I am sure Bad Azz Inc. is going to be watching very closely.</p><p> </p><p>


The Indian Warriors (Running Wolf & Bright Falcon) w/Alexis Little Feather vs. The Mountain Men (Larry Wood & Bear Bekowski) in a XDW Rules Match</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Running Wolf and Billy Bekowski lock up as Larry Wood rushes Bright Falcon. Wolf is able to get Billy up and slam him down with a huge body slam. Meanwhile, Larry Wood has tossed Falcon to the outside and follows closely behind. Larry grabs a nearby chair and attempts to hit Falcon with it only for Falcon to move at the last second and have Larry slam the chair against the guard rail. Larry drops the chair due to the impact and Falcon hops up on the ring apron then leaps off catching Larry with a head scissor take down on the outside. In the ring Wolf has Billy in the corner and is unloading back elbows on him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: The Indian Warriors are looking better and better each week.</p><p> </p><p>

HG: Ever since Bright Falcon took on that new look it is like the team is more focused than ever.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: When you’re wearing the outfit of your hero Cherokee Hawk, you better be able to live up to it Honey.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Outside the ring Falcon and Larry have made it over to the entrance area when suddenly Sozen Ishinomori comes out and nails Falcon with a huge boot. Larry wood looks stunned and before he can react Leon Brody nails him with a chair to the head putting him out. Inside the ring Wolf is about to nail Billy with a Wolf Tamer when he sees what is going on and lets Billy down. Wolf rushes out of the ring to aid Falcon and Billy begins to regain his bearings.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: Bad Azz Inc. trying to make a statement here.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Wolf nails Sozen with a forearm but he is hit by the chair wielding Leon Brody. Sozen then lifts Wolf up and lands a huge Two Handed Choke Bomb. Alexis runs over to her team only to have Sienna come out and slap Alexis. Alexis dives on Sienna and the two roll around the floor until Sozen pulls Alexis off and Leon grabs Alexis by the neck. Leon then choke slams Alexis on the outside as the ref finally calls for the bell.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by Knockout: The Mountain Men!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

DD: That just isn’t right Lee! No man should ever do that to a woman…ever!</p><p> </p><p>

LB: Bad Azz Inc. makes their statement with a sickening choke slam on Alexis Little Feather.</p><p> </p><p>

HG: How dare that pig put his hands on one of my ladies! </p><p> </p><p>

DD: Folks I apologize for the actions of Bad Azz Inc. That kind of behavior is not acceptable even in XDW. Right now we have to go back to the ring where I am being told The Masters of Fear along with Warlord Agony are coming out to say a few words.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Masters of Fear and Warlord Agony walk past the EMTs working on Alexis and step into the ring. They are given mics by the ring crew and begin to speak.</em></p><p> </p><p>


The Masters of Fear (Grandmaster Dread & Grand Master Terror) w/Warlord Agony</p><p> </p><p>

GD: Tonight it ends once and for all. The Demons of Rage will be buried and forgotten after we destroy the last remaining Demon, Demon Malice!</p><p> </p><p>

GT: You see, the fact is no one in the back there wants to partner up with a loser like Demon Malice, especially when they would be facing off against two guys as good as The Masters of Fear!</p><p> </p><p>

WA: This fight has dragged out long enough. It started in SWF, carried over to USPW, but it ends here in XDW tonight! The Demons of Rage could never defeat The Lords of War and no pupil of Demon Spite will ever be able to defeat the disciples of Agony!</p><p> </p><p>

DD: Bold words by The Masters of Fear, but from the sound of that music it looks like we won’t have to wait long for Demon Malice’s response.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Demon Malice walks out to the entrance with a mic in hand.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Demon Malice</p><p> </p><p>

DM: Ever since you three showed up to XDW you have been a thorn in my side. Attacking me and demon Spite with ambushes, two and three on one assaults, and cheap, dirty, bitch ass tricks! Well, it ends tonight! If you think I don’t have a partner, then you got yourself a problem…A Big Problem! Allow me to introduce Demon Hatred!!!!</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Demon Malice points to the back and out walks The Big Problem.</em></p><p> </p><p>


Demon Hatred</p><p> </p><p>

DH: Let’s get it on!</p><p> </p><p>

DD: My god that is The Big Problem. Big Problem is now Demon Hatred Lee!</p><p> </p><p>

LB: Who would have guessed he would be here in XDW?</p><p> </p><p>


The New Demons of Rage (Demon Malice & Demon Hatred) vs. The Masters of Fear (Grandmaster Dread & Grand Master Terror) w/Warlord Agony</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Demons of Rage rush the ring and the bell sounds. Grandmaster Dread tries a lariat but Malice hits a huge spear on Dread. Terror lands a right on Hatred but it doesn’t seem to faze him. Hatred then nails Terror with a big boot that sends Terror down hard. Malice lifts Dread up and lands a huge power bomb as the crowd goes nuts. Both Terror and Dread roll out of the ring and consult with Warlord Agony as Malice and Hatred pose for the cheering crowd.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: The New Demons of Rage are looking good Lee.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: They seem to be on the same page as if they were meant to be partners from the beginning of their lives.</p><p> </p><p>

