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Total Lucha Libre

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I want to say thanks to those who predicted. It looks like this past week we had only two predictors…


MJStark got 3 correct

20Legend got 1 correct.


This means we have…


PeterHilton with 4 points

HydeHill with 4 points

MJStark with 9 points

20Legend with 1 point


Thanks again, the next card will be posted shortly…

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>April 14th 2010</p><p>

Mexico City, Mexico</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We are once again inside the office of Carlos Reyes Jr. Carlos is sitting behind his desk while Mateo Iglesias and Larry Wood sit right across from him. In front of the men is a half empty bottle of tequila and three shot glasses. Carlos takes another shot, wipes his mouth, and then he begins to speak.</p><p> </p><p>

Carlos::: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Gentlemen…Guerra was a complete success! The internet is already buzzing at the thought of Del Muerto coming back from a broken neck. Little do these fans know, Vicente Romero is Del Muerto, they have seen him wrestling for months without the mask.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mateo::: <span style="color:#2E8B57;">Thank God the fans here in Mexico respect the business more than those American ones, or else everyone would know that. If we build this thing right Carlos, not only will we make a lot of money but it will kill some of the heat of SOTBW since they will look bad for losing Del Muerto to us.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Larry::: <span style="color:#F4A460;">You two are cold blooded…</span></p><p> </p><p>

Carlos::: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Larry, you are a great asset to TLL. You are known around the world for your crazy brawls. Mateo speaks highly of your booking and road agent skills. I trust you and your opinion based on Mateo's recommendations. However, in all your travels have you ever been part of a promotion that feared for the future of their sport?</span></p><p> </p><p>

Larry::: <span style="color:#F4A460;">No, but…</span></p><p> </p><p>

Carlos::: <span style="color:#FF0000;">But nothing! What we have here is a war…nothing less! SOTBW, MPWF, and OLLIE are slowly killing the national sport of Mexico. Lucha Libre is on life support and I will not let it die even if I have to crush every other company on the face of the planet!</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mateo::: <span style="color:#2E8B57;">Calmete! Relax Carlos…We are here celebrating after all.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Carlos::: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Your right my friend. Larry, I apologize for my outburst.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Larry:::<span style="color:#F4A460;"> No problem Carlos…I admire your passion for this business. If there were more guys like you in this business the sport wouldn’t be such a bitch to work in.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mateo::: <span style="color:#2E8B57;">Amen to that! Wrestling is a cruel mistress.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Carlos::: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Mateo…Larry…Do you think we could pull off a show like Guerrera every week?</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mateo::: <span style="color:#2E8B57;">We have the talent. Our matches are not that intensive, so there is no fear of working them to death.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Larry::: <span style="color:#F4A460;">As long as we schedule it around the commitments of the boys, then we should be able to pull it off. I just don’t see what it good would do without a TV contract.</span></p><p> </p><p>

Mateo::: <span style="color:#2E8B57;">TV is good Larry, but in Mexico word of mouth is just as good.</span> </p><p> </p><p>

Carlos::: <span style="color:#FF0000;">Then it is settled…TLL goes weekly starting next Saturday. We will rotate around Mexico and hit MPWF, OLLIE, and SOTBW in their home towns. This war is going to get very interesting real soon…</span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/TLL-1.jpg</span><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;">Presents</span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:36px;">Sábado Violente #1</span></p><p> </p><p>

Amazing Firefly vs. Pajero del Fuego: Lucha Libre Rules</p><p>

Rudy Velasquez vs. Luna Clara: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall)</p><p>

Hector Galindo vs. Luna Oscura: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall)</p><p>

Larry Wood vs. Luchadore Valiente vs. Jesus Chavez : Triple Threat Elimination</p><p>

Sunburst vs. La Bestia Purpura : Lucha Libre Rules</p><p>

El Orgulloso vs. La Estrella : Lucha Libre Rules</p><p>

El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto : Lucha Libre Rules</p><p>

~Main Event~</p><p>

Extranjero Loco vs. El Jefe Militar : Boot Camp Match </p></div><p></p><p></p>

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OMG I was bad at predicting in that first round I took part in,



