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Arcadia presents... Deadly Overloaded Action || "Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!"

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Mastermind my butt... Appreicate the thought, gents, but if I'm a "mastermind" when it comes to booking, then a lot of the great writers on this board are that and more. E-V included. And sorry to "pick on you", Hash... I just saw the possibilities that would be there.


I've always viewed you, as you've said in your own words, as a 'visionary'; someone who can develop with the best of them. In a way, from a creative standpoint, I consider that to be 'mastermind-esque'; as you're able to create stories/connections/characters with ease it seems (that could be wrong though as I don't know how long you typically mull over things in reality). Either way, without getting too much in the way of sappy-nature, I still look to you as one to consistently chase. You were solidified before I ever began this streak & you've always shown how to do things best (in my mind at least).


A great writer, creator, booker, to strive toward.


I'm fairly much that way in life as well, EV. Life happens, you deal with it, and move on. There's very little that rattles me, in that sense. I just can't bring that same mentality to TEW. I become a control freak in certain ways. Maybe not even that so much as I become really attached to certain aspects of the stories I want to tell, and when something prevents that, I just get frustrated to the point whre I lose interest. Your approach is much much better!


I don't know if it's so much better than just being use to booking small companies. ha. To be honest, I think that's one of the reasons why jumping into my previous SWF projects never really panned out. I like the idea of being the david; as it pertains to David/Goliath. If that means losing some people, so be it. I guess, in the end, I'd rather be the revolutionary (fending off all comers) than the one looking to maintain the greatness already there.


Anyway, have yourself a great Christmas, E-V. And all of GDS!


You as well, PA! :D


I'll, as most of us probably, be MIA for the next few days with Christmas celebrations coming together (my wife and I counted and we have 7 Christmas events before us in the span of 3 days. ha).


With that said, seeing how this may be my last post for a few days, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those celebrating such!





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Mastermind my butt... Appreicate the thought, gents, but if I'm a "mastermind" when it comes to booking, then a lot of the great writers on this board are that and more. E-V included. And sorry to "pick on you", Hash... I just saw the possibilities that would be there.
Perfectly fine, Bp. ;)


@Eisen: Don't I know it. :p

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I'll, as most of us probably, be MIA for the next few days with Christmas celebrations coming together (my wife and I counted and we have 7 Christmas events before us in the span of 3 days. ha).E-V


WOW! :eek: That is insane.


Back on topic, looking forward to seeing where this new vision of DOA goes. Unfortunate that Keith left but as always you'll roll with the punches and create a new star in his place.

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WOW! :eek: That is insane.


Back on topic, looking forward to seeing where this new vision of DOA goes. Unfortunate that Keith left but as always you'll roll with the punches and create a new star in his place.


Thank you, Smurphy.


Honestly, the 'coming and going' of cast members doesn't really phase me much at this point. As I've hinted at before, there are several people waiting in the wings; just ready for their 'shot'. That said, with a little construction, I hope to have them surpassing Keith's potential with time.


They may not necessarily debut on this next show, as it's chalked full with more storyline-pushing scenarios right now, I expect that you'll see a few new names show up within the mix.


All in all, the card for show #5 will be due up pretty soon... (ie: A day or two).





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Thank you, Smurphy.


Honestly, the 'coming and going' of cast members doesn't really phase me much at this point. As I've hinted at before, there are several people waiting in the wings; just ready for their 'shot'. That said, with a little construction, I hope to have them surpassing Keith's potential with time.


They may not necessarily debut on this next show, as it's chalked full with more storyline-pushing scenarios right now, I expect that you'll see a few new names show up within the mix.


All in all, the card for show #5 will be due up pretty soon... (ie: A day or two).






Waiting in the wings? Could it be Kit Chang, The Paranoid Android!?

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Waiting in the wings? Could it be Kit Chang, The Paranoid Android!?


He COULD be one of those 'wing waiters' but whoever comes away from "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?" probably won't see the light of DOA's day until far in the future. At this point, after the next card is posted, the first 'challenge' in that project will be up; followed by the next vote (eliminating 2 contestants). With that in mind, someone like Kit could be not far from the 'big-time'; however, far enough at this point; sadly... ;)

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Season II:
Episode #5

Location: The "DOA Dungeon"

Run-time: 60 Minutes






THE most explosive form of live-action entertainment makes it’s return to the Arcadia network this fall as Deadly Overloaded Action: “Rapid Assault” resurfaces for a volcanic second season! All your favorite personas will return to the “DOA Dungeon” with one goal in mind, unadulterated mutiny of all-things Mainstream wrestling, as this cult-phenomenon continues to rage forward with their revolution of choice. Bodies will be broken, careers will be shortened, and minds will crumble viciously under the immense pressure that comes with the DOA Banner; however, the ultimate opportunity for unquestioned dominance will continue to stand for those strong-enough to separate from the pack.


In an industry chalked full of the aged, the uninspired, the overweight, the overtly safe, and the mind numbingly bland, Deadly Overloaded Action steps forth as the true ‘agent of innovation’; pushing the industrial, as well as the human body/mind, to the absolute extreme!


