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AMLL:Alianza Mexican de Lucha Libre (how to conquer mexico and not die)

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This is my second try of a diary and i hope someone like it


Chapter one:The night that all begin


The year is 2009 the last week of the year an event happened that would change the history of Mexican wrestling forever that night in a dark alley of the City of Mexico, it would be found the corpse of one of the greatest prospects of wrestling The Invincible, what kind of event could start with the death of another person,

the question now is do you want to find out?

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This is my second try of a diary and i hope someone like it


Chapter one:The night that all begin


The year is 2009 the last week of the year an event happened that would change the history of Mexican wrestling forever that night in a dark alley of the City of Mexico, it would be found the corpse of one of the greatest prospects of wrestling The Invincible, what kind of event could start with the death of another person,

the question now is do you want to find out?


After reading the news about the death of The Invincible, came to my mind the first day I saw him fight.


The year was 1997, when leaving my house I heard shouts and insults, i get closer to see what happened i discovered that they were 6 men inside a square , the were running and doing weird movements, at that time did not know what was happening, but then I saw him, it was him The Invincible, he was flying with a grace in the square I thought it was impossible, at that moment I fell in love with this thing called wrestling.

so yes, I fell in love with this show, seeing what in any other company would be a bunch of losers, but at that moment for me were heroes, all of you will say I'm crazy because my first fight was not a struggle of the legendary Rip Chord or one of Sam Strong, you will say that is something improbable or even a blasphemy, but something I can tell is , i do not need to see some of those struggles, view what they were doing, what they did, motivated me to someday be as they ,and to one day share the ring with my new hero, The Invincible.

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July 25, 1997

after falling in love wrestling, I decided it was time to train this beautiful sport, to my luck, there was a small gym, twenty minutes from my house, so I went and I signed for my first class to learn the art of wrestling.

so after two hours my first class was over, I felt tired physically and mentally, after class, the teacher, met us, to tell us how he has started in this tough business.

His wrestler name was The Gambler, he began to fight in OLLIE as one of the local talent, who were hired to lose to the great stars of the company,

they enjoyed their performance, so managers decided to hire him as a talent in development, in other words a jobber, something that was very sad as he had the technique and movement to become something better, but he had a BIGGGGGGGG.......... problem he was a black hole in terms of charisma, is more, there are trees and rocks with more charisma than him, so after years of losing, he decided to retire of competition, to open a small gym where he would give classes.

After the story, we go begin to laugh.

That day not only I acquire a respect for my teacher, but also get great friends, friends that I will present later.

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