Amazing Firefly vs. Pajero del Fuego: Lucha Libre Rules

Rudy Velasquez vs. Luna Clara: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall)

Hector Galindo vs. Luna Oscura: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall)

Larry Wood vs. Luchadore Valiente vs. Jesus Chavez : Triple Threat Elimination

Sunburst vs. La Bestia Purpura : Lucha Libre Rules

El Orgulloso vs. La Estrella : Lucha Libre Rules

El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto : Lucha Libre Rules

~Main Event~

Extranjero Loco vs. El Jefe Militar : Boot Camp Match

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Amazing Firefly vs. Pajero del Fuego: Lucha Libre Rules

Rudy Velasquez vs. Luna Clara: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall)

Hector Galindo vs. Luna Oscura: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall)

Larry Wood vs. Luchadore Valiente vs. Jesus Chavez : Triple Threat Elimination

Sunburst vs. La Bestia Purpura : Lucha Libre Rules

El Orgulloso vs. La Estrella : Lucha Libre Rules

El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto : Lucha Libre Rules

~Main Event~

Extranjero Loco vs. El Jefe Militar : Boot Camp Match

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Due to an error the show was erased...so here is a small recap....SORRY! Bolded participants are the winners...




Amazing Firefly vs. Pajero del Fuego: Lucha Libre Rules (31)


Rudy Velasquez vs. Luna Clara: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall) (36)


Hector Galindo vs. Luna Oscura: American Wrestling Rules (1 fall) (34)


Larry and Jesus Brawl to the ring…(55)


Larry Wood vs. Luchadore Valiente vs. Jesus Chavez : Triple Threat Elimination (30)


Sunburst vs. La Bestia Purpura : Lucha Libre Rules (29)


Lunas Challenge the Latin Kings to A lose leaves Mexico Ladder match…(28)


El Orgulloso vs. La Estrella : Lucha Libre Rules (48)


El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto : Lucha Libre Rules (52)


Extranjero Entrance...39)


~Main Event~

Extranjero Loco vs. El Jefe Militar : Boot Camp Match (23)


Extranjero blinded by Del Muerto…(44)




Wrestling Century got 4 correct

20Legend got 5 correct


Score is...


Wrestling Century 4 points

PeterHilton with 4 points

HydeHill with 4 points

MJStark with 9 points

20Legend with 6 point

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Total Lucha Libre


Sabado Violente


Pajero del Fuego & Jefe Militar vs. Sunburst and Luchadore Valiente: Pre Show Bonus


The Luna Twins vs. The Latin Kings: loser Leaves Mexico Ladder Match

El Orgulloso vs. La Bestia Purpura: 1 fall match

La Estrella vs. The Amazing Firefly: 1 fall match

Larry Wood vs. Jesus Chavez: Texas Strap Match

~Main Event~

El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto: Pile driver Challenge

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Pajero del Fuego & Jefe Militar vs. Sunburst and Luchadore Valiente: Pre Show Bonus


The Luna Twins vs. The Latin Kings: loser Leaves Mexico Ladder Match

El Orgulloso vs. La Bestia Purpura: 1 fall match

La Estrella vs. The Amazing Firefly: 1 fall match

Larry Wood vs. Jesus Chavez: Texas Strap Match

~Main Event~

El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto: Pile driver Challenge

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Pajero del Fuego & Jefe Militar vs. Sunburst and Luchadore Valiente: Pre Show Bonus


The Luna Twins vs. The Latin Kings: loser Leaves Mexico Ladder Match

El Orgulloso vs. La Bestia Purpura: 1 fall match

La Estrella vs. The Amazing Firefly: 1 fall match

Larry Wood vs. Jesus Chavez: Texas Strap Match

~Main Event~

El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto: Pile driver Challenge

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Identical picks...either I'm too predictible or your both on the same wavelength...either way thanks for the predictions and a full result will be up this time next week...unless you rather have the recap version???