While they may not entirely stand ‘as one’, the cast of Season II will continue to push the boundaries of what’s deemed as acceptable, both in-and-out-of the ring itself, in which to ignite the dwindling flame of an underground revolution. The unknown, the unseen, the forgotten, the hell-bent, the hell-inspired, the adrenaline junkies, the suicidal, and the all-around arrogant will call the “Dungeon” home this season; overtaking your Thursdays nights with a level of action so combustible that it’s been delegated into the darkness.


This is Deadly Overloaded Action. We
Wrestling Entertainment in Revolt!









”The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Insane Machine
w/ The Guru

[singles Match]


Davis Ditterich:
DOA “R-R-R-R-R-RAAAPID ASSAULT” will open, this week, with an intense grudge-match; one that many have been waiting for… Marquez… Machine! After “The Latin Dream” defeated Insane Machine on the opening episode of Season #2, the ‘Mad Machine’ has increasingly shown a streak of violence on a weekly basis; attacking the newfound DOA warrior after forging through the ‘dead-heads’ at ringside. Now, an official member of the roster thanks to “The Voice of Reason”, Insane Machine looks to gain a sense of professional revenge; hoping he can ‘right-the-wrong’ he suffered following a loss in their last, and only, altercation. I don’t know about you, Carl, but this one is certainly set to be one of the most intriguing moments of the night!

Carl Batch:
There ‘aint no steppin’ away from it, Dee; these raging cats are sure beat the living snot out of one another.
[Chuckles to himself]
High speed, High Action, and High emotions; this one, as you say, is something to watch for!

Davis Ditterich:
I just hope, when it’s all said and done, that we receive a fair shake between these two guys. The last thing we want is another run-in by Tyler & “All the Kings Men”. Honestly, can’t any of them win on their own accord?

Carl Batch:
The funny thing is, Yea… They really can.
[shrugs slightly]
The thing is, I don’t think “The Voice of Reason” trusts them to ‘get the job done’… apparently…

Davis Ditterich:
Whether that’s true or not, All I want is a fair, one-on-one, match-up. Give me that & I’ll be in heaven at the very start of “Rapid Assault”!




”The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell
w/ Violet

[singles Match]

[“Put-up-or-shut-up Match”]

Davis Ditterich:
Our second match of the night has been dubbed a “Put-up-or-shut-up Match” by Arcadia officials; claiming that Teddy Powell must PROVE his worth in the DOA or risk being expelled for his recent verbal attacks toward the Network. While some may question whether or not such a thing is really ‘fair’, you can’t really feel all that sorry for Powell. I mean, he really did bring this one on; himself…

Carl Batch:
From what it seems, Shawn Gonzalez has no real ‘threat’ coming from the Network; however, does need to show the DOA masses that he’ll be a ‘force to be reckoned with’. I mean, this cat is straight up nasty when he wants to be. He isn’t thought to be a “Lone Wolf” without reason; he’ll tear you apart, limb-from-limb, if need be.

Davis Ditterich:
Is Teddy Powell’s DOA future in question? Will Shawn Gonzalez show that his loss last week, to Greg Black, won’t become tradition here in the DOA? These questions, and many more, will be answered within this one!! In the end, if Powell can’t come away with the win, we may witness his final moments within the DOA Dungeon…





Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious © vs. Acid

[singles Match]

[DOA Championship Match]

[boiler Room Match]


Davis Ditterich:
The Main Event pits two mortal enemies in another epic battle for the DOA Championship as Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” defends his championship gold against his bitter-rival, and former DOA Champion, Acid! We’ve seen this one countless of times before; however, not another altercation best sums up Deadly Overloaded Action than what we’ve witnessed from these two.
[shakes his head; smirks]
They’ve battled, they’ve bruised, and broken, one another; all with the honor of withholding the top prize in program history. After so many violent battles, drop-down-drag-out fights that practically tore them apart, one has to wonder: When will it be enough? When will we find an end to this volcanic war?

Carl Batch:
For the sake of the DOA, I hope it never subsides, Dee.
The Dungeon wouldn’t feel the same without these two constantly nipping at eachother’s heels. In all honesty, it was THEIR war that brought me to work for Deadly Overloaded Action. After watching week in, and week out, I couldn’t find a way out; I’m hooked.
These cats just may land the final blow this week but, with GOD as my witness, I hope that ‘aint the truth. Hopefully, there’s much more where that came from!