HG: Not only that, but it seems as if The Masters of Fear were honestly not prepared for Demon Malice to have a partner.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The Masters of Fear are back in the ring and all four men are trading blows in the center of the ring. Finally both members of the Demons of Rage are able to block a right hand and deliver a powerful right that sends both members of The Masters of Fear to the mat. Demon Malice sends Terror to the corner as Hatred lifts Dread up in a Torture Rack. Hatred then spins Dread around and lands a F5 type of maneuver. Malice then slams Terror out of the corner with a huge suplex off the second turnbuckle. Hatred walks over to the downed Terror and lifts him up in a suplex of his own. Instead of slamming him back, Hatred holds Terror up as Malice climbs the top turnbuckle. Malice leaps off and spears Terror right out of the hands of Hatred!</em></p><p> </p><p>

DD: MY GOD! What kind of move was that?</p><p> </p><p>

LB: I have never seen nor heard of a move like that Davis.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by Knockout: The New Demons of Rage!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

DD: Can things get any hotter? We will find out because we have the Neptune Twins taking on Dharma Gregg and Christy Higgins in a Bra and Panties match…next!</p><p> </p><p>


The Neptune Twins vs. Dharma Gregg and Christy Higgins in a Bra and Panties Match</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>The four ladies are in the ring talking trash to one another when suddenly Dharma grabs Christy and spins her around. Dharma nails Christy with a DDT before her and The Neptune Twins strip Christy Higgins to her bra and panties!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner by stripping: The Neptune Twins!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

DD: It seems Dharma got some payback for last week’s exposure at the hands of Christy Higgins.</p><p> </p><p>

LB: Dharma didn’t care about the win, she just wanted to embarrass Christy.</p><p> </p><p>

DD: Well Folks that is all the time we have tonight. On behalf of my colleagues, I am Davis Ditterich and this was XDW Anarchy Rules! Remember to always keep it…</p><p> </p><p>

DD, LB, HG: Xtreme!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

*OOC...As always thoughts and coments on the show are welcomed and appreciated.</p>

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Another show was over and once again I gathered Demon Spite, Demon Anger, Warlord Agony, and Larry Wood together to discuss the show. XDW would have never reached the heights it has if it wasn’t for the insight of these legends of the ring.


Anarchy Rules Breakdown:


Extreme Deluxe vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars (14)

This match was a disaster! The lack of flow in this one through the timing of the match off and the fans were definitely able to pick up on it. Until these two can improve it looks like they will be stuck in the dark matches for a while.


Sozen Ishinomori & “Big” Leon Brody w/Sienna DeVille (42)

Sozen and Leon are two very intimidating men and with the addition of Sienna as a mouth piece they seem to be getting a better response from the crowd. As soon as Sozen is able to speak English we may need to reevaluate this grouping, though it seems like that won’t be for a long time.


“R-Squared” Roderick Remus vs. “The Amazing” Firefly (47)

Roderick and Firefly had the highest rated match of the night and so plans are already underway to get these two involved in some sort of feud. The fans really do love the angle we are working with Roderick and we have to be sure not to pull the trigger too soon on this one.


The Indian Warriors {Running Wolf & Bright Falcon} w/Alexis Little Feather vs. The Mountain Men {Larry Wood & Bear Bekowski} (34)

This match was a lot better than it looked like it would be when I booked it. Larry is really helping Bear Bekowski improve and it will only be a matter of time when Bear is sent on his own. The interference of Bad Azz Inc. during this match really sets up the next card nicely.


The Masters of Fear {Grandmaster Dread & Grand Master Terror} w/Warlord Agony (58)

The Masters of Fear can really wow the crowd with their look, however neither of them are particularly good on the mic. Agony is helping to drive this angle and we really need to keep pushing the history between the Demons of Rage and Lords of War.


Demon Malice w/Demon Hatred {The Big Problem} (71)

The response to The Big Problem as the newest member of the Demons of Rage was overwhelming! I don’t think anyone expected to see him in XDW nor did they think he would look as good as he did. I’m glad I helped him get off of steroids before bringing him out as the fans would not have responded as well to the swollen looking Big Problem in my opinion.

The New Demons of Rage {Demon Malice & Demon Hatred} vs. The Masters of Fear {Grandmaster Dread & Grand Master Terror} w/Warlord Agony (37)

This match wasn’t great but then again there was no way it could live up to the revelation of Big Problem as the newest member of the Demons of Rage. I believe if we focus more on brawling than on actual wrestling then we might get a better match out of these four.


The Neptune Twins vs. Dharma Gregg and Christy Higgins (42)

Once again this match was only added to keep the young men in the audience happy. With the Roderick match pulling in a better rating than this one we might finally be able to cut these type of matches off the card.


XDW: Anarchy Rules (42)

We did better than last month, but not by much. Looking over things it seems we still aren’t playing to the strengths of the roster properly. We really need to do some better booking and keep the bombs like the Kamikaze/Ex-D match off the main show.


After the meeting we came up with the name for the next show and made flyers announcing three of our matches...




Caged Fury!

