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Arcadia presents... Deadly Overloaded Action || "Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!"

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Now THAT was a show. Damn, EV. Everything about that was awesome. I was on the fence before but now I'm on board with the DOA. Great to see you pumping out this quality of work again.


Great to hear you're on-board now, Oracle! The DOA has changed quite a bit since last season; but, I feel like it's become more riveting from a story perspective (mostly because my focus is entirely on the product/stories itself, so, there is less first-person stuff to get in the way). All in all, glad you liked the show!


I can't believe I missed predictions for this...*slams face into keyboard*


But, really...wow. Amazing stuff. I don't care if you take months to write a show...this is WORTH IT.


Thank you, Levitical!


I'll admit. Yep, it does take me a little longer than most of you to get a show up; however, it's not because I'm just sitting on my thumbs. haha. From the second the card goes up, to when it's posted, I'm constantly working on it. I'm sure I could strip things down a little, to make it easier to get up earlier, but I'm afraid my mind just doesn't work like that. haha.


The way I see it, I normally have a show up a week following the card (if not, a week and a half). During this time, though, I do have some website posts and such that hopefully keep you all engaged while you wait. That said, I'm going to start doing more DOA.com articles as I really have some things that I want to convey; that may have been missed while reading.









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Episode #3 of DOA: "Rapid Assault" is up (posted late last night) on the previous page! Give it a read if you haven't already!

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I guess Ted Brady is the Rodney Dangerfield of the C-Verse, he just can't get any respect.


haha. You know, when I booked the idea, I knew you would be the only person who would speak up about Brady getting 'the shaft'. :D You were the main voice bringing him into the fold; however, as you'll find in out soon, it may have been a short-lived scenario.

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Your right this was definantly one of your best shows linking up part of other storylines with each others was really, really almost as if DOA TV is one big storyline!


Awesome stuff, lots of shocks and I'm a fan of AMM so him getting a push is great, what did Greg Black have to say that about that when you booked it in game?

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Your right this was definantly one of your best shows linking up part of other storylines with each others was really, really almost as if DOA TV is one big storyline!


Thank you, 20LEgend. That's exactly what I'm going for so far; that's why individuals haven't really had much chance to shine as I'm doing my best to develop the 'Conspiracy' storyline which will take up much of Season II. With such a huge creation coming through, a lot of focus, and finite detail, is needed to make sure it all comes together. At this point, I'm really happy that my mindless rambling has actually come together pretty well; fusing in several storylines in which to give a better feeling of 'chaos' to DOA TV (which, the Tyler/Nemesis storyline is entirely centered around: Traditionalism vs. Anarchy).


That said, A LOT will continue to unfold; so, I'm hoping to stay focused enough to get the story across well.


I'm a huge fan of conspiracy theories (not like I follow them but just find them interesting). So, with this in mind, I'm actually really excited to develop the DOA program around such a notion; as I feel it brings a lot of grandeur, plus gritty realities, to the forefront.


Awesome stuff, lots of shocks and I'm a fan of AMM so him getting a push is great, what did Greg Black have to say that about that when you booked it in game?


As you'll see with an upcoming 'TotalExtremeWrestling.com' post set for the next few days, the DOA is in a state of pushing 'home-grown talent'. In a sense, it's what I would love to see TNA bring forth; using older stars (as they are) to help 'rub over' the new guys... And yes, I get the sexual connotation there so no need to point it out. ;) haha jk.


As for black, he wasn't very happy and attempted to block the outcome. At this point, he's set an 'annoyed level' from his personal standpoint. I may try to give him some money to make him feel better though. haha; sounds funny to say that. "here, I know you're mad with me... have some money! Does that make it any better? huh? How about a trip to Chuck-E-Cheeses?".


Regardless of the downside, it pushed AMM to a "D" in popularity around the US (which is what I wanted). Plus, it only dropped Black from a "C+" to a "C". I know that sounds rather bad but, with what I have in store for him, I know he'll regain that popularity over the next few weeks!

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Wrestling Legend, and touted Hardcore revolutionary, Nemesis, has apparently sustained career-threating injuries following a violent, 6-on-1, assault from “All the Kings Men” at the close of DOA: “Rapid Assault” this week. For close to 4 minutes straight, Nemesis was subjected to a hellish ‘gang beatdown’ that eventually pushed the aging Icon to the brink of consciousness; a fact that left many to wonder whether or not he would EVER retrieve what’s left of his physical best.


When paramedics came to his aide, well after the members of “All the Kings Men” had left the ringside area, it was said that the situation was quite dire; stating that it would be best to transport him to a nearby Los Angeles hospital for further studies. With that said, as Nemesis miraculously came-to, shocking many of the medical staff on hand, the Hardcore revolutionary was heard aggressively staving-off any sort of help. Even after they continued to plea their case, Nemesis continued to sternly deny their attempts for further tests. In the end, as the remaining ‘dead-heads’ watched on in horror, fearful of the sickening injuries obviously present, Nemesis simply staggered past the medical staff; shuffling his way toward the backstage area while yelling Tyler’s name in a ‘call for revenge’. As expected, this wasn’t a pretty picture by any means; he could barely walk, let alone, count on his body to keep himself upright then entire way toward the Dungeon Gateway.


