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DOTT: Stampede Wrestling

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NOTE: This is completely fictional and has nothing to do with reality. This is a dynasty for the game TEW05, using the DOTT scenario slightly modified by me (to eliminate rookies, they will be imported when they actually debut). A NEW BOOKER FOR STAMPEDE WRESTLING by Johnny James Stu Hart has annunced today, January Week 1 Monday 1983, that a new booker has been signed to take over Stampede Wrestling (CSW). Grimmas, a young man from Toronto, Canada will take over the duties immediatley. Little is known about his abilities at the moment, but what is known is that he grew up a fan and over the last few years has travelled all over the world working for various promotions. An interview with Grimmas will be conducted shortly, so hopefully we will learn more about this situation.
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Interview w/Grimmas AN INTERVIEW WITH GRIMMAS by Johnny James This interview was conducted on January Week 1 Monday 1983. JJ: First of all I would like to congratulate you on your new job. G: Thank you very much, I am very excited. JJ: How did this all come about? G: I actually approached Stu about it after I heard that he was not happy with his son (Bruce)'s go at it. I have just finished a few years of travelling all over the world and working for so many different promotions and I missed home, Canada. I learned so much and saw so many different things that most people who only see the North American scene would probably not believe. JJ: Such as? G: Oh, in Mexico you have promotions drawing incredible houses every week with almost entirely trios (six man tag) matches with really short guys wearing masks, but they do some crazy flying that you wouldn't believe. Then you have Japan, where you have super realistic guys fighting and almost really pounding the crap out of each other. Intense. England was interesting too, there is so much mat working and chain wrestling plus the matches are competed in round format. Not only that, but I saw a great amount of young awesome workers. Seeing all of that made me want to come back to North America and bring some of those differenses here. JJ: So you called up Stu Hart. G: Correct, we talked for hours about wrestling. Stampede is so great, its got a big blend of cultures already. Plus the best wrestler in the world, in my books, Dynamite Kid. JJ: After the talk, he gave you the job? G: No, this was a few months ago. I actually drove up to Calgary and spent a few days at his house and saw the Dungeon. I was backstage at some shows and we talked some more. I really layed out what I was planning and Stu was intriged and gave me the job. JJ: So you knew for a month atleast and you have spent this time planning? G: Yes, I went around and talked to some more American workers that I had my eye on and did some more scouting. Just today, I sent out some contract offers to a bunch of workers throughout the world. It's been a busy day. JJ: Who have you offered contracts too? G: I'm not at liberty to say right now, but I do plan on bringing in a lot of great athletes into Stampede. Stampede is a wrestling company with the greatest wrestlers in the world and I dont' want that to change. There will be some roster moves to make it more exciting. JJ:I know you are a busy man, so I will not take up too much of your time, but I would love to know what you have planned in the short term for the company? G: Thanks. Well, I am bringing in the new talent and some old talent will be phased out. I am going to try a new thing and name our big shows each month something different. I also am trying to flesh out some of the long term booking plans I have. Plus, I am getting ready for my first TV taping tommorow night. JJ: Well good luck to you and we look forward to seeing Stampede in the next few months. G: Thank you and I hope you all enjoy.
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Stampede Wrestling (TV) [B]Stampede Wrestling TV @ Winnipeg Convention Centre (Jan 1983, Week 1 Tuesday)[/B] There is 1,000 people in attendance. The show begins with Ed Whalen and Stu Hart announce a North American Heavyweight Title Match at Pure Dynamite on January 1983, Week 4 Friday between Champion Bad News Allen and challenger the Dynamite Kid. (C-) 1. Super Strong Machine defeated Ron Ritchie in 6:33 by pinfall with a handful of tights. (D) A video package showing highlights of a Bruce Hart agaisnt Mongolian Stomper match, with Bruce getting the win. (B+) There is a disturbance backstage and the cameras get there as soon as possible. The Mongolian Stomper is shown attacking Bruce Hart. Hart is left laying in a pool of blood. (B) 2. Ben Bassarab defeated Karl Moffat in 8:31 by pinfall with a Flying Body Press. (C) The cameras follow Bruce Hart as he is put in a stretcher and broung to a waiting ambulance. (C+) 3. Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith and Leo Burke defeated Bad News Allen, Dynamite Kid and Loch Ness Monster in 20:42 when Bret Hart defeated Loch Ness Monster by pinfall with a handful of tights. (B-) After the match Bad News Allen and Dynamite Kid get inot an argument and blame each other for their loss. (C-)
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New Signings [B]Stampede Brings In New Talent[/B] by Johnny James With a new booker in place for Stampede Wrestling, that brings in some new talent. On January 1983, Week 1 Thursday there was a whooping six new signings. The biggest signing may be Tiger Mask, from NJPW. A man who is reinventing high flying wrestling. Two more Japanese wrestlers were signed. One being The Cobra, one of Tiger Mask's favourite opponents. The other is a relative new comer Keichi Yamada who is just debuting in the business. Another huge is signing is that of Karl Gotch. Stampede was in a dire need of some locker room leaders and Gotch is just that. He is also one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time and a former World Champion. He is expected to work backstage with the new talent. The other two signings were second generation wrestlers. Randy Savage who is the talk of Memphis for his high flying and crazy antics was one signing. The other was Dean Malenko the son of Boris Malenko who is a mat wrestler. These six men are expected to make a huge impact in Stampede. Only one match is announced for "Pure Dynamite" to take place on January 1983 Week 4 Friday. That is a North American Title Match, as Bad News Allen is set to defend against Dynamite Kid.