Roderick Remus vs. Mark Smart vs. "TheAmazing" Firefly (8)

Grandmaster Terror vs. Demon Malice (11)

Grandmaster Dread vs. Demon Hatred (18)

Plus Much More!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LordJaguar" data-cite="LordJaguar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29146" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anarchy Rules Prediction Results!<p> </p><p> MJStark guessed 1 out of 3 correct</p><p> 20LEGEND guessed 3 out of 3!</p><p> </p><p> Thanks for predicting guys, I hope you continue to enjoy the shows.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Man, I'm seriously off my game at the moment <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Thinking about it, I may have to change my prediction for the 3 way. I can actually see Remus pinning them both at the same time on opposite sides of the ring or something, so I'm going with Remus <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MJStark" data-cite="MJStark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29146" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man, I'm seriously off my game at the moment <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Thinking about it, I may have to change my prediction for the 3 way. I can actually see Remus pinning them both at the same time on opposite sides of the ring or something, so I'm going with Remus <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Don't feel too bd...if everyone was able to guess 100% then I wouldn't be doing too good a job!</p>
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Caged Fury!

Live from the Blue Oyster Bar and Grill in Chicago, Illinois

Attendance: 42



Davis Ditterich, Lee Bambino, and Honey Golightly


DD: Welcome to another exciting XDW event. I am Davis Ditterich alongside Lee Bambino and Honey Golightly and this is XDW: Caged Fury!


LB: Tonight we have a great double main event planned as Demon Malice takes on Grandmaster Terror and Demon Hatred goes up against Grandmaster Dread…and both matches take place inside a solid steel cage!


DD: That is correct Lee. Unlike those other companies who like to use chicken wire or chain link, we are using a solid steel bar cage! One hundred percent U.S. steel weighing over two tons will be assembled around the ring after first having the ring ropes and corner post removed.


HG: This match is going to get bloody and brutal real quick and those of you with weak constitutions should have a bucket ready nearby…I got mine!


DD: We are just moments away from our first match featuring one half of The Mountain Men in Larry Wood going up against Kamikaze Christian Vars.



Larry Wood vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars in a XDW Rules Match


As soon as the bell rings Kamikaze dashes at Larry and slides under his legs, popping up behind Larry and nailing him with a standing dropkick that has Larry stumbling forward. Kamikaze runs past Larry and jumps at the ropes. Kamikaze spring boards off the ropes with an elbow but Larry catches him in the air. Larry then lands a huge back suplex. Larry is on his feet and he pulls Kamikaze up by the hair. Larry drags Kamikaze over to the corner and slams his head hard on the turnbuckle. Larry grabs the back of Kamikaze’s head and slams it a few more times before he lets him go and lands a stiff lariat across the neck of Kamikaze. Larry is on his feet again and he helps Kamikaze up. Larry turns Kamikaze around and grabs him in a full nelson hold before lifting him up and hitting his finisher.


DD: Squeal like a pig! Squeal like a pig! Larry Wood has just knocked Kamikaze out cold with that unique Full Nelson Power Bomb!


LB: I think Kamikaze is going to have one sore bottom tonight Davis.


Winner by Knock Out: Larry Wood!


DD: What a match…hold the phone I am getting word of some sort of fight going on in the back. It seems like security is having trouble restraining this one and it is about to spill out here…



Masters of Fear and Demons of Rage


From out of the back Demon Malice and Grandmaster Terror come out trading punches. Seconds later Grandmaster Dread and Demon Hatred are also out trading blows. Dread deals a low kick to the balls of Hatred and suddenly he has Hatred up in a power bomb position. Malice turns his attention from Terror to help his partner but as he does Terror grabs a bottle from a nearby fan and smashes it over the head of Malice. Malice falls to one knee as Dread drops Hatred down with a sickening thud. Finally security comes out and pulls The Masters of Fear to the back. EMTs rush out and look over the fallen Demons of Rage.


DD: Things are really getting out of hand between these two teams guys.


LB: This was just the tip of the iceberg Davis. Imagine the carnage when they are locked inside a cage with n o one to stop them from killing one another.


HG: Did you see the blood coming from Malice? I think I’m going to be sick…


DD: Better watch yourself Lee she just might puke all over your nice Sears suit.


LB: Screw you Davis. This is J.C. Penny’s top of the line.


DD: Like I care Lee. Up Next we have the huge triple threat match featuring three of our hottest high flyers.



Amazing Firefly vs. “R-Squared” Roderick Remus vs. Mark Smart in a Three Way XDW Rules Elimination Match


The bell rings and Mark and Firefly both grab Roderick and whip him against the ropes. Roderick rebounds off and both Mark and Firefly hit dropkicks on Roderick. Firefly and Mark pop up to their feet and look at one another before rebounding off opposite ropes. Firefly lands a quick senton and rolls off as Mark hits a leg drop across the neck of Roderick. Firefly and Mark both get up and Firefly extends his hand to Mark. Mark grabs his hand and shakes it before kicking Firefly in the gut. Mark then lifts Firefly up and power bombs him on top of Roderick.


DD: Mark Smart living up to his name as he gets Firefly to help him take on Roderick before dropping Firefly like a bad habit.


LB: Firefly should have known better, it is every man for himself after all.


