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WWE: Shaking Things Up

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Dark Matches:


Drew McIntyre vs. Evan Bourne

Winner: Evan Bourne | Rating: C+


..::WWE Friday Night SmackDown!::..

Attendance: 9,707 | Rating: 1.65 on WWE.com | Filmed from the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, WI




..::THE NEXUS::..

(Michael McGillicutty, Husky Harris, Michael Tarver, Wade Barrett, Skip Sheffield, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, & David Otunga)



The show opens to a surprising reunion of Nexus.. it seems as if all members are fully fit and ready to cause some more mayhem.


Barrett: "Ladies & Gentlemen.. now I bet you're looking at us, shocked. You thought that John Cena really took out some of our members, members like Skip Sheffield & Michael Tarver.. well let me reassure you, the Nexus is back together and stronger than ever!"


Otunga: "That's right Wade.. and we thought we'd make it our mission to come to SmackDown tonight to relay that message to the WWE Universe."


Barrett: "Oh right Otunga, that reminds me of another.. tonight marks the reunion of The Nexus, it also marks the end for a member of the Nexus.."


Nexus just looks at Barrett stunned.. there all wondering who the man could be that will be kicked out of Nexus.


Barrett: "Remember boys, I hold the answer as to who will be forcefully removed from Nexus.. and I will reveal that answer, tonight, directly after I defeat Chavo Guerrero.. so boys, after the match you all come into the ring with me and fall in line.. judgement is upon you."


Matt Striker: "Wow, Todd, did you hear that?"


Todd Grisham: "Yes I did Matt, and it really doesn't surprise me that much. Wade Barrett is an ego driven madman and will do anything so he gets the spotlight.."


Striker: "Well either way, Todd, it's Friday Night SmackDown and we are under way with the first match about to happen.. it's a match that is in continuation of the WWE Draft and is actually for TWO DRAFT PICKS!.. So hopefully SmackDown can pull out an impressive victory and claim another two members to the SmackDown brand!"


Grisham: "Not only that Matt, but what a Main Event we have in store for the WWE Universe.. WWE Champion Randy Orton takes on World Heavyweight Champion KANE!!"


..::JTG vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Curt Hawkins vs. Zack Ryder::..


The match played to a hot crowd.. not many fans enjoyed the competitors in it but enjoyed the layout none-the-less. Kozlov gets knocked out of the ring and gets attacked by SmackDown newcomer, Sheamus. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder team up for a little bit to get the upperhand on JTG. It doesn't last too long as Hawkins & Ryder start to argue over who should get the pin and win it for SmackDown.. as there arguing JTG gets up and nails Hawkins with Da Shout Out but before he can do anything to Ryder, Ryder's tossing him out of the ring and taking the pin for himself.


Winner: Zack Ryder

Rating: C


The lights flicker the screen goes black, then starts to flash faces of every WWE Superstar.. it slowly goes down to a few faces.. then fewer and fewer until it reaches two superstars...


















YOSHI TATSU & JACK SWAGGER, have been Drafted to SmackDown!


..::The Uso's(Jimmy & Jey Uso) vs. The Hart Dynasty(David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd)::..



For a couple weeks now many believe there to be some tension within The Hart Dynasty as they both end up nailing the other and causing them to lose the match.. There out here to prove to everyone that there just as cohesive as ever. The Uso's are out to prove to everyone that there not just a one-time win team.. there looking to do some damage. Both teams give it there all but in the end David Hart Smith picked up Jey Uso for a Running Powerslam as he was backing up for it Kidd tagged himself in and waited for Smith to nail the finishing maneuver and then Kidd quickly ran in for the pin for The Hart Dynasty.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty

Rating: C+


Once again after the match the lights flicker, the screen blackens and the flashes the faces of WWE Superstars.. finally coming to rest on ..










VLADIMIR KOZLOV! Vladimir Kozlov is drafted to SmackDown!


..::Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes::..



The match opened with both men legit wrestling trying to out-do one another.. Bryan got the upperhand and kept on Rhodes. European Uppercuts here, stiff leg kicks there, everything he did made Rhodes whimper in pain. Bryan looked to hook in the Labelle lock early but Rhodes powered out of it and dropped Bryan on his head. Rhodes was playing up to the crowd while refs looked at Bryan to make sure he was alright.. Rhodes went down to pick up Bryan but Bryan was playing possum and fought Rhodes to the ground and locked in the Labelle lock forcing Rhodes to tap out.