Davis Ditterich:
Tune into “R-R-R-R-R-R-RAAAPID ASSAULT” This week as the war continues… Vicious… Acid… The DOA Championship…. However, this time, within the menacing confines of the Dungeon’s Boiler room; the lair that Acid has come to call ‘home’…











After a number of polarizing scenarios, the Arcadia network has decided to forcibly intervene upon the hellacious war that threatens the vitality of their very program; DOA: “Rapid Assault”. In a statement made earlier this week, it was noted that a high-ranking network representative will be present, within the crumbling walls of the DOA Dungeon, as an ‘organizational meeting’ will take place; one that will focus upon their [Tyler & Nemesis’s] collective decision-making as of late. While it may not come as a shock to many, knowing their tumultuous past, there are several whispers forming backstage that ‘a change’ may be in order. What, and for whom, we don’t know…




Only a week removed from their recent matchup, dubbed as an
’Instant Classic’
, “Peerless” Greg Black and “The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez will sit-down with the DOA’s resident investigative journalist, Sara Silver, for a joint, potentially heated, Interview. While it’s almost impossible to speculate WHAT will come to pass during this timeframe, Ms. Silver has been quoted as saying
”[she] will deliver the truth behind their budding hatred; guaranteed.”
With this in mind, one must believe that theoretical ‘fireworks’ are certainly destined to follow…







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Episode #5 [Quick Picks]


“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Insane Machine

“The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell

Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious © vs. Acid
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“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Insane Machine

To beat Greg Black and lose to Insane Machine, I can't see it AMM is on his way to the top!

“The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell

DQ. Either Greg interferes or Powell goes mad and start chairshotting everyone from the cameramen to Shawn and the ref

Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious © vs. Acid

The chase continues Mr. Tyler

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“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Insane Machine

To beat Greg Black and lose to Insane Machine, I can't see it AMM is on his way to the top!

“The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell

DQ. Either Greg interferes or Powell goes mad and start chairshotting everyone from the cameramen to Shawn and the ref

Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious © vs. Acid

The chase continues Mr. Tyler


I hate to go this route but 20LEgend has good insight with his prediction. I like how you've added a level of mystery to the Powell-Gonzalez match though. It takes a normal match and adds a little pizazz.

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“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Insane Machine

“The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell

Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious © vs. Acid


I've been reading from the beginning, and the only thing I'm not liking about this diary is that there are so many other posts in between updates from other readers. :p It's hard to pick against Gonzalez here, but with Powell's character, I can't see him losing. Marquez and Machine are interesting too, as either winning would be good for storyline purposes.

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I've been reading from the beginning, and the only thing I'm not liking about this diary is that there are so many other posts in between updates from other readers. :p




Glad that you've been with the DOA since the beginning, Rayelek. Honestly, I find myself very comfortable with the whole Arcadia/DOA scenario; as it really allows me to tackle things from a story-based perspective now (while also having some great 'real-world' things to add into it all). I loved the Greed saga but it did hurt the overall storyline production, relaying narratives, as I was more focused on telling the Story of John Greed vs. the DOA as a weekly, TV-based, conceptual wrestling program.


I occasionally reignite the fear within that some are not willing to read dynasties based upon companies that don't really exist in the Cornellverse. It can be lofty putting in a lot of work only to have a few people respond from time to time; however, this time around, I'm much more blazay about needing continuous feedback. Would it be nice? Sure. Do I expect it? Not at all. Especially seeing how some great writers are out there; as well as a new WMMA game to suck our readers away as well.


I guess, in the end, I stand by the idea that... If you're looking for a unique experience, and willing to dive into the DOA world with me, then I will do everything in my power to ensure that it's a great read. I wont' always 'hit' perfectly, my booking can falter from my mind to actual practice (grades not being as high as what I think they may be in my mind), but I'm entirely focused on delivering a top-notch product all together. Whether through images, stories, characters, indirect storyline projection, "Rapid Assault" write-ups, or side-projects like "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?", I strive to deliver the very best that I can (as I truly love this game, this forum, and writing for you all).


Long winded? Yes. Expect anything different from me? I'd hope not. haha.





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I really like DOA as a Cornellverse company. It feels a LOT like a version of WSX, and I might be one of the worlds only fans of that company.
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I really like DOA as a Cornellverse company. It feels a LOT like a version of WSX, and I might be one of the worlds only fans of that company.


I was a HUGE fan of WSX. MTV did a pretty good job of creating a unique vibe for the program as a whole. That said, the DOA is, in my mind, a cross between a program like WSX and a cult-based (from an entertainment standpoint) TV show (a la an HBO show, etc.). Does that make sense? So in a sense, I think of the DOA of a conceptual TV show; one that feels more like a weekly TV development versus a standard wrestling show. That's why I tend to use a lot of my angles as more movie/TV show based versus all happening in the ring (something that most wrestling companies has become to use as a crutch. While I understand WHY it's used so much, as that's where the crowd is, I don't really see the 'dead-heads' as needing everything infront of them. In a sense, it's more about the TV creations versus sticking to what's been deemed as standards.).


I actually feel bad for not giving you feedback like I have done in the past. I still enjoy this and I love the side project even more, I think it is a very cool idea. I just really have no valid feedback to give you.


It's totally okay, BHK. You've been a great source of support from the first DOA show up until now; so, for that alone, I am deeply grateful for such a truth. No need for relaying anything if you don't feel the itch; it's probably better that way. :D Either way, it's good to know you're still there!

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“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Insane Machine


As 20LEgend said, I can't see you putting AMM over Greg Black, only to have him lose to Insane Machine, no matter how much back up Machine will have.