Mark has Firefly by the head and he leads him over to the corner turnbuckle. Mark slams Firefly off the turnbuckle and Firefly stumbles back. Mark then lands a quick face buster on Firefly. Mark pops up to his feet and hops up on the turnbuckle. Mark raises his hands up but as he does the Roderick Twin comes out from under the ring and nails Mark with a chair in the back. Mark doesn’t fall but instead falls down to a seated position on the turnbuckle. Roderick #2 slides the chair in the ring as Roderick #1 gets to his feet. Roderick #1 grabs Mark by the head and DDT shims off the turnbuckle and onto the chair. The ref makes his check and declares Mark Smart out.


DD: One down, and now somehow it is two on one against Firefly.


LB: XDW Owner Tony needs to really put a stop to this whole Roderick Double situation.


Both of the Rodericks are in the ring and they lift Firefly to his feet. Firefly fires off a few punches to the Rodericks and just as it seems he will make a comeback Roderick #1 rakes his eyes. Roderick #2 grabs the chair and nails Firefly across the back. Roderick #2 then lifts Firefly up in a power bomb position above the chair. Roderick #1 climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps off catching Firefly across the throat with a leg drop that drives him out of Roderick #2’s hands and onto the chair. The ref slides in and checks Firefly out, declaring him out cold a moment later.


Winner by Knock Out: Roderick Remus!


DD: The numbers game will always catch up to you. Before we get to the double main event I am being told Alexis Little Feather is going to come out and address her injuries from last week.


LB: She is a brave woman for even thinking of coming back out here after what happened to her last week.


Alexis comes out dressed in her usual tight, tiny, and tight Native American princess outfit. Around her neck is a brace and she walks to the ring slowly while holding her neck brace.



Alexis Little Feather


ALF: Last week I was brutally attacked by two thugs who think…


Alexis stops talking as she spots Sozen Ishinomori and “Big” Leon Brody walking toward the ring. Sozen and Leon stop in front of the ring knowing there is no way for Alexis to get out before they can grab her.



Sozen Ishinomori and “Big” Leon Brody


DD: We need security out here…


As they stand there the crowd suddenly cheers and we see Running Wolf and Bright Falcon run out from the back carrying lead pipes.



Bright Falcon and Running Wolf


The Indian Warriors smash their pipes into the backs of Bad Azz Inc. The crowd cheers as Running Wolf lands a Wolf Tamer on Sozen. Bright Falcon for his part hops on the apron and hits a Falcon Claw on the woozy Leon Brody to a thunderous cheer. The Indian Warriors then place Alexis on the shoulder of Running Wolf and he carries her to the back.


DD: Thank God Running Wolf and Bright Falcon got out here when they did. Another minute and poor Alexis could have been put out permanently.


LB: Those two teams may not like each other but up next we have a pair of guys who HATE one another.


DD: A feud that goes back to the late seventies and the teams of their respective managers. Up next we have the first of our two cage matches as Demon Malice takes on Grandmaster Terror!



Demon Malice vs. Grandmaster Terror in a XDW Cage Match


Demon Malice enters the cage holding a chain and he waits for Terror who shows up with a baseball bat. Terror enters the ring and the ref locks the cage door before the bell rings. Malice rushes forward and nails Terror with the chain across the neck. Terror goes down and Malice wraps the chain around his fist before laying into Terror. After several hard punches Malice stops and we see Terror is already busted wide open.


DD: The juice flowing early in this one.


LB: Terror wearing that crimson mask as Malice looks like a man possessed.


Malice drops his chain and picks up the discarded baseball bat. Malice raises it up as the crowd begins to stir. Malice waves Terror to get up as the crowd begins to get louder. Terror is on one knee and the crowd is really starting to buzz. Terror starts to get up and Malice runs forward to meet him. As Malice rears back Terror tosses some kind of green powder at Malice that cause Malice to stop in his tracks and drop the bat.


DD: Terror using some sort of green misty powder to blind Malice.


LB: I believe the manager of The Lord of War used to use a similar trick and I bet he learned it from Warlord Agony.


Terror wipes his face and grabs the chain from the floor. Terror wraps the chain around the neck of Malice and begins to pull back as hard as he can. Malice tries to fight his way out but is unable to and soon passes out from loss of oxygen.


DD: MY GOD! What a finish.


LB: Malice is lucky the refs rushed in their and got Terror off of him or else he could have suffered serious brain damage from loss of oxygen and blood.


Winner by Knock Out: Grandmaster Terror!


DD: No time to think about that because we have Demon Hatred taking on Grandmaster Dread in just a few moments.



Demon Hatred vs. Grandmaster Dread in a XDW Cage Match


Demon Hatred is the first to enter the cage and he is carrying a sledgehammer. Grandmaster Dread enters carrying a large wrench and wearing a pair of brass knuckles on each hand. The ref closes the cage and the bell rings as Dread throws the wrench at Hatred. Hatred not expecting that is hit in the leg and he goes down to one knee as Dread rushes forward. Dread begins to unload punches to the ribs of Hatred that force Hatred to drop the sledgehammer. Dread then grabs a hold of Hatred’s head and measures him. Dread then lets loose a huge right that sends Hatred to the floor with a bleeding forehead.


