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Arcadia presents... Deadly Overloaded Action || "Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!"

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I really, look forward to Cyber Clash as it seems to me as the perfect partner to RRRRRRRapid Assault, it seems more relaxed and less intense and really compliments the full on, anything can happen fast paced nature of RRRRRRapid Assault, which by the way you are doing a great job with (the pace and insensity which I presume you are going for, actually not sure intense is the right word, is it?) I find it more relaxing and a sort of light reading.


Seconded. I've always been a sucker for B-Shows and giving the lesser lights of a promotion competitive matches. Cyber Clash has been the perfect platform for that, allowing you to float some new characters and gimmicks (like Ash Campbell) without seeing them consumed in the ongoing warfare that is Rapid Assault. It's also the perfect balance between the immersive read that is Rapid Assault.


Speaking of Rapid Assault, I loved the last show. As has been mentioned, somewhat sad to see The Elder Statesman put out to pasture, but he's the most expendible of the group and really put over how intolerant Eric Tyler's regime has become to failure and weakness. In fact, I think you took Tyler's character to the next level with not only that, but the decimation of Nemesis... added to the intriguing bait that Tyler himself is following orders from a higher source. The Nemesis beatdown itself reminded me how good you are at delivering dramatic and significant set-pieces, although I still retain that the mystery attack on Richard Eisen in your short-lived SWF dynasty was your best written. Also, it's nice to see the Moral Majority fully intergrated into ATKM, a relationship that's been teased at since the very first show of Season 1.


I'm keen to see what you have planned Gonzalez, although I wish Antonio Maxi Marquez hadn't been the one to benefit from his appearance. For some reason, Marquez's character does nothing for me. I can't put my finger on why exactly, he's certainly not badly written, I just don't want to see him unless he's fed to the Insane Machine or Greg Black.


All in all, an awesome read as always and worth waiting for.


Oh and you're using my Matthew Keith re-render. That's cool. ;)

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<p>Ooh Sebs, How I love thee... <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">(You're an awesome contributor to my projects; as you really dive into it! A writer's best audience. </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-size:8px;"> )</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sebsplex" data-cite="sebsplex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29363" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Seconded. I've always been a sucker for B-Shows and giving the lesser lights of a promotion competitive matches. Cyber Clash has been the perfect platform for that, allowing you to float some new characters and gimmicks (like Ash Campbell) without seeing them consumed in the ongoing warfare that is Rapid Assault. It's also the perfect balance between the immersive read that is Rapid Assault.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm a sucker for B shows as well; as it gives you the ability to see the lesser known talent attempt to make something out of themselves. In my past DOA project, I really wanted something like this; so, I'm quite happy to have "cyber clash" part of this go-around. </p><p> </p><p> This way, I can give myself more time to focus on the newcomers & attempt to hone how I want them to look, sound, and act-like. The generalization of the writing style with "Cyber Clash" also stands as a great warm-up to writing "Rapid Assault" (which takes much more of my time, effort, and focus). </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sebsplex" data-cite="sebsplex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29363" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Speaking of Rapid Assault, I loved the last show. As has been mentioned, somewhat sad to see The Elder Statesman put out to pasture, but he's the most expendible of the group and really put over how intolerant Eric Tyler's regime has become to failure and weakness. In fact, I think you took Tyler's character to the next level with not only that, but the decimation of Nemesis... added to the intriguing bait that Tyler himself is following orders from a higher source. The Nemesis beatdown itself reminded me how good you are at delivering dramatic and significant set-pieces, although I still retain that the mystery attack on Richard Eisen in your short-lived SWF dynasty was your best written. Also, it's nice to see the Moral Majority fully intergrated into ATKM, a relationship that's been teased at since the very first show of Season 1.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's awesome that you remember as far back as the 1st show of Season I. Honestly, That's really really great to see! It's true, The Moral Majority has always been half-in-the-door; as it pertains to an alliance with Mr. Tyler. At this point now, as Season II started, I really wanted to make them the catalyst of the "Death-Defying Duo Division"; so, it seemed realistic to have them finally jump aboard with Tyler. I guess we'll see how it goes. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the Mr. Eisen attack of my short-lived SWF project. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> It was a fun one to write; so, I'm glad it hopped off your screen in the process. </p><p> </p><p> As for Elder Statesman, he was needed in which to push Tyler's 'colder-sense'. I really wanted things to evolve from Last Season; with Tyler's evolution being Key to the overall story I'm looking to convey.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sebsplex" data-cite="sebsplex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29363" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm keen to see what you have planned Gonzalez, although I wish Antonio Maxi Marquez hadn't been the one to benefit from his appearance. For some reason, Marquez's character does nothing for me. I can't put my finger on why exactly, he's certainly not badly written, I just don't want to see him unless he's fed to the Insane Machine or Greg Black.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Entirely understandable. Not every character will go over well (as funny enough, Champagne Lover didn't go over with everyone during Season one as "El Dragon Dorado". ha). </p><p> </p><p> As you'll come to find, He will CERTAINLY have a lot of scenarios intertwined with Machine (as we've seen; and will continue to see) and Greg Black (which everything between them will change pretty drastically). </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sebsplex" data-cite="sebsplex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29363" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>All in all, an awesome read as always and worth waiting for.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you, Sebs. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> It's much appreciated. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sebsplex" data-cite="sebsplex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29363" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Oh and you're using my Matthew Keith re-render. That's cool. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's an amazing re-render, Sebs. Honestly, You do great work!</p>
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Name of the Episode:
“Rat in a cage…”

Episodic number:
Season II – Episode #4

Nemesis, Eric Tyler, Greg Black, Shawn Gonzalez.

A short synopsis of the Episode:
Some claim that life is a constant barrage of random events; that nothing is ever planned & all happens simply through coincidence. While this perspective carries a sense of validity to it, such a scenario may not be entirely true within the realm of Deadly Overloaded Action. Brought here in which to challenge “The Voice of Reason’s” self-indulgent reign, Nemesis has been forced through a gamut of psychologically trying scenarios; all seemingly orchestrated by an unknown ‘higher power’. This week, on “Rapid Assault”, the mystery continues to thicken as many are left with the undying question: Who is, seemingly, out to get Nemesis & how do they have Mr. Tyler under their control?









… “Injured & ready for a fight”; Searching for Eric Tyler …


[His body is marred with cuts, deep-colored bruises, and a smattering of loosely bandaged gashes; still gushing small amounts of blood as if the wounds were still somewhat fresh. A man, if not a Legend, that many have come to perceive as ‘unbreakable’ looks to be exactly that: Broken. Regardless of this philosophical shift of perception, Nemesis projects a narrative entirely new to his existence: that of a Victim.]




[His staggering step tells of a proud man looking to hide the obvious injuries he still carries with him; unable to entirely pretend like he’s at a 100% all together. Meanwhile, the unsettling sound of a barbed-wire laced baseball bat dragging on the cold cement behind him, fused by reckless intent in his right hand, creates the eerie ideal that the Hardcore Revolutionary has returned to “Rapid Assault” looking for a fight.]


[Huffing; staggering]


[He yells violently; barely able to walk; however, hell-bent on extracting revenge from the heinous attack he suffered last week. As expected, there’s no sight of “The Voice of Reason”; just Nemesis forging forward with an ocean-sized sense of rage willing his body into action despite the injuries he’s suffered recently.]


[in the end, as Nemesis struggles to walk, let alone yell in between the aggressive huffing heard spewing forth from his bloodied lips, the overall narrative has cemented itself into your brain: he may not be 100% but the Wrestling Legend, Nemesis, is here to obtain a violent sense of revenge!]


Grade: B-




[Keeping with the current trend of shortened opening credits, as it pertains to the modern-based TV program, we are quickly presented this combustible image. The flaming circle appears in a roaring fashion; encompassing your TV screen as it continues to project an unruly nature. Meanwhile, the DOA: “Rapid Assault” name shortly follows; standing in a suicidal display of dancing within said flames. All in all, this segment only lasts for a matter of 5 seconds altogether. Enough in which to stimulate the deepest part of your ‘blood-thirsty’ psyche; pining for the anarchistic, highly volcanic, war-like, mentality that has become synonymous with Deadly Overloaded Action.]

Davis Ditterich:
We’re sorry for the abrupt opening this week, ladies and gentlemen, but welcome to DOA “R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAPIP ASSAULT”! I am Davis Ditterich, and along side me is my partner in crime, the ‘smoothest cat in all of Pro Wrestling’, Carl Batch!!

[Carl smirks; dipping his head slightly in a “thank you” kind of fashion]

Davis Ditterich:
Normally, at this time, we would set up what was coming up tonight; however, such hype isn’t really the main focus right now!! Nemesis has returned to the DOA Dungeon; just one week after being violently assaulted by “All the Kings Men”! I can’t believe me eyes… I mean, I knew he would return but… wow… He looks to be in terrible shape.

Carl Batch:
Nothing would stop him from showing up, Dee. That’s just his nature; he’s practically ‘unbreakable’. That said, you’re right… He looks absolutely terrible. I don’t think, in all my years around him, that I’ve ever seen Nemesis this bad off… Those wounds, even after a week, look to be just as fresh as the night he got them!

Davis Ditterich:
I guess revenge has made him blind to his detraining health. I mean, he can’t be anywhere near 100%; 30% is my guess, honestly. What does he plan to do once he gets ahold of Tyler, or his men for that matter? I’m not sure he has enough strength left to even put up a fight…

Carl Batch:
Trust me, he has enough strength. After witnessing this man for years, I’ve come to NEVER bet against Nemesis; he always finds a way to put up a fight even if he’s struggling to stay upright. Plus, did you SEE the weapon at his side?
That’s enough to get the job done right there…

Davis Ditterich:
We’ll keep an eye on this for you folks, as I’m sure SOMETHING is bound to happen pretty shortly; however, for now, it appears that Sara Silver has the “Peerless” one, Greg Black, ready for comment about tonight’s Main Event!