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Two More Signings [B]Two More Signings[/B] by Johnny James Two finish off his first week on the new job, new head booker of Stampede Wrestling announced two new signings this weekend. Just a few days after the signing of Dean Malenko, his brother Joe has been signed. The other signing is for a young manager that was recently fired from Mid-South in Jim Cornette. This is reported to be the last of the new signings, atleast for a while.
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I'll be reading, I've always loved Calgary/Stampede and I hope you bring it much success. Two things, Joe Malenko is (at least in real life) a very talented worker. Just because Dean got alot of notoriety, don't be afraid to give Joe any chances, as he is more then worthy of them. Two. Lets go Leo! (Burke)
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[QUOTE=Unregistered]I'll be reading, I've always loved Calgary/Stampede and I hope you bring it much success. Two things, Joe Malenko is (at least in real life) a very talented worker. Just because Dean got alot of notoriety, don't be afraid to give Joe any chances, as he is more then worthy of them. Two. Lets go Leo! (Burke)[/QUOTE] Oh, dont' worry about that. Joe was the man for a while.
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Stampede Wrestling (TV) Jan 1983 Week 2 Monday [I]A note, TV taping is now on Monday even though the show airs on Tuesday, so that I can use the NJPW guys.[/I] From The Clarke Drake Arena in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in front of 1,795 fans. The show opens with the voice of Stampede Wrestling, Ed Whalen, making the announcment that British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion Bruce Hart is stripped of his title, due to his injury last week. There is no way he could defend it within 30 days. (C) Ed Whalen and Stu Hart make the announcment that at Pure Dynamite, at the end of the month, Tiger Mask will take on The Cobra in what will be an amazing match. (B) 1. Dynamite Kid defeated Keiichi Yamada in 7:58 by pinfall with a Diving Headbutt. (C) A video is shown showing highlights from The Cobra versus Tiger Mask match that took place a few weeks ago in NJPW. (B) Karachi Vice Kingpins came to the ring and made a challenge to the current International Tag Team Champions, Jim Neidhart and Mr. Hito. (C-) J.R. Foley was next to come to the ring and make a big announcment. He was the one behind the Bruce Hart attack, because his new client is .... THE MONGOLIAN STOMPER! The Stomper joins Foley in the ring and they hug. (B) 2. Karachi Vice Kingpins defeated Ron Ritchie and Ben Bassarab in 7:31 when Gama Singh defeated Ron Ritchie by submission with a Camel Clutch. (C) Ed Whalen and Stu Hart make the announce that a tournament will be set up to determine the new British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion. The First Round will be next week and the Semi-Finals and Finals will take place at Pure Dynamite. The First Round matches are Bret Hart vs. Super Strong Machine (C), Loch Ness Monster vs Ben Basarab (C-), Jim Neidhart vs Mongolian Stomper (B-), and Davey Boy Smith vs Leo Burke (C+). 3. Bad News Allen, Mongolian Stomper and Loch Ness Monster defeated Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith and Leo Burke in 18:31 when Davey Boy Smith was disqualified while fighting Mongolian Stomper.
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TV Ratings & Firings by Johnny James Last night's Stampede Wrestling TV show had 106 viewers at home which is an increase of 6 fans from last week. First half hour had 100 fans and the second had 113. An increase is a good sign. Stampede Wrestling and Hiro Saito have parted ways. With all the new signings, some people had to be cut and Saito is the first.
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