DD: Hatred now the one busted open and Dread looks pleased with himself.


LB: I don’t know how Hatred can win this now, as Dread is a former Bare Knuckles Boxing champion in his native England. Those punches are deadly enough without the added weight and hardness of the brass knuckles.


Dread lifts Hatred up and hits him with a right hook to the gut that doubles Hatred over. Dread then rears back and punches Hatred in the head sending Hatred back to the mat. Dread mounts the downed Hatred and punches him in the face a few times in between taunting Hatred. Dread keeps taunting Hatred but Hatred grabs Dread by the head and slams his head into Dread’s. Dread is wobbly but still on Hatred and Hatred does another headbutt to Dread that knocks Dread off of Hatred. The crowd cheers as Hatred is on his feet and walking over to the sledgehammer. Hatred lifts it off the mat slowly and Dread comes walking over to him. Hatred turns and nails Dread in the face with the head of the sledgehammer. Dread falls to the mat and Hatred stands over him and drives the head of the sledgehammer into the gut of Dread.


DD: Hatred somehow able to still move after that brutal assault Lee.


LB: Not only that Davis, but it looks like he could still win this thing.


Hatred walks over to the door of the cage and kicks it open. Hatred walks out of the cage and grabs a table from nearby and brings it into the ring. Hatred sets the table up as Dread begins to stir. Dread is on his feet and he nails Hatred with a double ax handle that sends both men to the mat. Dread is up first and he helps Hatred to his feet. Dread stands with his back to the table and lifts Hatred up in a suplex position. Hatred fights his way out and lifts Dread up in a suplex position. Hatred holds it for a moment before he drops Dread down ribs first onto the table breaking it in half. Hatred stumbles up to his feet and when Dread doesn’t move the ref runs in and holds Hatred’s arm up.


DD: WOW! That is all I can say Lee.


LB: The brutality was off the charts in this one and who knows if either of these guys or their partners will be able to compete next month.


Winner by Knock Out: Demon Hatred!


DD: Thank you all for joining us here today. On behalf of my colleagues Lee Bambino and Honey Golightly have a nice week and we hope to see you all again next month at Hell on Earth!

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Hell on Earth!

Live from the Blue Oyster Bar and Grill in Chicago, Illinois



Nigel Svensson Open Challenge

Nigel Svensson is looking to prove XDW is more than just blood and tits so he is issuing a challenge to any wrestler to meet him in a One Fall Catch as Catch Can Wrestling match. Will Nigel be able to find a technical wrestler willing to step into XDW?



Cal Sanders vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars

In a battle of the high flyers we will see if Kamikaze Christian Vars can bounce back from a loss to Larry Wood. Meanwhile Cal Sanders is trying to capture a win after several tough losses. Who will win when the sky is the limit and both men are at home in it?



Roderick Remus and his Double vs. Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly

Last Month Roderick once again utilized his double to garner an unfair advantage. XDW Owner Tony has had quite enough and has ordered this match with the clause that should the team of Roderick and his double lose then Roderick’s double would be barred from all future XDW events and should he appear would cause Roderick to be fired on the spot. Can Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly work together to rid XDW of Roderick’s double?



Ms. Allen vs. Christy Higgins

Both ladies are known far more for their looks than their wrestling ability however XDW owner Tony has declared a ban on fan service matches so this one will be under XDW rules. Who will prevail when two ladies know for their T & A fight it out in an actual wrestling match?



The Indian Warriors vs. Bad Azz Inc.

At Anarchy Rules Bad Azz Inc. not only cost The Indian Warriors a match but they injured the neck of the Indian Warriors valet Alexis Little Feather. Last month at Caged Fury The Indian Warriors were able to get a measure of revenge. What will happen when they meet for the first time in the ring in a Tag Team Tables Match?



The Mountain Men vs. Para-Lyzing

The Mountain men are coming off a big win against The Indian Warriors at Anarchy Rules while Para-Lyzing is still struggling to fit in here at XDW. Despite it being Three on Two The Mountain Men still hold the weight advantage in this match up. Can The Mountain Men defeat three opponents or will the numbers game finally work out for Para-Lyzing?



The New Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear

The feud that just won’t die continues as a new generation of wrestlers continues the brutality from where The Demons of Rage and Lords of War left off. At Caged Fury we saw both Grandmaster Terror and Demon Hatred win a brutal cage match against the other half of their mortal enemies. Seeing how neither a cage nor the ring is big enough to hold them this match is going to be a Chicago alley Fight! With nothing to stop either team from killing the other who will leave Hell on Earth under their own power?



All this plus a special announcement from the XDW Originals!

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Superstar Spotlight



Roderick Remus


Roderick Remus is a fairly good cruiserweight out of South Carolina. He first broke into the business at the age of 16, lying about his age to get work for independent promotions. At that time he worke as a tag team wrestler with much succes. He was considered one of the most promising young talents around. Roderick is now trying to make it as a singles star in XDW. During his XDW tenure Roderick has been undefeated, using a double to garner an unfair advantage. Still, no one can deny Roderick has a certain presence that draws the crowd to him and with a little more time he could be a huge star in both XDW and America.