Winner: Daniel Bryan

Rating: C+


Bryan wins one for Team RAW and earns them a draft pick .. that pick is none other than..










TED DIBIASE! Ted DiBiase is drafted to RAW!


While his picture is still up Goldust comes walking out..


Goldust: "You know Mr. Ted.. you are a great second generation superstar.. as am I.. you held the Million Dollar Belt.. I hold it now.. you have a beautiful woman around your arm.. So do I.. the point I'm getting at here Ted is me and you aren't so different.. sure you may not have been electrocuted and had a stuttering problem for close to a year, or paint your face gold, or have the respect and love from the fans.."


DiBiase's picture goes away and a live feed of him comes up..


DiBiase: "What are you saying Goldust.. me and you are the same? HA! There's no way, I'm the new commodity, your the past, I'm appealing and eye catching, your halfway to looking like your father, I'm the man who's going to beat you and take back my Million Dollar Title, your going to get beaten and lose the title.. You see Goldust, we're nothing alike.. I'm a winner and you, you will always be just like you were when you were a kid.. A Loser!"


Goldust scoffs at him in disbelief.


Goldust: "Fine TED.. why are we waiting for Survivor Series.. why don't we do this tonight!"


Ted starts walking from the back to the arena.. as he's walking to the arena a man jumps him backstage.. it's hard to tell on camera who it was but they left him down and out.


..::Winner Chooses Brand Battle Royal::..

..::MVP vs. Joey Mercury vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Vance Archer vs. Kaval vs. The Miz vs. William Regal vs. Goldust vs. Yoshi Tatsu vs. Mark Henry::..




A Very generic battle royal, everyone goes after the biggest guy first, this case being Mark Henry. After Henry gets out, everyone goes after anyone.. you see some teamwork but not much since the winner gets to choose what brand they are going to be on. Yoshi Tatsu was the next one to go eliminated by Dolph Ziggler, shortly after that Ziggler got eliminated by The Miz, Vance Archer was the next one to go, also eliminated by The Miz. The match went on for a little while before Goldust saw his end in the Battle Royal when Ted DiBiase came down to the ring, limping, and distracted him long enough for Regal to eliminate him. Kaval landed a very nice jumping kick to Mercury sending him reeling causing him to fall over the rope being eliminated. Miz & Regal teamed up to get out Kaval in which they succeeded as soon as they were done Miz turned on Regal and eliminated him. The final two members now are MVP & The Miz.. The Miz has eliminated 3 superstars in the match already and MVP hasn't done much but help eliminate Mark Henry. They start out by doing a few spots nothing real fancy, MVP knocks The Miz down and does his "Baller" fist drop Miz slowly picks himself up using the ropes as MVP stands back getting ready for a clothesline over the top.. he goes running at Miz but Miz ducks it and pulls the rope down causing MVP to be the final elimination.


Winner: The Miz

Rating: C+


The Miz gets on the mic..


The Miz: "Now that is how an awesome person does there job. I was given the opportunity to choose my own brand in this battle royal, so I gave everything I could just so I wouldn't end up on this second-rate piece of garbage brand you guys call SmackDown!"


Miz is getting some serious heat from the crowd


The Miz: "Also, RAW has credible wrestlers.. SmackDown has the 4 foot Rey Mysterio, the Jolly Green Retard Big Show, The Big Red Loser Kane and many, many more sideshow freaks.. that's why there on the "side" show known as SmackDown.. because they can't do what we do on RAW!"


..::Wade Barrett vs. Chavo Guerrero



Basic squash match, Chavo got a little action but nothing much before Barrett hit the Wasteland to end it.


Winner: Wade Barrett

Rating: C


Barrett grabs a mic..


Barrett: "Now wait a minute before you start the WWE Draft.. I told you I had something to say about the future of The Nexus.. so boys would you do us the honors of coming down to this ring and fall in line for your judgement."


The Nexus comes out but looks very worried about who will be getting the boot..


Barrett: "Alright, now you all have something very special to offer The Nexus but, one of you, one of you are holding us back.."


