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WWE Smackdown

The show begins with World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger in the ring. Swagger is speaking about how it's an insult that he has to qualify for the Fatal-Four-Way match at the pay-per-view of the same name. Swagger goes on about how he's the Champion and that the champion has already proved that he deserves to compete. He's soon interrupted by Christian, who comes down to the ring and says that if Swagger can't beat him and Mysterio, then he's not deserving of that title, and that he'll gladly take it away from him. Swagger finishes his earlier rant by saying that Christian is a joke, and that the only reason he's still here, is because Edge carried him, years ago. Christian responds by slapping Swagger in the face, and telling him to back those words up later tonight.

Drew McIntyre defeats JTG with a Future Shock DDT in 7:33 Drew McIntyre was on fire tonight, not allowing JTG to get any meaningful offense in. Drew was lighting JTG up with some powerful chops, but JTG got in one good boot to the gut that said to McIntyre that he needed to pay attention. And that he did, hitting JTG with a powerful Future Shock DDT to end the gangster's night.


Post-match, Drew McIntyre is still in the ring, celebrating his dominant victory over JTG, and he demands a microphone. Drew puts down Kofi Kingston, and says that he will mop the floor with him at Fatal-Four-Way, and that he'll even lay down the challenge to make it a Fatal-Four-Way match. Out comes Kofi Kingston, and he accepts Drew's challenge. Drew says that for it to be fair, they should each pick two wrestlers to face each other at next Smackdown, with the two winners moving on to the Fatal-Four-Way. Kofi also accepts this part of the challenge, and Drew and Kofi will be making their picks next week, on Smackdown!


Co-Women's Champion Layla defeats Kelly Kelly with a Neckbreaker in 8:22 Layla, along with some help from Michelle McCool at ringside, performed well in defeating Kelly Kelly. Although Kelly came close to finishing the match half-way through, Layla pulled through and hit her with a powerful Neckbreaker to get the one, two, three.


Big Show defeats Joey Mercury with a Choke Slam in 6:13 It was announced that Joey Mercury would take on Big Show in this match tonight, and Mercury jumped at the chance. Joey hit some quick offense, but none of it seemed to phase the gigantic Big Show. Big Show frustrated the rest of the SES, along with CM Punk at ringside, who could not seem to stop the Big Show from dominating the newest member of the SES. Although Mercury avoided the Knockout Punch, he fell victim to the giant Choke Slam of the Big Show, which put him away for the three count.


Post-match, Big Show is standing in the ring, and fire explodes out of the stage, as the one and only Kane comes walking down to the ring as the SES scatters out of there. Kane walks towards the Big Show and stares him in the face. Kane looks at his hands, and blasts Big Show with a combination of rights. Big Show falls into the ropes and tries to escape the wrath of Kane, but Kane followed him to the ropes and continued to blast him with punches. Kane stops momentarily, and blasts him with a Boot to the jaw. Show almost goes unconscious on impact, but bounces back easily enough. Kane, almost unable to knock Big Show off his feet, puts his one hand around Show's neck and somehow hoists him up high enough to thrust him to the mat with a Choke Slam from Hell. Kane stands over the fallen giant, and raises his arms. He thrusts them down and causes the turnbuckles to ignite with flames as the show goes to commercial.


Daniel Bryan & Chris Masters defeat Archer & Hawkins when Daniel Bryan made Vance Archer tap out to the LeBell Lock in 7:21Daniel Bryan showed why he's one of the most dangerous men in the game, after dominating the match with the aid of Chris Masters. Masters, almost putting it away with the Master Lock, was stopped in his tracks after a powerful Boot to the jaw, but he managed to make the tag to Daniel Bryan, who put Archer down with a powerful European Uppercut, and proceeded to make him tap out to the LeBell Lock.


Matt Hardy is walking down to the ring with a Microphone, saying that Cody Rhodes will not beat him tonight. Out comes Kofi Kingston who says that this is his pick for the qualifying match for the Intercontinental Fatal-Four-Way match. The winner of this match will now move on to the Fatal-Four-Way at the Pay-Per-View of the same name. Matt Hardy accepts, and looks ready to go, and Cody Rhodes also looking intesnse, as he walks down the ramp and gets ready to start the match.