I just pick the guys I'm more familiar with, I don't think your too predictable as I've probably got some wrong since IDK much about C-Verse in Mexico

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Pajero del Fuego & Jefe Militar vs. Sunburst and Luchadore Valiente: Pre Show Bonus


The Luna Twins vs. The Latin Kings: loser Leaves Mexico Ladder Match

El Orgulloso vs. La Bestia Purpura: 1 fall match

La Estrella vs. The Amazing Firefly: 1 fall match

Larry Wood vs. Jesus Chavez: Texas Strap Match

~Main Event~

El Pavo Real vs. Del Muerto: Pile driver Challenge

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Total Lucha Libre


Sabado Violente


Live from Bar Juarez in Northern Mexico

Attendance: 7!



Pajero del Fuego & Jefe Militar vs. Sunburst and Luchadore Valiente

~Pajero and Jefe were able to score the win after several minutes of crappy wrestling.(25)~




As the show officially kicks off both the Luna Twins and The Latin Kings make their way to the ring. After several minutes of staring each other down, all hell breaks loose and the two teams are trading blows as the crowd cheers them on. Finally Jesus Chavez and Larry Wood come out and are able to separate the two teams as the crowd boos. (47)




Francisco: Welcome to Sabado Violente! As you just saw we get very wild, very fast around here.


Carlos: Can you blame either team Francisco? The Luna Twins are still pissed at the way The Latin Kings cheated them out of a match a few weeks, meanwhile The Latin Kings are still getting over the fact that Larry Wood came to help The Luna Twins and gave them an old fashioned style ass whipping.


Francisco: Don’t forget that tonight these two teams square off in a ladder match that will decide which team stays in Mexico and which team is forced to leave the country for good!


Carlos: While I love a good high stakes gamble on a wrestling match I think the Luna Twins may have gotten too confident before issuing this challenge. I mean look at it this way Francisco…IF the Lunas win then the Latin Kings simply go back to the U.S. where they are citizens, but if the Lunas lose…who knows where they will end up?


Francisco: Excellent point Carlos but it is too late to think things out because that match is on for tonight! However, up first is El Orgulloso taking on La Bestia Purpura in a match under 1 fall rules. This should be good Carlos…


Carlos: Indeed…




The bell rings and El Orgulloso and La Bestia Purpura circle one another trying to size one another up. Orgulloso makes the first move and lands a quick double leg takedown. Orgulloso follows this up with a quick elbow drop and a pin attempt that only gets him a one count.


La Bestia gets back to his feet and he is able to whip Orgulloso into the ropes and catch him with a back elbow on the rebound. La Bestia pulls Orgulloso up by the hair then lands a quick snap suplex. La Bestia kips up to his feet and rebounds off the ropes and lands a senton on the prone Orgulloso. La Bestia goes for a pin and he gets two and a half before Orgulloso is able to get a shoulder up.


Both men get up to their feet and go into a collar and elbow lock up. La Bestia head butts Orgulloso and as Orgulloso stumbles back he grabs him around the waist and lands a huge Beast Bomb. La Bestia makes the pin and gets a solid three count.


Winner by pinfall: La Bestia Purpura! (40)


Francisco: Hard fought win for La Bestia Purpura. Each and every week this guy looks better and better Carlos.


Carlos: Indeed he does Francisco and if he continues to impress like this it won’t be long before he gets a shot at that Rey de Lucha Libre Championship.


Francisco: Speaking of that title, our next match features a man who feels that title should belong to him and him alone…Of Course you realize I am talking about Kid ****y himself La Estrella. He will be taking on The Amazing Firefly in what is sure to be a great bout.




As the bell rings La Estrella races across the ring and nails The Amazing Firefly with a knee to the face. Firefly stumbles back and Estrella grabs hold of Firefly’s neck and flips over the ropes to the outside, pulling the back of Firefly’s neck across the ropes in the process. Estrella hops up on the apron and waits for Firefly to turn around before hopping up on the ropes and spring boarding off with a cross body, however Firefly is able to leap back and catch Estrella with a dropkick to the chest.