[Looks into the lens as if he’s reaching out to Sara; himself]

Davis Ditterich:
Take it away, Sara…




Sara Silver and “Peerless” Greg Black

… “Tackling instant hatred”; Promo based on Shawn Gonzalez


[We seamlessly transition backstage as we witness the DOA’s resident investigative journalist, Sara Silver, standing with the explosively popular, “Peerless” Greg Black, before a rusted, grunge-like, backdrop. While their mannerisms are quite contrasting, Silver possessing her trademark ‘iron-wit’ along side Black’s permeating arrogance, they’ve come together in which to tackle Greg Black’s most recent disdain for the former DaVE wrestler, and newest member of the DOA, “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez. Within seconds after the scenario shifting to their focus, Sara quickly takes hold of the situation-at-hand; starting the interview in a manner that projects her as ‘relatively in-control’.]


Sara Silver:
Thank you, Davis.
[Nods slightly; in a confident, yet stern, fashion.]
I’m here with one of most impressive athletes in DOA history, and the man who often finds himself in the middle of every chaotic scenario, the one-and-only, as his name states,… “Peerless” … Greg Black!!!




[The ‘dead-heads’ in attendance, watching this on one of the many HD projection screens around the DOA “Dungeon”, erupt with a sense of excitement; making it quite obvious that they truly support the former ‘Supreme Standout’. In return, such a response inspires the veteran flier to crack a smug smirk upon his face; showing that he certainly is buying into his own legacy.]


Sara Silver:
Now Greg, many around the DOA are wondering where your head is at right now. I mean, last week, you showed a momentary lapse of focus; something that not only kept you from victory but also made you look rather weak in the end. So, as you can expect, I HAVE to ask you the million-dollar question… What is it about Shawn Gonzalez that pulled your attention away from the match-up against “The Latin Dream”? I guess what I’m trying to say is… What’s so polarizing about Gonzalez that pushed you to lose focus?


[Greg Black is shown rolling his eyes briefly; snickering to himself. Soon thereafter, the “Peerless” one is heard giving his side of the story wrapped within an arrogant tone.]


”Peerless” Greg Black:
Shawn Gonzalez doesn’t belong here in Deadly Overloaded Action; it’s as simple as that.
[stares into the camera; looking at the lens over the bridge of his designer shades]
This isn’t DaVE; he can’t expect to walk into the Dungeon, the warzone I helped to develop, and expect for us all to bow-down to his presence. Honestly, When is this going to end?
[Laughs to himself in disbelief]
First it was Tyler, Acid, and Powell. Then came the so-called ‘shocking debut’ of Nemesis; that was bad-enough between all of them.. But now, we have, yet another, DaVE reject attempting to take over OUR company.
[shakes his head]
Lets just say, I’m tired of being annoyed; it’s time to take action…


[shortly following Greg’s statement drenched in frustration, Sara Silver is seen appearing as if she’s itching to ask a follow question. In the end, she’s granted the opportunity as the “Peerless” one stares aggressively into the camera lens before him; glaringly projecting his brewing hatred for the insurgence of former DaVE wrestlers as of late.]


Sara Silver:
I get that you feel that the DaVE additions to the DOA may be threatening your TV-time here on “Rapid Assault” but why focus your attention on Shawn Gonzalez? I mean, he’s not the first one to come swinging through; as you said.


[Greg Black shakes his head slowly again; rolling his eyes in the process.]


”Peerless” Greg Black:
He may not be the first but he’ll certainly be the last.
[Pauses; looks over at Sara]
He’s was the final straw that broke the camel’s back; now, I’ll see to it that he’s made into an example… Here… Tonight…


[Just then, as it seems like the segment is coming to a close, Greg Black is shown reacting in an uncharacteristic fashion; staring past the camera lens with a sense of fury upon his face. Within a few seconds, as the camera man slowly pans out, we witness the sight of “The Lone Wolf” standing a good 6 feet away from the “Peerless” one. In turn, this explains why Black appears to be suddenly fuming; as if from nowhere.]



”The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez

... “Appearing as if from nowhere”; Abruptly interjecting …


[Almost instantly, the two competitors are seen stepping nose-to-nose with one another. Meanwhile, Sara Silver is seen back peddling out of the way; obviously afraid of what may come to pass. After a few seconds pass, Greg Black is heard relaying a threatening statement directed at “The Lone Wolf”; who literally stands within inches of his face.]


”Peerless” Greg Black:
I stand by my statement…
Before tonight ends, You’ll be lying face-down on the canvas; the victim of a “Black Out”… I promise you that…


[Often quiet, and somewhat off Standish in every form, Shawn Gonzalez opts not to verbally respond; instead, standing his ground as if to say he’s unafraid of such a threat. None the less, the segment comes to a close with the tense vision of both competitors staring eachother down in an aggressive fashion; seemingly seconds, or a wayward statement, away from embarking upon a violent, uncontrollable, brawl.]


Grade: C


Davis Ditterich:
DOA security should break this one up before it gets ugly!

Carl Batch:
Why, Dee? I’d love to see these two tear into eachother before tonight!

Davis Ditterich:
But what about the main event? What if one of them injures the other? We could be without a final match-up?

Carl Batch:
We’ll face that problem if it comes, I wanna see these cats beat the holy-hell out of one another! I can’t wait for the Main Event!

Davis Ditterich:
The tension is so thick you cut it with a knife, ladies and gentlemen!
[Laughs; excited]
Good God, I can’t wait for their match-up tonight!




Donnie “Action” Jackson vs. Matthew Keith

[singles Match]


The opening match of the night further-perpetuates the age-old-narrative of Arrogance vs. Cold-minded Skill. For decades, this exact story has been told far-and-wide; often with the same outcome. In this case, while most would expect arrogance to often win out in a TV-based program, that certainly isn’t the case.


Donnie explodes rather quickly; attempting to live up to his “Action” tag-name straight away. Sadly, for the “Cyber Clash” mainstay, Jackson finds himself teetering toward reckless rather quickly. That said, Matthew Keith quickly takes hold of the situation at hand; standing as the ‘rock’ of the altercation as he quickly capitalizes on his opponents mistakes. In the end, his approach proves to be successful as Keith, eventually, forces Donnie to painfully submit while locked within Keith’s signature, “Proton Lock”!


Matthew Keith defeats Donnie “Action” Jackson in 3:28 via a “Proton Lock” submission.

Grade: E+


Davis Ditterich:
Well… Matthew made quick work of Donnie Jackson.
[Chuckles to himself]

Carl Batch:
Yea, I guess the only thing ‘Action’ coming from Donnie Jackson is the process of lying flat on his back.
[Chuckles in return]
Great win for Keith, though. This cat really continues to impress.

Davis Ditterich:
He certainly does. Matthew Keith has a bright future here in Deadly Overloaded Action; that’s for sure!





… “Restraining a Legend”; Backstage argument with the local police …


[The camera lens shakes in an unpolished fashion; creating the notion that, whatever we are about to witness, is being projected as unexpected. None the less, as the footage becomes much clearer in nature, stripping away the limiting haze originally brought on by an unfocused lens, we are force-fed the unsettling image of Nemesis shuffling like a mad-man through the loading dock of the DOA Dungeon.]


[The eerie sound of barbed wire scraping across cement continues to project in the background; a fact brought forth by the barbed-wired-laced baseball bat that Nemesis currently drags loosely beside him. With this notion, coupled with the vicious snarl already formed upon his face, we’ve come to understand what may come next: a bloody, life-threatening, brawl that could eventually take anyone as it’s inevitable victim.]




[He continues to huff loudly as he staggers gradually through the loading dock; physically stammering as it’s quite obvious that he’s extremely injured. Regardless of this, the Hardcore Revolutionary appears to be fixated on revenge!]




[Just as he projects the word ‘Afraid’, Nemesis is shown willing every last inch of strength in his body in which to slam the barbed-wire-laced baseball bat into a nearby car door; shattering said window in a way that appears more like an explosion than a simple break. Without skipping a beat, the Wrestling Legend continues to forge toward the main backstage hallway of the DOA Dungeon; acting almost as if, what he had just done, didn’t happen.]


[it all seemed a little too crazy for any ‘sane’ individual. Nemesis had seemingly ‘fallen off his rocker’ after the assault last week; a fact that continues to be driven by the obvious lack of recognition within his eyes. In his mind, he was fixated on revenge and revenge alone. Realistically, he may not even know where he is right now; simply acting out in routine than actually being aware of his surroundings.]


[shockingly enough, this scenario doesn’t end here. Actually, it becomes a lot worse… and I mean… A lot worse…]




[Just as Nemesis is seen staggering forward, a slew of cop cars are shown speeding into the very same loading dock in which Nemesis stands. To no one’s shock, The Wrestling Legend looks as if he doesn’t’ even realize their there; instead, continuing toward, where he believes, Mr. Tyler may be. For the next 30 seconds or so, the LAPD officers are heard yelling aggressively in Nemesis’s direction; attempting to subdue the situation at hand in a diplomatic fashion.]


LAPD Cop #1:


[Again, Nemesis does little to show that he’s aware of such a situation. Instead, he continues to stagger his way through the very same loading area; muttering to himself in a chaotic fashion.]


LAPD Cop #2:


[something resonates with Nemesis for a second, forcing him to slowly spin around and focus upon the wall of cops before him. That said, it’s not like he takes lightly to the situation what so ever. Instead, much like a cornered tiger, hungry for blood, Nemesis attempts to lash out at the LAPD themselves; obviously showing that he’s no longer ‘coherent’ to say the least. While Nemesis has been known to be quite anarchistic, this takes his anti-authority complex to a whole new level. Realistically, to anyone who has come to know Nemesis, this scenario shows the true nature of his condition: He’s broken on many levels.]