“The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell


My feeling is that Gonzalez has actually been brought in to put others over, without being made to look too weak...so I think Powell gets the win here via some form of inteference.


Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious © vs. Acid


Neither man wins, they beat the snot out of each other so much in the Boiler Room that neither of them is able to pin the other. Vicious retains but at what cost to himself?

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“The Latin Dream” Antonio Maxi Marquez vs. Insane Machine

AMM is on fire after beating Greg Black IMO.


“The Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell

Gonzalez is a Latino Steve Flash: Old, but can probably out work half your roster with his eyes closed. Yet Powell has character and some good wins and will look good with another victory.


Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious © vs. Acid

The guy spent all season chasing the title so I expect a lengthy reign.

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TOPIC: "Can we survive such carnage? Such Unrest?”.





It’s what plagues Deadly Overloaded Action.


Much like the philosophical upheaval seen before in history, a la the Dark Ages, the DOA currently finds itself in a state where anything can, and certainly will, happen. I know many of you are questioning, even finding disagreement with my analysis; however, the truth of the matter is this: Frustration, Greed, Depletion, and exhaustion, grips the Dungeon landscape at this very moment; threatening the already minimal sense of order already present on “Rapid Assault”.


Wrestlers are annoyed that they’ve been pushed aside; cast into the darkness, or even completely unseen, as they blame the resurgent DaVE newcomers as the reason for their plight.


Morale is spiraling downward at a feverish pace as many within the DOA Empire have come to realize that even adding another ‘authoritative figure’ is not enough… Eric Tyler, the infamous “Voice of Reason”, still strangles Deadly Overloaded Action within his iron-clenched fist.


Fear surfaces as, even the heralded Wrestling Legend, Nemesis has found nothing but misfortune; sucked into the violent vacuum that is the DOA.


With all of this, with the cluttering of voices heard round the DOA Dungeon, there appears to be a severe lack of unity; pushing aggressively toward a polarizing state never seen before in “Rapid Assault’s” short history.


How can we remedy this? Realistically, we can’t.


To find peace, to find philosophical refuge, voices must fall silent, defiers must fall, and violence must subdue violence.


Men like
Teddy Powell must find an outcome, either-way, after weeks of brashly challenging the Network; using the vile Violet as his ‘voice’ while throwing theoretical pebbles from afar. This week, on “Rapid Assault”, such an outcome may be determined for him; realistically.


Figures like
“the Voice of Reason” must be subdued once and for all; a feat that is considered by many to be completely impossible; given what we’ve seen since the DOA’s inception.


Legends like
Nemesis must, once again, return to his glorious status; standing as a beautiful, blooming, lotus amongst the muddied waters of sadistic violence.


Feuds like
Johnny Vicious and Acid must find a final resolution; potentially destroying their own existence, unknowingly, in which to keep the DOA afloat despite the carnage levied.


Is this all possible? Theoretically, Yes. Truthfully? As stated before, No.


In reality, the Silver Lining falls that, despite our chaos, our viciousness, our cold-blooded nature, our Avant garde mentality, our defiant nature, this is EXACTLY why we are still present; still relevant. So, in a way, do we want these things to temper? One would have to wonder if it’s really smart for there to be any sense of resolution, any sense of order, within a program that has become synonymous with such anarchy as we’ve seen.


We are chaotic, we are unruly, we are anarchistic, we are a whirlwind of psychosis,….


Because that’s who we are…
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Matthew Keith vs. Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

[singles Match]


No one’s seen a bigger drop, a larger ‘fall from grace’, since season One of DOA: “Rapid Assault” than Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow. After seeing a rather healthy push, it was deemed that the indy veteran just wasn’t ready for the bright lights; his infamous inability to stay consistent largely considered to be his downfall with the DOA creative brass. None the less, the ‘dead-heads’ still shower the risqué adult-film-star with a respectful response; proving their undying support for Mr. Sparrow even if he’s as far away from his former, main event, self than ever before.


It also helped that most of the ‘dead-heads’ in attendance, being littered with smarks, displayed a sense of disdain for the SWF-bound, Matthew Keith. In reality, even being a ‘babyface’ within the projection of the creative department, it appears that the feverish DOA fanbase simply despises those who are willing to leave the program; jumping ship, or even ‘selling out’, in their minds.


In the end, the ‘dead-heads’ got exactly what they wanted as Matty Sparrow is seen executing his signature “Testicular Thrashing” (Stiff kick to the groin/DDT combo) following a moderately impressive match-up between the two of them. Within seconds of such a strike, Sparrow’s hand is raised as the ultimate victor; as Matthew Keith is seen slithering into the back… never to be seen, or heard from, again.


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow defeats Matthew Keith in 5:43 via a “Testicular Thrashing” (Stiff kick to the groin/DDT combo).