Cody Rhodes defeats Matt Hardy with a Cross Rhodes in 11:44 Cody Rhodes dominated the match from the start, or so it seemed until Matt Hardy turned the tables on him, hitting a powerful right hand that knocked Cody right off his feet and made him step out of the ring to regain his composure. A speedy moving Matt Hardy rushed outside to continue the assault, tossing Cody right into the steel stairs. Cody got back into his groove, rushing back into the ring, and throwing a kick right to the knee of Matt Hardy. Hardy stumbled around the ring, and Rhodes put him away with the Cross Rhodes.


Out comes Drew McIntyre, and Cody & Drew start to beat down on Matt Hardy. Hardy, just trying to escape the ring to avoid the onslaught. Out comes Kofi Kingston to save Hardy from the beatdown, and he cleans house, blasting Cody & Drew with some powerful kicks. Cody and Drew fight back by storming the ring as Kofi attempts to help Matt Hardy up, and Drew hits the powerful Future Shock DDT on Kofi to show that he is the predator and the most dangerous man in this feud.

Christian & Rey Mysterio defeat CM Punk & World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger when Christian pinned CM Punk with a Killswitch in 20:30 Christian and Rey hit some nice high flying, high speed double team maneuvers. CM Punk & Jack Swagger's egos were their downfalls tonight, as CM Punk's willingness to do everything on his own, and Jack Swagger's will to not allow himself to look bad caused a clash of personalities between the two. Jack Swagger came close to finishing Mysterio with a Gutwrench Powerbomb, but Christian interrupted it by making a blind tag and hitting Swagger with Flashpoint, a Diving European Uppercut. Punk was nearly finished by the 619 on numerous occasions as well, but he avoided it and came near hitting a nice GTS. All men had near fall opportunities but it was Christian, after hitting his Pendulum Kick in the corner to an oncoming CM Punk, who hit the Straight Edge Saviour with a Killswitch. After planting him, Mysterio stopped Swagger from interfering in the pinfall, allowing Rey & Christian to move on to Fatal-Four-Way. Punk & Swagger will face off to determine the third competitor in the Fatal-Four-Way for the World Heavyweight Championship. Will Swagger move on with the Championship, or will we have a new champion going into the Pay-Per-View?

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Stellar Main Event for Monday Night RAW!



Edge & Wade Barett vs John Cena & Randy Orton



Vladimir Kozlov vs William Regal

Yoshi Tatsu vs Santino Marella

The Usos vs Primo & Goldust

R-Truth © vs Zack Ryder

Alicia Fox vs Gail Kim

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Edge & Wade Barett vs John Cena & Randy Orton



Vladimir Kozlov vs William Regal

Yoshi Tatsu vs Santino Marella

The Usos vs Primo & Goldust

R-Truth © vs Zack Ryder

-I know he won't win, but I'm a mark for Iced-Z. Woo Woo Woo - You know it!

Alicia Fox vs Gail Kim

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WWE Monday Night RAW


John Cena is in the ring talking about how at Fatal-Four-Way, he'll go against the odds, and do whatever he can to avoid losing. He talks about how desperate men do desperate things and how Randy Orton, Wade Barett, and especially Edge are all desperate men, looking to either claim, or reclaim the WWE Championship. Randy Orton walks out and says that despite all the things that he and Cena have gone through, he's willing to put all behind them and to fight together in the main event. Cena shakes his hands, but the final words to leave Orton's mouth were that he and Cena will NOT be fighting on the same sides at Fatal-Four-Way, and conversely, he will do everything that HE can to win the WWE Championship. Orton's music hits as the announcers talk up the Main Event.


Gail Kim defeats Alicia Fox with an Eat Defeat in 5:50 Gail Kim and Alicia Fox traded hands in this match, but Gail's superior speed and experience were what eventually led her to victory. Alicia had her moments, but was eventually broken, literally by the Eat Defeat of Gail Kim.


The Miz is now in the ring, slandering the skill of R-Truth & Daniel Bryan, another pro on NXT. He says that if he, R-Truth and Daniel competed in a Fatal-Four-Way, like Drew McIntyre & Kofi Kingston came to an agreement upon last friday, he would easily dispose of his former rookie and the 'United States Champion'. Daniel's music hits and he comes out, asking Miz if he's so confident, why doesn't he just fight him AT Fatal-Four-Way. The Miz is denying him at first, but then gets pressured into it. R-Truth says that next week, they'll all pick a member of the RAW roster, and whoever wins in that Triple Threat match will continue on to the Fatal Four Way at the pay-per-view of the same name.