[With their guns drawn, the LAPD watches on as Nemesis wildly swings his barbed-wire-baseball bat like a hell-bent madman; slamming said weapon into nearby objects in a fit of rage. In the end, Nemesis even slams the bat into the front of one of their cars; shattering a light in the process. As expected, such a strike causes the LAPD officers to act; swiftly tackling the Wrestling Legend from behind as he shockingly spins around as if to walk away. Expecting somewhat of a fight, the first officer is shown slamming a nightstick straight into the back of Nemesis’s leg; collapsing his frame to the cement below. Within seconds, despite attempting to fight them off like a dying bull, Nemesis is handcuffed & forced back to his feet by a number of police officers; all growing rather tired of their perps mindless actions.]


[Tries to wrestle himself free]
[Pushes his chest on high; yelling one last time]




[With that, Nemesis is violently shoved into the backseat of a waiting police car; a fact that only enrages the Wrestling Legend that much more. With Nemesis throwing a temper-tantrum in the back of the squad car, the LAPD race back into the night; speeding off as their lights illuminate the blanketing darkness. Just as chaotic as it had all started, it had all come to a similar end. All with the notion that Nemesis is neither physically, or mentally, healthy at this point; forced into such a mind-bending state of psychosis by Eric Tyler & “All the Kings Men”.]


[in the end, as it looks like the scene has come to a close, we are subjected to an additional scenario within the craziness we just witnessed…]


[As the camera man pans out, we now witness “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler standing with an unknown ally; their backs turned the camera lens as they appear to have been there for quite some time.]



”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler & ????

… “Adding mystery to the fold”; Talking backstage …


When did you call the cops?


[says the mysterious person at Tyler’s side; the tone of his voice sounding much like The Guru’s]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
I didn’t…


[A plume of cigarette smoke rises from the other side of Tyler’s body. Meanwhile, the mysterious figure next to him ganders over toward him; taking a second before relaying his next question with a sense of confusion permeating from within.]


Well, if you didn’t… Who did?


[silence follows as the mysterious figure continues to stare upon “The Voice of Reason”; obviously confused as you read his body language. Then, after it seems like forever, wondering if he would ever answer his question, “The Voice of Reason” is heard adding an additional level of confusion to the mix; blowing forth another plume of smoke in the process.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
They did…


[With that, the scene comes to a mysterious close; one where we are left with the consistent question as of late: Who is ‘They’? None the less, the answer would not be derived here; instead, the scene slowly fades to black with the vision of Eric Tyler staring upon the area where Nemesis had just been arrested; motionless outside of the occasional cigarette drag.]


Grade: C


Davis Ditterich:
Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologize for what you just witnessed there. John “Nemesis” Campbell is a Legend of this ‘sport’; no doubt. However, his actions tonight do not coincide with what you would expect from someone of his stature.

Carl Batch:
Yea, wow… I’ve never seen this cat so bent before. I mean, yea, he’s been fired up before but this is something totally different. Did you see his eyes? I don’t know if he was ‘on something’ or just that far gone. Either way, there’s a lot of damage control coming in the near future for the DOA…

Davis Ditterich:
Well, for tonight, it looks like John is on his way to LA county Jail; where he’ll spend a night, hopefully, coming down from his psychosis. For his sake, and for our sake, I hope he comes to a speedy recovery & regains his composure sooner than later. I’m sure the Network will try to keep him off the program until we know he’s 100% percent… Or atleast, you would hope they would do so.

Carl Batch:
What was up with the end there, though? If Eric Tyler didn’t call the cops, then who did? Who is he talking about; the ones who actually did inform the police of Nemesis’s tirade?

Davis Ditterich:
I’m not sure but it does go along with what we saw last week from “The Voice of Reason”, remember? He practically pushed Nemesis to the brink of insanity in their altercation before the Main Event & then turned to his cell phone in which to relay the message of his crazed nature. Something’s up here, Batch… I don’t know what it is but I’m sure I don’t like it…

Carl Batch:
Straight up, Dee. This doesn’t feel right for some reason…




Sara Silver and Johnny Vicious ©

… “Badgering the Champ”; Impromptu Interview attempt …


[The crystal-clear camera lens shakes rather frantically as we are presented an up-close shot of the embattled DOA Champion, Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious, storming his way through an undisclosed backstage hallway in the depths of the DOA Dungeon. With time, as the footage becomes more stable-in-nature, at least from a viewpoint perspective, it’s shown that the DOA’s resident investigative journalist, Sara Silver, follows intently behind; obviously coming at him in stern fashion as she continues to do what she does best: Get the straight answer from anyone & everyone. As expected, as we’ve come to see thus far, Johnny Vicious isn’t all that open to such inquisitive grilling; shown storming away from her as he projects a sadistic snarl upon his hardened, red-facial-hair infested, face.]


Sara Silver:
Johnny… Johnny…


[she trails closely behind; interjecting as it’s quite obvious that the DOA Champion wants nothing to do with her, or her line of questioning for that matter.]


Sara Silver:
Why did you walk out on Nemesis last week on “Rapid Assault”? He put his neck on the line for you…


[Vicious continues to ignore her; storming forward with the very same snarl upon his face]


Sara Silver:
Doesn’t that mean anything to you? Hasn’t he shown you enough to warrant some respect?


[The camera lens catches Vicious growing increasingly annoyed with the constant badgering; relaying this fact with an, even more, agitated snarl upon his face. In turn, with her own annoyance with the situation growing, Sara is heard interjecting one last, emotionally-laced, question; one that she knows will most likely garner some sense of a response. With her arms jetting outward in a “WTF” kind of fashion, Silver finally projects…]


Sara Silver:
Don’t you think you owe him a little respect? Even just a little…


[For a brief second, Vicious is seen stopping dead in his tracks; spinning around in an overtly aggressive manner as he snarls square in Silver’s face. At first, not expecting such an outrageous response, yet also expecting it at the same time, Sara is seen jetting backward slightly; placing her hand upon the upper part of her chest in a shocked kind of way. Shortly following an awkward stare down, Vicious finally speaks; laced within the ultra-raspy, somewhat brutish, kind of tone we’ve come to find from the often silent Champion.]


Johnny Vicious:
I owe him nothing…


[Following a predatory-like huff, Vicious spins back around in an aggressive manner; slamming violently through the doorframe before him. Meanwhile, Sara Silver is left standing alone; somewhat jarred from what had just taken place before her. Often known as the ‘truth-getter’, Silver has become quite comfortable with the roaring lights that come with a trademark fame. Regardless of whether or not this is healthy for anyone’s psyche, let-alone a serious journalist, it appears that Vicious’s stubborn, and truly aggressive, nature is something that can shake the most trusted figures within the DOA.]


Grade: C+


Davis Ditterich:
I guess it just goes to show you, If you push for too long… If you continue to pry away for an answer… You may just, about, get your head torn off.
Sara... You’re incessant questioning is what makes you the great reporter that you are; however, some people are to be left alone… Johnny Vicious…
He’s one of those guys.

Carl Batch:
I agree with him though too. Why does he owe Nemesis any respect? Truthfully, even though he’s shown to be on his side, you can’t trust anyone here in Deadly Overloaded Action. I’ve only been here for a few weeks now and even I know that.
[Chuckles to himself]
I don’t blame Vicious for not trusting Nemesis. I know the man, Nemesis that is, and I wouldn’t trust him either…

Davis Ditterich:
You think he’s pulling his chain or something? Setting him up for something?

Carl Batch:
Nah. I just don’t think Vicious really owes him much past a slight nod. Until anything changes, this is Johnny’s Kingdom. Tyler may feel it’s his. Nemesis may feel as though it’s becoming his. Hell, even Arcadia doesn’t really ‘own’ this place. The DOA Dungeon is, simply put, Johnny Vicious’s Empire.
[Pauses slightly; shrugs arrogantly]
He’s the DOA Champion…

Davis Ditterich:
I can’t argue with you there. I guess we’ll see if anything smooths over with time. I mean, if we are to keep Mr. Tyler from competently overtaking the program, we’ll need these two to be on the same page….




”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Torment

[singles Match]


Despite the menacing sight of “All the Kings Men” traveling as a unified pack, Antonio appears to stand strong with confidence; showing no signs of breaking from his typical, ultra-confident, ladies-man-esque, personality we’ve come to expect. With most, such a vision would eventually break your psyche, bringing forth a sense of fear derived from the land sliding numbers game before them; however, Marquez appears to be separated from most. Regardless of his unwavering confidence, the obvious truth is that the “Latin Dream” is now waging an uphill battle; one that most would expect to be impossible.


As the match slowly progresses, Mr. Tyler is shown leaning heavily upon the canvas before him; placing his weathered hands on the ring apron as he stares upon the action much like a dedicated father would to a prized son. With this in mind, he stays rather silent throughout; only reacting verbally when he feels that HIS man is backed into an unfavorable corner. Meanwhile, the rest of “All the Kings Men” are also shown standing in silence; however, they are much less dedicated to the action when stacked up against “The Voice of Reason’s” response. None the less, the Marquez/Torment altercation appears to carry a great deal of weight underneath it all; possibly standing as, what many believe to be, a ‘proving ground match’ as Tyler continues to emphasize dominance over others in the DOA.


The action between the ropes tells of the consummate clash between extreme arrogance (Marquez) vs. harsh, silent, violence (Torment). As many have come to expect in the DOA, those who are most silent have often been dubbed as the most deadly. That said, Antonio Maxi Marquez does his best to curve such a perception; executing ever maneuver with an added sense of confidence; however, also showing that such an approach, that of flashy, self-centered, combat, can be deemed as ‘deadly’ as well. Either way, neither competitor really feels as if they are in firm control as a true ‘open nature’ takes hold from the start; creating a sense of seamless drama as either man could come away with the win at anytime.