When we reached out to the Arcardia Network for comment, this is what we received in return:


“We are saddened at the outcome of this week’s episode of ‘Rapid Assault’ and am looking further into the situation we’ve been dealt. John ‘Nemesis’ Campbell is a respected member of our roster and we would like to see to it that our ‘talent’ feel safe at all times. With that said, we’ll continue to hope for a speedy recovery & will be patiently awaiting his return to DOA TV somewhere in the future.”


When we inquired whether or not Mr. Tyler would receive any sort of punishment due to such a heinous assault, the Network also relayed this official statement as well:


“While their actions were excessive in nature, we do not plan on punishing any of Nemesis’s attackers at this point. In reality, Nemesis was removed from his position as a ‘special guest referee’ that night; so, if he would have used better judgment then something like this may not have happened. In the end, seeing how there is no one at 100% fault, we will continue forward as is.”


It should be noted that we reached out to Mr. Tyler; however, he simply stated that he had ‘no comment on the matter’.


Have we seen the last of Nemesis on DOA TV? Most likely not. In reality, knowing how proud of a man Nemesis is, we actually expect to see him return this next week on “Rapid Assault”. What his condition will be, we don’t really know at this point…


Stop back for more information as it’s brought to our attention…
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Who was Mr. Tyler speaking too?




This is the question that has continually risen from the ashes of this week’s episode of DOA: “Rapid Assault”. While many have begun to speculate, relaying a hodge-podge of potential suitors, one thing appears to be blatantly true: This person, or persons, somehow, has “The Voice of Reason” doing their ‘dirty work’.


Those who understand the DOA in it’s root form, who have been present since the program’s inception, would understand the extreme shock that would soon follow. Eric Tyler; working for somebody else? “The Voice of Reason”; carrying out the demands of another? It seems entirely crazy; especially when written out verbatim. For a man, especially one of Tyler’s egocentrism, to subdue his own actions in which to carry out the thoughts of another is almost laughable; a fact that most would typically expect to only happen in a ‘bizarro’ kind of fashion. With that said, it seems that this crazed scenario has come true. “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler, the man who has single-handedly crushed the DOA under his ‘iron-fisted-grip’, has now become a fixture of another’s blueprint.


In the end, despite such a realization, we still don’t know the mysterious callers identity. Is it someone from their past (nemesis & Tyler’s that is)? A man with vested interest in seeing Nemesis crumble? – Or – Simply a menacing foe waiting in the wings; holding a dark secret over the head of Mr. Tyler, much like blackmail, in which to destroy the Legend of Nemesis? I guess, with time, we’ll come to find this answer out.


For now, though, we are left with what we know…


Eric Tyler, the infamous “Voice of Reason”, appears to be working with a mysterious, unknown, business-partner; a relationship formulated on a joint sense of hatred for Nemesis.



Stay tuned as the plot continues to thicken…

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NEWS: Arcadia rumored to create 'own brand'; thus creating a youth-movement.

3rd Week of September 2010


The Arcadia program, DOA: “Rapid Assault”, appears to be in a state of an ever-evolving flux; bringing forth a new perspective to wrestling programming, unseen before, in general. With this in mind, it looks like Deadly Overloaded Action is taking on a new vision; one centered in the notion of a momentous upheaval from their original framework. In reality, there’s no better example of such a ‘changing wind’ than Antonio Maxi Marquez’s victory over the much-more established, bigger mainstream name, Greg Black.


It’s been reported that the program’s writers are very high on Marquez, as well as many of the unknown youngsters currently on the cast, which is quite evident in the fact that said ‘home-grown talent’ has been the center of focus since Season II’s inception. Overall, it looks as if the writers are looking to develop their own ‘look & feel’; which often calls for having a wealth of talent unseen by the viewing public before (therefore, there are no preconceived notions).


At this point, as it stands, the DOA houses four relative newcomers to the mainstream wrestling community in their Champions. While most die-hard fans wouldn’t quite see these figures as ‘DOA-born’, to those who are not as well educated on the indy-scene, these cast-members take on the perception as blatantly ‘home-grown’ (ie: without success in a bigger, mainstream, company like: SWF, TCW, and USPW). These champions are as follows:



Johnny Vicious ; DOA Champion –
While some already know him from his early days in USPW, this vision of John Pathlow is far different from the former ‘hell monkey’ persona he once projected to quasi international fame. In the end, the same animalistic nature is present; however, now, it’s wrapped within the hardened perspective of a vicious (hence the name), 'me-against-the-world', fighter.


Torment; DOA Chokeout Champion –
Torment (aka Marc Speed) has become quite the ‘indy-darling’ since his initial rise on the West Coast; within CZCW. With this in mind, he’s relatively an unknown figure to the mainstream wrestling public. To most DOA ‘dead-heads’, as they’re called, Torment carries the stench of being ‘home-grown’; getting his first real shot at mainstream success under the DOA banner.


