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Zombies Are Here... How Do You Survive?


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Inspired thread by another forum and the Walking Dead on AMC...


You have 10 minutes to grab what you can...the zombies are slavering at your door...it's about to be torn open...grab what you can and run.


Using what you actually have in your actual house as is.


What do you grab? Or do you try to barricade yourself in and survive? EXPLAIN.

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If I was in my flat, I barricade myself in. I'm a few floors up. I could put many solid doors between me and the zombies. Also, should they breach my defenses, there's a pretty good escape option. Can easily mattress-jump out of a big window (which those non-climbing zombies can't get to) straight onto my car. Time it right and I could be out pretty handily.


If I were to run, what would I take? Hmm... Sadly my swords are at my folks' place (I had an unfortunate Lord of the Rings phase) so my weaponry choices are down to a mop. My work boots have steel-toe caps, which might be good for caving in skulls (after flooring them with my mop). I'd likely just grab what I usually grab when I'm off out. iPod. Phone. Car Keys. Thinking about it, I'm okay with leaving most of my stuff behind. Might grab my sleeping bag (currently used as a cover for my torn-to-shreds computer chair) for a bit of comfort on the road.


Given where I live I find it hard to imagine zombies ever sneaking up on my in a suddenly-at-my-door situation. Could probably barricade myself in long enough to pack a bag, grab plenty of food (breakfast cereals and beans) before making my heroic mattress jump down a couple a floors, landing on my neighbour's car, slipping into mine, and getting gone.


EDIT: The flaw in that plan is getting my cumbersome mattress to the big window fast enough. Might have to improvise something with pillows and the aforementioned sleeping bag. Might break ankle on fall.

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Im always amused that UK folks several plans can never realistically include guns.


My plan does.




Swords? Yup, I actually have a battle ready Scottish claymore hanging in my room.


Course, I'm not too far from a safe that I know the combination to that has a semi-automatic assault rifle, a couple shotguns, and several pistols in it, along with oodles of ammo. I get to that, and it's open season on zombies. You know, minus the whole "nosie attracts them" thing. Still, rather have a small arsenal than not. Guess all of this statement applies to GruntMark as well, since it'd be the same gun safe.


That said, blunt weapons are the ideal, as much as I'd love to go crazy with my claymore and machete on zombies. Oh well, guess I'll dig up that old metal bat out of the garage...

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Im always amused that UK folks several plans can never realistically include guns.


My plan does.


I have a baseball bat in my car, and the next part of my plan realistically includes chainsaws, so the mop is only a temporary measure, I assure you. I just expect a bit of a fight hopping into my car. Need something with reach.

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I have a baseball bat in my car, and the next part of my plan realistically includes chainsaws, so the mop is only a temporary measure, I assure you. I just expect a bit of a fight hopping into my car. Need something with reach.


I'd advise against chainsaws. Not only are they heavy and needed to be started, but they're also noisy and could quite easily get stuck inside a zombie while trying to slice away. They just aren't as awesome as movies make them out to be...

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I have an apartment in a house with my girlfriend. It's a triplex basically and the only way in or out is thru a door at the bottom of our stairs.


Since my baseball bat and stuff is out in storage at my grandpas I have no weapons. I have some wood from my entertainment center in a closet, and some lamps that may have a solid enough base to use.


I would tell my gf to grab a few bottles of water and throw them into my backpack. I would tell her to put a coat on and grab flat shoes and some boots.


I would grab my ditty bag and load clothes into that and put a coat on. Then I would grab car keys and 2 lamps for us to use as weapons. If we could get to our store shed outside we could grab her golf clubs. We will take water from a grocery store or gas station later in the day.

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As I post this I have four rifles, two shotguns, three knives, a Ruger Redhawk Handgun (hand cannon) and a crap ton of ammo since they were given to me and I'm not a big gun guy.


I think I could fight them back long enough to get into my car. Although I just have a 2010 Sonota so its not really made for Zombie Killing. Luckily my best friend is a redneck who loves giant trucks and guns so I imagine I'd head towards him.

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Luckily I have Sky+... I could just record an episode of X-Factor and the zombies would leave me alone. They're here for brains and if I'm watching AND enjoying the kareoke show then they should leave me alone. :p


Failing that, we're 2 floors up with only a decent door and a window in the hall. Myself and The Two could hole up for a while, and probably make some decent use of the stools we never use to help fend off zombies for a while, before getting to his car (or the local store) to find us some handy weapons and food. Beyond that, the wench is more likely to be handy in a situation like this so I'd head off to see what she's up to and hope she's not holed up in the local castle already like she said she might be in previous zombie related discussions. :p

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Luckily I have Sky+... I could just record an episode of X-Factor and the zombies would leave me alone. They're here for brains and if I'm watching AND enjoying the kareoke show then they should leave me alone. :p


Failing that, we're 2 floors up with only a decent door and a window in the hall. Myself and The Two could hole up for a while, and probably make some decent use of the stools we never use to help fend off zombies for a while, before getting to his car (or the local store) to find us some handy weapons and food. Beyond that, the wench is more likely to be handy in a situation like this so I'd head off to see what she's up to and hope she's not holed up in the local castle already like she said she might be in previous zombie related discussions. :p


I tried to have this important discussion with the woman and she told me this is stupid cuz Zombies aren't real. Then she told me she would let me sleep and take her cats with her.