In the end, sadly, we are unfortunate enough NOT to find a clear-cut winner; as Insane Machine, along with his ‘vocal leader’, The Guru, are shown tearing through the ‘dead-heads’ at ringside. In a continuation of what we’ve seen since the opening moments of Season II, Machine is shown hopping over the steel guardrail; diving into the ring as he viciously assaults the obvious fan-favorite in Antonio Maxi Marquez yet again. As expected, the very same ‘dead-heads’ that the duo just forged through, now cloak the ringside area with a heavy chorus of boos; unhappy with the fact that DOA official, Eugene Williams, has called the match a ‘DQ’ in favor of the victim; Antonio Maxi Marquez. While such an outcome brings a sense of happiness to the masses, most who are known fans of Marquez, the negative chorus seems to be rooted in their disdain for such an ending; wanting a clear cut winner in the end.


Antonio Maxi Marquez defeats Torment in 8:42 via a DQ as Insane Machine interfered; attacking Marquez straight away.

Grade: D


Davis Ditterich:
This HAS to stop!!! Insane Machine has been attacking Antonio Maxi Marquez for three weeks straight now and he’s not even under contract with Deadly Overloaded Action!!
[Obviously frustrated]
Someone needs to do something about this!!

Carl Batch:
I’m all for forcing-your-hand but Insane Machine lost fair and square at the beginning of Season II; giving Marquez the official contract and leaving him ‘high and dry’. At this point, I agree, something needs to be done to remove the Mad Machine for good!

Davis Ditterich:
Good! Here comes the DOA security…
[Quite annoyed]
Rough him up a little… Maybe that will teach him to stay away!!




Eric Tyler, Insane Machine, The Guru, and Antonio Maxi Marquez

… “Tempering his rise”; Post-match Assault …


[A theoretical wall of security guards are shown shuffling toward the ringside area as Insane Machine violently lays into his victim, Antonio Maxi Marquez, with an array of high-impact strikes. As they inch closer to the squared circle, fixated on removing Machine from the Dungeon once again, “The Voice of Reason” is seen stepping before them; putting his hand outward in which to stay ‘stop’ in an authoritative fashion. At first, confusion fills the DOA Dungeon as a general buzz begins to form…]


Davis Ditterich:
Wait… What’s going on here?
[Pauses; watches on in confusion]
Why did Mr. Tyler stop the security team from doing their job?

Carl Batch:
I don’t know, Dee, but something seems ‘off’ about all of this…


[As Insane Machine continues to lay heftily into his chosen nemesis, all the while The Guru is shown applauding his violent gesture, we are granted a tighter camera angle fixated upon “The Voice of Reason” as he continues to halt the impeding security staff. Within a matter of a few seconds, Mr. Tyler is heard relaying a shocking statement that would completely revolutionize the way we perceive the infamous Outsider duo of Insane Machine & The Guru; delivered through his trademark, overtly stern, entirely ‘cold-hearted’, nature…]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:
Their with me…


[it took only a few seconds for the security staff to understand what was being said; and in doing so, they slowly started to back-peddle away from the action. With one simple statement, all had been turned upside down. Insane Machine, and The Guru, were now ‘saved’ from judicial persecution as they were no longer outsiders… now… members of “All the Kings Men”. Seconds later, to cement this notion, “The Voice of Reason” is seen slowly spinning back around, facing the squared circle, as he flicks his handupward; relaying one final statement to his newfound allies within the squared circle.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler:


[With that, “The Voice of Reason”, and the rest of his rag-tag faction, watch forth as their newest ally, the Insane Machine, practically dismantles the surging “Latin Dream” in an un-fair, one-sided, post-match assault. Gone is the boyish smirk running across his face. Gone is the arrogant strut to his step. Gone is the playful nature that often exudes from his every step. In the end, all of that is replaced by the unsettling sight of a semi-conscious man being picked apart by a vicious ‘machine-like’ warrior. Realistically, Marquez had no real shot of regaining his composure, or coming back to even-the-score for that matter, as the Mexican-heartthrob is simply fighting an uphill battle following such a sneak attack as he’s been subjected to.]


[in the end, after a sickening Tornado DDT from the ‘Mad Machine’, the rest of “All the Kings Men”, Mr. Tyler included, are shown piling into the squared circle; embracing their newfound ally in a ‘business-as-usual’ kind of manner. Overall, the final lasting image is that of “The Latin Dream” lying face down on the canvas; motionless and obviously in dire condition. Meanwhile, Insane Machine stands over his lifeless body; having his arm raised by the very man who just saved him from, yet another, expulsion from the DOA Dungeon; “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler.]


Grade: D+


Davis Ditterich:
Are you kidding me?!?!
[Crowd is heard booing in the background]
It looks like “The Voice of Reason” has added another punk to his, privileged, ranks. This just makes me sick…

Carl Batch:
Can ANYONE even say that Mr. Tyler doesn’t run this place anymore?
Nemesis was brought in to temper his rule after the Network felt he was too one-sided and since then what have we seen? Nemesis has been assaulted, arrested, and seemingly is losing his mind. Meanwhile, “The Voice of Reason” has only added strength to his, already, dominating faction, “All the Kings Men”. I mean, this cat, Insane Machine, is one intimidating psycho!

Davis Ditterich:
Intimidating or not; We cannot stand for this! We, as a program, we cannot allow stuff like this to continue to happen. Here we have a strong, up-and-coming, newcomer within the DOA in Marquez and what happens? He’s practically beaten within an inch of his life simply for not being part of “Tyler’s Men”. This is just wrong… Damn wrong!

Carl Batch:
I agree with you, Dee, but there’s no stoppin’ this man. Marquez may be a hot new talent but he ‘aint no “Voice of Reason”.
I guess, the best thing he can do is try to find some allies and come back full-force at these guys. Maybe that’s what we need in the DOA, a group of hell-bent psychos looking to take out Mr. Tyler for his wicked ways. Will it happen? Probably not; however, we can hope I guess.

Davis Ditterich:
I just can’t wait until Marquez finally gets his hands on Insane Machine again… He beat him once before; however, this time around, it’s going to be more than just a match… It’s going to be a full-on WAR!






”All the Kings Men” (Acid, Mainstream Hernandez, and Citizen X) vs. Johnny Vicious, OTA, and KAZUMA

[3 vs. 3 - First Pinfall Rule set]

[if “All the Kings Men” Win = Acid will receive a re-match for the DOA Championship next week on “Rapid Assault”]

[if Vicious/OTA/KAZUMA Win = The Tokyo Express will received a re-match for the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships next week on “Rapid Assault”]


Tension overwhelms the ringside area.

Fury overtakes the warriors within the squared circle.

A WAR brews aggressively toward a climactic showdown.


This is the glaring truth circulating within the DOA Dungeon as the focused trios prepare for a hellacious war; one hell-bent on reclaiming what once had been theirs. Straight away, “The Voice of Reason” is shown relaying a quick battle-plan in the direction of his celebrated minions; meanwhile, housing the rest of his privileged faction at his side (most likely for an added sense of security). In turn, the other side of the ring seems far less organized as three DOA warriors do little to interact outside of their own given ally (Kazuma/Ota & Vicious by himself; as always). While “The Tokyo Express” appears to be more apt to such conversation, creating a battle-plan of their own, the DOA Champion, Johnny Vicious, seems far less interested in such a development. Instead, it seems like “The Blazing Red Demon” is acting as if he’s working alone; something that’s become rather traditional with the fiery bruiser.


The action within the ring tells of the same story: “All the Kings Men” working as a well-oiled machine as the newfound allies, using that term quite loosely, do all in their power to grind against the grain. In reality, the calming mentality of the former Death-Defying Duo Champions is quite the opposite of Vicious’s destructive nature; a fact that’s shown early on as their psychological approaches ring rather clear instantaneously.


Shockingly, well at least to some who expect Acid & Vicious to steal the show, the real combustion stands, still, between the two warring Duo’s; as the Moral Majority step forward with a great introductory showing as the newly cemented members of Mr. Tyler’s faction. With this in mind, “The Voice of Reason” is shown confidently pacing back and forth, outside of the ring, as he sporadically barks various orders in the process. More or less, it feels much more like an orchestrated war than anything else; one that calls for a General, in this case Mr. Tyler, to oversee what his ‘soldiers’ shall accomplish next. It is this unique tone that brings more of the attention upon “All the Kings Men”, and the dichotomy of their union, than the actual stipulation, theoretically, overhanging.


Following a burst of pure aggression, the DOA Champion is shown overtaking the overall momentum of the match; flooring everyone who dare cross his path in the process. As expected, such a powerful rise to action catapults the ‘dead-heads’ into an all-out state of frenzied excitement; one that rages forward until the former Champion himself, Acid, is shown tempering the newfound Champ’s rise following a cheap-shot to Vicious’s neither-region. While the sudden dubious impact does slow down the Champ, Vicious is still shown attempting to fight through the pain. Shockingly, he does a pretty good job of keeping up with Acid despite being limited in this scenario.


Shortly thereafter, everything takes a turn for the more… chaotic…




As the ‘winds of change’ continue to whirl violently, and it appears like Johnny Vicious may be on the verge of a resounding victory, “The Voice of Reason” is shown barking an impromptu battle-plan toward his minions; calling for a steel chair during this stint of aggression. After accepting the chair, Tyler is seen forcibly climbing upon the apron; then seamlessly entering the squared circle in a well-mannered kind of fashion. With a chair in hand, Eugene Williams, the DOA senior referee, is seen quickly attempting to halt such a scenario; aggressively yelling in Tyler’s direction.