”The Moral Majority”; DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions –
Two men, Mainstream Hernandez (aka James Hernandez) and Citizen X (Charles Weston), who also carry such a ‘new-wrestling-smell’ as their individual successes have come primarily on the Indy circuit thus far. Overall, given their polarizing personas, these two youngsters have quickly become the talk of the program; giving them an platform to stand-upon in the end. Regardless of where they’ve been before, both are, also, relatively new to the ‘mainstream audience’ that the DOA presents too.



Outside of these ‘golden figures’ of the DOA, there are a number of other ‘home-grown’ names within the mix. Whether it’s Antonio Maxi Marquez, Matthew Keith, or Insane Machine, this whirlwind of ‘new faces’ has brought on a new era in the Arcadia-run program: an era fixated on new faces, new personas, and those who haven’t already been pigeon-held by the “big three’s” previous development.


Granted, there are a number of familiar faces within the mold (ie: Nemesis, Eric Tyler, Greg Black, Cannonball Funk, Matty Sparrow, Acid, OTA, KAZUMA, Teddy Powell, Shawn Gonzalez, etc.); however, these cast-members appear to be an inevitable ‘smoke-screen’. What we mean by this is, while they certainly carry their own weight & will be figure-points of each broadcast given their immense popularity, they are being utilized as the ‘gate-keepers’ of sorts; helping to craft the new faces of the industry all together.


When we asked Arcadia of such a truth they were quick to downplay such an extreme viewpoint on the subject. This is their response:


“We’ve certainly put more stock in developing our own ‘faces’ amongst the wrestling community; however, in no way, are simply using our established stars as ‘smoke screens’. DOA: ‘Rapid Assault’ is less about creating cultural-waves within the wrestling community & more about creating a solid program from start to finish. This will continue to be our focus going forward.”


We stand by our statement; regardless of their response.


In the end, it appears that the Arcadia Network is looking to implement a plan that could eventually place them as a challenger of the established three on high. Their approach: Create their own ‘names’ in which to, finally, develop their own ‘voice’ (while using the past generation as the keepers of their place as the newfound talent continues to rise up the ranks; slowly but surely).

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NEWS: Ted Brady is released from his Arcadia/DOA contract.

3rd Week of September 2010


Ted Brady, most recently known for his depiction of the ‘Elder Statesman’ personality to DOA fans, has officially been released from his contract with the Arcadia network; citing ‘lack of direction’ as their ultimate reason for such a decision. Earlier this morning, network officials relayed this statement to the press; solidifying the fact that Brady had been removed from the networks’ weekly wrestling program: DOA – “Rapid Assault”…


“The Arcadia Network would like to thank Ted Brady for his tireless effort over the last 5 months of service; however, sadly, have come to the conclusion that his release was inevitable. ‘Project DOA’ has recently seen a shift in attitude, as it pertains to the ‘youth movement’ within the fold, and no longer felt that Brady was essential to the overall story we were trying to craft. While it’s true that his previous work made him a viable candidate for a strong ‘gate-keeper’-like figure, we feel that it’s in our best interest to trim those cast-members that we can simply do without on a weekly basis.


The Arcadia Network, and all that worked on ‘Project DOA’, would like to thank Ted Brady for his service to Deadly Overloaded Action. We wish him nothing but success as he tackles new avenues within the industry.”


The most important note here appears to be that the Arcadia Network is potentially looking to ‘trim the fat’ of their beloved ‘Project DOA’. For awhile now, these very thoughts have been rumored from within; however, here stands as the first real example of such a shift. Will this mean more releases in the near future? At this point, this can only be speculated.


Ted Brady is expected to return to the indy scene; already gaining a few bookings from promoters looking to capitalize on his most recent ‘TV-fame’.

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Well Ted had a good run and I don't blame you for canning him. I think this is the only diary that he has ever got that much face time in anyway.:(


You were the main catalyst behind him coming to the DOA, BHK. You've been a great source of support, and at the time I Knew of your love for the man, so it was great to bring him into the fold; even if it were done in the limited role he ended up with (I think he only wrestled once. ha). At the end of the day, I wanted to make the show more concise and evolve "All the Kings Men" from Season I to Season II. With that said, Brady was the first to hit the cutting-block as his character wasn't really needed anymore. Plus, it gave Mr. Tyler the ability to look 'cold-hearted'; attacking someone who was a supposed ally.


I guess, in the end, he ended up as a big player in the whole Mr. Tyler, "All the Kings Men", storyline as he was a symbol of Tyler's evolution.

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Season II:
Episode #4

Location: The "DOA Dungeon"

Run-time: 60 Minutes






THE most explosive form of live-action entertainment makes it’s return to the Arcadia network this fall as Deadly Overloaded Action: “Rapid Assault” resurfaces for a volcanic second season! All your favorite personas will return to the “DOA Dungeon” with one goal in mind, unadulterated mutiny of all-things Mainstream wrestling, as this cult-phenomenon continues to rage forward with their revolution of choice. Bodies will be broken, careers will be shortened, and minds will crumble viciously under the immense pressure that comes with the DOA Banner; however, the ultimate opportunity for unquestioned dominance will continue to stand for those strong-enough to separate from the pack.


In an industry chalked full of the aged, the uninspired, the overweight, the overtly safe, and the mind numbingly bland, Deadly Overloaded Action steps forth as the true ‘agent of innovation’; pushing the industrial, as well as the human body/mind, to the absolute extreme!


