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RPW: Back From The Dead

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"The winner of the last fall and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, The UK Dragon, Steven Ambrose!"


Watching the 20 year old veteran of the ring clutch his newly won prize like a newborn, all I could do was laugh. Two years ago no one would have paid to see UK Dragon wrestle, much less buy him as their champion. And now? Now, they sing his theme at the top of their lungs. Not that I would want to take anything away from UK Dragon. Ambrose is a fantastic performer and a true gentlemen in and out of the ring. But, at the same time there is a sense of pride that comes with a good show, match, or angle. Maybe this is what it is like for a parent when their child succeed?


So you might be wondering who am I right about now. I am the alpha and the omega, I control the horizontal and the vertical, I am…


A pretentious author who is monologging as their main fictional character, poorly I might add.


You. I thought I got rid of you years ago.


Well you thought wrong, as usual. You know maybe if you got off your ass and actually wrote something, maybe I would have to show up. Speaking of which, how long were you planning on taking getting this thing up and running? A little bit longer and you could just make it before TEW 2012 comes out.


Lay off me. It's not my fault that I found an actual real life job and that my friends just happening to keep having birthdays or moving. Well I guess the whole job thing is technically my fault, but you know what I mean. Plus you can't blame me for actually enjoying the game.


You do have a point in that. Your game has been enjoyable up to this point at least. The only thing is you haven't played the game for some time now.


Because I wanted to write the diar… This is so frustrating! I'm going insane.


You just figured this out? You're having a conversation with your own self-conscious.


Fair enough. So where was I?


You were about to go over the fact that you, or rather your "avatar" James Heatly has piloted a revived Rapid Pro Wrestling for the past two in-game years, turning it into one of the hottest promotions in the country. Not only that but mid-way through 2011, you took the recent buzz about RPW's revival and used it to start up two sister promotions in Neo Championship Wrestling and a Sneer-less Southern Class Championship Wrestling.


Thanks, thanks a lot. You just ruined the intro.


Ruined? That's a little much don't you think? I mean that's like saying that spoiling the ending to The Room. Can't really ruin something...


ARG! That's it! I've had enough. Screw you, I'm going home.


Going home? But you are already home.





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What the hell did I just read?


What you read is what is called in the medical community as a mental breakdown. As you could probably tell from the last time he posted in the diary preview thread, the author has been stuck in a writing rut for a good long time, and this rut has clearly caused him to snap in the form of his avatar, James Heatly becoming a little unstable. However, James is just part of the author's personality. I, the mighty and all powerful OCC-9000 is yet another part. A more logical, more perfect part of the author that will guide you through the world of "RPW: Back From The Dead," even if I have to drag that dead weight, James Heatly to do it.


When will James Heatly be back?


Judging by angle on his back as he is lying on the floor curled up in a ball, it's probably going to be a while. Not that it is a bad thing. Next question.


So it's 2012, what's going on in the game world?


Two years of game time. HA…HA…HA. Seriously, a lot has happened in the past two years in the world of TEW, too much to list right at this moment. For those of you that wish you learn more about the current world please write it down here in this thread and I will get back to you in the form of future Q&A session.

Fair enough, but what RPW?


While a fully functional James Heatly might have been able to explain this a bit better, here's the just of the story. RPW was restarted in January of 2010 by Preston Holt and was barely considered a small promotion by game standards. Even with a ownership change from Holt to wrestling veteran Fumihiro Ota midway through the year RPW grew by leaps and bounds throughout 2010, due in large part to their more performance based style [listed in a future post] and talented, faction based roster.

What about these sister promotions, NEO and SCCW?


Instead of going with the usual spot show, the decision was made to instead "create" two new promotions in the overflow regions by adding a three way brand split in the game. While the product is consistent between all three promotion, each promotion brings something different to the table. Rapid Pro Wrestling follows in the footsteps of the original with faction based wrestling, while Southern Class Championship Wrestling brings a more traditional look. NEO Championship Wrestling however, is a breed apart. It's not a promotion more-so as it is a competition. Taking the Japanese style tournament to it's limit, NEO Championship Wrestling takes 16 wrestler and puts them into four blocks of four to battle it out in round robin format. The top two wrestlers (based on a World Cup-ish point system) from each bracket make it to a one day eight man tournament to find out who is the season's winner. Once a winner is crowned a new tournament is begun to the process over again.

