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WWE ECW Didn't have to die! (Feb 2010)

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WWE the top wrestling company in the world filled with legends such as Shawn Micheals and The Undertaker, Main Eventers such as John Cena and Chris Jericho and Future Hall Of Famers Triple H and Young Stars looking to make a name for themselves such as Jack Swagger and The Hart Dynasty.


We have 4 shows Raw,Smackdown,ECW and Superstars and TV deals around the world.

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Raw 1/2/10



Paul Burchill defeated Primo by pinfall following C-4 (66)


Main Show


Randy Orton and John Cena argue about who should be the No1 contender for Sheamus's WWE Championship they decide to settle this in the Main Event


Chavo Guerrero defeated Jamie Noble by pinfall following a Gory Bomb Chavo came out and really punished Jamie hitting him with some high impact moves, After a couple of minutes Jamie got some momentum going but Chavo stopped that with a heavy dropkick to the face, Chavo stalked and then hit the Gory Bomb. (69)


Evan Bourne and Gail Kim defeated Chris Masters and Maryse by pinfall following Air Bourne Masters took control of Bourne in the initial test of strength, Bourne used his agility to dodge clotheslines hitting high knees to the skull, Masters brought in Maryse so Kim had to come in Maryse used dirty tactics such as pulling Kim's hair, Kim suddenly countered hitting Maryse with Eat Defeat, Masters tagged himself in only to run into Bourne's boot who then went to the top and hit Air Bourne (64)


There is a video for a debuting star Christian Payne it says he will arrive soon


The Miz defeated MVP to retain his US Title following the interferance from Christian Payne, Miz hit the Mizard of Oz This match was really even reversals every where, Miz took momentum with a forearm to the jaw, Miz hits some Suplex's until MVP countered the Reality Check into a possible Playmaker, Payne then came out demanding respect from the WWE Crowd, MVP followed Payne around the ring, Miz sneaked up from behind and hit a Mizard Of Oz the the highest payed athelete in Smackdown history (68)


Following the match Payne slides into the ring and picks up MVP, he leaves the balling superstar leaning on the ropes then runs in smashing his boot into the skull


Kelly Kelly defeated Alicia Fox and Katie Lea Burchill for the vacant WWE Divas Championship This match was evenly contested Fox and Burchill teamed up on Kelly but this alliance was short lives as Burchill hit Fox with the Kat Nap, Burchill looked like she would win the Divas Championship but Kelly slid into the ring turning Burchill round into the Rocker Dropper (54)


The Miz called out Mark Henry to get revenge for what happened earlier in the show, Henry appeared but was hit with Paynes's boot, Miz just laughed


Kofi Kingston defeated Ted DiBiase and Jack Swagger to become the No1 contender for the United States Championship held by The Miz Swagger used his techincal abilities to wear out the other two men in this matchup, Ted threw Kofi to the outside not knowing The All-American American was behind him who pounced and tried to hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb but was countered into a DDT, Kofi and Ted had a slugfest in the middle of the ring as Swagger was getting medical attention with fears of a broken neck, Kingston was knocked into the corner by the Legacy man came in and put Kingston on the top rope, Ted climbed up but Kofi regained his senses and knocked Ted to the ground, when he stood up he was met with Trouble in Paridise (71)


A music video plays of Cena and Orton


Sheamus defeated Santino Marella by pinfall following The High Cross This was a squash match and Santino got no offence what so ever, The Celtic Warrior put Santino out of his misery hitting The High Cross (54)


Cody Rhodes is shown scoring a 3 pointer from the otherside of a basketball court he said "It's one of my many skills"


Shawn Micheals defeated The Big Show following a Sweet Chin Music Micheals opened the match with a crotch chop, Big Show was angry that he ran straight into Micheals elbow, this dazed The Worlds Largest Athlete, Micheals went for SCM but Big Show caught it and drove Micheals to the mat with a chokeslam 1.....2.....Kick Out, Micheals sprung up in his famous fashion Big Show looked shocked that Micheals even kicked out of the Chokeslam, Micheals ran straight into Show,and again,and again Big Show wouldn't go down but Show went for the KO Punch which Micheals dodged and he hit the SCM not once but twice then the Big Show was out for the count (82)


Christian Payne comes out and says how he is the future of the company, MVP's music plays but by the time MVP is in the ring, Payne is fleeing through the audience


Randy Orton defeated John Cena to become the No1 contender for the WWE Championship Cena came out to a 50/50 reaction and the same reaction is what Orton recieved the crowd was clearly torn between the two some cheering Cena some cheering Orton, this was so even move for move, punch for punch there was no way to pick a winner, the match drew to a close when Orton hit his backbreaker and Cena became "super-cena" hitting the 5 knuckle shuffle, Cena got Orton on his shoulders and went for the Attitude Adjustment but Orton countered it into an RKO (98)


Post Show:

Carlito insulted HHH

HHH defeated Carlito with a pedigree (39)

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