While they may not entirely stand ‘as one’, the cast of Season II will continue to push the boundaries of what’s deemed as acceptable, both in-and-out-of the ring itself, in which to ignite the dwindling flame of an underground revolution. The unknown, the unseen, the forgotten, the hell-bent, the hell-inspired, the adrenaline junkies, the suicidal, and the all-around arrogant will call the “Dungeon” home this season; overtaking your Thursdays nights with a level of action so combustible that it’s been delegated into the darkness.


This is Deadly Overloaded Action. We
Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!









Donnie “Action” Jackson vs. Matthew Keith

[singles Match]


Davis Ditterich:
Our opening match of the night pits two individuals with something to prove. Donnie “Action” Jackson has spent most of his DOA existence lately appearing on “Cyber Clash”; taking on all-comers as he furthers his resume as a budding DOA warrior. Now, with the bright lights of “Rapid Assault” shining above, can “Action” finally show us all that he’s truly a force to be reckoned with? Will this match stand as the initial spark he needs to become a permanent fixture of “Rapid Assault”? This remains to be seen…

Carl Batch:
On the other side of the squared circle stands a man looking to prove he’s not just relevant because of his father’s name. Matthew Keith, the celebrated submission expert, and son of Wrestling Legend, Sam Keith, has fought nothing but an uphill battle here in Deadly Overloaded Action. After being forced into a firing during Season I by Mr. Tyler, Keith is now back on account of Nemesis’s new presence within the DOA landscape. Since then, Keith has struggled to stay ‘afloat’ as Tyler’s signature warrior, Torment, has continually made quick work of the young fighter. Can the 2nd generation superstar finally display the ‘greatness’ we’ve come to expect from someone of his caliber - OR - will this match-up stand as another example of is dwindling fate?

Davis Ditterich:
This is why I love the DOA. A simple opening match-up, one that would be considered as a ‘filler’ in most programs, carries so much weight, so much desperation, that it could very well be the Main Event. I don’t know about you Batch but, as a wrestling fan, I am in debt to the Arcadia Network! Deadly Overloaded Action, and “Rapid Assault” as the catalyst of this, has done everything in which to revolutionize wrestling programming as a whole!

Carl Batch:
We’re a little bias, I’ll give you that, but Dee has it right! Join the Revolution; watch “Rapid Assault” this week & I promise you’ll have the same fervor about the program as well!
Tune in and witness the combustible atmosphere that falls when these two cats look to use the other as their ‘proving ground’…




”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Torment

[singles Match]


Davis Ditterich:
Something smells like a trap here…

Carl Batch:
Are you saying that you think Mr. Tyler booked this match with a purpose behind it; that it wasn’t just a luck-of-the-draw situation?

Davis Ditterich:
I don’t know; something just seems weird about this one. I mean, we’ve got Marquez whose seen as a budding star within the DOA &, all of a sudden, he’s thrown to the ‘wolves’. “All the Kings Men” are no joke & it seems like Tyler is trying to clamp down on the program more intensely. Could this mean that he booked the match in which to temper Marquez’s rise?

Carl Batch:
You know, Dee, I never thought of it that way but you could have something here. I wouldn’t put it past “The Voice of Reason” to attempt to keep another’s success at bay. I mean, he’s done so since he first came to this program; why would he stop now?
[Chuckles to himself]
Whether it’s true or not, I’m looking forward to this one! Torment… Marquez… This is bound to be one-hell of a showdown!

Davis Ditterich:
Let’s just hope Marquez can keep up with the DOA Chokeout Champion. While I trust in his abilities, seeing him on a handful of occasions thus far, we realistically know very little about his potential to stand above the rest. I mean, we know Torment through-and-through; we know exactly what to expect from this guy. If we were going straight off of what we know, I would have to place my money on Torment; hands down. That’s not saying I don’t trust Marquez’s ability, as he’s shown to be a potential break-out star, but I need to see more before I can trust that he can do this on a weekly basis.

Carl Batch:
Fair enough. Honestly, though, this cat is ‘legit’. I’ve seen some great fliers in my day but “The Latin Dream” is one of the more gifted athletes I’ve ever laid eyes on. IF he can keep his mind focused, his thoughts centered, then there’s a good chance that he could become a big-time-player in Deadly Overloaded Action!






”All the Kings Men” (Acid, Mainstream Hernandez, and Citizen X) vs. Johnny Vicious, OTA, and KAZUMA

[3 vs. 3 - First Pinfall Rule set]

[if “All the Kings Men” Win = Acid will receive a re-match for the DOA Championship next week on “Rapid Assault”]

[if Vicious/OTA/KAZUMA Win = The Tokyo Express will received a re-match for the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships next week on “Rapid Assault”]


Davis Ditterich:
Our Pre-Main Event match-up is bound to be one hell of a chaotic affair as three of our four DOA Champions will be wrapped in an epic battle; one that will declare someone, if not some ones, as #1 contenders for the titles in question. Good God, Batch… I don’t know how one squared circle will be able to house such a crazy affair!