See if I wake her up when this happens now!

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I tried to have this important discussion with the woman and she told me this is stupid cuz Zombies aren't real. Then she told me she would let me sleep and take her cats with her.


See if I wake her up when this happens now!


You see what i've often thought you don't have to be even faster than the bunch of Zombies just faster than whoever your with .. Right!?


Or if you've got someone handy nearby why not feed them to the Zombies whilst you run to your car? Or kick your neighbours door in!?

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Well, I have a baseball bat and a butcher knife that looks like something Michael Myers would use. Beyond that, I could always throw the remote at them. My best bet though would be to haul it on over to a certain relative's house - he's an avid hunter, and has a heaping helping of hunting rifles that might be useful.


Also, as I was fighting them off, I might also point out that there's a very nice family a couple of streets over that - to put it bluntly - lean just a tad toward the hefty side, and would therefore make a far more delicious dinner than me, (honestly, without a side order of mashed potatoes with gravy, I'm not even worth the effort).

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Things to grab.





(I am slightly Obsesive Compulsive about having those three items with me, even if a wallet wouldnt help me in a Zombie Apocolypse..."Zombie, take £10 and leave me alone" :p)

Childrens Cricket bat (to smash in some skulls)

Running shoes (when both you and a stranger are trying to outrun Zombies, one of you will get tired first. Unless we are talking about ye-olde zombies who cannot run.)

Food & Drink supplies for a few days. (Most likely crisps and coke)

And most importantly a copy of Zombieland (Got to remember the rules to survival)


My plan of action.

1) Get a car. (Probably parents, bring them with me if still alive)

2) Go to Sainsburys (Supermarket)

3) Gather lots of food to take to new second story.

4) Put lots of obstacles on the stairs so clumsy zombies alert us when they are coming.

5) Wait until the store is out of food, then I dont know what I would do kinda the end of my plan.

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I have folding chairs, and a hell of a lot in my hut. So staying alive for as long as possible is an option. I also have a lot of wood in my backdoor. So I barricade the front door, and watch my back gate. Gonna kill 'em all, Dead Rising 2 style - a sledgehammer to the head kills 99% of people in my game, whereas guns don't.


Oh, and I would stock up on Doritos. Need lots and lots of Doritos.

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I'd advise against chainsaws. Not only are they heavy and needed to be started, but they're also noisy and could quite easily get stuck inside a zombie while trying to slice away. They just aren't as awesome as movies make them out to be...


Not only that, but as video games about zombies have shown, it will make a huge mess! :p Anyways, I would just grab a shotgun and blast away at them. And once that runs out of ammo I would just take off running.

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People mock the British for never having guns in a zombie situation, but how boring is "I'd shoot 'em with my (insert gun name here)"? I'm fighting with a mop! A mop! Anyone can fire a gun, it takes a real bad ass to leap out of a window, in a sleeping bag stuffed with pillows, and attempt to lay waste to hordes of undead with a mop.


Even once I get to my office (I work in a metal box on a lumber yard in the middle of nowhere. Internet. Fuel. Not very secure, but an out-of-the-way place to regroup) my best weaponry choice is a chainsaw. Which, as has been pointed out, has serious drawbacks. I barely know how to use the things. I may not survive, but son of a biscuit is it going to be dramatic when I struggle to start the saw, as zombie sheep slowly amble towards me.

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I'd try to engage them at the negotiation table. Most Humans have an unyielding thirst for power (or at least material success). Most Zombies have an unyielding thrist for human flesh or brains. Zombies don't eat other zombies, they co-exist peacefully with them, so in theory could have their own state established in cooperation with human societies as long as the humans retained or gained some sort of power within Zombie politics.


The problem with this approach is that according to a lot of Zombie canon, most Zombies don't speak. It's also unclear to me during the reanimation process if they retain any human qualities of the host body (empathy, for one). And to get to the root of the word, what about those "human Zombies" who through ritual or other means are simply blank slates (essentially slave workers) and conform to their daily routine because that's the only thing they know? I'd hate to mistakenly kill one (or many) of those because presumably they could be rehablititated.


I don't think I've ever seen enemies or opponents of zombies do anything except try to kill them. Perhaps this unending persecution is the very reason they thirst for human flesh. Maybe that approach isn't the best course of action, as zombies seem to still be a problem today.

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