Grade: D-


Sara Silver:
Matty Sparrow has, recently, found himself on somewhat of a ‘downward spiral’ professionally. Months ago, the lude, and often crude, Sparrow was easily the talk of Deadly Overloaded Action. He was on the fast track toward undeniable stardom when all of a sudden… Reality reared it’s ugly head. Weeks came, poor showings followed, and before you knew it, Matty Sparrow was, once again, delegated to the back of the line.
While it’s certainly an uphill battle before him, you have to respect a man looking to pick himself back up by his boot-straps; looking for a new opportunity. I guess, in the end, we’ll have to see if he can stay focused enough in which to return to his prior form. Maybe tonight’s win will start him on that track…




”The Cali Dragons” – Frankie Perez & Mikey James + Sara Silver

… “The Warrior’s Code”; Guided promo backstage …


[shortly following Sparrow’s victory, we are presented the image of the often unseen “Cali Dragons” (Frankie Perez & Mikey James) standing alongside the DOA’s resident investigative journalist, Sara Silver, within an undisclosed backstage hallway. The promo itself, guided by the masterful tone-setter that is Ms. Silver, is centered around the notion that the “Cali Dragons” have set their own personal mandate; one that calls for dethroning the “Moral Majority” in the near future. In the process, while simply placing a target on the DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions collective back, several other Duo’s like The Tokyo Express, and Totally Supreme, are practically thrown ‘under the bus’ by the psychologically firming tandem; claiming that all other duo’s lack true dedication for greatness (something that they do not). In the end, the promo comes to a close with “The Cali Dragons” bringing forth the notion that tonight, on “Cyber Clash”, all will shift within the division. While such a message is rather ambiguous in nature, it’s expected that the budding tandem may be looking to make an impact here tonight none the less.]


Grade: D


[There is no post segment focus from Ms. Silver as she was just seen guiding “The Cali Dragons” through their promo.]




”The Tokyo Express” vs. “Totally Supreme”
w/ Sammy Strung

[Death-Defying Duo Division Match]


Keeping with the ‘those who have fallen from on high’ tone of this weeks “Cyber Clash”, The former DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions, the “Tokyo Express”, is shown competing against the equally subdued, yet critically acclaimed, comical duo of “Totally Supreme”. Two teams, both known for having marked success during the first season of DOA: “Rapid Assault”, now find themselves scrapping for small segments of focus on the program’s B-webisode show; a fact that would shock many who journeyed through previous episodes in the months prior.


None the less, the action within the ring stands as quite unique in nature; as what often comes with both of these duos. “Totally Supreme”, known for their over-the-top antics, sprinkle small moments of strong wrestling ability amongst a plethora of comedy-based spots, skits, and projections; all with the notion of entertaining the ‘dead-heads’ in their typical tongue-and-cheek manner. On the other hand, “The Tokyo Express” portray themselves as focused, overtly calm, yet masterfully impactful when need be. So, as expected, they both swerve in-and-out of their typical routine as they truly stand as polar-opposites of one another (Comedy vs. Finite, controlled, Focus).


In the end, despite the devious hand of Sammy Strung, “The Tokyo Express” is ultimately shown picking up the victory following an awe-inspiring Moonsault from the beautifully air-born KAZUMA; ultimately slamming viciously into the fallen Tom Kornell in the process. Within seconds, KAZUMA’s hand is raised in victory as the former DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions celebrate in their general manner: Calm & Respectful.


”The Tokyo Express” defeats “Totally Supreme” in 5:56 via a Moonsault from KAZUMA upon Tom Kornell.

Grade: D+


Sara Silver:
There are some who claim that “The Tokyo Express” have lost a step since the start of Season Two. To be honest, I just don’t see it. Tonight, KAZUMA & OTA showed exactly why they are a force to be reckoned with here in the DOA. “Totally Supreme” was pushing as hard as they can, even using their manager, Sammy Strung, as an additional ‘X-factor’, but still, they cannot be stopped!
For “Express” fans, don’t you worry. They may not be the #1 contenders as we speak right now but KAZUMA & OTA will certainly find their way back to the dance very shortly. It’s pretty much a given in reality.




”The Tokyo Express”, “Totally Supreme”, and “The Cali Dragons”

…”A battle on all fronts”; A Divisional scuffle …


[As “The Tokyo Express” are shown paying their respect to Eugene Williams, the DOA’s head official, all of a sudden, “The Cali Dragons” are seen exploding through the Dungeon Gateway; infiltrating the squared circle in a ferocious fashion soon thereafter. Their presence forces the victors, “The Tokyo Express”, to spin around and take notice of the scenario at hand; a fact that ultimately brings both duos to the middle of the ring as they have a subtle stare-down.]


[With a confusing stare-down gripping your computer screen, the vibe ultimately changes as “Totally Supreme” is shown sliding back into the ring; shortly following a forceful pep-talk from Sammy Strung. Within seconds, Kornell & Eyezen are shown igniting the flame of violence as they quickly lay their hands on anyone who dare stand before them; a fact that ultimately proves to be unbeneficial for their overall health.]