Carl Batch:
I don’t think It can; to be honest, Dee. If the Network was smart about this one, They’d instantly slap a ‘no DQ’ moniker on this one. I know it gives “All the Kings Men” an advantage here but, in reality, this one is going to spill out into the crowd pretty early on. These guys hate each other; there’s no doubt about that!

Davis Ditterich:
Can Acid regain the #1 Contendership to the DOA Championship; a title he will forever go down as the first holder of in DOA history? - OR - will The Tokyo Express find their way back to challenging for the very titles they’ve called their own since the DOA’s inception? So many questions… So little for us to project… This match-up could end up as a powder-keg for intense violence!

Carl Batch:
Straight up, Dee. This one may crush the DOA under it’s immense weight; truthfully. There is A LOT at stake with this one… Regardless of the winner, Deadly Overloaded Action will change FOREVER following this one…




”Peerless” Greg Black vs. “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez

[singles Match]


Davis Ditterich:
In DOA history, We’ve seen some great rivalries form. Whether it’s Vicious/Acid, Vicious/Tyler, Sparrow/Moral Majority, or recently Tyler/Nemesis, we’ve come to expect volatile wars at every turn. In a sense, Gonzalez/Black is no different than what we’ve come to know so far.

Carl Batch:
‘Aint that the truth, Dee. The DOA’s chaotic nature has really brought us some of the greatest rivalries this industry has EVER seen! There’s no doubt in my mind, knowing what we’ve seen in such a short time between these two, that Shawn Gonzalez and Greg Black will deliver just as others have in the past!

Davis Ditterich:
Exactly. In a completely smart move by the Network, these two have been cast into the Main Event; giving them the most grandest of stages in which to display their budding hatred for one another. When it’s all said and done, and the dust has cleared, which DOA warrior will carry the initial weight of victory? In all honesty, I have NO IDEA who will come away with this one. I know “The Lone Wolf” is one bad-a$$-bastard, after seeing him in DaVE for quite awhile, but It’s hard to bet against the “Peerless” one.; especially after coming off of a loss. You can bet yourself that Greg Black will be putting everything into this one as two losses in a row may shove him from the Main Event scene pretty drastically…

Carl Batch:
I guess we’ll have to see, Dee. These cats may tear the Dungeon apart; all with the hopes of furthering their own name amongst the DOA masses…

Davis Ditterich:
Something tells me that these two don’t really care about what the fans think of them at this point. Honestly, this one has more to do with their brewing hatred for one another than any sort of social, or professional, status…

Carl Batch:
I feel ya… Could be… Could be…











While some may question whether or not he’ll show up, citing his ‘grave-health-concerns’ following last weeks sadistic, 6-on-1 attack, as the reasoning for a no-show, the truth of the matter is: everyone expects to see the Wrestling Legend this week on “Rapid Assault”. What will his condition look like? Who will he come gunning for; his attackers or the man who walked out on him? Realistically, while it may not be smart of him to return so shortly after sustaining such intense injuries, no one feels he’ll simply stand on the ‘sidelines’, as Mr. Tyler may want him too, following such a hellacious assault.


Tune into “Rapid Assault” this week to see whose head he may be hunting for…




Also, in relation to Nemesis’s violent assault last week, Sara Silver has vowed to ‘grill the Champ’; citing a need for the truth as it pertains to Johnny Vicious walking out on Nemesis following the Main Event (a fact that eventually led to the 6-on-1 attack there after). What will the DOA Champion have to say, if anything, about his decision to deflect Nemesis’s call for unity? Whether his answer may be, it’s expected that the ‘truth’ may not be all that favorable for the weakened Legend…




Finally, will we find the identity of the mysterious caller “The Voice of Reason” spoke to last week on “Rapid Assault”? At this point, many have labeled this scenario, unofficially, as ‘The Conspiracy’; a fact driven due to Tyler’s shocking allegiance to this, seemingly, ‘higher power’. Along with the identity of said conspirator, Will we come to find out their overall objective; the reasoning they have come to work with one another? While little is known at this point, it seems like their #1 focus appears to be none other than the injured, Nemesis.







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Episode #4 [Quick Picks]


Donnie "Action" Jackson vs. Matthew Keith

"The Latin Dream" Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Torment

Acid/Mainstream Hernandez/Citizen X vs. Johnny Vicious/OTA/KAZUMA

"Peerless" Greg Black vs. "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez
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Donnie "Action" Jackson vs. Matthew Keith


"The Latin Dream" Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Torment


Acid/Mainstream Hernandez/Citizen X vs. Johnny Vicious/OTA/KAZUMA


Still on my anti-not picking Ota to win streak.


"Peerless" Greg Black vs. "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

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NEWS: Arcadia Broadcasting/U-Demand sign a 6-month carrier agreement.

4th Week of September 2010


A brief press conference unveiled a limited business relationship between two American-based broadcasting companies today as Arcadia Broadcasting cemented a tentative agreement with U-Demand for the next six months. While the details of their arrangement are still shrouded in secrecy, it appears that the Arcadia-owned wrestling development, Deadly Overloaded Action, will utilize this new relationship in which to air future ‘special event PPV broadcasts’. This stands as a giant leap forward for the DOA as it allows them to compete financially with ‘the big boys’; even if the Network, itself, will pocket the majority of what is made on their end.