Otunga: "Wade, I know I haven't been the best for Nexus lately.. and have even questioned your power as of late.. but I must warn you if you get rid of me.. you'll be hurting more than I will once I'm through with you."


Barrett: "Otunga, why would you say that.. you've shown leadership, resiliency, power, everything this group is about. Trust me, I'm not worried about you taking over Nexus anytime soon.. because quite frank.. it'll.. never.. happen.."


Barrett starts walking down the line sizing up people, making judgements.. he stops on Justin Gabriel..


Barrett: "Gabriel, you and Slater are WWE Tag Team Champions.. well done.. but I'm sorry for the news.."


He raises his fist and blasts Michael Tarver straight in the mouth..


Barrett: "That Michael Tarver is out of Nexus.. he was trying to get The Nexus banned from WWE and send us packing.. we just got the jump on him before he could do any harm. Boys.. you know the procedure."


The Nexus swarm on Tarver and put him through an announce table and walk to the back while an emergency team look at him and wheel him to the back on a stretcher.


After the attack is done the lights flicker the screen flashes and Nexus halt in there footsteps to see who the new RAW member is..










JOEY MERCURY! Joey Mercury is drafted to RAW!


Barrett says something to Otunga while pointing at the screen, they laugh and walk to the back.


..::Randy Orton vs. Kane::..



Randy Orton gets early control of the match, but it doesn't last too long against the monster known as Kane. Kane starts hitting Randy with everything he's got.. Kane nails a chokeslam on Randy Orton and then picks him up and hooks up the Tombstone.. he slams Orton head first into the mat but before he can pin him Edge comes out with Paul Bearer. Kane leaves the ring and stares at Edge from the ring.. he starts walking towards Edge..


Edge: "Whoa, whoa, whoa there big fella.. I wouldn't come to close to this man... he's close to being torched as it is.. Edge pulls out a can of gas and a blowtorch.. Now Kane here's my problem.. I'm number one contender for your belt, and I still don't have an opponent for Survivor Series... So what do you say, for old times sake.. "The Rated R Superstar" Edge vs. "Satan's Reject" Kane one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship!"


Before anything else happens you hear the ring bell go off.. the ref reached a 10 count, counting Kane out of the match.


Winner: Randy Orton

Rating: B+


Before anything else is said between the two, Vicki Guerrero & Teddy Long come to the ring, branding mics of there own..


Vicki: "Now Kane.. Edge.. don't be upset.. but there's one little thing about your match at Survivor Series.."


Edge: "What do you mean.. one little thing.."


Teddy: "It's going to be Edge vs. Kane.. but not for the World Heavyweight Championship, not one on one.. but 5 on 5 old fashioned Survivor Series match. Team Kane vs. Team Edge.. you both have two weeks to assemble your teams.. so get to it.. Oh and listen up playas.. you aren't just limited to SmackDown superstars.. you can choose RAW members as well.. and here are the two newest RAW Superstars..."


















R-TRUTH & DAVID HART SMITH! R-Truth & David Hart Smith are Drafted to RAW!




After the Draft Board goes away we go to the arena where Kane & Edge have a stare down as SmackDown goes off the air..


Post Show:


Big Show & Rey Mysterio vs. Husky Harris & Michael McGillicutty

Winners: Big Show & Rey Mysterio | Rating: C-


..::Quick Pick List Results/Standings::..

ChrisKid - 15/19

StratusFaction - 2/6

Chikbot - 3/3

BigPapa - 5/6

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  • 2 weeks later...


..::Monday Night RAW::..



..::Announced Matches::..


..::Michael McGillicutty & Husky Harris vs. Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins::..



..::Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus::..



..::Goldust vs. MVP::..



..::WWE Tag Team Title Match::..

..::Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater vs. The Hart Dynasty::..



..::Cody Rhodes vs. Evan Bourne::..



..::WWE Championship Match::..

..::Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton© vs. John Cena



~Quick pick list~


Michael McGillicutty & Husky Harris vs. Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins

Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus

Goldust vs. MVP

TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater© vs. The Hart Dynasty

Cody Rhodes vs. Evan Bourne

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH - Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton© vs. John Cena

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Michael McGillicutty & Husky Harris vs. Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins

Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus

Goldust vs. MVP

TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater© vs. The Hart Dynasty

Cody Rhodes vs. Evan Bourne

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH - Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton© vs. John Cena

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