WWE United States Champion R-Truth defeats Zack Ryder with a Corkscrew Scissor Kick in 8:03 Ryder put up a good fight in this one, but the speed and innovative attack style of the champion R-Truth showed how good he really is. Truth's counter attacks really messed with Ryder's game plan, but Ryder did manage to expose a weakness of R-Truth's. His shoulder. After hitting Truth with a bodyslam, Truth landed on his shoulder and really slowed down quite a bit. But he came back strong and finished the match with the Corkscrew Scissor Kick to defend his championship.


The Usos defeat Primo & Goldust when Jey Uso defeated Primo with a Samoan Wrecking Ball in 5:46 The Usos dominated this match, albeit after taking a few lumps from the veterans. They finally started getting their offense going when Jimmy Uso hit a powerful boot to the gut, and then tagged out to his brother Jey. Jey came in quick and pounded away at the young Primo. Jey finally finished the match with a Samoan Wrecking Ball to continue making their mark on the WWE Universe.


The Usos continue to pound away at the two veterans, looking to leave a bloody mess in the ring. Although no blood is shed, the effects of the beatdown are noticeable, with both Goldust and Primo laid out on the canvas. The Usos finished off the beatdown by hitting simultaneous Long Range Headbutts to both opponents.


Yoshi Tatsu defeated Santino Marella with a Falcon Kick in 6:31 after CM Punk distracted Santino Santino & Tatsu put on an excellent back and forth affair, but the match saw Santino getting the better of the young international import. Tatsu turned it around though, hitting some nice swift kicks that seemed to put a dent in Santino's offense. The match got to a boiling point when CM Punk came out of the backstage area to distract Santino, feinting an interference. CM motioned for Santino to turn around, and he was planted with the Falcon Kick from Yoshi Tatsu.

Vladimir Kozlov defeated William Regal with an Iron Curtain in 9:13 William Regal took on his former stable mate Vladimir Kozlov in this match, and from start to finish, this was either a technical clinic from Regal, or a brutal offense from Vladimir Kozlov. Kozlov kicked himself into gear though, after hitting a boot to the gut of Regal, who was draped horizontally over the top turnbuckle. Kozlov continued his rampage, hitting some nice punches, to a brutal Lariat to an oncoming Regal. Late in the match, Regal almost locked in the Regal Stretch, but Kozlov powered his way out and hit the Iron Curtain, to put away his former mentor.


RAW General Manager Bret Hart comes out to the ring to an elated Kozlov. Bret says that he's just received an offer from Smackdown! General Manager Theodore Long, asking to trade a worker, Vladimir Kozlov from RAW, for a roster member who has just been signed to the Smackdown! Roster, who will be revealed next RAW if the trade is accepted. In short, Bret says that he's just traded Vladimir Kozlov to Smackdown! Kozlov seems a little confused at first, but continues to celebrate as his music hits.


Chris Jericho comes down to the ring, talking about how he doesn't have a match at Fatal-Four-Way. He goes on to talk about how he has nothing to do and that he's shocked that the General Managers have not fought to put him on the card. Sheamus comes out to say that he doesn't have a match at Fatal-Four-Way either. Jericho mentions that Smackdown! will still have an opening spot in the World Heavyweight Championship Fatal-Four-Way, regardless of who wins the CM Punk - Jack Swagger match. Michael Cole stands up and mentions that he's just received a message from Bret Hart, saying that Theodore Long is aware of the opening, and has offered the winner of Sheamus vs Chris Jericho, a spot in the World Heavyweight Championship Fatal-Four-Way. Both men are ready to go, and the match is now beginning.


Sheamus defeats Chris Jericho with a High Cross in 12:16 Sheamus and Jericho go back and forth in this one, like the rest of the matches tonight that have also been highly competitive. Jericho almost managed to put the big Irish man away with the Walls of Jericho, but Sheamus reached for the ropes before he could even sink it in. Sheamus also came close to finishing it, missing several Brogue Kicks and a High Cross. Jericho tried to put him away with the Codebreaker, but Sheamus held the former champion up, and positioned him for the High Cross. He hit it, and secured the pin to earn himself a spot in the Smackdown! World Title picture.