Size: Lightweight

Style: Cruiserweight

Finisher: R Squared [Complete Shot]

Signature Move: Remus Leg Drop [Houston Hang Over]


Hell on Earth~Quick Picks

Cal Sanders vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars

Roderick Remus and his Double vs. Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly

Ms. Allen vs. Christy Higgins

The Indian Warriors vs. Bad Azz Inc

The Mountain Men vs. Para-Lyzing

The New Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear


*OOC...After Hell on Earth I will update the prediction scores...

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Hell on Earth~Quick Picks

Cal Sanders vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars

Roderick Remus and his Double vs. Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly

Ms. Allen vs. Christy Higgins

The Indian Warriors vs. Bad Azz Inc

The Mountain Men vs. Para-Lyzing

The New Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear

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Cal Sanders vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars

Roderick Remus and his Double vs. Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly

Ms. Allen vs. Christy Higgins

The Indian Warriors vs. Bad Azz Inc

The Mountain Men vs. Para-Lyzing

The New Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear

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Superstar Spotlight



Nigel Svensson


Nigel Svensson is a Swedish grappler who trained extensively in Wigan, UK. As a result, he uses the famed "Wigan style" of wrestling, which is an ultra-tough approach that favours stiff forearm blows and excruciating joint locks when on the mat. Only the toughest of wrestlers get through training in Wigan, and Nigel is certainly that. A dangerous fighter, Svensson looks set to travel the world to compete against the best fighters on the planet, but has started with the Ring Of Fire promotion, who he signed with shortly after turning pro in 2009. In early 2010 he was released by ROF but quickly scooped up by XDW.


He is often seen as an odd choice for XDW, but his mat based Wigan style is seen as the most brutal mat based style around and so the fans really do love to see Nigel wrestle. Tapes of his matches are often used to “sell” arena owners on the idea of allowing XDW to wrestle there as they are the few examples of technical wrestling XDW has to offer.


Size: Middleweight

Style: Technician

Finisher: Swedish Special [Hyper Extension Arm Lock]

Signature Move: Swedish Meat Ball [Jumping Knee Drop to the arm]




Hell on Earth~Quick Picks

Cal Sanders vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars

Roderick Remus and his Double vs. Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly

Ms. Allen vs. Christy Higgins

The Indian Warriors vs. Bad Azz Inc

The Mountain Men vs. Para-Lyzing

The New Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hell on Earth~Quick Picks


Cal Sanders vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars

Roderick Remus and his Double vs. Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly

Ms. Allen vs. Christy Higgins

The Indian Warriors vs. Bad Azz Inc

The Mountain Men vs. Para-Lyzing

The New Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear


24 hour notice...

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Hell on Earth!

Live from the Blue Oyster Bar and Grill in Chicago, Illinois

Attendance: 36



Davis Ditterich (Lead Announcer), Lee Bambino (Play by play), Honey Golightly (Color)


DD: Welcome to another exciting XDW event right here live from the Blue Oyster Bar and Grill in Chicago, Illinois! I am Davis Ditterich and with me as always is the “Baby Faced Bad Ass” Lee Bambino and “Sweet” Honey Golightly! Tonight we have a jam packed two hour show, so strap yourself in and enjoy the wild ride.


LB: Speaking of wild rides, it has been a roller coaster of a ride between The New Demons of Rage and the Masters of Fear. From the debut of Demon Malice, to Warlord Agony bringing out his new team The Masters of Fear, to Demon Spite being injured, all the way to Demon Hatred coming out and turning the tide back in favor of the Demons. Tonight we head outside the bar and let these two teams just go at it until only one team can walk away.


DD: That one is sure to be brutal Lee but a match a lot of our internet fans are looking forward to seeing is Ms. Allen taking on Christy Higgins in a XDW rules match! Women’s wrestling goes back to the late seventies Lee but never has two ladies fought under no DQ, weapons encouraged, knockout rules before. It is going to be interesting to say the least.


HG: It is pure BS Davis! My girls are not here to get hurt, they are here to make this ****hole a little sexier. XDW owner Tony had no right to make this match. In fact...I’m out of here Davis!


Honey takes off her headset and storms off.


DD: Sorry you feel that way Honey because I can’t wait to see the ladies go all out here tonight. Before we get to the blood and guts I am being told we are going to have a special word from the XDW originals.


Fearless Blue, Super Sonic, Extreme Deluxe, and Daredevil Aero make their way to the ring with mics in hand.


War is Declared…


Fearless Blue, Super Sonic, Extreme Deluxe, and Daredevil Aero


FB: X…D…W! It was started, ran, and maintained by the blood and sweat of the four men you see in this ring. We are not just XDW originals…we are XDW! Now for the last few weeks we were told that we were not needed here in this distorted version of the company we created. In fact, Xavier himself was given a nice fat pink slip and a swift kick in the ass for all his troubles. BULL****! We did not shed our blood all over the backyards of California to be told we were no longer a necessary part of XDW when it went big time. XDW might not want us, but God damn it we want XDW! Tonight, we launch the first volley in what will sure to be a long war, where we bring XDW back to where it belongs! We…


Fearless Blue appears to be talking but no sound is coming out. Suddenly security rushes the ring and drags the XDW originals out as the crowd boos. (21)


DD: The XDW originals may feel slighted by the new XDW but it has never been better since they were taken off the air if you ask me.


