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Forum lurking


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I was just sat reading through a few topics and started thinking that I do a lot of lurking around various forums, both here and elsewhere. I've been here since late 2007, and have only been a member since April 2008 as I didn't feel motivated enough to join before then. Since then, I've only got a fairly small number of posts, anybody else out there lurk a lot on forums?
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As a Manc, I'd expect nothing less :p!


You've been here a year less than me, and have nearly 1000 more posts than me, that shows my point exactly, I don't post so often, but I do plenty of reading!


Well I whoop both of you and I'm from Surrey. I'm just born better. :p

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I was in the same boat as you. I found this site in mid-2007, but I did not join until like a year later. I was not all that active until I joined Kobe's mod group. And my posts have been going up and up since then (I actually wished my post count was lower than it is).


To answer your question, there are other sites where I lurk. There is one site that I go on that treats new posters like utter crap. Needless to say I think I have a grand total of four posts on that thread. The only posts I have are questions about the game that the company puts out. For the most part people are nice over here so I guess that is why I post so much.

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Lets keep this friendly, just a bit of banter....bloody southerners :p!


I guess since this is an off-topic section, and this is my own thread, I can go OT if I want to. What brought you to GDS?


I found this board in mid 2008 and joined a year later. I was just searching around for a wrestling management game and hey presto. Up to that point I was a lurker. Now people are begging me to go away! ;)


The reason my post count is so high is that I had two fairly long running WMMA2 diaries (and two not so long TEW ones, one of which is still active although I haven't posted in a while) and I do a lot of renders for the Board Effort Mod and the C-Verse Re-Render thread.

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I came here because my brother found TEW game somewhere, he grew up and a year or two later I found the demo on my computer, I started reading the forums and then I had a buying query so I signed up and asked, for a bout half a year I was at about 10 posts and then Remainen gave away the game for some graphics and I got into it, started asking question about TEW and then started answering some and then I just got used to posting and now mainly reply to a thread I'm interested in, mostly dynasties to let the writer know I'm enjoying it and I've tried making my own (with very little success) also giving opinions on graphics and such.




P.s Not a Liverpool fan are you?


PPS: I also thought LoNdOn (the user not the city) was from Japan until recently :p

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I came here because my brother found TEW game somewhere, he grew up and a year or two later I found the demo on my computer, I started reading the forums and then I had a buying query so I signed up and asked, for a bout half a year I was at about 10 posts and then Remainen gave away the game for some graphics and I got into it, started asking question about TEW and then started answering some and then I just got used to posting and now mainly reply to a thread I'm interested in, mostly dynasties to let the writer know I'm enjoying it and I've tried making my own (with very little success) also giving opinions on graphics and such.




P.s Not a Liverpool fan are you?


PPS: I also thought LoNdOn (the user not the city) was from Japan until recently :p


Nope, The name could suggest that.


I was thinking more New Orleans as the Animals' song goes.

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For the most part people are nice over here so I guess that is why I post so much.


A nice atmosphere can certainly make all the difference to a forum's success. I was reading about the Sherdog forums before and they don't seem quite so friendly.


P.s Not a Liverpool fan are you?


PPS: I also thought LoNdOn (the user not the city) was from Japan until recently :p


Nope I'm far my sensible than that, I'm more of a Blue than a Red!


And no, as LoNdOn went on to say, I recognised the location as New Orleans, although the Rising Sun bit could have been Japan.

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Eric Burdon's from over my way...

Anyway I still lurk, mostly reading the TEW10 forums and little in the dog pound.




The Animals are a great group that not many talk about because of the fact that their contemporaries were The Who, The Rolling Stones and The Beatles.:D

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The Animals are a great group that not many talk about because of the fact that their contemporaries were The Who, The Rolling Stones and The Beatles.:D


I really love that song. I popped big time when Jimmy Rave started using it in his ROH comeback.

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you all make me feel ancient, round here.


i just noticed that we are days away from my 6th anniversary of joining this site.


And that was hard, because for a long time I was trying to stay active over on the .400 (Adam's previous company) so I held out joining this board.


As for lurking, I've been known to do it. before I found the diary boards, I averaged less than a post a week.

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I'm one of those. This site is one of three that has forums that I visit daily, and then there's a whole bunch that I visit from time to time.


What brought you to GDS?