John Cena & Randy Orton defeat Edge & Wade Barett when Randy Orton defeated Wade Barett with an RKO in 16:33 Wade Barett surprisingly hung in there with the veterans Edge, John Cena & Randy Orton, even coming close to putting Cena himself away with the Wasteland. Cena got out of the move of course, and almost in turn put Wade away with the Attitude Adjustment. If not for an interference from Edge, the match would've been over. Edge made a blind tag to get himself into the match, and nearly Speared Cena into a pinning predicament with Wade on top of the Champion, if not for Edge being the legal man. Randy Orton rushed into the ring to stop the pin, and moved back to the corner. Cena rolled to his corner, but Edge continuously stopped him. Cena eventually kicked Edge away, and hit his Shoulder Block - Spin Out Powerbomb combo before hitting the Five Knuckle Shuffle. As he prepared to hit the Attitude Adjustment, Randy Orton tagged himself in and prepared to hit an RKO, but Edge rolled out of the ring and tagged out to Barett as he came back in. Barett rushed into the ring and rushed right into RKO from Randy Orton who picked up the three count.


With all four men in the ring, Edge tries to finish what he started, attempting to Spear Randy Orton, but he too runs into an RKO. In comes Cena, who stares Orton right in the face. Orton goes for the RKO, but Cena dodges it and hoists Orton onto his shoulders. Cena looking for the Attitude Adjustment... RKO! Orton hits the RKO to Cena as he's getting thrown to the ground. Will this be the scene at Fatal-Four-Way? Tune in for the next couple weeks to find out!

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WWE Superstars


Evan Bourne is in the ring, thanking everybody in attendance for coming to watch him perform in the main event tonight. Out comes Dolph Ziggler, interrupting the young high flyer. Bourne offers to shake Dolph's hand to wish him a good match in the main event, but Ziggler smacks it out of the way and goes off on Evan Bourne, telling him that he's nothing but a little man, a loser, and will never find success in the WWE. Bourne tells Ziggler that he'll have to prove that in the Main Event tonight, because Evan has made a career out of defying the odds. Bourne leaves the ring to head backstage to prepare for later.


Natalya defeats Tamina with a German Suplex in 5:36 Natalya had some good help from the Hart Dynasty at ringside, but as did Tamina courtesy of the Usos. Natalya hit some stiff shots that sent Tamina back into the ropes a couple times, but it was only after a lethal clothesline from Tamina that the match really started picking up the pace. After an attack from the Hart Dynasty to the Usos, Tamina turned away to yell at her teammates, but that was all the time Natalya needed to lock onto the German Suplex to finish the match.


CM Punk is walking backstage with Luke Gallows, looking for Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins, the GateCrashers. Punk finally finds them and starts to challenge them in the stipulation for tonights Gallows vs Archer match. Punk lays down a wager, if Vance wins, Punk will never bother him again, but if Gallows wins, Archer & Hawkins have to join the SES. Archer & Hawkins whisper to each other, but eventually come to an agreement. It's a yes, and the match is next up.


Vance Archer defeats Luke Gallows with a Reverse DDT in 7:55 Gallows was going strong during this match, putting together some good combinations. Vance was on his bicycle for the majority of the match, but after Luke turned to his mentor CM Punk for advice, Archer took the cheap shot to start on his offense. Archer put his boot in the gut of Luke Gallows, and turned him over to plant him with the Reverse DDT.


Zack Ryder defeats Finlay with a Zack Attack in 8:08 Ryder was using some innovative offense during this match, and almost put Finlay away with the Rough Ryder, but Finlay's veteran mentality allowed him to avoid the majority of Ryder's maneuvers. Finlay hit a European Uppercut that sent Ryder into the corner, but after rushing towards the young Ryder, Zack dodged Finlay, and kicked him in the back, setting him up for the Zack Attack to get the three count.


Dolph Ziggler is walking backstage, he has a microphone, and he's talking about what he's going to do to Evan Bourne tonight. He says that he's going to take out Evan's legs, so he can't go up high with the Air Bourne, and then let him suffer when he takes out his arms, and then eventually takes his head off with the Zig Zag. Ziggler continues to walk, getting into the ring now, and finishes by saying that Evan Bourne may not be perfect, but he's damn well sure that he, Dolph Ziggler is.