LB: **** you Davis!


Lee takes off his headset and slams it on the announcers table before he storms off.


DD: Throw away your job over some bums Lee, real smart move. I’ll call this show alone, I don’t need you or Honey! Folks I’m sorry for the temper tantrum by Lee Bambino. Coming up next we have Kamikaze Christian Vars taking on Cal Sanders in what is sure to be a high flying exhibition.



Cal Sanders vs. Kamikaze Christian Vars


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Kamikaze Christian Vars defeated Cal Sanders in 8:27 when Cal Sanders was knocked out.


Winner by Knockout: Kamikaze Christian Vars! (28)


DD: What a match! It looks like Kamikaze was one step ahead of Cal tonight and he picks up a huge win. Coming up next is that Tag match ordered by XDW owner Tony. If Roderick and his double lose tonight then the double will be barred from XDW for life!



Roderick Remus and his Double vs. Mark Smart and Amazing Firefly

In an extremely poor match, Roderick Remus and his Double defeated Amazing Fire Fly and Mark Smart in 7:31 when Roderick Remus knocked out Amazing Fire Fly.


Winners by Knockout: Roderick Remus and his Double! (35)


DD: Roderick keeps the streak alive and gets to keep his double in XDW. Our next match is a historic one as it is the first time two ladies ever compete in a Xtreme match of any kind anywhere!



Ms. Allen vs. Christy Higgins

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Christy Higgins defeated Amber Allen in 8:26 when Amber Allen was knocked out.


Winner by Knockout: Christy Higgins! (36)


DD: WOW! The ladies held nothing back and it was well worth the hype. Now then it appears Nigel Svensson is making his way to the ring.


A challenge is made…



NS: Blood and Tits! BLOOD AND TITS! That is not why I agreed to join XDW! I was told XDW was the bad boy of the wrestling world because it did the one thing no other wrestling company would dare to do…feature real technical competition. Now I have been in a few technical bouts here in XDW, and they have been fan favorites, but I have yet to see the XDW owner or his staff acknowledge that the XDW fans want to see less blood and tits and more of the sweet science of true catch as can wrestling. In order to show that this is what the fans want to see I am challenging anyone in attendance tonight to face me in a Wigan Style Submission match. After this match, I want all you fans to go online and show your support for Wigan Style bouts and let the XDW suits know that you want less blood and boobs and more real wrestling! (48)


Nigel drops the mic and walks off as the crowd chants Wigan over and over.


DD: Well, it seems like the fans might just agree with Nigel. Whatever the case, we have a tag team tables match coming up next!



The Indian Warriors vs. Bad Azz Inc.

In an extremely poor match, Bad Azz Inc. defeated Indian Warriors in 7:05; Running Wolf was eliminated first, and finally Bright Falcon.


Winners by table breakage: Bad Azz Inc. (21)


DD: Tough loss for The Indian Warriors. They fall short and are denied their revenge on Bad Azz Inc. It looks like Nigel is headed back to the ring folks.


Challenge accepted!


Nigel Svensson


NS: So no one in attendance has the balls to face me…


Voice: I will!


Nigel turns to face the side of the bar the voice came from.


NS: Don’t be shy, stand up and let us see you.


The man stands up and Nigel seems slightly shaken.



Rafeal Ruiz


RR: For those who don’t know me, the names Rafeal Ruiz. I may not have been trained in Wigan, but I bet my years of being the best damn technical wrestler in Mexico might be enough to put this punk in his place. I accept your challenge Nigel, and I look forward to embarrassing you here tonight! (47)


DD: My God! Rafeal Ruiz was in attendance tonight! I bet Nigel didn’t count on that and it might cost him a win here tonight. That is sure to be a great match but right now we have Para-Lyzing taking on The Mountain Men!



The Mountain Men vs. Para-Lyzing


In an extremely poor match, The Mountain Men defeated Para-Lyzing in 12:17 when Bear Bekowski knocked out Paradox with a Bearhug Bomb.


Winners by Knockout: The Mountain Men! (32)


DD: Well folks, it is put up or shut up time as Nigel Svensson takes on Rafeal Ruiz in this Wigan Style open challenge match.



Nigel Svensson vs. Rafeal Ruiz


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nigel Svensson defeated Rafael Ruiz in 12:39 when Rafael Ruiz passed out from the Swedish Special.


Winner by submission: Nigel Svensson! (38)


DD: That was a great show of technical prowess on both their parts. We are just moments away from the main even of the night but first I am being told we are going to get a word from XDW owner Tony himself.


The Hammer comes down…


Anthony “Tony” Villarreal


Tony: Ladies and gentlemen I must come out here an offer my sincerest apologies. Tonight you have witnessed some of the most crap-tastic matches to ever be held. You see, there are a lot of members of the XDW roster who just do not belong inside of this or any ring. So, I am here to tell you that next month we are holding XDW: End of the Line! Every match on the card will be a loser leaves XDW match. It is time we separate the wheat from the chaff and deliver only the best bang for your buck! Thank you and enjoy the rest of the show! (30)


DD: WOW! What a bombshell! Next month the XDW roster will be reduced by at least half if not more. It seems like Tony only wants the best of the best in XDW. If these guys are planning on having a bad night it better not be next month! Well, the wait is over because it is main event time!