Firefly kips up and runs to the turnbuckle and hops up to the top turnbuckle. As the crowd cheers, Firefly leaps off only to land with his stomach on the raised knees of Estrella. As he holds his chest, Estrella gets up to his feet and then helps Firefly up. Estrella lands a hard European uppercut to Firefly followed by a release German Suplex. Estrella then climbs to the top turnbuckle but Firefly is able to get up and he runs toward the turnbuckle and spring boards off the ropes and lands a kick to the head of Estrella. Estrella is woozy on the turnbuckle and Firefly climbs up the turnbuckle and tries a superplex only for Estrella to push him off. Estrella then leaps off the tope turnbuckle and lands a Hollywood Press. Estrella makes the cover and gets the three count.


Winner by pinfall: La Estrella! (50)


Carlos: Wow! Now that was what I call a Lucha Libre match! Fast action, plenty of reversals, and a finish that came out of nowhere!


Francisco: The Action was so fast if you blinked during that match you probably missed one or two of the highlights folks. Coming up next we have Larry Wood and Jesus Chavez going at it…


Carlos: Hold on there Francisco, because I am getting word that the Championship committee would like me to relay a message from them.




Carlos leaves the announcers table and heads into the ring. As he reaches the ring he is handed a mic.


Carlos: Ladies and Gentlemen let me start off by saying thank you for coming out and supporting Total Lucha Libre. You people are the reason why this company was built. With that said, the TLL Championship Committee would like to address the incident that occurred last week. For those who do not know by now, Del Muerto shot a fireball from his hand into the eyes of the Rey de Lucha Libre Champion Extranjero Loco and blinded him. The doctors reports that Extranjero may never be able to see again, and so the Championship Committee has decided to strip the Rey de Lucha Libre title from Extranjero Loco and declare the championship vacant, effective immediately!


With that said, the winner of tonight’s Piledriver Challenge between El Pavo Real and Del Muerto will be one of the two men competing for the vacant championship. Good luck to both men and enjoy the rest of the show. (14)




Larry Wood and Jesus Chavez are strapped together by the ten foot leather strap and the bell is rung. Larry and Jesus trade blows in the center of the ring until Larry is able to get the advantage and force Jesus to move back a few steps. Jesus goes for a right but Larry blocks it and connects with a huge left hook. Larry then grabs hold of Jesus by the neck and delivers a choke slam. Larry drops to one knee and wraps the strap around Jesus then drags him to the four corners and touches each one to win the match.


Winner by Touching all four corner: Larry Wood! (27)


As Larry has his hand raised by the ref, Jesus gets up and slaps Larry across the back with part of the strap. Larry then turns and the two men begin a wild brawl that sees them end up in the crowd and then out toward the street as security rushes to break them up (51)


Francisco: The action just keeps getting wilder around here!


Carlos: it’s about to get completely out of control Francisco because we have that huge tag match coming up next!




The bell rings and all four men begin trading blows in the center of the ring. Rudy is able to get Luna Clara in a headlock as Luna Oscura tosses Hector over the ropes and out to the floor. Rudy whips Clara into the corner and follows him in with a splash then a stunner. On the outside Hector is being slammed face first into the safety barricade. Rudy sees this and leaps over the ropes and lands on Oscura with a splash sending both men crashing down. Clara comes to and hops up on the turnbuckle and he hops off and lands on all three men sending everyone back to the floor.


All four men get to their feet slowly. Rudy and Hector nail the Luna Twins with dual low blows. Hector then grabs a ladder from under the ring as Rudy grabs a nearby chair and begins to lace into the Luna Twins. Hector sets the ladder up and retrieves the briefcase that contains the deportation papers.


Winner by retrieving the deportation papers: The Latin Kings! (38)


Francisco: And just like that we are now two men less here in Total Lucha Libre!


Carlos: I don’t know what to say, except that The Luna Twins have exactly twenty four hours to leave Mexico and never come back. This is a sad end, to the short stay in TLL by the Luna Twins.


Francisco: I wish we could give a moment of silence Carlos, but up next is the main event!




El Pavo tries to shake the hand of Del Muerto but Muerto slaps Pavo across the face as the bell rings. Pavo holds his face in disgust then lands a hard kick to the gut of Muerto. Pavo places Muerto between his legs for a piledriver but Muerto is able to flip Pavo over. Muerto goes over to the downed Pavo and begins to kick the right leg of Pavo. After a few stomps, Muerto grabs the leg in a single leg Boston Crab that has Pavo slapping the mat with his hand. Muerto releases the hold and helps Pavo up. Pavo is favoring his leg as Muerto whips him to the ropes. As Pavo rebounds off, Del Muerto locks in a sleeper hold. As Pavo begins to go out, Muerto spins him around and places him between his legs then hits a cradle piledriver to win the match.