Evan Bourne defeats Dolph Ziggler with an Air Bourne in 11:39 Evan Bourne used some high octane offense in this match, hitting Ziggler with some Hurricanranas, and almost took off Ziggler's head with an Enziguiri. Ziggler came back though, after kicking out of a near fall, and hit Evan with some solid leg kicks that put Evan on the ground for quite awhile. Ziggler proceeded to stomp on the feet of Evan Bourne, as well as the ankles. The match hit it's boiling point when Evan Bourne countered a Powebomb attempt with a Hurricanrana into the corner. Evan leap-frogged over Ziggler onto the top turnbuckle, and kicked him to the ground. Evan hit the Air Bourne and got the three count, proving that although he's always the underdog, he always performs.

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NXT Has Just Gotten A Little More Exciting!



Dolph Ziggler w/ Husky Harris vs Daniel Bryan w/ Mike Hennig



Husky Harris vs Mike Hennig vs Alex Riley vs Alberto Banderas vs Titus O'Neil vs Percy Watson

Lucky Cannon vs Tyler Reks

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Dolph Ziggler w/ Husky Harris vs Daniel Bryan w/ Mike Hennig



Husky Harris vs Mike Hennig vs Alex Riley vs Alberto Banderas vs Titus O'Neil vs Percy Watson

Lucky Cannon vs Tyler Reks


Hey man, I'm still waitin' for you to call up Austin Creed. =D

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Tyler Reks defeats Lucky Cannon with a Springboard Dropkick in 5:26 Tyler Reks and Lucky Cannon go back and forth in this match, with Tyler Reks almost scoring the pin earlier in the match. After hitting a Leg drop and going for the pin, John Morrison came onto the apron and interrupted the pin, which caused Tyler Reks to rebound off the ropes and hitting a baseball slide to the ankle of John Morrison. Morrison awkwardly fell to the canvas, leaving Lucky Cannon ripe for the picking. Cannon slowly rose to his feet, but fell victim to the Springboard Dropkick from Tyler Reks.


Evan Bourne is at the top of the ramp, going on about his rookie, Percy Watson. He gives the crowd and TV audience a brief description of his rookie, and then calls for a hype video. Percy Watson is on the screen, and 'Oh Yeah!' the crowd is loving him. Percy talks about his party boy lifestyle around the south of the states, and that wherever there's sun, there's gotta be some fun with Percy Watson!


Alex Riley and Mike Hennig meet backstage. Hennig talks about how they shouldn't be talking to each other, being that both of their pros despise each other. Riley says that he's going to make both Mike & Daniel Bryan his targets this season, and that he will stop at nothing to be the second winner of NXT. Hennig says that although Riley can try, he will not succeed. Miz comes backstage and tells Hennig to scram, and go tell Bryan that he has a match to lose later. Miz begins to give Riley a pep talk, getting him psyched up for the 6-Man Elimination match in the Co-Main Event tonight. Riley is pumped up, and that match is next.

Mike Hennig defeats in order, Husky Harris, Titus O'Neil, Percy Watson, Alberto Banderas & Alex Riley with a Fisherman's Suplex in 10:49 Although this match was quite good, the main focus was on the feud between Riley & Hennig. From when Alex picked up the first elimination with a You're Dismissed on Husky Harris, to when Percy Watson hit the Float-Over DDT on Titus O'Neil. Alberto Banderas made his presence known after forcing Percy himself to tap out to the Rolling-Cross Arm-Bar, but it was Mike Hennig who finished off the match, hitting a Running Swing Neckbreaker on Alberto Banderas and a Fisherman's Suplex on Alex Riley to pick up the win.


Dolph Ziggler is walking down to the ring and tells his rookie, Husky Harris to go backstage, and that he's very disappointed in him. Dolph gets into the ring and says to Mike Hennig that he was cheated out of a victory on Superstars, and that he's going to take out his frustration on Mike Hennig and his pro, Daniel Bryan. Hennig says that Dolph is a failure and that he will never amount to anything, unlike his pro Daniel Bryan. Dolph slaps the rookie across the face and calls him insolent and that he's overrated. Daniel Bryan comes running down to the ring and the Main Event is set to begin.