[in the end, “The Tokyo Express” and “The Cali Dragons” both team together in which to floor the impeding “Totally Supreme” duo. Then again, the real shock comes shortly after their short-termed alliance as “The Cali Dragons” quickly take advantage of the situation at hand; flooring the former Death Defying Duo Champions, “The Tokyo Express”, only seconds later. Such an attack, so intensely aggressive in nature, as you can expect, sends the ‘dead-heads’ into a state of shock; not really knowing if they should boo or not (seeing as though both duos are widely known to be babyfaces). With this in mind, a smattering of boos are heard around the Dungeon; however, for the most part, a mixed reaction seems to follow as those in attendance choose to simply split on their preference.]


[All in all, as the segment closes, we are left with the sight of “The Tokyo Express” being the only real tandem still standing. Shocking, none the less, while also bringing forth a new tone within the Death-Defying Duo Division; one that portrays the thought that NO ONE, NO DUO, can trust the other. In the end, they are all gunning for the same prize; so why play nice?]


Grade: E+


Sara Silver:
I must say, I didn’t think “The Cali Dragons” had it in them. Are they talented? Very, very, much so. In reality, it was never ‘what they could do physically’ that made me feel like they may not be ready for the bright lights; it was always their intense nature that often made me feel that they were a second away from exploding at most points. Either way, tonight, “The Cali Dragons” have shown themselves to be major players within the Death-Defying Duo Division. Tune in next week as we’re sure to see this budding upheaval continue to take hold!










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DOA: "Cyber Clash" is a web-based program uploaded to the DOA's website on Wednesday following the taping for "Rapid Assault" on tuesday (the night before said post). The footage for this webisode is taken from the 'dark matches/angles' that are booked before the official opening of "Rapid Assault" & is used as another way to relay wrestling entertainment through the usage of modern media; which is something that a Network-run wrestling promotion would look to utilize in my mind.
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Awesome again EV, it's shocking all the great talent you have that I forgot about mainly The Pecker Wrecker.


I love Mr. Pecker; however, find very little time to place him on "Rapid Assault" given the major storyline shifts happening right now. I hope, in time, as the biggest storyline takes hold, there will be more room for him to interject into the show on a more consistent basis. That said, I'm hoping to possibly land a second show when the negotiations are up (in like 3 shows) so maybe he'll end up with the chance in time? I can only hope as I do love to write for him; however, don't have much time in a 60 minute show to give him his due.




Now, onto some Random Thoughts...


'DOA vs. DaVE' Special Event

I'm becoming quite serious about running a 'one-off' event in the next coming weeks that pits DaVE alumni versus the new-cast of the DOA. While the show would be largely independent from the proceedings seen on "Rapid Assault", the show itself will also move along some DOA-based storylines within the fold. More or less, it would be projected as less of a DOA event and more of an Arcadia Broadcasting venture with help from U-Demand. Sure, they are biased in the DOA's favor; however, for the sake of storytelling, and what they would see as a money grab, there would be some sense of a tempered objectivity to it all.


All in all, I know I hinted that this show would follow the most recent "Rapid Assault" even that I'm writing right now but, as I continued to book the show I'm on now, I've realized that I would like to have one more "Rapid Assault" before then; as there's a major shift that needs this, and the next, show in which to truly flesh out. So, I guess, it may be a little longer in the future but I am truly focused on adding it to the diary as a whole as a special event.


Pushing "Rapid Assault" longer? Probably not...

I've been mulling, as I always do with every project that I ever run (but definitely something that changed in the first season of "Rapid Assault"), of adding an extra 30 mins or so to the DOA program. Realistically, it would be great to get more wrestlers out there, in front of the lights, but I honestly feel like it could be a bad idea for me as a writer. Writing a 60 minute show, as is, is truly hard for me as it really takes a lot out of me; time, focus, productivity, etc. That said, even though I think I would rather give some more characters some focus outside of the 'major players', I've come to realize that pushing an extra 30 minutes may not be best. Granted, I wouldn't be opposed to a second TV show down the line; however, in most cases, that show would have it's own conceptual feel to it (ie: Death-Defying Duo division Show, a women's division TV show, a 'brand split' with Nemesis taking that show, etc.).


The speed of "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?"

I know there are several of you who read this dynasty who have contestants of your own within my side project; "So... you wanna be a Pro Wrestler?". As you've seen, updates, posts, and scenarios, aren't as fast as other projects as I'm trying to maintain that THIS project is my main focus. More or less, I will try to keep that one moving along well; however, may appear to be more entrenched upon this project as a whole.


1st person account vs. All Business approach [Writing Style]

I have to say, realistically, I've suffered with this minimally. I'm a creature of telling the first person accounts (ie: Greed); so, going full business mode has been somewhat tough at times. That said, It HAS granted me to focus more on the storylines themselves but even that seems rather hollow sometimes; as you, as a writer, don't really know if people are really paying close attention to what you're doing/trying to convey (even when adding 'news' stories about the scenarios themselves). Don't worry, those who are reading this project, I am still invested in the DOA (mostly due to the major storyline that I'm working on right now); however, have had occasional itches to run with other stories as well. That said, I'm not going away; or killing any project to speak of either. Just thought I'd be frank about where I'm sitting at right now; even as I'm writing the latest episode of "Rapid Assault".