Winner by Piledriver: Del Muerto! (56)


As Muerto begins to taunt the out cold Pavo the lights begin to flicker and smoke billows up from under the ring. An eerie sound fills the arena and we see what appears to be a flying saucer hover over the ring. The crowd is abuzz as they believe Extranjero Loco is coming out…




Alien: Muerto, you have blinded Xargo the Prince of the Star System Bilgon…or as you know him, Extranjero Loco! I am Xargo’s younger brother, Orgo the Mighty. Next week I shall return to your planet and you will face me in combat so that I might restore the honor to my family!


Del Muerto and the crowd look on in shock as the Alien gets back in his ship and disappears into a cloud of green smoke. (56)


Overall show…49!


OOC...I will post the prediction results and the next card tommorrow after the next narritive post...thanx for reading!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">TLL.com Exclusive Report</span></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>With the loss of The Luna Twins TLL has aggressively sought out teams to fill in their tag team ranks. So far TLL has been able to sign four new teams to contracts and we will see all of them compete next week at Sabado Violente.<p> </p><p> <span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/Asiatico.jpg</span><span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/Europea.jpg</span></p><p> Asiatico and Europea AKA The Continental Connection</p><p> </p><p> They are former MPWF Campeones de Parejas holders having won those titles on two separate occasions. They were a dominant force in MPWF using fast tags, unique offense, and a devastating finisher known as the Continental Shift!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/Hexx.jpg</span><span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/Decimalo.jpg</span></p><p> Hexx and Decimalo AKA Los Academia</p><p> </p><p> Los Academia is the veteran tag team of the group. They have been winning tag team titles in Mexico since the late 1990s. They are generally seen as being only behind Dos Phoenix in terms of great Lucha Libre tag teams of the past ten years. On a side note they have also held the OLLIE Trios title on two separate occasions with Slayyer.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/Pinaculo.jpg</span><span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/Zenith.jpg</span></p><p> Thunder and Lightning AKA The Storm Riders</p><p> </p><p> The Storm Riders are a team that has spent several years grinding it out on the independent circuit in Mexico. Never getting a break from the Big Three, The Storm Riders were happy to dominate the Indy scene until TLL came calling.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/AsesinoDeLaEspada.jpg</span><span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/TLL/AsesinoDelHacha.jpg</span></p><p> Asesino de la Espada and Asesino del Hacha AKA Los Asesinos</p><p> </p><p> Los Asesinos are a pair of brawlers who are more at home in a bar fight than a wrestling match. They have a smash mouth style that directly conflicts with the flashy luchadore style of most teams in Mexico.</p></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> OOC...Thanx to the 77 team for the renders of Pinoculo and Zenith whom I used for The Thunder Riders.</p>
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<p>Last Week we had three men try their luck at predicting…</p><p> </p><p> Wrestling Century got 3 correct</p><p> 20Legend got 3 correct</p><p> MJStark got 4 correct</p><p> </p><p> So the score is...</p><p> </p><p> Wrestling Century 7 points</p><p> PeterHilton with 4 points</p><p> HydeHill with 4 points</p><p> MJStark with 12 points</p><p> 20Legend with 9 point</p><p> </p><p> At the end of our tenth show I will have a winner for round 1 and that person will get to choose who competes in a Mask vs. Mask match!</p><p> </p><p> Next week’s show is as follows…</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29487" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">TLL </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> Presents</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> Sadabo Violente #3</span></p><p> </p><p> Los Academia vs. Los Asesinos</p><p> The Storm Riders vs. The Continental Connection</p><p> The Latin Kings vs. El Orgullosos and El Luchadore Valiente</p><p> Jesus Chavez vs. Sunburst</p><p> Larry Wood vs. El Jefe Militar and Pajero del Fuego</p><p> Amazing Firefly vs. La Bestia Purpura</p><p> La Estrella vs. El Pavo Real</p><p> Del Muerto vs. Orgo the Mighty</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p><strong>Los Academia</strong> vs. Los Asesinos</p><p>