While such a scenario would send most to spin around, adhering to the overall rules put in place by DOA officials, “The Voice of Reason” does nothing to show any level of respect for Williams’ position of power. Instead, Mr. Tyler is shown tapping his forehead lightly; relaying a message in the process: “Remember… It can all go away”. His statement is rather mysterious to most; however, seems to ring a chord with the DOA’s senior referee. Seconds after Tyler relays said message, Mr. Williams is shown slowly staggering away from the scenario at hand; a fact that is pushed further as Eugene reluctantly spins around… Giving Mr. Tyler an ‘open-season’ in a way.


With the senior referee under Tyler’s control seemingly, all be it reluctantly, and the rest of the competitors strewn out around the ringside area, “the Voice of Reason” now stands patiently awaiting Johnny Vicious’s eventual rise from the canvas. Seconds pass as Tyler continues to wait…


Slowly pushing to his feet…


Slightly injured as he staggers upward…


Vicious is now on his feet…


Eric Tyler moves in ‘for the kill’; with a steel chair in hand…






”VICIOUS CIRCLE” (Spinning Death-Valley Driver)!!!!!!!!


As Mr. Tyler swings forward with the chair, it became quite obvious that the DOA Champion was playing possum; springing into action and executing his trademark maneuver before the, now, roaring ‘dead-heads’ in attendance!!


In the end, while his strike may have been truly impactful at the moment, his next course of action is less focused & more based upon pure adrenaline. Instead of jumping back to his feet, focusing his attention on the men entrenched in warfare within him currently, Vicious is shown continuing to wail away with fists of fury; slamming his ‘educated knuckles’ square across “The Voice of Reason’s” face in the process. Realistically, such a move only excites the ‘dead-heads’ more but also calls into question whether or not Vicious had actually thought through what was coming next…


While focusing onTyler, Vicious leaves his body wide open to any sort of attack. This notion becomes rather true as his arch-nemesis, and former Champion himself, Acid is seen landing the very same steel chair Tyler was using, yet lost control of due to the “Vicious Circle”, across the back of Johnny’s head.




The strike leaves Vicious semi-motionless as the DOA Champion attempts to return to his feet; running primarily on pure-aggression at this point. Sadly, for him, and for his partners, Vicious isn’t able to really return to form following such an unexpected strike. In the end, following one more shot to the back of Vicious’s head, Acid is seen locking in his newly developed submission hold – “The Slow Drain” (Camel Clutch); putting the DOA champion in a terrible position.


Vicious attempts to fight but has no power left in his body…


Within a matter of a few seconds, now with Eugene Williams back in the middle of the action, the match is called in Acid’s favor as it’s quite obvious that Johnny Vicious is no longer conscious. Making a judgment call, most likely saving Johnny Vicious’s career in the process, it’s cemented that the former DOA Champion, Acid, has now re-claimed his spot atop the Title Chase; standing as the new #1 contender following such an outcome.


”All the Kings Men” defeats Johnny Vicious, and “The Tokyo Express”, in 8:16 when Eugene Williams called the match in favor of Acid; as Vicious was unable to respond to Acid’s submission hold – “The Slow Drain” (Camel Clutch).

Grade: C-


Davis Ditterich:
This is becoming too much of a trend… Why the HELL did Eugene Williams turn his back on the action? Is he in cahoots with Mr. Tyler? I mean, he willingly turned his back on the match; giving Mr. Tyler the ability to manipulate the match in his favor!

Carl Batch:
In his defense, it did seem like Mr. Tyler was hanging something over his head…
[shakes his head; saddened]
“It can all go away”… What does that mean? Was he talking about having him fired?

Davis Ditterich:
That’s quite possible... I mean, I know Mr. Tyler has clout but I didn’t think he’d have that?

Carl Batch:
That’s a topic for another day, I ‘spose. Right now, what we do know is that this cat before us, the first-ever-DOA Champion, Acid, is, once again, the #1 contender to Vicious’s title!

Davis Ditterich:
I hate to say it but rules demand it to be so… That said, this is just crap!! Crap I tell you!! Something needs to be done about all of this… “The Voice of Reason” shouldn’t be able to just will himself on the action. He’s the “Voice” of Reason… not… an Active competitor!

Carl Batch:
Sadly, Dee, I don’t think that will do much to keep him at bay. All we can hope is that the Network will come crashing down upon him yet again. Sadly, I don’t see that happening… Arcadia has been absent since the start of Season II…

Davis Ditterich:
Absent or afraid? Do something about it, Arcadia!! Put Mr. Tyler in his place; for good! This HAS to stop!




Acid, Johnny Vicious ©, Insane Machine, The Moral Majority, Tokyo Express

… “The Battle for the Dungeon”; All-out Brawl …


[shortly after the bell is rung, the remaining members of “All the Kings Men” are shown circling the ring as Acid stands over his fallen prey, Johnny Vicious, as he huffs like a predatory raptor; screeching sounds and all. Just then, as this is our central focus, a crazed tussle appears to be formulating between the two Duos recently locked in action, The Tokyo Express and The Moral Majority ©, as the four of them continue their bitter rivalry before the commentary table. Within a matter of a few seconds, this altercation is quickly engulfed by the rest of “All the Kings Men” as the former Death-Defying Duo Champions, The Tokyo Express, is sadly fighting an uphill battle; one that is predicated by the dubious numbers game.]


[Just when it looks like resurgence is impossible…
comes to level his own sense of revenge…]



Antonio Maxi Marquez

… “Fixated on Revenge”; The Calvary …


[still slightly bandaged from his earlier assault, “The Latin Dream” is shown speeding toward the ringside area much like the Flash; obviously hell-bent on evening the score while gaining his own sense of revenge as well. With a steel chair already in hand, Marquez ferociously dominates the ringside area; swinging like a situational mad-man in the process. While his intent is to floor everyone in his path, most of his swings, funnily enough, connect with nobody; forming the narrative that he is coming into action without much thought (more inspired by fury than calculated thought).]


[sensing that he’s ‘on-edge’, Mr. Tyler silently removes himself from the squared circle; putting much distance between he & the aggressive Calvary speeding toward the ringside area. In the end, various members of “All the Kings Men” look to slow down his approach; however, many of them grow to realize that now is not the time for a hellacious war; choosing their battles in a smart manner none the less. The only real shot Marquez is able to execute is one upon Rayne as the hardened brawler attempts to subdue the ‘speeding beast’.]


[All in all, the segment comes to a close with the sight of “All the Kings Men” slowly back peddling up the rampway; actually professing a sense of arrogance despite being forced from the ringside area by a weapon-wielding youngster in Marquez. In the end, it looks like Mr. Tyler has seemingly called them off versus retreating; a fact that leaves many confused as to Why? None the less, as Marquez stands amped within the ring ropes, standing over Johnny Vicious as he slowly attempts to regain his composure, and next to the Tokyo Express as they appear to be in favor of his interference, “the Voice of Reason” is shown smirking devilishly while nodding his head in a “it all went as to planned” kind of fashion…]


Grade: D-


Davis Ditterich:
What now? Afraid of a little resistance?
[Laughs; overjoyed in nature]
Feast upon this Tyler… Not everyone is willing to let you overtake the DOA! Antonio Maxi Marquez, “The Latin Dream”, has just showed us all that he’s a force to be reckoned with; coming to the aide of the DOA Champion, Johnny Vicious, and the Tokyo Express!
[Laughs; growing with excitement]
‘Atta boy!

Carl Batch:
I commend the youngster for his braveness but, in all honesty, this cat may have bit off more than he can chew. A war with Insane Machine is one thing but… the entire Tyler faction?
[Laughs; shakes his head in disbelief]
I don’t know if he has it in him…

Davis Ditterich:
He showed us tonight that he does, Carl!! I know the numbers game will be against him but, maybe with the help of others, Marquez may be the leader of a newfound ‘resistance’ here in Deadly Overloaded Action…

Carl Batch:
It’s never good to be the revolutionary in any scenario; history has told us this. He may be celebrated now, he may have our attention, but that won’t last forever. With time, every great resistance will be, eventually, stomped by the very oppressor they look to overthrow. Straight away, Dee, I hope that Marquez has it in him… but… I just don’t know… Tyler is too strong… It’s going to take more than a Steel Chair to change that…




”The Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez vs. “Peerless” Greg Black

[singles Match]


An intense gaze joins the two as they stand afar from one another; theoretically fortified in their respective corners. While their budding rivalry is quite recent, the underlying jadedness appears to be slowly eating away at both Black & Gonzalez; obviously for different reasons in the end. This brewing disdain is what ultimately inspires them both to react rather tentatively straight away; doing their best to play their own version of an age-old-mind-game while also protecting themselves from the unknown before them. In reality, Greg Black knows very little about Gonzalez; outside of his general distaste for all things DaVE. With this in mind, it’s almost as if the “peerless” one is rather weary of what may lay ahead; only understanding his newfound foe through old footage he had obtained in recent days.


The tentative nature both project continues to grip their altercation for quite some time; an obvious sign that neither is all that comfortable with the other from a combat perspective. With this in mind, the action starts off rather slow. An array of submission holds are used in which to keep the tempo rather gradual, while also utilizing a selection of basic Suplexes with the hopes of feeling the other out. While this approach is truly a smart decision all together, it does prove to be short-lived as tempers begin to flare…


Flaring into an unstoppable inferno…


One that would encompass them both, the ringside area, and the entire ‘dead-head’ legion before them, in the process…


It only takes a couple of minutes for everything to turn rather harsh. After a quick pinfall attempt by both men, going back and forth for what seems like minutes, the ultimate inability for either to pick up the final pinfall sends their altercation into the depths of desperation. More or less, both had come to find that neither was capable of defeating the other at this point, that, in some ways, they were mirror images of eachother, and for this… both become quite frustrated with such a truth.