The New Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Demons Of Rage defeated Masters of Fear in 13:10 when Demon Malice knocked out Grand Master Dread with a Spear of Longinus.


Winners by Knockout: The Demons of Rage! (43)


DD: What a bout, what a show. I am Davis…hold up what is this? Those are the XDW Originals headed down the alley holding pipes.


The first shot is fired…


XDW Originals


The XDW Originals proceed to beat down both the Masters of Fear and the Demons of Rage as the screen slowly fades to black. Sickening sounds can be heard as the screen flashes the XDW logo. (69)


Overall Show…38!

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As of right now here are the point totals for predictions...


20Legend has 9 points

MJStark has 7 points

MichiganHero has 6 points

TheEffect has 3 points

Boltinho has 2 points


After the next event we will announce a winner and give him his prize...






End of the Line

Losers of all matches will be fired!!!

2 XDW Originals vs The Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear

2 XDW Originals vs. Bad Azz Inc.

The Indian Warriors vs. The Mountain Men

Pardigm vs. Paradox vs. Paranois

Roderick Remus vs. Kamakaze Christian Vars

Amazing Firefly vs. Cal Sanders

Nigel Svensson vs. Mark Smart in a Wigan Style Match

The Neptune Twins vs. Ms. Allen and Dharma Gregg

Alexis Little Feather vs. Christy Higgins vs. Sienna DeVille vs. Krissy Angelle vs. Kali Fornia in a Bikin Contest!

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So, this is either the end of an era or a new beginning


2 XDW Originals vs The Demons of Rage vs. The Masters of Fear

2 XDW Originals vs. Bad Azz Inc.

The Indian Warriors vs. The Mountain Men (I hope)

Pardigm vs. Paradox vs. Paranois (The crowd are the real losers here :p)

Roderick Remus vs. Kamakaze Christian Vars

Amazing Firefly vs. Cal Sanders

Nigel Svensson vs. Mark Smart in a Wigan Style Match

The Neptune Twins vs. Ms. Allen and Dharma Gregg

Alexis Little Feather vs. Christy Higgins vs. Sienna DeVille vs. Krissy Angelle vs. Kali Fornia in a Bikin Contest!

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End of the Line

Losers of all matches will be fired!!!

2 XDW Originals vs The Demons of Rage vs.The Masters of Fear

2 XDW Originals vs. Bad Azz Inc.

The Indian Warriors vs. The Mountain Men

Pardigm vs. Paradox vs. Paranois

Roderick Remus vs. Kamakaze Christian Vars

Amazing Firefly vs. Cal Sanders

Nigel Svensson vs. Mark Smart in a Wigan Style Match

The Neptune Twins vs. Ms. Allen and Dharma Gregg

Alexis Little Feather vs. Christy Higgins vs. Sienna DeVille vs. Krissy Angelle vs. Kali Fornia in a Bikin Contest!

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XDW: Out of the Yard!

Chapter 3: Slash & Burn!


So there we were, hovering just under the radar of professional wrestling. Sure, bringing in names like Demon Spite, Warlord Agony, The Big Problem, and even Larry Wood got us new fans but they weren’t bringing them in fast enough. For the last several months we were losing upwards of ten thousand dollars a show. The money I earned from the XDW DVDs was going faster than it took me to make it. I decided that something had to change and fast. I looked over the roster and noticed it was bloated more than Devastating Don after an all you can eat buffet. We had guys on our payroll who couldn’t tell a wristlock from a wristwatch yet we paid them every month to wrestle in front of a crowd who could care less about them. In total we had 33 active wrestlers on our payroll. Almost 3 times what we needed to run a local wrestling company. On top of that we had 10 non wrestlers collecting a check every month even though some of them did nothing for our company.


It was obvious a huge round of firings had to take place, but if I did that then the fans may turn on us. Then it hit me…Why not let the wrestlers fire themselves? If we held an event where the loser of ever match was fired then we could fire anyone we wanted and the fans would be behind the people who beat them. Not only would we solve our financial problem but we could get a nice bump in popularity! At Hell on Earth I announced End of The Line and a few weeks later I put the card out. Some fans expressed doubts about the card but I let them know with a quick blog that XDW would not be folding after this. In fact, once again XDW was going to have a new beginning!

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Tony comes to the ring with a mic in his hand as the crowd cheers and whistles.



Tony (XDW Owner)


Tony: I hope you are all having a great time! (The crowd cheers) Once again XDW is back to deliver to you all the hard hitting, extreme action you can’t get anywhere else! You are all aware that XDW has no DQs, no count outs, and no holds barred, but what none of you know is that XDW is going…no pinfall! Starting at this very show, XDW will have no controversial fast counts, no missed foot on the ropes, no hand full of tights during a pin, because in XDW the only way to win a normal match is to knock your opponent out cold! (The fans go nuts at this announcement.) Thank you and enjoy the show! 24



From page 9...the first show of the Great Lakes era...

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