When asked whether or not these PPV broadcasts will rival that of their competitors, happening once a month and standing as a heightened stage for current storylines, an Arcadia representative had this to say:


“At this point, It is not our goal to have a monthly PPV event much like our competitors. We are not in the business of running a wrestling promotion; we are in the business of developing a stand-out wrestling program: “Rapid Assault”. While others may use PPV’s as their ‘be-all-end-all’ moment of the month, We look to offer this same sense of grandeur to our fans every week. Simply put, we’re more focused on delivering a strong TV program than asking you to shell out your hard earned money every month in which to witness what could be relayed to you on TV.”


When asked further, the very same Arcadia representative made it quite apparent that their newfound PPV agreement would be used in which to develop ‘special events’; PPV programs that aren’t necessarily DOA focused, but rather, a sense of evolution within the framework of Wrestling Entertainment.


At this point, there have been no PPV dates put forth quite yet; however, it’s been widely rumored that the Arcadia Network is seeking the momentary rights to, the recently bankrupted, DaVE Empire. What for? No one really knows for sure but it appears that Network officials may have a unique program in mind; one that may pit DaVE vs. the DOA for ‘One-Night-Only’.


As new information is brought to light, We will make sure to relay such to you.



© TEWrestling.com; 2010

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Episode #4 [Quick Picks]


Donnie "Action" Jackson vs. Matthew Keith

"The Latin Dream" Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Torment

Acid/Mainstream Hernandez/Citizen X vs. Johnny Vicious/OTA/KAZUMA

"Peerless" Greg Black vs. "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez

This post is used to relay a new vision I have for the DOA. I wanted to utilize the excitement of PPV-wrestling; however, struggled to really come up with a way to properly implement such an idea into a TV-run program (as the Network would want everything to happen on their OWN network in which to drive ratings. In a sense, PPV's would only draw such big moments away from their station; thus hurting the overall product from a Network perspective).


With this in mind, I've created an idea in which to make this all work. The PPV's that I do run will be infrequent; not designed to happen every month. When they DO take place, they'll be more based around an exciting 'one-night-only' kind of scenario. In a sense, it will be removed from the typical DOA feel (as it won't even have the DOA's name always attached but rather Arcadia Broadcasting will put it on). This way, it won't seem like a simple DOA show, that could be on "Rapid Assault", instead placed on PPV.


In the end, I feel this could add an extra level of excitement as it will TRULY be a special event throughout. Think of it less like Wrestlemania, King of the Ring, Backlash, etc. and think of it more like special presentation; often with it's own feel, own viewpoint, and perspective.

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Donnie "Action" Jackson vs. Matthew Keith


Keith still can't buy a win since his return.


"The Latin Dream" Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Torment


Torment's belt isn't on the line and Marquez is rising up the ranks


Acid/Mainstream Hernandez/Citizen X vs. Johnny Vicious/OTA/KAZUMA


I'll go against the grain here and say that the faces win, I reckon you want to hold off another Acid-Vicious showdown for at least another few weeks.


"Peerless" Greg Black vs. "The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez


The Lone Wolf gets the win in his debut as Greg Black's slump in form continues.

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Great to see some people throwing their predictions out there. I know that, by doing so, you're not winning anything, or gaining anything on your end, but I truly appreciate the time you put into a small gesture like that. In a way, it shows me that I have some consistent readers still interested in the DOA story. For a second there, with the rise of BigPapa42's amazing re-development of the SWF, I thought all my readers had gone elsewhere. While I know I can't compete with his legacy, name, and awesome insight as a booker, I was hoping that I could stay afloat. haha. Sounds sad, I'm sure. I'm not looking for a pitty parade just was relaying what I was feeling I guess.


Either way, Thank you!! "Cyber Clash" is due up in the next few days as I continue to write Episode #4 of "Rapid Assault".


DAVE vs DOA would rule!


I'm glad to know you like the idea as well!


The notion came to mind as I started to realize the obvious tension forming between the DOA figures and the former DaVE Icons. With that said, I'm not 100% sure how I would want it to be laid out. I have some ideas; however, need to sort it through first before it would ever see the light of day. Overall, while it wouldn't necessarily be a DOA production, but rather an Arcadia production, certain storylines may continue onto the show even though it's not under a traditional PPV framework.


In the end, I don't plan on ever using the PPV's as month-to-month storyline breakers; to be honest. Instead, something like this idea, DaVE vs. DOA, is more apt to what you can expect in the future. This way, some storylines may continue inward from the DOA; however, the event will stand-alone; on it's own in a way.





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I really, look forward to Cyber Clash as it seems to me as the perfect partner to RRRRRRRapid Assault, it seems more relaxed and less intense and really compliments the full on, anything can happen fast paced nature of RRRRRRapid Assault, which by the way you are doing a great job with (the pace and insensity which I presume you are going for, actually not sure intense is the right word, is it?) I find it more relaxing and a sort of light reading.