I guess I find myself actually doing 'more work' with less response doing a diary like this; sadly. Lately, I've been really grateful to hear from some readers with time but it always seems that the first-person accounts always get more attention on the GDS boards. My last 'all business approach' was with the X-WA, and outside of a few people, I found myself pretty much writing primarily to myself. ha. It was fun but it did start to tax on me after awhile; as it felt like more work than not. Either way, I truly love the DOA, it's concept, what it gives me freedom-wise as a writer, but still find that struggle apparently.



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I've decided to move along to a new project.


I am going to take on the suicidal project that many will probably raise in arms against; mostly for the fact that I've tried TWICE to deliver upon (however failed) and am up against MAJOR competitors (BigPapa42 and JamesCasey).


I will cultivate Supreme Wrestling Federation.


Before you destroy me, labeling me as whatever you may like, at least hear me out; the reasons for why I am making such a change. I know, "Dude, You've jumped around too much. Settle down, retire, or make a decision". I get that; I, myself, feel like I want to get to that point. That said, this is a game. I guess such 'rarrr' mentality may be because people enjoy my work and want me to stay consistent; again. I get that. That said, the SWF is a mountain I wish to climb... A project that I MUST conquer before my days are up here.


I was recently watching Raw when I realized something. While I generally feel uninspired by their current product, I can't help but marvel at the surreal grandeur that comes with the company as a whole; the sensationalism that they continually project without even trying. The McMahon family, the way the company came up, the stars, the ability to generate stars at a drop of a hat, and the challenges of being a Nation-wide (if not global) powerhouse really intrigue me. You watch their shows, their events, and there is just this massive sense of greatness that comes from it; at least more so than how TNA's projected in a way. With this in mind, I Want this. I want to create something the same. I know the DOA may have that chance but I really feel like this is what I need to accomplish as a writer before it's all said and done.


I've tried twice before but this time I have something more pressing to make it work..... The lack of time.


Sounds funny, I know; however, it's true. STarting this next fall, I will be attending Graduate School in which to get my masters in early childhood education. With this in mind, I will have little, to no time, in which to write a diary in general. So, this is really my last hoorah before IT's too late. With this in mind, while I love the DOA, I MUST develop a strong SWF project before my time is up; that's something I cannot move on without. Honestly, I feel I would feel let down without such a project when it's all said and done. So, with this in mind, this is why I am making the jump.


I am going to spend the next week, or two, really diving into eachother character; creating my own image of them & coming out with a cast of perceptions. From there, I plan on really studying the SWF as much as possible; coming away with what I believe to be their true essence. From there, I feel it will be not only fun, but gripping, to come ahead with a project after all of this research. In the past, I've done none of this; rather just jumping into it without really knowing the 'big guns' on their roster. In a way, I created small generalizations and then moved on without really much focus. That, I believe, was my ultimate downfall. That is something I plan on changing.


This new project, as it seems right now, will be told from a first person perspective; however, not as frequent as lets say the John Greed saga. The reason for doing so, I believe at this point, is to give a wealth of perceptions as it pertains to the biggest company in the world. This way, you can see, both, how the company acts, feels, and such, behind the scenes as well as in the forefront. The contradictions, the freedom, the limited freedom, everything will be told from two different perspectives; truly showing the depth at which such a company, and the industry as a whole, would feel like.


Sound grand?


Yes, it probably will be. Which is why I am taking a small window of time to really dive into it all. HOpefully, coming out on the other end with a refined sense of focus; ready to tell the tale of Supreme Wrestling Federation.


To most, I will always play second, if not third, fiddle to BigPapa42 and JamesCasey. That's something I freely accept. In the end, this final masterpiece is something I feel I NEED to tell, I NEED to indulge upon, and I NEED to create before it's too late. IN a way, call it a part of my GDS 'Bucket List'; marked at the top of the list with the most highest sense of importance.


Come with me if you'd like.


If you have any negative emotions, please PM me. I don't want to have to carry anything out in public.


I understand that some, especially those within the side project I had formed, will potentially come to feel slighted. To you, I say that I'm sorry; however, I ask that you realize why I am making a change.


That said, as I've said before, I hope that we can all act as adults and understand why someone with a creative streak would typically sway from idea to idea. Also, that you may respect the fact that the SWF is my last great adventure before it's all said and done. I've said I would retire in the past, and haven't, but this time it's very real with Grad School starting up in September. So, that gives me 8 months to craft, cultivate, and tell the story of the SWF.


Doubt me if you'd like. Challenge me if you feel it necessary.


The SWF is the muse I always wanted to succeed with. With that, It will be my final act within the GDS-universe.


The next time you hear from me, from the standpoint of a new project, will be within the thread of the SWF; a home, a haven if you will, of the greatest wrestling promotion that the Cornellverse has EVER seen!


It's time my user-tag lives up to it's name. It's time that E-V goes "Supreme"; the right way.