This collective frustration practically explodes as Greg Black is seen landing a stiff kick square to the jaw of Gonzalez following the last strung-pinfall attempt. Realistically, it may appear to most to be a simple strike; however, to those closely watching, this stands as the proverbial ‘gates of war’; both men have no way of going back at this point… They are now locked within a heated battle where the only winner will come when the other has been officially demolished.


Why so much hatred? Sure, at first, it seemed like Greg Black was picking on, yet another, DaVE reject, as he calls it; growing increasingly tired of seeing another ‘wash-up’ overtake the company he helped to build. While this is understandable, and a basic framework for most wrestling storylines, the new atmosphere surrounding their disdain for one another boils down to a much more subtle reality…


The “I don’t make friends because I’m better than you; also that I can’t trust you” demeanor is a card played masterfully by both of these men. At this point, the “Lone Wolf” mantra could really work either way. True, this may be lazy booking to some, but in reality, it’s not even about that anymore… Now, it’s about the fact that neither seem to be able to distance themselves from the other. Simply put, they are equals on every level… A truth that drives them both Mad!


Back and forth they go… Each passing second creating more desperation underneath…


Strike by strike, dive by dive, lock by lock, they appear to be absolute equals… Unable to really maneuver their way into control…


With time it becomes weary whether or not we’ll actually come to a final decision. In reality, no one had any idea of how either could eventually take control of the situation; given the fact that neither had done so thus far. Realistically, such physical strain was starting to drastically weight on both competitors as the match time-length continued to climb; a fact that’s continually perpetuated as both men struggle to break most 10 counts administered by Eugene Williams.


In the end, as both continue forth with this narrative, seemingly struggling to return to their feet after a double cross-body-block at a high speed, creating a thunderous impact in the process, Greg Black is shown flinging his body in a last-ditch effort kind of manner; rolling the equally exhausted Gonzalez over with a modified school-boy-roll-up. At first, it’s expected that Gonzalez will simply kick out… however, with time, this reality doesn’t come to pass. With such a tight pinfall attempt, placing his entire small frame upon Gonzalez’s shoulders, the celebrated “Lone Wolf” is simply gassed; unable to break the count until just after the 3rd, and final, count. One more second earlier and we would still be without a winner. That said, such a scenario isn’t what happened. What did is that “Peerless” Greg Black found a way to overcome his exhaustion in which to score a quick, and somewhat disputed, pinfall over his newfound nemesis.


Greg Black defeats Shawn Gonzalez in 15:28 via a modified school-boy-roll-up pinfall/flash pinfall.

Grade: C


Davis Ditterich:

Carl Batch:
Whoa, Dee… This may be Arcadia but you may not want to go there…

Davis Ditterich:
What a match!! Back-and-forth, tooth-and-nail, I never thought we’d find a winner in this one. Honestly, this one could have gone either way in my mind, Carl!

Carl Batch:
It really could have. These cats put on a show tonight; pushed their bodies to the extreme and have something great to show for it. An instant classic if there ever was one!

Davis Ditterich:
Something tells me, though, that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of these two in this manner. There’s a great deal of unresolved emotions underneath this all. Realistically, tonight’s match-up only added fuel to the fire…




Greg Black & Shawn Gonzalez

… “The body fails”; Medical treatment administered …


[in the closing moments of “Rapid Assault”, we are force-fed the narrative that both Greg Black and Shawn Gonzalez are truly gassed after tonight’s ‘Instant Classic’ of a match. Unable to seemingly move, both men lay lifeless on their backs; breathing heavily, blinking rapidly, and trying their best to regain any sense of composure left within their exhausted frames. To further this notion, a slew of local paramedics are shown rushing onto the scene; utilizing an array of tools in which to check on their condition. None the less, as the show slowly gravitates toward it’s final frame, we are left with the lasting image of both Greg Black and Shawn Gonzalez receiving precautionary medical treatment; a truth that is needed following such a highly intense altercation as was their Main Event.]


Grade: C


Davis Ditterich:
I have no doubt that both of these men are okay but it’s best that the medical staff on hand continue to survey their conditions. In the end, while we are a program based upon violence, our competitor’s health is often our greatest focus.

Carl Batch:
Get these cats back up and let’s do this again!
[Laughs; claps his hands once in which to signify excitement]
I can do this all-night!!

Davis Ditterich:
Sadly enough, we’re out of time! Thank you for tuning into DOA:”R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAAAAPID ASSAULT” this week on Arcadia! Tune in next week as we’re certain to see the fallout of Nemesis’s public arrest.
[Laughs; in disbelief]
Hell hath no fury like a man scorned…




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Thought the Main Event would get a better rating, but


Great show from top to bottom unbelievably awesome all the way through that it's difficult to find a favourite part. But as I often mention the tone and feeling you set really helps certain parts of the show and Nemesis' parts were really great setting, you really do write Nemesis so well, so I think his parts should out.

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Thought the Main Event would get a better rating, but


You know, I thought it would have ended up better too; especially given the fact that I booked it pretty openly (and the overall popularity of both workers). That said, I guess maybe it was too long for the both of them? 15 minutes or so.


I don't think I got that note in the end but that's what I'm thinking? Either way, from a storyline perspective, at least it fleshes out their rivalry much more. :D


Great show from top to bottom unbelievably awesome all the way through that it's difficult to find a favourite part. But as I often mention the tone and feeling you set really helps certain parts of the show and Nemesis' parts were really great setting, you really do write Nemesis so well, so I think his parts should out.


Thank you, 20LEgend!


Nemesis was one of the major reasons I was excited to bring the DOA back. I've always been a huge fan of his character & really wanted the chance to write him (as my last was during my X-WA project that most didn't really pay attention to. haha). In the end, he fits the DOA perfectly. Also, his storyline "The Conspiracy" really brings his most natural form out perfectly; at least I think. He's best as a raging, unstable, violence-based mad-man... Looking to tear down everything in his path.


As you'll come to find with time, there is one within the DOA who is almost a younger, mirror-image of him. This will add a whole length of new insights on his character as a whole; while also giving him an elder view.


Great show, Eisen-Verse. The Nemesis-Tyler storyline particularly has me intrigued, but great work all the way around. Nice touch with the classic Batman TV references.


Thank you, PA! :D


Awesome to hear that you're feeling the Tyler/Nemesis/"Conspiracy" angle. It's been an amazing one to write thus far & i'm really excited to continue to tell the story (as there's A LOT more coming). That said, I felt that the 'Batman images' were best to create more of a visual display. I know that my writing style often looks like a giant block of text; so, I'm doing my best to make things more visually pleasing. This way, it's much more fun for the reader to dive in; picturing everything in the process.

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As you'll come to find with time, there is one within the DOA who is almost a younger, mirror-image of him. This will add a whole length of new insights on his character as a whole; while also giving him an elder view.


Why does every response you give a comment of mind make me more exicted about the project going forward :p Seriously every time I'm left Who? What? How? or Why? And this is why I'll never stop reading the EV works as long as I'm a GDS member.


I am very intrigued by mirror image now to look back and see who I think fits the bit,... I'm starting thinking it's a someone but I don't want to post it as It'd be better for others to see it unfold, that said I'm probaly wrong :D

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Why does every response you give a comment of mind make me more exicted about the project going forward :p Seriously every time I'm left Who? What? How? or Why? And this is why I'll never stop reading the EV works as long as I'm a GDS member.


Awesome to hear, 20LEgend! :D As many of you know, I'm a big fan of talking things through with my readers. Honestly, there isn't a question I won't answer (unless that question will call for too much background information; possibly hurting the unavailing of a storyline). Overall, it's just as much fun to talk details about the DOA, and whatever project I'm working on at that time, as actually writing the shows. why? It allows me to further relay my thought process; something that I love to do (especially as a writer).


All in all, It's great to know that I'll forever have you on board!


I am very intrigued by mirror image now to look back and see who I think fits the bit,... I'm starting thinking it's a someone but I don't want to post it as It'd be better for others to see it unfold, that said I'm probaly wrong :D




It's a subtle thing but it has been slightly addressed thus far. That said, it will remain as a subtle underline for quite some time (as it's not necessarily a major point at this given moment; however, will be later down the road).

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NEWS: TV Rating, Professor's Grade, in for Season II (Episode #4) of DOA: "Rapid Assault".

4th Week of September 2010


Initial reports place this week’s episode of DOA: “Rapid Assault” 0.02 rating points lower than what was obtained last week; placing the final numbers somewhere around the 0.38 mark throughout the American TV market. While sources say that Arcadia officials would love to see a higher plateau- base in the future, such a rating has been continually deemed as ‘acceptable’ in their eyes; especially seeing how a 0.38 rating falls within the 0.04 rating flex that “Rapid Assault” has seen since the inception of Season II (0.36 to 0.40). With that in mind, it’s been reported that DOA writers are feverishly working around the clock in which to craft a ‘powerhouse TV event’ set for next week; placing their focus at an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ mentality in which to, hopefully, stimulate their add-revenue capabilities going forward.


As expected, with such a high-stakes focus going into next week, many within “Project DOA” are claiming that this episode may be a make-or-break attempt for the program going forward. If they are unable to push the final rating pass their trademark flex of 0.04 rating points, the conceptual wrestling show may find itself in an uphill battle with Network officials.


As always, this week’s episode, mysteriously labeled “Rat in a Cage…”, was awarded a final grade of a “D+” by the renown wrestling enthusiast, and all-around critic, The Professor. In his heralded review, the finite-focused visionary felt that the show was “good; however, lacked the final boost to put it over the top”. In the end, The Professor blamed the low response to the Main Event (between Shawn Gonzalez and Greg Black) as the ultimate culprit of such a lackluster grade; “Your main event is what sets you apart; it’s the place where you must blow the audience away or risk falling flat. This week, Greg Black and Shawn Gonzalez, while putting their all into the match, left ‘Rapid Assault’ exactly there… Flat”. When reached for comment, Greg Black simply returned: “What does he know?”.