I was searching for wrestling games after being slightly disappointed in Fire Pro Returns. I found a link to TEW2005 freeware, downloaded it, and got hooked. I had no experience with EWR (and I still haven't tried them to this point) but I found TEW to be pretty easy to get into, as well as addictive. I got into that around late April, played for about three weeks, liked it enough for me to realize that TEW2010 is worth a purchase after reading all the features, and started playing TEW2010 from May onwards.


It's funny though, because I completely stuck to a RW mod for TEW2005 and originally got hooked on that, but decided to play the Cornellverse database for the 1st time ever in 2010. I started a 0/0/0/0 game which is still going strong now.


One of these days, I'm gonna try some of the default established promotions to get a different perspective on booking (perhaps a popularity>performance promotion, or a women's promotion) -- something that is different from my current (and only) game.


A nice atmosphere can certainly make all the difference to a forum's success.

It depends, really. For example, from my perspective, the GDS forums are pretty mellow, and discussions are friendly for the most part. In fact, it might be TOO nice (which is in no way a slight to this tremendous community of posters).


The NFL site that I lurk in (6+ years, no posts) is a little more than PG-13 in atmosphere, and discussions about the team almost always gets heated, but yet I visit it everyday. On a daily basis, topics degenerate into full-blown discussions about who is/who isn't right. People whine. People complain. Someone baits another. Name calling ensues. Threads explode into full-blown debates as if their life depended on it. Etc. Clearly it's a divided fanbase (and some of it is absolutely warranted since the team is in shambles right now), but yet I still visit everyday. Granted, some of that is for the news blurbs, articles, etc. but a rather sizable portion is due to the uniqueness of the community themselves.


It's a totally different culture than what can be found on these forums, but it has its own identity that is unique to the forum itself. I think that's what keeps me coming back, because otherwise, I would've left a long time ago, or moved on to a different default team site (and believe me, I've searched and tried other sites, but I keep coming back to this particular one, even with all the bad apples on the site). Also, there are some fantastic insights from some posters there that keep discussions interesting, so there's that factor as well.

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Ive been on the boards since 2005 and only have like 300 posts to my name lol


I was playing EWR when I found EWB and found GDS and TEW though them.


Im pretty much on this forum everyday I would consider this place to be the main site I go to lol I dont really post as much as a could mainly because I really dont think I have that much to offer lol

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I was just sat reading through a few topics and started thinking that I do a lot of lurking around various forums, both here and elsewhere. I've been here since late 2007, and have only been a member since April 2008 as I didn't feel motivated enough to join before then. Since then, I've only got a fairly small number of posts, anybody else out there lurk a lot on forums?


I can't lurk. :D


No I like to add my pointless opinion on everything.


See I've done it here. I just can't help myslelf :p


I'm the same way. Even though most of my time is spent in the Mafia games section of the site, and I've posted about 5billion posts there. :D (you guys should check it out)


But I like to express my opinions even if they are wrong. :D

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I can't lurk. :D




I'm the same way. Even though most of my time is spent in the Mafia games section of the site, and I've posted about 5billion posts there. :D (you guys should check it out)


But I like to express my opinions even if they are wrong. :D


If you take away your mafia posts there were counted before, you would be a lurker though.

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I lurk around on a few boards here and there, whatever catches my eye. If I hang around a board on like a daily basis, I usually just go ahead and register.


I'm a member and try to post regularly here and at AVPGalaxy currently, as well as the StephenKing.com message board. I'm also a member of the OOTP board, (as PW MAX), but I don't post over there as often as I'd like.


I was also a member of the IGN forums way back when, mainly on the SmackDown games forum, but I haven't posted over there in years.


Judging by the post counts of others, I don't post all that much. It seems to take me forever to build up a really high post count.

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In two days I'll have six years (!) registered here. I haven't contributed all that much except for a couple of diaries that either petered out or I lost due to my laptop crashing.


I used to be a release-time member only and go long stretches away from the boards (aside from checking in on some diaries). But since TEW10 I've pretty much been around and reading almost every day. Since I'm not the biggest watcher of wrestling in RL anymore it helps keep me tuned in to what's going on or what youtubes I should check out. And the general forum & specificially fed-specific threads have been a great help.


Also, I have a tremendous amount of respect and am very grateful to mod/render/logo makers and try to make sure I give encouragement there to what can be a very thankless job.


I've been a long-time sports sim guy, so was on the .400 forums (also mostly lurking) and played EWR and Promotion Wars so naturally came here when GDS opened.

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