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:(, I have always been really enthusiastic with this as even though it isn't real, DOA is without my favorite promotion to ever grace the c-verse, everything about this was great and I'm surprised. I will be reading and predicting on the diary but I can't pretend: I'm not a fan of SWF, I hope you can bring the Eisen-Verse magic to it and maybe I will like the SWF after all (You turned DOA from non-existant to my favorite promotion, anything is possible.) Good luck and see you in the SWF diary :). What will I do for my fix of DOA might have to start a game, but it won't be the same, I wish I could perfectly translate in a game of my own but now I suppose I'll have to go and read season 1, then the start of season 2 again. With a tear in my eye.
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I've decided to move along to a new project.


I am going to take on the suicidal project that many will probably raise in arms against; mostly for the fact that I've tried TWICE to deliver upon (however failed) and am up against MAJOR competitors (BigPapa42 and JamesCasey).


I will cultivate Supreme Wrestling Federation.


Before you destroy me, labeling me as whatever you may like, at least hear me out; the reasons for why I am making such a change. I know, "Dude, You've jumped around too much. Settle down, retire, or make a decision". I get that; I, myself, feel like I want to get to that point. That said, this is a game. I guess such 'rarrr' mentality may be because people enjoy my work and want me to stay consistent; again. I get that. That said, the SWF is a mountain I wish to climb... A project that I MUST conquer before my days are up here.


I was recently watching Raw when I realized something. While I generally feel uninspired by their current product, I can't help but marvel at the surreal grandeur that comes with the company as a whole; the sensationalism that they continually project without even trying. The McMahon family, the way the company came up, the stars, the ability to generate stars at a drop of a hat, and the challenges of being a Nation-wide (if not global) powerhouse really intrigue me. You watch their shows, their events, and there is just this massive sense of greatness that comes from it; at least more so than how TNA's projected in a way. With this in mind, I Want this. I want to create something the same. I know the DOA may have that chance but I really feel like this is what I need to accomplish as a writer before it's all said and done.


I've tried twice before but this time I have something more pressing to make it work..... The lack of time.


Sounds funny, I know; however, it's true. STarting this next fall, I will be attending Graduate School in which to get my masters in early childhood education. With this in mind, I will have little, to no time, in which to write a diary in general. So, this is really my last hoorah before IT's too late. With this in mind, while I love the DOA, I MUST develop a strong SWF project before my time is up; that's something I cannot move on without. Honestly, I feel I would feel let down without such a project when it's all said and done. So, with this in mind, this is why I am making the jump.


I am going to spend the next week, or two, really diving into eachother character; creating my own image of them & coming out with a cast of perceptions. From there, I plan on really studying the SWF as much as possible; coming away with what I believe to be their true essence. From there, I feel it will be not only fun, but gripping, to come ahead with a project after all of this research. In the past, I've done none of this; rather just jumping into it without really knowing the 'big guns' on their roster. In a way, I created small generalizations and then moved on without really much focus. That, I believe, was my ultimate downfall. That is something I plan on changing.


This new project, as it seems right now, will be told from a first person perspective; however, not as frequent as lets say the John Greed saga. The reason for doing so, I believe at this point, is to give a wealth of perceptions as it pertains to the biggest company in the world. This way, you can see, both, how the company acts, feels, and such, behind the scenes as well as in the forefront. The contradictions, the freedom, the limited freedom, everything will be told from two different perspectives; truly showing the depth at which such a company, and the industry as a whole, would feel like.


Sound grand?


Yes, it probably will be. Which is why I am taking a small window of time to really dive into it all. HOpefully, coming out on the other end with a refined sense of focus; ready to tell the tale of Supreme Wrestling Federation.


To most, I will always play second, if not third, fiddle to BigPapa42 and JamesCasey. That's something I freely accept. In the end, this final masterpiece is something I feel I NEED to tell, I NEED to indulge upon, and I NEED to create before it's too late. IN a way, call it a part of my GDS 'Bucket List'; marked at the top of the list with the most highest sense of importance.


Come with me if you'd like.


If you have any negative emotions, please PM me. I don't want to have to carry anything out in public.


I understand that some, especially those within the side project I had formed, will potentially come to feel slighted. To you, I say that I'm sorry; however, I ask that you realize why I am making a change.


That said, as I've said before, I hope that we can all act as adults and understand why someone with a creative streak would typically sway from idea to idea. Also, that you may respect the fact that the SWF is my last great adventure before it's all said and done. I've said I would retire in the past, and haven't, but this time it's very real with Grad School starting up in September. So, that gives me 8 months to craft, cultivate, and tell the story of the SWF.


Doubt me if you'd like. Challenge me if you feel it necessary.


The SWF is the muse I always wanted to succeed with. With that, It will be my final act within the GDS-universe.


The next time you hear from me, from the standpoint of a new project, will be within the thread of the SWF; a home, a haven if you will, of the greatest wrestling promotion that the Cornellverse has EVER seen!


It's time my user-tag lives up to it's name. It's time that E-V goes "Supreme"; the right way.

Uh woah... is that why you haven't answered my PM's? Busy life, eh? ;) In any case, I'm going to try to delay my plans... not that they are close to completion. :p


Edit: I forgot to add, I was never mad at what you did at all. I enjoy your work. :)

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