Quick Notes

Final TV Rating: 0.38

Show Grade: D+

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I have decided to revamp an earlier post of mine (the 3rd post overall) in which to create a backlog of DOA events; as well as a display of the current DOA Champions (Click on the link above in which to visit this page!!) I felt, in the end, that this page could become a 'one-stop-shop' for those looking to keep up with the most recent information as it pertains to Deadly Overloaded Action. While it may be somewhat self-explanatory, I've decided to give a little more insight into why such a development was put forth.


DOA Event Links

These links are there to make it much quicker for new readers, as well as older readers looking to catch back up, so that it's much less time consuming to find the events in question. Most writers here on the GDS boards go about doing such a thing & I really feel that it's a smart idea; as it allows all of your work to be laid out in an easy to use format. As show results are posted, you'll be able to find a link there as well.


DOA Champions

I know how hard it is to keep up with the 'real-time' champions in most diaries; so, I've decided to lay it out in an easy to read format going forward. Now, it's much easier for readers to stay 'in-the-loop' as they have better access to WHO currently holds the DOA belts. Within this listing, You'll find reign length, title prestige, defenses, and even a listing of the #1 contender to that title. This way, going forward, it's much easier to, not only, know the DOA Champions but also those who are nipping at their heels from a challengers perspective.


All in all, I hope this page becomes an easy, managable, hub for all DOA program information. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, then certainly respond and I'll do my best to relay my thoughts.





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Deadly Overloaded Action is in shock today after John “Nemesis” Campbell was forcibly apprehended by LAPD officers following a tense stand-off; backstage at “Rapid Assault”. With a makeshift weapon firmly cemented in his hands, that being a barbed-wire wrapped baseball bat, a number of DOA officials were said to be “severely frightened” as the Hardcore Revolutionary was apparently “out of his mind”; blaming the wild-fire that is his hatred of Eric Tyler as the ultimate culprit of such a psychological decent. None the less, there are many within the DOA who are closely monitoring his actions from here on out; afraid that these outbursts may end in a ‘slippery-slope’ mentality.


John Campbell has been released by the LAPD and has returned to his residence; minutes outside of Los Angeles. After spending the night in a holding cell, police officials apparently released the Wrestling Icon as they were no charges being filed. At this point, no contact has been made with Mr. Campbell; however, it’s expected that he will be present for “Rapid Assault” next week.


More information to come…
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Given their past, their coiling sense of shared DOA history, does it surprise anyone that Acid is the new #1 contender to the DOA Championship once again? Truthfully, if it does leave you with a sense of shock, then maybe you’ve missed something along the way.


From the very beginning of Deadly Overloaded Action, there has been a continual sense of hatred forming between Johnny Vicious and Acid. At first, it was based upon personal slight as Acid was exclusively added to the DOA roster far after the initial cast was announced. At that time, it was quite apparent that “The Voice of Reason” felt that the program-as-a-whole lacked, as he called it, ‘worthy competitors’ for the top crown; the DOA Championship. With this in mind, Mr. Tyler personally sought out, signed, and delivered, Acid to the masses; claiming that HE, and only HE, was ferocious enough to carry such a prized possession. In reality, at this time, Deadly Overloaded Action was littered with jaw-dropping talent; a fact that Mr. Tyler, to this day, continues to reject. In the end, one of those standouts was none other than, Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious.


For months, Johnny Vicious fought his way to the top; tearing through obstacles set forth by Mr. Tyler in which to slow down his combustible rise. In reality, there was only one man who could defeat Acid. To do so, you would need someone just as vile, just as destructive, just as… vicious… to overcome the immense odds of competing against an absolute, sub-human, maniac. In time, as both waged a chaotic war, one that challenged the very foundation of the “Dungeon” as a whole, it would be Vicious who eventually unseated Acid as the ‘top dog’ in Deadly Overloaded Action; obtaining the DOA Championship at the end of Season One (at the Season One Finale to be exact).


While his title victory was somewhat questionable, given Nemesis’s interference, the truth of the matter was that “The Blazing Red Demon” had finally done what he had set out to do: tearing through Tyler’s strangle-hold on the DOA, flooring “All the Kings Men”, and winning the program’s top-prize, the DOA Championship, soon thereafter; a feat many thought was impossible given “The Voice of Reason’s” ability to manipulate any, and all, situations.


Now, with the title firmly in the hands of Vicious, Acid, once again, seeks to reclaim the very championship he held for most of Season One. Will Acid have what it takes to become a 2-time DOA Champion; cementing his place within the realm of DOA Greatness? – OR – will Johnny Vicious continue to defy his critics; violently tearing through any, and all, comers… regardless of who they are?


Either way, this match-up, while not entirely original in nature, will stand as another notch within the theoretical belt of the volcanic war between Acid & Johnny Vicious. This time around; however, their feverish altercation will take place not in a wrestling ring…. Not even in the locker room area….


This DOA Championship match will take place within Acid’s own lair……


Within the fiery depths of the DOA Dungeon…




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For close to 16 minutes, Greg Black and Shawn Gonzalez pushed the “DOA Dungeon” to the brink of collapse. Back-and-forth, these budding rivals found themselves locked in an ever-accelerating sense of action. At one point, many questioned whether or not a final outcome would ever come to pass, accrediting the intense ‘open nature’ as the ultimate reason for such fear; however, with time, as their bodies began to fail gradually, Greg Black showed exactly why he’s considered to be purely “Peerless”.


While the ending pinfall was rather shocking, seemingly able to be broken arguably, the truth of the matter is that these two budding rivals appear to be on a never-ending crash course. The reasoning for our claim is quite simple: Often, to prove to oneself that you’re one of the ‘greats’, first you must show that you’re better than all comers. With these two, how can either make a claim for being the ‘cream-of-the-DOA-crop’ if they are barely able to beat one another? When it’s all said and done, one must stand above the other; perpetuating their own legacy through the dominance of one who is perceived to be their equal.


When will it end? No one knows for sure. That said, if this past episode of “Rapid Assault” is any clue, we may be in store for many more ‘Instant Classics’.


>>> Update:
Sara Silver, the DOA’s resident investigative journalist, will conduct a special sit-down interview with both Gonzalez & Black on this next week’s episode of DOA: “Rapid Assault”. While the details are a little hazy at this moment, it’s expected that Ms. Silver will hold said interview within the middle of the squared circle; stating that she wants to go back to the place of their last ‘legendary bout’ in which to stimulate her line of questioning.


Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available…
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News out of Arcadia is that Gregory Henn (aka ‘Rayne’; as it pertains to the DOA) has been released from his pay-per-appearance contract with the network; a move that has come as, somewhat of, a shock to ‘dead-heads’. In a short sense of reasoning, Arcadia officials have credited a “lack of creative direction” for Henn’s removal. While he’s been a fixture of the touted Eric Tyler-led faction, “All the Kings Men”, it’s been quite apparent that the DOA writers have struggled to include him within broadcasts. In reality, he had become more of a ‘personality’ than a wrestling figure toward the end of his tenure; so, with that in mind, his release was more of a strategic, money-saving, maneuver than anything else.


To those following “Project DOA” closely, this shouldn’t be entirely shocking. As of late, Network officials have made it known that they would be ‘trimming the fat’; removing members of the roster that they deemed as dispensable. This practice, while uprooting in fashion, will eventually, as they state, bring “Rapid Assault” to a more thoughtful production. In reality, a giant roster isn’t really all that smart given such a small weekly program.


When asked for a response, Gregory relayed this message via email:


“I really enjoyed my time in Los Angeles; however, everything must come to an end. I’d like to thank Arcadia for the opportunity but just know that this doesn’t mark the end of my career. I will return from this; more focused on the end goal.”


It should be noted that Gregory Henn has already received inquiries about future independent bookings since his release.

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In a blow that will certainly stall immediate booking plans for the DOA, Matthew Keith, the celebrated 2nd generation wrestler, has officially gone into development for the Eisen-led, Global Juggernaut, Supreme Wrestling Federation. While most label such a scenario as somewhat shocking, given the tumultuous release of his Father, Sam Keith, a short time ago, it appears that such truth doesn't seem to phase the youngster. In a quote relayed by a close family friend, it's been noted that Matthew is looking for the "next step in his career". Realistically, while the DOA has a budding presence in the US, it pales in comparison to the world-wide audience that typically follows the SWF. With this in mind, it should come as no shock, at least from a legacy-building standpoint, that the younger Keith would put aside any 'ill emotions' in which to better his overall standing within the industry.


Matthew Keith will report to RIPW, the SWF's localized developmental company, in a matter of 7 days. At this point, it is unaware whether or not Keith will wrestle one last time for the DOA; or if it will be a simple, relatively quiet, dismissal.


Stay tuned for more information as it comes...

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NOOOOOOOO, You Sold Out! You Sold Out! You Sold Out! Screw you Matty, selling your soul, and betraying your father for a shot at fame!



That's a decent loss but atleast you hadn't push him too hard.


"You sold out"!!!


It's true. ha.


Luckily, as you said, I hadn't really pushed him THAT much at this point; however, was planning on doing so within the next few shows. As you've probably noticed in one of the storylines, there is this 'new blood' vs. 'old blood' storyline that's underlying. In a way, it's being told as 'DOA' vs. 'DaVE' (Special Event coming after "Rapid Assault" most likely). Within that storyline, which does fuse together with a few other storylines that he would be part of as well, I was planning on pushing Keith down the road.