What should I expect from "RPW: Back From The Dead"


This is a question that can really only be answered by James Heatly. However there are a couple of documents that he has prepared before he found the comfort in his own madness that includes a roster list, a detailed promotional overview, and a five part write up labeled "RPW's Top 5 of 2011." After that your guess is as good as mind.


Till next time, OCC-9000 out.

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Amber Allen * Andre Jones * Brandon Smith * Darryl Devine

Edward Cornell * Frankie-Boy Fernandes * Fumihiro Ota * Nadia Snow

Nigel Svensson * Steve Flash * The Pilgrim






A-Gel * D.A. Streetz * Jhonny H






Amo Del Gato * Panda Mask II * Tigre Salvaje Jr.






Findlay O'Farraday * Jared Johnson * Mean Jean Cattley






Dark Phoenix * DeCipher * Evil Spirit * Wayob






Johnny Stones * Thea Davis * "UK Dragon" Steven Ambrose






Amazing Fire Fly * Ángel De México * Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr.


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Amo Del Gato * Brady Prince * DeCipher *Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr.

Edward Cornell * El Mítico Jr * Evil Spirit * Extraordinario Jr

Jared Johnson * Johnny Stones * Greg Ford * Marshall Dillion

Philippe LaGrenier * Primus Allen * The Pilgrim * Tigre Salvaje Jr.








Brandon Smith * Findlay O'Farraday * Ginko Kuroda * Nathaniel Ca$ino






Ash Campbell * El Mítico Jr * Mario da Silva * Marshall Dillon






Darryl Devine * Jefferson Stardust * Mark Smart * Sayeed Ali






Amazing Fire Fly * Cameron Vessey * Frankie-Boy Fernandes * Nigel Svensson



Backstage Workers







Alex Braun * Crippler Ray Kingman * James Heatly * Davis Ditterich

Dewey Libertine * Fumihiro Ota * Jonathan Taylor * Preston Holt

Reese Paige * Remmington Remus * Royce Greig * Sara Silver

Steve Smith

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Wrestling Product

Key Feature: Traditional

Heavy: Mainstream

Medium: Modern, Realism, Lucha Libre

Low: Comedy, Hardcore, Pure

Very Low: Cult


Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Medium


Other Important Information

Size: Regional

Balance: $150,278

Prestige: D-

Momentum: C

Influence Rank: 21 of 38

Importance Rank: 17 of 38


Importance Throughout The Wrestling World

Mid Atlantic (D-)

Great Lakes (E-)

South East (E-)

Rest of the World (F-)









"UK Dragon" Steven Ambrose

Defeated Mean Jean Cattley on December 16th, 2011






The Juggernaut (Amber Allen & Nigel Svensson)

Defeated Findlay O'Farraday & Jared Johnson on December 16th, 2011







Champion to be crowned January 2011







Champion to be crowned April 2011

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From the notes of James Heatly...


RPW's Top 5 of 2011


5. Panda Mask II


Age: 24 / Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight / Style: Cruiserweight

Promotions (2011 Record): RPW (8-0-14), CZCW (1-0-0), WLW (13-0-18)

Average Match: D+ / Best Match: B-

Signature Move(s): Pandamonium


The end of 2010 was not the happiest for Panda Mask. Joining the revival of RPW in the beginning of that year, Panda Mask II quickly joined up with Fox Mask and Masked Cougar to form the Land Animal Alliance. Panda Mask would take his lumps in the ring, but would gain a lot of knowledge from his more experienced brethren. Or that was the plan before Fox Mask was spirited away to the evil empire and Masked Cougar went on a journey to find himself.


As is usually the case with emotional dark clouds there was a silver lining for Panda Mask in 2010. With the departures of his stablemates, Panda Mask was left to fend for himself, but not for long. Using his new status as leader of the Land Animal Alliance , Panda Mask recruited FCW regulars, Amo Del Gato and Tigre Salvaje Jr. While not as experienced as Fox Mask and Masked Cougar, the duo has proved to be tough allies and better friends for the young team captain.