I'd like to know do you like the more relaxed side of writing he web show, like if you right one of the amazingly descriptive, perfectly crafted 'scenes' of RRRRRapid Assault (they seems like scenes to me more than angles, which in a TV show is great, I think it's the way you set the scene before hand rather than just saying, We are backstage, you will intricately describe it) does it feel like a nice outlet to just give a character some time to develop without having to link it all together?


note: This message is all over the place I hope you get what I'm saying/asking

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I really, look forward to Cyber Clash as it seems to me as the perfect partner to RRRRRRRapid Assault, it seems more relaxed and less intense and really compliments the full on, anything can happen fast paced nature of RRRRRRapid Assault, which by the way you are doing a great job with (the pace and insensity which I presume you are going for, actually not sure intense is the right word, is it?) I find it more relaxing and a sort of light reading.


I think 'Intense' is a fair assessment for "Rapid Assault". The DOA, in it's most basic form, is exactly that; Intense. From the action in the ring, to the scenarios (or scenes as you say; which is a great viewpoint) backstage, my main goal is to create a blitz of entertainment. It's fast-paced, somewhat reckless, while also bringing an in-depth way of storytelling. In a way, it feels more like a 'dramatic action film' versus a standard wrestling show.


This may not register with everyone, as some may not like such a presentation, but I really feel like this could be the new avenue for Pro Wrestling programs; embracing the entertainment aspect yet delivering a gripping, action-like movie, presentation that couples the excitement of Pro Wrestling, the impacting sight of athletic 'sport', and the depth of a TV/Movie-like storyline.


I hope that makes sense. ha.


As it pertains to "Cyber Clash", it certainly is a lighter read than "Rapid Assault". Luckily, for me, it allows me the ability to focus on some lesser-known wrestlers; giving them their moment in the sun within the confines of internet-based webisodes. It may be shorter in nature, something that most may be more apt to read, but it's quickly becoming a favorite of mine during Season II.


I'd like to know do you like the more relaxed side of writing he web show, like if you right one of the amazingly descriptive, perfectly crafted 'scenes' of RRRRRapid Assault (they seems like scenes to me more than angles, which in a TV show is great, I think it's the way you set the scene before hand rather than just saying, We are backstage, you will intricately describe it) does it feel like a nice outlet to just give a character some time to develop without having to link it all together?


I really do enjoy the condensed writing style of "Cyber Clash", mostly because it's a quicker process; however, I am a sucker for the drawn-out writing style of "Rapid Assault" more. To me, I write dynasties because I enjoy fleshing out characters, creating a tone, and telling a wide-range of stories. "Rapid Assault", or at least the way it's written and presented, allows me more opportunities to do such things.


Then again, "Cyber Clash", and the condensed presentation, is something that I value as well. As I said, it's much quicker, much cleaner in a way, and much more reader-friendly (from a 'quick read' perspective).


Sometimes I wonder if more people would read my work if it were more like "Cyber Clash" and less like "Rapid Assault"; however, I don't know if I could do such a thing without feeling like I was cheating the process. I'm long winded in life, often focused on details, so why should it be any different in my writing? haha.


In the end, I don't know if I necessarily enjoy one of the two styles better than the other. In reality, I'm lucky as they both give me the opportunity to explore different routes each 'game week'. If I had to 100% place my love in one corner I guess it would have to be with the "Rapid Assault" approach. As a writer, I'd much rather develop a point finitely than leave a sense of ambiguity around what is to be though, expected, felt, and sensed. Overall, I want for the reader to feel as if they are watching the show themselves; going through each feeling as it happens on screen.



note: This message is all over the place I hope you get what I'm saying/asking


I better understand 'all over the place'. ha. It's my most natural form of perceiving the world.

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Cannonball Funk and Silver Shark

… “The DOA needs a Hero”; A budding Alliance? …

“Cyber Clash” opens in a skit-based fashion as the ‘funkster himself’, Cannonball Funk, is shown conversing with the overtly cartoonish DOA newcomer, Silver Shark, deep within the locker room area. Despite coming into the conversation rather late, as both men appear to have been talking for a bit now, it’s quite understood what their impromptu pow-wow is all about: The DOA needing a ‘hero’ to stand up to Tyler’s oppressive regime. In the end, Funk projects that he believes he, and Shark, could form such a faction; one dedicated to stopping “The Voice of Reason’s” reign of Terror. Sadly, Shark appears to be somewhat leery of the idea; hemming and hawing in a comical fashion as the scene comes to a ‘cliff-hanger-like’ ending.


Grade: E+


Sara Silver:
Tension is flaring in the DOA; there’s no denying this. That’s why, I believe, we’re starting to see small pockets of individuals scheming together; looking to overthrow whoever they perceive as ‘the problem’ while Deadly Overloaded Action continues to suffer. Could this be a new alliance within the fold? Will Silver Shark accept Cannonball Funks’ offer? I guess we’ll have to wait and see…




Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow vs. The Prophet

[singles Match]

The Prophet makes his “Cyber Clash”, and all-together DOA, debut with the opening match of tonight’s webisode. Almost instantly, as he is thrust upon the ‘dead-heads’ awaiting for “Rapid Assault” to start, the feverish crowd is heard relaying a relatively mixed reaction in his favor; a fact that continues throughout the match. While in the ring, Matty Sparrow eventually takes the full support of the slightly intoxicated masses; standing as the obvious favorite despite the ‘flashy new car smell’ of the debuting Prophet. In the end, despite being highlighted on “Cyber Clash” for the past few weeks with unsettling promos about ‘Program-wide wars’, Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow proves to be too much for the philosophical enigma; pinning him shortly after executing his signature “Testicular Thrasher” (Kick to the groin; DDT combo).