Without giving too much away, but in my best 'BigPapa42' approach (ie: telling you what was going to happen now that it wont), I was planning on having him be the person who finally unseated Torment for the Chokeout Championship. While he had lost a few times already, I was going to have him 'work his way up' and become so obsessed to beat Torment. I'm not sure how long this "B" storyline was going to go but I was expecting to revive it while within a few other program-wide storylines.


All in all, Meh.... ha.


I like when people leave. Sounds funny, I know. however, for any of you who read my first PSW diary, I love having to scramble & come up with a new direction because my original was stolen. It makes it more fun/more realistic. Keeps me on my toes.

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An irritating loss but at least Keith wasn't central to the main storyline you have going right now...at least you didn't lose Acid, Johnny Vicious or Greg Black.


Now maybe this should be in the suggestions thread, but I'll rant away here as it is relevant to the Keith situation:


I know that you said, that you actually quite enjoy it when you have your talent raided but one thing that does irk me in the game and always has is the fact that if you are the company that has been raided, that talent is gone from your promotion in just a week, giving you next to no time to plan an exit programme for that worker.


In real life, WWE at least gave the likes of Bryan Danielson, CM Punk etc time to finish up their indy dates. Now I'm not saying it should be a case where you can have the workers for months afterwards, because part of it has always been balancing act between reflecting wrestling for real and making the game a genuine challenge but for me a month (28 days) would be a fairer time scale, giving the player a chance to actually try and book a proper exit programme for the departing worker.


Another thing that could be taken into equation is how you deal with the workers departure, affecting if they would likely return to your promotion sometime in the future...give them a big send off victory and they will stay on good terms....job them out to Keith Vegas and more than likely the chances of them ever returning would have completely gone out of the proverbial window.

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Good point, TK. It would be nice to see a bit more flexibility there. Maybe even the ability to request the promotion signing away your talent to allow them one more appearance, which would fuction like a talent trade - they would have creative control even.


E-V, I've always admired your ability to roll with the punches when it comes to these things. I know its part and parcel of running smaller promotions. Its bad enough when it happens in non-diary games - I find it frustrating enough that it often kills the games I've started with smaller promotions. Guess I'm just not pragmatic enough. But in a diary game, where you are making plans, developing the character, and so on... then to have that worker stolen away... Grrr... Especially when they are going to another promotion that doesn't really need them and probably won't make that much use of them. Yet you manage to make it a new opportunity, rather than a negative, and that is awesome.


Keep up the great work with this.

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Keith wasn't that big a loss in terms of storyline potential, so meh. Like the others before me have said, your ability to roll with the punches is very admirable. I throw fits if one my more used guys got stolen.


Actually, I would disagree with that. Given the underlying "old vs young" vibe going on, either of the Keith boys have a unique dynamic they bring to the table. Although the DAVE aspect doesn't match them much, they would make a very good choice for being members of the "new blood" side that end up betraying their brethern to join the other side. It could be easily justified in the sense that the young Keith has to respect the old school mentality and old way of doing things due to his father. At the very least, he could be teased as the one who betrays, with someone else being revealed in a swerve. While you could arguably say that of any second generation star, few have a father as famous as Sam Keith nor the talent that the twins boast. Whether its a direct storyline or just used as a tease, I think there is plenty of storyline potential there. No to mention what you can do if you can land the second brother to open things up further.

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Actually, I would disagree with that. Given the underlying "old vs young" vibe going on, either of the Keith boys have a unique dynamic they bring to the table. Although the DAVE aspect doesn't match them much, they would make a very good choice for being members of the "new blood" side that end up betraying their brethern to join the other side. It could be easily justified in the sense that the young Keith has to respect the old school mentality and old way of doing things due to his father. At the very least, he could be teased as the one who betrays, with someone else being revealed in a swerve. While you could arguably say that of any second generation star, few have a father as famous as Sam Keith nor the talent that the twins boast. Whether its a direct storyline or just used as a tease, I think there is plenty of storyline potential there. No to mention what you can do if you can land the second brother to open things up further.


... Ladies and Gentlemen, this is why Bigpapa42 is such a revered booker in this forum. Though I'd wish he didn't prove it at my expense. :p

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An irritating loss but at least Keith wasn't central to the main storyline you have going right now...at least you didn't lose Acid, Johnny Vicious or Greg Black.


Now maybe this should be in the suggestions thread, but I'll rant away here as it is relevant to the Keith situation:


I know that you said, that you actually quite enjoy it when you have your talent raided but one thing that does irk me in the game and always has is the fact that if you are the company that has been raided, that talent is gone from your promotion in just a week, giving you next to no time to plan an exit programme for that worker.


In real life, WWE at least gave the likes of Bryan Danielson, CM Punk etc time to finish up their indy dates. Now I'm not saying it should be a case where you can have the workers for months afterwards, because part of it has always been balancing act between reflecting wrestling for real and making the game a genuine challenge but for me a month (28 days) would be a fairer time scale, giving the player a chance to actually try and book a proper exit programme for the departing worker.


Another thing that could be taken into equation is how you deal with the workers departure, affecting if they would likely return to your promotion sometime in the future...give them a big send off victory and they will stay on good terms....job them out to Keith Vegas and more than likely the chances of them ever returning would have completely gone out of the proverbial window.


I really like this idea, TK.


While I do enjoy the 'raiding process', it's something that can be quite annoying from time-to-time (especially if you only book one event each month as a proper send-off may not be possible unless you move the date of the sole even that month). I also really do enjoy the idea of having a scale by which you send the worker off. This way, such a decision may be more strategic in the end? Would you go easy on them, hoping they would return? In reality, I don't think I would/could. While I often like to leave exiting workers with a sense of pride (See Alex Braun's departure in my first PSW project), there's always this underlying want to just bury them. haha.


That said, in most cases, I've come to just dismiss them. Like with Keith, I don't really think I'll even have him show up on "Rapid Assault"? May just have him 'released' in a storyline-based post (via DOA.com). This way, there's a story behind his departure; however, not binding my time; as "Rapid Assault" is only 60 minutes (and already impossible to give everyone face time).


All in all, although long-winded on my part, I do like your idea, TK. :D


E-V, I've always admired your ability to roll with the punches when it comes to these things. I know its part and parcel of running smaller promotions. Its bad enough when it happens in non-diary games - I find it frustrating enough that it often kills the games I've started with smaller promotions. Guess I'm just not pragmatic enough. But in a diary game, where you are making plans, developing the character, and so on... then to have that worker stolen away... Grrr... Especially when they are going to another promotion that doesn't really need them and probably won't make that much use of them. Yet you manage to make it a new opportunity, rather than a negative, and that is awesome.


Keep up the great work with this.


Thank you, PA!


Honestly, it's much like how I perceive life in general; things will happen... It's just best to make due as much as possible.


To me, one of the reasons why I love these dynasties is that I'm attempting to create something I could see in real-life. In this case, it's very realistic for smaller companies to lose wrestlers. So, I find joy in actually having the situation come to pass as it would be FAR more boring to keep my same roster throughout. In all honesty, I could lose anyone on the roster and be okay with it (even Vicious/Acid/Nemesis/Tyler) as it would open a new window for potential storylines.


The way I see it, I have stories that I want to tell; however, they can all be altered slightly to go in a new direction if need be.


My loss of Matthew Keith becomes my gain for someone like Remmy Skye (who I plan on bringing back into the fold following his Season II opener loss to Marquez). I won't give away much of anything about HOW he'll come back, or under what vision, but the loss of Matthew Keith gives me slightly more room on "Rapid Assault" to focus on a newcomer.


Keith wasn't that big a loss in terms of storyline potential, so meh. Like the others before me have said, your ability to roll with the punches is very admirable. I throw fits if one my more used guys got stolen.


Thank you, Hashasheen!


He wasn't a major storyline guy, at this point, but he certainly had the potential to be. At this point, I had him slated for the epic 'DOA vs. DaVE' special event coming up after "Rapid Assault". That said, he can easily be replaced at this point as he was necessarily needed to make the match work.


Big time player at the moment? No.


Amazing talent who could, one day, have been a Main Eventer? Good God yes.


Either way, what's done is done & I'm happy that the game continues to throw wrenches in my long-term booking plans. This way, I always have to have an evolutionary thought in mind.


Actually, I would disagree with that. Given the underlying "old vs young" vibe going on, either of the Keith boys have a unique dynamic they bring to the table. Although the DAVE aspect doesn't match them much, they would make a very good choice for being members of the "new blood" side that end up betraying their brethern to join the other side. It could be easily justified in the sense that the young Keith has to respect the old school mentality and old way of doing things due to his father. At the very least, he could be teased as the one who betrays, with someone else being revealed in a swerve. While you could arguably say that of any second generation star, few have a father as famous as Sam Keith nor the talent that the twins boast. Whether its a direct storyline or just used as a tease, I think there is plenty of storyline potential there. No to mention what you can do if you can land the second brother to open things up further.

... Ladies and Gentlemen, this is why Bigpapa42 is such a revered booker in this forum. Though I'd wish he didn't prove it at my expense. :p


He's a mastermind for a reason, Hash. :D

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Mastermind my butt... Appreicate the thought, gents, but if I'm a "mastermind" when it comes to booking, then a lot of the great writers on this board are that and more. E-V included. And sorry to "pick on you", Hash... I just saw the possibilities that would be there.


I'm fairly much that way in life as well, EV. Life happens, you deal with it, and move on. There's very little that rattles me, in that sense. I just can't bring that same mentality to TEW. I become a control freak in certain ways. Maybe not even that so much as I become really attached to certain aspects of the stories I want to tell, and when something prevents that, I just get frustrated to the point whre I lose interest. Your approach is much much better!


Anyway, have yourself a great Christmas, E-V. And all of GDS!

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