With the support of his new found allies, Panda Mask II was able to accomplice many things in the year 2011. This past April at 2011's Re-Anviersary show, Panda Mask was able to get his first taste of singles success as he beat the ever boisterous Johnny "Ant-Man" Heizenger before vanquishing his biggest rival one month later in the original Panda Mask, Harrison Hash. Along with these key victories, Panda Mask showed that he be belonged as he gave two of RPW's best (Phoenix Oscuro and Fumihiro Ota) all they could handle. These matches would set the stage for Panda Mask's biggest victory to date.


With the pool of contenders starting to thin, Commissioner Alex Braun booked a number one contender's match between three of RPW's best and brightest young stars for Mean Jean Cattley's World title. Those three competitors were Ángel De México of Team Lucha, Ordern de la Hermosa Muerte's second in command, Wayob, and Panda Mask II. Riding a wave of momentum, Panda Mask was able to pull of the upset after hitting his patented 450 Splash, Pandamonium, on Ángel De México for the 1-2-3. While he was unable to capitalize on victory two weeks later, Panda Mask II put his name on the map by taking Mean Jean Cattley to the limit, winning over fans and critics alike in the process.


With the dawn of 2012 upon us, will Panda Mask II's success in 2010 be proved a fluke or will he continue his rise up the ranks in RPW?



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  • 2 months later...

From the notes of James Heatly...


RPW's Top 5 of 2011


4. Mid Atlantic Alliance (Jared Johnson & Findlay O'Farraday)


Name: Findlay O'Farraday

Age: 26 / Nationality: American

Size: Big Heavyweight / Style: Brawler

Promotions (2010 Record): RPW (16-0-6), NEO (1-0-1; 3pts), MAW (7-0-4)

Average Match: C- / Best Match: C+

Signature Moves: Atomic Spinebuster


Name: Jared Johnson

Age: 21 / Nationality: American

Size: Lightweight / Style: Technician

Promotions (All-Time Record): RPW (15-8), SCCW (2-0)

Average Match: C- / Best Match: C+

Signature Moves: Carolina Crossface, MDK Powerbomb



Past or present, RPW has always been about faction based wrestling, and in the past two years there is no question that the most dominant faction has been the Mid Atlantic Alliance. While a large part of this dominance has to do with the success of the former RPW World Champion, Mean Jean Cattley, it would be folly to overlook the contributions of the younger two members of the trio.


After a short stint as a bodyguard of current TCW wrestler and former All Action champ, James Prudence, Findlay O'Farraday found a home as the hand picked enforcer of Mean Jean Cattley. And judging by the results so far, it looks like Mean Jean has made the right choice. Standing at 6'10" and weighting in at 320 lbs, Findlay O'Farrday has manhandled nearly every man and woman that has been put in his path. What's scary is that as good as Findlay has been, he is only 26 years old and has room for improvement.


Speaking of improvement, the sky is the limit for the youngest member of the Mid Atlantic Alliance, Jared Johnson. Fresh out of training by submission expert Johnny Bloodstone, Johnson debuted in RPW in May of 2010 as one third of the Mid Atlantic Alliance. Though as green as the day is young, everyone in the stands and locker room could see why the Carolina native to join Mean Jean's group - he's the mirror image of Mean Jean Cattley. And with two years under his belt there are some rumors that he's actually surpassed his mentor. Whether or not that's true, there is no question that both Jared and Findlay have been two of the most dominant members of the RPW roster since it's relaunch.


Going a combined 12 and 6 in 2010, the duo took that momentum and rode it into 2011 and became the first RPW Double Act champions in over a decade. With a blend of power and skill, Johnson and O'Farraday successfully defended the titles after the length of nine months before finally losing the titles to RPW's favorite couple, Amber Allen and Nigel Svensson. The Mid Atlantic Alliance might not be going into 2012 with hardware, but it won't be long before Jared and Findlay have the opportunity gain some gold (or silver in the case of RPW) again. Besides the highly anticipated rematch between the Alliance and The Juggernaut, both Johnson and FOF could be gaining titles in RPW's sister promotions, as Finlay O'Farraday is favored to move on to the knockout stages of NEO Season One and Jared Johnson is currently one of the four semi-finalists in SCCW's Championship tournament (Extraordinario Jr., Greg Ford, and Brady Prince make up the rest of the semi-finalists).


Will 2012 bring the Mid Atlantic Alliance more fame and fortune or will the duo's defeat at All Along Watcher 2011 be the start of the Alliance's downfall?


Findlay O'Farraday's Stats



Jared Johnson's Stats



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