Matty Sparrow defeats the Prophet in 4:16 via the “Testicular Thrasher” (Kick to the groin; DDT combo).

Grade: D


Sara Silver:
Do you think the Prophet witnessed his own loss in his head previously?
[Laughs; trying to temper it though]
I’m sorry. That’s not professional of me. It won’t happen again.
[Quickly attempts to ‘lace back up’]
Despite weeks of anticipation, The Prophet simply wasn’t lucky enough to walk away with a debut victory here on “Cyber Clash”. Then again, it’s not like he was facing off against a relative nobody. I mean, Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow is considered, by many, to still be a major player in the DOA landscape. Realistically, despite having an intriguing set of philosophical skills, he was fighting an up-hill-battle against someone of Sparrow’s stature.




Cannonball Funk vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell
w/ Violet

[singles Match]

It’s quite obvious that the ‘dead-heads’ love Cannonball Funk. His over-the-top mannerisms, his ultra-smooth demeanor, and his out-of-your-mind dancing, is something very hard to dislike; to be honest. With this in mind, the raving Dungeon goers relay the larger-than-life Funk-Star with an unwavering show of support; a fact that leaves Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell with the counter-opposite form of response. Sadly, for those who consider themselves ‘Funk Fans’, Cannonball Funk is shown to have too much to keep up with. Teddy’s explosive style is enough to keep any figure at bay; however, the addition of Violet adds a wealth-more of hellish cr@p. In the end, with the vile b*tch’s help, Powell is seen overcoming the beloved Funkster; executing his signature “Path to Redemption” (Sit-Down Tombstone Piledriver) upon the overwhelmed fan-favorite.


Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell defeats Cannonball Funk in 6:52 via a “Path to Redemption” (Sit-down Piledriver). Violet’s interference also helped Powell in the end.

Grade: D


Sara Silver:
At this point, I think the ‘Powers that be’ should book Powell and Violet in 2-on-1 matches in the future. I mean, at every point, Violet is expected to interfere on behalf of Powell. Each week, every match, the outcome is quite the same. Can Powell win on his own? Most certainly; he’s proven this to be true countless times before. However, at this point, it appears that he’s using Violet as somewhat of a crutch? A crutch that is proving to be successful; that said. Either way, it looks like Cannonball Funk will have to live to fight another day; as tonight… Wait a minute… I don’t think this one is quite done yet… The bell has rung, signifying the end of their altercation, but that doesn’t’ seem to be appeasing Teddy Powell…




Cannonball Funk, Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell + Violet, and Silver Shark

… “The Great-White Calvary”; An alliance is born …

As the bell is rung repeatedly in a frantic fashion, signifying that the match is officially done and calls for no more violence, Teddy Powell is seen continuing his assault upon Cannonball Funk in a harsh-fashion. Meanwhile, as this continues to persist, Violet is seen adding into the mix; yelling violently in the fallen Funk’s direction as she appears to be enraged that Powell has, yet again, been left off “Rapid Assault”. In a way, Powell’s attack looks more based upon frustration than anything else; showing a level of aggression suited only to those who feel they’ve been shamed in some fashion recently. Shockingly, as the menacing duo continues their one-sided war, Silver Shark is seen speeding through the Dungeon Gateway!


The crowd erupts with the sight of the underwater hero infiltrating the squared circle; knowing that he must be here to show his unwavering support for his new ally. Within a few seconds, the assault in question is halted; Cannonball Funk is allowed to breathe for a split-second as he winces in pain immensely. In the end, as Powell and Violet are seen back peddling up the rampway, still fuming over their feelings of being ‘left-behind’ than anything else, Silver Shark is shown standing at his fallen-friend’s side; standing guard as he checks on Funk’s injuries.


Grade: D-


Sara Silver:
There appears to be a new alliance here in Deadly Overloaded Action; one that pits Silver Shark & Cannonball Funk as fighters with a collective goal: toppling Eric Tyler’s regime! I have to say, in all my time here in the DOA, this combination is, quite possibly, the craziest combination of personas I’ve ever seen!
Here’s hoping that their unique tone is as successful against “the Voice of Reason” as it was against Teddy Powell, and Violet, here tonight!
Either way, that is a question to be answered at a later day; for, right now, “Cyber Clash” has come to a close! Thank you all for watching & stay tuned for next week as we invade your computer screen once again!










<hr color="black">
DOA: "Cyber Clash" is a web-based program uploaded to the DOA's website on Wednesday following the taping for "Rapid Assault" on tuesday (the night before said post). The footage for this webisode is taken from the 'dark matches/angles' that are booked before the official opening of "Rapid Assault" & is used as another way to relay wrestling entertainment through the usage of modern media; which is something that a Network-run wrestling promotion would look to utilize in my mind.
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