The Storm Riders vs. <strong>The Continental Connection</strong></p><p>

The Latin Kings vs. <strong>El Orgullosos and El Luchadore Valiente</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jesus Chavez</strong> vs. Sunburst</p><p>

<strong>Larry Wood</strong> vs. El Jefe Militar and Pajero del Fuego</p><p>

Amazing Firefly vs. <strong>La Bestia Purpura</strong></p><p>

La Estrella vs. <strong>El Pavo Real</strong></p><p>

<strong>Del Muerto</strong> vs. Orgo the Mighty</p>

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Inside the office of Carlos Reyes Jr. we find both Carlos himself and Extranjero Loco sharing a bottle of tequila.


Extranjero: Carlos...I'm not sure this is such a good idea. Keeping me off the cards, taking the title from me, and introducing a "brother." It all seems too...far fetched!


Carlos: Relax...This is Lucha Libre after all. People expect zany charecters and over the top gimmicks. Do you think the people stopped watching when El Patron faced The Pharoah? No! The peoople ate it up.


Extranjero: True...but Patron was never held off shows.


Carlos: True...but your no Patron my friend, not yet anyways. If you trust me you will be though, I gurantee it!


Extranjero: Ok, but if I think your trying to screw with me...


Carlos: Save the threats for someone who is actually afraid of you. This is my company, you do as I say or I'll find someone who will comprende?


Extranjero: Si Jefe...


Carlos: Good, now see yourself out and don't forget to take your cane along with you...after all people think your blind.

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Los Academia vs. Los Asesinos

The Storm Riders vs. The Continental Connection

The Latin Kings vs. El Orgullosos and El Luchadore Valiente

Jesus Chavez vs. Sunburst

Larry Wood vs. El Jefe Militar and Pajero del Fuego

Amazing Firefly vs. La Bestia Purpura

La Estrella vs. El Pavo Real

Del Muerto vs. Orgo the Mighty

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Total Lucha Libre


Sabado Violente #3


Live from The Gutierrez Community Center in Southern Mexico

Attendance: 7!




Francisco: Welcome to another Sadabo Violente! This week things really heat up as we kick off the Round Robin Tag Team Invitational Tournament! Four teams, along with our very own Latin Kings will compete in a Round Robin style tournament to crown the first Total Lucha Libre Campeones de Parejas!


Carlos: Not to take anything away from the Latin Kings, but the four teams invited to compete all have impressive credentials Cisco. The Continental Connection are former tag champions as are Los Academia. Meanwhile both Los Asesinos and The Storm Riders have been tearing up the indy scene here in Mexico.


Francisco: Truly all the teams in this tournament deserve to wear the TLL Campeones de Parejas belts but ultimately only one team will earn that honor.


Carlos:Hold that thought Cisco, it appears that The Latin Kings and their enforcer Jesus Chavez are heading down to the ring and they appear to have microphones in tow.




The crowd boos as they enter the ring.


Rudy: Keep booing…Go ahead. We all know dirty Mexicans like you all have no respect for honest, hard working, Americans.


The crowd boos.


Hector: You see, we know the only reason you boo us…is because you wish you could be us! You wish you could drive your broken down lawn mower across the border legally instead of floating across the river like a piece of trash!


The crowd boos even louder.


Rudy: Speaking of pieces of garbage…I heard the Luna Twins have been having trouble finding work after we kicked their butts right out of this turd of a country! Don’t fret people. I’m sure someone will hire them as they wait outside the Home Depot!


The crowd boos as Hector and Rudy laugh amongst themselves.


Hector: You don’t think we did them a favor though? I mean, why live in a country where you can’t even drink the water when you can live in a golden place like America! Those damn Luna Twins should be thankful they are not allowed back in this country because if they were, we would be kicking their lazy Mexican butts each and every week TLL held a show!


Rudy: Now that we took care of old business, let’s turn our attention to new business. Of course I’m talking about the Round Robin Tournament to crown Tag Champions in TLL…as if there is any doubt The Latin Kings will be holding the gold!