Daniel Bryan defeats Dolph Ziggler by Disqualification in 10:22 Dolph Ziggler showed aggression in his attacks on Daniel Bryan tonight, hitting some powerful punches and some nasty kicks. Daniel Bryan came back after being Irish Whipped into the corner, and running up the turnbuckles and throwing himself back with a back flip to get behind Ziggler. Daniel hopped onto Ziggler's back and tried to put him away with his own Sleeper Hold. Ziggler tossed him off by using the turnbuckles as a launch pad to throw Bryan onto his back. Bryan got back to his feet slowly, and Ziggler went for the Zig-Zag. Bryan dodged it, but running down from the stage is The Miz, who plants Bryan with the Skull Crushing Finale, causing the DQ. Ziggler, visibly frustrated goes to hit the Miz, but also gets planted with the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz is standing strong in the ring and he demands a microphone.


After receiving the Microphone, Miz calls down Alex Riley from backstage. Riley struts down with a ****y smirk on his face and begins to stomp on the hands of Daniel Bryan. But into the ring from ringside is Mike Hennig who backs his pro up, going for the Fisherman's Suplex on Riley once more. Miz however, gets behind Mike and prepares to plant him as well with the Skull Crushing Finale. Hennig drops Riley, who boots Hennig in the gut as Miz hits his finishing maneuver. Bryan tries to get up, but falls back on his face after being booted to the side of the head. Riley and Miz stand strong in the center of the ring as the opening lines of 'I Came to Play' hit the arena sound system as NXT comes to a close.

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Fatal Four Way to Shape-Up with this week's Smackdown!


Jack Swagger © vs CM Punk

World Heavyweight Championship Match


Dolph Ziggler vs Finlay

Archer & Hawkins vs JTG & Chris Masters

MVP vs Drew McIntyre

Luke Gallows vs Vladimir Kozlov

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Jack Swagger © vs CM Punk

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Too soon for Punk to win the title



Dolph Ziggler vs Finlay

Finlay deserves a win, he's too underrated.

Archer & Hawkins vs JTG & Chris Masters

Archer & Hawkins are called the Gate Crashers, just so you know.

MVP vs Drew McIntyre

Luke Gallows vs Vladimir Kozlov



Thanks man. Nice card shaping up.

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WWE Smackdown


Drew McIntyre starts the show in the ring, and says that Kofi Kingston wasted his Intercontinental Championship Fatal Four Way pick last week on Smackdown, and that he will not waste his tonight. Boom, Boom, Boom and out comes Kofi Kingston who gets a huge reaction from the crowd. Kofi and Drew go back and forth for a bit, and it ends with Kofi saying that Kofi didn't waste his pick, he used it so he would look stronger than he already is. He says that he wants to beat three of the best superstars Smackdown has to offer. It ends with Kofi calling Drew out, saying that he's too much of a chicken to put his pick on the next match that takes place. Drew, wanting to defend his 'Pride of Scotland' decides to take the bet, and the winner of Gallows vs Kozlov will move on to Fatal-Four-Way. Kofi also says to Drew that he should go prepare for his match against MVP, to which Drew mutters some inaudible words.


Vladimir Kozlov defeats Luke Gallows with an Iron Curtain in 9:01 Kozlov and Gallows matched each other shot for shot, move for move, and kept the pace going fast. The match hit it's pivotal point when Kozlov took down the 'First Disciple' with a big boot to the head. Luke was mentally unable to get back into the match, and allowed Kozlov to put him away with the Iron Curtain. Vladimir Kozlov now has a shot at becoming the Intercontinental Champion.

Drew McIntyre defeats Montel Vontavious Porter with a Future Shock DDT in 10:13 MVP and Drew McIntyre went at it in this match, and with Guest Commentator Kofi Kingston at ringside, talking about how Drew should be kicked out of the Fatal-Four-Way if he loses this match to MVP. Drew obviously heard this, and almost instantly put MVP on his back with a lethal boot to the gut. Drew stalks his downed opponent, and just as he goes in for the kill, MVP rolls him into a Small Package. Drew kicks out at two, and hits MVP with another kick to the gut. Drew locks up the Double Underhooks, and looks right at Kofi Kingston, and plants MVP on his head with the Future Shock DDT. Drew goes for the pin and gets the three as Kofi gets up at ringside.


Archer & Hawkins defeat JTG & Chris Masters when Vance Archer defeated Chris Masters with a Snap Reverse DDT in 7:41 Chris Masters and Vance Archer really went at it in this match, but it was between JTG and Curt Hawkins that the match really hit it's boiling point. Hawkins came close to finishing the match when he dropped JTG with a Short Arm Lariat that sent JTG through a loop. JTG came back by hitting some speedy punches to the head, but was then dropped by a Clothesline from Hawkins, who then made the tag to Vance Archer. JTG crawled to his corner and just made the tag to Masters, who soon found himself on his back, shoulders pinned after a Snap Reverse DDT from Vance Archer.