The crowd boos and begin to chant “Luna Twins” over and over.



Hector: Chant all you want, they aint coming back…ever! The Latin Kings run the tag division, and in a few weeks we will have the belts to prove it!


The Latin King make the “belt” motion to their waist as the crowd boos. All three men walk off after a few minutes. (33)


Francisco: Very confident, but if it wasn’t for the fact the Luna Twins are banned from Mexico, they wouldn’t be able to run their mouths like this without consequences.


Carlos: Those Latin Kings are in need of a trip to the wood shed and lets just hope El Orgulloso and Luchadore Valiente are up to that later on tonight. Right now though, we have our first match of the night and of the Round Robin Tag Team Tournament. Los Academia takes on Los Asesinos and it is next!



Los Academia vs. Los Asesinos


The match was the standard fast paced style of Los Academia being grounded by the smash mouth moves of Los Asesinos. After a few quick tags, Los Academia were able to get things going and pulled off a victory when Decimalo covered Asesino de la Espada with a hand full of tights.


Winner by 2 falls to 0: Los Academia (47)


Francisco: What a match! Two very different styles on display and even though Los Asesinos lost, they were very impressive.


Carlos: Tough loss, but this Tournament is all about winning the most matches so if they can dust themselves off and put this match behind them, Los Asesinos could still pull off a win in this thing.


Francisco: Good point Carlos, but if Los Academia maintain their momentum, they just might sweep this whole thing!


Carlos: Quite possibly, but they would have to beat the Latin Kings and both of the teams we have coming up in our next match.



The Continental Connection vs. The Storm Riders


The Storm Riders are able to out pace the veteran team for much of the match. The Continental Connection were able to use their experience to isolate Lightning and score a pair of pin falls following a Continental Shift.


Winner by 2 falls to 0: The Continental Connection (42)


Francisco: Once again experience has won out against youth.


Carlos: Hold that thought…I don’t mean to cut you off Cisco but it seems Larry Wood is heading to the ring and he is mad as all hell!




Larry: Jesus! Last week we fought in the ring like men…and I beat you! I beat you! Now tell me, what did you do afterward Jesus? You attacked me from behind like the coward you are! This week I don’t have a match with you however I do have to fight two men in a handicap match…Watch the match closely Jesus, because it is going to be just a sample of what I am going to do to you when we are across the ring from one another again!


Larry storms off as the crowd cheers. (48)


Francisco: Strong words from Larry Wood and we will see if they have any effect on Jesus Chavez because his match against Sunburst is next!



Jesus Chavez vs. Sunburst


Sunburst wasn’t able to get past the size difference and was dominated by Jesus Chavez for almost five minutes until Jesus mercifully ended the match.


Winner by pin fall: Jesus Chavez (18)


Carlos: That wasn’t a match it was a massacre! Sunburst might not be able to wrestle next week after that fiasco.


Francisco: We find out next if Larry can live up to the big words he had because his match is next!



Larry Wood vs. El Jefe Militar and El Pajaro del Fuego


Despite the odds Larry Wood is able to keep both men off their game. Larry put Jefe out with a big boot but Jesus interfered and caused Jefe to get a tag to Pajaro. Pajaro can in with fire and was quickly snuffed out by a big boot and a pin.


Winner by Pin Fall: Larry Wood (27)


Francisco: Big win by Larry Wood, proving again why he is the international sensation that he is. Now if you excuse me Carlos, I got an exclusive interview with…Del Muerto!


Francisco gets up and heads to the ring as Del Muerto comes out from the back.




Francisco: Two weeks ago you viscously attacked Extranjero Loco and you shot an evil fireball at his face causing his mask to catch fire. The doctors are saying he has sever burns and may have been blinded permanently by the fire. What do you have to say for yourself?


Del Muerto: If he’s blind…he’s blind.


Francisco: Hmph! Last week, Extranjero’s brother Orgo the Mighty showed up and challenged you to a fight for this week. What are your thoughts on that match and on Orgo?


Del Muerto: Orgo is the little brother…if I do not fear the bigger one why would I be scared of the little one? I do hope that if Extranjero gains his sight he will watch what I do to his brother and realize that he has no chance of getting the TLL championship back once I become the True Rey de Lucha Libre!

Del Muerto raises his arms and the lights lower until all is black. When the lights come back on Del Muerto is gone but a small space ship toy is in the ring on fire. Technicians put the fire out as Francisco makes his way back to the booth. (49)


Carlos: That was very…enlightening Cisco.


Francisco: Uh…yeah. Despite the enigmatic nature of Del Muerto, it seems apparent he doesn’t care how he gains that championship just that he gets his hands on it.


Carlos: Up next, The Latin Kings take on El Orgulloso and Luchadore Valiente in a non-tournament match.



The Latin Kings vs. El Orgulloso and Luchadore Valiente


The teamwork of The Latin Kings kept El Orgulloso and Luchadore Valiente off their games. Eventually, Rudy was able to pin El Orgulloso after an American Street Cutter.


Winner by pin fall: The Latin Kings (42)


Carlos: The Latin Kings were in fine form and we find out next week if they can kick off their Campeones de Parejas Championship bid with a win as they have their first Tournament match.


Francisco: Right now, we have two hot youngsters as La Bestia Purpura takes on The Amazing Firefly.



La Bestia Purpura vs. The Amazing Firefly


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Amazing Fire Fly defeated La Bestia Púrpura in 7:08 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly.


Winner by pin fall: The Amazing Firefly (44)


The lights flicker and smoke comes up from the ring. Orgo The Mighty walks out to the ring and he grabs a mic.




Orgo: Del Muerto, you shall soon find out that the people from Bilgon are not to be messed with. I shall defeat you tonight and reclaim the honor you stole from us!


The fans cheer as Orgo floats up and out of the ring! (39)


Carlos: WOW! What an exit! If we can calm ourselves we have a great match coming up.



La Estrella vs. El Pavo Real


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, El Pavo Real defeated La Estrella in 12:16 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Thousand Eye Thunder.


Winner by pin fall: El Pavo Real (48)


Francisco: It’s main event time and I am being told both men are looking focused as lasers!



Del Muerto vs. Orgo the Mighty


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Del Muerto defeated Orgo with a Fireball behind the ref’s back in 14:11.


Winner by pin fall: Del Muerto (49)


Francisco: Thanks you for joining us for another exciting Sabado Violente! Be sure to check out all the highlights from this show and all our shows at TLL.com. Also, our next card will be posted on our website in a few days so be sure to check back often!


Overall Show...46!

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Carlos Reyes is in his office looking at a newspaper, where upon hereads the following stories...


New Federation Debuts


EXODUS 2010 is an exciting addition to the Japanese scene, creating a buzz with its fast-paced product and interesting (often controversial) characters. The EX2010 matches are the very definition of cutting edge, as they are fought at a frightening pace, with plenty of crazy dives mixed in with the head-dropping suplex fun and MMA influenced submissions. The promotion is known to be keen to develop and promote young talent, and so will be of benefit to the entire Japanese wrestling scene.


Mexican Wretling Companies Rankings



#1 SOTBW: Cult Size with a rank of #10 worldwide

#2 MPWF: Regional Size with a rank of #14 worldwide

#3 OLLIE: Regional Size with a rank of #17 worldwide

#4 TLL: Local Size with a rank of #37 world wide




#1 SOTBW: Cult Size with a rank of #10 worldwide

#2 OLLIE: Regional Size with a rank of #12 worldwide

#3 MPWF: Regional Size with a rank of #13 worldwide

#4 TLL: Local Size with a rank of #38 world wide


Mexican Wrestling Report


Active Promotions: 4

Eligible Workers: 241

Economy: 71

Wrestling Industry Strength: 39


Carlos: Hmm...We have a long way to go...

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Total Lucha Libre


Sabado Violente #4


Los Academia vs. The Storm Riders

El Orgulloso vs. La Estrella

The Latin Kings vs. Los Asesinos

Orgo vs. La Bestia Purpura

Jesus vs. The Amazing Firefly

Larry Wood vs. Del Muerto


a whole lot more!


Still plenty of time to get predictions in...

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