Dolph Ziggler comes down to the ring and talks about how he was cheated out of his last two wins. He says that even if the audience didn't notice it, Evan Bourne poked him in the eye before setting up his Air Bourne, and that the Miz cost him the match against Daniel Bryan. Out comes the Fighting Irishman, Finlay. Finlay says that Ziggler is being a big baby, and that he deserves everything he gets. Finlay says that he also deserves one more thing, a shot from the Shillelagh.


Dolph Ziggler defeats Finlay with a Sleeper Hold in 11:57 Finlay used his veteran awareness to avoid some of the usual attacks from the young, ****y Dolph Ziggler, but it was Dolph's innovative offense that really caused Finlay to stumble. Finlay came close to finishing the match, when it looked like he was set to drop Ziggler with the Celtic Cross, but Ziggler maneuvered himself around Finlay's back to lock in the Sleeper Hold. Finlay tried to stay alive, but was ultimately unable. Finlay dropped to the canvas, and the referee rung the bell to signify the victory for Dolph Ziggler.


Out comes Cody Rhodes, who decides that he deserves the Intercontinental Championship, and that they should just hand it to him right now. Cody says that without problems, he could handle anybody in the backstage area, right here, right now. Out comes Big Show, who says that Cody has obviously bitten off alot more then he can chew. And he means alot. Cody says that he could easily beat the Big Show, and that if Big Show beats him, he'll fight him next week for the Spot in the Fatal-Four-Way.


Big Show defeats Cody Rhodes by Disqualification when Kane ran in and attacked Big Show in 13:01 Big Show and Cody went at it, but Cody obviously was physically at a disadvantage. Cody used his speed however to blast some punches into Show's stomach, but it was to no avail, as Show just thrusted him over the top rope. The match hit it's peak when Show had Cody raised for the Chokeslam, but out comes Kane who puts his hand around Show's neck. The referee rings the bell to call the DQ, and Kane attempts to Chokeslam the Big Show. Kane did the impossible and hoisted Big Show just off of the ground and thrusted him to the canvas. Either way, Big Show gets the shot against Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Championship Fatal-Four-Way Spot.


World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger defeats CM Punk with a Gutwrench Powerbomb in 20:26 Jack Swagger and CM Punk went to battle in the Main Event, and both showed battle wounds after the match came to a close. Filled with jaw-dropping moments and multiple near falls, both men deserved everything in this match, but only one could leave with the victory. Swagger went up for the Gutwrench Powerbomb, but CM Punk came swinging down with a Hurricanrana. Punk went for the GTS and Swagger rolled back into an Crucifix Roll-Up. Punk went for the Anaconda Vise, countered by Swagger into an Arm-Drag takedown. Swagger nearly finished the match, locking on to the Ankle Lock. Punk just managed to make it to the ropes, but was visibly in pain once Swagger let go. Punk stumbled to his feet and was then hoisted up and slammed to the mat by the Gutwrench Powerbomb of Jack Swagger. Swagger went for the cover and got the three count to give him the Final Spot in the Fatal-Four-Way for the World Heavyweight Championship.


Out comes Sheamus running down the ramp. Swagger doesn't see him, and just as he turns around, he gets planted by the Brogue Kick. Rey Mysterio and Christian rush down to stop the big man Sheamus, but Christian is the first to feel his wrath, getting planted by the High Cross. Sheamus then rushes towards Mysterio, but Mysterio kicks his legs out and Sheamus falls between the ropes. Dialing it up, and Rey hits the 6-1-9. Sheamus stumbles into the center of the ring, and Rey jumps in to the ring with the West Coast Pop. Rey rushes to the opposing turnbuckle and raises his arms. Will this be the same image that we see at Fatal Four Way? Tune in to find out.

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Final Raw Before Fatal Four Way PPV!



John Cena © vs Chris Jericho


Wade Barett, Randy Orton & Edge vs The Hart Dynasty & William Regal

Evan Bourne vs ???

R-Truth's Pick vs The Miz's Pick vs Daniel Bryan's Pick

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